A Message from the Head of School
Dear Friends,
What a milestone year of celebration for Inly! I am so grateful to our community for coming together to mark our 50th year with our special brand of Inly spirit.
It was a privilege to look back and honor those who came before us, celebrate the contributions of our families, faculty, staff, students, alumni families, grandparents, and friends, and look ahead to imagine the possibilities that the future holds.
Inly’s mission began as an idea—shared by visionaries who imagined a way to redefine education—to inspire an inclusive community of learners to explore and shape ourselves and the world with joyful curiosity, courage, and compassion.
It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge our community for carrying this important mission forward—through a shared dedication of time, talent, enthusiasm, generosity and joy.
Donna Milani Luther Head of SchoolA Message of Gratitude to the Inly Community
Kathy Calvin, Former President and CEO of the United Nations FoundationAs we celebrate another extraordinary year at Inly School, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to express my deep appreciation to the Inly community for making a difference with your gifts to Inly. Your consistent support helped us surpass our highest fundraising goal in the school’s history and provide our students and teachers with incredible opportunities to learn and grow together. Every single gift matters, and we are so thankful for your generosity.
This year’s Inly Fund theme was 50 Years Forward and we celebrated Inly’s 50th Birthday with opportunities to reflect on our school’s incredible journey and also think deeply about what the future of Inly could look like for our students. We watched as a new climbing tower reached the sky on Sunflower Hill, cheered on Inly’s sports teams, sat in awe of our students and fellow parents in an extraordinary performance of “Beauty & the Beast,” and helped our children prepare for Inly’s beloved overnight experiential learning trips. Your gifts also funded speakers, tuition assistance, Da Vinci Studio programming, DEIJ curriculum materials, and much more.
Thank you to our 2022-2023 Inly Fund Co-Chairs, Lori Black, Regan Flaherty, Danielle Flam, and Suzanne MacKay and all our Inly Fund volunteers, for helping Inly raise over $230,000 in gifts to the Inly Fund! As is true of most independent schools, tuition alone covers only about 89% of the cost of an Inly School education. Gifts to the Inly Fund help us bridge that gap and provide vital operating support for our academic, arts, sports and experiential programs.
Our fantastic 50th Gala Chairs, Danielle Flam, Kim Haley and Kelly Russo, organized a spectacular night under the stars with music, dancing, and a celebration of fifty years of Inly. This event grossed over $308,000, which will allow Inly to continue to offer innovative programming in dynamic campus spaces in the coming school year.
We extend our tremendous thanks to our dedicated faculty and staff who are the heart of our community. The faculty and staff, led by Inly Fund committee chairs Caroline deLima Rubb, Sarah Dolan, Ellyn Einhorn, Georgie Gladdys, Elizabeth Joyce and Alejandra Lombardo continued their robust support of the Inly Fund with 100% faculty and staff participation.
We also thank our Inly Grandfriends who support Inly with an annual gift as part of the Grandparent Giving Circle, as well as all of our dedicated alumni for their ongoing participation in the life of Inly School.
Thank you to all our volunteers, donors, and partners for powering so many opportunities for our community!
Elizabeth Feeherry P’26, ’29 Inly Board of Trustees, Vice Chair Development LiaisonGiving is not just about making a donation. It’s about making a difference.
The Impact of Your Gift Carrying our
mission forward
$35,850 for playground enhancements
Teachers representing all levels a ended DEIJ Professional Development including:
• On-site Restorative Justice Training
• AISNE Racial Justice Leadership
• AISNE DEI Conference
• AISNE “Bringing Increased Access and Inclusion to Your School Community”
• MSM Spring Speaker Series
10 Students a ended the AISNE Middle School DEI Conference
1000 HOURS
Professional Development Workshops, Conferences and Speakers for Faculty & Sta
Inly’s dynamic, Montessori+ practices inspire our inclusive community of learners to explore and shape ourselves and the world with joyful curiosity, courage, and compassion.
Students receiving tuition assistance this school year
Countless community volunteer hours
Teacher Wishes Granted
Mud Kitchen and toys for Toddler House playground
Montessori Materials for Children’s House
Athletics Storage Shed and Sports Equipment
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS for Middle School Band
193 Enriching Passport to Adventure activities for students to explore
Cultural Materials for Study of Africa and Oceana for Lower Elementary
World Peace Game board materials for Upper Elementary
Physical, Mental Health and Well-Being Books fo MS Library
Garden Box kits for Outdoor Classroom
Erector Sets for Da Vinci Studio
Artist Easels for Art
Sports equipment bundle for Athletics
Spotlight for Performing Arts
Graphics Calculators for Math
Sensory Toy for Learning Services and much more!
302 A endees
133 Items Donated
$20K Generous Sponsorships
80 Teacher Wishes Fulfilled
Watch the 50th Anniversary Video
On a daily basis, we can see the value of the education and experiences that our children are getting at Inly through the Montessori+ curriculum which focuses on the whole person. We are really enjoying watching them grow and gain confidence in all aspects of their education, from math and reading, to the arts and cultural explorations. We are so happy to be a part of this vibrant community and to contribute to the growth of Inly.
Alvin and Meghan Ann Delgado P’28, ’30Gratitude Report
Key to Symbols
Inly Fund
Donations to the Inly Fund, the annual giving program, support the operations of the School and ensures our continued excellence in education.
Inly Fund Leadership Giving Circle
Leadership Circle donors make an annual donation of $1,000 or above to the Inly Fund.
Grandparent Giving Circle
Grandparents who generously support the Inly Fund.
Annual Auction
Inly’s annual community fundraising and social event, which supports the School’s academic, arts, sports, and experiential programs, as well as special funds.
Special Gifts
Donors who have generously supported a specific need of the School.
8th Grade Parent Legacy Gift
A tradition of generosity, parents of 8th graders make a gift in honor of the graduating class.
Donors who contribute over $5,000 to all funds annually.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund acts as a savings account for the School. Gifts to the endowment exist in perpetuity with a percentage of the principal, which may be drawn on each year for programs and needs of the School.
Anonymous (10)
Jessie Abdow
James and Sarah Adamson
Vanessa Aguiar
Kristen Alexander
Steph Allison
Kristen Amaral
Scott Anglehart and Deborah Whalen
Paul and Muffy Antico
Peter and Linda Antico GP
Ashley Antico ’14
Emrah and Svitlana Aras
David and Liselle Aresty
Elaine Aresty GP
Matthew and Pamela Arias
Nigel and Nikki Atkins
Norma Atkinson
Samantha Baglioni
Marianne Baker GP
James and Maureen Baker
Mary Balestracci
Erica Bayly
Deborah Beal
Jim and Alice Beal GP
Stacey Best
Patrick and Megan Bigelow
Michael Bison and Shannon Harper-Bison
Billy and Christie Bitter
John Bizzozero and Gina Zarella
Christopher and Lori Black
Donations listed are for gi s and pledges received between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Every e ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Please report any errors or omissions to the Development O ce.
Jessica and Catherine Black
Kristin Bloomstran
Ken Bopf and Grace Gardner
Linda Bornstein GP
Benjamin Bornstein and Zarla Ludin
Christine Bosworth GP
Melissa Bourque
Thomas Bowen and Jessica Dwyer
Wallis Bowyer
David and Karen Bradley GP
Jesse Brandt
Kyle and Kate Bray
James and Jenny Bright
Scott and Joanne Brine
Deborah Brockney
Liane Bromberg and Deborah Issokson
Adam and Melissa Brown
Dan and Devin Brown
Kathryn Brown
Terese Brown
James and Nancy Buckman GP
Sarah Buhay
Andrew and Holly Burns
John and Cindy Burrows GP
Elizabeth Burrows
Dana and Kate Burwell
James Cahill
Catherine Callahan
David and Virginia Callahan
Lauren Campanale
Brian and Kerin Carli
Kris Carroll
Charles and Kara Cella
Paul and Neala Cetola
Kristen Chamberlain
Andrea Chirasello
Marc Choquette and Alexandra Sliwkowski
Charles and Maranda Cigna
Will and Grace Cleveland
Elizabeth Cleveland
Alycia Clutterbuck
Lynne Clyde
Keith Conforti and Joyce Whitman
Bruce and Kendra Cooper GP
Conor Cooper and Colleen Boylan Cooper
James Cooper and Lorraine Potter-Cooper GP
Ben and Maddy Cooper
Steven Cooper and Lory Newmyer
Greg Corbett and Elizabeth Moulds
Dan and Becky Coyne
Brian and Andrea Creedon GP
Joseph and Kathryn Crespo
Davenport Crocker Jr. and Kendra Crocker
Kathleen Cronin
Jameson and Katelyn Crowley
Monica Curley
Louis and Ann D’Abrosca GP
Caroline Dagher
Bill and Caroline Dana
Scott and Tess Darci
Michael and Tiffany Darmetko
Neil Davis and Kathryn Malinick
Melenie Dean
Linda Deasy GP
Jody Decourcey
Mark and Nicole Defeo
Alvin and Megan Ann Delgado
Eric and Caroline DeLima Rubb
Anthony Dell and Michelle Rozendaal
Alissa Delpico
Rob and Kristine DeMarco
Gemma Demasi
Christopher and Jeannie deMurias
Matt and Lisa Denapoli
E. Stephen Derby and Carolyn Derby GP
Michelle DeSantis
Betsey Detwiler GP
Jeff and Ryan Detwiler
John and Maddie Devereux
Mark and Michele Dickinson
Jennifer Digregorio
P. Christopher and Leslie Diorio
Michaela Doane
Kendall and Cammie Doble
Conor and Emily Doherty
Patrick and Alexandra Doherty
Robert and Mairead Doherty GP
John and Janet Dolan
Andrew and Sarah Dolan
Digger and Susan Donahue GP
Shannon Donahue
Deirdre Duddy-Kennedy ’08
Joe and Haili Dunbar
Conrad Duncker and Lindsay Ebinger
Sean and Addie Dunn
Brad Dunn and Michaela Sewall
Michael and Ann Marie Dunphy
Jeff and Tracy Durso
Robert and Maria Dwyer GP
Douglas Dziedzic and Jennifer McGonagle
Peter and Reyna Eastwood
Brandon Edwards-Wright and Carla Gomes
Ellyn Einhorn
Mollie Turner Engel
Efren Escobar
Jordan and Taylor Evans
Ross and Sarah Fairbanks
Adam and Jessica Fairbanks
Peter and Roberta Fairbanks
Laura Farrow ’12
Brian and Nancy Farrow
Amr Fawzy and Olga Bulycheva
Eileen Fazio GP
Anthony Feeherry GP
Matthew Ferguson and Amy Cowan
Christoper and Kate Finnerty
David Fish and Elizabeth Feeherry
William and Carolyn Fish GP
Kyle and Regan Flaherty
Marilyn Flaherty
Benjamin and Danielle Flam
Jay and Kelly Fleming
Greg and Christine Fletcher
Derek and Sheelah Flodin
Dan Fogarty and Alicia Rule
Jeffrey Foresman and Suzanne McKenzie
Jonathan and Chelsea Foster ‘03
Gavin and Alexandra Frank
Karen Frank GP
Sarah Frazier
Robert and Eleacia Fredette
Adam and Jennifer Friedman Joanne Fromm
Ellen Fulton
Harel and Lauren Gadot
James and Mary Gambell
Arthur and Jacqueline Garceau GP
Emily Gaskin
Sasha Geddes
Russell and Gemma Geldmacher
John Giarratana
Sandra Gilabert
Brian and Kristelle Gill
Kevin and Lianne Gillespie
Ed and Andrea Gillis GP
Georgie Gladdys
Tucker and Kattyuska Gledhill
Erin Glynn
Juliane Goicoechea
Monika Gomes
Rick Goulding and Cait Simmons
Trevor and Liz Graham
Anthony and Lara Griffiths
Mark Grindle and Elizabeth Medaglia
Lauren Grogan
Gillian Grossman
Michelle Gubitosa and Rebecca Willson
Janea Gubitosi
Chris Gudas and Susan Swords
Valery Gudas
Charles and Kim Haley
Sarah Halkiotis
Matthew and Marci Hannon
Brenton Harris and Samantha Fisher
Martha Harrison
Heidi Harting
George and Polina Haseotes
Deborah Haug
Victoria Haug ’95
James Hawes and Ellen Hanson
Ryan Heidenreiter and Gigi Dow
Shannon Hendrickson
Alexander and Katherine Hernan
Denni Herrera
John and Virginia Herrick GP
Ari Hest and Chrissi Poland
Martha Hicks
Jonathan and Mary Hildebrandt
Matt and Amanda Hollenback
Zack Homan and Gabrielle Hunt Holman ’08
Rick Housley ’08 and Amanda Housley
Sharon Housley
Priya Howell
Josh Huddleston and Alissa Jones
Chris Ingle
Whitney Irish
Tate Isgrig and Sarah Gillis
Kendall Jackson
Matthew and Alexa Johannesen
Matt Joiner and Gillian Wasner
Brian and Nancy Jones
Matthew and Elizabeth Joyce
Christina Kane
Anne Keane
Jeffrey and Heather Keay
Michael Heafitz and Nola Kelley-Heafitz
Moira Kelly and David Torcoletti
Owen and Julia Kenney
August and Martha Kerschner
Jin Kim and Kyunghee Lee
Barrett and Jennifer King
Mike and Joanne Kinsman
Peter Kirby and Pam Harght
Robert and Janice Kjellman
Jim Klocek and Brittany Evans Klocek
Ursula Knight
James and Margot Koehler
Ian and Katie Konecko
Mary Alice Koon
Peter Kotsifas
Kathleen Kruse
Lyndsey Kruzer
Berry Kurland and Emily Murphy
Sarah Kuzniar
Darcy Lamond
Sarah Lane
Sarah Lanza
Eric and Laura Larson
Patrick and Allison Leary
Kali Lennon
Anna Linakis
Ray and Rina Littlefield
Caroline Locke
David and Sue Lodemore
Elisha and Carolyn Long
Terence and Nathalie Lonsdale
Kevin and Christie Lucchetti
John and Sarah Lucey
Chick Luther and Donna Milani Luther
Daniel Lynch
Ryan and Rebecca Lynch
Christina Lynn
Ethan and Laura Maass
Kaitlyn MacDonald
Christopher Mace and Lisa Shrayer
Cynthia Mackay GP
Kyle and Rennie Mackay
Scott Mackay
Suzanne MacKay
John and Courtney MacKenzie
Meri-Lee Mafera
Kevin and Kathryn Malloy
Paul and Lauren Maloney
Jonathan and Abigail Mariano
Sandra Markwart
Christopher and Amy Massey
Russell and Anne Matthews
Thomas Mbungo
Katie McBrine
Paul and Bethany McCann
Jill McCoy
Frederick McDonald and Margaret Kelty
Jamie and Jessica McDonald
Paul and Holly McElroy
Erin McGarry
Fish McGill and Sheryl Pace
Bridget Mcgregor
Kate McKelvey and Charus Moore
Mary McKelvey
William and Jessica McKim
Paul and Barbara McLaughlin GP
Matthew and Stephanie McLaughlin
Scott and Heather McLellan
Jennifer McNamee
Patrick and Katherine McNaught
Megan McShane
Sally Meehan ’04 and Shy Sobhian
Leo and Sara Meehan
Michele Meister
William Mekrut and Meghan Farrar
Justinus and Kimberly Menzel
Tom and Carolyn Merigan
Tom and Christine Merigan GP
Brian Middendorf and Jackie McKim
The Milani Family
Justin and Kaitlin Miller
Gail Mitton GP
Daniel and Megan Mitz
Robert Molchon and Emily Reardon
The Monaco Family
Robert and Lauren Monahan
Kelly Moore
Ciaran and Margie Morgan
Jeff and Tina Morris
Alan Mott
Brandon Moul and Diana Crowley
Andrew and Amy Mueller
Robert and Rhonda Munn
David and Kathryn Murdock
Caitlin Muro
Nishant Murthy and Maria Fenwick
Frank Nagle and Jenna Paone
Michael and Shawna Nagle
Imogen Nelson
Michael Nguyen and Kimberly Ingalls
Khuong Nguyen and Michelle Truong
Anna Nicholas
Anne Nicholas GP
Stephanie Nichols and Dawn Decosta
Rebecca Nidositko
Amity Noble
David and Sarah Noble
Kent and Kim Noble
Kevin and Karin O’Dowd
Jenelle O’Neil
Catherine Oakes
Thomas and Katie Oetinger
Adam and Katherine Oliver
Kristen OReilly
Brijal and LaTia Padia
David Palardy
Jesse Paone and Meredith Elkins
Sandy and Dipul Patel
Faith Peak
Gregory Pehrson and Amy Heffernan
Bruce and Karen Pehrson GP
Meghan Pelton
Ryan and Britt Peña
Dave and Linda Pender GP
Nicole Perlman
Dave and Sarah Peterson
John and Connacht Peterson
Marcia Peterson GP
Daniel and Catherine Phillips
Rene Phillips
Elaine Pietsch GP
Robert and Michelle Pietsch
Adam and Amy Pischel
Silvio Porciatti and Mia Antonia
Kayla Pravia
Colleen Quinn
Dan and Andrea Ramsey
Eric Raymond and Lauren Vitali
Andrew Reed and Jennifer Schultz
Dale Reilly
Renee Reilly Gambell
Peter Reynolds
Carol Ribaudo
Mark Ridley and Leah Dering-Ridley
Anthony Rini
Erin Rizkalla
Karim Rizkalla
Barrett and Melanie Roake
David and Anne Robinson GP
Ron and Andrea Rodericks
Erik and Stephanie Roine
April Romano
Chris Roth and Danielle Roncari
Jim and Marg Rule GP
Tom and Courtney Russillo
Adam and Kelly Russo
William Rutledge and Katy Sullivan
Andre and Anna Sadowski
Healy Sammis
Stephen and Casey Santulli
Matthew and Ciara Selinger
John and Daniele Serafini
Michelle Seyller
Mike and Maureen Sheehan
Peter and Piper Sheer
Sara Elizabeth Shelsy
Edward and Lucia Sherman GP
Tivon and Catherine Sidorsky
Sarah Sigovitch
Becky Silver
Katherine Silvers ’23
Rick Silver
Robert and Christine Silvers
Tim and Kate Simpson
Nick and Rebecca Sims
Elisa Sipols ‘08
Uldis Sipols and Sandy Kronitis-Sipols
Tschol Slade
Dee Slavin
Hallie and Nichole Smith
Jim Smith and Beth Miller
Tom and Shelley Sommer
Robert and Alexandra Sparzo
Ashley Sperling
Nancy St. John
Sonia Steele
Jeff and Tanya Stevens
John and Sasha Stickford
Derek and Judith Stolp
Nancy Stone
Nina Stone
Nikki Storer
Bryan and Ashley Streich
Jose Suarez and Alejandra Lombardo
Joseph and Mackinzie Suliman
Nicholas Sullivan and Emily Copeman
Andrew and Jaime Sullivan
Jonathan and Jenny Sullivan
Mark and Cristina Sullivan
Sue Sullivan
John and Megan Sutton
Marcie Swartz
Ling Tang
Emilio Tangerini and Alexandra Anderson
Amit Tantri and Emma Gardner
Lauren Tardy
Jennifer Tarpey
Lisa Taylor
Charles and Kaye Terranova
Michelle Teuong
Kate Thomas
Steve and Becca Thomas
Marvin Thomas
Stan and Beatrice Thouveny
Julia Tracy
Dana and Julia Traggorth
Daniel Tripp and Melissa Brennan
Basil and Jeannie Tsefrekas
Ingrid Tucker
Paul and Lisa Tyrrell
Caitin Tyrrell ’22
Chase Tyrrell ’19
Damian and Alison Tysdal
David Valazzi
Dave and Hilary Vance
Tim and Marie Van Patten
Tenley Van Patten ’23
Paul and Netta Vercollone
Phillip and Valerie Vitali GP
Deonefe and Kate Vizen
David and Ana Maria von Iderstein
Mirzah Walsh
Daniel and Christina Ward
Jane Walsh
Suzy Waters
David and Sophia Watson
Andrew and Jacqueline Wehrli
Timothy and Kathryn Welk
Michael and Peggy Weymouth GP
Michael and Susan Whalen
Steve and Meg Wheeler
Andrew and Kelly Wheeler
Todd and Annemarie Whilton
Alex Whitmore and Kathleen Fulton
Deana Williamson
Thomas and Jennifer Woodward GP
Andrew and Margaret Woodward
Kyle Wrentz
Sandra Wright
Jacqueline Zane
Buttler Zhang and Julia Zhu
Alexa Zildjian ’11
Andy and Debra Zildjian
Gregory and Kristin Zuckerman
The Adage Capital Management, L.P.
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
AmazonSmile Foundation
Anchor Capital Advisors
Ann Balducci, RN Cosmetic Nurse Specialist
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America Charitable Giving Foundation
Bellestar Jewelry
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Berkadia Commercial Mortgage LLC
BirchBarn Designs
Bitter LAX Academy
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Boston Bruins
Boston Red Sox
Boston Sand & Gravel Charitable Foundation
Boston Sand and Gravel
Break A Leg Theater Works
Brook and Main
C.E. Floyd Company, Inc.
Catering by Michael Aprea
Cat Black, Cats Eye Tattoo
Chapin Sheds Inc.
Chef Abby Gray, Cooking with Abby
Chef Ericka Maynard
Coastal Art Glass
Conor Doherty Photography
Creative Education Foundation
Crumbl Cookies
Denise Hajjar Boutique
Easkey Right
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity Giving Marketplace
Fish McGill Studios
Fleur Shop
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Heidi Harting Photography
Heirloom Table Company
Hingham Jewelers
Image Resolutions
Jesse Stiglich Music School
Jessica Lynch Photography
Kelly Broderick Art
Kelly Russo Art
Kennedy’s Country Gardens
King Jewelers
Lavishly Dunn Catering and Event Planning
Magnitude Strength and Power
Marina Bay Living
Martha Oakes Designs
Middlehouse Events
Nikki Storer Art
Niwaki, Inc.
Out of the Blue
Permanent Perfection
Phia Group LLC
Plymouth Event Rentals
POP Balloon Designs and Party Decor
PrettyBar Beauty & Bridal
RBC Wealth Management
Renaissance Charitable Fund
Salty Days
Schwab Charitable
Schwartz Hannum PC
Scituate Police Department
Scout & Cellar
Sheryl Pace Photography
Showcase Cinemas
South Shore Art Center
South Shore Children’s Dentistry
South Shore Select
Sperry Tents
State Street Foundation
Stellwagen Beer Company
Stop & Shop
Sure Shot Promotions
Taza Chocolate
The Cheever Tavern
The Chef’s Table
The Daily Catch
The Fresh Feast
The Makery
Tiffany Nails
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
Vanguard Charitable
WB Mason
Whitman Cookie Mama, Leslie DiOrio
XV Beacon
thank you!
We are grateful for your generous support.