6L '(,1X) meerg uonepunodsdrlsruloq3s Jo elels oq] , q roqpu Frg oql o1 pepr,tordfuet? e,{q pelelqlcegse.tr,{pn1ssq; , eql Jo pnpordTeuroc}nooq} ro (g66I .ueq3 ? grurqc5) elqerrel .see.{oydure luepuedsp eql 'peprperd eq o1 elqeue^ er{l se 1r ErmrJep ,{ldrurs 'luetussosse pue uo4c0l0s ur sreqcJeoseJtuog polcolEeu uego sr ocueuuoJred qo1 'poqFur uorJ.celes ew el€plle^ 01 pesn soJnseouocrrcuuo#edeq1ur sgedlelunoc Jrogl uurp Je$oqflqereprsuoc uuoyed llr.,rl pepelos slrecqdde eql 1eql edoq eqt ur peqdde pue pedolerrep ?ureq ue sluucqdde l€puelod Jo 1eS e ruo€f se1eprpuec1soq eql esooqc ol posn seqceordde snous^ eqJ .poqFur ,,(uugo uorleclldde eqt osF prre peurdolelep oql qloq go ged le4uesseu€ sr ecuerruopedqofgo lueuernseeu el{l 'lueurssosse prre uorpelos yeuuosred ut flercadsg ',{6oyoqcfsd puo4esrue8ro pue >lJo.&\uI ecqcerd pue gcreosor ur solqeuezrluepuedep pesn ,{lepvrrpue pegodrul Noru eqlJo euo ueeq seq ecueuuoJred .see,(oldurg 'luerussess" ecueuuogred EurmpseqnqceIsnlxetruoc ur uorledrcrped roql pueseleurpJoqns JreqlJosorcueleduroc eql olq a{s} sre8eueur rmoccB woq emlerelr1lesrerddeacrmuuo;red 1eq1EuqseE8ns erpJo suuel m pessncsrp oreslFseJa{l gJOJo uorsuou[p erpuoosleprmsarcueleduroc leuosredrur
uorleluerroaldoeduo 'ecueruroyadqofllerelo uo roqgrqpeleJere { salsurad 's8urle-r elqemoleJ eJoru pe^recersee,{olduraraErmo,{eJerl,{4. uorsueurp ssousnortruercsuoc-gJo eq13o uoqdecxearp qlr^\ .prmoJere,ttsecueJeJJrp ou peruecuocsr e8e se J€J sV .sercueleduroc{Jo/r\ Jo Ire.Ua oql puo,{sq pu€ eloqs ecuuuuo;red qof ur ecuermrrI?uorlrpp€ peureldxe suorsueurp gCO o,!q eq1 'fcuercgord qolJo s:olcrpa:d enbnm are sIIrIs uorlecnmuruoc prre (ssausnorluercsuocprre ursp4p) SCO Jo suorsuermp L$oq 1eql pe \oqs sesflerm uorsserSerlecrgcJeJerH.,{cuarcgordqol .ssa,{oldure Jo suorldecred .srosrarednsuo smor^sqeq drqsuezlrc leuorlesrue8ro pue sercueleduroc{Jo,{\ crreue8 Jo ecuenuut eq1 pele8rlsa,rur .eceerg tn lno perxsc',,{pqsluesa-rdaqJ .(1661.proJpe.Ipuz relinul) suorlesure8:o o1,fir1qecr1dde rrernJo ,{pruspue qcrceserlpuor}rpperoJ paeueq1pelleugrs seq '1ueure8eue141 ecmoseU uuumH ur sarcueledruocryo,r\ 3o paordde pue esn eplrt eql 'reqlmd .(3361 .w8rg) sseuairrlcagepuorlesnm8ro pue acueuuoyed qof qlp\ qql pogr1uepl seq (936) morauqeg dqsuazqr3 leuorlesrueSrg prre ecrmuuoped len5eluoc ut r{cJeeseg
uosueqou 'J ue^I 4r noslo>lrNsruusol uo JnoraBqeqJBnl rslBsrBJddBoJuBruJoJJed6sJaBBuBnr -xeluoJ puB serJueladuoc {Jo,[ 6sea'{oJdureJoacuenuul oql
Managerial behaviour
efforts.An importantissuereratedto our understanding of the conceptofjob performanceis whether it is a single ',general,, fa-ctoror a number of dimensions. campbell (1994) describedthe unidimensional approachto job performance as the "classical"approachto personnelresearch, sincehe claimsthat it has beenusedfor the most part of the centuryand whenpeople,.r.. ro the term theyclearlyimply the existelceof onegeneral factor.illevertheless, he argued that the unidimensional.moder ofjob perfofinancehasbeenu sourceof the criterionproblem"becausethe searchfor -uio. reliable,un"on r-inated, and objective indicatorsthat significantryreflect the generarfactor, or urtimate criterion, has generallybeen a failure" lcampbil, rcoi,- p 34-35). The urudimensionalapproachhas receivedmore attention, especially since the -g.rrrral application of meta-analytic methods has shown ,t ui-'u factor underliesmost commonperformance measures(viswesvaran,rgg6,cited in Arvey& Murphy,l99g) The alternativeto the unidimensionarapproach acceptsthat job performance is composedof a numberof crearlyaistinguishabr. such that someemployeescould perform well on one performance "o-forr*ts, component,but not on others(campbell, rgg4).one of themost 1s_ryell signifi"*i stooi., in this fi".l-dyT the longitudinalresearchcarriedout for trr. i-..i"* army, the so called ProjectA. Basedo1 the findingsof this research,c"*pu.il egg4) proposeda "theory of job performance" suggesting,* i; performance consistsof eight major dimensions,eachor ritrictrlr .o,,'po.rd of several more-specificfeatures.These dimensionsincrude i"o ,itranc and non_ specifc task profciency, written and orar commuiican:;n,'demonstrating effort, personal dis.ciprine, faciritating peer and teqm performance, supervision/leadership,and managemeit/administration. Whateu", is the case' about the dimensionsof job performance, it is necessaryto have appropriateand psychometrically soundmeasures of the relevantconstructs. In most occupationsit is usualryimpossible to use ofjob performance.This has led researcheisand practitioners "bd;;sures to adopt reputationar measures'i.e. employees'performanceis assessedbt ;; immediate supervisor(s)(which is the most commonapproach) by peers,subordinates, or evenusingself-ratings. Supervisoryratings have attractedmost attention becausethey are easy to developand simpleto u.seIn addition,supervisors' u.rrrrrn#, are usualry consideredthe most important source of information for employees, 80
behaviouran haveoftenbe me effect,leni as bleakasmi et al. (1995)r collectedfor r administrativ research purpo that the two tyt (1996)carried of job perform appear to hal supervisors, .4 coefficientalph meta-analysis( peer-supervis that while peer werenot hrghly
Thenatureofjo rs apparentfron simply consid Although overa personnel sele characteristicso definitionsof wc more dynamican broadand adap Arvey and Muq successfulperfo such as contextu contextualperfon part of the revisa contemporary,gk competencies are insteadof concen narrowlydescrib
.see,{oldur ,,(1ensnsre o1 fsee ere
urluereqrrse'np{ro.r\:srrdsrrHixT.#::1":1%l1i;,1T:.J, j'il"#l s{sel solor .{ppea Puu u uuoyed Jo or JopJo ur f:essoceu ere sercueleduroc .pesrpqolS.,{rerodureluoc leuosredseeJeq\ 'lueuluorhuo err.44eduroc {Jo,!\ eql Jo sqof60ur .n Frluesse'ec'euuo3:red qof ldecuocpira. eq130ged Jo grelrodrurue s€ po \ol^ sJ Jnor^eqeq dqsuez'rc Jo ecueuuoJ:red Fnlxe*oc pq1 en8-re'{eq1 'sercuepduroc puosredpue ecueuuoyed Inruxeuocse qcns sldecuoceprodrocurosp plnoqs s8upps {JoM le ecueuuoJ.red Jo uoqrugop1rcu oqt teql seqdun .lseg8ns(SOO1)Xqd.lriry lrB:ssoccns pue .{e,rry se 'qceordder'leusntrJ'uorsrcudssorqila{ peugop 're^ efqefrp€ pue peorq .roru e .' pe,u\or^ osresr ecueuuo+'edp* '.Jqe.3*qcrelqrpue crureufperou se suo4ednccoEu.non orn po{nsemnq sqor p* ,.1o, 1io^ go suo4ruqep olqtxeg oJoru spJemololoru e pu€ suorledncco 1ro* go scrlslJepercqc eql uI seEueqcrrrgFElr eqt 'lueurssesse pue uorl.coresleuuos:ed ur onssrluegodrur e suleruorIJqs ecueuuoyedqof 'llerolo qEnoqlly frea 'euop $rset cgrceds 30 uorplduroc oql se e:our.{ueporoprsuoc.{ldrurs ]ou sr ecueuropedqof leql suorsuounp (root) s.leqdure3ruo* peredde sr t1 'Surpuedxe u frnluec qmz eqlJo puooql le eorreuuoJred qofgo erqeu eqJ (SE) s8qter rosruednsro (9E reqre { polelerroc ) -reed .,{qErq WI ^ lou ero.u sEw-pr '(79 ) pelelerrocflJprepour ere s8mleriosr,r-redns-reed 3r1es epq.,npql poa\oqss8uperrosu:edns_gles pue sEurla ,..d_g1., ,rEurln rosn:edns_:eed uoe.ryqog dqsuorlele-rorll Jo (9961 .4ceorqneqcs ry sruel$ srs.{pue_epur roliloue',{geutg'soleun$oroleretul ueql oi pu.r lrJqqn uorcgJooc E e) '{11lqellorJo serc..'nserolere4rrr -reqanle! reql pu' (sreed roJzv. .srosn:edns roJ (,9) s6upe.r-reed ueql {lryqele, re1errelrr reqgq oleq o} reedde s8u4erf:osn:edns pe.noqss8urpugrreql .s8u4a'ecueuuoyed leqt qof Jo soIIFqerIeJ JeleJeJlul pue 'le le rrerulsomsl4.(gg.) lolerJelur"qrgo .r..,iJn*_n1"*e lno perrJec(966I) flpecgpgls potelorrocs6ur1u-rgo ,.df1o^1er{r leq1 pIIe 'Joprperde q11trsuo4eroJJoc pecgnrSrspe1n4suo.,,ep sesofundqcJeesor roJ peurelqo sEur.prleql ,lueruel oJoru e-rsmsgu4a jrrnq_rrr1r"lsru,.upe leql punoJ snsJo^rlcJeoseJJoJ pope[oc "(eql pue sesod.rndo^rleJl-srunupe s8urlerecueuuo3:redgo sergedord'cupruoqc.,(sd eqt poururexe(S6OI) .F re slrreH 'QeAt ''p 1elprurqcs:lOOt .11eqdure3) pepedxeeq lq8l* se {eelq se lou sr eJnprdlereno eql .pogo opq pue ..{cuepuel ..,{cueruel .1cogeoru ler}uec -ol-Jerrurs.ql se qcns'srorre ,(pue,r op,.r\ e Jo] posrcrlrJc uoso o^eq 30 ueoq feql q8noqllv 'suo4esnreg-ro q lsoru pue rnorleqoq ryo^ le ecueurroJred
'sepqpJog elePetuun puo4epder qofgo sern 'spruNuoc il ezreq o1 .{r eql sr Jo^o 'acuowtol,ta Suuottsuow -uou puD c Iero^ss Jo p ecueru:opod (7661) leqd os aql ',{uue sFIl q sorpq lou lnq .uou Pq1 qcns 's ecueuuogue
q pollc '966 ropeJ preus eql ecurs ,{g
eqt (sE-t
eleunlp ro . pue'peprm go ecrnosrof penE-re oq.ss uuel oql ol ro s€q I leql su ecueuuopedq
Jo requnu e qoho ldecuo
.tnohDqaq pryroluoc puD sanatuadwoc t1tor1,4
Managerial behaviour
ORcausaTIoNAL CITZENSHIPBEHAVIOUR The term organisational citizenship Behaviour (ocB) first emerged in the literature of work and organisational psychology in the early l9g0s, when organ with colleagues(Bateman& organ,lgs3; and Smith Lt al., l9g3) in an attempt to explain the satisfaction-causes-perforrnance relationship, suggested an altemative form of job performance, which they called citizenship behaviour. They defined ocB as the behaviour of the individual that is discretionary,not directly or explicitly recognisedby the formal reward system, and that, in the aggregate,promotes the effective functioning of the organisation (organ, 19ss). By discretionary, they were describing the tlpe of behaviour which is not enforceableby the organisationor a ,equiremeni of the role or the job description tapping the actions the employees engage themselves in, which are not directly required by the management but are welcomed, since they assist in the improvementof the image and running of the organisation. In their first studies, organ and his colleaguesargued that the low correlations, if any, usually found between job satisfaction and performance are due to the fact that ocBs are not taken into account when measuringjob performance.Thus, they suggestedthat job satisfaction should lead to discretionary activities like ocB rather than "hard,, activities usually captured by the majority ofjob performancemeasures(Konovsky and organ, 1996) A few examples of citizenship behaviours include, guiding u i.* colleague, exhibiting punctuality and attendance beyond expected norm, assisting peers and supervisor with their duties, making constructive suggestionsfor improvement,etc. Most of the studies examining the concept of ocB agree that it is a multidimensional concept bearing at least two dimensions,a ..personal,'and an "impersonal" construct. These are altruism and conscientiousness(or generalisedcompliance).Altruism taps the personalform of oCB. It refers to behaviour, which is directed towards an individual in face-to-face situations aiming at helping him (e.g. assisting someonewith a heavy overload, or orienting new colleagues at work) organ (l9gg) argued that altruistic behaviours include helpful actions rendered spontaneously on the spot directed not only towards colleagues,although this is the most frequent use, but also towards outsiders(e.g. customers,crients, suppliers) as long as these actions have organisational relevance.The impersonal form of oCB called either conscientiousnessor generalised compliance is indirectly helpful to other people within the firm (peers,supervisors,or subordinates),assistingto the better running of the organisation in general, such as being punctual, giving advancednotice if unable to attend, etc. Mostly it includes instances 82
where the em minimumlevel
WORKcoMPE BoamandSpa Resources Man now looking fo describingglo context.....dr term changes in basedapproac claimedthat the by strategiccha competitiveenv competitors,and furned the focus organisation, su policiesand pra developmentof t 1980srecessio Traditional pers following the w economies.The employeesandm ceasedto exist,pr mnovation, crea requirements sect
The word compet suchas Boyatzis( pu{pose,ashedef managerialcharac and organisation was built upon a demandsand fun competencies, wh performance.He e characteristics or at appropriatespecifi an individuallevel,
eefoldrueoql'{q usYq se4rpqeduc <re^ol eql oje sercuepduroc lenpr^rpuue q 'snql 'ocuerruoJred e^Jlco.ge o1aurpeel.suo4cecgrceasopudordde lror'r ogl or reryqrqorqeue uosred leqr oqlJo sonrlrqiio ,ra*.r;";6; 'ler$uouep ureilec oql eru selcuepduroc .ecueuuoped s.Jenpl pq_1eqf p.*e10". e11 qof earpege o1 peel rorllo qcee ol aqp*"lq .sercuepduroc qc1u; s.pnpppq pu' lueruuoJr^uopuo4esnreEro ..uo4",rrg pue spueuep s,qo[ islueurerecrseq oeJrrl slsrsuocgcFlld "q1 Jo 'leporu e uodn se^ lFnq scrlsrJelcereqc osoqroqucsepo1rdurene(zgot) .suorlesrueEro .srzlefog p'e sqofgofppen e ur oruerrrJoJued en4cegeor petereJscrlsrJopereqc pue'eueu oql euuuel.p ol se.&\SlooqsrqJouo4cnporu oql u tr pousepeq se .esofund sIF{'suuo1.!\ou osoqloqucseppueougop.unldec or.(ZgOtj q4e,log s" qcns 'slsqerceds ocrnoserrreunqJotdruelreue m pe:eed an iipi)tua*o, pro^\ oqr 'ee'{oldurego guqees ed.{1^eu e ro3r 'q:ezrpeqof3:osuorpesslueruermber ",&npeerc '.;;;;; eql uf Suueeddepeue' ,.ctr. ,uorsra 'ppuepd drqsrepuel "d.prl, se qcns'suorsserdxg'ro^o JoJ,{lqeqord.1srxeol peseoc 'lueuorrloJ suo'-rsodreql ,sre8eue.,, I'un up1., plno^ oqn pue seefoldure Jo seu{ eqt 6uoJeporolret suo4dr-rcsep .seruouooo qot peqsqqAr. .qa uecueurv-quoNpue ueedorng_6o,&\ 'eq1 q e8ueqc aor^o11og Jo'sole.u 'reEuoJ,{ue eaqcege oq ol pu penord ,."ri"n"a puo4rpeJl 1r*orr.o 's066I oql q sserrsnq Jo uoqesrrcqopeq1-.{q pezuqlog<uorssecer s0g6l f1-reeeq1uooq e^eq ,,(eurqceorddepeseq-rcuepdruoc orrr lueurdolezrep Jo oql puHoq JopeJ Jeqlouv .setEep4s ssou,sng qlr./t\ secqc€rd p* sercqod uH Jo uo4e-l8e1ul ew pue 'sercueleduror .uo4esrueg:o se'qcns .aaaiold*a oql Jo se4qrgedecpue secJnosor oJ uonuone Ieruelu sncoJotp peurnl Jo seq 'uo'usruuSroeqr ldepe pue lcrulsuocor xpuenoesq'ns pue .srol4sdruoc Ireril J.l''J rrJ€oror fiuqe eql uo {1e8reJ spuedep lu.-oorrn r. ea4rpduroc "!reueql u sseccnsreql uorpsrleoJoqJ suo4esruegro u, eSueqc cr8ep,4s .,(q p.cJoJuroJ se'e{s066I Euunpselcuepduroc esnpeseoJcur eql Jo pe..,rcrc reql (866I) ouuetfog pue moueds .olr1eruelp slrp rogo uec seqceordde peseq -"(cuepduroc1eq1Eu4saEEns '(i t d) ,,-rnolaeqeq -3uo1Eu4e1ilceJpue sroEe'eureurgo eaenauel,spnprlrpw ur se8ueqcuuel eq1 uodn Euvrrerp.....ryepoc Fcol oqr or o^rrrsuossr reql .,(e.n e ui ,.nrs Burqrrcsep rnqori '{q" se''eqc Sqrq or ueql erqeueIII^\ leqr qceordderre roJ Eunlool rrrou .re suo4esrus6:o1eq1 qen8re'epecepNer oqr gqrnp luerue8erieru secrnosou IreumHu' Euu:nccoseg'eqcroleureql Surqucsep ,(e*AD^orrnd5 pue..,eog SaIJNAIAdI^IOCXIIO \ (gg6I 'ueE:g) uo4rsodeql uro4tpe:mber lelel runrururu oql puo'{eq IIsa^' srnor^eqeq eroJ urzuoc lno serJJec ee.,{oldureegl 0rorl.{\ rnohoqaq purotuoc puD sanatuadwoc
secue$u 'pnpmd o13ur.6r
or Fudt po[ecgJ eseqlse E 'esn luen lods eq1 c4srrulp i Jo 'p€olJo suo4€qrs ol sJoJoJlJ ;o) ssaus ptru .<leuo usl l l l eq
oArlcruNU 'uuou pol .neu e Bu 'ue8rg pue .{JJensnser pFoqs uo4 ueq.{r lunos pue uo4c€ 1eq1penSre go 8uruuru aJe lnq ilou e8e8ue ses, go lueurerm edd1 eq13u orll Jo 8uiuo pJeaor l€uu Ienpl^ryu o pelpc feql 'drqsuo4ele ul (886I ''p ueq^\ cs0g6 eql ur peSre
Managerial behaviour
in the job context. They are the underlying characteristics in that they may be motives, traits, skills, aspects,self-images,social roles, or body of knowledge used by the person. Two significant features of competencies,according to Boyatzis (1982) are first, that competenciesmay be known or unknown to the person, i.e. may operate on an unconsciouslevel, and secondthat because they are underlying characteristics,it can be said they are generic, i.e. they may be apparent in many forms of behaviour, or a wide variety of different actions. Sparrow (1994), in a review of the use of organisational competenciesin personnel selection and assessment, defined competencies as those behavioural repertoires(sets of behavioural patters) which some people can carry out more effectively than others, including all those behaviours that employeesbring into the organisationin order to perform well. The competencies approach may be a very influential part of the human resourcesstrategy ofany organisation. Since the relevant competencieshave been identified, they can be applied in a number of organisational activities, including, personnelselectionand assessment,training, career development, performance management,etc. Sparrow and Bognaruro(1993) claimed that the creation of a core set of effective behaviours,such as competencies,may be used in a large set of assessmentsettingsencouragingmutual behavioural reinforcementacrossHR policy areas. In the present study, the influence of work competenciesand organisational citizenship behaviour on supervisory ratings of employees' performance is examined. More specifically, it is hypothesisedthat work competenciesand contextual performance will independently predict supervisory ratings of employees'overall job performance,but also that supervisorswill be able to distinguish between in-role performance, citizenship behaviour and work competencies. Further, no gender or age differences are expected in the performance measures, in line with viewpoints reported in recent reviews of the performanceappraisal issue(Arvey & Murphy, l99S).
Method SalvprB The participating supervisors were drawn from twenty-two small and medium firms in Athens, Greece. Fifty seven assessors (4I males) provided performance data for 227 erryloyees (a ratio of 1:4). The majority of the
subordina 48.4%)wc (N=120,
As part of assessed t organisatio competen the distribu the HR de superviso the purpos the threequ a one-pag scoresof ea questionna MEASURES
TheOCBne Smith et al behaviourus their subor describes ho as "helpsoth takeunnece
TheGeneric This measur three types competencie The action-l leadingfigure inspiringand the high sco his4rer colle showingcons orientationca measurewas( structureandi
s8 Jo sl.srsuoc1I (06' o^oge sn ile) fcuolsrsuocIeIIJoluIelqetdoccepu" ernpru$ ropeJ Jeolc e Su4rcqe'serpn$ plrd 30 solJas€ rege pedole^opse/( eJnseoru orf,L 'so4rlrq€ uorlBcnmuuoc uo]l.[I!r pue IeJo .seefoldurs serqduc uo4eluerJo 'surelqord Jlor{l JoJ uo4eJeprsuocEuvrtoqs sllDls uo4ecrununuoc eq1 "{leurg 'suo4se68ns pue suorurdo rrogr rmocce ortn E'ryq 'sengeelloc Jews.n1 spre1'\ol potr4ueuo flea4rsod pue .{lea4rsuos sr oe.{oldrue Eugocs qgH orfl 're1sn1cuorluluerJoeldoed erp q 'senSeo[ocJewsrqEqpzrr]our pue Euurdsur '{gecrureu,(p pue .{lenrpu Eu1ryon 'luouluorvr.uo>lJoarJerysrqur ernSg gurpeel e se . lrcedec s.ee.,{oldureue ssesse sercuepduroc drqsrepeel-uo4ceoql 'SIDIS uo4eCrununuocpuu'sorcueleduroc uorl4ueFo eldoed .sorcueloduroc drysrepeel-uorpy :sercuepduroc cueusE .see.(oldure Jo sedfi eeJql sessoss? ,{pqs peserd erp rog pedole,repflecgrceds s€1y\ qcrq&r,arnseeursrqa atrDuuousanfi sanuapdwo) yrotl )rraua7 aqJ '(.>lJo,{\ eur4 r{.Iesseceuun o{s} JJo lou soop,,Jo ,<luesqeere feql uoq \ IJo.^aJroqlq1t.ry\ seefoldurereqlo sd1eq,,se gons stue1tur ee.{oldureeql Jo sr Jnorleqeq sql cqslJepeJeqcnoq seqlrcsop lseq treql requnu sq1 Surlecrpur opcs lurod-elg e uo seleurprogns Jroql oler sJosr^Jednsereqryrsrueil gI Jo sJ.srsuoc r1 '.{pnrs sr-wq pesn rnor^eqeq .le drqsuez4rc puorlusueEro ernseou eql pedolenep (Eg6I) Jo 1e WruS arnsoaa gJo aqJ sfinsval l ',{pn6 eql w s1'edrcrgedgo eldrues eloq^ eqr ps:eduoc ol 'seJreuuo4senb oerql eql fq pessessesuorsuormpoql ur seleurpJoqnsJrer0 qcee seJoss Jo Jo eql Surrcrpur 'pe1er .{eq1 ee.{oldule goeo roJ .,{:eurums eEed-euo uodor e :sesuodso:rroqlJo >lceqpooJ 'seJrsrmo4senb po^rocoJ sroslr.redns oeJqleq1 ilv .fpn6 eql go pue oler ot peq ,{eq1ssleuproqns oql esodrnd eqt Jo sorueueq1 8u*neydxeJonol Jo^ooe Surureluocedoleaueue rno pepueqore.* srosmredns eqrernpecord 'pern1cru1s € 3ur.no1103 lerluepguoc lueurgedep uH er{l q8no:qt,{lupec pe8uerre se,^. oqlJo uoqcelloc pue uoqnqlr6rp eq} Ierreleu suo4esrue8rolsoru uI 'eJnseetuecueuuoyed qof ue pue ."rcu.pd-oc lerelo eJnseou e 'eleuuo4senb drqsuez4rc ryo1'\ cueue8 30 leuo4es[re8ro ue :seJnseeu eeJql Sursn ec'euuoJ'ed .seleurpJoqns Jrorfl possosse srosl'uedns '8uq1es luotussosseleuuosred e ur .{prus re8re1 e 30 ged sy !ftrocscoud
soles ur pue 'ste8eueur .sreqceel se rlons suo4edncco ul Euqrorrr l%r.gV 'l0l:N) fUHlgo eEeeqt Moleq (y"t tS'0€I:N) seleuoJore,{rseleurproqns
erp Jo &yofe pepnord (se tunrpotupueF
JO s^ror^oJ1u oql q PePed {JO.{r prr? Jn ol elqe 0q ilp\ 3:o s6u4er .{r pue sercuepd sr ecueuuo;re puo4esrueEr
leJnor eqoq Ie .(eur 'selcuep teql pourl€lc( 'lueurdolenepr 'se4r,r4ce puo eleq sercuepd rBumq oql Jo leql srnor^eq uec eldoederu esoql se sor ur sercuepdur
luerosrrpJo &o .,(eqt'e'g 'cuou osnecoq}€ql p eql ol rrMolI)lu o1 8uprocce 's eEpey.noulgofp eq.{eur,{oWle{
rnohDqaq pnlxoluoc puo saoo4uadwoct1to14
Managerial behaviour
17 items' with items like "this employeebehaves dynamically at work,,, ..this employee respects his/her colleagues", and '.this emptoyee uses correct spelling in writing", where the supervisor has to rate rrirn., .uUordinatesin an 8-point scale. The Job Profciency Index This measurewas successfullyused in a number of studies(e.g. Robertson & Gibbons, 1996; Robertsonet at., 1997)as an overall job performuurcescore, eliciting internal consistencyreliability of g6. It consiststr ri" items where the supervisor has to indicate whethlr she4re agrees or disagrees with the behaviourdescribedin a five-point scale.A total overalljob proficiency score was calculated by averagingthe raw scores of the six ltems. sampre items include "achieves the objectives of the job,', ..demo*,r*.-.*pertise in all aspectsof the job", etc. A total score wai calculated providing al overail job performancemeasure.
T fc sc
Results The factor structure of the three perfofinance measureswas rnitially examined.The ocB measureoriginaily developed by smith et ar. (r9g3) assessedtwo dimensions,altruism and conscientiousness or generalised compliance.similar resurtswere obtainedby organ aoo ronousky (19s9) andBeckerandRandall(1994). An exploratoryfactor anarysisof the ocB items produceda four-factor solution,with altruismas the first major factor, along with one more item from the conscientiousness dimension. The remalning items of the conscientiousness dimensionsplit into three dimensions.wt.n the analysis was repeated,excludingthe conscientiousness item loadingon the altruism factor, three factors emergedwith a clear altruism factor ira tn. remaining conscientiousness itemssplit into two factors.Thus,in the folowrng analysis, two factorswere requested. The resurtsof the oblimin factor analysis,are presented in Table l. ln order to improvethe reliability of the ocB-conscientiousness scale,one more item w1s dropped("spendsa greatdeal of time in personaltelephone conversations'),resulting in internal consistencies or .qo for the ocB_ altruismand.7| for the OCB-conscientiousness scale.
() a Q O
An ol ident analy three were for e respe
L8 'ol€cs qceo JoJ stuoll eql soJocs e^rpedseJ Jo eq1 SurEerene fq pelnduroc ere,tr ,.1n", oW uo Fnpl^1pur qcee roJ 9al seroosoql 'ernseo.' gf,O oql o1.{Fel*ng .,tropegslps ,trea'pereprsuoceJe.&\ qcH^\ serecseerrr} pr' L6. 's6. oro^\ seFcs oerqr "'{len4cedser ",11'o3 96 .qlJo serilI,qeqe: .{cuelsrsuocIeuour oqr'7, erqeJ ur pelueserde:e srs.,{pue slql Jo stJnsereql 'solms eerrp eql roJ arnlcruls ropeJ reelc e Euyfpuepl ornseetusercuepduroceql roJ lno polrrec osle se&rsrs,,(pueroirng ulu4lqo uV passerddnsere 0 I .,,rroleqsenl€A - Eupocs esteleJ selouep (:)
(r) suorles:eauoc euoqdalalpuos:edq ourllJo pap leer8e spuadg uo4este^uocelpr tn eullJo pep leerEe puedslou seoq {ro,rl,J}oerurl,{ressecsmm e{q} lou seo6l
Bururour orJr urerurl uo{ro^\1eBunum uJ;Tll"Tr#l:1ir#;
LV' I9' L9
9t '-
{Jo,r ol ouoc ol olqsmJr ecrlouecrrsap? se^rc
$I?eJqe4xe e{s} lou seoQ (r),{up eqlgopua eqt spre,{\ots}seoC
-qeuoeqe,req,{eql uoqa{Jo^rrleq W!r\see,{o1drua r"*" ,J;il
qof eql ,{q perrnberf11euuo3 sgulq1 1ou op otrsreoilmlo1
-gJ 0uo ouo
oJe ' 'stsr
Eqq I'uS C) H
o q
StSr( OIII uJolJ ropeJ
o q
(r) s1uarq{ro^\ pe^rosoprmse{eJ
serlnp,{ur rDI_4\ eurslsrssv
lnq.uorlesruearo eq1 rqperrnbe4ou oooffill#"ffli,fln
II -
Il€re^o s,luoruu,dapeaorduno1suorlse88ns,nnnno*, {P sesueJcur p?ol {Jo/( Jrarnueq,{,rsraqlo sdleg
rttel a)
qofp: IIeU I sruoil erOCS,(
uolldlrcsap qol sq jo sr q6noq1 l"red lou ueae 1r - aq1 o1 1uau4:edep seefoydure,/(eu lueuo o1 erp so{eJ "npnpyul
oql q{, oJorl.n 'oJocs
? uo
qceo-roJ suroll oqlJo seJocsenrpedse: eql 8ur8eJo^e.{q .ee.{oldure *:t::; pelnduroc eJelr\sseusnonuorcsuoc_gJo pue usrruqe_g]O Jo soFcs o1KleqJ
uI sol€ lc0!oc sr-qlr,',,
tnortDqaq lDn$aluoc puo saDauadwoc t1,tor1,1
Managerial behaviour
, F ff
Displayskindnessto*-a, t irft co,eagues .otGugu., ". Respectsh"a";;j;;;#ur/'sr Showspositivefeelings rowardshis/hercolleagues friendly behaviourwithin the organisatron -S_hows Has goodrelationswith mostof histheicotie'agues Showsconsideration for his/hercol u_ses correctspellingin witing
2 t 3: ;; .91 .gg .81
5 g Y:::::y*d;.inwriting language bothin
E E Z â&#x201A;Ź
rrvr Motivateshisher colleagues at work Behavesdynamicallyat work Looksfor new activitieswithin hisftrerwork environ_ ment Looksfor new activitieswithin his/herwork environ_
As regard conscren partrcipat OCB, alth deviationI femaleem orientationr
writingandspeaking F E ,r,::: :y"bl. stylein wriring E - Y-t:^t,T?pplopriate speaksclearly g
Examina sincethen scales.
.s2 .s2
.93 .90 .81
Table4. Ger Scale
Is willing to commithim/herselfto new tasks Valuesbelow .10 are suppressed
Finally, as far as thejob proficiencymeasure is concerned, a factor anarysis generated,as expected,one singlefactor with factor d&;r;*ging from '84 to .89 and cronbach'scr of .93 for the scare.An overailjob proficiency scorewas computedfor eachemployee,by averagingthe scoresof ail six
Communica orientation
Resultsin.Table3 5'ggestthat the proficiency, ocB andcompetencies scales were highlv inter-correratedimplying that o-cB *d ,"d.;;;;s ' are taken into accountwhensuperviro^u.*rJrubordinates, pr.fo._ance. Table 3' Descriptive statistics, internar consistency and correlations of
Jobproficiencyindex Communicationskills Peopleorientation ActionJeadership orien-
Mean 4 .0 0 5 .13 5 .3 3
SD .77 1.62 1.72
cr .93 .95 .97
39* * 39r,* .69* *
57** .66** .76* * 3 .5 9 .96 .90 .75** .29** .40** 5g** OCB conscientiousness 3 .9 4 .68 71 .44** .16* .14* 19,f,{, .27** Note: * p<.05(2-tailed) * * p< .01(2-tai l ed) tatron OCB altruism
Action-leader entation
* p <.t
luecur-u8ls,{11ecr1s4e1s 1o1q s/u
08' 9L c t' I 8'
6v',r 69',r
85I I9' I
s^r s/u
8L'I 891 LV' I
z6'r vL' l I S'I 95I 69' I 69 89'
s/u s/u
'3ls .-
I0' > d *,*
+I€ 0t-02 oprueJ olstu
v7,r v6
+ IE 0t-02 eF1ueJ elelu
601 €01 v7I ,6
E L' V €8'',
+I€ 0€-02 el?rueJ eplu
601 €0I vT,l v6
00't I0y 0t'b L8'E
z9'v 6ts 6V'9 L9' S L8'
€0's 6ZS U LS
r6 ' v s8'€
60I €01
601 €01 bzI v6
901 L6
66' t6' co IOI
08' E
t0l I6 8II
wew ""vy \r
(s vu
z9't s9't zst
l 7r
S 0>d *
qo1 ^cuercUord salDcsacu
uorl4ue -uo dlqsrepFl_uollcv
uorleluouo eldoed
+I€ 0t-02 el?rual apru
uorleluerJo sllr{ssuo4ecrrmuluoc
+ I€ OE-OT, el?rueJ aplu sseusnorluercsuoc_uco + IE 0t-02 epruaJ eput
uo{e} oJ sopcsso xrs IIeJ .{cuercg urog Eu srs,{Jeur
sv' ,L
N I\ lUAWAtnsDaa acuo
_uec -ueo
'uorsuou,'p ssousno'uorcsuoc-gJo eql q puesorcuored.,,oc uo'elueuo oldoed '.(cuorcgordqof IIeJoAo*"r.qalq peleJoJo^,see.{oldure '' epureJ lsql 1so63ns t olqel Jo s{nsoJoql .perrJocuoc sr Jepuo8s3 JeJsV .uoqer^op prupueNe Jo prlril e ueqtrssal .il€rusfron sr ocuoro{lrpsrql qEnoglle.gJO Jo uorsuourp puostedut oql perqdec senrlrlc€ ur oJotu Ernledrclged se pessesseere.'' soo,{oldure ^q reftmof e;eq.tr,uorsueunpsseusno4'ercsuoc -gf,o oql ur s€^' ecuorogrpluecgn*rs , 1ec4srp6 ,^po eqt .eEespreEersy
6L I 8' 06' t 6' vI '
8 c
e 9 9 9t '
.qE1q eqlgo 1u1od-pFu ow o^oqe eqnb ore se'ncsxls [e roJ sueeru ilu 'pege ecue^rxoeqrsrseg8ns ".rJ:ffi: osp seJocsuuorueqlJo uo'eur..,exg '{cuerue13:O Jno^Dqaq lDqxaluoc puD saoaluadwoc
Managerial behaviour
Next, the weight given to citizenship behaviour and generic work competen_ cies in the performanceassessmentprocesswas examined. The results in Ta_ ble 5(a) suggestthat when both ocB and competencies are forced to enter separatelythe regressionequation, they are both valid predictors of overall job proficiency. when all three competencies scalesano itre two ocB dimensions are enteredtogether in a hierarchical regressionanalysis, the two ocB dimensions still remain unique predictors of overall job performance, along with communication skills from the three competencies scales, as shown in Table 5(b). Finally, the incrementaleffect of ocB was also examinedabove and beyond the effect of competencies.The results of a hierarchical regres_ sion analysis in Table 5(c) suggestthat action-readership competenciesare unique predictors of overall job performance,but also that the two ocB di_ mensionsstill predict incrementalvariance on the job proficiency index above the effect of actionleadership competencies.
!3!^l-e_l IOftnAnce
Multnariateregression analysisof OCBandcompetencies on overalljob per_
I 2 J
z J
.80 .82
64 66
.64 .03
.00 .001
OCB-altruism OCB-conscientiousness Communication skills
75 80 8l
.56 .64 .66
56 .64 .66
.56 .08 .02
.00 .00 .00
ActionJeadership OCB-altruism OCB-conscientiousness
.57 .76 .81
.32 .58 .66
.32 .58 .65
.32 .26 .07
.00 .00 .00
Theseresults show that the two ocB dimensionsare valid predictors of overall job performance,irrespectivelyof the effect of the work ieneric competencies. It seemsthat supervisorsvaluethe significanceJf citizenship behavioursat work, althoughthe high correlationsbetween them and the overalljob performancemeasure,especiallyin the caseof ocB-altruism, questionsthe ability of the supervisors,at least in the present sample,to distinguishbetweenin-role and extra-roleperforman.., ,ir". the two ocB dimensions predictalmost65%o of thetotal variancein employees'overalljob performance.
As far as highly c( competen performan performan account.C from emp performan employee dimension
The result behavioura performanc hypothesis t performanc would be al employee,1 that both for overalljobpt performanc leadership co predictorsof youngeremp OCB-consc overalljob pr conscientiou
Prior researc provided evi consideratior the presents organisation assessment are firms are sm Krilowicz(19 suggestedthat could be tha
I6 puo4esrrruAro ol olnqlrluoc ,,(1enpe srnor^eqeq eseqt oq pFoc leql suo4€nle^e .srosruedns pe.Se gf,O leql suoseoJottl euo pelse88ns lerp Jo 'rnol^eqoq drqsuez4tc8upre8er slFser r€lluls punoJ orIM (qOOt) zcr^olu) pue ,'fte.r,ro1'(taat^''le selue)) r.rrrdr"t* ;rp;-+-s ere suuBl epaud go fluofeur Eururleq.tr.rerr.o '. p,re genbe4:ur .{-reAeJe lueussesse "qr pue uo'cores u' serpnls oJorll( 'eceerg m suorlrsod pue suoqesnre8ro ue^rp Jo Joqunu e ssoJce sqnser eseql po'ncrlder ,{pqs lueserd eql .ecueuuo3:ed Jo sl*soJ eql qof .soleupJoqnsEu4enleneu.q uo4n eprsuoc olq sJnorlerleq drqsuez4rc o)tsl s-losn:edns pW ocuepr1e peprzrord seq (966I 'zcvrropry ,.p 4 f-reno1 il66l 1. .rru.r1rn14p qcreese-r:olr4
qof lererro,se gJo o.trl orp o1 'elduruspe 1usrruile-g3o 0w pue uoql drqsuezryc go e ryo.tr cgeueEe go sropperd p
-sf,oeqrq puesercue'druoc uo4epr,ro .1oo#t|Jt#Lil]}Tliil:l::
3:os8u4erreqSq pelreceJsoreuIoJ suororrnuorsu€u4p ssousno4uercsuoc-gJo eql {q perqdec serlr^4ceo}ur ororueledrcrged ol puor seeiolourerogunof 'socueronfrp repueSpuee8esprege;sv 'ecueuuoJiJed qof s:o1c1pe:d IIereAo Jo enblunosreoJo.u<silr{suo4ecrunuluocq1r.*3uo1e,rercuered-oc dqsrepeel -uo'cY ',sercuepdruoc eq1puo.{eqpue o^ogeocrrsrru^ecueuuored Jo qof ur ec'eue^ IelueruaJcrn '"egro ureldxereql pq1 .sr€ prr' ec'euuo3:edqol lereno go sEmlerJo srolcrpordonbun p* .nrlrrod 3l* gco go ,Log qroq leql NeEFnsstrrnsoJ er[L 'pouoddnssu.,nseicuepduroc {ro,r\ cuoue' s.eefoldure oql ,{q se [o1( se rnorler{eq-drqsuez4ic.seefoldure.{q pelcegeeq ppol( ecueru:oysdqol Jo s{Ircr f:osnredns srsoqtod{qe.[L .ecueuuoJred leq} qof Jo s6u4u:.&osn:edrs srotcrpordpllg^ ere Jo rlpq .,toqlreql srseqlod.{q eqr Srmurguoc 'lueuregeueurec'e'uoyed p* i r.*rrelse ecueuuoped rn '{lpcgrcedserourpue sEu4ps >rJo^rpue Jnor^eqeq 1ro^ q sercuepduroc Fnlxoiloc aro ecuegodun eq1 1qE11q81r{ fpnrs peserd .q, li s{nsor oql uorssnJsro
sercuepduroc .."ffffi1j}tfif,iljffi':::T",tr: o.&q rer*o or{rareq.{\
uI eclrerJel 1epl oql Jo yott lsotup 1"1perOfeql ec*s .acueuuoJ:ed qol pgsseccnsJo ued pnuesso d se srosn:edns ,see,(oldure.,,o4 p.reprsuocse^ sercue*druoc dqsrep€er-uo*cepuerrJoqp oql uo .lunocce olul ue>fel sem sJnorler{oq_ dqsuezryc Jo trcogreeql ueqm .ecueuuoJ-led Qol or {rpllna lerue.'orcrn Bqppe r11ra,"uo4n"rununuocql',u .ec'euuoJsed qof Jo sroplpe:d $oq eql ere^\ silr{s uorle'runuruocpue sercuepduroc drqsrepeel-uorpy xofq ,tcuercgoid' qol oqt q1r,lr poplerroc {fqSn eJe^'ueqlJo eeJqlII" 'perrrocuoc ore sopcsr.r"u.pd-o" ;.r,il or#se JeJsv Jnortoqaq pn$aluoj
00' 00'
L 9
8 v
r00 00
2 8 9
00 oo' 00'
edupqc Jo '8 l s
ebu "d
-tad qof yo,tarc
enoqexepur,{c _lp gJo o^rloq ere sercuepdur -so:8et lecrqcJeJ
o^oqepounuux ur rrmoqss€ ,so 3uo1e'ecueuu gJO oaq eql 'sr -uetulpgJo o^q IIeJeAo Jo srolcr Jolue ol pecJoJ O
-eJ ul slFsororL -uepdurocIJo.u
puo salcaruadwoc 4tor14
Managerial behaviour
efFectiveness, as organ (l9gg) first sl,ggested.They also claimed that supervisorsmay have a preconceived conceptof what makesan employee ef,Fective, and ocB may be a parr of this concept.to tn. study it seemsthat engaginqin citizenshipbehavioursis consideredfr.r"nt a very rmportant aspectof work performance for managersin GreeksMEs. tn fact it may be moresignificantthanemployees' workcompetencies in assessment of overall work proficiency. The expectationthat a rargeproportionof supervisory ratings would be predicted by the combination of citizenship betauio*s and work competencies was also supported.organisationi citizenshifbehaviour and work competencies accountedfor 66%o of thevariancein overallperformance ralinss,highlightingthe influencetheyexertin supervisors, affrairat of their subordinates. Althouâ&#x201A;Źhemployees'participationinto extra-roieactivities that promote the organisationand assist colleagues is consideredas more importantthan work competencies, at leasttwo work competencies suchas communicationskills and action-leadership competencies are thoughtto be essentialparts of successfulperformance. The positiverelationshipbetween thesetwo types of competencies and job performance,ugg*, that Greek supervisorsacknowledge their impor[anceon top of citizeiihip behaviours. Summingup, the finding that ocB is moreimportant than work competencies in predicting job performancesuggeststhai Greek ,n*ug.r, believe that participatinginto citizenshipbehavioursis more significant for organisational performancethan the abilitiesthat eachindividual i-r*g, into his/herpost. As far as agedifferencesis concemed, it was foundthat youngeremployees tend to participate significantlymore than older colleagues rn activities capturedby the impersonaldimensionof OCB. This result'may indicatethat youngeremployees who havealsobeenwith their organisationlesstime than older colleaguesare keenerin exhibiting behaviours,such as avoidrngtaking extrabreaksor havingunnecessary time-offwork,sinceth.t;; still trying to establishthemselves at work, betweentheir coileagues andtieir supervisors. The higher ratings received by women in the OCB-conscientiousness dimension,in peopleorientationcompetencies andin or..uil;ou performance, contradictsrecentsuggestions that no genderdifferencesexist in supervisory ratingsof work performance (Arvey &Murphy, reet) impryng that overall, the female employeesof the study are rated as performing"beier than their males counterparts,a resurt which *u, ,rp.uird across-arl performance scales,wherefemalesreceivedhighermeanscoresthan males,althoughnot all of themwerestatisticallysignificant. 92
A limitatir source(su method va analysesu (Begley,l! differences performan presencev! relationship
The priman of two im1 behaviour performanc established behavioura sectoraresn
Arvey, R. D. d Rniew of psy Bateman,T. S relationshipb 26, 587_59 Becker, T, E. citizenship br Psychologica Begley,T.M. (19 an orgamsat Organizationa Boam,R. & Spa R. Boam& p. McC'raw-Hill. Boyatzis, R. (l9g Campbell,J. p. ( selectronand c Personnel sele ErlbaumAss. Harris, M. M. & I peer-supervisor Harris, M. M., S appraisalpurpo 48, l5l_160.
t6 O9 I-IE I.8 ' snsp -qcIeesoJ:osodmdIssreJdde 'Bo7or7c,$4puuos$d'sEuItPJpeseq-eAll€4slurtup? :(sOe 'C 'ql1uls ''n 'ni 'st.tr?H acu"nuoJredJo i{pn6 pleg V t) 'q 'eu8edureqc? 'g : srad sEurlerrosrlredns-read Lslt v' t v',G o1ot7c,G4 Tauuo srs,{1erm-u1oul V'(336l) f 'Iceorqruqct prm'reed-;1es'rosr,rredns-31as3o ".x;,H;ffit ptm uogcaPs Puuosnd ecuorA\eT:,{asre1,ta51 'elepslllH 'lE-€€ dd 'uotlocg[1sso1c 'C 'W q uoll€cglssslcpIIB uorlceles '( spg) srrql 'H I ? 're{IelA 'g 3 ',{asumA qof slepoure^Ileu're{V'(lOOt)'4'1 '11eqftue3 roJ'*opn.lldutt 4el11plre So "t*uttoit"O ey7'nSouow l ualadwocaty' (286)'6'sr4e' og ,{ap6 :4roa .,r,r .II[I-/derccl^i puo SuruBtsaq'('spg) arrorrudsd ? ureog 'U :uopuo'I'Sl-€ 'dd 'tcualadwoc3uu,an1co
gfl,""rjfj.##;"rrnff;" ,'r*.q.nordonpeseq-,{cuelodurocJoer€uorpro*##rf
puo louo4ndnccg lo lournof ,{pqs leurpqr8uol e :uoqepllosuocpuorlesrue8roue srolctperdse ser8ale4sErndo3'(SeOt) y1'1"{s18eg rage ra^ouml pu€ sse4srpee.(o1dure3o 'r9I-09I' pg' uawa'msoayl 1oct3o1ot1cts4 'vouelrJx e,rrlcefqo ue 6ue8e JoIA€qeq drqsuezrlrc puD Ismorl€qoq louottocnpg jeuorllzrue8roJo emseerue Jo uollepl1e6 '(t661) I I C 'llspuuU ?t 'A J 're{ceg ' s6 s-L 8 S ' 92 ,putnof luaaaSounyylo {tuapocy ,,dlqsuezlllc,,ee,{oldurapue lceJe uae/rqeqdtqsuotleler 'S '.L 'ueuteleg ,rtip1o. poo8 er11plm uollce;slles qof '(€86I) 1( C 'uEBrO ? '89t-ltl' 6p "tp to ualng 'g 'U ) "Go1ot1c,{s4 yq pnuuv sEurges{ro1r\uI uor}enle^oocllslluoJred'(tOOt) "'ieuy "iqd-mn
sotueJeJeu 'sesufuelue l.urupelupus ileuls eJeJolces elerrud ew Jo setrIeduloc trsotuoJeqMf:pnoc e uI sElnfps ssoJc€ Jnol^eqoq 3q} SuBqEIHBIq 'poqsllQelse {ro.e\ .see.{oldure ur e eq ,(oql oloJ lueuodurl 'ecueulJo]red f,Ilrgsseccnsse,&\luelussosssocueurJoledJoJecu€cgltfls JIOqJ qo! .+o uo4clpoJd oql q 'setcueledruoc {Jo't\ cIJeueA pu€ Jnolleqeq drqsuezrlc I€uoqeslueEJo 'rnollegeq {ro.t\ Jo spodse ileuodun o^41 Jo spes;e pouqruoc eql eurur€xool se&\{prus lueserd eq13otdulone '{;euud eq1 'sdrqsuo4€ler pe^resqo eql uo sBIq l€4ueronflPl:exe o1 popodxe oq lou plnoM ocuoseJd sil eclrls 'ecu€ue,t poqFru uoluluoc Jo lcoso ew of enp oJ€ ecueuuoped suoqelorJoo ul secueJeglp II€Je^o prre solcuopduoc 'gJO uoe&qeq '(goot 'f,e18eg) .qt *qt lcedxe 01 uos€oJou sI oJeql 's1slx3il JI ue^o 'requng ocuerr€Apoqpul uotutuoc tuo.S ocuengur luecgru8ls lsul.€6€ sq8tem ses'{FIIe 'eclleuel poqFul Jolc€J eql q sJopeJ eldrqnur Jo ocue8Jeruesq1 're,rsrvro11 uoluruoc tuos uollgu111gluocolqlssod ut Eurqnser(sEurler ,{rosruedns) ecrnos orues eql ruo+ pepwEuo eneq sornseelu ile leql sr .{prus oq} Jo uoqeilu4l V
rnoAnqaq pnwtuot
pu q8no ocuuurlo Jrer0uuql 'lerelo p f;osn:od 'ecuuuuo sseusno 'sJosrA
o16q.{r ftrraa Eq tmql ourf 1eql elecT sorll^rlcs soo.{oldu '$od r I€uo4esl leql o^or selcuopd 'sJnolAe {oorc }3r uoo^\Fq eq o1 lqE se qcns s oJoru s€ l€rn soII rroqlJo I 0cu€IIU prre JnoI IJolv\ p eq ppolt\
II€r0^oJ eq .{€urI Irsuodurl
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