Junior School Chronicle Autumn 2017
Junior School triumphed in the pupil vs teacher Jenga Challenge.
Adam’s Golf Challenge proved very popular. He raised £44.65. Luckily no windows were broken!
The Bungee Run had a queue of eager boys all week.
Charities Week The Connect 4 Challenge took place all week, with Hadi emerging as the winner.
27 Nov - 1 Dec
We had some amazingly scrummy cakes donated for the cake sale.
Charities Week is an annual event. The whole school takes part, from Year 3 to Sixth Form. We come together to raise money for Gedeli B School in Tanzania. To date over £71,000 has been raised which has built toilet blocks, classrooms and a special needs classroom. We’ve also installed electricity and water, and have purchased resources including desks, chairs and exercise books. Thursday was a very popular day - it was ‘Push the teacher in the pool’ day.
Chester spent all week having wet sponges thrown at him. He raised £28.70. Well done Chester!
This year we are focusing on raising money to install a new water tower and are hoping to build a further classroom.
Junior School Prefects 2017-18 The staff of DGJS decided to do things a little differently this year. The boys were informed of the different Prefect roles available and asked to apply for which they wanted. Head Boy applicants presented to the Junior School assembly, outlining to pupils why they should have their vote. The results were: Head Boy: Jai S Deputy Head Boys: Will F & Adam G House Prefects: Hadi A (Atkinson), Roj L (Bemrose), Christopher R (Blackton), Oliver G (Derby) Sport Prefect: Tomás D Art Prefects: Chester P & Will Fla Drama & Library Prefects: Jeona S & Daniel K Charity Prefect: Adam G Music Prefect: Christopher R
A New Year Welcome to Mr Wilford
Instrumental Showcase Every September the sensational team of music teachers at Derby Grammar School host an “Instrumental Showcase” where they demonstrate and discuss the benefits and joys of learning a musical instrument. Pupils also get to try them all out!
Mr Wilford joined us in September this year. Let’s find out a little about him… What subject are you teaching? I’m teaching music to the Junior classes. I also take a weekly singing practice with them and run a 'Glee Club' choir. What were you doing before you joined DGS? I had been teaching music at Abbotsholme for the last twelve years, initially as Assistant Director of Music and for the last five years as Director of Music.
Singing Practice Every Tuesday, Junior School have singing practice with Mr Wilford. They’re currently polishing up their carols ready for the Carol Service and the House Carols competition.
What is your favourite instrument? It’s the cello. I started to learn it when I was seven. What is your favourite Christmas film? A Christmas Carol What is your favourite memory of school? My favourite memory is early morning choir rehearsals as a chorister at Lichfield.
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Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
“Hollowford was really fun and everyone had their times of difficulty. It was very hard to conquer our fears.” Roj L “Camping was so much fun. I now might be going on a camping trip.” Will F “The night hike was amazing. There were lots of pitch black slugs.” Chester P “Going in to the caves was amazing. A shiver went up my spine when the water went into my wellington boots.” Jai S “Hollowford was amazing. But the best thing was weaseling.” Chris R “The night hike was trying but amazing.” Ollie G “Weaseling was tough and exciting.” Jay S “I loved Hollowford, it was amazing.” Will Fla “I loved going down the caves.” Daniel K “It was very hard to do the leap of faith.” Tomás D “Caving meant we were wet.” Adam G
Year 6 Visit Hollowford
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
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School Council - Introducing the Team At the beginning of every year each year group is asked to provide a School Councillor who will represent the class for the year. In the first few PSHE lessons, those wanting to put themselves forward prepare a speech to their peers and a vote takes place. Congratulations to George in Year 3, Tom and Benedict in Year 4, Sam in Year 5 and Jay in Year 6 for being voted their class School Councillor this year.
Year 4 Visit the Hindu Temple
Inspiring A Love of Books
As part of their Religious Studies lesson, Year 4 visited the Hindu Temple this term.
At the start of Year 5 I absolutely hated books, but then Mrs Hamilton inspired me to read.
“Year 4 visited the Mandir (a place of worship) in Derby. Our guide was named Shain. We went inside and put our shoes on a shoe rack. He said try and spot bells. The first bell we saw was on the ceiling when we were walking up the stairs. At the top we saw some of the gods. Shain told us about the Om symbol. He told us that people have a home shrine in the house and that there is one God who has many forms.
Some people I need to thank are my amazing mum and dad for buying me Bad Dad, Ratburger, The Boy in the Dress, Gangster Granny and Demon Dentist. Thanks to me reading great books, my exam results were definitely worth working for!
At the end we were given prashad. Benny and Anish rang the bell at the end.� Harjan N
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What would life be without books? Thank you Mum, Dad and Mrs Hamilton. Omer K
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
Year 3 - National Stone Centre
Year 4 - Sewing
We went to the National Stone Centre in September. The class walked around the Centre and we learnt about crinoids.
Sewing is so much fun. It is my favourite lesson throughout the week. I have learnt to do oversewing, back-stitch and blanket stitch.
We also saw the mine that the people would work in. Then the class all went inside and made some fossil casts.
I am making a felt Father Christmas decoration to hang on my tree. Benny R
George F
Year 5 - Aztecs
We have been learning about the Aztecs this term. This is one of the most interesting topics in Year 5 and I really enjoy it. Here are some facts about the Aztecs Did you know that if it wasn't for the Aztecs we wouldn’t have chocolate? The Aztecs lived in Tenochtitlas which is now called Mexico City. The way Aztecs showed respect was by having a truly gruesome sacrifice - having their hearts pulled out and being thrown from a 15ft staircase!
Year 6 - Biscuits
Our project this term is to design and make a biscuit, form our own company and pitch our biscuit idea to Lady Sly and Lady Devine - Apprentice style. The winning company will be judged on taste, texture, appearance and shape. Two weeks ago we made a basic biscuit recipe. Based on that we will start to put together our final biscuit idea. We have used ICT to carry out a survey about preferred biscuits for our pitch. Jay S
Omer K
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
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Rev Paul’s Ramblings... I’ve been based in the Junior School as the Derby Grammar School Chaplain for nearly 11 years. Over that period it’s been a privilege to work with some amazing staff and pupils. This term the Juniors have been very supportive of our Harvest Festival collection for Derby YMCA and are currently collecting items for the Christmas shoe boxes that we do every year. Two of the boys, Jai and Jay, read beautifully at the recent School Remembrance Service and were a real credit to both the Junior School and themselves. Year 4 have been on the ‘Christmas Journey’ with me; Year 3 experienced the Cathedral and St Mary’s Catholic Church in all their glory, and enjoyed early morning drinks courtesy of Bennetts; but the highlight of this term is always my ‘holiday’ with Year 6 to Hollowford. I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year, and do get in touch if I can support you or your son in any way, as part of my role is pastoral care. Rev Paul
A Snapshot of our Charity Work Bag2School
Harvest Festival
This year Mrs Genders decided to run a chocolate incentive for Bag2School. Every bag brought in meant a name went into a hat, and the more bags brought in the higher the chance of winning.
Each year we collect donations which are then taken to their friends at YMCA Derbyshire. The volume received this year was staggering, and in fact is the largest the School has ever collected.
It certainly made a difference and we raised £256 to be split between the PTA and the Tanzania project. Year 6 also enjoyed making Mrs Genders wear a placard to advertise the event. Our next Bag2School collection will be in the summer term. Start saving now!
We are the only school supporting YMCA Derbyshire and so this food has a massive impact on those who have so little.
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David Finn of YMCA Derbyshire joined our Harvest assembly. He said: “We all take having food for meals for granted, but for some people something as simple as receiving a tin of beans can mean such a huge amount.”
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
Adam - Our Charities Prefect
Snow White
This is the first year Junior School has ever had a Charities Prefect - a role which I am really enjoying.
Following the success of last year's pantomime, Mrs Simpson embarked upon the challenge once again. This year it was the classic tale of Snow White.
The first thing that I organised this year was the Pumpkin Challenge. I brought three pumpkins I had grown at home, along with a chart of squares, each one showing a different weight. Everyone who took part had to guess the weight of the pumpkins. In total we raised £44.50.
In every good performance, a 'Chorus' is needed to support the action on stage. Who better to ask than a group of willing and enthusiastic Junior School performers! Thank you to the ten boys who volunteered to take part.
I also helped Mrs Sly to organise Charities Week. This has involved attending quite a few meetings, and it was a big task to arrange all of the activities. Adam G
And Some of Our Other Projects... Book Fair
Fireworks Night
During the last week of September, the Book Fair came to School and the boys were treated to lunchtimes spent browsing through the latest publications. The stationery proved popular too!
On Friday 3 November, our PTA held a fireworks night at School. It was a really good night. There were lots of stalls selling drinks, food and glowsticks. The firework display was amazing: so many different types of fireworks and different colours that lit up the dark sky.
Thank you to the boys for their enthusiasm for reading, the Sixth Form team who helped to run the event, and to you, parents, for your generosity. Proceeds from the sale raised £88 for DGJS to purchase some new books.
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
When everyone thought it was over, another display took place. What a surprise! I think this year was the best fireworks night yet. I can’t wait for next year. Eisah C
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Rugby Fixtures This Term We have had a great Autumn term of rugby with some excellent performances and progress within Junior School. Across all years the boys have been working hard on developing their rugby playing skills, particularly focusing on catching, passing and game understanding. Our U8’s (Year 3) have been working on their evasive and supporting skills, while U9’s (Year 4) have enjoyed adding tackling to their skill set. The U10’s (Year 5) and U11’s (Year 6), have been developing and improving their off-loading skills out of the tackle and getting to grips with rucks and mauls. We have had a busy fixture schedule with the U9 boys playing in their first ever competitive rugby matches this year, performing magnificently against Lichfield School and Denstone Prep. The U10’s have continued to impress on the sports field with some superb performances against Date Match Lichfield, Denstone Prep and Nottingham High School, as well as throughout The Elms Rugby Festival. 20.09.17
U11 vs The Elms
U10 & U11 vs Lichfield
U9 vs Lichfield
U10 & U11 vs Denstone
U9 vs Denstone
U10 & U11 vs Nottingham High
U10 The Elms Rugby Festival
The U11 boys also continued to show great reliance and togetherness to record some fantastic performances against The Elms, Lichfield, Denstone Prep and Nottingham High School. I would like to congratulate the boys for their effort in making it such a fabulous rugby season for everyone involved. If anyone would like to play more rugby please speak to me and I can put you in touch with your local rugby club. Mr Smyth
Year 5
Sports Update Introducing Tomás Tomás is our Sports Prefect: “So far in my role I have changed the signing in and out rota of playground toys and sports equipment which I’m in charge of every day. I really like my job, I talk to Mr Smyth and Mr Clark re. fixtures and give out team sheets.”
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Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
Derby Cathedral
The Dentist Visits Year 3
Year 3 visited Derby Cathedral with Rev Paul this term.
On Tuesday 10 October the dentist, Dr Malhi, came in with a lion who was holding a giant toothbrush!
“We got to try on really big costumes. I tried on a white robe called an albe, and a verger’s costume. Reverend Paul took us round the Cathedral and we went to the basement and saw three candles. I loved it when we got apple juice and a biscuit at Bennetts coffee shop.” Musa A
Dr Malhi gave us a talk on our teeth. Afterwards we got a disclosing tablet. We put it in our mouths and our teeth turned purple. Next, we brushed our teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth I saw some pink which means I missed a bit, so I brushed them again. When my teeth had no pink on, I got a photo with the lion and a goodie bag. Ted P
Trips and Visits Year 4 Visit Twycross
Year 6 Trip to Dovedale
We travelled to Twycross Zoo on our brand new school minibus. This zoo has the largest group of monkeys and apes in the Western World. The zoo helps endangered animals across the world.
At the end of November Year 6 went to the River Dove at Dovedale to measure the depth, width and velocity of the river.
There aren’t many gibbons and other species of monkeys left on the planet because the trees where they live, in rainforests, are being cut down. George B
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
To test the velocity they threw dog biscuits into the water 40 metres upriver from the bridge. They timed how long it took to reach the bridge. Unfortunately the crows quite liked the Bonios, so Year 6 had to re-do the experiment a few times!
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Years 3 & 4
Kian (Y3) Title: Global Warming House: Blackton
Ted (Y3) Title: The Tortured Earth House: Atkinson
Alex (Y4) Title: Global Flooding House: Bemrose
Art Prefects The first project was to help Mrs Jackson make her Gratitude Tree. Chester helped by also adding Red Sal, the squirrel, to it.
House Art
Next, we helped Mrs Genders by laminating some artwork and putting it on display. Recently we chose the House Art topic - Global Warming - and then we helped judge the House Art competition for Years 3 & 4. Chester P & Will Fla
Years 5 & 6
Red Sal the Squirrel Ahmad (Y5) Title: Global Doctor House: Derby
Thomas (Y5) Title: Global Warming (video) House: Atkinson
Roj (Y6) Title: I Have a Fever House: Bemrose
Thankyou Ms Sellors for judging our competition! Page 10
Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
Open Day
“On 30 September it was the Open Day. Myself and Year 6 Prefects took potential pupils and parents on a guided tour of our amazing school. I was very proud with all the positive comments they said about our school, wonderful teachers and pupils.” Jai S
Golden table: September Golden table: October
Tom appears in Derby Theatre’s Peter Pan video LAMDA speech and drama awards
Blackton and Bemrose were joint winners of House Cross Country
Will won six trophies at his cricket club awards evening
Honour Points Honour Point race for this term: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Bemrose House Derby House Atkinson House Blackton House
Congratulations to our class high scorers: 1048 pts 1008 pts 847 pts 782 pts
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
George F Harjan N Dhruv M Adam G
92 pts 65 pts 75 pts 75 pts
(Results as at 05.12.17) Junior School Chronicle | Autumn 2017
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A Final Word From Mrs Sly The format of the Chronicle has changed this term as Mrs Taylor has stepped down from the post of ‘Editor’ and Mrs Baldwin has taken up the reins! Mrs Taylor has done it for as long as I have been at the School, so a big thank you to her for all her work over the years. When asked what I wanted in it this term, I decided to list everything that we have done (or are continuing to do up to the end of term). This 12 page edition is packed with charity work, music, trips, School Council, curriculum, sport, House art and achievements, but there has still not been enough room for everything. As staff, we tend to forget all that we pack in to the time at School and the fantastic opportunities our boys get as part of their learning journey. So the Chronicle is a good way to remind us of the vast and varied activities we have on offer. I have included in this issue an introduction to some of our new prefect roles and hope to cover the rest of the prefects in the next two issues. The boys in Year 6 have taken on board their new responsibilities with maturity, energy and commitment, making valuable contributions to our life within the Junior School. Thank you, boys. As I write this, we approach our final fortnight in School so all the exciting Christmas activities will be featured in the next Chronicle. The House Carol Competition will again be an entertaining afternoon and I always look forward to the magic of the Cathedral service. I wish you all, parents and pupils alike, a very peaceful Christmas and New Year.
Mrs Sly, Head of Junior School
Reminders about Spring Term
Don’t forget sports kits changes to hockey.
Please ensure uniform is up to date. Uniform can be purchased from Morleys or the PTA run a Second Hand Uniform stall - further information available from Reception.