Welcome to our first digital newsletter
We decided to ‘go digital’ in response to some feedback given by tenants during our rent consultation, to get better value for money and to reduce our carbon footprint. The newsletter will be on our website, and we will a send notice out to all our tenants by email and/or text message when it is published.
It is vital that we have your up-to-date contact details so please let us know if this has changed.
If you do not have access to the internet, please speak to a member of staff who may be able to assist you or we can print out a copy of the newsletter.
Even though the format of the newsletter has changed I hope you will still find the newsletter both interesting and informative.
This year sees an important year for both Castlemilk and Cassiltoun as we with both celebrate significant milestones in our history. Read more about it later in this edition.
In April 2024, I was delighted to hear from the Scottish Housing Regulator that they viewed the Association as compliant with all aspects of the Regulatory Framework. This reflects the hard work of all the staff and Board members over the past 12 months. If you would like to be part of ensuring that Cassiltoun maintains its compliance and standards by becoming part of our Board of Management, then please let us know.
Clair MalpasSad farewell to our long standing board members
George Kelly has been a board member since 2007 and in 2019 he was elected as Chairperson. Evelyn Ferguson has been a board member since 2002 and also took on the role of Secretary in 2013. Richard Sullivan has been a board member since 2019. Richard also acted a Treasurer for the Association. All three board members have overseen significant milestones in our Association, including change programmes, new development programmes, COVID 19 and the introduction of our Digital Transformation Strategy.
We want to say a big thank you to all three board members for their dedication and support over their years of service.
Focus on Human Rights
Castlemilk's Housing and Human Rights Lived Experience Group features representatives from Ardenglen, Craigdale, Cassiltoun and Northview Housing Associations and has been jointly created to implement a human rights strategy for the area which is rooted in the law, public policy, and regulatory requirements.
The Associations have already come together to create a Human Rights Handbook which has been distributed to staff and Board members and is also available to tenants and others
One of the main aims of the group is to focus on recording and sharing experiences to inform Human Rights delivery by public bodies and those delivering public services in Castlemilk.
Castlemilk RSLs Joint Statement
The members of the Lived Experience Group have a wealth of firsthand experience in relation to Human Rights in social housing. The Group are committed to building Human Rights knowledge and practise in Castlemilk through circulation of their Human Rights Handbook, training and delivery of various initiatives with a human rights focus to benefit the community. The Group have previously welcomed the Housing Minister to participate in engaging debate and conversation on the challenges the sector faces using their own lived experience and continue to engage with the Scottish Government. This year marks Castlemilk reaching seventy during a challenging economic environment, making the Group’s work of raising awareness of Human Rights all the more important.
A day in the life…
…of Alex Ferguson, Receptionist
Complaints and Significant Performance Failures
SHR Complaints and Significant Performance Failures
If you are unhappy about the services you receive or have concerns about the way your landlord is operating, you have the right to make a complaint.
The SHR Complaints and Significant Performance Failures leaflet details the difference between a complaint and a significant performance failure, and lets you know what to do and who to contact.
A copy can be obtained from the Association’s offices or by visiting our website
https://www.cassiltoun.org.uk/ comments-complaints/
I joined Cassiltoun Housing Association in August 2022. I started as a Modern Apprentice Customer Services Assistant working with Housing Services and the Advice Team. After completing my modern apprenticeship, I was successful in obtaining the role of Temporary Receptionist.
As the Association’s receptionist, I act as the face of our organisation and I like to create a lasting first impression with all our tenants and visitors who visit the Stables. I always aim to provide a professional service in a courteous and polite manner.
My duties on a daily basis include:
• Taking and directing calls to the appropriate departments
• Completing administrative tasks like filing and accepting mail to the office
• I ensure that our reception area is kept clean and organised and stocked with relevant information that tenants or clients may need
• Ensure all visitors to the Stables sign in the Attendance Book to ensure health and safety is maintained
• Greeting visitors to the facility warmly and offering them help
• Providing customer support
• Answering questions where I can or signposting them to the appropriate department
• Interacting with other departments
• Maintaining front door security and reporting any suspicious activity
• Representing the Association with a positive attitude and professional appearance
• Raising repairs when possible
• Speaking with contractors to receive updates on repairs when applicable
The most favourite part of my job is interacting with everyone that comes or phones into the Stables. I like to try and ensure that everyone that interacts with us leaves having a positive experience.
Share Membership
Would you be interested in becoming a member of Cassiltoun Housing Association?
1.The Association wishes to encourage members to join as share members: to ensure that we are represented by the people and areas we serve; and 2. to encourage greater participation in our activities. Membership provides the opportunity to stand for election at the Annual General Meeting and vote for members of the Board. To join you must be 16 years old. All you have to do is complete a membership application form and bring this into the office together with £1.00.
On approval of your application you will receive a lifetime share in Cassiltoun Housing Association. If you would like to find out more information about becoming a member of the Association please contact Paula Brownlie via email, paula.brownlie@cassiltoun.org.uk or call us on 0141 634 2673
Cassiltoun Housing
Regulatory Status Compliant
The RSL meets regulatory requir and Financial Mana ement.
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How to become a Board member
Our Board of Management is made up of up to 15 Members and includes a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions are filled annually after every AGM. We currently have 11 board members.
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Date for your Diary –AGM 2024
The 40th AGM of Cassiltoun Housing Association will take place on Monday 12th August 2024 at 7pm within Castlemilk Stables, 59 Machrie Road, Glasgow, G45 0AZ.
Please note that attendance at the AGM is for members only
If you are unsure if you are a member or if you would like to become a member please call 0141 634 2673 or email housing@cassiltoun.org.uk
Remember – if you are unable to attend all you have to do is let us know. If you don’t attend 5 meetings in a row and don’t submit your apologies the Rules state that we need to remove you from the membership list.
The Board of Management are responsible for the strategic direction of the Association. They monitor performance, set standards and ensure compliance against the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Regulatory Framework.
To become a board member, you must be a member of the Association. This membership entitles you to stand for election to our Board of Management. All board members are elected onto our Board at the Association’s Annual General Meeting normally held in August each year.
To become a Board member you first of all have to be a share member.
If you are interested in joining our Board please contact Paula Brownlie paula.brownlie@cassiltoun.org.uk or telephone the office on 0141 634 2673
Strategic & Operational Objectives 2024-25
Strategic ObjectivesOperational Objectives
Value For Money
Ensure that our rents remain affordable, and we deliver effective and efficient services that provide value for money.
Homes and Neighbourhood
Maintain the high quality of our housing stock and the wider estate ensuring the comfort of tenants and the protection of investment.
Community Investment & Tenant Engagement
Contribute to the wellbeing of the local community by working with tenants, residents, partners and funders to develop initiatives that promote the physical and social regeneration of Castlemilk and increase levels of Social and Financial inclusion.
Governance and Compliance
Ensure that the work of the Cassiltoun Group is supported by good governance, effective financial, management and regulatory compliance.
Meet all objectives set out in the annual KPI’s and SMART plans.
Achieve high levels of customer satisfaction (90%) with our Reactive, Cyclical and Environmental contracts. Develop tenant portal.
Develop EESSH2/Net Zero compliance plan (guidance pending).
Achieve all statutory requirements for fire and smoke detectors, legionella, asbestos, electrical and gas requirements and guidance on damp and mould.
Complete a Stock Conditions Survey and update Asset Management Plan and investment programme.
Deliver outcomes set out by existing funders.
Seek new funding in line with priorities in Community Development plan.
Deliver a tenant conference.
Identify and support new opportunities for engagement with tenants and factored owners.
Our People
Ensure we attract and retain highly skilled and knowledgeable staff and Board members. Continue to invest in, and support our staff, volunteers and Board members to ensure they maximise their potential.
Complete Internal Audit programme and implement recommendations.
Submit 2024 Annual Assurance Statement and meet Regulatory Requirements to achieve a compliant status with the SHR.
Ensure that Subsidiary Business plans and management agreements are reviewed and approved.
Gain Cyber Essentials accreditation.
Complete an external audit of compliance against the areas of Landlord Health & Safety.
Produce a tenant scrutiny report.
Implement succession planning for staff and Board. Ensure that the Board of Management complete their annual training and learning plans.
Complete Board induction programme.
Staff to complete annual appraisals, 1-2-1’s and implement agreed training plans.
Castlemilk Turns 70 and Cassiltoun turns 40!
Castlemilk is one of the four post-war housing estates constructed in Glasgow (the others being Drumchapel, Easterhouse and Pollock). Originally 6,250 houses had been planned, but by the time the plans were approved in 1952 this had grown to 8,300 houses with the first homes ready in 1954.
The idea was that Castlemilk would be an Independent ‘township’ with housing, businesses, critical services and leisure and social opportunities for residents - which did not happen as was envisaged. Despite the challenges that Castlemilk has faced in its 70-year history the area has regenerated itself since the 1980’s and is an area where local people continue to work tirelessly to improve the area and are proud of the changes that they have been part of. This has included the myriad of local groups, the Jeely Piece Club, the local Housing Associations, Castlemilk Stables, work to improve Castlemilk Park, the Castlemilk Pantry and recently the re-opening of Barlia football pitches. Cassiltoun Housing Association was set up by local people in 1984 who wanted to provide good quality homes and were determined to succeed. We will be celebrating our 40th anniversary over the rest of the year, more details will be provided over the next few weeks.
Over the past 40 years, Cassiltoun has played a critical part of the regeneration of Castlemilk. Not just by providing housing but also ensuring that Castlemilk Stables survived, creating business and employment opportunities for local people and the wider community development work that supports and encourages the community to flourish. Cassiltoun are proud to be part of the history of Castlemilk and will continue to collaborate with the community to ensure that Castlemilk continues to develop and flourish in the future.
…to Lauren Hassan, Customer Service Assistant and her partner Aiden, on the birth of their son Montel.
Charlene Dupree
You said, we did:
tenants. Recently, we encountered a situation where tenants were asking for more bins to accommodate the high levels of rubbish.
We provided more bins and our handyperson team cleared out the bin shelters.
In response to feedback from tenants, we are now producing our newsletter digitally.
At Cassiltoun Housing Association, our commitment to exceptional service remains unwavering. We are dedicated to continuously improving our practices and
Happy 100th Birthday!
We were delighted to discover that one of our tenants, Mary Reilly, recently turned 100 years old.
Brooke Caig, Customer Services Assistant, visited
One SpringPotChicken
Prep: 20 mins
Cook: 45 mins
Serves: 4
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 onion, chopped
• 500g boneless, skinless chicken thigh
• 300g small new potato
• 425ml vegetable stock
• 350g broccoli, cut into small florets
• 350g green cabbage, shredded
• 140g petits pois
• a bunch spring onion, sliced
• 2 tbsp pesto
Heat the oil in a large, heavy pan. Add the onion, gently fry for 5 mins until softened, add the chicken, then fry until lightly coloured. Add the potatoes, stock and plenty of freshly ground black pepper, then bring to the boil. Cover, then simmer for 30 mins until the potatoes are tender and the chicken is cooked. Can be frozen at this point.
Add the broccoli, cabbage, petit pois and spring onions, stir well, then return to the boil. Cover, then cook for 5 mins more, stir in the pesto and heat through.
School Careers Fair
Cassiltoun Housing Association and Cassiltoun Stables Nursery attended the Castlemilk Community and St Margaret Mary’s High School Career Fair.
Our staff informed pupils of the benefits of working in housing and childcare. These events are so important for young people to engage with employers and further education suppliers.
Review of Policies
As per our Policy Register, we will be reviewing the undernoted policies over the next few months:
• Entitlement, Benefit and Payment Policy
• Code of Conduct for Board Members
• Health & Safety
• Treasury Management Policy
• Group policy and procedure Serious Complaints against the CEO
• Cassiltoun Stables Nursery and Cassiltoun Trust Standing Orders and Delegated Authority
• Group Risk Management Policy
• Protocol for Managing an Alleged/Suspected
• Breach of Code of Conduct by Governing Body Members
• Rent Setting Policy
• Chip & Pin
• Medical Adaptations Policy
• Donations Policy
• Code of Conduct for Staff
• Shared Parental Leave
We would appreciate your involvement in these reviews. If you would be interested in becoming involved in the review process of any of these policies, please contact the Association’s reception desk (0141 634 2673) and leave your contact details and the person responsible for leading the policy review will get in touch.
Just a reminder, the Offices of the Association will be closed on the following dates:
• Friday 12th and Monday 15th July 2024
• Friday 27th and Monday 30th September 2024
Should you need to report an emergency repair when our offices are closed, please contact our contractors:
Reactive Repairs - City Building on 08000 921 961
Gas Repairs - City Technical Services on 0333 202 0708
How to make a Complaint
Your feedback whether positive of negative is vital to the Association’s services. Only by listening to you can we improve on the services that we provide to you and that includes the services from our contractors.
It is therefore important that you know how to make a complaint. If you are unhappy with the service that you have received (this does not include a request for a service) you can complain either verbally or in writing including:
• Face-to-face
• By phone
• Letter
The Complaints process has two stages:
• Stage 1 frontline response
For issues that are straightforward and simple requiring little or no investigation. You will receive a response within 5 working days or less unless there are exceptional circumstances and these will be explained to you.
The majority of complaints will be resolved at Stage1 with a minority progressing to Stage 2 or being moved straight to Stage 2 due to the nature of the complaint.
If after are still dissatisfied after we have given you our final decision you can ask the Scottish Public Sector Ombudsman (SPSO) to look at it or if you are a factored owner The First Tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber).
• Completing the form on the Association’s web-site (https://www.cassiltoun.org.uk/ comments-complaints/)
We will require the following information:
• Your full name and contact details
• Stage 2 Investigation
• As much as you can about the complaint
• What has gone wrong
• What outcome you are seeking
Where the customer is not satisfied with the frontline resolution, or refuses to engage at the frontline, or where the complaint is complex, serious or ‘high risk’. You will receive an acknowledgement that your complaint is Stage 2 and a full written response within 20 working days.
Full details regarding our complaints procedure, useful addresses and advice can be found in our complaints handling procedure which is available on request from the office or on our website:
https://www.cassiltoun.org.uk/ data/Complaint_Handling_ Procedure_March_2021_2021_07_ 09_15_17_14.pdf
Learning from Complaints
All complaints are reviewed quarterly by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and reported to the Board of Management. This includes what we learned from these complaints and any action taken.
Description Learning/Action Taken
Tenant had emailed the office regarding repairs both to the technical e-mail and the housing e-mail but had not received a response a week later.
Poor communication – tenant complained that they did not receive a call back from the Association and when they contacted us we advised that the number that we held for them was unobtainable, however this was not the case it was user error in inputting the number.
The e-mail had been forwarded to a member of staff who was unfortunately off due to unforeseen circumstances. The team need to ensure that if someone is off their e-mails are checked and dealt with in order to provide excellent customer service to our tenants.
Staff advised to take care when inputting telephone numbers into the system. The numbers have to be typed in and not copy and pasted as this causes the number to be corrupted.
We do listen to all information that we receive whether through complaints or compliments and use this information to inform improvements to the services that we provide.
Housing Services Team Update
Over the past couple of years, there have been staff changes within the Association and in particular the Housing Services Team. The Housing Services teams deliver various services for the Association including Allocation of Properties with our stock, Tenancy sustainment, Rent & Arrears Collection, Anti-Social Behaviour complaints and Estate Management. With our main aim to deliver the best customer service possible, the team will assist with any enquiries you may have.
There are 2 teams within Housing Services which cover different areas within our stock:
17 Ardmaleish Road 1 - 23 Elmtree Gardens
7 - 137 Barlia Drive 33 - 65 Hoddam Avenue
1 - 37 Barlia Gardens 3 Hoddam Terrace
1 - 23 Barlia Grove 25 - 27 Lenihall Drive
2 - 12 Barlia Row 2 - 70 Machrie Drive
1 - 9 Barlia Street 20 - 70 Machrie Road
10 - 20 Barlia Way 2 - 12 Machrie Street
42 - 89 Ballantay Road 1 - 56 Oaktree Gardens
4 - 41 Croftfoot Terrace 4 Stravanan Road
Housing Officer: Lisa Tomlinson
Housing Assistant: Lee Thomson
Customer Services Assistant: Tanya McAlister/Lauren Hassan
Housing Manager: Clare MacLean
Email area1@cassiltoun.org.uk
Area 2
5 - 109 Castlemilk Drive
2 - 21 Cavin Drive 186 - 202 Croftfoot Road
4 - 20 Cavin Road 3 - 7 Croftfoot Street
2 - 6 Croftfoot Crescent 2 - 8 Tormusk Drive 16 - 116 Croftfoot Drive 1 - 36 Tormusk Road
Housing Officer: John Brown
Housing Assistant: Nicola O’Rourke
Customer Services Assistant: Brooke Caig
Housing Manager: Clare MacLean Email area2@cassiltoun.org.uk
There are various methods you can contact a member of the team for your area:
• Email detailed above for your area
• Via our website www.cassiltoun.org.uk
• Telephoning our office on 0141 634 2673
Estate Maintenance & Garden Care
The trees have sprouted new leaves, the bees are busy taking full advantage of flowers in bloom and like the bees, your Estate Caretaker, Assistant and contractors are busy working hard to improve your environment, cutting grass, trimming hedges and trees, removing litter, cleaning common spaces and removing graffiti.
Maintaining and improving the local environment to make your street an inviting and desirable place to live would not be possible without your hard work. Residents in the community are an invaluable resource not only looking after your homes, gardens and neighbours, but also making sure that the services you receive are of the highest standard possible and your views and opinions are heard.
Review of Garden Care Scheme
To ensure you receive the best possible value for money the Garden Care Scheme is being reviewed. If you receive this service, you may be contacted to reapply. If you believe that you may be eligible to receive this service please contact the office for an application.
Do you have a suggestion to improve your local community, environment or services? If so we would like to hear from you please email your suggestions to housing@cassiltoun.org.uk
Scottish Social Housing Charter
we are doing… End of year 2023/24
We have created a snap shot of information related to performance. Each piece of information relates to the Scottish Social Housing indicators which the Association reports on. You can find more information by visiting: www.scottishhousingregulator.gov.uk
Anti-Social Behaviour
Indicator 15
Antisocial behaviour cases reported in the last year:
Indicators 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21 Repairs
97% of cases resolved
The Association has received 66 anti-social complaints which were dealt with in line with our Neighbour Relation Policy.
If you experience any incidents of anti-social behaviour contact us on 0141 634 2673 or via email to area1@cassiltoun.org.uk or area2@cassiltoun.org.uk
Gas Servicing:
Number of times we did not meet statutory duty to complete gas check:
Indicators 14, 16, 23, 30 & C2, C3, C4
Number of General Needs Lets 71
Number of Supported Housing Lets 0
Number of Lets to Existing Tenants 11
Number of Lets to Statutory Homeless 16
Number of Lets to Waiting List 44
Total number of offers made 120
Number of offers refused 40 Number of houses that became vacant
Indicators 3 & 4
Number of Stage 2 complaints received
Complaint responded to in full at Stage 1
Number of Stage 1 complaints received 80 13 79 12 4 16.5
Complaint responded to in full at Stage 2 1st Stage - average working days to respond 2nd Stage - average working days to respond
Indicators 26, C6, 28, 27, 18 & C7 contextual indicators
Every year millions of homes in the UK suffer from condensation. About two million of them are badly affected and experience widespread dampness, often leading to persistent mould growth on walls, fabrics, carpets, clothes and shoes. This can cause great anxiety to householders, and is a common cause of complaints to landlords.
What causes condensation?
Every day the average UK household puts about 12 litres of moisture into the air in their home, through normal activities such as cooking, washing clothes and bathing; breathing alone contributes about 1 litre per person every 24 hours.
In homes where clothes are dried indoors the total can be over 20 litres a day. About half this moisture is produced slowly throughout the day in different rooms and the remainder is produced over short periods of time and in large quantities, mainly in the kitchen and bathroom around teatime when kids come home from school and people come home from work. Even in warm, well-ventilated homes, moisture in the air can result in condensation during the winter, most people are familiar with the misting on the mirror after running a bath, or on the inside of windows on a cold morning. Usually condensation disperses fairly quickly and does not cause more than minor inconvenience, but in homes which are poorly heated or inadequately ventilated, condensation is often serious and persistent, and leads to the growth of mould.
The environment which the mould requires to grow is similar to the environment which other conditions such as dust mites also thrive in, dust mites have been linked to asthma and skin conditions.
The mechanics of condensation
There is always moisture in the air in the form of water vapour, although usually it cannot be seen. However, there is a limit to how much vapour the air
can hold at any particular temperature: the higher the temperature, the more vapor the air can hold. Therefore when warm moist air comes into contact with a cold surface and is cooled, it can no longer hold so much vapour and the excess condenses as liquid water on the cooler surface. A typical example is moist air from a warm kitchen which drifts to unheated rooms, such as bedrooms. The moist air cools when it reaches the walls and other cold surfaces, and the excess water is deposited as condensation.
Signs of condensation
• It normally occurs only in the coldest months of the year.
• Trouble starts on the coldest internal surfaces — external walls, particularly corners, single and double-glazed windows, wall-to-floor junctions, lintels and window reveals.
• Visible water droplets form on glazing and other non-porous surfaces and run off to cause puddles.
• Persistent condensation often leads to mould growth.
• Condensation occurs most often in rooms where a lot of moisture is produced, such as kitchens and bathrooms, and also in unheated rooms into which moisture has drifted. Unheated bedrooms are vulnerable to condensation and mould growth.
• It is a common problem where flue less paraffin or butane heaters or un-vented tumble-driers are used, or clothes are frequently dried indoors.
• It often concentrates in areas where air movement is restricted, such as behind furniture or curtains, or inside cupboards on outside walls.
What’s the cure?
The main factors involved in condensation in the home are the amount of moisture in the air, and the air temperature and the temperature of the surfaces in the room. To reduce the risk of condensation occurring, either the moisture content of the air must be reduced or the home must be made warmer. In practice it is usually necessary to do both.
Reducing moisture generation
The amount of moisture generated in a home depends on the size and lifestyle of the household. Most of the steps needed to reduce it can be carried out by the occupants themselves, including keeping lids on saucepans, drying clothes outdoors, and not using paraffin or flue less gas heaters, keeping doors closed to prevent the moisture travelling through your home and when using tumble driers vent them externally or if possible use a condensing dryer.
Providing ventilation
High moisture production in homes need not be a problem if there is enough ventilation. The single most important step is to ensure good ventilation in kitchens, bathrooms, where most household moisture is generated.
As well as the high rates of ventilation needed in kitchens and bathrooms when they are being used, all occupied rooms need background ventilation to get rid of the moisture generated by people.
Providing adequate heating
Condensation is almost bound to occur in rooms which are cold. The best remedy is to provide low background heating all day in cold weather, even when there is no one at home. It is far better to do this than to rely on a high level of heating for short periods, and the overall costs are often quite similar.
Background heating is particularly important in bedrooms, especially in bungalows and flats, where they are not above other heated properties below.
Practical advice
• Keep kitchen and bathroom windows open when possible
• Use extractor fans if fitted
• Keep lids on pots when cooking
• Keep doors closed to prevent moisture travelling through the home
• Use condensing tumble dryers or dryers which are vented to the outside air
• Open your bedroom windows in the morning to allow condensation to clear
• If your windows are excessively wet use a squeegee and an old towel to dry them off, this will also help prevent mould on bathroom tiles if done after showering
• Maintain a constant temperature in your home during the winter months of above 16°c or above
• Maintain an air gap between furniture and walls to allow air to circulate
• The first people usually know they have condensation is when they see mould spots occurring in corners and on items in cupboards or behind furniture etc. if the area affected has a fixed wet line it may require further investigation and you should contact your landlord who will arrange for a proper inspection to rule out building defects.
Gas Servicing and Boilers
The Association is required by law to carry out an annual safety service check to all gas pipework, boilers and appliances installed within Association properties. These checks are required to make sure your pipework, boiler and appliances are safe and the risk of any gas or carbon monoxide poisoning is minimised for your household.
The Association carries out these checks on a 10 monthly cycle so that we can make sure the work is complete and you are safe before the anniversary date.
The gas service visit should only take approximately 3040 minutes to complete and can make sure your life is not put at risk.
Our gas maintenance contractor, City Technical, will contact each property to arrange a convenient appointment.
In the event that we are unable to contact you to arrange your yearly gas service before the legally due date we will have no alternative but to force access, which carries a charge. This is not something that the association wants to do so please answer our letters and calls to arrange access at a time and date that suits you.
Electrical Testing
The Association carries out an Electrical Installation Condition inspection in all our tenants' homes every 5 years. The Association will let you know if your home is due an inspection.
It is important that if your property is due to be inspected, that you allow access for our electrical contractor, Magnus Electrics, to carry out these works. These tests are a regulatory requirement to be carried out for safety purposes and to protect everyone in your home.
If your home is due to have an EICR carried out this year you will be contacted by Magnus Electrical our EICR contractor by telephone and letter then by Cassiltoun technical staff to book an appointment. Please ensure that you respond in order for us to book your EICR at a date and time that suits you.
If we are unable to make contact before the 5 year due date we will have no alternative but to force access to carry out these safety checks. This is the last alternative for the Association and we do not want to do this as there is a charge to the tenant to change the locks. Please ensure that you answer calls and letters form the contractor and Cassiltoun who will be happy to arrange an appointment at a date and time that suits you.
Smoke Alarms & CO Alarms (Carbon Monoxide)
All smoke & CO alarms installed in Association properties will be tested at the time of the annual gas service.
If any of the alarms are faulty the Association will have them replaced. You should also test your alarms weekly and let us know if there are any issues. Smoke Alarms & CO Alarms save lives - please help protect your family and home by testing weekly.
Your property should have had the smoke alarms upgraded and a new heat alarm installed within your kitchen area. If for any reason any of these alarms are damaged or have been taken down please contact us at the office as a matter of urgency. If you require any further information on the alarm system within your property please don’t hesitate in contacting a member of the technical team.
Legionella –Reduce the Risk
The risk of contracting legionella in the domestic home is minimal and most protection from legionella has to be undertaken by people actually living in the home and using the water systems. There are some simple steps that you must take to help protect you and those in your home:
1. You have to turn your shower on and run it for a few minutes at least once a week, preferably more often than this, to flush out stale water.
2. You have to make sure that you dismantle, scrub and de-scale your showerheads and shower hoses at least once every 3 months or earlier if scaling is evident. This is easily done by removing the shower hose and head and leaving it soaking for half an hour in white vinegar then scrubbing off any deposits. You should then rinse it in warm water to wash off the vinegar.
Hazardous waste
3. If you have a spa type bath you have to make sure you clean it with appropriate approved chemicals at least once weekly.
4. You should make sure that you run water through all the hot and cold water taps throughout your home on at least a weekly basis.
5. Temperatures above 60°C will kill Legionella bacteria so make sure that the temperature of the hot water in your boiler/cylinder is set at a minimum of 60°C. Beware of burns and scalding and take extra care if you have children. Legionella can survive in low temperatures, but thrives at temperatures between 20°C and 45°C.
These are very simple steps to help protect you in your home and minimise any exposure risk. These precautions are even more important if you are over 50 years of age or suffer from ill health.
If you would like more advice on this matter please contact a member of staff at our office to discuss.
These items DO NOT belong in your bin
As you may be aware, there have been several large fires and incidents at waste and recycling facilities in the UK, which were subsequently attributed to the incorrect disposal of dangerous items. There has been an increase in dangerous, potentially explosive items entering the waste stream in Glasgow that cannot be treated by waste processors.
• Household batteries, automotive batteries and goods containing batteries e.g. toothbrushes, toys, phones and laptops, lithium-ion batteries
• Pressurised gas canisters e.g. NOx containers, helium balloon canisters
• Vapes
• Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
How do I dispose of these items?
You can dispose of potentially hazardous waste items at any Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Your local centre is:
Polmadie, 425 Polmadie Road, G42 0JP
Visit glasgow.gov.uk/hazardouswaste for more information.
Facilities for the collection of batteries are also available at many retail outlets and supermarkets.
To find your local collection point visit recycleyourelectricals.org.uk
Clean up after your pet or risk enforcement action
including a fixed penalty notice of £80 (rising to £100 if unpaid within 28 days) and further Antisocial Behaviour Action.
✔ Do carry a poop scoop or bag, pick up after your pet
✔ Do dispose of your dog’s mess appropriately
✔ Do keep your dog on a lead when outside
✘ Don’t walk your dog in the back court
✘ Don’t allow your dog to become a nuisance to neighbours
Contact Glasgow City Council 0300 343 7027 or via MYGLASGOW app available for iOS and android devices or find Environmental Task Force on Twitter @MyGlasgowCC & Facebook @GlasgowCC
Help us to improve the local environment for everyone. Identify irresponsible dog owners.
Cassiltoun Housing Association: Telephone 0141 634 2673 or email housing@cassiltoun.org.uk
What will happen if I do not pick up my dog’s mess?
If you fail to dispose of your dog’s waste in the correct manner, you could receive a fixed penalty notice of £80.00 issued under the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003. The penalty increases to £100 if not paid within 28 days. Fixed Penalty Notices can be issued by Community Enforcement Officers, to owners or persons in charge of the dog, if they allow their pets to foul in a public place and fail to clean up afterwards.
Statutory Notices, Fixed Penalty Notices, surveillance operations and reports to the Procurator Fiscal are all methods used to combat environmental issues such as dog fouling.
Details of offenders issued with Fixed Penalty Notices are provided to Landlords to take antisocial behaviour action against tenants as this is a breach of your Scottish Secure Tenancy Agreement.
Please consider your neighbours, ensure items are not left in communal areas, clean up after your pets and keep them under control.
Advice Team
Who we are
We help our Cassiltoun Tenants with welfare benefits and money advice. Our core team includes 2 part time welfare rights officers, Donna Fullerton and Lisa McCaig and our Advice team co-ordinator, Anne Miller who also provides a debt and budgeting service.
What we do
We provide a variety of support, including:
• general benefit advice in relation to all UK and Scottish Government administered benefits
• carrying out benefit checks to ensure income is maximised
• help to complete benefit application forms
• support to challenge benefit decisions
• advice and representation at benefit appeals
How we can help you
Benefit checks
We can carry out free and confidential benefit checks to ensure that you are receiving your full and correct benefit entitlement.
and you must provide reasons as to why you are asking for the reconsideration.
When you apply for benefits, we can help you complete the application forms. We can also help you complete reviews for an existing benefit reward.
Challenging decisions
If you have been unsuccessful in applying for a benefit or are unhappy about a benefit decision you have received we are able to assist you through the process of challenging the decision.
You can request that a decision be looked at again - this is known as a 'mandatory reconsideration'. You need to ask the DWP for a mandatory reconsideration within one month of receiving your decision
Carer’s Supplement
Carer's Allowance Supplement is an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer's Allowance on a particular date. This has increased by 6.7% this year to £288.60.
If you are still unhappy following the mandatory reconsideration decision you can make an appeal, which must be lodged within one month, directly to HM Courts and Tribunals Service. The devolved Scottish Benefit System have different rules and regulations and we can assist with these too.
We provide representation at Appeal hearings and our Welfare Rights Officers will assist you in preparing for your appeal as well as attending the hearing with you to represent you.
If you require representation at an appeal it is important that you give us as much notice as possible in order for us to provide you with the best service possible.
Carer's Allowance Supplement is paid twice a year. The next 2 payments will be:
• £288.60 in June 2024 – you'll get this payment if you're getting Carer's Allowance on 8 April 2024
• £288.60 in December 2024 – you'll get this payment if you're getting Carer's Allowance on 7 October 2024
Money Advice Team
Our team can help you with the following:
• Income maximisation
• Benefit applications
• Challenging benefit decisions including appeal representation
• Money & Debt advice
• Energy advice
• Budgeting advice
• Help to access grants
Here to help
Our service is available to tenants, factored owners and those who access the many services offered by Cassiltoun Stables. Our advice is free, impartial and confidential. If you need any help or would like to arrange an appointment please get in contact with us on 0141 634 2673 or email housing@cassiltoun.org.uk
From 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 we generated income of £676,841.57 for Cassiltoun Housing Association tenants, factored owners and other service users.
Money is something we all worry about especially now as we see a rise in our food, gas, electricity, fuel and we wonder how we will make our money stretch to ensure we can meet these essential living costs.
We understand these worries and concerns and we are here to help you. Our Money Advice Team will ensure you are receiving income that you’re entitled to, help you budget your money and manage your debts.
We are always capturing feedback from clients on a regular basis and to use this to improve our service.
Here are some of the comments received:
“WRO was brilliant, can’t speak highly enough, adviser was exceptional in helping me out taking a lot of my shoulders and putting me at ease”
“Very helpful”
“Your service was very helpful, and good to know I can use you again if needed WRO was brilliant and friendly and I have already recommended someone to contact you”
UC Managed Migration Programme 2024
Managed Migration is the process the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is using to transfer claimants from the old (legacy) benefit system, such as Tax Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance and Income Support to Universal Credit. It started in Autumn 2023, with people receiving only Tax Credit. From April 2024, this will be extended to other benefits. See details on the right of the planned timetable for claimants to be asked to claim Universal Credit: If you claim any of the benefits, you will receive a migration notice when it is your time to change. You will then have three months to make a claim for Universal Credit. If you do not claim Universal Credit before the deadline, any existing benefit payments you receive will stop. The DWP have promised that no one will be worse off when they transfer to Universal Credit –this is called transitional protection. If you would like any help or advice in relation to this please do not hesitate to contact the Advice Team.
April 2024: Income Support claimants and those claiming Tax Credits with Housing Benefit
June 2024: Housing Benefit only claimants
July 2024: Employment Support Allowance (IR) with Child Tax Credits
August 2024: Those claiming tax credits who are over state pension age, with households being asked to apply for either Universal Credit or Pension Credit.
September 2024: Jobseeker’s Allowance (IB) 2028: Employment and Support Allowance only and Employment and Support Allowance with Housing Benefit – this part of migration will affect around 600,000 households hence why its been extended to 2028.
Cassiltoun Stables Nursery –Funded Early Learning and Childcare –
2 year olds with effect from 1 April 2024
Funded early learning and childcare is free to parents as the costs are met by the Scottish Government. In Accordance with Scottish Government legislation from August 2021, eligible 2-year-olds will be able to access up to 1140 hours per year of funded early learning and childcare.
Early Learning and Childcare funded places for eligible 2 Year Olds are available within some Council nurseries, some of our funded provider settings and with some registered childminders. Information on settings where this provision is available can be found on the Glasgow Family Information Service (https://www.gfis.org.uk/).
Who is eligible?
Funded early learning and childcare is available if your child is aged 2 AND is or, since they turned 2, has been:
• looked after by a local council
• the subject of a kinship care order
• the subject of a guardianship order
Your child can also access funded ELC if they have turned 2 and you were yourself care experienced at any point during your own childhood. You should speak to the nursery if you feel you meet these criteria. Your child can also get funded early learning and childcare if they have turned 2 and you get one of these benefits:
• Income Support
• Job Seeker's Allowance (income based)
• Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
• Incapacity or Severe Disablement Allowance
• State Pension Credit
• Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Cassiltoun Stables NurseryIf you receive tax credits or universal credits, then you can earn a certain amount of money and still be eligible.
If you are on Child Tax Credit:
• but not Working Tax Credit, then your earnings can be £19,995 or less.
• and Working Tax Credit, then your earnings can be £9,552 a year or less.
If you are on Universal Credit, then your household take-home pay can be £796 a month or less.
When does entitlement begin and end?
Two-year-old children who meet the eligibility criteria as outlined above can access provision from the start of the first term AFTER their second birthday OR the start of the first term AFTER the parent starts receiving those named benefits or tax credits.
How do you apply?
If you think you may be eligible to access this provision and wish to apply, you must make an application to the Council to check whether you meet the eligibility criteria. You must also apply to the nursery or via the Scottish Childminding Association for a place. Both you, and the nursery you have chosen or SCMA, will receive confirmation of whether you are eligible for a funded place or not. Places will be allocated in line with any appropriate admissions policies.
You can check your eligibility here:: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/media/2558/P arent-Guide-to-Early-Learning-andChildcare-20212022/pdf/Parent_Guide_to_ELC_2021-2022 _FINAL_002.pdf?m=1681388186517
If you are found not to be eligible, you can still take up a place for your two-year-old but you would have to meet the costs yourself.
Come and explore our outdoor area at Cassiltoun Stables Nursery! Children have the chance to play, learn and have lots of fun together at their own pace. We enjoy spending time in the community woodland and our amazing garden area, providing a stimulating environment for all little adventurers.
Our nursery is by the woodland, where children can explore nature. We are open every day from 7:30am to 6pm, even on bank holidays!
Funding is available for all 3–5-year-olds as we work in partnership with Glasgow City Council. We have options, like 3 full days (7:30am - 4:30pm) or 5 mornings (7:30am - 1pm) or afternoons (1pm - 6pm). Some 2-year-olds might also get funding, so feel free to ask for details.
We enjoy engaging with families inside and outside! Recently, we had many families join our Wellie Waddle in the woods. We also organised stay and play days for parents to participate in their child's activities. It's fantastic to see everyone come for fun and join in learning experiences!
Cassiltoun Stables Nursery has 2 job vacancies available for Child Development Officers. If you are keen and qualified to join our nursery team, we would love to hear from you! We have a few spaces in our babies & 2-3 room in the upcoming term, but space is filling up fast in the 3-5 room!
Swap Shop
The Youth Advisory Panel has been working in partnership with Glasgow Life Artist in Residence, Deirdre Nelson, and Castlemilk Youth Complex to help do their bit in the fight against climate change.
The Panel have designed their own Youth Swap Shop where young people aged 12-25 will be able to drop in and swap old for new or just have a peruse for that new favourite piece.
It will take place on Thursday 6th June from 67.30pm in Castlemilk Youth Complex, 39 Ardencraig Road G45 0EQ.
The event is free entry, all you have to worry about is bringing a bag big enough for your new collection!
Easter at the Stables!
Tenant Trips
Tenant Trips will return this year for 2024.
For more information please click on the links below , fill in the bookings forms and we will be in contact in due course if you are allocated a space. Alternatively you can contact the office to request a paper copy booking form.
Over 40’s Trip to Largs Beach:
Wednesday 19th June
https://forms.gle/fNNY52np7gEz 2Wuo8
Children and Families trip to Ayr Beach:
Wednesday 31st July
https://forms.gle/KzFpHPzcohkq MzQV9
Despite the heavy rain and winds, the Community Team and all the Staff at Cassiltoun and the Community Members still got their waterproofs on and faced the typical Scottish Weather!
Week 1: 42 adults and 72 children explored the Easter Trail around the newly improved Castlemilk Pond! The children followed a story about the squirrels in Castlemilk Park, they found the missing letters and received an Easter egg for taking part. A huge thanks to one of the members of the Writing Group at Cassiltoun who always writes the stories for the Park and illustrates them for the children.
Week 2: Yet again, despite the high winds and rain , we got the gazebos up and waterproofs on. 23 adults and 42 children attended the “Food and Fun Programme” funded by Glasgow City Council and Castlemilk Together. There was loads of delicious food provided by The Senior Centre. Paths for All, Glasgow Life - Resident Artist and Scottish Badgers all attended. There were loads of activities to keep the children occupied and we all had great fun!
We appreciate you all taking the time to complete our Impact Survey over the last few months and we would now like to take this time to share with you some of the outcomes:
84.9% said that being involved with the Community Team increased their confidence 83% said being involved with the Community Team positively affected their mental well-being
69.8% felt more connected to their community since being involved in the Community Team
These results really do help us get a clearer understanding of what works and why, how we can improve the services we deliver and help us communicate better the impact we are making to our local community.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for taking part and for helping us to continue developing our services to better suit the community
It has helped me mentally by tackling my loneliness and giving me something to focus on. I've met loads of new people and I feel like I do a lot to benefit my community which makes me feel needed and helpful.”
Impact Survey 2023 Events Calendar 2024!
“Being involved has given me a sense of community and has also helped with my mental health as I work in a high stressful job.”
Delighted to unveil our snazzy events calendar for 2024! Say goodbye to tons of paper copies and hello to a more eco-friendly approach. Get your hands on a paper copy by emailing us or click on the link below for a PDF copy. https://www.cassiltoun.org.uk/data/castlemilk_ park_events25_1403c_2024_03_25_14_14_31.pdf
Get your steps in for summer!
Health Walks are back in action! Cassiltoun HA and Castlemilk Parish Church have teamed up with Paths for All to bring you weekly strolls around Castlemilk. Soak up the longer evenings, make new friends, and enjoy a leisurely walk in Castlemilk Park. Perfect for beginners of all ages. No need to reserve a spot, just show up. These will start on Monday, April 22nd. Buggy Walks are a new addition to our Events Calendar in 2024. We will meet monthly during the summer months and the Community Woodland Officer will lead doing some small activities and teaching ID skills. The walks and will be at 10.30am on the first Friday of the month. The first one will be Friday 7th June.
Hazel Coppice in Castlemilk Park
This winter, the Castlemilk Park Project Volunteers have started looking after a small hazel coppice in Castlemilk Park adjacent to Tormusk Road. Since then, this site has seen some trees coppiced in order with the new woodland management plan and the wood given to community groups across Glasgow. The Castlemilk Park Project Volunteers have been learning hazel coppicing skills which in turn will improve the health of the hazel coppice and will support biodiversity of the site for years to come.
Tenant Open Day - Cassiltoun Housing Association turns 40!
Cassiltoun Housing Association is celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year.
To mark this special occasion we have organised a Tenant Open Day for all tenants that will take place within a Marquee in the Stables Courtyard. There will be food and entertainment, activities for the children and a chance to meet all Staff, Board of Management and Volunteers.
Book your space now by filling in the form below. The time slots available are 10am–1pm and 2pm–6pm.
Castlemilk Park Project Volunteers
The Castlemilk Park Project Volunteers have been really busy over the last couple of months. This has seen them litter picking, upgrading path, wildlife recording and much more!
The Castlemilk Park Project are always looking for people to join our current team of volunteers. No previous experience is required and it’s a place where you can learn new skills and help look after Castlemilk Park. For more information check out the poster on the right.