March pg 6-11

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C h r i s t i a n C a b u n a g I &P:Whe r edi dy ouga i na ni nt e r es ti nc ont e mpor a r ya r t ? C:Asawhol emyf a mi l yi spr e t t yc r e a t i v e , buts pe c i fic a l l yI woul ds a yt ha tmyDa dga v emea ni nt e r es ti ni t . I &P:How ha sy ouri nt e r es ti na r the l pe dy ous e et hewor l d di f f e r e nt l y ? C:Ar tha sa l l owe dmet ous ec ol ora sawa yofe x pr es s i ng how muc hourc ommuni t yi si nflue nc e dbyma nydi v e r s e i ndi v i dua l s . Ev e r y da ywewi t nes sdi f f e r e ntfigur eswi t h c ont r a s t i ngpe r s ona l i t i es , buts t i l lha v et hea bi l i t yt oa ppe a l t ot he m ondi f f e r e ntl e v e l sofpe r s ona l i t y . I &P:How ha shi ghs c hoolc ont r i but e dt oy ourov e r a l l pe r s ona ? C:Hi ghs c hoolha sa l l owe dmor ef r e e dom oft houghtwi t h e nc our a ge me ntt obe c omee nt r us t e dwi t hwhoIa ma nd de v e l opi ngf ur t he ront ha t . If e e lt ha ta sage ne r a t i oni ti s ourpr i or i t yt ofightf orwha twewa ntt ok e e p. St e ppi ng i nt ot het hi sf oury e a rpha s e , I ’ m be gi nni ngt ounde r s t a nd t ha tgr oupa ndc ommuni t ys t r uc t ur esa r et hebes tme t hod f oras uc c es s f ult r a ns i t i oni nt or e a ll i f e . I &P:Wha ta r ey oura s pi r a t i onsf orc ol l e ge ? C:Mypl a nsf orc ol l e gei nt hef ut ur ei nv ol v ea ppl y i ngt o Pi t z e rCol l e gea nd/ orUni v e r s i t yofOr e gon. Iwi s ht os t udy Soc i ol o gy , whi c hi ss t udy i ngt hede v e l opme nta nds t r uc t ur e ofhuma ns oc i e t ya nd/ orCul t ur a lAnt hr opol o gy , t hes t udy ofhuma nk i ndwi t has pe c i fie dpe r s pe c t i v e . I &P:Doy ouf e e lt ha tc ol l e ges t a ndsa sawor t hy i nv es t me ntorunpr e di c t a bl ega mbl e ? C:It hi nkt ha tc ol l e ges t i l ls t a ndsa sawor t hyi nv es t me nt f ore v e r ype r s on, t he r ei sa l wa y sapl a c et ha tfit se v e r y i ndi v i dua lba s e dont he i ri nt e r es t s , wor ke t hi c . , l oc a t i onof c hoi c e , e t c . Educ a t i oni sa noppor t uni t yt ha tc a nbea ppl i e d a ny whe r e , s oma nyi de a sc a nbepr oduc e da ndpa s s e d downt hr ought e a c hi nga ndl e a r ni ng. Me e t i ngne w pe opl e br i ngsagr e a t e roppor t uni t ya swe l l , y oufindy our s e l f

p h o t oc r e d i t s : vi c t o r i an ak ai I n t e r vi e wc r e d i t s : Ma y l o nD a y

di s c ov e r i ngdi f f e r e nti ndi v i dua l swi t ht hes a mei nt e r es t sa nd dr i v ea sy ou. I &P:How ha sy ourf a mi l yi mpa c t e dy ourv i e wsonc ol l e ge ? C:Hones t l y ,t hr oughoutmywhol el i f e , mypa r e nt sha v ebe e n v e r ya da ma nti ne nc our a gi ngmet oa t t e ndc ol l e ge . I not he r wa y s , Iwa smot i v a t e da swe l l , dr i v e nbyde t e r mi na t i ont obe whoIwa nt e dt obe c ome . I &P:I ns omec a s es , r e ga r di ngt heSAT , notma nys t ude nt sc a n a f f or dc l a s s esorr es our c est opr e pa r ef orat es tt ha tmi ght pos s i bl yde t e r mi nehow muc hofac ha nc et he yha v ei nge t t i ng a c c e pt e dt ot hec ol l e geoft he i rc hoi c e . Wha ta r ey ourown t hought sont hepur pos eoft heSAT ? C:Ime a n, Idounde r s t a ndt ha tnota l lk i dsa r epr i v i l e ge d e nought opa yf orc l a s s eswhi l eot he r sa r e , butt ha tdoes n’ t me a nt ha ty ous t opt r y i ng. Ma nyot he rc ol l e ges , l i k ePi t z e r , a c c e ptmor es t ude nt sont het e r msofpe r s ona la nd ba c k gr oundpe r s pe c t i v es . It hi nka l lc ol l e gess houl dbeba s e d ons t or y , nots c or es . Wi t hc ol l e ge , i t ’ si mpor t a ntt oobt a i na di v e r s epe r s pe c t i v e , It hi nkc ol l e gess houl dbemor ei nt e r es t e d i nY OU. I &P:Wha tdoy oue x pe c tt ot a k ea wa yf r om i Pol ya f t e r gr a dua t i on? C:Onc eIgr a dua t ef r om i Pol yIi nt e ndt oope nmy s e l fmor et o t hewor l da r oundmea ndi nt e r a c tmor ewi t ht het hi ngsIpl a n t odoa ndt hepe opl eIme e t . If e e lt ha ti nl e a v i ngt hi ss c hool , I wi l lbepr e pa r e dt odowha tIwa ntt o, gi v e nt hes k i l l sI ’ v e obt a i ne dhe r e . Iwoul da l s obegr a nt e dmor ec onfide nc et o l e a r nmor ea boute v e r y t hi ngwhe nIs t e pouti nt ot hewor l d. I &P:How doy ouk e e py our s e l fgr ounde di ny ourownmor a l s a ndv a l uesdes pi t et heopi ni onsofot he r s ? C:F orme , Ik e e pi nmi ndt ha te v e r y onei se nt i t l e dt ot he i rown opi ni onsa ndbe l i e f s . If e e lt ha ta ny ones houl ddowha ts e t s t he i rowni nt e r es t . Ev e r y oneha sauni quepe r s ona , t he r e ’ s not hi ngwr ongwi t ht ha t . Embr a c ei t .


Fit Bits It’s the middle of the semester and projects are underway, and we all know know what that means. Major. Stress. By now we’re all familiar with the symptoms of going to IPoly. There’s the burning eyes from lack of sleep, the cramped up backs from sitting at computers in Google Doc meetings for three hours, and of course the neverending desire to take

1. Stretch! When sitting down for over an hour, your whole body is pretty much inactive, so it’s important to get up and move around. Even if it’s only for a minute, stand up and stretch a bit. Maybe even do a few jumping jacks. It only takes a bit of time, but that small amount boosts your metabolism and gives your brain time to focus on something else.

a nap. It’s all inevitable, but by paying attention to the little things we do throughout the day, our mental and physical health can be salvaged.

Fit Bits Quick Recipe Eating breakfast is something that’s easy to skip out on, but it sets the tone for the rest of the day at school. This quick breakfast is packed with protein and will keep you feeling light and satisfied. Throw it together before you go to sleep and wake up to this easy meal. Customizable Chia Seed Pudding: 1. Mix chia seeds and an equal amount of milk (any type) into a jar or container with a lid 2. Add any preferred sweeteners (try shredded coconut or honey/agave) *Optional* 3. Leave it overnight in the fridge 4. Take it out of the fridge, mix it a bit, and add fruit or granola on top

Fact: Chia seeds are a superfood, containing antioxidants, fiber, protein, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. “Chia” comes from the ancient Mayan word for “strength.”

Hello, readers! This is Ask Ophelia & Alexia, an anonymous advice column aimed at helping guide teens through the arduous task that is high school. Today, we’re going to be talking about: Pre-Presentation Jitters

2. Take time to breath. It sounds silly, but focusing on your breath is the most powerful tool for reducing stress. Throughout the day, recognize your breath and even it out. Inhale through the nose slowly while sending the air to your lower belly, hold for three seconds, and slowly exhale through the mouth.

3. Make lists. Sleep plays a huge role in our health, so time management is huge in getting homework or projects done. Write down what you need to get done (in order of importance) and get to work. Making lists has been proven to reduce anxiety, boost brain power, and improve focus. Plus, crossing items off lists is so satisfying.

Have you ever gotten worked up over a presentation? Ever practiced your lines for days, but still felt your heart skip a beat when you visualized the waiting faces of your audience? It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Here are some tips on how to hone in that anxiety through positive activities.

Matthew Brendt ARTIST Being a witness to the LA trailblazer, Matthew Brandt, we are blessed with glimpses of beautifully shattered polaroids, disseminated stars, and laid back visions of California shores. From the limitless start of childhood, Brandt was the son of a commercial photographer, and started in life with a premature view of observing the world through the lense of a camera. Even in his early years of life, Brandt too felt the cold sting of influence from his overly ambitious father and, at first, despised a predictable future in the digital arts. As a boy he was actually quite fond of painting and drawing, versus taking after his father occupation. Strange enough, it was from the tears of one of his childhood friends, that conceived an interest in his future career. He exclaims in an interview with Los Angeles Confidential that years ago, one of his friend had recently dealt with a bad break up, and his tears made Brandt think of the first salt paper photographs from earlier time periods. It was then after high school that Brandt moved to New York to study at the Cooper Union Art Academy, for three years he worked as an assistant to senior photographer, Robert Polidori. During which, in Brandt’s attendance he discovered a genuine, appreciation for the practice and eventually based that as a focus for his career. Luckily for Brandt early exposure to technical functions made life with a camera seem more manageable and easily adapted. Today, Matthew Brandt takes ownership of the studio his dad worked in for twenty-seven years and continues to seek his formalist advice on how to the outcome of a print should affect or influence a given audience. It’s funny how sometimes people might regret the encouragement of their parents, but in most cases they can go farther than they’ve ever imagined.

Taking Care Of Your Body To Relieve Your Mind! Stress will always, inevitably, be a part of your daily life. However, taking care of your physical nature can reduce this stress and anxiety, which will better prepare you for a presentation! So What Sort Of Physical Activity Can I Do? Yoga is a series of both moving and stationary poses that are combined with deep breathing techniques to ease the mind, and relax muscles. Running just 10-20 minutes a day releases hormones such as endorphins which can mentally help you feel good. Endorphins can slow aging, relieve stress, enhance the immune system, and you guessed it: reduce pre-presentation anxiety! Practice Staying Positive! It’s understandable for your brain to automatically seek out the possible negative outcomes. What if they laugh at me? What it I forget my lines?” All of these pessimistic thoughts running through your head can only aid in bringing you down, and could result in you actually forgetting your lines. So, how do I stop it? Give yourself a pep-talk before the presentation. Instead of reinforcing negative thoughts, tell yourself the truth about your abilities. You are a great presenter, you know your information, and you’re going to rock it! Let confidence become second nature. As Helen Keller once wrote, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Dressing For Success! If you want to convey nonverbal confidence and professionalism to your audience, dressing for success is key! A simple, clean, and neat look can help make a good first impression to your audience, and gauge their attention. For gentlemen, a simple button up shirt with khakis and a tie can show your audience you are prepared/ready to impress. With coordinating shoes, of course! For ladies, a dress of respectable length with a cardigan and a pair of flats is simple yet effective. Remember: dressing to impress isn’t about the most expensive attire you can buy. If all else fails: focus on your breathing! 1. Inhale through your nose for four seconds, expanding your abdomen to get as much air in as possible. 2. Hold onto that breath for a moment. 3. Exhale for six or seven seconds. This method of breathing is believed to aid in transitioning dominance over to the parasympathetic nervous system (which controls relaxation, helps lower blood pressure, and slows the heart rate.) Good luck and remember to send your submissions to!


Super Smash Bros. 4 76 Votes

Every year, the seniors of IPoly have an after school event titled “Game Night” where the students of one house compete against other houses in various, exciting videogames. The prize of the winning house representative? A House Point which can give a house a large discount on Grad Night, if they have the most by the decided deadline. It’s easy to see why this event generates a lot of energy and hype, especially when rooting for your own house.

MARio Kart 8 100 Votes

oVERVIEW Product Name: The PULSE


$99 from Uncharted Play


Meet The PULSE. Looks like a typical jump rope, right? Close. It’s better. The PULSE is a sophisticated jump rope that can convert kinetic energy from jumping rope into usable electricity.

To decide on the games that will be played for house points, a poll was given out with some of the most popular and entertaining games in the market. The three games with the most votes would be played for house points, while the games would be included on the side, if students still wanted to play them. This page contains the results of that poll:

This kinetic jump rope is designed with the latest 3D-printing techanology with built-in generators in the handles to produce usable electricity every time you jump over a swinging rope. According to Jessica Matthews, co-founder and CEO of Uncharted Play, fifteen minutes of jumping can charge the average phone up to 50%.


Pros and Cons:

Pros: • Encourages a more active lifestyle • Can charge your phone (and some other electronics) • Is fun and easy to use Cons: • Only charges electronics that have a USB cable • Has limited energy storage • May be a bit of a hassle to carry around

Final Verdict:

Aside from the cost, The PULSE seems like a pretty good deal, but is it really worth your money? If you plan on traveling to a place where electricity is not readily available, this is definitely a good buy. Otherwise, just make sure your phone is fully charged before you leave home and limit your screen time.

Tech Outlook

JUst Dance 4

58 Votes

Call of Duty

54 Votes

Wii Boxing Wii Swordplay 43 Votes


26 Votes


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