DCUC Exhibitor Prospectus

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53rd Annual Defense Credit Union Council

Conference & Showcase August 14 – 17, 2016 • Boston, MA


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

2016 Defense Credit Union Council Conference and Showcase Looking to attend and participate in one of our industry’s smaller, but most productive tradeshows this year? Look no further!! The Defense Credit Union Council’s 53rd Annual Conference & Showcase is being held at the renowned Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston from August 1417. Given past evaluations and direct feedback from our Corporate Partners and conferees in years past, this is the one conference and one opportunity you don’t want to miss…and one you will not soon forget!





Here is a snapshot of the things that await you in Boston this August:

O Showcase with a Purpose, where you can network with our members and talk about your products and services…all while participating in a Silent Auction to raise much needed funds for the Home Base Program. This is a local organization focused on Healing the Invisible Wounds of War in partnership with the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital

O Provide a one-hour Dynamic Hot Market Issue or a 35-minute Breakout Session to our members. Space is limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis to conference sponsors

O Play golf in the ever-popular 23rd Annual Vincent Lascara Tournament O Attend all conference sessions and interact with attendees as they learn about important industry updates and economic forecasts

O Participate in all social events, making networking fun and easy Now, more than ever, it is important to provide defense credit unions with the resources and the finest products and services they need to do their job as they support America’s best – the men and women who serve our nation proudly! We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful and historic city of Boston. This Prospectus has all the information you need to register and prepare for the 53rd Annual DCUC Conference, but be sure to visit www.dcuc.org for more updates or contact our Conference Manager, Janet Sked at 314-802-8808 or email janetsked@dcuc.org with any questions. Sincerely,

Roland “Arty” Arteaga, President/CEO

Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

2016 DCUC Annual Conference Tentative Program Saturday, August 13 (Pre-Conference Activities) 7:30 Shotgun Start (modified) 23rd Annual Vincent Lascara Golf Tournament Red Tail Golf Club

11:15 – 12:15 General Session Speaker Mr. Mark C. Meyer CEO, Filene Research Institute 12:15 – 1:15 Lunch Buffet in the Showcase

8:00 – 11:00 DCUC Registration Desk Open

1:30 – 2:15 General Session Speaker

Sunday, August 14 8:00 – 5:00 DCUC Registration Desk Open

2:15 – 3:00 General Session Speaker Senior Economist, Boston Federal Reserve (invited) Economic Update

10:45 – 11:45 Overseas Defense Credit Union Sub-Council Meeting

3:00 – 3:15 Refreshment Break

12:00 – 2:00 DCUC Showcase Grand Opening DCUC Boston Tea Party and Lunch

3:15 – 4:15 Hot Market Sessions (2)

2:15 – 3:15 DoD Issues 3:30 – 4:00 Military Breakout Sessions with Military Representatives (3) (Army, Marines/Navy/Coast Guard, Air Force) 4:00 Refreshment Break 4:10 – 4:45 Corporate Partner Breakout Sessions (3) 4:55 – 5:30 Corporate Partner Breakout Sessions (3) 5:40 – 6:15 Corporate Partner Breakout Sessions (3) 6:30 – 8:00 Chairman’s Welcome Reception

Monday, August 15

4:30 – 6:00 Final Showcase Social Reception with Silent and Live Auction 2016 Military Charity: The Home Base Program Evening Enjoy free time with Colleagues and Clients

Tuesday, August 16 7:00 - 10:30 DCUC Registration Desk Open 7:15 – 8:15 Continental Breakfast Buffet 8:30 – 9:15 General Session Speaker Mr. Dan Berger, President/CEO (Invited) National Association of Federal Credit Unions 9:15 – 10:00 General Session Speaker

7:30 – 4:00 DCUC Registration Desk Open

10:00 – 10:15 Refreshment Break

7:15 – 8:15 Continental Breakfast of Appreciation for our Corporate Partners

10:15– 11:00 Educational Workshops (3 concurrent sessions)

8:30 – 8:45 Opening Ceremony and Presentation of the National Colors Invocation Charlie Miller II, CSM (R), USA Redstone Federal Credit Union 8:45 – 9:00 Welcome Mr. Paul Gentile, President/CEO (invited) Cooperative Credit Union Association 9:00 – 10:00 Keynote Speaker Mr. Dennis Dollar, Principal Partner, Dollar Associates, LLC CU Times Most Influential CU Leader the Past 25 Years 10:00 – 10:15 Refreshment Break 10:15– 11:15 Featured Speaker Mr. Paul Moya International Millennials & Gen Y Authority

11:15 – 12:00 Repeat Sessions 12:10 – 1:30 Military Awards Luncheon 1:45 - 2:00 Voter Registration 2:00 – 2:45 DCUC Annual Business Meeting 3:15 – 5:30 Optional Tour 7:00 – 7:30 Hall of Honor Reception 7:30 – 10:00 17th Annual Hall of Honor Awards Dinner & Entertainment

Wednesday, August 17 8:00 Continental Breakfast 9:00 – 10:00 General Session Closing Speaker America’s #1 Motivational TEAM BUILDER: Brian Holloway, Former Professional Football Player Three time Pro-Bowler, New England Patriots 10:00 Final Prize Drawing and Announcements Conference Concludes

The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

Why should you attend the DCUC Conference in 2016? The 53rd Annual DCUC Showcase and Annual Conference provides you with an excellent opportunity to reach CEOs, executives and board chairs who make the majority of final buying decisions at defense credit unions around the world.

Who are Defense Credit Unions and what makes them different from other credit unions?

DCUC Members By Asset Size

O Defense Credit Unions are federal and state chartered credit unions that serve the military, DoD civilian personnel and their families. Our total membership is comprised of 188 credit unions with total assets of more than $216B, including 23 of America’s top 100! 4

$1B+ $500M <

$500M - $1B

O Over 36% of all DCUs report over $500M in assets and 24% over $1B. These are credit unions that should and can be your customers.

O In the past three years, over 70% of CUs attending the DCUC conference sent a top decision maker. And in 2015, we had 24 defense credit union Presidents/CEOs in attendance.

O And while 42% of the credit unions that attend

2015 Attendees By CU Asset Size

$250M <

the DCUC Conference have assets over $1B, an additional 16% have assets between $500M and $1B

$1B+ $250 - $500M

These are the people you need to meet in Boston!

$500M - $1B

The DCUC Conference is not the largest national credit union meeting, but we do represent some of the biggest and best credit unions in the world. By attending the DCUC Conference, you can become a part of this tight-knit community and help defense credit unions serve our military more effectively by providing the best products or services as well as the latest trends and technology available!


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

Each Company Registration Includes: O An 8’ exhibit space in our Showcase with a company ID sign

O Full conference participation for TWO people O One 6’ skirted table, two chairs and tall pedestal table to be used for our Silent Auction

O Wall-to-Wall Carpeting O Complimentary WiFi O Directory of all conference attendees and information about their credit union

O Special activities in the Showcase to attract maximum audience participation

O Listing in the new DCUC Mobile APP

PLUS, to make your networking easier… O Invitation to the popular Chairman’s Welcome Reception

O Ability to attend all Conference sessions O Participation in all conference meals, including a Breakfast of Appreciation for you, our corporate partners!

O Monday Social Reception and conclusion of Silent Auction to support our troops

O Tuesday Awards Banquet with Entertainment You can be a part of the DCUC Annual Conference just for the Showcase on Sunday and Monday or you can plan to stay for the entire conference at the same cost!

Do you Want to Provide an EDUCATIONAL BREAKOUT SESSION? All participating companies will have the opportunity to provide a 35-minute breakout session on Sunday, August 14. There is no charge for this, but a sponsorship is required. If your company is interested, please check the box on the registration form. This opportunity is limited to the first 12 applicants and space is very limited!

Or Present one of two 2016 HOT MARKET ISSUES? Do you want maximum exposure to our elite attendees for one hour? Would you be interested in a larger audience to hear your message? If the answer to these questions is YES, read on… Two companies will be selected to provide a special session on Monday afternoon before the final Showcase Reception. If you want to be a standout at this year’s conference and have an idea for an important “Hot Topic” that you believe will be of interest to our members, please submit a title and brief description to Janet Sked at janetsked@dcuc.org by Wednesday, June 1st.

The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

Why DCUC 2016:

Here are some comments from last year’s exhibitors to provide some valuable insight into what you can experience at our conference:

HIGHLIGHTS from 2016

“As first time attendees, it was an absolute pleasure to meet everyone in such a positive, collaborative atmosphere. As vendors, thank you to DCUC for making it such a great event and to the attendees for the appreciation they shared for our support.” Chris Jones & Bruce Smith, O.M. Financial Group Specialists in Executive Compensation for Credit Unions


“Purple Heart Homes exhibited for the first time at the Defense Credit Union Council Conference in Las Vegas last year. It exceeded our expectations of attendees we were able to meet that showed a genuine interest in what we do. The small intimate atmosphere created in the exhibit hall with coffee breaks, lunches, cocktail receptions, small bistro tables strategically placed to engage in meaningful dialogue generated more leads and contacts than we have received attending other trade shows. We felt welcomed, appreciated, valued and supported, as Defense Council staff works so hard to foster a connection with attendees and other exhibitors. It truly felt like a large family reunion. We liked the experience so much you will see Purple Heart Homes in Boston.” Vicki Thomas, Director of Special Projects Purple Heart Homes


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

DCUC 2016 Showcase Floor Plan



SHOWCASE DETAILS: Over Five Hours of Dedicated Time!

Sunday, August 14

Monday, August 15

• 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Installation of Exhibits

• 7:15 – 8:15 a.m. Breakfast of Appreciation with DCUC Corporate Partners

• 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Showcase Grand Opening with Lunch

• 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Casual Lunch Buffet • 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Social Reception with Silent and Live Auction Conclusion • 6:00 p.m. Showcase Closes

An official DCUC Exhibitor Kit will be sent to each participating company in the next few months.

The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”

23rd Annual VADM Vincent Lasara Golf Tournament Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 7:30 a.m.

Red Tail Golf Club Named after the majestic red-tailed hawks that soar serenely overhead, the 7000+ yard, par 72 course is crafted from a site of great natural beauty. It flows over rolling wooded hills and meanders among numerous streams and ponds. The terrain varies from classic New England landscapes of maples, birches, oaks and pines to tall grasses and sands reminiscent of coastal courses. The golf course architect, Brian Silva, dedicated a high level of personal involvement to the course and has designed it to work with the site’s beautiful features. And, in fact, Red Tail is the first Audubon International Signature Sanctuary golf course in New England. This is sure to be a very special golfing experience!

REGISTRATION FORM Cost is $150 per person. Callaway Strata Rental Clubs are available for $50 per set.

Contact Name

Please register the following people for the 23rd Annual VADM Vincent Lascara Golf Tournament, being held on Saturday, August 13 at 7:30 a.m. Price includes transportation and a delicious BBQ Lunch Buffet. Enclosed is my payment of $150 per player for a total of $_____________________. (Note: Play is limited to 60 golfers only.)

Company Name

Player One

Player Two

Player Three

Player Four

Mailing Address




PAYMENT METHOD Total Payment: $________________________________________________

Do you have any pairing preference? n Check (Payment Enclosed)

If so, please advise:__________________________________________________

n Card Number: _____________________________ Expiration Date:_____________

Rental Clubs are available at $50 per set. $______________________________ Please check the box below. Player 1 – n Mens or n Womens – n Right n Left Handed Player 2 – n Mens or n Womens – n Right n Left Handed Player 3 – n Mens or n Womens – n Right n Left Handed Player 4 – n Mens or n Womens – n Right n Left Handed

Print name on the card:___________________________________________________ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________

MAIL PAYMENT TO: The Defense Credit Union Council, 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 600 South Building, Washington, DC 20004-2601. Or fax to 314-802-8807

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in writing prior to July 15 will be charged a $50 cancellation fee, with substitutions allowed at any time without penalty. No refunds after July 15. Call Janet Sked at 314-802-8808 with any questions.

Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

The 53rd Annual DCUC Conference will be held at The Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston. This luxury downtown Boston landmark hotel has been a symbol of the city’s rich history and elegance since its gala opening in 1912. In celebration of their centennial anniversary, they have recently completed a renovation and restoration project of over $20M. Centrally located in Boston’s historic Back Bay, Fairmont Copley Plaza sits steps away from the Boston Public Library, historic Beacon Hill, and the Freedom Trail. It is also located only a few blocks from the Copley Place Mall and the shops and restaurants of Newbury Street. For reservations, you can call 1-866-540-4417 and please reference the Defense Credit Union Council 2016 Annual Conference. You may also reserve online by visiting our website at www.dcuc.org and click on Hotel Reservations for a direct link to hotel reservations. The special DCUC Conference rate is $269.00 single/double for a Deluxe Room, plus applicable state and local taxes. Upgraded rooms are also available. See website for pricing. Check out time is at 12 noon and check in time is 3 p.m. All guests arriving before 3 p.m. will be accommodated as rooms become available. The Bell staff can arrange to check baggage for those arriving early when rooms are unavailable. Our room reservation deadline is Wednesday, July 11, 2016. Reservation requests received after 5:00 p.m. EST on the Cut-Off Date will be accepted on a space and rate availability basis. Please be sure to make your reservation before this date!

The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”






Simply visit www.dcuc.org.

The Defense Credit Union Council 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 600, South Building Washington, D.C. 20004-2601

click on Conferences/Annual Conference and select the Exhibitor Registration Form



Fax your registration form and method of payment to (314) 802-8807

Call Janet Sked at (314) 802-8808 or e-mail janetsked@dcuc.org with any questions. COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name

Web Site Address

Mailing Address


Contact Name for Future Correspondence




(limit to 25 words or less for publication in conference program)


(list all names as you would like to appear on name badge) 1. ____________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________ Select Space Preference:_____________________ We request that our display area is not located near a particular company:______________________________________________________

COST SUMMARY a. Table Top Display Charge ________ @ $1,725 *Each registration includes two conference registrations for your company


b. Additional registrants @ $600 each (4 maximum)


Total Amount Due


Check is enclosed, payable to Defense Credit Union Council. Mail to: DCUC Conference, 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 600, South Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20004-2601 Credit Card Number Card Number: _____________________________________________ Expiration Date:_____________ Print name on the card:_________________________________________________________________

Authorized Signature ___________________________________________________________________ ayment must be received within 45 days of the Conference Registration P or before the conference begins, whichever comes sooner.

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES BREAKOUT SESSION Yes, I am interested in providing a breakout session on Sunday, August 14 at no additional charge. Sessions are limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis and a sponsorship is required. HOT MARKET ISSUES Yes, I would like to submit a topic for the Hot Market Issues on Monday, August 15 from 3:15–4:15 p.m. Topics must be submitted to Janet Sked no later than June 1, 2016. Two topics will be selected. CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIPS Yes, I am interested in providing a Conference Sponsorship to enhance my presence at DCUC 2016. Please attach the enclosed Sponsorship form with your choice and don’t hesitate to contact Janet Sked with any questions.

Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

2016 Conference Showcase Contract Terms & Regulations In accordance with the rules governing rental of exhibit space on this contract, we hereby apply for exhibit space at the DCUC Conference Showcase in The Fairmont Hotel, August 14-15, 2016. We have read and agree to the exhibit rules. We understand these Rules are incorporated into this contract by reference and that this application becomes a contract when accepted and confirmed by DCUC Management. We understand that all fees are to be paid in full before space is assigned. CANCELLATION BY EXHIBITOR. This application for exhibit space, the notice of space assignment by DCUC Management, and the full payment of rental charges together constitute a contract for the rights to use the space. If the exhibitor desires to cancel a reservation for exhibit space, the following charges will be assessed: 1. $ 300 per single exhibit space for written cancellations within 30 days of registration. 2. 5 0% of the price for written cancellations postmarked by April 30, 2016. All cancellations must be in writing, via mail, email or fax to the attention of show management. No refunds will be made for cancellations postmarked after April 30, 2016. RULES. Exhibitor shall faithfully observe and comply with the Rules set forth on all the attachments to this Lease and, after notice thereof, any modifications and additions to the Rules promulgated by DCUC Management. Also, Exhibitor shall abide by The Fairmont Hotel and The Defense Credit Union Council and any modifications made thereto. FIRE, THEFT, ACCIDENT. DCUC Management shall make reasonable effort to provide adequate security. However, DCUC Management shall not be responsible for the safety of Exhibitor or its property, employees, visitors, or customers from theft, disappearance, pilferage, injury, or damages by fire, accident, or any other cause and Exhibitor assumes sole liability for any losses resulting from such causes. DCUC Management shall not provide insurance for the benefit of Exhibitor or its property. INDEMNIFICATION. Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold DCUC Management harmless from any damages, losses, or liabilities resulting from any claims, demands, suits, or other actions based on or arising out of the Exhibitor’s occupation or use of the exhibit space or its installation, operation, or removal of exhibits, including, but not limited to, all claims demands of exhibitors, their agents, employees, representatives, customers, and guests for injury to person or property (including theft or mysterious disappearance) arising by virtue of any occurrences in the exhibit space or exhibit area or in the parking areas in proximity to the exhibit area during the Lease term, as well as any period during which the Exhibitor is moving into or out of the Exhibit area. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Lease, the notice of space assignment, and full payment of rental charges, constitutes the complete agreement between DCUC Management and Exhibitor. This Lease supersedes all previous or contemporaneous negotiations, arrangements, or understandings, if any, between DCUC Management and Exhibitor with respect to the subject matter of this LEASE. No modification of this Lease shall be valid unless approved in writing by Show Management. Exhibitor warrants that there was no oral or written representations or warranties (other

than those contained in this Lease) made by or on behalf of DCUC Management that served as inducement to Exhibitor to enter into the Lease. FAILURE TO PROVIDE EXHIBIT SPACE. DCUC Management shall not be responsible for failure to provide the specified exhibit space because of any reason beyond its control or due to negligence, including, without limitation, government regulations or controls, strikes, work stoppages, Acts of God, if the occupation of any portion of the Showcase by any governmental authority or a public enemy or if the DCUC Management is unable, through no fault of its own, to obtain sufficient space from the owner of the Hall. In the event of such failure or such causes, DCUC Management may terminate this Lease by refunding to Exhibitor 50% of the rental price paid by the Exhibitor and the parties hereto shall be released from any and all further obligation to each other under this Lease. In the event of partial or total evacuation of the exhibit space for less than (5) hours for a cause beyond the control of DCUC Management, there shall be no reduction or abatement of rent. In the event of a partial or total evacuation of this exhibit space for more than (5) hours or for all the period covered in this Lease, the total rental price shall be reduced in proportion to the period of time lost (but in no event more than 50% of the total rental price), and DCUC Management’s liability to Exhibitor is limited to a refund of any amount paid by Exhibitor over the reduced rental price. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Exhibitor shall be in default of this Lease if it fails to perform any of the terms and conditions of this Lease or abide by the Rules. If it becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts to DCUC Management when due. If it fails to maintain the space as to appearance, signs, and cleanliness in a manner reasonably suitable and in keeping with the character and quality of the Show; it causes undue noise, litter, or odor not in keeping with the character of and quality of the Show or it any of its agents, employees, or other representatives engage in any conduct in the exhibit area during the Show which is in the judgement of the DCUC Management offensive to the character of the Show or to any other exhibitor or its agents, employees, representatives or customers, including, but not limited to, being intoxicated or unduly under the influence of drugs or using loud, vulgar, obscene or abusive language. In any such event of default DCUC Management reserves the right to prohibit, close, remove, or eliminate any exhibit, display, sign, or other thing of any conduct which is not suitable to or in keeping with the character and quality of the Show, or which may be detrimental to DCUC Management’s reputation or business: whether or not such thing or action is covered by the Lease or the Rules in the exercise of its rights under this paragraph. DCUC Management shall not incur any liability whatsoever. MISCELLANEOUS. All rights of Show Management expressed in this Lease are cumulative and in addition to any other rights it may have under the law or in equity. Exhibitor hereby waives any right it may have to recover attorney’s fees under any applicable statute. If any provision of this Lease or the Rules is deemed invalid or unenforceable, for any reason and to any extent, such determination shall have no effect on the validity of enforceability or the remaining provisions.

RULES 1. CHARACTER OF EXHIBITS. DCUC Management shall have the right to deny lease of exhibit space to any prospective exhibitor who intends to exhibit merchandise or services that, in the opinion of Show Management, are not in keeping with the character and quality of the Show. Exhibitor agrees to abide by city Fire Prevention Codes, which among other regulations prohibits attachment of any signs or other items of drapery, or display area unless fireproofed. Otherwise, such items must be at least (6) inches away from the property. Also, the regulations among other things, provide that decorations must be non-combustible or flameproof: the use, display, or storage of flammable fluids or gas must be approved by the Fire Marshall in writing, and open flames or smoke emitting materials are prohibited. All aisles and entrance doors will be under the control of DCUC Management. All merchandise, displays, signs, or other property of Exhibitor may not extend into aisles to obstruct the view of other space or aisles. Any outside services contracted for and by Exhibitor, which are not included in this contract, are subject to review and approval for DCUC Management. 2. INSTALLATION OF EXHIBITS. All exhibits must be ready for the opening of the Showcase. DCUC Management will not allow any moving of exhibits after the opening of the Showcase without prior approval from show management. Exhibits must be installed on Sunday, August 14 between the hours of 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. Vehicles will not be permitted in the building. All exhibit areas not occupied or otherwise checked in with show management by 12:00 p.m. will cause the exhibitor to be in default of this Lease with no refund due the exhibitor, unless prior approval was obtained in advance by show management. 3. CARE OF EXHIBITS. DCUC Management will clean the exhibit area at the close of each day, but exhibitors must, at their own expense, keep their spaces clean and their exhibits in good order. Exhibits must remain intact until closing on the last day of the Showcase. Exhibitors are requested at all times to cooperate with DCUC Management by maintaining their exhibits throughout the Showcase hours in perfect condition with respect to materials and personnel. 4. ELECTRICITY. Electricity is not included in your exhibit package, but can be ordered directly from the Fairmont Hotel. 5. LIABILITY. Exhibitor agrees to carry public liability insurance covering the exhibit and the exhibit space. DCUC Management will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the property of the Exhibitor or its employees due to fire, robbery, accidents or any cause whatsoever that may arise from use and occupancy of leased space or building. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Show Management and its employees and agents against any and all claims of any person whomsoever arising out of acts or omissions of Exhibitors, its employees and/or guests. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. DCUC Management shall have full power to interpret and/or amend these Rules that in its discretion shall be in the best interest of the Showcase. The decision of the Conference Manager must be accepted as final in any dispute between Exhibitor and any situation not covered by these Rules.

The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future All Sponsorship levels provide you with the opportunity to provide a corporate partner breakout session (first-come, first-served), marketing support before the conference, logo recognition in the Final Conference Program and additional recognition during and after the conference.

Sponsorship Levels and Descriptions: Platinum Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor:

In addition to the sponsorship benefits outlined above, our Platinum Sponsor will benefit from the added networking opportunities and exposure of being the premier sponsor of the DCUC Conference.

In addition to the great benefits all sponsors receive, Silver Sponsors will benefit from the added networking opportunities and exposure of this sponsorship package.

Added benefits include: O F irst choice of booth location in the Showcase

Added Benefits include: O P referred booth location in the Showcase

OO pportunity to provide a Corporate Partner O A rticle in the monthly Newsletter, The ALERT Breakout Session (subject to availability) OG uaranteed opportunity to provide a Corporate O R ecognition on the DCUC Mobile APP with 12

Partner Breakout Session

link to your website

O R ecognition from the Podium and listed on

O P rominent Signage during the conference

DCUC Mobile APP with link to your website

O P rominent Signage during the conference

Bronze Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor: In addition to the networking opportunities and exposure of this elevated sponsorship package.

Bronze Sponsors receive: O A bility to select booth location in the DCUC Showcase before all non-sponsors

OO pportunity to provide a Corporate Partner Breakout Session (subject to availability)

Added Benefits include: O P rimary booth location in the Showcase

O R ecognition on the DCUC Mobile APP as a

OO ne additional registration at half price OG uaranteed opportunity to provide a Corporate

conference sponsor

Partner Breakout Session

O R ecognition from the podium and listed on DCUC Mobile APP with link to your website

O P rominent Signage during the conference


Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Four Levels Platinum Sponsor Level: X Chairman’s Welcome Reception...............................................................................................................................Reserved Sponsored by AFFN

Gold Sponsor Level: X 23rd Annual VADM Vincent Lascara Golf Tournament......................................................................................Reserved

Sponsored by CUNA Mutual Group

X Hall of Honor Dinner Entertainment ......................................................................................................................Reserved

Sponsored by O.M. Financial Group

DCUC Mobile APP ............................................................................................................................................................. $5,000

In 2015, the DCUC conference APP was a big success! Be a part of the future and position your company as follows: • Logo on the splash screen • One (1) promotional post pinned to the top of the activity feed for 30 minutes • One (1) app section with logo on the navigation screen and link to more information • One (1) global push notification


Silver Sponsor Level: X Nametags and Lanyards imprinted with your company name ........................................................................Reserved

Sponsored by Route 66 Extended Warranty

Charging Station...................................................................................................................................................................$3,500 During the Showcase, we will put a secure charging station next to your booth so DCUC members can charge their phone, iPad or other electronic device!

Showcase Grand Opening..................................................................................................................................................$3,000 The DCUC “Showcase with a Purpose” entertainment is a sure winner!

X Conference Tee Shirts .................................................................................................................................................Reserved

Sponsored by Allied Solutions

Drink Tickets during Awards Banquet Cocktail Reception ......................................................................................$3,000 Provide drink tickets to conference attendees before the Hall of Honor Dinner. Seating in the VIP section is included.

Monday Lunch Buffet in the Showcase .........................................................................................................................$2,700 An effective way to demonstrate your support for DCUC credit unions!


The Defense Credit Union Council: “Serving Those Who Serve Our Country”

Defense Credit Unions:

Power of the Past...Force of the Future Silver Sponsor Level: (continued) X Final Social Reception in the Showcase .................................................................................................................Reserved Sponsored by SWBC

Sponsor Head Table at the Tuesday Military Awards Luncheon .............................................................................$2,500 Receive special recognition and choose one of your company representatives to join the DCUC Board of Directors and other VIPs at the head table.

X Customized Hotel Keys ...............................................................................................................................................Reserved Sponsored by IZALE Financial Group

Internet CafĂŠ......................................................................................................................................................................... $2,500 Two computers accessed to the Internet with printer will be set up so that our attendees can check email, print a boarding pass or visit the Internet during the conference.

Bronze Sponsor Level: X Final Program Back Cover .........................................................................................................................................Reserved


Sponsored by BFB Gallagher

Monday Morning Corporate Partner Breakfast (Limited to three companies)................................................$1,650 each Share in this sponsorship with up to two other companies to get star billing during this popular breakfast!

Conference Refreshment Breaks (4 available)......................................................................................................$1,650 each Our members will thank you for these breaks during the conference.

Conference Pocket Schedule ............................................................................................................................................$1,500

These handy Conference Guides imprinted with your logo will slip easily into attendees’ pockets and will be used throughout the week!


DCUC Mobile APP Advertisement (Non-Exclusive- limited to five sponsors)...................................................... $400 each One (1) promotional post pinned to the top of the activity feed for 20 minutes

To reserve your sponsorship, either check off your choice and email or fax (314-802-8807) to Janet Sked or please contact me at janetsked@dcuc.org or call 314-802-8808 with any questions.


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