'uorlcrJlseJeEueJpue ,{f111qe1yerun JoJ po}coJJoc,qcrq,t. }uorcgJeoc 9Z. Jo ,{llpr1unpelceJocun eSereneu3 seq tJ 'pouJocuoceff spoq}etu uorlceles sB JBJs? '.,crssu1ceurl-lle,, ue peJoprsuoceq uec /(ernJalur uorlceles eqJ 'onssr Iprluesseuu peJaprsuoc 1ousr flrprlel Jreqlluql sueos lJ .sepplp -u?c ol ,qlllqetdoccepue slsr8oloqc,{sd-uou JoJ esnJo ewe ,ecrrd :ere s1oo1 uortcelesJo ecroqceql roJ €rrelrrcpelrc flluenberg 1sorueq; .G66l,11e,tre5i ,relnerC T uoteploeqs:1661 xnerrJeC rezlreldqcs_uoqcnrg i1661 ry T 'ao1 lurllv i1661 ,uuuurune) reug ,reynqcs:1661,qllrus T i9g61 .ur>1ery T uosueqou) (snC) saelr^runlncrrrncpu? ,s1selenqru8o" ,rlr"i,qr1nuo.r"d peno1103'secua:e;erpu" s.,\4.er^Ja1ur ,{lureruoJ' spoqrau uorlsalespesn '{q ,{luouruoc }so.' eql leql u^\oqs oneq sreef jrnl ,"rr1unoc ueedorng rueJeJJrpur polcnpuoc s,{erun5 'pour'}ln }ou sr "qt.r"no sseuo^rlceJJe lSoc ur.re1-3uq luqr sl llnser eqJ ',{llpr1enpue ,{llllq?}lerJo senssreq} preEersrpsecrlce,d uorlcelasuoruruoctsotu eqt Jo etuos .Geel .IooJ) enrlceJJo eq lsoc lsntu l] '.{11eugpue t(seuopeq eq} lno el?el pue seleprpun" pooa dleq) 1ce1es 'pIIe^ eq lsnu i(pessesse "qt Surequos;edeqrJo runocc?luelsrsuoc e enrS),e1qe -IJ'J oq ]snu poqreu uolrcelespooS y 'peJrsepeq ol qcnu eA?eJ lsrlr socrl -cerd suorlesrueS;o ldope uJeporrLreg e elrnb reql'pleg srqr ur ,{pcexe sr ir ,1elr,r.rns :luerudolelep }eql ';ene,roq 'ppo sl lI .uoll'srue8roeql uo^o Jo Jo eql qrr.n pe{ull ,{1eso1c ere feql esn?ceq's1se11er:eSBupru lu€uodrulisotu eq]Jo o,ttl ueoqEuol eneq;euuosred uorrsalespue lueulrrucoJeqJ ^.euJo uollJnporluJ
-suelcepqr oqtJo lueuruord ,u,u,ur,^tj#fiH::: ];1?r1o,Tl rrol(eunr,
-rurs laqloJo lxeluoJ eql ur possncsrpeJBsllnseJoqJ .oleurlc leuorlesrue8:o eql qllnn eer8eprreql tgyo puu sllr)s pue e3pe1.uoq .s1uecr1dde3o rueurssessg Jrussoccnspe,rrecrods1r,{q pelcrpa.rdse,nn ,n\erAJolur uorlcarasoqlJo sseue^rlceJ -ye pe,rrecredaql }?ql po,,|,\oqs srsfleue uorssarEetV .poqtreuuo,1r.1r, ",",1".; -J0 lsou Oql eq ol pe,rrecredosle s?.t\,{ar^JolureqJ .sAOJo uorleururexo,(q pe/dolloJ,rerlrelur eql w,r poqlou uorlcolos .sluout pesn,{11uenbe.rg oqJ lsou -esruo^pe rodedsrrreuse.r poqleu lueultnrcor .relndod ,qf iacrlcerd 6oru uoqcelos pu? luorulrrucoJJreql Bururecuoc.suorlusruu8.ro leolC lolcos a1el -rrd yg Surluoserder's;aSeueruBuourepolcnpuoc se,r\,{e,rrni e.rreuuorlsenby
noelo>lrN srrrueol ellolsrJv ry ers8op;1€llels.se1ue;4 rolceseluarrd{eerC eql q suo4decredpuu sacqourd lurre8uuuru :uo4JeJes pu8 lueulrnJJelJ
Mana ger ial behav iour and pract ices
may rise to the region of .44. Structuredinterviewsproducehigher validity coefficientsthan the unstructuredones (Cooper & Robertson,1995; Harris, in the selec1989;Smith & Robertson,1989). Thereis a generalconsensus tion literature that the interview is a poor selection method, particularly when it is unstructuredand conductedby one interviewer,as opposedto a panel. Its popularity, apartfrom it being economical,may be attributed to the fact that, besidesselection,it fulfils other functionstoo (Arvey & Campion, 1982;Clark, 1993;Cooper& Robertson,1995; Smith & Robertson,
198e). Recruitment is another important managerialpractice closely linked with selection. Furthermore,recruitmentcontainsa substantialpublic relations element,wherebyimpressionscreatedduring recruitmentcan extendbeyond the immediateapplicantto others,as well as beyondjob choice to consumption (Schuler,Farr & Smith, 1993). Researchconductedin different European countriesrevealedthat the most popular recruitmentmethodsused by the majority of organisationsare: advertisementsin the press,employment offices, campus recruitment, future vacancy files, and personal contacts (Bruchon-Schweitzer & Ferrieux,1991;Altink, Roe & Greuter 1991; Bartram,Lindley,Marshal& Foster1995). The purpose of our study was to examine the selection and recruitment methods used in Greece,as well as the managerialperceptionsabout the effectivenessof different methods. It should be noted that the overwhelmalmost all are familying majority of Greek enterprisesare small businesses; ownership and manbetween separation owned and -run there is often no agement. Thus, it is apparentthat thesecharacteristicsaffect their general function. Any attemptsto interject modern managementtechniques into Greek enterprisesencounterobstinateresistanceprimarily on the part of the (Georgas,1993). older generationof managers/owners
Method QuEsnoNNRrnE The researchers,taking under considerationthe Greek reality in business, decidednot to use an alreadyestablishedand complex questionnairesuch as the one used by Robertsonand Makin (1936) or Shackletonand Newell (1991), but to developa new one simplerto use and closer to the Greek culture and language.Furthermore,sincethe targetpopulationwould not be only Human ResourcesManagers,but also employeesin other managerial positions,who in one way or anotherwere involved in selectionprocedures
.I selu alqsl ur palueseJdeJ?pu? ezlsJo sLrueJuI selJoEalBcolul pednoJ8eJe^/I\ -"duoc eql 'Jot$e sesfleu€ eql eletu ol JepJouI 'stuJg eleAIJdeJe.,rueql Jo IIV '8urpe1erpue (ecuernsut'utsunol 'Eunlueq),{:lsnpur eollJes ut 'Sutrnl -ceJnuuuur penlolul fluteu eJerrtsetuedtuoceseqJ 'aldrueseql ul papnlcul erezu(uorlusrlurceds Jo sJolceserrtlcedserJleql ur) setuedtuoc{eeJC Eurpeel eql Jo eruos '1ce3Jo JeuBIu e sV '(see,{oldureZl7, : uueur) 'seruedtuoc e8re1,ften ol IIBtus,ften urog ezls uI pe8uer ,(pn1seql ur ued {oo} }eq} suol} -esrue8roern '(%;il ) sreEeueurotunf ro (%E'89) elppltu'(Ng'gZ) rolues erer'r ,{eq1 '(VgW 'E'e) seerSepelenperElsodpeq (y"O'2il ueqr Jo JI€q u?ql remeJfltq8rlg '(Wg't) selenperEfltsrentun pur-'(oAg'59)sueqly uory '(yo;gg) 6t-0t Jo e8ueroEueql ulqll^\ '(oloV'tD eleru erea sluepuodsereq1 go flroleru aql 'uol]pstue8roJIeq]uIqlIA\se;npecorduollcelesut Sutledlcrl -red sre8euurueJe^{ quepuodser eq} IIs 'peugtlueu ueeq ,{pee4e setl lI sV NOTJdTJSSC!I'IdhIVS '((t0Ot) IIe,r\aN? uolel req}o ,{q peurulqoesoql -{cBqS '(ggOt) uIIBIAtrTuosueqog '3'e) sreqcreeser o1 elqeredruocJequnu e 'sert€uuollsenbpelalduoc t8 Jo pelslsuocles slep I€ug oql 'pour?lqoeq plnoc eler esuodsetJo$oqB letll JepJout 'setteuuotl ser* 'sltstn leuosredpue -senb peperuJo poqleu l?uolllpe4 eIIl ol peJJoJerd syleceuoqdelelpeluederpe^lo^u lI esruceqEutrtl eroru q8noql'ernpecord eqJ eq1peqcuorddesJeqcJuesal slqJ 'srs?qeuo-ol-euo? uo suol1eslueEro TUnCAJOUd 'epBrueq plnoc qcJeasalJBIIIUIS ,fteutq ? o} peuJoJ Surlsrxe qlt,tr suoslJedruoc1uq1os 'Sutpoc s,{emleTreneu eqlJo etuosuI 'pelues -suerl s?,r\eyecslutod-g1 eql ereq palueserdses,(1eue -erd se,m]srplceqc eJeql\ 'spoqleu lueullnJceJ eql Suru;ecuoc uotlsenb " pallolul suol} eqlJo uorldecxeeql qll^{ 'e1ecslutod-g1 relodrq e 8uue,\a.sue -senb oqt IIV 'sseuelllceJJestl Jo suotldecred,sle8euetuuo puu ^teIAJeluI uorlceles eql uo peler1uecuocued puoces oqJ 'spoqleu uollceles oseql Jo sseuelrlceJJepenrecredeql pu? uolleslue8ro rteql uI pesn ,(yuoruuoc lsoru spoqlou uoqceles pu? luetullruceJ eq] ]noqe suollsenb pelse ere,'rr quepuodse;eql ged lsJU eq] q 'sued onrl Jo pelslsuocerlsuuollsenbeqJ 'suotludnccopue suolleslueSro 3o sed,(]lue -reJJIpr{ll^\ esn rog (e1.{lspue e8en8uelul qloq) eteudordde }l e)Pru o} pelrl ueql\ 'sreqcreesereql 'uotlestue8rorleql ulqll^\ 'erreuuorlsenbeql Suru8ysep
s pilD tuaufitutat uo17ta1a
sa.lnpecord lerre8uuetur eq lou plno IeeJc eql 0 IIe^\eN puu sB r.lcnseJrs 'sseursnqur
eql go yed e olur senbru lureueSrreql -ueru pue dr -,(lruregere1 -uleqale^o aql lnoqP su luaulrnJcoJ -reg i1661r slc€luoc Isu lueufolduo,r fq pesnspo -oJna lueJoJ -drunsuoco1 puo,{eqpueg suorlsJeJcrlq qtt.vr pe1ut1,( 'uosileqou ? -ue3 ry,(eru ol pelnqrJus0 u o1 pesoddo ,{pelncrped, -celosoql u s , 'srrr?H :s661 ,{tgpr1u,r raqEl
Manage rial behav iour and prac tice s
to slze
Size of company
Small (up to 50 employees) Medium (5 l- I 50 employees) Large (more than 150 employees)
40.0 22.5 37.5
l8 30
Results SELECTION-RECRUITMENT METHODS The first finding concerned the use and the perceived degree of effectiveness of various selection methods. The results are presented in Table 2. Table2. Ft
ss ofselection methods SELECTIONMETHOD
Frequency of use Never Alwayst
Personal recommendations
5 9 .0 4 l .0
Curriculum Vitae JJ.I
13.I 86.9
Psychological Examinations tests
8l .9 18.I
81.? 18.3
Perceived iveness2
4 .3 5 4.14 4.72 Note: 'Entriesarewithincolumnp....ntu 2Entries aremeanscoresof a l (lowjto l0 (high) scate,il+,2sa14r.62,p<0.001
The data in Table 2 suggestthe widespreaduse of ,,subjective,,selection methods as part of the selection procedure such as interviews (,,always', used by 86.9% of the respondents),and curriculum vitae (66.3%oof the respondents),as well as personal recommendations(41% of the respondents). This is opposedto more "objective" methodssuch as psychological testing (18.1%) and examinations(1s3%\ Furthermore.the two most popular selectionmethods,the interview and the curriculum vitae. are also consideredto be the most effective. Another issue is the use of recruitment methods, or the most common ways used by a firm to communicate a vacancy, The results are presented in : Table3.
Table3.Fre Recruitmen
Newspapea Friendsouts Intemaladve LiaisonwithI Consulting ap Futurevacan -N ote: 'Entr 'L*g. 1-
" Larg
As expect tisement"I firm", i.e.p suchas "C organisati favourites by utilising lar method
As it wasn selectionm prediction tt iourandpel
Table4. Appli inten
Diagnosisof ap Personality Motivationatw Knowledgeand Development Co-operative Fit with organi -Note: 'Entrie always 'Meansr
(s,(elrp:g 1 ,.reneu=1) olecsrelodrq 0l - I p uo su?ol4lz
Surpoc (s,,{e,rf
mor urqlln o.reselrlugr :5j6ft :fneu) 'fuuulq'rsuBald*reselor{ir\orrlJoseEzluecred
8Z'L s9'9 tt'L
0L'l n07, I6 'I
s e'9 06's t8's
6 t' z
0'69 n'99
6'82 0'tt 9'nv
6' V t I' 8I
I 'S9 6'r8
oletullc leuorlesrueSroqlp\ tlC
ssouarrrprodo-o3 pluerudole,reg 1er1uo1od sllDIspu" o8pel,trouy Iloi!\ 1? uoll€Arlol4l
,{lrpuosro4 "'s.1uectlddu go srsou8erq
at11q7no.nppa1crpatdt1plssaczns aq o7partac.tad scrtstrapor,q) , rr":r';;;
.' olq'J
ur pelueseJdoJ? slJn SAe,iltUOIIITUOC ISOU O osJ€ eJ? .ee1rl urnlncl.l lsoru o,{rl eql 6eJorru lecrSolorlcfsd se qcns
-uodsereql Jo %Iil ew Jo %t gil ostr^r sAreIAJoJuIs 0,s,,{B,,rtJa,,)
uorlceles,,eAflco[qns, jdfr -^Bqeqs,rueorrdd?oqrrosrced,i,?:ltJjii:::i,1,i::rff ffi,il,' J:f;
InJssescnseql SurpmSersuorldecJed,sluepuodsereq; poqlau uorlceros &rndod lsou orrl eq ol sJeedd?,rer^J;lu, eql 'JerJ,ne peuorlueu s?Arlr sv A\AIAUAJNI JNAI,{IO.IdhIAAHJ cO ASn:IHJ
-ndod eroru ere s^c ::T::rrgd" ^* u,,'i'llff:ffi:::t^t;ffi:#lfiil;?
pue (srelunq-p"eq)sercueEeBurllnsuocqEnorql3Selsgurlrnrced .selrrno^BJ eql ue'Aqeq 10u f1e'ugep eJ' .(suorrnlrrsurl'uorl?cnpa - suollesrueEro - suorun qlr^r uoslBI.L, pue JeuorsseJoJd .,sercue8eBurlnsuo3,, se qcns ,pueq,"q1o seqceo;dde(.JeuorsseJoJd,, aq1uO .slceluocleuosred.e.r ,.,LuJg oql eprslno spuer{,, pue .(soJgsercuuc€AeJf,llg,, fq pe,lollog ((lueruesrl -Je^petededs,''eu,,eql sr poqleu }ueulrnJcerrelndod l,oru eq1',ielcedxssy I0 0>o'sturgrelpus ueqlaJou1rregord srurg.ro8;e1
j s*,[ .,,a.,ni lr,eJard j: y:T:T1 eroru
:9:g:1, oldures eloq.tr ^y'r^ eqlJo so8eluacrod ,lrorrilqr,^ i ,aiop ""J.*j g',19 se1g,(cuecel eJnlng sercue8e Bu41nsuo3 -usrueE:o qlr.eruoster.I J?uorsseJoJd-suorun Bursrge,rpe J€uJeluJ ruru 0r{loprslnospuerrc
$'zb z8'tL E' IL g',19
t'92 8'82 9'Zb €'9S 928
8'Et S' LI
luetuesrUoAp?.tededslrep porlloru lueulrnJceu spot4na I uawI tnt t athEn
sacgco.td uo11ca1as puD firawilucat
e elq"J
I000>d'29'IE=o\Z' ol
I ' 8I 6' r8
E ' 8I L'18
sls0l suorleuruexA lecrEoloqc,(
spoqnu uot
'z olqel u pelues -elrlceJJo3rooer8eppe
c /c >cc
0'0t luecJ0d
Manager ial behav iour and practice s
The confidenceof the respondentsin the use of the interview as a selection method, and consequentlyin their own ability as interviewers to predict these aspectsof the applicants' behaviour,is obvious from the results presentedin Table 4. It is also clear that certain applicantcharacteristicslike personality,knowledgeand skills and organisationalfit are perceivedto be more successfullyassessed than othersthroughthe interview. The final set of questionsreferred: (a) to the actual characteristicsof the applicant that are usually assessedduring the interview; and (b) to those characteristicsthat are perceivedto be necessarilyassessedin an interview session. The respondentswere presentedin each casewith a list of characteristics. Each characteristic was rated on a l0-point scale where 1="definitely no" and lO="definitely yes" for the first set of characteristics and "not necessary"I "very necessary"respectively,for the secondset. The results(means)are presentedin Table 5: Table 5. Applicants' characteristics which are usually assessedor should necessarily be assessedduring an interttiew
Applicant's characteristics Appearance Speechcommunication Co-operativeness Motivation at work Knowledge and skills Developmentalpotential Personality Fits with climate
which are usually assessedl
7.13 7.96 7.97 8.31 8.45 7.02 8.36 7.92 Note: 'OveralleffectF(7,567):10.85, p<0.001 'OveralleffectF(7,760):8.15, p<0.001
which should necessarily be assessed2
7.42 8.27 8.29 8.38 8.32 7.43 8.55 8.l 8
The perceptionsof the managersin our sampleregardingapplicants' qualities that are usually assessedduring an interview differ significantly. It appearsthat they considermotivation,knowledgeand skills, and personality to be more often assessed during an interview than otherjob-relatedaspects. Theseviews are unanimousacrossmanageriallevels,with the exceptionof "speech communication"which is viewed by junior managersto be more frequently assessed, than by senior managers(F(2,83):3.9, p< 0.05). This might imply a changein emphasisof the interview acrossmanageriallevels. The same pattern appears with regard to what they consider that should necessarilybe assessedin an interview: personality,motivation, skills etc. 86
are someo with the pt however,a what shou
A stepwis characteri influencett ent variabl tors entere mentalpot resultsare perceivede effective as organisati
Table 6. Reg
Predictorsin tl
K""-l.dg. Fit with organ
Note: R.Sq. **+n< Y-
The main f selectionan methods,lik tions aremc more valid finding is c and with an the table). I in Germany France,whi employedir sametende
'sarJlunocusodoJnaJeqlootuos ssoJce sorcuepuel elu€s eql punoJ e^\ slcedsorreqlo q .spuelJoglaN pu? ecueJC eqt ur pe,{o1due flluenbe.r.}eroru er? (,{tlleuosredpun qioq) .6"1*r1rq^ .ecuBJC "na,u8oc uI slc?luoc leuosredpu' secuereJoJ<spu?lJer.lleN ,,{uurureg oql ul eqt ui AJ pefoldue ,,tJluenbe4 .(elqeleql sselsr ,rer^relur uorlcelos eqt s;eedde teql tI Jo LuoDoqur ,(pnls u,tro) (1661 ,norreqgelg) {pn1s rer{touB rlll.r\ pue {eerD L atqer ur 8ur'reedd's? s€rpnrsueedorng Jeqto qlr^\ sr Surpug luslsrsuoc slqJ 's1sa11ecl3010qc,{sd '3'e 'spoq}erue.nrlcelqoeJor.u pu? prJs^ eroru Jeqlo ueql a^rlceJJeeJo.,,eq o1penrecredoJepu' pesn ,{leprn eJor.u eJusuor} -"pueuuocer .Burmer^Jolur .spoqlou pue sAJ uorleurr.uexo luuosred Jo eIrJ 'enrlcelqnsoJor.upu, 'prl,A ssol l3r{} eJ? sreSeueru">1eerg Suouu uorlcoles pu? lueulrnJcal ur secrlcu,d Sururecuocfpnls srql ur sSurpug ur'.,, eqJ
I0 0 ' 5 d * * *
:(6r'z)c'8t.0 I0000>d't9'?z :.bs.u :5j6[ * * * 60 [ **x 81,9
9LZ' 9t9'
aleurrlc leuorlusrue8ro {l!m 1rg sJlr)spue e8pey,rouy uorlenbaJeugeW ur slolcrpald
4La1Ma1U1 aql
'9 atwJ
'(.epturlc leuorlesrue8ro eql qll,\a lg,, (q) pue (.sllrls puu e8pe1mou>1,, (e) go p"tu.r".sz elrlcoJJe penrec;edeql {q pelcrperdeq ue3 ,/her^Jorur eril ssoue^r}ceJJe penrecred Jo oql leql ,&roqssllnser uorsse;Fe;eseqJ .9 elq'J ur peluesard s11nr., 'er?.'rlc "in ,1er1ue10d leuorlesrueSroeqr ru pu' sseuanrleredo-oc "YJ lejueru -doJenep'11r4spue o8pel.uoul ,uorlenrloul,,fil1uuosrad:eJo,r poJeluesJol -crpe;d eq] eJrq^{ or{} sseuo^r}ceJJe penrecred sB.iv\ Jo erq?rJe^lue "rarA.,e1ur -puedepeqJ eqlJo sseue^rlceJJe eqlJo suorldecredeql ecuenuur "/$.er^Jorur eql qSnorqlpessesss,(11nJsseccns oq ol pe^recred.scrlsuelc?J3.lc "(el^Jelur et{l Jo r{crq,'' elsnle^a o} JepJour pelcnpuoc s',r uorsse;8atasrmdelsy
,sesuodser o1pre8er qrr^\ srqr res so ",t::H';?,1{#il":."JlJTl:*H
secueJeJJlp luucgru8rs ou oJe,{ eJarlJ .,rer^Je}ureql esofund eql qll^\ Jo pelql ,(pq31leroru eq o1 penrec;edeJE teril scrlsrrolcpJ€qc eqlJo etuos er€
.uo 'cla SJIDJS plnoqs l3rll Jo 'slenel luueSe stqJ '(SO'O > oJou eq o1 sr gio uo4decxee 'slcedsepoplo ,{lrJeuosredpu lI ',{puecgru -r1enb,struecr
8r ' 8 ES'8 ft'L zE ' 8 8r'8 6Z'8 LZ'8 tvL
zp0ss0ss0 ,(lrresseceuplnoq aq tp.rossacaup
eqJ 'les puoco scrlsrJelcuJer{c Jo eJer.l,{{epcs lur -cerBqcJo lsrJu r ./v\eIAJolUr UeUI p esoqt ol (q) pue orp Jo sc4suolc ../r eq o1 penrecrede e{rJ scrlsrJelceJ -erd sllnser eql u( lcrperd o] sJoae uorlceles3 S3/Ile
satrlco,td uottcalas puD Uawllu cat pua]oup1tJ
Mana ger ia I behav i our and prac ti ces
Table 7. Selection methods across selecled European countrtes
References Tests: Personal Personality Contacts -Cognitive
that are "chem
Country: UK Robertson & Makin,1986 Bevan& Fryatt,1988 Abrahamsen, 1990
81.4 95.5 100
Bruchon& Ferrieux, 199| Shackleton & Newell,1994
67.3 77.1
99 94.3
I 1.3
6t-63 7.5-17 .0
33-57 59.7
91-97 83.3
33-66 75.8
2.0-7.0 1.6
85.4 86.9
46-69 66.3
56.3 41
12.5 l 8.l
4.0-5.2 5.5-8.7 5.8-9.6
Germany Schuler et al.,1991 Shackleton & Newell,1994 Netherlands Altink et al.,l99l Greece
Eleftheriou, l997 Presentstudy: Note: Cell entriesare percentages
concentrating on the interview, we found that its perceived effectiveness related mainly to the assessment of knowledgeand skills and of organisational fit. Theseresultsare in someway in accordancewith speculationsin the f iteratureconcerningits popularity. Arvey & campion (1982) discussing the popularity of the selectioninterview, againstall the evidenceabout its low validity, suggestthat apartfrom it being more economicaland giving an illusion of validity, the interview might indeedbe valid acrossdifferent aspectsthat cannot be assessedin other traditional ways (e.g. sociability, speech,motivation). Furthermore,the interview works well in other aspects, e.g. convincingthe candidate. clark (1993) attributesthe wide use of the interview as a selection method to the fact that through it, acceptabilify rather than suitability is assessedonce a first screeninghas more or less establishedthe existenceof a fair degreeof suitability. our data seem to support such speculations:assessingthe candidates'fit with the organisational climate appearsto play an important role in the perceptionsof our sample of managersconcerningthe effectivenessof the interview. The Greek private sector,as has alreadybeen indicated,consistsmainly of small businessesand even among the larger ones quite a few are still owner- or family-run. This might explainto a certainextentthis insistenceon methods
Abraham curren ageme on Nor Altink, S Nether Arvey, R recentr Bartram, of you cholog Bevan,S Institut UK wit Bruchon Europe Clark,T. countn 49. Cook.M. Cooper,I don:Ro Eleftheri M.Scdi GeorgasJ Europe Harris,M. and sug Robertson critique Schuler,H German Schuler,H Individut Associa Shackleto and Fren Shackleto parison( Smith,M. ( Reviewo Smith,M., Wiley.
.ruatussassv :rolsaqcrqJ pu, uoq)alas ut snuo^pv.(osot).r .l .uosuogou,,1af:,llfrr,
uoadong ,(e,u.,op uln,np ouos qr,,r )n oql":i.$:f"J,{r,fr:lrfrifr{"i,:ff:rf ;r\,,fi; .7,0I_I6,7,|uawssassy puo rorl"rl"gfo pu.mrof louoltDu"taruJ.selrJunoC a^ICJO uosrred
-ruoJv:spoqlel^uorlcelos luerueSeuelnq'uEa!"o-ly,ftey).s ,tt.^rtt . ry..A.uoplrc'r{s eE_ t T,,t tBo oqcrk p* . e, 1 4 ; qsrlr'rgdo1ur pesnspor{lau pue "i i. t;, ; ;";;duoc qcuerg :,^10: Joronrnson,iereotuoc v (ioor) s .rr.^rl,l-ry..I .A .uore'cer{s run'qJr' ecuerme.' :,{esre1 ,*e1q.olepsllrH.rri!l1u!:rr, :luaussass, OrrtiifriiiX, .,ouorlozruoBtg puuosta4'1';[ir) Puouotyayas. ..,I .f .rr'c ,.H .Jelnqcs t.so,, . .u o 16o oq bzcts 6 1, p L, a t ro . rl"ruedruoc 1 4 r, l oi ai r ^.r{l*ug rg' ur spor{rou uerureg uonceles.}o uorlpnle^a f ! lu : ^ p*,in :hu911-r11,""rurJJnul,l ..c .rorrc..H.ralngcs ?
pue,(erunsv:ur?rrrl.:.:",::T!:I-!;,f XW,i"!,:!::;fl";t1.;'**U:,
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utatsa4 ut Tuawa8ouoVy.(.pg) uoslcrg .f*A uf
:_r-"rrC peqsrlqndu'naa,e;,Y,,,t::#1"';::#:::##i:)::y:iY:;,f U:,1rru"ng,,
-uo'r 'uotiraps tauuosnd .J .I <uosueq"o lo Knoloqcr(s4aul ',,(01116 ?:t["rr.::0", :ralseqc.'x .,t11,t11cnpi.t4 !1a9D puo uouralaslrruorr'uj.1g66t) .lt ltooJ 'Ib ' [ 'luawssassv pu, lo loutnoTf)uotlounruJ.enb4lrc pue ,{euns ,uou)a1ag ueadorngrnoJur sarcuellnsuoc ,rrrrrun:S O qcrees.n,1nr.*, sporltoru uortceles.(e661).J lretJ t-a' t t^:j::l pa1pd|/o i',nuy uoadotng ,'tBqoqils4
,r,,*.,:i!,f:^?:i?r:i!1":::fl:,2?:::;'X:^n ze.Lz n;:l,,rumll"
'ecuercue luouelnrro r
eqluI uonceJas pu' luau4rnr"u (tooi)'$riu5"^ ur serpnlS.re,r.rodu?I qolr? :xessns'09t .)n eqru! uoprrt"..'lueu,{oliurg,isri,i:i;o"^rc oNgodo;51,11 lJo elnlrrsul <.s.uu^eg ? -ts4 puotloztuo*ropu!t_yuo,,odn1o lo rDurnof ,rnr"Tot':rto:!l#r!;rr: uoqcolos prleluoulrnrce; oqt.(soot)l1",rr1rog...sasseu,rno ..Cl.u?ru?B ?...I .ll?qsJ?I{..y.4,ir1pu,1
pue,{.reruruns Jo.ro,Aor v jl,r1l..ri, ,*Tf"i:::::;f.ii;::rf:{li::::;:H{;,;=;:X;
eqr uruoncelo. o*,"'",dtltt-j[,f!',f;:"r{'+:rfl1::{;K";,:?;nTi1.X;X..1 ?1ep 1n,rrr::#;:0ff"1::#:{,:,!1,rr{r,^:ri,,x,lr;;t*i,l;**i" '*oserr,r,r
-ueIIJo loor{csrotseqcThtr:re'eqcrreyr,l_ uo11nt .ecllce;d .rr1q cg.g peqsrlqndun luerrn' 30'{pryse'rr1u;edruoc a :,{e,wo1ri punpunlbugur uo4celes .(ooo .rl .uesueq?rqv Jeuuosred t)
spoglouuo ecuo Jo -Jeu1|o JJrlsoJ
eqJ ./(orAJOlu Jno Jo suorldecr -usrue8roeql qll& ol l'uaesslep Jno ssol JO e.tou seq ,{1r1lqe1decce !l q eql Jo osn opr^l o 'slcedseJerilour JJ '^tllrq?rcos .B.e) s, ssorcuprl lu.rt{lp EutArbpue Jecruo lnoqe ecuepr^oeqt -ssncsrp(7961)uor ur suoquJnceds qlrlr -esrueSroJo puu sJ sseue^rlcoJJo pe^ro
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It 899
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ro)rg uoqesruearo-uosredgo eeraep reqarq u eeluerena * p".":#l#1ii; sacuco.td uoltcaps puD uawrnJcar
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