It9s love month, and let9s be honest; between the recent heat wave, the constant loadshedding and the crazy cost of living, we South African9s are not really feeling the love. There seems to be a general feeling of frustra}on and hopelessness. It seems easier to feel disheartened and snap at the person driving too slow on the fast lane.
The harder thing to do is to spread love. To take a second to extend some kindness. To make someone9s day a litle beter. It is, also, the more rewarding thing. At }mes like these, we could all use more light. That9s why, this February, we challenge you to be that light. Spread love in small and big ways. It can be as simple as just a smile or buying a stranger a cup of coûee, or perhaps volunteering at a local organiza}on.
Our Ingwe Family will be spending }me at various children's homes and orphanages this month to love on our local kids and simply to improve our community however we can. If it9s something you would like to be involved in, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
There are so many ways we can spread kindness and love. The important thing is to just do it. In whichever small or big way you can, ini}ate goodwill. Aver all, it is what we South Africans do best.
Happy Love Month to you and yours, and as always, love begins at home.
A week dedicated to giving back to the communi琀椀es around us. We have chosen to partner with mul琀椀ple baby homes to show love and care to the li琀琀le ones. See the needs these homes have and find ways to join us by be琀琀ering our community and inves琀椀ng in the future of our country.
8 babies
Unperfumed glycerin soap
Unperfumed glycerin lo琀椀on
Wet Wipes
Lactogen No1
Novalac Aminova
Fresh Vegetables
One of the best ways to celebrate Valen}ne9s Day is to support our local businesses that we love. We have highlighted local brands that you can support.
Embo Handmade
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Sisterhood Scents
ìTransforming spaces through scents.î
By purchasing at locally owned businesses rather than mass markets, more money is kept in the community because locally-owned businesses oven purchase from otherlocalbusinesses,serviceprovidersand farms. Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the local tax base. It promotes local and young entrepreneurship and empowers individuals.
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Take Collec}on
ìA knack for growing ideas and implementing them as functional home decor.î
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Coal Interiors
ìWe pride ourselves on ûnding the most environmentally friendly techniques & materials to work with.î
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Don9t allow your fes}ve season to be ruined by unforseen expenses in your home, read the ar}cle to ûnd out the value of Homeowners insurance during this holiday season.
Nega}ve features and styles within a home can deter people from buying, par}cularly in a country withvariouscultures. The ar}cle urges buyers to stay open minded and decide if these factorswillgreatlyimpactthedayto dayimpactoflivinginthehomeorif these features are able to be changed according to personal taste.
For 2023 it's all about colours that make you feel good. Forget about being on-trend, the trend is to just go with what you love, create rooms ûlled with colours that reûect your personal style, and give you an upliv every }me you enter them.
You can go for the classic red roses, or any simple or elaborate bouquet. The addi}on of ûowers adds texture and diûerent elements to the home, as well as spreading a scent throughout the room.
Inves}ng in various light ûxtures provides depth to a room. Side lights tend to not be as harsh as ceiling lights. Addi}onal ligh}ng is ideal in bathrooms and vanity rooms to provide ligh}ng with less shadows, crea}ng a visually balanced space required for shaving or applying makeup.
This month provides us with the perfect opportunity to reûect on what we love about the areas we live in. We asked our team what about their area is worth falling in love with.
Waterfall is a safe and peaceful area that carries a sense of loving and friendly community members. It is centrally located in rela}on to major malls and ameni}es.
Bothas Hill is a peaceful area that allows you to escape into the beau}ful views and fresh air. It allows you to have privacy and is a crime free area. Tourists are atracted to the spectacular views and culture that the area excudes.
Bothas Hill is a peaceful area that allows you to escape into the beau}ful views and fresh air. It allows you to have privacy and is a crime free area. Tourists are atracted to the spectacular views and culture that the area excudes.
Westville has a space, community and group for everyone to belong to.
We understand that love at ûrst sight is a real thing, especially when you see what we are selling. Ranging from couple apartment living to luxury modern design.
Our agents have been making dreams come true by geýng their client9s homes sold to start 2023 oû the right way, if you are looking for results, sell through us.
The highlights of this home include the invi}ng entertainment area, all ensuite bathrooms and the income-genera}ng ûatlet.