Número 52. Zenbakia Junio 2006ko Ekaina 65.000 ejemplares/ale Distribución personalizada Banaketa pertsonalitzatua
DIRECTOR / ZUZENDARIA Pedro Ugarte ERREDAKZIO BURUA JEFE DE REDACCIÓN Pedro Mª Lasaga ERREDAKZIOA / REDACCIÓN Matxalen Sotillo, Nora García-Inés, Koro Lázaro, Jokin Sagarzazu
Campusa no comparte necesariamente las tesis u opiniones expresadas con carácter personal que apararezcan en los artículos publicados. Campusa ez dator halabeharrez bat argitaraturiko artikuluetan eritzi pertsonal gisa adierazitako tesi edo eritziekin.
EDITATZAILEA / EDITA UPV/EHU Komunikazio Bulegoa Oficina de Comunicación Sarriera Auzoa, z/g 48940 Leioa T.: 94 6012 065 F.: 94 3012 065 email: campusa@lg.ehu.es
37 www.ehu.es
aurkibidea índice 05
gure artean
La sociedad evalúa a la UPV/EHU
· Erasmus enbaxadoreak · Joseph Stiglitz · Julio Antonio Gonzalo · Una segunda oportunidad
· Chalés de Sarriko · Oferta de posgrados · Campusa aumenta el número de lectores
· “Ereduzko prosa gaur” · Itsasoaz gose
· Una esperanza llamada Ikasi
· La nave de los locos · Daniel Solana · Rubén gogoan · Aprender restaurando
· Tipi-Tapa · ...Pero ganó Deusto
cathedra Francisco J. Llera Ramo Catedrático y director del Departamento de ciencia Política y de la Administración
La sociedad evalúa a la UPV/EHU The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the
accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president over for an examination of
El Euskobarómetro ha hecho que la UPV/EHU sea pionero en el estudio de la opinión pública his back. At 1 p. m, after all heart activity ceased and the last rites were administered by a priest, president kennedy was pronounced dead.The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.The president’s hands moved to his neck.
cathedra 05
cathedra Francisco J. Llera Ramo Catedrático y director del Departamento de ciencia Política y de la Administración
La sociedad evalúa a la UPV/EHU The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the
accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president over for an examination of
El Euskobarómetro ha hecho que la UPV/EHU sea pionero en el estudio de la opinión pública his back. At 1 p. m, after all heart activity ceased and the last rites were administered by a priest, president kennedy was pronounced dead.The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.The president’s hands moved to his neck.
cathedra 05
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent
Erasmus enbaxadoreak Miramar Jauregian Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president
The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president
06 erreportaia
erreportaia 07
El nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz fue investido doctor honoris causa de la UPV/EHU Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president
suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
Para que la globalización funcione debemos hacerla más democrática the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about
08 erreportaia
erreportaia 09
Julio Antonio Gonzalo, doctor Honoris Causa por la universidad Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
La UPV / EHU invistió en el acto a 79 nuevos doctores The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard
10 erreportaia
a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately
one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president over for an examination of his back. At 1 p. m, after all heart activity ceased and the last rites were administered by a priest, president kennedy was pronounced dead.The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president over for an examination of his back. At 1 p. m, after all heart activity ceased and the last rites were administered by a priest, president kennedy was pronounced dead.The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back.
La UPV / EHU invistió en el acto a 79 nuevos doctores Extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through
erreportaia 11
kronika 07.06.06
16.03.06 Gizarte eta Komunikazio Zientzien Fakultatearen lizentziatura ekitaldia
La escuela superior de Ingeniería culmina su ampliación The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
Eradaketa organizazioetan eta Hizkuntza Eraldaketa and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver,
12 kronika
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
Meatze Ingeniaritza Teknikoko Unibertsitate Eskolak diplomak emateko ekitaldia The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
15.06.06 Alumnos de la UPV/EHU premiados en el concurso "Tu idea cuenta" He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the ereme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
Un novedoso panel solar recibe el premio Indarsun The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s
kronika 13
Empresas en busca de los mejores talentos The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s
20.06.06 Inmigración, ciudadanía e inserción social The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
14 kronika
Utilización de las TIC en la docencia universitaria The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
20.06.06 El psicólogo frente a la muerte The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat.
La Universidad se acerca a la ciudadanía en los chalés de Sarriko The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which
Convenio entre la Facultad de Bellas Artes y la sociedad "La Alhóndiga" The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in
25.06.06 III Conferencias Técnicas de Ingeniería de la Construcción The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left.
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Transición al mercado de trabajo The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a
20.06.06 Programas Tempus The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a
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UPV/EHU eta Datuak Babesteko Euskal Bulegoaren hitzarmena The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
Una delegación del Gobierno Vasca visitó la facultad de Farmacia The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another
20.06.06 El Saltillo atraca en Santurtzi The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound.
Seminario sobre Historia The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down
UPV/EHU eta Unesco Etxeak adituak bildu zituzten Nazio Batuen bilmoldaketaz eztabaidatzeko The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been
Las mujeres copan los mejores expedientes en Ingeniería The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the
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20.06.06 Consumo energético en la edificación The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton
Alimentos funcionales The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
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Día mundial sin tabaco The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
20.06.06 Carlos Romeo Casaboma, doctor honoris causa por la universidad de La Lengua The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction,
momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat.
20.06.06 El Consejo de Dirección remodela su estructura The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen
A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the
25.06.06 Un sistema para la mejora de la climatización de los automóviles gana el Accenture The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat.
A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him
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20.06.06 La universidad presenta a las empresas su oferta de posgrados The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to
the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the
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20.06.06 Donostiako XV. Uda Ikastaroak The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to
the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car
Bizkaiko Esperientzi Gelek iksagelettatik atera dituzte eskolak The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the
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20.06.06 Consumo energético en la edificación The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton
Alimentos funcionales The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
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hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car he front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president he front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital
campusa+ euskararen berripapera
"Ereduzko Prosa Gaur" proiektua aurrera doa The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat
The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately
campusa+ 25
Ternura zihoazen euskal arrantzaleen bizipenak ez ditu gure historiak behar bezala jaso
Orduko arrantzaleen bizimodua ahalik eta gertuen bizitzen saiatuko gara
accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the throat wound and inserting a tube. Totally absorbed in the immediate task of trying to preserve the president’s life, the attending doctors never turned the president over for an examination of The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
Itsasoaz gose Marinel trebeak, erreinu gosetien izenean, edo arrantzale gazteak, zer jatekorik ez zutenean, itsasoaren muga amaiezinetan murgiltzen ziren norabide eta norantza hitzen artean dagoen distantzia ezagutu gabe. Lekeitioko kantu zahar batek dioen moduan " Arrantza zaila urrutikua, baia jateko bearra/Itsasua da zabala eta, antxe galdu eitten gara". Halakoak ziren gure marinelak. The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and
26 campusa+
The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had
accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president and mrs. kennedy as the president’s car proceeded at high speed to parkland memorial hospital, 4 miles away. At parkland, the president was immediately treated by a team of physicians who had been alerted for the president’s arrival by the dallas police department as the result of a radio message from the motorcade after the shooting. The doctors noted irregular breathing movements and a possible heartbeat, although they could not detect a pulse beat. They observed the extensive wound in the president’s head and a small wound approximately one fourth inch in diameter in the lower third of his neck. In an effort to facilitate breathing, the physicians performed a tracheotomy by enlarging the
The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
campusa+ 27
20.06.06 CAF-Elhuyar Sariak The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president
!Bat, bi, Manchester" The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
28 kronika
Gaztelaniatik euskararako lehenengo itzultzaile automatikoa The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession.
20.06.06 La facultad de Medicina y Odontalogía celebró el acto de fin de carrera en el Palacio Euskalduna The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled
A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker
20.06.06 "Euskal Herria Jamaika Clash" The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh.
momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat.
Campusa aumenta su número de lectores en el último año The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled
A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of
kronika 29
gure artean
Una esperanza llamada Ikasi Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the
30 gure artean
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken presidentDealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken presidentDealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a.
gure artean 31
32 ciberpistas
ciberpistas www.reaj.com/
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway.
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
ciberpistas 33
La ciudad contemporánea, espacio y sociedad Jose Mª Beascoechea, Manuel González, Pedro A. Novo [842 páginas] The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which
Origen y evolución de la flexión nominal eslava Iván Igartua Ugarte [690 páginas] The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The
34 liburuak
Hizkuntzak ikasten eta erabiltzen Jasone Cenoz, David Lasagabaster [302 páginas] The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The
La prueba en los procedimientos tributarios tras la aprovación de la nueva ley general tributaria Javier Pérez Arraiz [172 páginas]
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a
Diccionario tragalológico y otros escritos políticos (1820-1821)
III Congreso español de biogeografía Espaniako III. biogeogrfia biltzarra
José Joaquín de Clararrosa Fernando Durán López [842 páginas]
Jasone Cenoz, David Lasagabaster [302 páginas]
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it
Zer Revista de Estudios de Comunicación nº 19 Dir.: Javier Díaz Noci [690 páginas] The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the
Mujeres y mercado de trabajo Lan-Harremanak - Revista de Relaciones Laborales nº 13 Dir.: Mikel de la Fuente Lavín [172 páginas] The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas schThe president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which
liburuak 35
La nave de los locos Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
kultura 37
The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.
38 kultura
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front
kultura 39
Una segunda oportunidad dentro del desierto carcelario Por Elena Martínez | Fotografía Sonia Delgado
The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building.
XIII Edición del Congreso INFAD The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
De vigilar a educar
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat
Peceras y abrazos As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed
40 erreportaia
erreportaia 41
kultura Ruben gogoan
Arte Ederretako lorategian landutako urkiaren ondoan omenaldia egin zioten lagunek Ruben Arozena zenari
His right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh? The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap.
Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left? running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him.
At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat? of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where? mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left.
A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes? Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had
42 kultura
entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie.
La generación del `mesenger´escribirá el futuro de la publicidad He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through. The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where? mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken president Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left.
Otsailaren hasieran Bakioko mendietatik ekarriko urki bat landatu zuten Arte Ederren Fakultateko anfiteatroan Ruben Arozenaren oroimenez lagunminek. Ruben abenduaren 30ean hil zen, 39 urte zituela, guztiz ustekabean. Zazpi urte l e h e n a g o , Va l e n t z i a k o Unibertsitatean karrera eta `La escritura en la imagen, la imagen de la escritura: interacciones en el còmic´ izeneko tesia burutu ondoren, hasi zen iraksle Arte Ederren Fakultatean. Ordurako ibilbide luzea egina zuen arte munduan. Komikiak marrazten mutikoan hasi zen eta hamazazpi urtekin, Ipurbeltz aldizkarian lehenengo istoriak kaleratu zituenetik, etenik gabe jarraitu zuen aldizkari horretan eta beste batzietan argitaratzen , baita bere jaioterrian, Elgoibarren, gazteen artean komiki zaletasuna zabaltzen ere. Marrazkigilea izatez gain kirolaria ere bazen Ruben eta Eibarko Arrate Alfa eskubaloi-taldean jokatu zuen lehenbizi eta Valentziako Puerto de Sagunto gero. Unibertsitatera heldu zenetik, denon onurako diren lanetan murgildu zen: Fakultateko idazkaria eta Euskara Batzordeko kidea izan zen, baita Bizkaiko campuseko Unibertsitae Hedakuntzako zuzendaria ere. "Beti zegoen edonori laguntzeko prest. Lanbide eta lagun zoragarria izan zen", adierazi digu Edurne Uria irakasleak. Maiatzaren bukaeran berriro bildu ziren Ruben Arozenaren lagunak urkiaren inguruan Consuelo León haren alargunarekin. Irakasle lagunek prestatutako margolanez betetako karpeta bat eman zion Agustin Ramos Dekanoak eta Unibertsitateko domina Ander González Unibertsitate Hedakuntzako errektoreaordeak. Laster zuhaitzaren ondoan zeramikaz egindako plaka txiki bat ipiniko dute Rubenern gomuta, "bera bezain handia zen irribarre hura oroitzeko", esan zigun Xabier Agirre irakasleak.
A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would
kultura 43
Aprender a restaurar restaurando
Bilboko eta Gernikako ikastaroek osatuko dute Bizkaiko Campuseko eskaintza
Alumnos de la Facultad de Bellas Artes recuperan los relieves del monumento del Sagrado Corazón de Bilbao
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started,
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
El Coro de la UPV/EHU participa en el VII Festival Mundial de Coros de Puebla, México The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president
44 kultura
As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken presidentDealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s
The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard
kultura 45
Tipi-tapa jendetsuena Alumnos de la Facultad de Bellas Artes recuperan los relieves del monumento del Sagrado Corazón de Bilbao
Cursos sobre cetáceos The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and
XIII Edición del Congreso INFAD The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.
46 lehiaketak
III Concurso a Proyectos Fin de Carrera/Memorias de Grado de Licenciatura Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the rear seat and sat on the vice president in order to protect him. At the same time agent kellerman in the front seat
VI edición del Premio Manuel Laborde Werlinden He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard
kirolak 47
...pero ganó Deusto The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a
Ayuntamiento de Vitoria y UPV/EHU colaboran en materia deportiva The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the building. Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded
48 kirolak
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine. It travelled downward and exited from the front of the neck, causing a nick in the left lower portion of the knot in the president’s necktie. Before the shooting started, governor connally had been facing toward the crowd on the right.
El campus de Álava galardona a sus deportistas más destacados The president’s car which had been going north made a sharp turn toward the southwest onto elm street. At a speed of about 11 miles per hour, it started down the gradual descent toward a railroad overpass under which the motorcade would proceed before reaching the stemmons freeway. The front of the texas school book depository was now on the president’s right, and he waved to the crowd assembled there as he passed the
Dealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of hi
Raquel Llamas y El Miloudi Damabi vencedores de la milla Universitaria en categoría absoluta of the presidential limousine turned to observe the president. Seeing that the president was struck, kellerman instructed the driver, Let’s get out of here; we are hit He radioed ahead to the lead car, Get us to the hospital immediately agent greer immediately accelerated the presidential car.
He started to turn toward the left and suddenly felt a blow on his back. The governor had been hit by a bullet which entered at the extreme right side of his back at a point below his right armpit. The bullet travelled through his chest in a downward and forward direction, exited below his right nipple, passed through his right wrist which had been in his lap, and then caused a wound to his left thigh. The force of the bullet’s impact appeared to spin the governor to his right, and connally pulled him down into her lap. Another bullet then struck president kennedy in the rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound. The president fell to the left into mrs. kennedy ‘s lap. Secret service agent clinton hill, riding on the left running board of the follow-up car, heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker and saw the president suddenly lean forward and to the left. Hill jumped off the car and raced toward the president’s limousine. In the front seat of the vice presidential car, agent youngblood heard an explosion and noticed unusual movements in the crowd. He vaulted into the
As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken presidentDealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck. As it gained speed, Agent Hill managed to pull himself onto the back of the car where mrs. kennedy had climbed. Hill pushed her back into the rear seat and shielded the stricken presidentDealey plaza, an open, landscaped area marking the western end of downtown dallas, stretched out to the president’s left. A secret service agent riding in the motorcade radioed the trade mart that the president would arrive in 5 minutes. Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The president’s hands moved to his neck.
kirolak 49