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Best Revision Apps

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Quizlet it

Quizlet enables you to create your own revision flashcards, as well as using sets created by others. Teachers in MFL have created sets for you to revise too. When you access a set, there are four different modes in which you can use them: cards, learn, match and test.

Explain Everything it

Import a photo, video or popplet, then add your voice explaining what you want to remember: blurt out all the vocabulary, processes and dates you need!

Clips it

On Clips you can create short clips with live annotations! We recommend changing the language of your device; use the videos to test your pronunciation for MFL.

iMindMap it

With the app, you can create mindmaps using its built-in sketch tool and digital add-ons, including some snazzy freehand branches. You can even record audio notes and have them sync to the cloud so you can access your creations from multiple devices.

Kahoot it

Why not create your own Kahoot and challenge your friends?

Bookcreator it

Create your own revision books to refer back to.

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