Dilla Has Been Forever Changed

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H is Name

His Name Glorified

ISSUE # 1 01/ 2017




issue #1 / J ANUARY 2017

NOTE FROM TAMRYN The Lord has placed the nation of Ethiopia on the heart of our team for some time now. Doors opened, closed and then opened again. The timing of the Lord is always perfect and finally, our first crusade in this nation took place with glorious results. You will be tremendously blessed by the report that follows. We have kicked-off 2017 with a roaring start and shall continue marching forward in the name of the Lord. Our next crusade will take place at the beginning of April in the rural village of MNINGINISI, South Africa. With your continued support, we shall persistently proclaim that Jesus saves! Yours in His service, EV. TAMRYN KLINTWORTH and the In His Name Team



Ethiopia sits bordered by strongly Muslim nations: Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti. The Islam influence is heavy and constantly threatens to overwhelm. The country has the largest population in Africa second only to Nigeria. A personal relationship with the Lord is a foreign concept, with under 20% of the nation professing to be born-again believers. The main religions range from Islam and ancestral/idol worship to Ethiopian Orthodox, the latter involving prayers being directed at the saints rather than Jesus, priests acting as intermediaries between people and God and eternal life being earned through good works. In both the Islam and Orthodox faiths, becoming born again results in being cast out of home and family. The persecution is intense. With this in mind, we set our hearts towards DILLA, a southern market town. From the first day to the last (2 - 5 February) thousands gathered in a dusty stadium, the crowd swelling until it was 20,000 strong on the final night. Due to the tremendous persecution, crusade attendees who are Muslim or Orthodox are hesitant to be seen completing a decision card or accepting follow-up material. Consequently, while we can positively say that a marvellous total of 6,907 precious people accepted the Lord as Saviour, the pastors – who understand the challenges faced by believers in Dilla – are adamant that thousands more said “Yes!” to the Lord while in the crowd in a more secretive manner, much like Nicodemus in John 3. We pray they will seek out the pastors, who will help them grow strong in the Lord until they can boldly declare their faith. Please join us in praying for them!

Two Ethiopian young ladies in their traditional dress.

Thousands gather in Dilla to hear the Gospel.

Message after message, Dilla listened with hungry hearts. Prayer for the sick resulted in a deluge of mighty miracles. BEKELEEH (41) was in a motorbike accident five months ago. Two bones in her lower right leg broke, shifting out of place. The leg refuse to heal, leaving Bekeleeh in constant agony and relying on a crutch. During prayer, this precious woman felt the bones moving back into position followed by the disappearance of all pain. ADISMUSU (30) had suffered from an ear infection for the past three years, his right ear oozing blood and puss. The smell was so horrific that people would not stand on his right side. He also could not hear out of that ear. Now, his ear is clear, his hearing perfect. ABRAHAM (20) had been plagued by a tumour on his leg for the past four months. He struggled to walk because of it. During prayer, the tumour completely disappeared. Overwhelmed, Abraham knelt on stage and glorified God. ASEFA (27) had been diagnosed with a heart condition that would render him quickly out of breath. He could not run, dance, speak too loudly or hastily. Now, Asefa is completely healed. “I feel such peach, such freedom!” he professed, bellowing into the microphone intentionally, rattling off his story in a manner that would previously have left him exhausted.

Equipped with smiles and an umbrella, this little family beamed with joy.

Churches unite for a combined Sunday morning service. On the Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening services, I taught on the Holy Spirit after the Gospel message. We then prayed for the Holy Spirit baptism after the final teaching, the Lord saturating His people with Himself. A young man named ISRAEL had written a letter to the Lord prior to the crusade, telling Him he wanted to receive the mantle of Elijah. Overwhelmed with joy, he shared how he had been filled from on High, speaking in tongues for the first time. Israel received a mantle indeed, one the Lord desires to give all His children, the mantle of His Spirit! Israel comes from a neighbouring region that is heavily Muslim. He returns there now, burning to share the Gospel. Heartfelt thanks, dear friends for making this crusade possible! You have laboured alongside us through your prayers and giving. During the recent political unrest in Ethiopia, Dilla likewise experienced violent protests, deaths resulting therefrom. The church leadership was weary and despondent, but now they are strong once more. Eager to take their town for Jesus and disciple the many new converts, they are declaring that Dilla belongs to the Lord!

An Amharic decision card is completed before follow-up material is given.

His Name Glorified

ISSUE # 1 01/ 2017

His Name Glorified

ISSUE # 1 01/ 2017

Relentless Love

by TA M R Y N K L I N T W O R T H

Isaiah 55 is a well-known portion of Scripture, specifically for verse 8: “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord.” I have heard many fantastic messages preached hereon but none in context. The verse immediately preceding verse 8 declares the following: “Let the wicked forsake his way...let him return to the Lord... He will have mercy on him.” Dear friend, the heartcry of God that His ways are not like the ways of man is directed specifically at the sinner. What our Lord yearns to communicate is this: “While your fellow man – and even you, yourself – may think you are beyond redemption, I am all-redeeming; while your neighbours deem your actions unforgivable, I am all-forgiving; while others hate and scorn you, I love and adore you; while society seeks vengeance, I seek restoration; while mankind clamours for justice,

I call for mercy.” Yes indeed, the heartbeat of Isaiah 55 is God wooing the sinner into His arms. How exquisite, how marvellous, how wonderful! Yes indeed, I could mediate on the salvation concept and that alone for all eternity and my mind would never wander. The Gospel is a love story, a fairytale. It communicates unwavering devotion in its most extreme form. It is the story of Creator pursuing creation. It is the story of God forging a way for man to return to Him, a way paved in His own blood, sacrifice and suffering. While the Almighty is indeed the Judge of all wrongdoing, the awesome truth is that He does not desire to judge any wrongdoer. Rather, He desires to save them. The Gospel is the story of this being made possible. Through the Gospel, God need not judge anyone who would open their heart to Him.




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In His Name Ministries


@inhisnamemin @ttklintworth

WWW.INHISNAME.GLOBAL PO Box 770936, Orlando, FL 32877 USA PO Box 50015, West Beach 7449 South Africa

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info@inhisname.global w w w.inhisname.global w w w.inhisname.tv

For donations, please visit www.inhisname.global for giving options. In His Name is a registered, non-profit organisation in South Africa, USA and UK.

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