8 minute read
House System
The House system is an important part of school life. Each of the girls belong to one of three Houses – Arundel, Balmoral or Caernarvon. There are a number of competitions across the year in which the girls compete against each other while representing their House. These are hotly contested and vary each term, but recent battles have included a selection of sporting competitions, as well as our joint Prep School annual singing competition. Every year culminates in our Sports Day which is always hotly contested! Our Pre-Prep girls take part in the big day alongside the Boys’ Prep School..
Each House is led by a teacher and two House Captains. The Year 6 girls are given the opportunity to put themselves forward as the most eligible candidates to lead their House to victory. Voting takes place each September and the elected Captains are responsible for leading their House for the rest of the year. Throughout each term, all the girls in the School are keen to receive House points that go towards the weekly totals; the certificates for these are written by their House Captains, fostering a great sense of community pride. At Surbiton High Girls’ Preparatory School, we actively encourage and support girls to participate in a range of fundraising activities. Numerous fundraising events are held and celebrated throughout the year, reinforcing the school’s motto, ‘May Love Always Lead Us,’ and supporting the ethos to serve and respect others.
At the start of the academic year, all girls are given the opportunity to nominate a charity for the School to support over the course of a term. They are required to give a short presentation to the Charity Committee, detailing the reasons why the charity is important to them and why we should support them. They also outline their ideas for fundraising events. Six to eight of these charities are shortlisted and are then presented to the whole School, who then have the unenviable task of voting for the two pupilchosen charities that will be supported over the coming year.
In addition, a few years ago, our Year 6 leadership team were instrumental in developing a relationship with a local homeless charity called SPEAR, whom we support year on year, bringing the total number of charities supported each year to three.
We invite a representative from the charities to present an assembly to the School in order to broaden the girls’ knowledge of the importance of the charity.
The girls have displayed kindness, understanding and generosity through our charity events this year. These have included cake sales, Superhero Dress-up Day, Cress-heads Challenge, Year 5 Speechless Morning, Jubilee tea-towels and a Year 6 Enterprise Marketplace. The Christmas Shoeboxes for SPEAR along with the Year 6 sleepover in the hall and annual Harvest Festival donations were also a great success and continued to help us raise awareness of and support our local homeless charity. We continue, as a community, to build awareness of why we support our charities and how we can contribute to the wider community. Charities
The Pupil Leadership Team
Every September, Year 6 leaders are chosen to run our Pupil Leadership team (PLT). These three girls are joined by a representative from each class (from Year 1 upwards) who are elected by their class at the start of the year. The PLT meet regularly with the Head and Deputy Head to discuss their forms, any concerns they may have, and their suggestions to improve school life. In Key Stage 2, the representatives use their iPads, and in Key Stage 1, a suggestion book, for members to record their ideas for improving the School, which are discussed each week. An annual survey is conducted by United Learning which then feeds into a number of action points and projects that the team lead upon throughout the year.
Charity Committee
At the heart of our school’s ethos is the importance of teaching our girls the importance of doing good deeds for others, using love and citizenship as our guiding forces. Therefore, we have a separate Charity Committee to ensure that our charitable work is focused and genuinely worthwhile. Not only does the Committee play an instrumental role in shortlisting the chosen charities for the forthcoming year, but they then meet regularly to organise the various charity events that the School puts on. Charity Committee members are vital to the successful fundraising that we, as a School, have done and continue to achieve for our local and wider community.
Club Pupil Leadership Team When Thursday 8.00am-8.20am Where Science Room Staff Mr D Williams
Form Captains
Every form also nominates girls to be chosen as Form Captains. Their role is to support and assist their teachers and peers within the classroom. They are also given control of a small budget, which they are encouraged to spend on improving their Form Room. Girls are encouraged to ‘apply’ for these positions and to consider what qualities they have that are suitable for the role.
As part of our commitment to providing the best educational opportunities for the individual pupils within our School, there are a variety of Breakfast and After School English and Maths Clubs throughout the year. Girls will be invited to attend the sessions most suited to their needs.
Art Scholarship
This club is by invitation only in order to help pupils who are intending to put themselves forward for the Senior School Art Scholarship. Club Art Scholarship Who Year 5 Summer Term Year 6 Autumn Term Where Senior School Art Room When Thursday 4.00pm-5.00pm Staff Senior School Art Staff Places By Invitation
Music Scholarship
Commitment is expected throughout the term and will help prepare pupils for the Senior School Music Scholarship auditions.
Club Music Scholarship Where Music Room When Monday 7.45am-8.15am Who Year 6 by Invitation Staff Music Department Places 10 Term Autumn
English Enrichment Homework Club
Club English Enrichment Where Girls’ Prep Classrooms When English Springboard Monday 3.45pm-4.45pm English Stretch & Challenge Tuesday 3.45pm-4.45pm Who Year 5 Spring & Summer Term and Year 6 Autumn Term Places Unlimited
Funky Fingers
Girls are invited to develop their fine motor skills.
Club Funky Fingers Where Sunshine Room When Wednesday Lunchtime Who Years 1-2 Staff Ms Williams Places 8, by Invitation Term All Year Club Homework Club Where Key Stage 2 Intervention Room When Thursday and Friday Lunchtime Who Years 3-6 Staff Mrs Williams and Miss Pratt Term All Year
Homework Club is a drop-in club that will run at lunchtime in a classroom. No need to book your daughter in; girls are encouraged to attend to get ahead on their homework.
maths Scholarship
Club Maths Scholarship Where GP Rocket Room When Maths Springboard Tuesday 3.45pm-4.35pm Maths Stretch & Challenge Thursday 3.45pm-4.35pm Who Year 5 Spring & Summer Term and Year 6 Autumn Term Places Unlimited
During the holiday periods, the gymnastics coaching staff run a Gym Club. The sessions are divided into two age groups: Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, which will cater for all ages and abilities. We will work on the basics of movement and balance in Key Stage 1 and then move on to more advanced jumps, rolls and sequences in Key Stage 2. We will also introduce some pair and group work for both age groups, as well as some fun gymnastic-based games as part of the warm-up and cool-down.
For more information, please contact Mr Adam Buckingham via email at adam.buckingham@surbitonhigh.com.
How do I enrol my daughter in a club?
You will have received this Co-curricular Booklet, via MIS, outlining further information about the clubs that we are offering for 2022-2023. All bookings for clubs are made online via SchoolsBuddy (www.schoolsbuddy.net and you will have been sent login details). Following this sign-up, you will be able to log in to see which clubs your daughter has been allocated for the Autumn Term 2022. For the Spring and Summer Terms, registration details will be sent to you soon after the half term in October and February, respectively. If you have any questions, please contact the Co-curricular Team via email at surbitonprepclubs@
Breakfast and After School Club
The clubs take place at Surbiton Assembly Rooms and include supervised study areas to complete homework.
The clubs take place each day during term time and provide a safe, happy environment for your child. The Breakfast Club is available to all pupils from 7.30am until the start of your child’s school day. A nutritious breakfast is available until 8.15am. This includes a choice of porridge, cereal, toast, yoghurt and fruit juice. Pupils are escorted to their School for the start of their school day. The After School Club is available from the end of your child’s school day until 6.00pm. A healthy snack is offered, including, fruit and vegetables and a hot option of beans on toast during the winter months. There is a supervised homework and study area.
Both clubs offer a variety of activities, such as art and craft, construction kits, role play, board games and sport. If you are interested in using the clubs, please contact our Breakfast and After School Club Team via email at afterschoolclub@ surbitonhigh.com.
/surbitonhigh T 020 8546 9756 | E girlsprep@surbitonhigh.com | www.surbitonhigh.com 95-97 Surbiton Road Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2HW An independent School for boys aged 4-11 and girls aged 4-18