The Brand
The R Create an iconic look to both modernize the brand as well as give it legs to adapt for years to come. Transition toward using only the updated circle-R as a recognizable mark that encompasses a broad scope of products and services.
Some similar brand transitions:
The Store Experience Incorporate open table space for workshops and hands-on product demos. Use wayfinding and infographic elements to guide customers through the store and inform about products and introduce/reinforce icon usage.
The Digital Shelf Replace traditional shelf space with digital displays for interactive shopping. Also frees space for a more showroom-like experience and allows agile, adaptable product presentation. Format can be scaled for kiosk use.
The Digital Shelf Tectiunt. Soleserum aut et pedExperum facepra volupita eatia que eum, veruptae voloria qui voles mos alitinus diorum eum es comnisqui dollorro beatem
Select product type
boxes on display replaced by digital product cards icons identify product type/usage
actual-size graphics help customers identify product
utilize SnapTags to incorporate a smartphone shopping app, allowing customers to get more information about items or purchase from app for store checkout. full specs on main card view
The Take Aways Back to basics. Utilitarian packaging that serves a purpose in a clean & simple way.