CALENDAR OF TIPS GARDENINGSUMMERFOR5 Summer 2022 BAGLEYSUMMEREVENTSAREAARTSCOLLABORATIVE makes accessibleartPassingthepower Faith Hensrud retires VotedFIRST PLACE BEST Minnesota Magazine 2021 FREE

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near the bottom of the page. 20 Volume 9, Issue 3 Copyright © 2022 Bemidji Pioneer in Bemidji All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained. 802 Paul Bunyan Dr. SE, Suite 19 Bemidji, MN 218-333-920056601 A BEMIDJI PIONEER PUBLICATION Email inBemidji inmagazine@bemidjipioneer.comat Questions and STAFFFeedbackEditorDaltyn Lofstrom Creative Director Mollie Burlingame Advertising Lindsay Nygren Business Larisa Severson Publisher/AdvertisingADMINISTRATIONDirector Todd Keute Editor Annalise Braught Controller Tammie Brooks TO ADVERTISE 218-333-9200 James Hanson
4 | inBemidji Summer 2022
BSU and NTC President Faith Hensrud sits at her desk in Deputy Hall shortly before her retirement. Photo by Annalise Braught. THE COVER inBemidji’s mission is to be Bemidji’s and the surrounding area’s local lifestyle magazine. We strive to enhance the quality of life for the people of the Bemidji area by informing them about all of the amazing people who live in our community. Our concentration is on everything local: fashion, food, health, and most importantly, unique individuals and stories. We strive to maintain a high level of integrity as an inspiring, local media presence for our readers and provide advertisers with a high-quality, effective marketing medium. award-winning Bemidji

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 5 insideSummer2022 06 2618In this issue DIY: Accent piece Spot the difference09063010 SummerBookmarkedevents Features Faith Hensrud retirement profile The retiring Bemidji State and Northwest Technical College president reflects on her six years leading both institutions. 12 Summer gardening tips Growing Our Future founder Bridget Westrum shares five tips for summer gardening in the Bemidji area. 18 Bagley Area Arts Collaborative The ever-growing arts organization looks ahead as it expands its programming. 20 Flatbread pizza party In the Larisa Cooks kitchen, we’ve chosen four flatbread pizza recipes perfect for summer get-togethers. 26

accentpiece MN by Elizabeth Stark in Bemidji staff DIY: As summer approaches what’s better than an accent piece presented in a fun and personalized way? This decorative accent piece can add a creative touch to your living room, kitchen or at-home office, perfectly customized to fit your style. Whether you want to use something like feathers and cotton as we did here or take it in a colorful, floral direction, the options are endless. For the container, we chose a unique lightbulb style jar, but really any container will do. If you plan on hanging the accent piece, make sure to use a jar that can be hung. The jar we chose wasn’t quite right for hanging, so that part is definitely optional. We hope you enjoy putting your own spin on this at-home summer craft.
6 | inBemidji Summer 2022 Richard Phelps rphelps@century21dickinson.com218-766-5263Facebook@DickPhelpsRealtor *formerly known as Art in the Park | 505 Bemidji Ave. N. Bemidji, MN Event Sponsor July 16 & 17 Downtown Bemidji,

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 7 Twine&Gable 209Beltrami AveNW Bemidji,MN (218)849-0263 Tu-Th:10-5,Sa:10-3 500 Paul Bunyan Dr SE1700 Paul Bunyan Dr NW 2 LOCATIONS IN BEMIDJIOpen 7 Days A 8amWeek-7pm • Decorations of your choosing • Super glue • Garden scissors • ribbonsDecorative • Craft rope • Glass containersupplies: There are many ways to pursue this project and options are broad. You can choose to hang the accent piece, place it on a shelf as we did or whatever your heart desires.tip:

8 | inBemidji Summer 2022 Cut a piece of ribbon and craft rope long enough to fit around your container of choice. Put a small line of super glue across the container, wherever you’d like, and place the ribbon on the glue and hold it there for a couple of seconds until dry. Cut decorations as needed with the garden scissors. We cut ours about 8 inches so it poked out of the glass container. Put the flowers in the container and place it where you choose or hang it with the rest of the leftover craft rope. step1:step2:step3:step4:

BOOKMARKED The Bemidji area boasts a host of its own authors, so our summer edition of Bookmarked features the range of literary talent that resides in our own backyard. Check out the work from some local authors! Code 4: True Stories from a 37-year Police Veteran By Terry Smith The Adventurer and Her Husband By Polly Scotland Final Delivery and Eight Others By Mark Thorson Kayak Cate By Cate Belleveau The Other Side of the Fence: Ana and the Lilys By Corinda Edevold Reflections on Teaching, A Passion for Learning By Mark Christensen Super Stock Rookie By Will Weaver The Heart Behind the Badge By Keith Winger Summer 2022 inBemidji | 9 Monday-Frida y1 0a m- 6p m Saturda y1 0am-5p m 1023rd St reetNW •B emi dji,M N come pickoutyournextsummerreadwith FourPinesBookstore,located rightin Downtown Bemidji!

10 | inBemidji Summer 2022 “The HorrorRockyShow” at Paul Bunyan Playhouse July 1-3, 6-9 Bemidji Sweetheart Days July Hackensack8-14 Deer River Wild Rice Festival July Deer8-10River Hubbard County Fair July 13-17 Park Rapids Mii Gwitch Mahnomen Days Traditional Powwow July 15-17 Ball Club Watermark Art Festival July Bemidji16-17 Moondance Jam July Walker21-23 Muskie Days Festival July Nevis22-23 Blueberry Festival July Lake29-31George WoodcarversBlackduck Festival July Blackduck30 Walker Bay Days July Walker30 JUNEJULY Sites ‘N Bites June 12 Nevis Bike Bemidji Loop the Lake Festival June Bemidji18 Moondance Country Music Weekend June Walker16-18 Leech Lake Days Contest Powwow June 24-26 Cass Lake Paul Bunyan Days June Akeley24-26 Bemidji Jaycees Water Carnival June 30-July 4 Bemidji FUN! Summer MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 11 Lake DragonBemidjiBoat Festival August 3-6 Bemidji CountyClearwaterFair August 3-7 Bagley Lake Itasca Family Music Festival August 5-7 Lake Itasca Taste of Dorset August 7 Dorset CountyBeltramiFair August 10-14 Bemidji Legends and Logging Days August 13 Park Rapids Backwoods Bash August Blackduck20 Forestedge Winery Art Fair August Laporte20-21 Cha Cha Bah Ning Traditional Powwow August 26-28 Inger AUGUST

Faith Hensrud reflects on 6 years as BSU & NTC President Passingpowerthe by Daltyn Lofstrom in Bemidji editor
A college president’s time at their respective institution can be defined by the triumphs, challenges and changes that occur during their tenure.Forthe past six years, Bemidji State and Northwest Technical College President Faith Hensrud has provided the necessary oversight and leadership that’s required of the position and has seen, first hand, how much education has changed since she took up the role in 2016.As of June 30, 2022, however, Faith will be clearing out her office on the third floor of Deputy Hall at BSU, donned with her diplomas and family pictures and various other keepsakes, to enter her next chapter that doesn’t require a time card.
12 | inBemidji Summer 2022
The initial decision Faith was in her fifth year as the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Superior when the BSU and NTC presidency opened up. Faith had 20 years of higher education experience at UW-Superior, a considerable portion of which was in administration after completing her doctorate in educational policy administration from the University of Minnesota in 2001.
“I will be retiring as president at BSU and NTC,” Faith said during a press conference in August 2021. “Serving the past five years have provided the most fulfilling moments of my professional career as we worked to help the state, students and community.”
Photo BraughtAnnaliseby

Following suit with many of her colleagues who were taking presidencies and chancellorships at other institutions, Faith began considering whether or not to switch up her role or stay where she was.
Come July 1, 2016, Faith began her new job with a plan. 427 Mag Seven Court SW, Bemidji, MN Phone: (218) 751-4964 | After Hours: (218) 308-0028 License #PC644057 Serving the Bemidjiarea for 51 years! Quilts, Baby quilts, towels, kitchen items, baby items, doll clothes, upcycled cards, puzzles, wood items. Seasonal. Senior Creation Gift Shop LOCALLY MADE GIFTS BY LOCAL SENIORS! 218-751-8836 216 Third St. NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 Open 8-10:30am Each 2nd Saturday of the month Everyone Welcome! Open 9am-4 pm throughMondayFriday
Many other experiences prepared her for the role including teaching at a technical college and university in Superior, being a chief academic officer, assisting with campus fundraising efforts and Faith’s early background in the U.S. Army. She was on active duty with the 24th Transportation Battalion at Fort Eustis in Virginia from 1986 to 1989 and was part of the U.S. Army Reserve from 1989 to 2000. “My previous roles in higher education were the most directly applicable, but I also had a lot of experience managing diverse populations of soldiers in the military,” Faith said. “I felt that was a good way to begin to understand the value and importance of diversity in the workforce.”
On April 20, 2016, former Minnesota State Chancellor Steven Rosenstone nominated Faith to become the next president of BSU and NTC, an appointment that was then approved at a Board of Trustees meeting. In attendance at this meeting, Faith addressed the Board, “As I have learned about Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College over the past several months, I have been very impressed with the faculty of both institutions. It’s clear that your passion and commitment to your students is very high. I look forward to working with you to ensure that our students have an exceptional learning experience.”
“I started thinking to myself, ‘do I want to move up to that next level of leadership or am I wherecomfortableIam?’ I was comfortable, but that doesn’t mean you should stay where comfortable.”you’re - Faith Hensrud
“I started thinking to myself, ‘do I want to move up to that next level of leadership or am I comfortable where I am?’ I was comfortable, but that doesn’t mean you should stay where you’re comfortable,” Faith said. “So my husband (Neil) and I pulled out the map of the United States and began looking.”
Seeking a location close to her and Neil’s lake cabin an hour away from Bemidji, the decision came relatively easy when their lake cabin neighbor and his brother saw the BSU/NTC vacancy and pointed it out to the couple. Faith loved the idea of leading BSU, not knowing NTC would also be part of the deal at the time. She thought an institution like BSU would have a larger impact in a community the size of Bemidji compared to a larger metropolitan area. “Both institutions have a big footprint in this community and the ability to make a difference to the workforce needs and environmental and educational needs is much greater when you’re an institution in a smaller community,” she added.

partnerships, for which Faith referenced NTC’s partnership with Bemidji High School’s Career Academies and Sanford Health.
More milestones
The fourth and fifth priorities focus on BSU’s shared fundamental values – civic engagement and leadership, international and multicultural understanding, belief in the power of liberal arts and environmental stewardship – and creating a culture in which diversity is embraced.
Bemidji State celebrated its centennial in 2019, an occasion that Faith faced with gratitude.“Thecentennial was a really special event and I think we did a good job of acknowledging the past while beginning to look toward the future. When you think about the first 100 years of an institution, you then think about preparing the institution for the next 100 years,” Faith said. “There’s that sense of pride that you’re really a part of something that’s going to last and that you have a bit of influence on it.”
Faith helped to facilitate programming offered by the Center for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and hired Campus Diversity Officer Steven Parker. The first-of-its-kind Equity certificate within the Minnesota State System also came to fruition under Faith’s leadership and will be offered starting fall 2022.
“The need was identified and we were able to partner with Neilson to receive two years of funding and begin attaining the equipment and staffing for the program,” she added.
NTC strategic planning
After her first few months as president, Faith presented her vision for BSU and NTC as it would look under her leadership and launched a strategic planning process for both “Wheninstitutions.youbegin, you basically present what you’re planning to do in your presidency,” she said regarding her October presentation to BSU and NTC stakeholders. “I had listened over the past several months and began to think about what I would like to accomplish based on what I learned. I also did some prep work ahead of time even before starting the position so I would be better positioned for theThejob.”strategic planning process kicked off at BSU with NTC’s starting about 6 months later. With a 5-year implementation timeline of 2018 to 2023, BSU’s strategic plan addresses five priorities, the first of which is to build university capacity through distinguishing themes of place. In collaboration with an Indigenous Advisory Group, a land acknowledgement statement was drafted that is now read at university events on a regular basis, including commencement. “A theme that ran throughout the planning process was the opportunity to interact with three tribal communities and three tribal colleges to recognize the land on which BSU resides,” Faith said. With BSU’s second priority of becoming a destination university for American Indian students, Faith met with tribal college presidents from Red Lake, Leech Lake, White Earth and Fond Du Lac Tribal Colleges in 2017 to create dualadmission agreements where students could be automatically admitted to BSU after completing a two-year degree at their respectiveIncreasingcollege.student engagement in campus life is BSU’s third strategic priority, which focuses on students’ active participation in athletics, music, cultural activities, residence hall involvement and real-world application of academics as a means to retain students and increase graduation rates. “We had a little something called a pandemic that prevented us from making a lot of progress in this area,” Faith said in refernece to the struggles presented by the coronavirus pandemic. “This is one that we’re continually working on.”
BSU strategic planning
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Creating NTC’s Student Success Center addressed NTC’s second priority of improving student success including retention, graduation and job placement rates.
One of Faith’s proudest moments came with 2020’s graduating class recognizing 65 American Indian graduates, the largest number in BSU’s history. “The work we’ve done to help support American Indian students has led to a greater cultural understanding among our faculty, staff and students,” Faith said. “It’s so wonderful to celebrate our students’ success.”
Another exciting time for Faith included the 50th anniversary of women’s athletics.
“We looked for ways to connect students in the career academies, particularly health students, with opportunities to become nursing assistants and provide scholarships to build interest in that field,” Faith said. NTC entered into a partnership with Advanced Minnesota and five other institutions, including BSU, to become a customized training partner of choice in the region and address its fourth and final priority.
“It was special to be able to acknowledge a lot of great women leaders who were instrumental in athletics,” she said. “It felt really good to honor those women.”
NTC’s strategic plan had a slightly different focus with its four priorities. In addressing NTC’s responsiveness to workforce needs, Faith highlighted the creation of the college’s commercial refrigeration program in 2018 with funding from the Neilson Foundation.
Priority three focuses on enhancing community, business and education

The unprecedented nature of the coronavirus pandemic drastically altered the college experience for students, faculty and staff alike, and Faith wasn’t immune to the constant changes brought on during the spring 2020 semester despite previous pandemic planning experience. “I was on a pandemic planning committee at UW-Superior around 2008 and each institution has their own pandemic plan. What we all recognized when this pandemic hit is that the planning we did back then didn’t go far enough,” Faith said. “We couldn’t have imagined what a pandemic would really look like. We just didn’t allow ourselves to go there.”
In conjunction with the pandemic, the death of George Floyd was a situation during which Faith was challenged in her leadership. “The societal unrest as a result of his killing impacted the entire world,” Faith said. “We were really trying to help our campus community to navigate that type of traumatic experience for our country.”
Summer 2022 inBemidji | 15 BetterHearingMeans Adventure awaits! Dr Andrea R. Wilson Hearing WellnessCenter 21 8-333 -8 833| hear we lln or th .com Trybefore youbuy! 2 weekin-homedemo. RiskFree! “A theme that ran throughout the planning process was the opportunity to interact with three tribal communities and three tribal colleges to recognize the land on which BSU resides.”
Photo by GandseyJillian
- Faith Hensrud
Pandemic problems
“People needed to hear from the leaders about what we knew because things were changing so rapidly,” Faith said. “We could’ve done a forum every day and the info would have changed.”
Faith BemidjistandingHensrudbyLakefollowingherfirstyearasBSUandNTCpresident.
Shortly after the pandemic’s onset, Faith visited the campuses that were nearly empty after classes and campus services had shifted to online delivery. “I’m just walking around campus and I had shed a tear,” she reflected. “I mostly felt sad for our students who weren’t having the typical college experience. I also remember thinking, ‘are we going to have to deal with members of our student population or employees who are going to die as a result of this?’” Transparency was paramount during this new development in Faith’s presidency, which resulted in weekly campus forums to update the campus communities on developments related to the pandemic as well as enrollment, budgeting and activities.

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In March 2021, Faith began considering her retirement with family being the biggest factor. “We were still in the middle of a pandemic and there weren’t as many opportunities to get together with family and friends,” she said. “We have our lake cabin where everyone would come in the summertime and there was a sense of loss when we didn’t have them over during that time.”Her newest granddaughter, Alice June, would be born in June 2021, and wanting to make up for lost time with other family members, she decided against entering another contract that would hold her at BSU and NTC past June 2022. With plans to move to Plymouth at the end of June, Faith also looks forward to kayaking, bird-watching and cross-country skiing when winter arrives.
Faith Hensrud speaking with faculty members at a public forum at NTC prior to starting her presidency in 2016. Photo by Jillian Gandsey
“There’s that sense of pride that you’re really a part of something that’s going to last and that you have a bit of influence on it.”
Future hopes With University of MinnesotaCrookston’s John Hoffman taking the helm at BSU and NTC starting July 1, Faith is looking forward to the future of both institutions under Hoffman’s watch. “I fully expect when Hoffman comes in, he’ll be thinking a bit differently than how we did back in 2018,” Faith said. “The pandemic has changed the face of higher education.”Faithcited that BSU has seen a significant decline in enrollment – a loss of 1,000 students since 2018 – with NTC seeing a sharp decline in the first year of the pandemic, though NTC’s enrollment has since increased again. As colleges and universities across the country face enrollment declines, statistics such as these could be cause for additional strategic enrollment management planning, which Faith said could be an integral part of Hoffman’s own strategic plan.“As a new president, you look at the strategic plan that was in place when you arrived and find out what’s been accomplished, what hasn’t been and which assumptions in the plan are still true,” she said. “Hoffman may look at the current strategic plan and find things that should continue and other things that may need to change.”Faithsees the enrollment challenge as one priority to be tackled in the coming years along with expanding online program offerings, continually meeting workforce needs and preparing BSU for its next capital campaign.Butfor these aspirations and many more, Faith will be looking on in pride rather than being on the frontline.
- Faith Hensrud
“I’m very excited to see what Hoffman does when he’s here and I’ll always be a supporter of these two institutions,” she added. “Once you become president of an institution, you’re really a part of that institution for its history and I’m very pleased to have that.” n
“One of my favorite things is when I watch for birds while kayaking,” Faith said. “Whenever I can sneak up on a great blue heron, it’s like a triumph for me.”

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18 | inBemidji Summer 2022
"It is so important to garden with your children tograndchildrenorcontinuethetradition." - Bridget Westrum by Bridget Westrum special to in Bemidji

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 19 172 Spirit Ave Providing Indoor Comfort for your Home and Business. Need Furnace & A/C Maintenance this Summer? We Can Help! FREE ESTIMATE! We Take Pride in Your Comfort. Stop in or call us today to get a BEMIDJIAREAVOTED#1
• There are a few elements fighting against gardeners in the Bemidji area, but it’s nothing we can’t work around. The most prominent issue is our location, which is extremely cold for the majority of the year and makes for a short gardening season. Bemidji is located in gardening Zone 3, which is important to know when planning your gardens. Zones help gardeners know when to start planting seeds and what perennials will survive the winter.
You will never regret starting a garden. It is an excellent way to make new friends, grow safe and healthy food, and stay active during the summer months. One of my favorite parts of gardening is the ability to share the harvest with friends and family. Now stop questioning whether or not to garden, and just start! There is no better time than the present.
321 45
- Clara Teixeira
• Next, let’s talk about youth gardening! It is so important to garden with your children or grandchildren to continue the tradition. Gardening will encourage them to try new foods and teach them exactly where their food comes from. Teaching younger generations how to be self-sustainable is one of the most important things we can do. Bemidji has a local youth gardening organization, Growing Our Future, that supplies youth ages 18 and younger with free gardening kits a couple of times a year to promote just this.
• One of the most important parts of gardening is taking a minute to learn about your plants. No plant is the same, and they are hardly predictable. Sometimes you can only read the seed packets and hope for the best. A local gardener Clara Teixeira said it best: “My only advice is to buy all the seeds, plant fearlessly, and if it doesn’t work out, write it down as a learning experience. Gardening can be so fun when you let go of the fear of failure.”
Relevant Links:; about/
“My fearlessly,toadviceonlyisbuyalltheseeds,plantandifitdoesn’tworkout,writeitdownasalearningexperience.Gardeningcanbesofunwhenyouletgoofthefearoffailure.”
• Test the soil in your garden. You need to know what your soil is like so that you can either adapt your garden to it or adapt your soil to match the needs of your plants. One of the best ways to test your soil is by sending a sample into the University of Minnesota Soil Testing Lab. Just plan ahead because their turnaround is about 2 weeks this time of year. Another option would be to order a kit from an online seller like Amazon or Gardeners Supply Co. and follow the instructions on the package.
Gardening has a tendency to look like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. So if you are thinking about starting a garden this year, this is your sign to do just that. In the spirit of summer, members of the Grow Bemidji Facebook gardening community has generously offered some advice, tips and tricks for anyone wanting to exercise their green thumb.
• Do not plant too early. Us Minnesotans are used to the unpredictable weather, but our plants are not. In order to grow a successful garden here, you need to keep your eyes on the weather constantly. It froze during the first week of June last year, which threw many of our local gardeners off their game. As a general rule, the last frost date is around June 1, so that’s when we all put our plants in the ground.

Pamela painting.doesartboard,CollaborativeBagleypresidentEdevold,oftheAreaArtshastaughtclassesandherown Contributed / Jessica Whaley
Bagley Area Arts Collaborative offers art for all ages by Dennis Doeden in Bemidji staff
Most of the Collaborative’s artwork is on display at the Bagley Public Library. It includes a painting by longtime Bagley area artist and BAAC board member Ruth Ann Nordlund. She did a painting of the town’s water tower that dates back to steam engine days. It’s so vivid that viewers often think it’s a photograph.
Jill Torgerson never considered herself an artist. However, after taking a mosaic workshop sponsored by the Bagley Area Arts Collaborative, the recently retired pastor was hooked. “Maybe there is some latent talent there,” Torgerson said while showing off one of her four mosaic pieces. “I had never done any type of art before. There’s hope for everyone.”
Hope is what the BAAC stands for, and it’s paying off in many ways as the community 20 miles west of Bemidji is becoming a popular arts destination. It is creating opportunities for budding artists of all ages.
“I want to go on to stained glass and pottery,” she said. “So it’s just blooming time for me. I’m newly retired, so this is refreshing. Happy days are here again.”
20 | inBemidji Summer 2022
Torgerson is just one example of that. She’s working on her fifth mosaic piece, and that’s only the start of her artistic pursuits.

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 21 Clearwater 36283FairgroundsCountyFairgroundRoad,Bagley,MN56621LocatedintheBagleyYouthHockeyArena A BA GL EY AR EA AR TS CO LL AB OR AT IV E BC A KimPaulson A BA GL EY AR EA AR TS CO LL AB OR AT IV E BC A KimPaulson Faire Art Festival July 9-10, 2022 The Faire Art Festival is hosted by For more info, check out our website! Event Hours: 10AM-5PM Saturday | 10AM-4PM Sunday ARTIST VENDORS: Other Main Features: Explore a Traditional Mongolian Yurt! - View the Photo Exhibition, A Photo Tells a Story Food Concessions provided by the BFCG Youth Hockey Association • Photography • Woodworking • Folk Art • Painting • Pottery • Portrait Art • & Much More! Bringing art to the area
- Pamela Edevold
Displaying papier mache fish puppets from a February pageant in Bagley are, from left: Janet Brademan, Jill Torgerson and Pamela Edevold. Contributed / Jessica Whaley Painted by Bagley area artist and BAAC board member Ruth Ann Nordlund.
“Our goal is to offer a variety of arts experiences that are affordable and accessible to all ages and abilities, and to stimulate the vibrancy of our region.”
The BAAC’s mission is simple: “Our goal is to offer a variety of arts experiences that are affordable and accessible to all ages and abilities, and to stimulate the vibrancy of our region.” Pamela Edevold, president of the BAAC, and Janet Brademan, treasurer, were two of the people involved from the start of the organization. About eight years ago, the Region 2 Arts Council gave a presentation in Bagley about the arts and encouraged grant writing. “There was not an organization out here that was producing art with a collective kind of image,” said Brademan, who was executive director of Headwaters Music and Arts for 10½ years before retiring in 2015. Edevold used to run an art studio and frame shop in Bagley, and also taught private art classes.

An example of that reach is David R. Smith, a watercolor artist from Eden Prairie, who returns to teach a workshop Aug. 16-18 at Faith Lutheran Church in Bagley.
Landof 10,000neighb ors
“We live in the country and most of the artists whose names I had heard of also lived in the country,” Edevold said. “Over the 25 years that we’ve lived here I had heard the names but never met the people. So I was looking at something more of a meet and greet or socialization of area artists. And then Janet pounced on that and she created this much bigger idea. That’s when the Bagley Area Arts Collaborative was born, in spring of 2015.”
Brademan said the organizers belabored the name in a number of meetings. “It feels like it fits us,” she said. “We are reminded quite regularly that it is much bigger than Clearwater County. We have artists that come into this area to bring art, bring information, do workshops, literally from all over the United States.”
“We are reminded quite regularly that it is much bigger than Clearwater County. We have artists that come into this area to bring art, bring information, do workshops, literally from all over the United States.” Pamela Edevold
“His class has been full at 25 probably since three days after he said he’d take the class,” Brademan said. “The majority of our guest artists do not live here. So they come and they stay at hotels, eat at our restaurants and buy gas.”
22 | inBemidji Summer 2022 We he lp ourcom munity re achtheir dreams fnbbemi dj m2 18 -751 -2 43 0

The Collaborative’s focus on encouraging young artists is evident in its programming. Youth workshops planned this summer include building your own yard Yahtzee game and building your own cornhole boards and bags. Perhaps the most significant program involving young people was a puppet pageant that took place in February. The BAAC wrote a grant in 2019 for the event and planned to present it in the summer of 2020. Two issues prevented that from happening. First, the COVID-19 pandemic put everything on hold. Second, a Native American elder advised the group to schedule the pageant during the winter months. “It’s an Anishinaabe story,” Brademan explained. “Tradition has it that some tales should only be told in the winter. This is one of Youngthose.”people made puppets for the pageant. They built fish, a blue wolf, a beaver, a Bigfoot character and many more puppets.“Itincluded kids of all ages,” Brademan said. “They sewed, cut, stapled and painted. It was so wonderful to experience what happened in that gym that day when we did the final performance. Everybody was together that day. There were no separations, no politics. It was just a beautiful thing. It was 40 times better than we could have ever expected.” Everybody was together that day. There were no separations, no politics. It was just a beautiful thing. It was 40 times better than we could have ever expected.”
- Janet Brademan
Summer 2022 inBemidji | 23 4111 218.444.2540TechnologyDr.NWBemidji,MN56601| BeltramiElectric NightattheFair!BeltramiElectricCooperativewillholdits82ndAnnualMemberMeetingonWednesday,August10,attheBeltramiCountyFairgroundsat5p.m.•BucketTruckRides•HighVoltageDemo•FREEconcertinthegrandstandfeaturingPapaBearNortonat6:30pm•CheckoutBEC’sElectricVehicle•BECFoodBucks (Registerformeetingby6pm) •FreeParking!
young artists
Young artists in tow

24 | inBemidji Summer 2022 Pastas•RibPrime•SoupsHomemade Walleye • Stir Fry • Desserts Lobster•Shrimp•MignonFilet•EyeRib Casual Dining Between the Lakes Located on the South Shore (218) 444-3214 Hours: Tues-Sat 4pm-9pm Closed Sundays & Mondays “Everything Good” Enjoy yourself in Bemidji Happy Hour Daily Call for web updates Shifting landscapes
The Collaborative is introducing a new summer art festival this year. For 32 years the community had its Art in the Park event on the shore of Lake Lomond in Bagley City Park. That event last occurred in 2019 before the pandemic hit.This year, the new Faire Art Festival will be held July 9-10 indoors at the Bagley Hockey Arena on the Clearwater County Fairgrounds. The event coordinator is Edevold’s daughter, Jessica Whaley, who also serves as the Collaborative’s photographer and technology expert. “We had just decided as a group to take it over. Met at the park to talk about how we were going to go forward,” Whaley said. “While we were sitting in the park a rainstorm that wasn’t predicted came right through. We went to one of the pavilions. It was a wind shear. When that happened, we all kind of decided we will do this if we can do an indoor show. So then the whole idea changed from Art in the Park to more of an arts event. We’re still going to have crafts.” Whaley said the group has a lot of newer, younger artisans coming in as well. “We also want everything to be homemade,” Whaley added. “A lot of the craft shows are switching over to vendor shows and home sales. That’s fine, but we want ours to be more of an artisan-based event.” They also are planning music classes for children, and hope to have entertainment. “Overall I think it will be a lot more accessible than Art in the Park was,” Brademan said. Accessibility has become a key word for the Bagley Area Arts Collaborative. n

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 25 2219 Paul Bunyan Dr. NW #8 751-1607 Healthy Hair For Everyone Book On Line | Call Ahead | Walk In New Summer Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Yourlocalsourceforallyourpestcontrolneeds LocallyOwnedandOperatedbyCorey &SueWestrum Nowscheduling for all of your pest control needs Call todayfor a FREE estimate! 218-556-3738 |1-877-685-9370 | OurServices We specializeinexteriorandinteriorspraying in Homes,Cabins, Resorts,All Residential& Commercial Buildings for: •AsianBeetles •ClusterFlies •Spiders •Bed Bugs •Ants •Beetles •Bees •andwhateveris “bugging” you! NORTHSTAR PESTCONTROL SERVINGNORTHWESTMINNESOTA "We also want everythingto be homemade... ...a lot of the craft shows are switching over to vendor shows and home sales. That’s fine, but we want ours to be more of an artisan-based event." - Jessica Whaley

26 | inBemidji Summer 2022 728 Paul Bunyan Dr. NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 444-8963 · · Dine in · Take out Open 7 days a week 6 am - 10 pm The Larisa Cooks kitchen is serving up four varieties of flatbread pizzas for the summer season. We included recipes for chicken bacon ranch, BBQ chicken, caramelized onion and bacon, and Thai chicken flatbread pizzas. We hope you enjoy! pizza party FLATBREAD Photos by Annalise Braught in Bemidji staff

2 flatbread slices 1 cup ranch dressing 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
BBQ FlatbreadChickenPizza Ingredients
Directions On top of each flatbread spread cooked shredded chicken, BBQ sauce, 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and sliced red onion (optional). Sprinkle the cheddar cheese on top. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees and bake for about 8-10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden. Drizzle a little extra BBQ sauce on top of the cooked pizza before serving.
Summer 2022 inBemidji | 27 Mi Rancho • 677 Anne St NW • Bemidji R001916030 Make summer complete, experiencing new meals and drinks! Monday thru Wednesday: 4pm - 9:30pm | Thursday thru Sunday: 12pm - 10pm Now CallTakeorderstakingonline!outmealsavailable!218-444-8212andwe’llhaveyourorderready.SPECIALSDAILY Chicken Bacon Ranch Flatbread Pizza Ingredients
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup shredded cooked chicken 6 strips crumbled cooked bacon 2-3 green onions chopped (optional) On top of each flatbread spread ranch, cooked shredded chicken, mozzarella cheese, cooked crumbled bacon, cheddar cheese and about half of the chopped green onion. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees and bake for about 8-10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden brown. Drizzle a little extra ranch dressing on top of the cooked pizza before serving.
2 flatbread slices 1 cup BBQ sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded cooked chicken ½ small red onion sliced (optional)

28 | inBemidji Summer 2022 302Irvine Avenue NW,Bemidji,MN56601 •218-751-2009 • Discoverflavorfulnewways to enhance yoursummerexperience. Bemidji’sDowntownFull-ServiceGroceryStore &Deli Expert Service • Local& OrganicProduce Bulk Foods &Herbs • AffordablePrices FullServiceDeli • Organic &FairTrade Coffees PlantBasedProteins • SpecialtyCheeses Organic ,Nitrate &AntibioticFreeMeats • &MORE! Caramelized Onion and Bacon Flatbread Pizza Ingredients 2 flatbread slices 1-2 large yellow onions, thinly sliced 3 tablespoons butter 1/2 tablespoon olive oil 1 pound thick cut bacon 2 cup shredded gruyere cheese (mozzarella cheese can be substituted) Directions Cook bacon until crispy, then chop into pieces and set aside. To prepare the onions, melt butter and olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and toss to coat. Let them sit for 5-8 minutes, then stir occasionally until the onions turn golden brown. Place half of the cheese over each flatbread and bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for 4-5 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Top each flatbread with the caramelized onions, bacon and the rest of the cheese. Bake for 5-10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden brown. delicious

¼ teaspoon each ground ginger, salt, pepper ½ cup peanut butter (optional) Coconut crema sauce: 1½ tablespoons mayonnaise ½ teaspoon honey ½ teaspoon lime juice ½ of a 5.3 oz. container coconut yogurt Optional toppings: ½ small red onion, thinly sliced ½ cup white bean sprouts
1 cup shredded cooked chicken Peanut sauce: 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 teaspoon fish sauce (may substitute soy sauce) ½ teaspoon sriracha or Asian hot chili sauce
½(optional)teaspoon each of garlic powder, dried basil
Thai FlatbreadChickenPizza
2 flatbread slices 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
¼ cup matchstick carrots Directions Coconut crema: Whisk all the ingredients together in a medium bowl until smooth. Store in the refrigerator. Peanut sauce: Whisk all the ingredients together in a medium bowl except for the peanut butter. Set aside. Heat oil over medium high heat in a large nonstick skillet. Add shredded chicken to pan and heat through. Add prepared peanut sauce (except for peanut butter) and simmer with chicken for two minutes. Stir in peanut butter until smooth and completely combined (optional). Evenly divide chicken and peanut sauce between the two flatbreads and spread almost to edges. Evenly divide and layer cheese, and any of the optional topping ingredients on each of the flatbread.Bakefor 10 minutes in a 400 degree preheated oven until cheese is melted and golden brown. Garnish with coconut crema before serving. good
Summer 2022 inBemidji | 29 219 Bemidji Ave. N • Bemidji, MN 218-444-3898 24 Flavors of Delicious

30 | inBemidji Summer 2022
ANSWERS:1)Lightpostbehindridemissing,2)firstcarthasthreeextraspotsintheblue,3)extraredstripeinthesecondtolastcart,4)boyingreen shirtnolongerhaspinkwristband,5)extrawhitesupportonleftsideofride,6)whitecupmissingonthegroundbythegate.
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Fair season is right around the corner! While you prepare for funnel cakes and fun festivities, can you spot the 6 differences between these two pictures?

Summer 2022 inBemidji | 31 Powering communities onelakecabin,onecupof coffee,oneunforgettable momentat atime. Powering communities onelakecabin,onecupof coffee,oneunforgettable momentat atime. We’ve got your Brand! CHRYSLERCHRYSLERBEMIDJICENTERBEMIDJICENTER•755PaulBunyanDrNW,Bemidji•755PaulBunyanDrNW,Bemidji “For over 65 years our mission has been to provide our customers with a shopping, buying, service and ownership experience that satisfies your needs and exceeds your expectations in a comfortable supportive environment.” SHOPSHOPCHRYSLERHONDASHOPDODGE SHOP RAM SHOP JEEP•755PaulBunyanDrNW,Bemidji CHRYSLERBEMIDJICENTER•755PaulBunyanDrNW,Bemidji

Beltrami County Solid Waste • 218-333-8187 • Click on: Solid Waste tab BELTRAMI COUNTY RECYCLING GUIDE Not Accepted Cartons, plastic bags, film and wrap, plastic foam; Styrofoam™, food waste, paper cups and plates, glass dishes, drinking glasses, window glass and ceramics, trash, containers that held hazardous products; oil, antifreeze Paper • Mail, office and school paper • Magazines and catalogs • Newspaper and inserts • Phonebooks Boxes • Cardboard • Cereal and cracker boxes • Shoe boxes, gift boxes, electronics boxes Glass • Food and beverage bottle and jars Metal • Food and beverage cans Plastic* • Empty Water, soda and juice bottles • Milk bottles • Ketchup and condiment bottles • Dishwashing and detergent bottles • Shampoo, soap, and lotion bottles • Yogurt, pudding and fruit cups • Margarine, cottage cheese and other containers • Produce, deli and take out containers Packaging* • Clear, rigid packaging from toys and electronics *Look for this symbol - Only “containers/ bottles” with a 1, 2 and 5 can be recycled in Beltrami County. Toys and large plastic furniture are not recyclable. Applynowat DISCOVER YO UR CALLING. PURSUE YO UR PA SSION.