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WINTER 2020 1

Glen Oaks Housing Association

Rent Review Consultation 2021-22 It’s that time of year when we need to consider the rent increase for next year. We have a legal duty to consult you about proposed rent increases and to take account of your opinions before we make a final decision. You will have received a copy of the consultation document either by a text message link or a paper copy by post. It’s important you give us your views. You can do this by; post, using the pre-paid envelope provided our website at our Facebook Page GlenOaksHousing email at using the link to google forms

The Board will meet at the end of January 2021 to review your feedback in advance of approving the rent increase. We will inform you of the rent increase by letter during February and will also provide details of your feedback in our Spring newsletter.

We are he

re to help

We know that for many of a particula our tenants rly difficult time with man this year has been constraints y facing finan and wellb eing issues. cial Remember we are here to help, so you have any concerns please cont act us if regarding ability to pay your tenancy your rent. or your

Tell us what

you think.

At Glen Oaks , we are alwa services we ys keen to provide and get feedback your view Our Board from our tena on will meet in nts on the January 2021 services you would rent increase. rent, the like us to prov to review the ide in the futur feedback we receive e. and agree on the

Please tell

us what you

think of our

Completing and returnin the Rent Con g sultation Feedback Form in the pre-paid env elope

Completing the Rent Consultation Feedback Form on our website at www.gleno rent-consu ltation


You can do

this by

Emailing us at go@glenoak s.or

Private me ssaging us on Facebook Completing the survey form at https://form Cq7ospkRtT ny6U13A

Due to the Coronavirus we have not where we wou been able to have our with our Serv ld discuss our rent cons annual resid ice Improvem ultation. We ents conferen that you may have how ent Group ever discu and wish to have ssed this prop ce e-mailing at the opportun have listened to their osal go@glenoaks feedback. ity to spea We understan or k with us abo by calling ut this. You d us on 0141 can do this 638 0999 Opti by on 2.

Remember you must let us know yo Wednesda ur views by y 23 Dece mber 2020 at the latest

This year we are consulting on a


Our Board have taken account of the pressures many of our tenants are facing and have decided that we need to keep our rent increase as affordable as we can. no

ws . e i r v 2020 u o y er w b o n m s k Dece u let 23 e as than e l P ter la

home magazine


Alasdair’s Introduction Merry Christmas everyone and welcome to our Winter Newsletter! I hope, even with the current restrictions still in place, you manage to have a lovely time and enjoy the festivities. The Scottish Government have released guidance on how to safely spend time with loved ones this Christmas, you can find more information here scot/publications/coronaviruscovid-19-guidance-for-festiveperiod/ This time of year can be difficult for some people at the best of times, from

Scottish Government Covid-19 festive guidance The safest way to spend Christmas and the festive period is to stay within your own household, in your own home and your own local area. Whilst we are providing guidance on how people can spend Christmas time with others to help prevent loneliness and isolation, our advice is that wherever possible you should keep in touch with friends and family members from other households through technology - or, if you decide to meet in person, you should minimise the numbers and duration, and if possible meet out of doors. Consider a Christmas walk with family, rather than a meal indoors.

financial difficulties to loneliness and isolation. Our goConnect and Starting Out team are here to help, see Page 5 for information on support or services available to you. As you can see from the front page, our annual Rent Consultation is underway and we are looking for your views on a proposed increase of 1.6%. Our Board have taken into account the current climate and it’s important that you have your say, so I would encourage you to respond to our survey. Hope you all stay safe and remember our staff are there for support or advice if you need it. Wishing you all the best in 2021 when it comes.

Alasdair McKee, Chief Executive

Annual Report Along with this Newsletter you will have received a copy of our Annual Report. This includes a financial report, an update on our performance and details of our activities during the year. You can read it here https://www.glenoaks. We consult with the Service Improvement Group on the information to be included and the layout of the final report. We want to ensure it is easy to understand and reflects what you, as a customer, want to know about our performance. If you have any questions regarding our performance or this report please contact us at

Where Commun

ities Thrive Annual Report 2019/20

Christmas & New Year Holidays We appreciate that people like to spend time with their family over the festive period. With this in mind, we would ask tenants who will be away from their home during the holidays to let us know when they will be away and give us details of an emergency contact, such as a friend in the local area. This is to ensure that in the event of any major issue (e.g. burst water pipes) we can deal with the problem swiftly and with the least disruption to all parties.

Our office remains closed due to Covid-19 but you can still contact us via 0141 638 0999 or

Glen Oaks Housing Association


Our Performance The first half of this year has been very challenging and whilst we are happy to report that many of our satisfaction levels have increased or performance has improved, there are still areas where we could do better. We will continue to work closely with the Service Improvement Group (SIG), focusing on areas where performance has dipped.





(Apr-Mar’20 2.2 hours)

(Apr-Mar’20 3.6 working days)

(Apr-Mar’20 5.0)

(Apr-Mar’20 97.7%)

Average time to complete nonemergency repairs

Average number of repairs per property

Repairs completed on time

2.9hours Average time to complete emergency repairs





(Apr-Mar’20 50)

Number of Stage 1 complaints received






(Apr-Mar’20 27)

(Apr-Mar’20 59%)

% of Stage 1 complaints upheld

Number of Stage 2 complaints received

% of Stage 2 complaints upheld



(Apr-Mar’20 22.5days)

(Apr-Mar’20 247)

(Apr-Mar’20 70.09%)

Average number of days to re-let homes

Number of anti-social behaviour cases reported

% of tenants who feel their rent is good value for money



Number of homes let


(Apr-Mar’20 68%)

Apr-Sept’20 (Apr-Mar’20 116)





Notes: *Due to Scottish Government restrictions we were unable to let properties between April and June. **Last survey was carried out in January 2020

Assurance Statement

Service Improvement Group (SIG) Update

Our Board has reviewed the report from our self assessment process, the evidence and action plan. They have agreed a statement and have issued it to the Scottish Housing Regulator. This statement confirms that the Association complies with the regulatory requirements.

Our SIG have continued to meet ‘virtually’ every two weeks, throughout the lockdown restrictions. They have completed their review of our communication and their final report has been given to our Corporate Management Team and will be then reviewed by the Board in January. The report includes over 30 recommendations on how our communication to you, our tenants, could improve. More details of the recommendations and the action we are taking will be shared in the Spring Newsletter.

You can read this year’s Assurance Statement here https://www.glenoaks.

Frank, the Frenchie, joining in with the SIG’s November meeting

Join our Service Improvement Group today - contact Martha Hutcheson on 0141 620 2705 or email -

home magazine


Bulk Uplift Service Cancelled – Changes to Glasgow City Council Service As reported in our Autumn Newsletter, Glasgow City Council (GCC) Cleansing Department stopped the removal of bulk uplift collection in March 2020. This was due to staff shortages and the need for social distancing measures, as they could not have numerous employees within the cleansing vehicle. To maintain the cleanliness of our back court and common landscaped areas, the Association temporarily implemented an uplift service for disposal of this refuse, as we thought that the GCC service would resume at a later date.

We have now been advised that GCC are not going to resume a weekly uplift of bulk items. Bulk will only be lifted where an individual tenant has contacted the Council and made a request for an uplift. The Council will advise you when the uplift will take place and where the item should be left. Therefore, the item should be stored within your home until the day of uplift. The practice of putting bulk items into the back-court area for uplift will no longer apply and should stop immediately. Any items should be retained within the your home until the agreed uplift day. You can of course dispose of bulk yourself by taking it to the recycling centre at Shieldhall Road. The Council have made it clear that all citizens should be taking responsibility for their

own bulk removal, disposing of it at the recycling centre. If you cannot retain the item in your home, then you must plan to take it to the Shieldhall Road recycling depot. We would also request that you do not overload the bins as the Council will not uplift excess rubbish nor any items that spill out during the bin collection. We are awaiting written confirmation from Glasgow City Council of these changes to the Cleansing Service and can update you in future newsletters. We will wish to consult with you as to the best way of managing the removal of bulk items and whether you would be willing to pay for the Association to mange the removal of such items on an ongoing basis.

Need Help with Electricity & Gas Bills? This winter will be one of the most difficult in living memory. Covid-19 restrictions and increasing unemployment will create a situation where more people are forced to spend time in homes that they can’t afford to heat. Many people will use more, pay more and owe more, while earning considerably less. The same health conditions impacted by cold indoor temperatures will place people at greater risk of C19, and coping strategies which people normally employ to get through the winter months, such as only having one heated room for the family to socialise in, could also increase the spread of infection. This not only threatens even more lives but hampers collective efforts to reduce infection and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. If you are struggling with fuel costs, please telephone our Energy Advisor (post funded through Scottish Government Debt Levy Fund) for a chat Tel. 0141 620 2748.

AreRegister you looking online for@ a house? We have 2 andto3 view bedroom information tenement properties about repairs to letyou in the have Arden reported area.

Glen Oaks Housing Association


Cold Weather Precautions Please remember that the low temperatures at this time of year bring an increased risk of damage to your home and, ultimately, your personal belongings. Taking some basic precautions can prevent pipes freezing - or worse, bursting - with disastrous consequences. •

During the coldest spells of weather, leave your heating switched on as much as you can. If you have a thermostat for your heating system set it to at least 10°C. If you are going away let us know! We’ll offer advice and assistance in relation to draining down your plumbing system, if necessary. Leave a key with a neighbour or relative and tell us how we can contact them should an emergency occur.


or tape. Call us as soon as possible for a full repair to be carried out - this is essential.

If water has penetrated electrical fittings…

If you find frozen pipes…

Switch off the mains electricity supply. Call us immediately for assistance.

Thaw them out slowly by using warm air from a hairdryer or electric fan heater. Alternatively, take cloths that have been heated in hot water and wrap them round the pipes. Turn on your taps (when the pipes thaw this provides a way for the water to escape) as this may help to prevent a burst.

If a burst happens…

Contents Insurance Cover

Turn off the stopcock immediately. Fully turn on the taps to drain the system. If possible, carry out a temporary repair to prevent flooding your neighbours. This can be done by tightly binding the damaged length of pipe with an old cloth

Please ensure you have insurance to cover damage to your contents and decoration in the event of a flood. If one of your neighbours has a flood or burst pipes due to the cold weather Glen Oaks will repair the damage to your home but will not replace or provide compensation for any of your own belongings or your decoration i.e. wall paper. It is vital that you take out contents insurance to make sure that you don’t have to buy all your important personal items again which could be costly.


Your landlord does not cover your home contents and personal belongings. So it’s a good idea to consider what a home contents insurance policy would cover you for. When you move into your property, you should think about protecting your personal possessions and home contents. These include your furniture, carpets, curtains, clothes, bedding, and electrical items. And don’t forget your jewellery, pictures and ornaments.

For more information contact your Housing Office or telephone

Thistle Tenant Risks on 0345 450 7286 email:

ea you lik e d l u o W er of thnt membe Tena Thistl team to Risks u back at a call yonient time, convecuss to dis optional cover,sions exten ble, and availaums? premi Visit:

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Thistle Tenant Risks is a trading style of Thistle Insurance Services Limited. Thistle Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 310419. Registered in England under No. 00338645. Registered office: Rossington’s Business Park, West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7SW. Thistle Insurance Services Ltd is part of the PIB Group. Our Data Protection Privacy Policy is online at

To apply,Register you can visit our website at and click on “Apply for a online @ to view information House”. Alternatively, you can repairs click on the to “Request an Application Form” about youlink have reported

home magazine


Money Worries Do you feel like this? Did you know we have a Financial Capability Officer at Glen Oaks (funded through Scottish Government Debt Levy Fund) who can deal with your debt, contact your creditors, make new arrangements and budget your money. All information is free, independent advice and confidential. What have you got to lose, make an appointment today. Telephone Nikki at Glen Oaks on 0141 620 2748

Debt • • • • • •

Help if you're struggling with debt Coronavirus and car payment holidays How to prioritise your debts Prioritise and deal with late payment letters Where to get free debt advice Help if you're feeling stressed about money

“I’m afraid to a nswer the phone or the d oor incase it’s a debt agen cy”

w how I can “I don’t kno tmas” afford Chris

“Worrying about money is making me ill”


• •

Personal loans Payday loans - what you need to know Debt consolidation loans Refused credit or refused a loan what can you do? Paying off your credit card

Employed and furloughed: The coronavirus job retention scheme • • Employed, off sick or self-isolating • • Help with your loan repayments • Self-employed: financial help if • you’re sick or self-isolating “I found it much easier to discuss my • Self-employed: financial help if debts and the money I owed and borrowed over the you’ve lost business income phone, less embarassing than face to • What type of worker are you? face” Financial help during the , she coronavirus outbreak “Nikki was brilliant, put me at ease d money to owe I ies pan com the all to ke spo I’d done it Housing costs and rent and sorted it all out for me, wish years ago” payments • • • •

Coronavirus and housing costs Coronavirus and your bills Help with rent arrears and problems with paying your rent Can’t afford to Heat your home

“For the first time ever, I am managing my money. We did a budgeting plan and I know what I can spend, I’m not stre ssed about money any more and can sle ep”

you speak “I’d recommend .” to Nikki 100%


What benefits are out there? Scottish Child Payment (SCP) SCP is a new payment for low income families to help towards the costs of looking after a child. It is £40 paid every four weeks for each child under the age of six; this will be extended to under sixteen by 2022. You can make an application over the phone by calling 0800 182 2222 (line open 8am 09/11/20), or use the online application at www.mygov. scot

Child Disability Payment and Adult Disability Payment There are two new benefits that will be rolled out in the next year or so. The Child Disability Payment (CDP) will eventually replace Child DLA from DWP. This will be followed by the introduction of Adult Disability Payment (ADP). Once ADP has

been rolled out, anyone on Personal Independence Payment or Working Age Disability Living Allowance who reports a change in condition, has an upcoming review date, or is about to reach the end of their Department of Work and Pensions award period, will transfer to Social Security Scotland so that they do not have to undergo a Department of Work and Pensions face-to-face assessment.

Job Start Payment (JSP) JSP was launched in August this year and supports 16 to 24 year olds, or up to 25 for care leavers, into work after being unemployed. This payment helps aid young people into the world of work and a payment between £250 - £400 depending on their individual circumstances. According to the Scottish Government this payment has helped 125 young people into employment so far.

If you want more information or want an appointment to discuss your possible benefit entitlements please contact us to make an appointment with one of our Welfare Rights Team.

Could our Starting Out Project help you save money? Contact our office on 0141 638 0999 (option 2) to find out more

Glen Oaks Housing Association 7

Jobs & Business Glasgow provides free support for job seekers Their Advisers will help you to feel confident in your skills for work, assist you to create CV's and cover letters, and provide advice on job applications, and interview techniques.

They offer access to workshops and training courses, covering areas such as anxiety and stress, wellbeing, confidence development, basic computing, and industry training in sectors such as care and construction. Paid work

experience placements are available, with access to financial support to assist the transition into work. They also help organisations across Glasgow to recruit staff and bring these vacancies directly to their clients. Support is currently being delivered via phone, social media, and email. To find out more: Freephone: 0300 123 2898 Email: Text: 07393 753298 Website:

WorkingRite funding extended for another three years! WorkingRite has been working in partnership with Glen Oaks Housing Association since 2013 supporting over 250 local young people in South Glasgow area.

During 2020 the programme has adapted to support and pay allowances to young people through Remote Learning using Zoom during times where groupwork and 1-1 work is hindered due to Covid-19 restrictions. During the lockdown period our young people benefitted from learning using new technology and doing Digital On-Line courses i.e. Health & Safety Awareness, CSCS Preparation, Basic Microsoft Word & Excel, Customer Service, Social Distancing Covid-19 Module and many, many more including CV’s & Mock Interviews – every week we had a Quiz.

Thomas, worked really hard to secure a paid job in November 2020 at The Kitchen Depot – the pic is with Paul the Manager and Thomas quotes ‘During lockdown I was losing hope of a full time position. Fortunately I got a chance to go back to my placement and I now have a paid job’.

WorkingRite will be recruiting in the New Year – Do you want to EARN WHILE YOU LEARN? Contact Anne on 07921040611 or send an email to

Useful Services During Winter Food Train Food Train’s shopping delivery service ensures that you have access to fresh and affordable groceries, delivered direct to your home on a weekly basis, or less often if that suits you. Our volunteers can unpack and put shopping items away where needed. Anyone over the age of 65 who has difficulty getting their grocery shopping can use the service. It costs £5 per delivery, which is paid alongside the cost of your shopping. There is a £1 annual membership to pay, which also allows you access to other Food Train services, if they are available in your local area. (please note - charges apply for each Food Train service provided) For information on charging please refer to the detailed information under the services you are interested in. Tel: 0141 423 1722 Email:

Good Morning Service We provide telephone befriending and alert calls to older people. Every morning, 365 days a year, Telephone Befrienders call out to members at a pre-arranged time to check that all is well and for a good blether. We take an active interest in people and over time hope to become a good friend on the phone, someone to share a laugh with or simply

Emergency Repairs Our telephone system gives tenants the option to report emergency repairs when our office is closed by calling the usual office number 0141 638 0999 and choosing the option which transfers your call to Gas Sure

be there to listen and give emotional support in difficult times. Tel: 0141 336 7766 or 0333 101 0036 Email: info @

South West Community Transport We operate a Patient Transport Service and a weekly Hoppa Shoppa Service for those who are elderly, have mobility problems and struggle to use public transport. Please note that these services are in high demand and require a few weeks’ notice. Telephone: 0141 881 9998 Email:

age of 55, and clubs and classes for ages 65+. All classes are currently taking place online through their app. If you would like help accessing the app, please contact Erin at the goConnect Project on 0141 620 2732. Tel: 0141 221 9924 Email:

Handy Person Service A FREE Handyperson Service available to people in Glasgow where all members of the household are aged 65 and over or have a disability, irrespective of age. Payment is only required for materials provided by the Handyperson. Tel: 0141 433 2749 Email:

Welfare Rights at Glen Oaks

Lifelink One to one counselling gives you space and support to deal with personal and social issues in more depth and to develop the skills, confidence and emotional resilience to help face personal challenges and difficulties. Tel: 0141 552 4434 Email:

Glasgow’s Golden Generation Befriending support for people over the

(for gas and heating) or City Building (for all other repairs). Alternatively, you can call the contractors directly on the following numbers: Gas Central Heating/Hot Water Emergencies (GasSure) 01294 468113 All Other Emergency Repairs (City Building) 0800 595595

Our welfare team can help you access benefits and grants. We also have an Energy Advisor, who can help you access the Warm Home Discount scheme. Tel: 0141 638 0999 Email:

Social Care Direct If you feel you or someone you know needs support with home care, adaptations or meals service. Tel: 0141 287 0555 Email:

If you live in Kilmuir Close you should contact the Building Contractor on 01207 503 293 These numbers should also be used when our offices are closed over the festive holidays. The Association's offices will close at 1pm on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 and will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 5 January 2021.

You can contact us in any way that suits you. Our staff can call you back if you are low on credit or data, just let us know.

Phone: 0141 638 0999 Option 1 – Repairs Option 2 - Housing Option 3 – goConnect (tenancy support issues) Option 4 – General enquiries Text: 07860 055 293 Charity No. SCO34301

Email: Facebook: @glenoakshousing Website:

Financial Services Authority Reg No: 2402R(S)

Tenant Portal: If you are a new user all you need is your tenancy reference to register. Contact us if you need assistance.

Scottish Housing Regulator No: HCB241

This document, and any others produced by Glen Oaks Housing Association are available in a variety of alternative formats. We can provide documents in a larger print, on audio tape or in a variety of community languages. If you require this or any other documents in another format, please contact us on 0141 638 0999 or call in to our office.

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