His Name Glorified A PUBLICATION OF in his name ministries
04/ 2016
issue # 2 / april 2016
A NOTE FROM TAMRYN One does not often grasp the far-reaching consequences of a Gospel Crusade. My interpreter during our time ministering in Mudabula – our crusade took place there from 30 March to 3 April – had actually been involved in another crusade of ours conducted last year in a neighbouring village and was heavily impacted. In fact, he was so impacted that he has already held three of his own crusades since we last met. How fantastic! This news thrills me. Crusades do not only win souls and set believers ablaze but they raise up other crusade evangelists. Let us keep on going, dear friend. Africa is being saved! Yours in His service, EV. TAMRYN KLINTWORTH and the In His Name Team
mudabula forever changed Last year, we crusaded in Mulamula, a neighbouring village of Mudabula. When the pastors of Mudabula heard of the mighty move of God that took place during those meetings, they invited us to likewise impact their own community. How thrilled we are that we accepted the invitation! Together with our pre-crusade outreaches, a marvellous total of 7 188 precious souls said “Yes!” to Jesus. Hallelujah! Each completed a decision card and are being followed up and then discipled by one of the local pastors who laboured alongside us to make this crusade possible. Crusade preaching is simple preaching. Simple, yet powerful. The Gospel is preached in such a straightforward fashion that children respond together
Surrendering all to Jesus
Mudabula Stadium packed with men and women eager to hear the Gospel
with their parents and grandparents. Mudabula was no exception. Young and old flooded forward to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour night after splendid night. Prayer for the sick and deliverance resulted in mighty miracles and manifestations. Demons were cast out and crutches cast aside. Grace and Vlena, two ladies in their seventies, jived on stage with contagious delight. Both had struggled with debilitating leg pains for over a decade and both were entirely delivered from their torments. “I felt the pain going, I am so excited,” shared Grace. “I thank God for what He has done in my life,” shared Vlena. Elderly Sambo came to the crusade blind and left seeing. “I was unable to do anything by myself,” she voiced.
Prayer for the crusade continues throughout the service in the tent seen in the distance
“During prayer, I felt my sickness running away.” Chasing Ev. Tamryn about on stage to prove her newfound sight, this beautiful grandmother beamed with joy. Crutches were waved in the air as 64-year-old Chauke testified of being healed from persistent hip and knee problems further plagued by an unsuccessful operation. Now able to move about unaided, she left happy and free. Eulen (34) had suffered from terrible arthritis since 2010. Weeping on stage, she shared how the power of God touched her in a mighty fashion during the prayer. Testing her joints, she found that the pain had entirely disappeared. Thembisa (70) had broken her leg in the year 2000. The limb never healed properly and she had walked with difficulty ever since. During one of the services, all this changed. Jubilant, she showed the crowd how freely she can now move. Eunice (41) was set free from a womb ailment she had suffered from for the past 22 years. “I was always in pain, I could not lift heavy things,” she shared. “Now, all pain is gone, I am not the same! I will worship God for the rest of my life.” A young lady by the name of Phologa had not been able to hear out of her left ear since birth.
An army of ushers collect the details of new converts and give them follow-up material
Saying “Yes!” to Jesus
During our final service, that ear popped open and she could hear perfectly. Hallelujah! What a mighty God we serve! As is our custom, Ev. Tamryn followed the Gospel message up on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings with a dynamic teaching on the Holy Spirit baptism. After the final teaching, all in attendance were prayed for to receive this glorious gift. Divine chaos broke out as believers were saturated with His power, presence and personality, a torrent of new tongues rising heavenward. On the final night, the witchcraft items people had tossed into a big metal drum set up by the stage for this purpose were burned. Dancing around the drum, people sang with jubilation. Ev. Tamryn spoke a blessing over the crowd, renouncing evil spirits and breaking curses. Let us pray for every precious new believer that they may grow strong in the Lord. Let us pray for the believers who have been filled with the Holy Spirit that they may burn brightly for Him, winning their communities for Jesus. Thank you dear friends and partners for your love and support. Because of you, Mudabula has been forever changed!
Praying for the sick and those in need of deliverance
together with
Upcoming Crusade
south africa
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by tamryn klintworth
“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever…” – John 14 v 16
04/ 2016
In the above verse, Jesus introduces the Holy Spirit to His disciples. His word choice should be taken careful note of. The term used is “Helper”, a translation of the Greek “parakletos”, its prefix meaning “to come alongside”. The word suggests closeness, intimacy and companionship. This concept of the Spirit cleaving to the believer is emphasised again in our Lord’s next statement. “He may abide with you,” Jesus says. Take careful note of the word “with”. It is interesting how in the next chapter, John 15, Jesus admonishes His followers to abide not with Him, but in Him. “Abide
in Me, and I in you,” Jesus instructs. The usage of “with” when referring to the Spirit and “in” when referring to Jesus, is not haphazard. The plan is this, that the Spirit shall abide with the disciples and, as a heavenly team, Spirit and follower shall together remain in Christ. The Holy Spirit, in essence, pulls the believer into the bosom of Christ. Hence the importance of our relationship with the Spirit. If we cling to Him, He shall ensure we remain in the presence, peace and joy of our Lord. If we neglect Him, we will flounder, unable to keep ourselves in such a precious, secret place through mere human efforts. And so, dear believer, abide with the Spirit of God. If you focus on doing so, abiding in the Lord is the unavoidable outcome thereof!
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God yearns to use each one of His children to share the Gospel with signs and wonders following.
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