Paramashivoham Welcome Brochure

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Welcome! You have come here with hope. To get an experience. To go beyond words. I have happened to give you that. I am the Para. The Paramashiva. The Ultimate. Let both of us stay together, let both of us stay with each other till the Ultimate happens. Let both of us get fulfilled.

THE AVATAR – HIS DIVINE HOLINESS PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is revered, regarded, respected and worshipped as the Avatar (living incarnation) of superconsciousness by millions across the globe. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the 293rd Pontiff of the world’s oldest, Shaivaite Aadheenam (temple monastery complex) and also the head of the world’s largest Shaivaite Aadheenam. He is also the youngest Maha Mandaleshwar (the highest level of Hindu spiritual guardianship) of the Mahanirvani Akhada (the ancient apex body of Hinduism),

founder of the world’s largest Hindu University Nithyananda Hindu University and recipient of three Guiness worlds records® record. He and his Sangha (spiritual community) around the globe is serving humanity by reviving the science of completion, science of Enlightenment and manifesting various extraordinary spiritual powers as per the Vedic Agamic tradition of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. He is author of 350 books, which are translated and published in 500 titles and various international languages. His Sangha has a strong presence worldwide through numerous Temples, Adheenams (temple monastery complex), Gurukuls (Vedic schools), universities, goshalas (cow shelters) established by Him. His live Satsangs (spiritual discourses) are viewed by people from all countries around the world.

The program name is “Paramashivoham.” Understand, it is Parama, Ultimate. Ultimate gifting itself to all of you with the name “Paramashivoham.” It is going to be the expression of the ultimate yoga. Each asana having twelve components of asana, mudra, bandha, pranayama, aushadha, karana and flowing into the next asana. Like that, thousand and eight asanas. The Prathama Vinyasa Krama hundred and eight. Dvitiya Vinyasa Krama - three hundred and eight. Tritiya Vinyasa Krama - five hundred and eight. Chaturtha Vinyasa Krama - thousand and eight. You are going to have the Parama Yoga revealed by Paramashiva, ultimate Shiva, ultimate truth, and understand yoga is nothing but union with Cosmos. The whole alchemy science of visualising and manifesting, the manifesting the reality as you want. And, not just manifesting the reality as you want, even manifesting the powers as you want.

This is what is the Parama Jnana Paddhati - ultimate Jnana Paddhati revealed by Paramashiva in Agamas. Understand, this will be gifted to you. Get ready to manifest all the four hundred and sixty three powers and something more. Next, the Kriya Paddhati, the Kriyapada - all the ultimate rituals Paramashiva is revealing, and gifting it to the humanity through all the Vedagamic literatures, all those and much more. Get ready to receive those gifts. Literally the rituals which can make you manifest powers and make you manifest the ultimate reality, which can make you manifest very space of Paramashivoham. You are also going to enjoy all the festival, ceremony, ritual components and dimensions of Vedagamic Hindu tradition.

You are going to witness my forty second Avatar Utsava, forty second Jayanthi Mahotsava between this program Paramashivoham, which as usual you will see the grand festival narration of Hinduism. Next, Charya Paddhati - the lifestyle, the ultimate lifestyle Paramashiva is revealing in Vedagamas. Ultimate lifestyle, ultimate truths Paramashiva is revealing - about food, thought currents, body, Consciousness, sex, your gender identity, about everything. I'll reveal Paramashiva’s revelation about eleven genders. All the great truths unedited, as it is from Kailash live relay, is Paramashivoham program. Understand, Paramashivoham program is just live relay from Kailash as it is. He is starting His real mission through this body. He’s opening up all the real gifts He brought from Kailasa to share with the humanity now through this body. This Paramashivoham program is the beginning of all the great gifts He brought from the Kailasa, from the Maha Kailasa from the Maha Kailasa, whatever Paramashiva brought to share with the humanity is opening up through this body in Paramashivoham program. So understand, it’s not just program. It is place where you come and enter into a space and receive all the gifts - the ultimate gifts from Paramashiva, ultimate gifts from Paramashiva from Maha Kailasa. Receive the ultimate gifts from Paramashiva from Maha Kailasa in this program – Paramashivoham

Attending 21 days of Paramashivoham in your home is possible. Now we have everything, let’s use the technology. For the best results, I always recommend - come to Adi Kailash but just because you are not able to come to Adi Kailash, I don’t want to deny you trying it on your own. You see, even ParamaShivoham Program, for best results come to Adi Kailash, but just because you are not able to come to Adi Kailash, I don’t want to deny you trying out on your own. Actually, I am opening it for everyone to attend even from your home. I will call that as ‘ParamShivoham’ trying it out on your own’. Nothing wrong! You will surely have the benefit of the level of your involvement, your integrity.

11 Genders as revealed by Paramashiva Some of the most powerful sacred secrets from Paramashiva about the eleven genders. Gender is the totality of your physical existence, your physiological existence, your psychological existence and your identification Aham, will - in all four levels, how you feel the totality of all these four put together is your gender. Unfortunately society does not have this elaborate true understanding, because this knowledge was kept with elite. Society has only the very rough mediocre understanding of two gender. Only now they are coming up slowly to the level of third gender. Actually, eleven genders exist the various permutation, combinations of your gender identification in the physical level, physiological level, psychological level and will, Aham, the individual conscious level. So understand, when Hinduism, Vedas and Agamas asked you to be a celibate till the age of twenty one - the purpose is for you to realise in physical level what is the gender with which you feel comfortable, in psychological level what is the gender with which you are comfortable, in physiological level what is the gender identity with which you are comfortable and your conscious, self conscious level what is the gender with which you are comfortable. Exploring it, understand. One of the biggest problem is till twenty one, if you allow somebody to explore you or if you explore somebody - you collapse into the wrong identification due to powerless cognitions and you built a wrong gender identity, understand. Whether you feel oversexed or undersexed, womaniser or suppressed, any powerlessness or complication in the level of sex and sexual fulfilment or sexual desires, sexual guilt and any

problem you go through with the sex - fundamentally starts with gender identification. I tell you, when your gender is properly identified, all the sexual problems just meltdown! Three thousand problems sexologist has created can just meltdown if you just diagnose your gender. That’s all. Nothing else. Please understand, multiple disorders related to eating can be cured completely. Multiple disorders related to drug addictions can be cured completely just by gender identification. … First thing just say no to society and society labelling you in any gender. If you are below twenty one, decide not to allow anybody to physically to explore you and never explore another physical body. Wait. Wait. Understand. Gender identity is like a mercury. It cannot be kept even in golden pot. It can be only kept in stone “Identifying your vessel. Only after t w e n t y one, your system gender makes you so b e c o m e s a stone vessel. If you are perfect. Complete below twenty one, decide diagnose makes you e x p l o r i n g no question of another body or letting manifest powers.” another body to explore you. And if you are already above twenty one and you feel you have allowed people to explore you or you explored other bodies don’t fall into guilt, but sit and go through every incident and go for completing it. All the understandings, false identifications, misinterpretations, powerless cognitions inserted into you, got inserted into you - look at them all with the eyes of conspiracy theory. Please understand, do not forgive the way society dovehole you. The way society pull you through its jackets. No! Do not forgive, do not forget the society’s abuses on you, understand. Any problem you have related to sex directly or indirectly, it is society’s conspiracy against you.

They may be ignorant, then they should be cleared their ignorant and they should not have abused you with their misunderstandings. His Holiness reveals the original truths as it is from Paramashiva - one by one, understand. First thing, there are eleven genders. Second thing, you just need completion, whatever way you are.

How does completion with gender identity look?

Pen down all the cognitions that inspired you to explore other body or allow others to explore your body, and after exploring physical relationship, the kind of the cognitions, emotions, mood swings you were going through - pen down all of that effects and side effects, after effects of you exploring the another body or another person exploring your body. Go through the whole thing and complete completely. Go for completion. If you are preparing for Paramashivoham, take this as an instruction. Please start doing it. ‌ If you are above twenty one or if you have allowed anybody to explore you or you explore others - go for completion. If you are below twenty one - don’t allow from now, anybody to explore others and explore yourself. Even if you are below twenty one and already you allowed somebody to explore you or you explored some other body - go for completion. Identifying your gender makes you so perfect. Complete diagnose makes you manifest powers. Not only solves all your food pattern problems, addiction related problems and sexual orientation complications, sexual identity crisis, gender identity crisis. Even the middle age mood swing or the dullness you have, everything. If you are bored, tired, every problem. This is the master solution, identifying you gender as per Paramashiva describes. Blessed are those knowingly or unknowingly remain celibate in the first twenty one years of your life, you have built the best foundation for your existence. First twenty one years of your life, if you have not physically explored anybody and allowed physically to explore you - you have built the best foundation for your life. *excerpt from Nithya Satsang, 07 Nov 2018

What Kind of Food will be Served During the Program? Organic Sattvic Food as per the Agama. One of the most important best preparation for Paramashivoham is build your body heavily with that natural food, organic food, organic supplements, organic nutrients, understand. Without non vegetarian or pesticides, fertilisers grown product. Pure organic natural food and supplements, heavy yoga build your body. Understand, for aircraft to land on the ground, you need a heavy concrete built runway. Runway which can handle the whole pressure. Same way, Paramashiva to land on you and manifest powers, you need a heavy, strong nervous system and body. Paramashivoham participants will be served complete organic food prepared as per Bhaga Shastra and Ayurveda. The Bhaga Shastra is the book on Hindu way of cooking, revealed by Parashiva himself, over 60,000 years ago. If you are Vegan or allergic to certain food items, or having special meal requirements please let us know. We will do our best to cater to your needs. Special Dietary requirements form:

NITHYANANDA YOGA AT PARAMASHIVOHAM “The ultimate truths in the field of Yoga - you are going to have twelve components of each asana. Asana - the physical posture; pranayama - the breathing structure; mudra - the energy circuit connections; bandha - internal awakening of Kundalini Shakti. Twelve various components of each asana flowing into the Vinyasa Krama of thousand and eight postures. Understand, the ultimate gift of Yoga by Paramashiva to all of you. Of course, with the valid Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana, Atma Pramana it will be made as a Sakshi Pramana for you. Each asana having twelve components of asana, mudra, bandha, pranayama, aushadha, karana and flowing into the next asana. Like that, thousand and eight asanas. The Prathama Vinyasa Krama - hundred and eight. Dvithiya Vinyasa Krama - three hundred and eight. Trithiya Vinyasa Krama - five hundred and eight. Chaturtha Vinyasa Krama - thousand and eight. You are going to have the Parama Yoga revealed by Paramashiva, ultimate Shiva, ultimate Truth... And understand, Yoga is nothing but Union with Cosmos. It is so unfortunate, the word “Union” is very poorly mapped and understood - just for physical sex. Please understand, sex is poor man’s version of union. When you don’t know anything, you just do that. That’s it. Union is rich man’s version of sex. It is much beyond body. It is much beyond body. Human beings mostly know only how to relief their pressure, not have union. Understand, the ultimate secrets of union with the Cosmos is yoga.” - His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda

are tangible. Outward physical movements would be considered a “ itself in our body through Nithyananda Yoga.

Each of the 12 components of Yoga work on the unmanifest layer, the Anything done in the level of Usha, the expression (matter), due to Anything done in the level of Chaaya, the existence (anti-matter), as only work on mind. If it is done in Chaaya, it will remain in the body. exists longer than the remnants of the mind in altered states of consc

Thus, the methodology of working on the mind is lesser than metho long lasting. It is chaaya. It is on body - the anti-matter, the anti-soun stays longer. It has the status of Hiranyagarbha, the Source of creatio

In an Akashic Revelation, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda announced to the world the 12-dimensions of Yoga, where every asana is paired with 11 additional Yogic components to fully stimulate all the senses. By practicing Yoga with these components, strong roots are built within the body and ecstatic bliss is experienced. This Yoga delivers the direct experience of Samadhi (experience of Oneness with the Ultimate): to manifest the state, space, and powers of Paramashiva.

To truly understand why yoga should be practiced with all of its components, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda revealed the first principle of Nithyananda Yoga as vyakta and avyakta, the manifest and unmanifest. In the scientific community, vyakta and avyakta is commonly understood as matter and antimatter. Authentic Yoga is meant to deliver both vyakta and avyakta experientially to the practitioner. The “manifest” parts of our body and consciousness are more familiar to us; they “manifest” aspect. But, it is the “unmanifest” which begins to reveal

e avyakta: anti-matter, anti-sound, anti-sex. matter’s quality of going up and down, does not stay permanently. s it does not go down, stays permanently. If it is done on Usha, it will . Remnants of body in the altered form, the power manifesting form, ciousness.

ods of working on the body. That is why tantra is more effective and nd, the anti-sex. Anything done on anti-matter, anti-sound, anti-sex on, the imperishable.

Anti-sex with Mahasadashiva is Nithyananda Yoga. Anti-sex is inten completion for what you know normally as sex. This whole practice w focus on the the anti-sex activity. During the process, the anti-sex bo goes through passive sexual relationship with the avyakya compone of Sadashiva. This is Nithyananda Yoga. The physical movement th happens in the tongue, mouth, throat, eyes, chest, thighs, toes, the m or female organs during the anti-sexual activity with Mahasadashiva the whole Nithyananda Yoga.

In order to achieve this intense completion, Paramahamsa Nithyanan has revealed that the physical practice of Yoga goes much beyond single asana, or posture. Rather, with every movement, or placement the body, there are a total of 12 dimensions in action: Asana, Pranayama/Kumbhaka, Mudra, Bandha, Karana, Visualizati Japa (internal chanting), Paarayana (external chanting), adding weig to different parts of the body, Mandala, Abharana (jewelry), and Ausha (energized herbs).

Every posture is the anti-sex activity of male or female body with t cosmic form of Mahasadashiva. What is physically seen is Usha (physi movements), but what is actually happening inside is Chaaya (t unmanifest space). Because the whole orientation during this proc is on chaaya (the existence), the usha (the expression) will automatic consciousness. Perfection is established in chaaya.

During the process of Nithyananda yoga, the yogi intensely withdra experience teleportation and materialization. When materialization becomes matter. By the end of the entire sequence, the yogi will be ab The power of this whole process is doing it in the breathing space of th Nithyananda. If the atmosphere is inhaled through nose, it is prana. breathing space of Paramashiva is Samaana. Thus, Nithyananda Yog imbibe the Samaana to take you deeper into the Oneness experience In Nithyananda Yoga, when the body goes through anti-sex with Mah Nithyananda Yoga gives the direct experience of the state of Samadh

A detailed look into each of the 12 components of Paramashiva’s Yog

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aws from the body, the form they are connected, allowing them to n happens, the anti-matter from the avyakta enters into vyakta and ble to immediately manifest at least 21 powers, without a single doubt. he master, Mahasadashiva Himself, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa . If inhaled through every pore of the skin, it is Samaana. The whole ga can only be practiced in the consecrated place of the Master to e, which is exactly what you will experience this Paramashivoham. hasadashiva, power manifestation becomes permanent and complete. hi, Oneness with the Ultimate: Paramashivoham.

ga you will be experiencing:

1. ASANAS Maybe the most widely discussed topic in yoga today is what does ‘asana’ mean? Is it sitting? A certain posture? Movement? Like most understandings, the only way to truly discover the truth is to go to the original Source. This text itself IS the original sourcebook, revived in modern language and form. It is dedicated to unveiling the truths about asanas, revived from the (almost lost) sacred palm leaves gifted to humanity thousands of years ago by MahaSadashiva, the Adiyogi (primordial Yogi) Himself. Ultimately, asana means many things, but simply put asana is defined as physical posture. Physically, whether standing, sitting, laying or jumping, asana is when our muscles are completely comfortable and relaxed; they are alive, stable and comfortably stacked upon one another. Asana is when the body is bending, stretching and aligning itself to the Cosmic geometry. The context of asana is not restricting itself to some physical posture – it’s not a place that the body is in, but a space. Nidhidhyasana, for instance, is when we are radiating excitement, joy and bliss for life regardless of the physical positioning of the limbs. Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes asana as, “steady and comfortable body postures to tune oneself with the Cosmos.” Since most people are either in a state of restlessness (rajas) or tiredness (tamas), the body needs preparation to enter into the experience of Yoga. Asanas allow the body and mind to come to a state of balance and restful awareness (sattva), where one can easily enter into the deeper and more subtle dimension of yoga. A person is made up of three bodies - the physical or gross body (sthula sharira), the subtle body (sukshma shareera) and the causal body (kaarana shareera). Chakras are the subtle energy centers that are present at the intersection of the physical, the subtle and the causal body. They are aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

Asanas involve placing these centres in relative position with each other. Those positions can be represented by geometrical figures. “If the asanas are practiced in a certain manner, one becomes prepared for the purification of the nadis. It is excellent in alleviating the diseases, prana and bodily heat are enriched. Minor diseases are also cured, and bodily heat and prana are stimulated. One feels light. Life span is enhanced. Premature death is prevented.” Hathatatvakaumudi (Ch.9.18-19) Some of the benefits of Asanas include: - optimizing the digestive functions (e.g. Matsyendrasana, Hathatatvakaumudi Ch.7.8), - regulating fever and imbalances caused due to the humours (e.g. Mayurasana, Hathatatvakaumudi Ch.7.10), - removing fatigue (e.g. Savasana, Hathatatvakaumudi Ch.7.12), giving mental stability, - enhancing enthusiasm and stamina (e.g. Virasana, Hathatatvakaumudi Ch.7.19), and ultimately, - ensuring success to the yogi (e.g. Siddhasana, Shiva SamhitaIII.85). The most important understanding of asanas is, it is not a practice at all, it is a ‘happening’, a ‘manifestation’, which happens through asanas; we do not practice sitting with God, we embody God, MahaSadashiva. It is from this space of MahaSadashivoham, when we are intent on the vow of living like God, that we are performing an authentic asana. Through intensely flowing through the Prathama Vinyasa Krama (The first set of sequential asanas) of 108 asanas, the body simply falls in tune with the cosmos.


Pranayama is a term that refers to the breathing process. The air you breathe is just a vehicle in which the prana (life-energy) comes in and goes out of your body. When you inhale, the air comes in carrying prana, and when you exhale, the ‘empty’ air goes out. This life energy is universal. Yoga Kundali-Upanishad I.19 states: mÉëÉhÉUÉåkÉqÉjÉåSÉlÉÏÇ mÉëuɤrÉÉÍqÉ xÉqÉÉxÉiÉÈ | mÉëÉhɶÉç SåWûaÉÉå uÉÉrÉÑUÉrÉÉqÉÈ MÑüqpÉMüÈ xqÉ×iÉÈ || 19 || prā arodhamathedānī pravak yāmi samāsata | prā aśca dehago vāyurāyāma kumbhaka sm ta ||19| AKASHIC REVELATION: Then I shall presently relate briefly about the control of the vital air. Prana is air coursing through the body and Ayama is said to be Kumbhaka (holding under control).

Pranayama is where Yoga reveals itself as much more than a mere physical practice. No other discipline has understood and presented the means to regulate and expand one’s own life energy like Yoga. The practice of pranayama leads to the purification of the energy body and its channels, called Nadis (Yogatattvopanishad 44-46), and to the ultimate experience of manifesting the powers of MahaSadashiva (e.g. Kumbhaka Paddhati 88-89). Through proper Asanas, physical well-being is achieved, muscles are toned, the nervous system is strengthened, and vital organs are regulated and brought into a state of health (Hathatatvakaumudi Chapter 11.5). Thus the body becomes ready for pranayama (Darshanopanishad , III.13). It is with pranayama that the real technique of yoga begins. MahaSadashiva describes pranayama as being composed of three processes: Recaka, Puraka, and Kumbhaka. Puraka means the inhalation of prana from outside the body; kumbhaka refers to holding the breath like a filled-up pot without moving the limbs, and recaka refers to the exhalation of air from the body. “You will awaken the non-mechanical parts or subtle areas of the brain. A source of infinite creativity, which usually remains dormant in most human beings, will be accessible to you.� - His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Consistent and proper practice of pranayama increases our life energy, giving us greater mental abilities, slowing the aging process, ridding the body of diseases, fatigue and thirst, and helping us manifest Divine powers such as levitation, teleportation, and materialization.


There is a constant inflow of prana happening in our bodies through the nadis and chakras, but much of it usually gets dissipated into the external world. This dissipation into the external world is responsible for the feeling of tiredness, confusion and powerlessness that we experience. Mudrā (a Sanskrit word meaning “seal”) refers to the positioning of the limbs, fingers or even tongue in a certain way to seal this prana into our body, a way of aligning to the cosmic geometry. His Divine Holiness defines mudras simply as an “energy circuit connection.” Mudras are a way to stimulate the flow of prana shakti (life force energy and Cosmic currency) inside us. Mudras are psycho-physical processes, which help accelerate the effect of an Asana and Pranayama to take us to a higher state of consciousness. By positioning the body in certain ways to block the dissipation of prana and direct it inwards, Mudras create the space for Pratyahara and Dharana, the higher experiences of Yoga, to happen in us. Throughout the Prathama Vinyasa Krama, you will experience mudras of the hands and of the gaze, called drishti.

The Shastras (scriptures that are direct revelations from MahaSadashiva) reveal the layers of benefits that can result from the integrated practice of mudras, ranging from health and longevity, to mental focus, awakening the subtle grooves of the brain responsible for higher emotions such as devotion and gratitude, to the ultimate experience of transcending our limiting cognitions we carry as human beings and living and radiating the state, space and shaktis of MahaSadashiva himself. It is mentioned repeatedly in the scriptures that initiation by the Guru holds the “Master Key”, that can transform us from human beings into superhuman beings. MahaSadashiva says in the Shiva Samhita IV.18 AlÉålÉç ÌuÉÍkÉlÉÉ rÉÉåaÉÏ qÉlSpÉÉarÉÉåÌmÉ ÍxÉkrÉÌiÉ| xÉuÉÉïxÉÉqÉåuÉç lÉÉQûÏlÉÉÇ cÉÉsÉlÉÇ ÌoÉlSÒqÉÉUhÉqÉç || eÉÏuÉlÉliÉÑ MüwÉÉrÉxrÉç mÉÉiÉMüÉlÉÉÇ ÌuÉlÉÉzÉlÉqÉç | xÉuÉUÉåaÉÉåmÉzÉqÉlÉÇ eÉPûUÉÎalÉÌuÉuÉkÉïlÉqÉç || uÉmÉÑwÉÉ MüÉÎliÉqÉqÉsÉÉÇ eÉUÉqÉ×irÉÑÌuÉlÉÉzÉlÉqÉç | uÉÉÇÍNûiÉÉjÉïTüsÉÇ xÉÉæZrÉÍqÉÎlSìrÉÉhÉÉgcÉç qÉÉUlÉhÉqÉç || LiÉSÒ£üÉÌlÉ xÉuÉÉïÍhÉ rÉÉåaÉÉÃRûxrÉç rÉÉåÌaÉlÉÈ | puÉåSprÉÉxÉiÉÉÅuÉzrÉÇ lÉɧÉç MüÉrÉÉï ÌuÉcÉÉUhÉÉ || 18 || anena vidhinā yogī mandabhāgyopi sidhyati | sarvāsāmeva nā īnā cālana bindumāra am || jīvanantu ka āyasya pātakānā vināśanam | savarogopaśamana ja harāgnivivardhanam || vapu ā kāntimamalā jarām tyuvināśanam | vā chitārthaphala saukhyamindriyā āñca mārana am | etaduktāni sarvā i yogārū hasya yogina || bhvedabhyāsatā'vaśya nātra kāryā vicāra ā || 18 ||

AKASHIC REVELATION: In this way (through the Maha Mudra), even the most unfortunate Yogi might obtain success. By this means, all the vessels of the body are roused and stirred into activity; life is increased and its decay is checked, and all sins destroyed. All diseases are healed, and the gastric fire is increased. It gives faultless beauty to the body, and destroys decay and death. All fruits of desire and pleasure are obtained, and the senses are conquered. The Yogi fixed in restful awareness acquires all the above-mentioned things, through practice. There should be no hesitation in doing so. (18) Research has revealed the health benefits gained by practicing mudras include freedom from disease, hunger, thirst, fainting, fatigue, indigestion, skin diseases, constipation and more. Besides this, mudras directly activate the prana and awaken the inner potential energy (Kundalini shakti) in us, manifesting the space, state and shaktis of MahaSadashiva. Mudras are a crucial component of the Yogic method for Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini is the ultimate inner potential bio-energy that is available to each one of us. It is the largest untapped natural resource lying with humanity. When Kundalini energy is awakened with the right knowledge, right context, right understanding, right technique, right process, and above all, through the direct deeksha (initiation) by a living Avatar (incarnation), it can give us anything we want.


Bandha is internal awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. It is a Sanskrit term that means ‘conducive to’. It is the active maintenance of a state of contraction or pressure in the body by the yogi, initially practiced and eventually naturally occurring contractions of different body parts. Bandhas are performed by making muscular and diaphragm contractions in specific parts of the body that pump energy into dormant or stagnant areas of the body. Without bandhas, energy tends to leak out, tends to be blocked, or dissipated due to our lifestyle etc. Here bandhas are the bridge between the disconnected areas of the energy circuit. This is the reason that this pumping and re-alignment of Prana (vital life energy) and Kundalini Shakti (inherent potential energy), brings tremendous healing and balancing to the physical, emotional and neurological systems. Bandhas are described beautifully in the Shiva Samhita (BA)-III.73: UÉeÉSliÉÌoÉsÉÇ krÉÉiuÉÉ MÑülQûÍsÉlÉÏÇ UÉeÉSliÉÌoÉsÉÇ krÉÉiuÉÉ MÑülQûÍsÉlÉÏÇ


xÉÇmÉÏŽ ÌuÉÍkÉlÉÉ ÌmÉoÉåiÉç | wÉhqÉÉxÉålÉç MüÌuÉpÉïuÉåiÉç || 73 || xÉÇmÉÏŽç ÌuÉÍkÉlÉÉ ÌmÉoÉåiÉç | wÉhqÉÉxÉålÉç MüÌuÉpÉïuÉåiÉç || 73 ||

rājadantabila gā ha sa pī ya vidhinā pibet | dhyātvā kun alinī devī a māsen kavirbhavet | 73| AKASHIC REVELATION: When having firmly closed the glottis by the proper Yogic method, and contemplating on the Goddess Kundalini, he drinks (the moon fluid of immortality), he becomes a sage or poet within six months. Bandhas are practised along with many Asanas and Pranayamas to bring the Prana Shakti also known as our vital energies under control. The difference between Mudra and Bandha is that the Bandha is practising a focus, and maintaining that lock as long as possible, whereas the actions of contracting and releasing are more indicative of a Mudra. t

Bandhas assist in pushing the Kundalini energy up the spine. The muscular contractions help prevent the energy from flowing back downwards and getting dissipated. These bandhas generate a certain flow along the spinal column, where there are energy points called Chakras which correspond to major regulatory glands in the body and also serve as storehouses and distribution houses for prana shakti. There are seven chakras:

Mūladhara - the root chakra located in the perineum and associated with the adrenals Swadhisthana - chakra located at the level of the pubic bone and associated with the reproductive organs Manipura - chakra located at the navel and associated with the pancreas and adrenals Anahata - chakra located at the heart center and associated with the thymus gland Vishuddhi - chakra located at the throat and associated with the thyroids Ajna - chakra located at the point between the eyebrows and associated with the pineal gland Sahasrara - chakra located at the crown of the head and associated with the pituitary gland The chakras are subtle energy centers and not physical organs. Performing Bandhas help to push the Kundalini energy upward through the chakras. Thereby diseases can be cured and the function of their associated physical, psychological and neurological systems can be optimized. Bandhas will be practiced together with pranayama and specific asanas throughout this sequence. There are four major bandhas described by in the Yoga Upanishads (e.g. Yoga-Sikhopanishad, 103): Mūla Bandha- - root contraction Uīyana Bandha- - the net holding contraction Jālandhara bandha- flying contraction Mahā Bandha- the great bandha, all three bandhas simultaneously

Mūla Bandha- Mūla Bandha is also known as the root lock that happens and works with the Mūladhara Chakra. It is a contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Pranic energy which normally flows out of the body is prevented from leaking and instead raised to the higher chakra energy centers along the spine. Locking this flow of energy at the base of the spine is referred to as yoni bandha. Mūla-Bandha is the most important Bandha and should be maintained during breathing exercise. The benefit is that it brings perpetual youth. Uīyana Bandha-Uīyana Bandha is known as the abdominal lock and therefore happens in and works with the Manipuraka Chakra. It is performed by bringing the navel inwards, towards the spine. Through this action, prana flows more easily into the Sushumna Nadi, the central energy channel along the spine where the kundalini energy can move up the chakra centers. Jālandhara bandha- Jālandhara Bandha is known as the throat lock and therefore works with the Vishuddhi Chakra. It is performed by pressing the chin against the throat between the collar bones. This causes pressure on the neck, which is the center of extreme purity (Vishuddha chakra). This action keeps the nectar (amrita) and prana shakti in the head. Many pathways for this prana shakti (including nerves and blood capillaries) pass through the neck. This bandha assists their function in the area of the head, throat and shoulders. Mahā Bandha- Maha Bandha is known as the tryanabandha, the combination of the three previous bandhas together. It is performed in sequential order, or it happens automatically for the more advanced yogi. It has a powerful effect to awaken the Kundalini Shakti, circulating energy through all the Chakras, and pierce through the psycho/physical knots known as Granthis. This leads to a stronger physiology ready to radiate the state, space and powers of MahaSadashiva! The yogic scriptures mention that through the practice of Bandhas, the old become young, and one overcomes disease and even death.


The Natyashastra describes ‘The combined movement of the hands and feet’ as a karana in sacred dance. It involves synchronized movements of the feet, hips, hands and even the fingers. The 108 karanas can be seen frozen in various temple sculptures and were used in the sacred dance. For the very first time His Divine Holiness reveals the effect of karanas on the body and mind and the breathing patterns that they trigger. Performing the karanas puts you into a state of high awareness of your body engaging multiple body parts at the same time. The half squatting position commonly called the aria mandi is common to most karanas, which when performed aligns the body to the alignment of the cosmos. Several triangles can be drawn along the lines of the body, therefore this posture enables the microcosm to connect to the macrocosm. The seven chakras are in complete alignment and aids the Kundalini to raise to the Sahasrara. These 108 karanas were revealed by Sadashiva to his gana Tandu who then teaches it to Bharata – the author of the Natyashastra. The karanas incorporated into the Prathama Vinyasa Krama are Urdhvajanu, Ardhasvastika, Anchita, Ghurnita, Katichinna, Nikuttaka and Valita. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers a major conscious breakthrough to the field of yoga through incorporating these dance movements. Through Sadashiva’s in-depth instructions, energy and movement is taken to the next level, as seen in this example of karana: TalapushpapuTam || uÉÉqÉå mÉÑwmÉmÉÑOûÈ mÉɵÉåï mÉÉSÉåÅaÉëiÉsÉxÉgcÉUÈ iÉjÉÉ cÉ xɳÉiÉÇ mÉɵÉïÇ iÉsÉmÉÑwmÉmÉÑOÇû pÉuÉåiÉç ||1|| vāme pu papu a pārśve pādo’gratalasañcara | tathā ca sannata pārśva talapu papu a bhavet |1|

AKASHIC REVELATION: On the left side, pushpapuTa in the hand, foot in agratalasanchara, And sannata on the side results in TalapushpapuTa.


Śāstra Pramāa Tejo Bindu Upanishad 1.29

SعÏÇ ¥ÉÉlÉqÉrÉÏÇ M×üiuÉÉ mÉzrÉåSèoÉë¼qÉrÉÇ eÉaÉiÉç | xÉÉ SØÌ¹È mÉUqÉÉåSÉUÉ lÉ lÉÉxÉÉaÉëÉuÉsÉÉåÌMülÉÏ || 29 || dī jñānamayī k tvā paśyedbrahmamaya jagat sā d i paramodārā na nāsāgrāvalokinī 29 AKASHIC REVELATION: When seen with the sight of pure knowledge, the Universe appears filled with the essence of Brahman, the Ultimate Expansive Consciousness. It is that sight [d i] which uplifts and raises, not the looking at the tip of one’s nose. In the science of yoga, context and intention are everything. Why you bend your body matters: for whatever intention you move the body, that experience will be delivered to you. That is why in Nithyananda Yoga, we maintain the space of yoga as a ritual, as a direct connection between MahaSadashiva and us. With every asana, it is important to maintain a strong visualization of that asana. Many asana names are a direct meditation upon different gods and goddesses. Some asanas take the form of specific animals or other living creatures. When we keep a clear visualization of each form we are embodying, the body can settle into the depthexperience of each and every posture. Many times MahaSadashiva tells in the scriptures that Oneness can be experienced through seeing Him in everything, in each and every point we bring our gaze to. Through the sequence of 108 asanas, you will be guided to meditate upon specific visualizations for each asana.


Japa is the internal chanting of a mantra with the visualization of it rotating around the throat in a circular way, allowing the yogi to feel the mild vibration of that mantra. When chanting, wear an energized rudraksha bead exactly on the Vishuddhi chakra, in the hollow of the throat. This is the place where the air is getting converted into sound. If you wear energized rudraksha there, constantly every word coming out will have the coat of that mantra. It becomes like the ajapa japa. You will see this rudraksha and the mild vibration meeting, and the kundalini in you will be awakened. Ajapa Japa is one of the most powerful process and technique. It releases a certain kind of energy from our body, and nectar from the throat. When you do Ajapa Japa, it is not that every second you chant once; your heart chants, your lungs chant, your throat chants! The more and more deep it goes into your being, more and more parts of your being resonates with that. Bija (seed) mantras refers to the single syllable mantras used to invoke certain deities. Throughout the Prathama Vinyasa Krama, we implement bija mantras as powerful japas (repetitive chants) while bending the body. Bija mantras correlate to specific chakras as we engage them, applifying their power. The following are the japas used throughout the 108 asanas:


Mantra is a Sanskrit word that describes a sacred utterance, a sound, a syllable, a single word or a group of words. A Mantra has spiritual powers with or without syntactic or literal meaning. A disciple needs to be initiated into a mantra by his Guru, using the right procedures (mantra deeksha) for the mantra to have its maximum potency for that individual. It is given by the Guru and received with gratitude and respect by the disciple. Clear instructions are given about the number of repetitions, the right speed and duration of chanting, in order to experience the truth of the mantra. Hathatatvakaumudi Ch.18.6 explains the benefits of chanting: rɨÉxrÉ SåuÉiÉÉ qÉÉrÉÉ ÌuÉÃmÉMüUhÉÉ´ÉrÉÉ | xuÉmlÉåÅÌmÉ lÉ pÉuÉå¨ÉxrÉ ÌlÉirÉÇ ²ÉSzÉeÉÉmrÉiÉÈ || 6 || yattasya devat my virpakararay | svapne'pi na bhavettasya nitya dvdaajpyata 6 | AKASHIC REVELATION: By the grace of the deity being adored, one will not face distraction even in dream state if one chants (mantra) 12 times every day. MahaSadashiva is Light (Consciousness) while Adishakti is Sound (Creation). By mantras, a Yogi can unclutch from external things and be absorbed in the sounds of the mantra. The goal is to focus more and more on the subtle sound. By abandoning the thoughts, a Yogi learns to listen to the nada. Nada is a sound which is based on the premise that the entire Cosmos consists of sound vibration. The practise of listening to nada leads to Oneness with the Ultimate, with MahaSadashiva. Therefore, mantras lead a Yogi to live and radiate the state and space of MahaSadashiva.

When the body bends in a sequence of asanas, the aura (energy surrounding any person) opens up; therefore, only the highest vibrational sounds should be entering the space. That is why in Nithyananda Yoga, the Sanskrit pramanas (scriptural references from Source Texts) are continuously chanted out loud throughout the Vinyasa Kramas. As the aura, or energy body, is vulnerable and opened up while bending the body in yoga, the sounds listened to matter deeply. Whatever verbalizations you hear during that time impact your consciousness directly. The Sanskrit words of Mahasadashiva are the most powerful verbalizations that can hit your system at this time.


Long before the rise of modern-day bodybuilding methods, in the Vedic civilization, weights were applied to the body as a method to raise Kundalini, expand one’s Consciousness and connect to the Divine, MahaSadashiva. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has yet again, revealed another ancient science that breaks the mold and box that Yoga has been placed into; if you want to truly expand your Yoga practice on the mat, simply apply external weight to the body. Throughout His Divine Leela, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has stated on a number of occasions of the importance of building the physical body and how it leads to various different benefits: you will stop falling into depression, you will become centered into Integrity, you will go beyond tiredness. This is why Paramahamsa Nithyananda says, “Weight-lifting is a spiritual quality! I strongly promote, support all the activities of you working on your body, like weight-lifting, body-building, everything.” With this as a part of His vision for humanity, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has done intense self-research and has had a number of Akashic Revelations (revelations from the Cosmic archives), and has shared how this science was lived by the Natha Panthis, the Natha Sampradhaya Yogis, who used weights in combination with their Yoga practices.

From heavy stones to wooden logs, weight-lifting is not something new to the Vedic tradition. There are various benefits of adding weights, such as an increase in flexibility, improvement in strength and the deep, heavy breathing or pranayama that is involved. The ancient method of weight-lifting built into the Yoga-asana practice is a Yogic science involving traditional weights called “Karana Kattai” (commonly known today as “Karala Kattai”), and is the reason why the Natha Yogis are called “Karna Yogis”. A karana kattai is a form of wooden stick, or heavy wood held in either one or both hands. However, Paramahamsa Nithyananda says there should be clear definitions of what weight should be used at the beginning and how that weight should be dispersed as you progress. He says, “the Natha Yogis did not believe in having equal weights in both the hands. They say that on one side you should have a different weight: If you are male, your left side should have more weight. If you are female, your right side should have more weight. So they have a clear proportion.” The unique method of utilizing weights with a specific hand also leads to amazing health benefits. In another Akashic Revelation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda revealed that anyone with a heart problem could add one ½ kg weight to the right hand and it will be completely healed. Thus, by adding weights with Yoga, it will completely heal the whole body in various dimensions. Today, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, has revived and evolved yet another Vedic science, this time with the revelation of adding weights, in the form of Karana Kattais, in the various Nithyananda Yoga asana sequences, which is being gifted to humanity, for the first time, in the Prathama Vinyasa Krama 108 asana sequence.


Mandala is a representation of the Cosmos. The human body is analogous to the Cosmos itself. “ M a n d a l a s (representing the Cosmos) and yantras (representing a particular deity) correspond to the internal structure of retinal and geniculate cells. Their construction is based on the Tantric seers’ intuitive knowledge of the minds’ nature, its relationship with subtle channels of energy (nadis) in the body, and the human need for a symbolic life.” Yantra is a diagram into which a deity can be invited by using the corresponding mantra. They can be used towards achieving oneness or self realisation. The symbolism of yantra represents a universal pattern and the mantra, the cosmic sound. The combination of the two helps the sadhak (yogi performing the yoga) to transcend the normal frame of reference and achieve a higher state of awareness, in which the individual being and the universal being are one.

So, we can conclude that when Yoga is performed on the mandala with the specific mantra, the external mandala is transferred to the internal mandala, namely to the body in which the same symbols are placed in similar arrangement. The mandala selected for the Prathama Vinyasa Krama is the ‘Sri Yantra’, or ‘Sri Mandala’, as revealed in the sacred text - Devi Rahasya:


Shaastra Pramana, Devirahasya, Revealed by Bhairava (The Lord of ?????) AjÉÉWÇû iÉå mÉëuɤrÉÉÍqÉ pÉuÉÉlrÉÉ rÉl§ÉqÉѨÉqÉqÉç | qÉÔsÉqÉl§É UWûxrÉÉžÇ xÉuÉïÍxÉήmÉëSÉrÉMüqÉç || ÌoÉlSÒÎx§ÉMüÉåhÉÇ cÉ wÉQû´ÉrÉÑ£Çü uÉרÉÇ cÉ lÉÉaÉÉUMüsÉÉSsÉÉžqÉç | uÉרɧÉrÉÇ pÉÔxÉkÉlɧÉrÉÇ xrÉÉiÉç ´ÉÏcÉ¢üqÉÉlÉlSmÉSÇ pÉuÉÉlrÉÉÈ ||6qh d/1mIfiRD_B2FKJ-9tav--2cP7kunlKW_7ur2HaXBbgYBs/edit athāha te pravakyāmi bhavānyā yantramuttamam | mūlamantrarahasyāhya sarvasiddhipradāyakam || 50 || bindustrikoa ca a aśrayukta v tta ca nāgārakalādalā hyam | v ttatraya bhūsadanatraya syāt śrīcakramānandapada bhavānyā || 51 || AKASHIC REVELATION: Now I shall reveal the yantra of Bhavani who is adorned with the mula mantra and that which bestows all siddhis. The Srichakra of Bhavani that resonates with the state of Bliss, has a Nindu, Trikona, has a hexagon, circle, naagaarakalaa dalaadhyam. It has three circles, it has three houses called Bhu. The Sri Yantra/Mandala Represents… The cosmic form (the diagram of evolution and development of the cosmos) The form of the human organism (the diagram of the inner circuits of the body) The form of the Goddess Tripura Sundari (because the Goddess is energy, which pervades the entire phenomenal world)

In the Sri Chakra, The 5 downward pointing triangles or Shakti triangles are manifested as 5 tanmatras (sound, touch, sight, taste, smell), five mahabhutas (akasha, air, fire, water and earth), five sense organs (ear, skin, eyes, tongue and nose), and five organs of action (hands, feet, mouth, genitals and anus). In the human body, these 5 elements are skin, nerves, flesh, fat and bones. The 4 upward pointing triangles which are Shiva triangles, represent the male energy and exist as chitta (being), buddhi (intellect), ahamkar (ego) and manas (mind). The bindu (circle) in the center represents the Divine Mother, the bindu in the Sahasrara Chakra represents the Individual consciousness, which is the self, jiva. In the Prathama Vinyasa Krama, we will be practicing yoga on the mat along with Sri Yantras energized by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. With the presence of this mandala, the pure consciousness of Paramashiva and Parashakti will be infused into the biomemory.


In the Vedagamic lifestyle, abharana or jewelry is not only worn for decorative purposes but has a spiritual significance. Each metal and jewel holds a certain energy and provides specific benefits to the body when worn. As a result, people adorn themselves fully from head to toe. Rudraksha jewelry is the traditional abharana worn by Paramashiva, and while performing the Prathama Vinyasa Krama (PVK). As the manifestation of the teardrop from Paramashivas Third Eye, the rudraksha energy bead is able to hold and radiate energy unlike any other stone. The sundara vadam and the kantha mala are the chosen abharana by His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda for the Prathama Vinyasa Krama sequence. Sadashiva specifically mentions how Shiva bhaktas should adorn themselves: Makuta Agama from Parashiva to Rudra, RudrakshadhÄ ranam, Kriya PÄ da

MåürÉÔUMüOûMåü xÉÔ§ÉÇ MÑüͤÉoÉlkÉå ÌuÉzÉåwÉiÉÈ| xÉÑmiÉå mÉÏPåû xÉSÉ MüÉsÉÇ ÂSìɤÉÇ kÉÉUrÉå³ÉUÈ|| ̧ÉzÉiÉÇ iuÉkÉqÉÇ mÉgcÉzÉiÉÇ qÉkrÉqÉqÉÑcrÉiÉå | xÉWûxÉëqÉѨÉqÉÇ mÉëÉå£üqÉåuÉÇ pÉåSålÉ kÉÉUrÉåiÉ || keyūraka ake sūtra kuk ibandhe viśe ata|| supte pīte sadākāla| rudrāk a dhārayennara || 19|| triśata| tvadhama| pañcaśata| madhyamamucyate | sahasramuttama proktameva bhedena dhārayet |20| AKASHIC REVELATION: A Shiva bhakta should wear Rudrakshas round his crown, ear-ring, chain, round the ear, armlet, at all times, and specially round the stomach (kukṣibandha), while he is sleeping, drinking, etc. The sundara vadam are the traditional rudraksha earrings which provide balance to the body while performing the PVK sequence. They also increase the space of listening in the yogi, allowing them to tune their body to the cosmic geometry during the practice. Wearing the rudraksha necklace on the vishuddhi chakra--as the kantha mala given by the guru--radiates the energy of the mantra initiated by the guru, acting as a mechanized japa for the yogi. Performing the PVK sequence while wearing the kanta mala and sundara vadam takes the ritual of yoga to the next level, infusing the yogi with the master’s energy and Oneness space at all times.

12. AUSHADHA Aushadha is the sacred alchemy science from the ancient Siddha tradition. It combines sacred herbs, prana (the cosmic force energy), and most importantly the Shaktipada (entanglement energy) of MahaSadashiva (the ultimate), which can be ingested or physically applied to enter into the body. Through this ancient science, the state, space, and powers of MahaSadashiva can be experienced, giving access to the 25 states of Consciousness. Like how a perfect mirror reflects the sun perfectly, so does a perfect body reflect consciousness. The science of Aushada sacred herbs prepared as per Agamas (Source book of Hinduism revealed directly by MahaSadashiva) - is a way to make the body like a pure mirror! Because certain herbs are capable of holding thought currents and transmitting them into you, they can be infused with the Oneness experience during the Aushada making process and directly consumed. Aushada heals the physical, physiological, and psychological components of your being by tempering and transmuting the whole system, allowing you to be a pure reflection of MahaSadashiva, the pure Superconsciousness. As a direct science from the Agamas, it is a direct teaching of MahaSadashiva revived by The Avatar to raise humanity to the next level of consciousness.

Aushada is a key component of authentic yoga, to fully engage all the senses and stimulate the body through the alchemical processes. The aushadas selected for this process are turmeric, kumkum, jnananjana, and sandalwood. Turmeric is one of the most powerful ways to detoxify the body and absorb higher levels of prana throughout your yoga practice. It has the property of entering the system through the skin and directly absorbing neuro-toxins built up in the body. Every micro milligram of turmeric that gets into your system will clean ten times that of fluoride toxin. Turmeric is applied to the temples to completely detoxify the entire system and help you manifest powers of Sadashiva. Kumkum is processed turmeric. It also has the capacity to penetrate the skin and enter into the system. When applied to the brow center, it decalcifies the third eye, Ajna chakra, and also allows you to manifest powers. Jnananjana is an eyeliner, the knowledge eyeliner, made with pure ghee and pure cotton wick. They are lit by a lamp energized through the Awakened Third Eye of an Incarnation or an Enlightened Being. His very bio-energy is instilled in that fire and the smoke which comes out of that fire is captured on a silver vessel and the pure cow ghee is added to that.

Through the proper process, an alchemy product called jnanānjana is prepared. That jnanānjana applied on three eyes, detoxifies all the three eyes and raises your frequency, making you understand the 5 aspects of Ishvara, 11 dimensions of Universe, and 25 states of Consciousness – the whole Maya Matrix. Jnanānjana, applied on all three eyes, makes you all manifest all the powers of Sadāshiva. It is alchemy science to master the Maya Matrix. Sandalwood is used to invoke Divine energies. It is one of the most powerful medicines in Ayurveda for detoxing, cooling the body, healing wounds, and healthy skin. It is famous for its antiaging qualities but also its spiritual properties, like clearing the mind and reducing stress. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda uses sandalwood as one of the components in all of His aushada processes. Sadashiva reveals jñāna-anjana in Sri Guru Gita to Devi: ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñāna anjanaśalākayā | caks urunmīlitam yena tasmai śrigurave namah || 59 || AKASHIC REVELATION: One, who removes the blinding darkness of the eyes, caused by the absence of true liberating knowledge, by applying jñāna-anjana, the sacred black eye-liner anointing the three eyes, which is of the essence and bio-energy of pure knowledge, and awakens the all-pervasive infinite eye, caks uh , the intra-organ through which ‘all that is’ is seen, onto that Sri Guru, I surrender. His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the beneftis of turmeric and kumkum: Atma Pramā a Paramahamsa Nithyananda AKASHIC REVELATION: Rubbing the turmeric and applying kumkum, that detoxifies the intra-organ called Third Eye. Putting your attention on the Third Eye, activates something called Ajna, means the energy to activate the intra-organ called Third Eye happens by putting your attention on it.

Celebrate Life with The NLighten App NLighten

NLighten Nithyananda Hindu University

So beautifully On Deepavali day His Holiness gifted the next level of Nlighten App. Thousands and thousands of satsangs are getting uploaded and next level of Nlighten App is available to all of you. Global search any word, you get relevant solutions, satsangs and messages and videos. And you can give a feedback of what do you want to see and any problem if you don’t have, get answer from Nlighten App - send a feedback, His Holiness will give you the response and solve your issues, give the solution. Open to all. All the basic features to be available for wider audience. You can sign up and if you need any help from us - respond, give a feedback. We are integrating Nlighten Kids and Nlighten App, LMS, everything. All the course of Nithyananda Hindu University are going to be available free through Nlighten App. and thousands of solutions are available. Iphone version is also expected soon. So the new Nlighten App is available to you now as His Holiness’s Deepavali gift to all of you. Everyone who is preparing yourself for Paramashivoham, spend more and more time with Nlighten App.


After the advent of the Avatar, H. H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the authentic science of yoga from the Vedagamas offering the best for humankind rooted has been made available once again. Nithyananda Kundalini Rajju Yoga is the ultimate way to push the limits of flexibility and strength and is the female, or shakti, counterpart to Shivastambha yoga. Kundalini Rajju yoga is one of the most ancient forms of yoga found in the Agamas, designed by Paramashiva himself. Kundalini Rajju--traditional yoga performed on the rope-- pushes the yogic body to the next level and focuses on expanding the yogi’s flexibility. The spiritual context of Kundalini Rajju lies in its name; Rajju is the Sanskrit word for rope, and Kundalini referring to the Kundalini shakti energy that flows through the rope and through the yogi during its practice. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is reviving and legitimising Kundalini Rajju for the entire world to access once again, just as the yogis did thousands of years ago. Traditional asanas on the rope are designed to elongate the spine, tune the spine to the cosmic geometry, and ignite the Kundalini Shakti. Because of the intense use of the core muscles while on the rope, kundalini energy has a heavy presence and radiates throughout the body. Through intense flips and twists, the internal organs get detoxified and the body becomes one of a true yogi. The yogic science is a very subtle one and within the practice of Kundalini Rajju many nadi points and marmas (vital points in the body where life-force energy is concentrated) get activated and awakened in our physiology. For example, the kshipra marma point lies right between the big toe and next toe, which is the exact spot stimulated when climbing the rope; pressing the kshipra marma is the fastest way to relieve disease and stress in the body. Aside from its healing benefits, huge cognitive shifts happen on the rope; many limitations and impossibilities you cherish about you become redundant. Powerful cognitions become permanent in your muscle memory when doing asanas on the rope.

The Revival of Shivastambha by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda Shivastambha Yoga provides the same incredible physical benefits of Mallakhamb developing power, strength, flexibility, balance (and much more), however, the main distinction between the two forms is its spiritual context hidden within its change in name. ‘Stambha’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘grounded’ and ‘Shiva’ is the all-powerful, all-pervading consciousness who is the Ultimate. What this means is that when we are performing on the wooden pole we are no longer some wrestler or sportsmen performing acrobatics on a pole, we become a being that is grounding, establishing itself in the state and space of Paramashiva - allpowerfulness. The breakthrough is when we perform the asanas and mounts with this new context, it awakens the kundalini shakti within us, stimulating various nadi and marma points and unlocks countless blockages within our body. In each asana, the pole is pressing on these subtle energy centres, such as the Nabhi and Vasti points during Dandasana. Through this yogic science, we experience the completion of limitations and cognitive shifts which leads to the conscious breakthrough that manifests through us as the shaktis of Paramashiva. Nithyananda Shivastambha Yoga is a tremendous possibility for the Being to connect to the living Avatar of Mahasadashiva Himself, H.H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda. When the yogi approaches the pole, they should do so with reverence and intention of physically experiencing oneness with Paramashiva. Seeing the pole as a deity, energized through prana pratishta, the devotee can experience the highest states of consciousness and the awakening of the kundalini without even performing a single movement. When we incorporate asanas and begin to align our bodies to the cosmic geometry, we can experience the ultimate strength and power flow through us.

His Holiness shares the sacred science of how these yoga practices can be used to our highest benefit: “Understand, all the male body should start with Mallakhamba, means, adding power, then adding flexibility; they should move to Rope Yoga. When a male body completes Mallakhamba and Rope Yoga, only then it becomes capable of energy vessel. Only then I can add energy. The energy added will be sustained. Listen, energy added will be sustained. So… first thing you need to know, Mallakhamba and Rope Yoga are all from the ancient tradition, and second, they are powerful tools to add power, flexibility into your system. A male body should be prepared first in Mallakhamba then in Rope Yoga, then any energy poured into that body, the kundalini Shakti awakened, will never be lost. It will stay in the system and make itself healthy 100%. A female body should start with Rope Yoga, flexibility, and then move to Mallakhamba, power, then if the energy is added into that system, it will not be lost, it will not be lost. It will there forever. It will become completely healthy. Sometimes we can also do the reverse training; means awaken the energy, that energy itself makes you do the Mallakhamba, Rope Yoga easily. It gives you enough power and flexibility and retains the energy poured in and you become healthy.” (Wed, 2016-10-26 08:00) “Yogic Body means power, energy, flexibility, health. All these four put together is Yogic body...These 4 aspects can be completely experienced through Mallakamba [Shivastambha] and Rope Yoga[Kundalini Rajju]...I guarantee you will have a complete Yogic body. With Mallakhamba[Shivastambha], you will have power. With rope yoga[Kundalini Rajju] you will have flexibility. And with Kundalini Awakening, you will have energy; all these 3 will make you healthy” -- H. H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda Wed, 2016-10-26 08:00

Nithyananda Yoga -- on the mat, rope, and pole -- is the ONLY fully immersive yoga experience designed from the Paramashiva Consciousness of a living Incarnation. His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda was initiated into Yoga by his Guru, Yogiraj Yogananda Puri, who was in Incarnation of Patanjali himself and through the lineage of Enlightened Masters leading to Paramashiva Himself. The authenticity of these was maintained by the transmission of that experience known as ‘Deeksha’ or Initiation and ‘Shaktipada’ roughly translated as entanglement, as well as maintaining a strict integrity to Shastra Pramana. You can truly feel the incredible power and flexibility which comes from Kundalini Rajju and Shivastambha, which is in tune with this tradition that is thousands of years old. Simultaneously these forms of yoga are a deep spiritual practice, a window of time (in shaktipada) to experience the oneness with the Source and experience the state of Paramashivoham. Nithyananda Kundalini Rajju Yoga and Nithyananda Shivastambha Yoga work on all aspects of your body to give you the highest possible experience of Oneness.

Superfood for Super powers! What does Paramashiva say about FOOD? What does Paramashiva think human beings should have as an idea about food and how food should be part of your life? He says that food should be brought inside your body for your life by five means. First, the component of the earth element, solid elements like vegetables, rice, anything that grows from the earth, the gift of Bhuma Devi (Earth) to your body. That’s the first element. Second, water - milk, water, juice, all liquid components. Third, fire - all the fire components you need to invoke them in your system. Every day, you have to invoke fire in your system until you sweat completely. Either through a workout or by yoga or some activity. The fire must be consumed, you understand. The creation of fire inside your system, jatharagni the activity must be done to consume fire. Fourth, the air - the pranayama should be done the same way you eat. It’s mandatory to consume the air element. Fifth, life-supporting thought currents should be consumed in your inner space. All five elements - earth element, water element, fire element, air element, space element. All five foods should be ingested every day. His Holiness explains, the first element of the earth, what foods should you eat in relation to the earth element. In fact, you only know the food of the earth element. The Super food for superpowers is to stop eating. Please understand, the minimum food you consume in particular related to the earth element, solid foods. Consume as little as possible, reduce it drastically. Bring it back to 10 %. You’ll live longer. Not only is your body not programmed for non-Vegetarian Food, but it is not programmed to continuously have solid food.

His Holiness say’s to reduce your food consumption, reduce solid food to ten per cent. You can say, “ Oh, I’m going to have the stomach problem.” all these problems are too simple to be treated. Understand that if you drastically cut your food, the problems that happen are much easier to solve than the complications you create by eating too much. For example, after sunset, if you don’t eat, you might have some gas. But if you eat, you can develop liver cancer. Understand that fat is deposited on the liver when you eat after sunset. After sunset, your system doesn’t get enough energy to trigger, to wake jatharagni from the sun. Jatharagni means the energy fire that is necessary for food digestion. The moon supports kamagni. The sun supports the jatharagni. So, only when the sun is at your disposal, consume solid food. Never touch solid foods when the sun goes down. After Sunrise, before sunset, finish your consumption of solid food. Before Sunrise and after sunset, any solid food you consume is a direct poison. It will collapse the flow of jatharagni in you. Reducing the consumption of solid foods literally frees you from all diseases and gives you extraordinary powers and possibilities. It is best not to eat after sunset or before sunrise. You can drink liquids, juice, milk, all these liquid items. Don’t eat after sunset, or before sunrise.” Understand that even if you develop little gas, there’s nothing wrong. You can cure that. It’s too simple. But the other complications you’ve developed because of the eating food at night is too much. Bring back your consumption of solid food to ten per cent, you’ll have superpowers. Get ready for Paramashivoham

All of you, I know you’re all getting ready for paramashivoham. Until Paramashivoham, His Holiness asks you very strongly to reduce your consumption of solid food to ten per cent of what you are currently eating. Support yourself with liquids, juice more lemon juice, Ginger Tea, even coffee and hot chocolate is good. Support yourself with more liquid. Every day at least forty-two minutes, do an activity like yoga, jogging, race, something that awakens the jatharagni in you, makes you sweat, wakes the fire of digestion in you, and at least twenty one minute of pranayama to consume prana, air element. When you fasting, - in your inner space, the thought currents, it’s your space food. Develop powerful cognitive faculties during this period. That’s what His Holiness calls detoxification by religious fasting. Understand, this whole process. Superfood for superpowers is a religious process of fasting detoxification. Five Instructions. Reduce Solid Foods to 10 percent of what you’re currently eating. If you can completely stop, great! If you can manage with a liquid diet, that’s great! If you don’t, bring it back at least 10 %. If you eat solid food at a hundred per cent, bring it back to ten per cent. Your caloric intake should be considerably reduced to 10 percent of solid food. His Holiness has gone through tons and tons of materials by Paramashiva in the form of vedas and agamas. What an amazing civilization. What a huge amount of research and development in every field! People say that they did not have plastic surgery. They don’t have bypass surgery. See, with so much research if they needed it, they would have developed it. They did not need. The system and lifestyle they had, did not allow the being to enter this kind of state. Today, the medical industry becomes a company. The disease is introduced, your lifestyle has been destroyed, then the healing-related inventions have begun to develop.

At that time, whatever their problems, they found a solution. If they had had this problem, they would have found the solution. But thanks to the way of life itself, they managed without having these problems. Go for those five tips. When you see His Holiness, you can understand. In just days, he lost ten pounds of weight, eight inches in the hip just by following these five things. He said that after losing eight inches in the hip and ten pounds, the system has become so alive! Follow these five tips. This is called the religious process of detoxification by fasting. All of you prepare yourself for Paramashivoham with this process according to Paramashiva. 1. Reduce your solid food consumption to 10 % of the amount of calories you consume. 2. Increase liquids like juice, milk, all liquids, water, everything. 3. Make yourself sweat for at least 42 minutes 4. Increase the air intake by the long breathing, deep breathing, consume prana, air. 5. Spend more and more time with Nlighten app to get powerful cognitions, consume space and create powerful space for your space consumption. Do these five actions, you will be ready for the Paramashivoham experience.� HDH SRI NITHYANANDA SWAMI LIVE Paramashivoham Nithya Satsang 09 nov 2018

What is Power Manifestation?

Power Manifestation or manifesting shaktis, is an event whereby one sits to manifest shaktis, or superpowers. It can take place in a structured session where you sit with a partner to manifest the powers for each other, or it can be a spontaneous event say, using your Third Eye to get an empty seat on the bus. Anyone, regardless of gender, culture, age can start to manifest shaktis after they are initiated by HDH Paramahamsa Nithyananda, His Holiness. His Holiness activates one’s Third Eye in a matter of seconds in an initiation. As long as you are a human being with a head, you have the Third Eye. Shaktis are superpowers that occur from the space of Oneness, versus siddhis psychic powers which come about through one’s own practice efforts while on the path of Enlightenment. While one may obtain siddhis after many years of arduous practice, they can also be easily lost as well especially when one is distracted by them from one’s ultimate goal of Enlightenment.

However, shaktis manifest as a natural expression of Oneness, with Paramashivoham which takes the form of HDH Paramahamsa Nithyananda, known fondly as His Holiness by his devotees and disciples alike. It is a very auspicious event both for the power manifestor and the recipient whom the shakti is manifested. It is when both experience the presence of Paramashivoham, the power manifestor becomes a channel for Paramashiva to flow through him or her in expressing the shakti. The recipient benefits directly from the shakti manifested, eg. in Body Scanning or Third Eye healing of any physical ailments. While the power manifestor is scanning the person with the Third Eye, healing also happens simultaneously, solutions to health issues or ailments are also revealed for the person. It is auspicious also because the frequency of one’s consciousness is also raised during the manifestation of shakti. Prolonged periods of raised frequency elevate one’s consciousness leading one’s being to become Paramashiva itself. It is also helpful or a skilful means of bringing about Completion in both the power manifestor and recipient, as any mental or emotional blockages are healed in the process of manifesting shaktis. Powerful cognitions also occurs which deepens one’s understanding of the Universe or life. Such powerful cognitions then form one’s inner space making it powerful or stable, strengthening one’s Integrity which is a reflection of the Cosmos. Manifesting shaktis is not a luxury but an absolute necessity in today’s times. It brings tremendous healing to both oneself and others as well as heal the environment, benefits others by helping them to move towards their highest potential, achieve their desired reality in accordance with cosmic principles or Dharma, whereby one can tangibly experience the magical dimensions (what we call ‘magical’ is simply the reflection or expression of our innate Divinity) of our being,

truly feeling that we are GOD instead of a limited powerless human being. It is the realisation of our innate highest potential, our God nature or Divinity in each and every one of us. His Holiness mentioned before that he is not here to show that he is God, but to show us that we are Gods. What we believe and think of ourselves as limited human beings, get torn down when we tangibly manifest the shaktis, breaking all doubts about ourselves that we are indeed Divine. Get ready to experience, have your mind blown away by the extraordinary manifestation of shaktis in Paramashivoham. May your ultimate reality be caused. Nithyanandam!

HOW TO PREPARE BODY, MIND, AND BEING FOR PARAMASHIVOHAM? Preparation for Body The best way to prepare your body for the Ultimate is to be on a liquid diet for 21 days before the program. When you go on nirahara samyama, the process blasts all the patterns you created related to food. Nirahara Samyama participants never starve. They just go beyond food and food-related patterns, including irritation, agitation, dependency, pride, and lust. Include this diet with an hour of Yoga every day and you will be ready to hold and express ParamaShiva through you. When you are on this liquid diet and doing Yoga every day it is very easy for His Holiness to initiate and map ParamaShiva on your Consciousness and body. Preparation for Mind In His Holiness’s words, there is no such thing as mind, so no need to work on the mind. However, you can definitely get your brain ready and wired for the initiations of Paramashivoham. To prepare your brain for Paramashivoham, simply chant the MahaVakya “Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham” constantly and visualize those words going around and around your throat. Chanting the MahaVakya has a profound effect on your brain, as revealed by usine a QEEG machine, a machine that maps brain waves and frequency. When chanting the MahaVakya, you are put into a higher frequency and the brain wave frequency go into Gamma Waves. Gamma Waves are 30 Hz or more in the QEEG machine. To compare the average person’s brain frequency is at a 4-8 Hz, and in rare cases, it can go up to 15-16 Hz and that too only in epileptic patients who experience seizures.

Without doing anything, these sanskrit vibrations of the MahaVakya can instantly put into the Gamma Waves of the brain, which even scientists do not know a lot about, only that people who practice deep meditation can achieve this high state and high frequency of Gamma Waves in the brain. When you are in the higher frequency everything that you decide on or want to manifest, it just happens easily and naturally, without any extra effort on your part. When you are in that high frequency, it is very easy for His Holiness to map and initiate Paramashiva into your brain and bio memory. Preparation for Being Decide to behave with yourself as Paramashiva. You need to be convinced. Blessed are those who are able to convince themselves that they are the Ultimate, which means they are able to cross the last delusion of self-doubt, self-denial, self-hatred. Cognize you are one with the whole existence, Paramashiva. In addition, continuously listen to His Holiness’s satsangs related to the 25 states of Consciousness, 11 dimensions of the Universe, and the 5 aspects of ParamaShiva. Declare the truth to yourself as ParamaShiva and demand yourselves to behave, think, and live, psychologically, physiologically, physically, Consciously as ParamaShiva with yourself. Declare to yourself, you are Paramashiva. Behave with yourself, you are Paramashiva. Demand from yourself as you are Paramashiva. Think with yourself as you are Paramashiva. You physiology, psychology, physical, cognitions, experiences, expressions - demand everything to be Paramashiva. Demand everything to be Paramashiva. Declaring yourself as Paramashiva is experiencing the State, Space, Being, and SuperConsciousness of Paramashivoham.

Enroll for the Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda has formally announced the inauguration of a new course called Graduation in Living Enlightenment. It is a Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment offered by Nithyananda Hindu University. It’s a certification course. Not only you will get a certificate, His Holiness commits that you will get enlightenment. Do it sincerely with integrity, you will get enlightenment itself, not just a certificate. His Holiness requests and recommends all the devotees, disciples, followers, visitors, viewers, seekers who are interested in enlightenment, who are interested in achieving something great in the life, please enroll in this course. The course is completely free. The link is You can enrol for this free course, get certification and enlightenment.”

THE BANYAN TREE The Sacred Banyan Tree is located on the divine soil of the Nithyananda Ashram, the headquarters of the Nithyananda global spiritual movement at Bidadi, near Bengaluru. For over 1000 years, the banyan tree has grown and spread its foliage here. The Banyan Tree is a cosmic powerhouse, an energy field by itself that has the power to manifest our true desires into reality. This energy field directly enriched by the physical presence of an Incarnation creates a space for possibilities to open up within us. H. H. Paramahamsa Nithyananda saw the sacred Banyan tree in a divine vision on realizing His Incarnation’s mission on the planet. He spent months searching and upon finding it, established the ashram in January 2003 on the very sacred grounds where the banyan tree is rooted for ages. At once, He spotted it and knew this Banyan Tree is the sacred cosmic hub from which His global Sanga will radiate the enlightened consciousness to the world, and beyond. Today, this sacred Banyan Tree is considered to be the guiding spirit of the Ashram and the Sangha. The vast canopy umbrella of this ancient tree encloses a space resonant with spiritual energies. It is under this umbrella the majestic statue deity of Dakshinamurti resides, the first-ever Guru, the incarnation of Sadashiva - Lord Shiva, imparting the deepest spiritual truths to His disciples in pure vibrating silence. Over the years, this sacred space has acquired a powerful reputation for healing, wish-fulfilment and awakening spiritual clarity, and draws visitors and seekers from around the world. The vibrations in this space are so distinct that even the casual visitor can feel its effects.

VEDIC RITUALS AND TRADITIONS A Vedic fire ritual, called a Homa, is a technique to manifest Sadashiva and His powers in a being. A Homa is itself an alchemy process to fully manifest the energy of Sadashiva by moving it through layers of matter, from formless to the form, from the subtle to the gross. Sadashiva is first invoked into akasha, the subtle ether element by the priest by meditating on the form of Sadashiva as explained in the Agamas. After which, Sadashiva is invoked into vāyu, the air element by the chanting of the sacred Agamic mantras. Next, He is invoked in the agni, the sacred, pure fire. Once invoked, the fire is called ‘Shivagni.’ Fire is basically the element which is neither formless nor has form. It is a transition and a bridge between the form to formless and vice-versa. In this ‘Shivagni’ our offerings are given, along with the chanting of the mantras prescribed in the Agamas. Then this energy and presence that has manifested in the Agni is transferred onto āpaḥ, the water element in the sacred water pot, Kalasha in which Sadashiva is invoked. By this process, the whole of Sadashiva’s energy that has manifested in the water element is transferred onto prithvi, the earth element by sprinkling the sacred energized water on our body. Through this powerful process the bio-energy of Sadashiva is made to manifest in our muscle-memory and bio-memory and it ultimately awakens the bio-energy of Sadashiva in us.

Pre-Arrival Process >>>make a visual representation for this>>

Please complete the full registration process before you board your flight from your hometown. Paramashivoham pre-arrival registration portal link

Pre-requisite for the Pre-arrival process

Your Parashivoham Id number to complete the Pre-registration forms

Steps to Complete Pre-registration

1. Online registration form 2. Consent and Release form (online e-signature) 3. Travel itinerary form with any accommodation preferences noted 4. Picture for your Parashivoham Id card 5. Special meal Preferences - like Vegan or informing of any allergies to specific foods.

Steps to receive you Paramashivoham Id number

1. Fill in the online registration form 2. Pay your full tuition for the Paramashivoham program 3. Once you have paid the full tuition, please enter your complete payment details in this form. Be sure to include your order number, wire transfer transaction number, etc. in the following link 4. Once you finish steps 1-3, you should receive your Paramashivoham Id number in less than 24 hours.

Our Refund Policy

*Read carefully before making your purchase* No refunds. Given that the preparations and resources dedicated to a given program - which are directly dependent on the participant headcount - refunds will not be given. Therefore, we encourage registrants to be clear about their decision to attend a program before making any payment. In the rare event, a refund is considered, the refund processing time could take up to 90 days and is subject to the restrictions/permission, if any, by Reserve Bank of India or any other applicable law. *Policy Subject to Change without notice. Please check for updates.*


Register today:

Destination Adi Kaliash, Spiritual Epicenter of the World, Bidadi town in the state of Karnataka in India, Coordinates: 12.867°N 77.40°E Address Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi, Karnataka – 562109, India

Contact Number

Reference name in India: Ma Nithya Tryaksha Address: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli, Bidadi, Karnataka 562109, India Phone: +919886042870


Weather in Bidadi in the months of December and January is usually cool with the average temperature around 21.1 °C (69.98 °F). Afternoons can get hot warm with temperatures reaching 26.2 °C (79.2 °F). Nights however, tend to remain cool. We suggest you carry a scarf and some light woolens a pullover to keep yourself warm in the evening.

Upon Arrival at Airport >>>>make a visual representation for this>>>

• Pick up your bags at baggage claim • Come to arrival gate terminal • Meet the hospitality team members • Pick up your snack bag • Board the taxi • Reach your designated hotel • Meet the Paramashivoham hospitality team members at the hotel • Submit copy of your passport, visa, and immigration stamp. Add your signature on this page. • Pick up your brand new tablet with sim card and wifi • Complete the hotel check in process Enjoy your day

Airport Pickup Service Paramashivoham hospitality team is happy to provide you airport pickup service at the Bengaluru International Airport. You can request for the airport pickup service by filling the Travel Itinerary form. Be sure to provide the all flight arrival details. If you change your flight or have a delay be sure to contact our Paramashivoaham hospitality team. Once your flight arrives you’ll be received by our Paramashivoham Hospitality Team members as shown in the picture below. They will be eagerly waiting for you at the Arrival gate of Bengaluru International Airport and will be carrying a Welcome to Paramashivoham placard. They will be welcoming you with a nice refreshing snack bag (fruits, juice, water, snacks) and will guide you to the taxi. Taxis to the hotel will be available at a cost of INR 2200. Please have the cash handy with you. The taxi will take you to your respective hotel (which will be intimated to you ahead of time) and the Paramashivoham Hospitality Team at the hotel will be informed and ready to receive you at the hotel. After arriving at the hotel you will be guided for a smooth check-in process.

Getting Here

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bengaluru Aadheenam, Bidadi is located in the state of Karnataka, about 47 miles (a 1-hour 50 minute drive) southwest of Bengaluru Airport, about 22 miles (a 45 minute drive) southwest of Bengaluru City Junction Railway Station, and about 3 miles (11 minute drive) southwest of Bidadi Railway Station.

By Air

Bengaluru International Airport or Kempegowda International Airport (Airport code: BLR) serves as the major gateway for all international participants visiting Bidadi. Taxi ride from the airport to the Nithyananda Dhayanapeetam Bengaluru Aadheenam, Bidadi costs approximately Rs. 1800 – 2200 (USD $26 - $30). If you would like taxi pick up from the airport, please submit your request well before your journey at mahasadashivoham.

By Train

The Aadheenam is served by two major railway stations: The Bengaluru City Junction, and The Bidadi City Junction The three-wheeler taxis “auto rickshaw” from the Bidadi city junction charge around Rs. 100 - 200 (USD $2) to travel to Aadheenam, and taxi rides from Bengaluru city junction cost around Rs. 1600- 2000. Local taxi drivers do not carry foreign currency. We recommend participants to use the foreign exchange facility in their home country or take advantage of one of currency exchange counters at the Bengaluru International Airport. We request all participants to submit their confirmed travel itinerary to let us know when they are arriving. This will allow us to be ready with appropriate registration process.


India requires that all foreign nationals visiting and temporarily staying in India carry a valid visa obtained from an Indian Mission or Post abroad. Depending on the home country, participants of Paramashivoham 2018 can obtain: 1. e-Tourist VISA (eTV): An e-Tourist visa is solely for international travelers visiting India for a short duration. Participants can apply for e-TV online and receive it online as well. Please read through the instructions html carefully before applying for e-TV. Please pay special attention to the “Instructions for Applicant” section. 2. Regular visa: Participants not eligible for “e- TV” are required to apply for the Regula visa using visa/ . Participants are requested to provide the following contact information in their reference name section of the Regular visa application: Reference name in India: Ma Nithya Tryakshananda, Address: Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli, Bidadi, Karnataka 562109, India Phone: +919886042870 Accommodation Letter Depending on your home country, you may be required to provide an accommodation confirmation letter. We are happy to provide you with the same. To submit your request, kindly provide us your legal name as given in your passport via email to mailto:support@ innerawakening. org with subject: “Need Hotel Reservation letter for VISA.”

Accommodation Letter

Depending on your home country, you may be required to provide an accommodation confirmation letter. We are happy to provide you with the same. To submit your request, kindly provide us your legal name as given in your passport via email to mailto: with subject: “Need Hotel Reservation letter for VISA.”

Before You Leave Home Checklist

• Confirmed travel itinerary • Passport and visa to visit India (if applicable) • Paramashivoham 2018 payment confirmation • Paramashivoham 2018 • Official identification card for verification purposes (Driver’s license, passport, or adhar card (for residents of India only)) • Cash, travelers checks, credit card for purchases enroute to Bidadi. We recommend you to use the currency exchange facility in your country of origin. • Carry all of your personal hygiene items including shampoo, creams, soaps, moisturizer, feminine hygiene products, etc. • Prescribed medications (if any). Please carry sufficient amount to last for the entire duration you are away from home, including program and travel days. • Notify your bank/credit card company that you are travelling • Travel insurance (optional) • Cell phone and laptop (optional). Please bring with you appropriate wattage voltage converter for your electronic devices. The standard voltage in India is 220V. • Please carry with you copies of your most recent physician reports, laboratory tests and any other pertinent diagnostic tests, if you are currently under treatment for any medical condition. • Participants may want to begin and bring anti-malaria treatment if recommended by their home country. • Please bring a mosquito repellent spray and/or creams.

Dress Code

Your are required to wear Indian traditional Indian attire. It can be in any color. Be sure to bring at least 5 to 6 different sets of clothes. For Female bodies: This could include Sarees, Salwars, Chudidars, Ghagra cholis.

For Male bodies: Dhoti and Kurta.

Medical Needs

Paramashivoham medical team consists of a group of medical doctors, registered nurses and naturalpathologists who live as aadheenavasis. They will be providing medical care and support. In addition there are aryuvedic practitioners, private doctors and nurses coming over from a hospital assisting in providing medical help. Features • A well equipped ambulance will be available on standby to handle any emergencies and transportation to hospital. • There is a medical care center to take care of any minor ailments or health concerns. • Medical beds will be provided for people requiring to take rest during the day in the medical care center as advised by the doctor. Ambulatory support such as wheelchairs will be provided if required. • Ayurvedic consultations are also available as needed. • Participants who are already on medication are advised to bring all the medication required for themselves for the full length stay. • If any participant needs any specific medical attention and care it is advised to let the medical team know well in advance so that they can get complete medical details and see the best way they can be of help to them. Please fill the medical details form if you are having any current medical situation. We want to ensure we take care of you in the best possible manner. Medical details form is available at paramashivoham/welcome (add new link for paramashivoham here)

Upon Arrival Accommodation for Paramashivoham 2018

Accommodation for Paramashivoham participants is being made available in nearby 5 star hotel with two participants sharing a room. If you are coming with your spouse or with your family members and/or kids, we will automatically pair you with them unless you request otherwise. Submit your requests in comment section at 1) Upon arrival to Bangaluru directly check-in into the hotel Participants who receive their hotel reservation information before boarding the flight, can directly proceed to their designated hotels as soon as they arrive. Hotel Check-in date: December 19th, 12pm IST Hotel Check-out date: January 11th, 2019 If you are arriving after day 1 please confirm with us before boarding your flight and you are requested to arrive at Bengaluru Aadheenam to finish your registration formalities and you will be assigned accommodation on the spot. 2) Registration - Please be sure to complete all registration forms on line before leaving your hometown. ADD PARAMASHIVOHAM PRE-REGISTRATION LINK HERE


All Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans will be accommodated in the Aadheenam. All Paramashivoham participants will be accommodated in the 5 star luxury hotels of Bengaluru. Comfortable AC coaches will be transporting participants to and from Adi Kaliash everyday.

We have booked the Sterlings Mac Hotel Bengaluru for all the Paramashivoham participants.

FAQS Q: If I arrive early before December 19th or want to extend my stay after the program can I stay in the same hotel ? Yes, you can. Please call the Hotel in advance and book your rooms as you wish. Each hotel will have varying room rates. You will be required to pay for the extra days you stay outside the program dates. Q: Can I stay in a room alone? A: Yes. You can pay for a Single room, this will be at an additional cost of $1100. Please make the payment via wire transfer. You can contact the and support@ to get the wire transfer details. Q: Can we stay together as a family? A: Yes, please complete the Travel Itinerary Form in advance and we will allocate your family in the same hotel room or nearby rooms depending on the number of people. Q: What if I bring a caretaker who is not a participant, do I pay extra? A: Yes, you can pay for a single room. Please see the answer above. Q: Will I have to pay for all my meals? A: All your meals will be provided at the Aadheenam from December 19th to January 11th. Any meals ordered at the hotel will be at your expense. Q: Travel Insurance? A: Whenever traveling, especially internationally, it is strongly advised you procure personal medical and travel insurance.

Q: Help with Visa A: Please refer to the appropriate embassy or consulate for guidance and advisories. Q: Any suggestions for Airfare tickets? A: As a general best practice, it is recommended that you purchase airline tickets that are fully refundable or, at least, do not have high penalty charges for changes or cancellations. Penalty charges vary by airline. Q: Medical Advice A: The Paramashivoham program requires that you be of sound mental and physical health to be able to participate in the program for the full duration of the program. If you have any medical, dental or mental conditions, please consult with your doctor PRIOR to coming to the program and get his/her approval to attend the program, to ensure your ability to successfully participate in the program. Q: Is there a dress code? A: Sessions: traditional Indian attire in any color is recommended. Be sure to bring at least 5 to 6 different sets of clothes. Regular Yoga sessions: bring loose comfortable clothes that allow you to easily do yoga postures and they must be all black. Mallakhamb and Rope Yoga: females are required to bring tights and a t-shirt (tight fitting/spandex) and males to have shorter shorts and fitting t-shirt so legs can wrap on pole. This again must be all black attire. In adherence to the Ashram dress code and with respect to the Vedic culture, male and female participants are not to wear tank tops, tube tops, shorts and hot pants. Please also refrain from wearing scooped necklines, transparent or tight fitting clothing. Please dress modestly in clothing that covers your shoulders, midriff and legs to the ankles. Despite the climatic demands, your cooperation and understanding in this matter is highly appreciated.

Q: Is there an ATM facility in the Aadheenam? A: Yes, an ATM facility is currently in the Welcome Centre. Ask us when you are here and we will be happy to direct you. Q: Is there anything that I need to carry with me from home, such as a towel? A: Accommodation for all participants is being made at 5 star hotels and resorts that will provide you with towels and basic toiletries. You are welcome to bring extra toiletries with you and whatever else you feel you may need for 21 days. You may want to bring an extra luggage to bring home any gifts or spiritual alchemy products given during the program. Q: Can I bring a gift for His Holiness? If so, what can I bring? A: Yes, His Holiness shared that one of the people you should never meet empty handed is your Guru! Especially if you consider him your Guru. Please be mindful when bringing gifts there are a few items that will NOT be accepted, specifically books, alcohol or any material that is does not respect Monastic lifestyle and tradition. Q: Do I need to bring any extra money for the program? It is advisable that you bring some spending money for ground transportation. There are also opportunities to participate in additional ceremonies that cost on average $1000 USD or more. Q: Will I get a chance to go and explore the city of Bangalore and do some shopping during the program? A: We anticipate Paramashivoham will be packed with many sessions and initiations with His Holiness so we recommend that if you would like to do some sight-seeing or shopping, you extend your stay for a few days beyond the program.

Q: I want to take photos while I am here, can I bring a camera or use my cell phone? A: We have a strict policy of no photography or videography during sessions where His Holiness is present. If you are seen or caught taking a video or photo when His Holiness is present, the device will be immediately confiscated and you risk being expelled out of the program after being interviewed. There are specific times when photography will be permitted. His Holiness will announce when it is ok to take photos. Until then, please be respectful of the 0 photo and 0 video policy. Q: I have a dependent child with me that won’t be attending the program, will there be a carer to take care of them while I am attending the program? A: You will need to ensure you have a caretaker for your child as this is not something we can provide for you. You will also need to pay for the accommodation and food required for the stay of your child and any additional people coming to assist for the length of the program. . Q: Will there be Internet facilities during the program? A: WiFi will be available for use in the hotel and there will be free wi-fi connection in the main hall that will be available to all participants during their stay for the length of the program. Q: Will there be a laundry facility? Will I have to wash my own clothes? A: As part of the stay in the hotels you will have a complimentary laundry service available to you daily. We suggest you wash your own undergarments. Q: What do I do if I can’t spot the person at the airport that is meant to take me to the hotel? Stay calm. Please reach out to the Paramashivoham team (contact number given at the end )or call at the Aadheenam on +919886042870

Q: What name and phone numbers do I give for VISA application Please use the following: reference name in India: Ma Nithya Tryakshananda Address: Nithyananda Pitham, Bengaluru Aadheenam, Nithyanandapuri, Kallugopahalli, Bidadi, Karnataka 562109, India Phone: +919886042870 Q: I am allergic to certain foods, how can I advise you of this? A: Please add this information on the pre-registration form. Also you are welcome to send us an email informing us at: support@ Q: Can I get a Taxi service? A: Yes, Taxis are available at the airport. As you exit the airport, walk on the sidewalk to the pickup lane and turn left, the taxis are lined up there. We suggest taking Meru taxis or using Ola. (download the Ola app onto your phone to book the car)

WHAT IF YOU HAVEN’T ATTENDED ANY PROGRAMS? His Holiness says that this Paramashivoham program is right for all people of various ages from grade school to senior citizen. If you will like to prepare yourself for Paramashivoham here are recommended activities you can do: • Attend and practice daily Nithyananda Yoga sessions daily at 4:00am IST or 5:30pm IST. • Attend daily satsang with His Holiness at 7:30am IST at • Watch the list of videos covering various topics including: • 25 states of consciousness watch?v=dfD4YR_TCKw&t=47s • 11 dimensions and 5 states of Parashiva - https://www. 3OqeOvPE8BlY6jfE3x99 • Everyday build your antimatter with Paramashivoham oneness capsules - com/watch?v=Lz-twOD1q40&list=PL21WI5_ pNwj6SOh8FY9VSEH4ncLq7mWV4 • Watch any of the daily satsang Parashivoham series on Nithyananda Youtube channel Please access the YouTube playlist from com/user/LifeBlissFoundation/playlists

About Nithyananda Hindu University

Nithyananda Hindu University is revival of the most ancient knowledge transmission system. It is the oldest university as per known records - that was first started in Kailaasa by Paramashiva Himself and then established in various sacred places such as Naimisharanya, Varanasi, Kanchi, Mathura, Avathika, etc - the mokshapuris.

Due to multiple invasions and illegitimization of Vedic education system in the home countries, this knowledge transmission system was almost lost. An important understanding is that this was not an education system but a direct download process of the cosmic truths from the source - and is hence a knowledge transmission system. The last living person to revive this system, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda is fortunately reviving this knowledge transmission system. Nithyananda Hindu University was conceived with this objective by HDH in 2001 and legitimized by the establishing of the University in the US in 2007. Today Nithyananda Hindu University is the largest Hindu University in the world.

Those who attempt to destroy dharma, the cosmic law, are destroyed by it. Dharma protects and sustains those who are protectors of dharma. Therefore, never attempt to destroy dharma.� **** Manusmrti, 8.15 ****

Nithyananda Hindu University draws inspiration from the millennia-old Vedic tradition of ancient India, the oldest living stream of transformational science in the world today. The pragmatic Vedic civilization is credited with many significant ‘firsts’ in the fields of yoga, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and navigation, among others. Reinterpreting vedic wisdom in the light of modern life and needs, Nithyananda Hindu University creates the space for the powerful transformation of the individual and the community.

Mission Statement:

Nithyananda Hindu University is committed to delivering the wisdom of the Vedas and teaching the science of enlightenment, enriching the masses in all dimensions of their lives. We create a space to inspire, educate and empower people to live the Vedic truths through our course offerings, workshop, training programs, study abroad and scientific research.

Vision Statement:

Nithyananda Hindu University aspires to… • Establish and occupy Hindu seats in global universities and academia • Give the masses an experiential understanding of the Science of Enlightenment • Eradicate ignorance by teaching the concept of Advaitic Oneness • Establish yogic science laboratories and research institutes • Train priests and preachers (acaryas) to spread Vedic lifestyle • Demystifying and making available yogic powers for humanity

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GET IT ON GOOGLE PLAY STORE. Sign up for your super conscious breakthrough, notifications, updates, questions, solutions, everything under the sun, over the sun. Nlighten - A unique way of the Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda bringing to you your Superconscious Breakthrough. Continuously guiding you, supporting you, holding you to the next next level of power manifestation “I tell you, spend continuously as much time as you can with Nlighten App. You will manifest everything, all the best things in your life. Now the Nlighten App is already loaded with thousands of satsangs, powerful cognitions. Whenever you feel free, you need to talk to me, you need my support - just go to Nlighten App. It is not just app, it is me available to you continuously twenty-four hours. I empowered it with my very own intuition. Like how you open the Living Enlightenment book, it just exactly opens the page you need to read. Same way, click, spend time with Nlighten App, it will open exactly the satsangs which you need to hear.� ~ His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Coordinators Program Coordinator Ma Nithya Tryakashananda India cell: 91 988 604 2870 Program Coordinator Ma Nithya Poornananda Swami India cell: 91 6363 801 818 Program Coordinator Ma Nithya Dvaitavarjitananda India cell: 91 73 49600192 Hospitality Coordinator Ma Nithya Prabananda Swami Whats App: 1 909 908 8080 India cell: 91 9980117290


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