inspires uplifts
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Your Holistic Community Guide in SA God Blesses You with ZERO An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti by Leo Drioli & Enza Vita
Volume 25 - Issue 1 Publishing since 1988
How to Identify Environmental Sensitivities by Andrea Fernandez
BEYOND RELIGION The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet Australian Visit in June 2013
Women Making a Difference Feature
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
SpIrItualIty 4
gOd bleSSeS yOu WItH ZerO An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti by leo drioli & enza vita enterIng tHe StreAM with dr graham Williams
tOOlS OF SpIrItuAl pOWer with Swami dayananda
IF I HAd tHe tIMe, I’d be lIke tHe buddHA! with peter Fenner, pHd
tHe IlluSOry SelF with linda Clair
lOOkIng FOr lOve In all the Wrong places with persephone Maywald
11 lOOkIng FOr SOMetHIng tO be upSet AbOut? WHy? by Oriah Mirza
dreAM StAte with damian Amamoo
HeAlIng trAuMA by louise tebble
neW yeArS reSOlutIOnS by bronwyn barter
10 tHe prInCIpleS OF SubCOnSCIOuS-MInd HeAlIng by leaona Hamood and Michael Oster
22 yOur eyeS never lIe with lynne Singlewood
23 yOur lIFe IS A reFleCtIOn OF yOur belIeFS by deborah barratt
13 OpenIng tHe HuMAn HeArt neW StOry FOr HuMAnIty Susan Altschwager
26 tHe AIr eleMent - let gO OF tHe Old, MAke WAy FOr tHe neW by lisa Fabry
26 WHAt’S rIgHt WItH yOu IS tHe StArtIng pOInt – tHe SpIrItuAl by dr Andrew Horwood
pSychIcS 30 “purIty OF Our petS & HOW SpeCIAl tHey Are” with Amanda de Warren 30 tHe neW dAWn & revelAtIOn OF egyptIAn MySterIeS by Jessica dao 31 AS yOu SAy It – SO It IS. by Fran tomlin 31 SOul tO SOul with Cinzia vuat
reVIewS 15 WAlkIng WItH SpIrIt Joy brisbane
enerGy healInG
15 “IllIOM, dAugHter OF prOpHeCy” by Claudio Silvano
19 yOur geneS, yOur Future with Maria Harpas
26 rAISIng yOur vIbrAtIOn In 2013 by Susanne Meaney
19 COCOnut OIl FOr begInnerS
27 lIvIng FrOM tHe HeArt
20 HOW tO IdentIFy envIrOnMentAl SenSItIvItIeS with Andrea Fernandez Indulski
28 tHe pOWer OF lOve by Anthony Craig
20 prOgeSterOne tHe bAby MAkIng HOrMOne. with tessa roberts
29 eFt tAppIng OFten CleArS pHySICAl pAIn by Annie O’grady
21 belIeF SySteMS. with nanthea nissen
29 tHOugHtS beFOre 2013
18 COre tO extreMIty with dr rob Hutchings
10 lOSt yOur JOb? be HAppy! tHere IS An AnSWer! by Jaynie Morris
The Gap is Always here
11 tHerApy: A CAllIng, And A CAreer
18 CultIvAte yOur HeAltH In 2013 with belle McCAleb
From The edITorS
22 ACupunCture & HOrMOne ISSueS by dr greg depamphilis
12 tHe tIMe OF tHe SACred MASCulIne And SACred FeMInIne with diane McCann
29 CryStAl HeAlIng
13 ClASSIFIedS 14 In brIeF revIeWS - bOOkS, CdS, dvdS 16 MOOn CAlendAr 24 WOMen MAkIng A dIFFerenCe 25 eventS, COurSeS & WOrkSHOpS FOr tHe MInd, bOdy & SOul
Wait a second. Stop just a moment. nothing you do, or don’t do will get you any closer to this. every time a thought ends … there’s a gap. this gap is vast beyond measure and allows for all form to manifest and exist. but there’s a natural ending ... a natural death to all form. Watch each thought … no, maybe that’s a little hard because it’s so difficult to extricate our beingness from thought, as it’s the very thing that gives thought the liberty to be. no, an easier way is to catch the natural death of a thought. One thought … any thought. try it with the thought you are enter taining right now … as soon as you become aware that you are thinking, take note of the space and emptiness that happens as the thought dissipates … Here you will find a gap. Call it what you will, I like “this blessed Isle”, a term coined by thich nhat Hanh … the gap will reveal itself naturally, effortlessly. Sit in the gap, contemplate the gap … now, you’ll feel a very natural pull to another thought. In attention goes again. One second … ten … thir ty. but it will end and you will inevitably find yourself back on the shores of “this blessed Isle”. Whenever you get back to the gap, the tendency is to judge the pull into thought as a miss-step, as a problem, as another failed attempt to be present. that’s the next thought! Watch it … and you’re back on the shores again. keep watching and eventually what will begin to happen is that the gap will become the resting place, the Home of your reality which it is anyway. And things will begin to reverse themselves as you’ll
find a natural pull back to shore … without judgment and without effort. you’ll see that in truth you’ve never been anywhere else … it’s only thought that has been riding the currents of your own beingness. So, every moment offers another precious opportunity to see things as they are. With thought and without thought. And things as they are doesn’t mean that the gap is better. It simply means that you are no longer seeking yourself out in your thinking … you are no longer trying to find joy, peace or happiness with thoughts. All thoughts die! What you will see is that the ultimate freedom, peace, joy and happiness lies in the realization that what’s been holding you captive is your identification with your own thinking. this is where it all turns around. this is where “this blessed Isle” becomes the Ocean of Awakened beingness… your own presence. this is where you and that are no longer at odds. you no longer seek yourself. you see that there really is only this … only that. now the great work begins.
With love, leo drioli and enza vita
our goal is to awaken one community at a time... &
inspires uplifts
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Your Holistic Community Guide in SA God Blesses You with ZERO An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti by Leo Drioli & Enza Vita
Volume 25 - Issue 1 Publishing since 1988
How to Identify Environmental Sensitivities by Andrea Fernandez
BEYOND RELIGION The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet Australian Visit in June 2013
Women Making a Difference Feature
Volume 25 - Issue 1
proudly serving the community since 1988
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the InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone.
This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at www.innerself.com.au
® our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
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God Blesses You with ZERO our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti
Sri Jaya Shakti Sri Jaya Shakti is touring Australia this March 2013. Starting with a free, open to all Satsang at the Sydney Masonic Centre, followed by a weekend ‘Advanced Yoga Practices’ Workshop at Sydney’s beautiful Northern Beaches on Friday the 15th till Sunday the 17th. Registration needed for both on 1300 500 881 or 0425 260 129.
A day before we were to fly out to Bali for a 10 day holiday I was finishing up my last minute business and phoned one of our regular writers Jaan Jerabek to discuss our next issue. “Hey Leo, I’m on holidays at the moment.” “Where are you?” I asked. “Bali,” came his reply. As we were going to be there the next day, he said the timing was perfect explaining we could meet with his spiritual teacher Sri Jaya Shakti. We discussed getting together in Ubud in a few days and going out to the ashram to meet and the following interview was arranged.
On the day, we met Jaan for lunch at Casa Luna in Ubud and then followed him up the windy roads through the lush green rice paddies to the ashram. Meeting Sri Jaya Shakti was refreshing and sweet. He radiated a child-like openess... as we immediately relaxed into his gentle energy, feeling no barriers and a connection that deeply warmed our hearts. InnerSelf: You have a definition of Tantra that many wouldn’t know... Sri Jaya Shakti: People are confused about Tantra. They believe it is simply sexual. Tantra is really about how to move the energy. It’s the basis of life. In Hinduism there is Tantra, Yantra and Mantra. Yantra is the symbol, your body as a symbol of yourself. Mantra is the sound, because you have a light... it’s the sound. And Tantra is the power or the energy. So you need all three together to move, to have action. All movement is Tantra, like Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Yoga.... it’s all Tantra. How to move... to receive energy, this is Tantra. When people dance, this too is Tantra. There are two sides of desire. On one side people drink or smoke marijhuana or cocaine... and they dance, they move, flow their energy. And in this they (unconsciously) seek a oneness with life. And on the other side... Tantra is a holy knowledge from Shiva, it’s how God Dances... to move the universe. Moving the energy... flowing, changing... creating... all at the same time. It’s all God dancing -Tantra. And we need to follow this natural
flow... we need to move so we can create together with God. In spiritual practice you discover how you can create move in Spirit, by raising the Kundalini. This is the power source in the body... the seat of life. And inside deeper is the soul. This is how we are supported in our spiritual life. Creating an expansion of Soul... more knowledge flowing in when the Tantra energy rises... when the Kundalini rises and the chakras open, opening us up to another space of life. This is Tantra. IS: You teach Kindalini Tantra Meditation & Yoga. What is the actual practice? Sri Jaya Shakti: We are now in the Dark Age because there’s a lot of desire in the world, we call it the Kali Yoga. So it’s easy to be filled with fear and confusion. When you start practicing Tantra Meditation you let go of stress... stop thinking... and just move the body. You dance and sing... It’s the best way right now for meditation. You can’t focus your mind through the mind. Soul controls the mind. So in dancing, moving, you open the chakras... and the Kundalini rises, and the door of the Soul will open. When this opens, all the spiritual power of the Kundalini rises up and the desire of the mind will become quiet. This is how to move yourself up to this state or spiritual level... with ease. Then you become silent. Until then you can’t get still, that’s why you need to move. It can also be through yoga. In the west, Yoga is really important because it gets people to move... I learnt many different meth-
ods of yoga and it takes a long time to learn. But this method is the key of yoga... Kundalini Tantra Yoga. Yoga is the connection with Spirit... through this the Kundalini comes up with The Guru Bliss, which is very impor tant... through yoga asana, through dancing, through meditation... and Guru Bliss with that. And the Shakti power will come up. IS: There are many misconceptions of what enlightenment is in the west... what’s your definition of enlightenment? Sri Jaya Shakti: I had many experiences as a child. enlightenment is a spiritual state that occurs when the soul opens. And you will become a different person. You will see your mission and what you need to do in your life. enlightenment comes in when everything opens inside… when the soul opens inside... the Atman. When God connects with the Soul... enlightenment comes in... it’s like bliss. IS: Describe enlightenment... Sri Jaya Shakti: You will know your mission in your life. At 8 years old I saw many of my past lives and I got really stressed... I had been a healer, a guru... and I wanted to know why my life wasn’t like this right now. I wasn’t ready, this body wasn’t ready and I wanted to die. And I did die at 17 years old, and I was out of the body and I heard a sound. And then I saw I could go anywhere I wanted to go... and I came to a very dark place. And my spirit cried and I asked for forgiveness, then my soul came into the body again. After that I was given another chance to live and learn about life. Insight flowed in from the Soul and I realised “I’m not ready to die.” And I saw I needed to do something with this life... enlightenment is knowing your mission in your life. This is most important right now because most people don’t know what their purpose here is. It’s all a different karma here in Bali... it’s very different, but when someone has enlightenment inside, they know what to do to make themselves and everyone around them happy. even if it’s only a “little” enlightenment, for some it’s big and for some it’s small, everyone is different. Doing something for others is what makes us happy here. This is enlightenment. There are a lot of people doing good works but it’s not good enough if they are only thinking about themselves... it’s not good enough if they are not thinking about others also. We must find our “God Mission” in our life... to do something for the world, to make it a better place. IS: What are the main obstacles to enlightenment? Sri Jaya Shakti: : First because of Karma. Then, they don’t want to change, their ego is blocked. Also, the friends around you have an influence. IS: Can you describe h ow you see the world around you? What does and enlightened viewpoint perceive? Sri Jaya Shakti: I see the people around me are just like kids, like my own kids. They have a small problem and make it big. I see that it’s nothing... I don’t tell them that it’s
Continued on page 15
No Gates in This One Moment
Why do some teachers say that you don’t need to do anything to get enlightened while others say that you need to put in many years of discipline? Who is right? The answer is both and neither. When it comes to awakening or enlightenment and the debate over practice or no practice, there are many different schools of thought. One camp feels that awakening is something that just happens and that any practice reinforces the illusion of a separate entity that needs to strive to achieve a goal. The other camp believes that awakening is something you have to work for and that practice is absolutely necessary to free oneself from the grasp of the ego/mind. Who is right? The answer is both and neither. It is true that everything is just happening, that everything is perfect as it is, that there is nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to seek, nothing to know. This present moment contains everything that is, has been, and ever will be. You don’t have to look for anything, and you are already what you seek. This is true, but a very lofty state of awareness, and it is not the state of awareness that most human beings experience on a daily basis. Most people’s awareness is in a state that does not include the totality of everything around them. We cling to seeing things as separate from us. Our minds create and illusion that there is something out there that is lost and must be found in order for us to be complete. We all have to start somewhere, so why not begin where we are? Doing nothing is not something I
encourage. This is the mind doing something called “being lazy.” I urge a deep and whole-hearted investigation and clear seeing of how things really are, a penetrating inquiry into the subtle nature of aware presence, and this in no way means intellectualizing.
We are always already free but....
At the level of absolute truth, you are already enlightened, free, and complete. At the level of relative truth, you experience suffering because you haven’t yet realized this. Both truths apply. They are inseparable, two sides of one coin, and the goal is not to pick one or the other but to embrace both. There are pros and cons with either the direct path or the path that progresses. The path that progresses is comforting to the mind, it gives a sense of belonging and the intense practice can still the mind and its unruly thoughts. However, a progressing path can also undermine the possibility of direct, immediate awakening by reinforcing the belief that your true nature is not here and now and that awakening requires time and effort. It’s possible that a prolonged, gradual practice can strengthen the ego by solidifying the image of the spiritual seeker. Once this seeker identity is firmly entrenched,
www.innerself.com.au ouryou goalnowhere. is to awaken one community at a time . . . Nisargadatta Maharaji, said, “You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself, it will not be your own way and it will take ” it becomes difficult to see clearly and release that identity because the identified seeker is striving for a dualistic experience based on an I/me that is separate from the truth it seeks. This identified seeker becomes firmly entrenched and will eventually manifest an experience for itself that is mistaken for enlightenment. I am not suggesting that all spiritual practices should be discarded. Not at all. The problem is not with the practice but how it is practiced, meaning if it is goal-oriented. If your practice is bound to a goal, this is an obstacle because there is no goal to be achieved. What you are looking for is here now and has always been. When the mind is freed from any desire to “become,” the attention that has been projected outward toward something shifts spontaneously from the object it is seeking to the perceiver of the object, which is a taste of one’s own true self. The direct path, on the other hand, while it provides the opportunity to discover your true nature here and now, can also lead you astray if you mistake intellectual knowledge for realization. Simply understanding that you are awareness is just the first step. In other words, “What I am reading in this article makes sense, I believe it, and I’m leaving it at that.” To leave it as a mental theory is not going to help much. Our original nature is not something we “imagine”; it is originally and naturally so, and this must be directly realized as truth.
Awakening is a direct realization of your true nature
It is not an intellectual knowledge or even an experience. You can’t just go to a retreat, wear special clothes, and burn a bit of incense. While it’s true that “we are always the ‘Self,’” if this hasn’t been truly and directly realized, this knowledge won’t do you any good. Just knowing that there is no gate to cross doesn’t mean that you are at the end of the search, not if you are still standing outside that gateless gate. The Buddha’s highest most profound teaching was a direct pointing to our true nature, awareness itself. But as the people didn’t understand this view, then Buddha gave out various relative teachings and practices. Why?
To address the conceptual positions that these people imagined themselves to be in. The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi stated, “You are awareness; awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness, there is no need to attain or cultivate it.” But he also recognized that not everyone could realize this truth instantly, and so he prescribed different practices according to the maturity of the seeker.
How do you decide which path is the better path for you?
Only you can decide that because as another renowned Indian sage, Nisargadatta Maharaji, said, “You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself, it will not be your own way and it will take you nowhere.” I tend to subscribe to the idea that if you are truly honest with yourself, you can discover what approach you really need and at what time. If your mind is restless with a million thoughts, you may need a bit of discipline to bring it under control, in which case a short meditation on the breath, on a candle, on the face of your guru, etc., may help. After the mind has calmed down, you can move to a more contemplative state, to the practiceless practice of noticing what is already here, the presence that has never left and is your essential nature. On the other hand, if your mind becomes too uptight, dry, rigid, and controlling of your experience, it’s time to forget about practices for a while and go spend a few days down on the beach or up in the mountains to loosen up a bit.
Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation
The bottom line is that all the different viewpoints, “meditate, don’t meditate, you are nothing, you are God on earth,” etc., are all relative viewpoints, a matter of conditioning and cultural trapping. If someone believes that they have the monopoly on the truth, they lack clarity and insight. Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation, and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you sooner or later.
True realization is a full stop un-grasping of any perspective and the ability to see all perspectives at the same time. The mind can never open like this if it is clinging to one perspective. Only awareness, our true complete natural state, can reveal this. If people say that no practice is needed to awaken, awareness sees the truth in that. If people say that you need a practice to awaken, awareness also sees the truth in that. To see truth in all beliefs, without having to believe in any of it, is true freedom. Enza Vita is current co-editor of InnerSelf Newspaper, the former editor of Woman Spirit magazine, and the author of the soon to be released book Always Already Free – What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway?, a book that de-mystifies ancient spiritual teachings and practices from east and west and and blends them into Enza’s own unique approach. Founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, Enza has studied with some of the great spiritual masters of our age and after a series of deep awakenings, culminating in a profound spiritual realization in 2007, her life is now dedicated to ignite the flame of truth in others. “The truth I talk about is not limited to any tradition but is found in, and open to, all true traditions”.
FrEE DoWNloAD For the first 3 chapters of Always Already Free - What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway? by Enza Vita please visit
always already free what is enlightenment and what does it matter anyway? Whatever experience is occurring right now, cosmic or ordinary, supersedes every other one because it is the one happening in this present moment. Every moment is in fact a perfect mirror of the divine impulse to manifest into the world. Life’s mystery and its mundaneness are equally divine. Enza's book is a true book in that it continually brings the attention to what is the immediacy, the actuality right now. The uncontrived spontaneous naturalness. Being constantly reminded in various ways in every chapter that there is only life essence (awareness) the believed in entity is seen to have no self-nature and not stand on its own. In this recognition the book has done its work and that is That. —Sailor Bob Adamson, spiritual author and teacher As a satsang book, Enza, I'm pretty blown away with your clarity. I truly think you are one of the clearest authors I've ever read on the subject of satsang/non-duality. I'm not saying this to be ingratiating or even kind. I truly mean it! At this point I have edited for quite a few satsang teachers, including Gangaji, Eli Jaxon Bear, Issac Shapiro, John Sherman, Om Parkin, and Amber Terrell, not to mention the many others I've been exposed to, so I know what I'm talking about when I tell you that you your expression is exceptional. And I love it that you actually figured out how to offer people a "practice-less practice”. —Shanti Einolander, editor of The Diamond in Your Pocket and You Are That! by Gangaji
For free download (3 chapters) see www.enzavita.com
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
This beautifully evocative phrase comes from the Buddhist tradition, and we had it in mind when we named the Lifeflow Meditation Centre, for it describes the experience of being in the flow – those wonderfully smooth, effortless times when our bodies and minds are in complete harmony. These are those magic moments of childhood when we were totally in touch with the world around us, before we learned to think. Within Buddhism the term has a very specific meaning because it describes the first time your mind opens up to insight – the moment when you are able to see what your mind is doing and how it works. For those who are interested, the technical term is sotapanna – literally ‘stream entrant’.
A Moment of Freedom
Entering the stream occurs when your mind is still, completely free from the thoughts, stories, habits and memories which cause you to see everything as you are taught to. You experience this state to a certain extent every time you become still in meditation and your body, mind and emotions are balanced. To actually see this at the time you are experiencing it however, is another thing altogether, and takes a certain amount of training. This is an experience totally unique to the meditation tradition, for your mind has to be completely still, clear and balanced to be able to do it. In the insight meditation literature it’s called ‘seeing things as they really are’. It might sound a bit naïve, perhaps even mundane, but I can assure you it isn’t. Experiencing this for the first time can be quite a shock; it’s a revelation which is exhilarating, ecstatic, incredibly simple, a great relief and sometimes even hilariously funny. This experience is such a key to understanding, accepting and being friends with ourselves, and also to being able to be completely open to everyone else, that it is a requirement for all Lifeflow teachers. It frees us from always having to prove ourselves to other people, so that we can truly listen to them, and accept whatever they have to bring.
The core of your being
During this experience, because your mind is so still and open and you’re not thinking, you don’t know what has happened in the normal sense of being able to say exactly what it was. Afterwards, when you start to think again, wondering how on earth to describe this experience of insight, you will automatically use the ideas and language of whichever tradition you know. So if you are religious you could describe it as union with God, or as discovering your true or inner Self, or as a sense of awe as you feel yourself indivisible from and an intimate part of the entire universe. If you just observe it however, and can describe exactly what you have seen, you discover that for the first time, you are not looking at yourself or the world around you through the lens of your identity – your own par ticular point of view. Instead, your mind is still, and you’re not thinking; your identity is not a part of the experience. You discover that our sense of self is actually a product of how we learn to think. This experience shows how our deepest state of being is free from all the stories and emotions we carry around –you find the safe place in your mind. I like to describe it as discovering the stillness and peace of a beach after being tossed around in the waves of the ocean. Knowing this stillness, and that it is always there, gives a totally different perspective on how we experience ourselves, and you can learn to rest there whenever you choose.
The Big Questions
Entering the stream is often called “awakening” or “enlightenment”, but I’d like to add a cautionary note here. The Buddhist tradition is unique (as far as I am aware) in looking on this experience as a beginning. This is partly because the discipline of meditation also involves integrating this experience into our everyday lives. It is also because entering the stream is the first in a series of four insight experiences. With the first insight you experience the foundation of your mind, when it is not thinking. But what is happening when we do think? And how does it all fit together? These are questions the other three levels of
insight explore. The second level of insight reveals what is happening when we are thinking. You see where thoughts come from and go to, what they actually look like and how they work. Neuroscience has now become extremely interested in this process, and is starting to discover and document it, confirming the experiences which have always been a part of the Buddhist tradition. Recently, in one of our evening classes at Lifeflow, a student described how he could actually see the process of thinking, the moment before his thoughts became conscious. There was also a neuroscientist in the class, who was amazed to hear this process described so accurately – for as he explained, it has just been discovered in his field. He also added that the literature says that it is impossible for anyone to actually see this process themselves, because it occurs before a thought becomes conscious. Within the Buddhist tradition in contrast, it is described in detail, and all of Buddhist psychology and philosophy is based on these insights. The third level of insight shows the relationship between our minds and bodies, and also between our minds and the world around us. The final and fourth level shows how the two sides of our minds work together – what’s happening when our minds are still, and when we are thinking. Our minds do both and each is just as important as the other. Are they completely different? Or are they different aspects of the same process? This insight enables you to see what concepts are, and how they affect your perceptions of the world. T he knowledge that comes through insight is based on the very simple premise that it is impossible to know the human mind fully by only studying others objectively. This is because we are the human mind.To fully understand human thoughts, emotions and consciousness itself, we need to be able to observe our own. This is what the tool of meditation, and the techniques of insight meditation in particular, enable you to do. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience teaching both meditation and mindfulness, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University. He has written two books, Insight and Love which is in its third edition and Life in Balance. They are both available online. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8379 9001. W lifeflow.com.au
3 Tools of Spiritual Power
As you enter this next phase of your life, what would you like to develop within yourself? Possibly you’d like to apply perseverance to endeavours or patience to relationships. Maybe you’d like to begin something new, finish something you started or simply focus on your health and spiritual well-being. You’ll need to be clear on what you intend and you’ll need to follow through, or at least explore the possibilities. What else can help you? As if you were a player in a video game, you can draw on tools of power. Along with classic tools, such as intelligence or strength, you can access your spiritual self. Tools of spiritual power provide a guiding light that can help fulfil your deepest desires. Three tools you might want to develop are: (1) being present (2) accepting what is, and (3) loving as you are. What if, in your waking hours, you were always alert and in the here-and-now. And, what if you were always ready to accept, quick to forgive and flowing with boundless love. Would that help? To be present means to keep your attention on this moment, where you are and what you’re doing right now. You have full awareness of your external environment as well as your inner world. You can have a memory in the present moment and you can plan something for the future in the present moment. But when you stay rooted in the present, you don’t drift into reverie or fantasy. Because you live in the present moment, it gives you power.
Take a moment to focus on what you are experiencing through your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and texture. Observe your breath going in and out. Pay attention to the thoughts that play in your mind without engaging in them. Notice your mood or feelings at the moment. Acknowledge all of these aspects oc curring simultaneously. Fill yourself with the energy of being present.
Anyone and everyone can meditate. ars
3. Loving As You Are
What higher state is there than the state of love, whether it’s love of a spor t or a beautiful object, an activity or person, even love of an
Meditation on Love
The quickest way to access your own love is to think of something that expands your heart. It could be a musical track, a memory of a good time, someone who’s been a friend for a long while. How does it feel when you receive love? It’s difficult to open to love when you’re in a negative state, or just plain engaged in everyday life. But it’s easier when you give yourself a quiet moment and open to the possibility of love. If you’d like, take a moment now to take a breath, close your eyes and allow yourself to feel bathed in good feeling. Expand into your highest love. The author of the ebook, Yoga Life: Understanding Your Thought and Emotions, Swami Dayananda/Nancy Jackson is the Director of Adelaide Shiva Yoga. She conducts programs of meditation, yoga, self-inquiry and the philosophies of spirituality in Semaphore and at the Lokananda Retreat Centre near Eudunda, north of the Barossa. For more information contact www.meditationyoga.com.au.
UPCoMING PRoGRAMS WITH SWAMI DAYANANDA Lokananda Weekend: February 22-24; Meditation Basics at Semaphore: March 10; Lokananda Meditation Weekend: May 17-19.
Retreat Centre
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Group bookings also available 9 Main St, Point Pass ¥ 8581 1758
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Right now, sur vey yourself, your body, your mental and emotional state. How do you describe yourself? I am a person who has these likes and dislikes. I have accomplished these things. I am proud of this and ashamed of that. If you want, take the time to look back on your life. The many relationships with people, friends, co-workers, family. Make some statements of acceptance, such as: I always only did my best. I accept myself for exactly who I am. I release myself from judgement and embrace my life.
idea. Love is the most expanded state of the heart. A loving person is attractive and spreads good feeling to others. When you are open to the love within, you are open to the highest spiritual experiences.
30 yrieence!
call 8379 9001 lifeflow.com.au
Statements of Acceptance
1. Being Present
Contemplation on Being Present
2. Accepting What Is
How often do you wish you had made a different decision? When you let your imagination take hold, if you had made a different decision, wouldn’t things be better? The reality is that you will never know and every time you let your mind cling to what could have been, you taint your experience of what is. Acceptance can be hard because you have to let go of harsh criticism. What if you are exactly the way you should be, even with your faults and bad tendencies? That’s not to say you should let go of striving. But the foundation of acceptance is releasing the hold of judgements, especially of yourself and other people. Acceptance also requires forgiveness, or the capacity to let go of what you think should have happened or how someone should have acted. It’s forgiving the actions of youth, ignorance and lack of awareness. When you can accept people as they are and events as they unfolded, you open up to more energy and internal peace.
Adelaide Shiva Yoga ¥ 79 Military Road, Semaphore
7-week courses from Mon 11 Feb 5-week course from Thurs 4 Apr Sunday courses - City, 24 Feb & 3 Mar Victor Harbor, 10 & 17 Feb
Meditation Basics One-Day Workshop Sunday March 10 www.meditationyoga.com.au
“If I had the time, I’d be like the Buddha!”
One of the common things I hear from people when I’m running workshop or retreats is, “This workshop space is great, but my life is so busy. I just don’t have the time to slow down and rest, and be present to “what is.” I’ve got the meals to prepare, emails to do, phone calls with family and friends, making a living! All I really want is to spend my life devoted to exploring awareness, but I have all these other commitments that I can’t walk away from. What can I do? How can I respond to the demands of life and still cultivate the connection to nondual awareness?” I reply to this in different ways. First, I will point out that when we slow right down and often “doing nothing” except rest in awareness, that call can’t be compared with inactivity. I may say, “It’s true that in our retreats we aren’t playing sport, surfing the internet, engrossed in a movie, negotiating airport security, or visiting our parents, but the “this” we are doing—what’s happening here right now in this session of the retreat—is ultimately unrelated to being still, or inaction. At the very least we can see how, right now, it’s possible to abide in awareness—and talk, listen, make notes, stand up, sit down, and move around. We can doing all these things without interrupting awareness because our retreats are very flowing and organic. It’s true that, as beginners, it’s easier for us to enter awareness when the environment is simple, stable and undemanding. But, it’s also impor tant not to make a connection and think that “this”—being here—is doing nothing. We aren’t doing nothing in the way we typically use that phrase. We aren’t sitting around aimlessly, watching things go by. We are resting in a pristine state of being: a state where we could rest, fully aware, without a flicker of boredom or distress, for eternity. This is completely different from “hanging around, letting time pass by, doing nothing, until something comes along.” In fact, I question the belief that we really want to spend more time resting in
awareness? I think that, if we really wanted to spend more time “here”, somehow we’d figure out how to do it. The Buddha worked it out—how to be permanently free—as have hundreds of thousands of other sages. What’s clear is that there is a fundamental change in priorities. For the Buddha, the priority wasn’t having a roof over his head, or knowing where his next meal was coming from. Something completely different was going on. So different that he didn’t need a roof over his head, money in his pocket, or fallible human company. It’s easy to say, “Ah, but he could renounce all those things because he was enlightened.” But this is a cop out. For the Buddha, the only thing was abiding in liberating awareness, needing nothing, rejecting nothing, and letting his life unfold with no concern or preoccupation about tomorrow, or the next minute. His power and influence as the founder of a new religion came precisely from his capacity to encounter everything that came his way: scorching heat, drenching rain, an empty stomach, ridicule, unrestrained adoration, assassination attempts, numerous smear campaigns, without any of these producing the slightest mental or emotional disturbance. Such was the power of his unconditioned love and nondual wisdom. If the same priority was alive in us, we wouldn’t be who we are. It’s very simple; we’d be a completely different person, someone so different from who we are, we couldn’t even recognize ourselves. We would see a clone of our body, but the speech, functioning, gait, compor tment, lifestyle, network of friends and colleagues and career (if we could still call it that) would be completely different: like someone from a different planet. For a start, we wouldn’t be saying, “I don’t have enough time to rest in awareness. My life is too busy. I have too many other commitments.” There is nothing to be gained in thinking, ‘I don’t have enough time for this work.’ We rest in awareness for us long as we can. If we
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
could do more of “this” we would. I have no doubt about this. I invite you to be honest and realistic about how you are with this. Complaining about our time being limited and committed, and wishing it were otherwise - that there wasn’t so much to do, there weren’t so many responsibilities - merely fosters conflict. No one ever entered (or re-entered) this state by thinking, “I wish I could do more of this.” Unless, of course, in thinking like this we see that there is no “this” to want more of! No one has ever entered buddhamind wishing that their life was different. In this work we embrace what is, aware of our deepest longings and our present choices, acknowledging where we are with love and understanding. The Bhagavad-Gita speaks about the practice of desireless action (nishkamakarma). When time is available, we sense that there’s nothing we need to do, and so we do exactly that. We find a quiet place and abide in unconditioned awareness. In the rush of getting things done we may forget the possibility of being “here,” but not entirely. Unconditioned awareness is always there, silently in the background, needing and expecting nothing but somehow drawing us into it. Knowing that the ever-present possibility can shine through at any moment, we grow in our capacity to find the time for abiding. We remember how sweet, peaceful, spacious and free this space is, and we receive it as the sourceless gift of the universe. We find a few minutes each day, and each week, to rest in nondual awareness, and we plan ahead for a retreat so we can dwell more deeply and uninterruptedly in timeless presence. Peter is a leader in the Western adaptation of Buddhist wisdom. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 9 years. He has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism and has held teaching positions at universities in Australia and USA. His recent books include: Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, Radiant Mind: Teaching and Practices to Awakening Unconditioned Awareness (7CD set), The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path.
Peter Fenner, PHD, will be in Australia in 2013, offering the Radiant Mind Course® Experience the space where you are Awake and Totally Complete. Learn how to return to this space by yourself.
Peter Fenner, PHD, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path, and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at info@wisdom.org For more info visit www.radiantmind.net and www.nondualtraining.com
The illusory self Q: Why do you say that we need to work to become enlightened? You also say that the separate individual is an illusion – it doesn’t exist. So isn’t any work done by this illusory individual also illusory? What can be the point of it? Linda: You still believe you are a separate individual until you prove that it’s an illusion. That’s what you have to do – prove to yourself that this belief in a separate individual is not the Truth – and you have to work to do this. It has taken a lot of time and effort to create this individual, so it takes a lot of time and effort, which is almost like rewinding the clock, to become free of the illusion. I say that the separate self is an illusion because that is what I have realised. That’s what the Truth is. This idea of separateness is what causes all our suffering. We think we are all special, separate individuals. We are all unique in a way, but deep down, we are all the same. everyone and everything is the same. It’s just energy. That’s what you realise – it’s just this intense life energy. The individual, which is really the mind, does not want to be free of itself, because enlightenment means the subjugation of the mind, so it is not the mind that is doing the work. It’s something else – it’s love of something other than yourself. It’s pure consciousness that is working towards it, but it’s not working towards enlightenment, it’s working at being free of what you know is not real, which is the separate individual. You need to keep putting in effor t to centre yourself, using your body to prove to yourself that you are actually here, and then the mind gradually weakens. But it takes a lot of effort to keep holding your ground – to stay here, rather than wishing you were somewhere else, or thinking about what you did yesterday, or ten years ago. You need to become as grounded in your body as you possibly can. This illusory individual is made up of the past – thoughts and emotions (which are really just strong thoughts). That’s what it is; it’s not real, not substantial. even when you are feeling sublimely still,
you need to let go of this. You need to keep going more and more deeply, seeing that it never ends, because Now is not a finite thing. It’s timeless. You never get to the bottom of Now. It’s infinity. even though you might get to a point that people call enlightenment, where you become Now, even then you see that you can go more deeply into it. The depth is endless. But after the point of enlightenment there’s no fear of going more deeply, and there is also no desire to go deeper. It becomes the natural state. But before that point you need to make an incredible amount of effort to keep staying here. It takes a lot of effort and energy just to be here. Now is a very energetic state. Stillness is very, very fast. The separate individual or ego has no interest whatsoever in you being here now. It feeds on time, so it has no interest in you becoming timeless. When there is no ego, there is only action. There is no delay involved in action – no time. When there are no thoughts, there is no ego, there is no acting any more, there’s just action. You become action. There is no-one there to think about what you’re doing. everything that needs to happen happens. But in a way nothing is happening. In the deepest sense there is just Now. Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, and is also the author of the book ‘What do you Want?’ She teaches mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. For more information, please visit www. simplemeditation.net
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
The Essence of Self
Looking for Love In all the Wrong Places In the last few years, we have all become very conscious of just how common childhood trauma is. We have all become especially aware of physical and sexual abuse, and the lifelong trauma that they create. But there is another kind of childhood trauma, equally devastating, that we don’t hear much about. It’s called attachment trauma, and it particularly affects our ability to have healthy, satisfying relationships.
that our parents are not firmly tied to us with the bonds of love, we are deeply afraid that we could be abandoned at any moment. And our traumatic primal fear is that if we are abandoned, then we will die. This may seem extreme, but we need to remember that a few centuries of civilization do not negate the millions of years when an abandoned baby quickly became a meal for the next hungry predator.
Attachment Trauma
The Quest of the Abandoned Child
Attachment trauma results when there’s some kind of significant disruption to the normal process of bonding, attaching and falling in love that occurs between parent and child. Basically, it’s when our parents are not able to provide us with the love and emotional security that we need. Some parents are consistently emotionally distant. They do not suppor t or mirror their children’s emotional lives, and keep their own emotions well hidden. They are mostly unable to par ticipate in a healthy emotional back-and-forth, and consistently reject or evade their children’s loving advances. If we have parents like this, we usually experience them as cold, distant and unavailable, and we feel unseen and unloved. As a defence against these painful feelings, we often become emotionally distant ourselves. Some parents are emotionally available, but only some of the time, and quite unpredictably. They swing back and forth between being loving, supportive and truly there, and being cold, rejecting, angry or abusive. If we have parents like this, we often become anxious, clingy, and dependent. Other parents are at the effect of their emotions to the point where they are unable to provide much in the way of parenting at all. They may in turn be self-centred, needy, anxious, angry, intrusive, impulsive, changeable, withdrawn, depressed, critical, negative or neglectful. If we have parents like this, we often feel confused, isolated, out of our depth, and as though nothing and no-one can be relied upon except ourselves. Often, we’re aware that there was a certain lack of loving connection with our parents, but what we don’t fully understand is just how deeply we have been impacted by that loss. We don’t realize that the loss has been profound enough to create a trauma that’s as deep as any caused by obvious and overt abuse. You might be wondering what it is about a lack of connection and attachment that’s so traumatic. After all, as adults, if someone rejects us we may feel very hurt, but we are seldom traumatized. But it’s quite different for infants.
Emotional Abandonment Feels like Death
When we are infants, it is actually deeply terrifying when our parents are emotionally absent, even if they are physically present and meeting our physical needs. When we sense
If we have suffered an attachment trauma, as adults we find that underneath the distancing, the clinging or the confusion is an inner child who is absolutely desperate to be loved. Because it’s a matter of life or death for that inner child, we find ourselves doing whatever it takes to get even the tiniest crumb of love for her. But the problem is that our earliest crumbs of love came from distant or unpredictable parents, and so we are unconsciously drawn to distant or unpredictable friends and partners, the kinds of people who we first associated with ‘love’. But these people are actually the least able to give us the whole-hearted love that we need. We cling desperately to those who give us even the tiniest gestures of love, and yet it is a sadly futile quest as we constantly look for love in all the wrong places. It becomes clear that our inner child is engaged in a constant quest to get from others the love she did not get from her parents. She does not know that once we’ve grown up, the love of others actually cannot heal her. And so her quest is doubly futile – not only does she look for love from those who cannot love, but even if they could, it would not heal her wounded heart.
at healing traumatized inner children. And it is truly wonderful to find that as the inner child transforms, we not only become freer and happier, but there is space for us to be more fully the loving spiritual selves that we ultimately are. Persephone Maywald M.A. offers IFS therapy, a revolutionary new method of psychological transformation that uses the power of Spirit to heal, allowing us to gently and rapidly transform our emotional issues, such as anger, anxiety, fear, trauma and depression. As these difficult parts of us unfold into the peace, joy, love, aliveness and strength that we truly are, we find that we are much more engaged and fulfilled in our lives. Persephone has also been a student of A.H.Almaas’s Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986. These extraordinary spiritual teachings give her a deep understanding of the many forms that Spirit can take, and create the foundation for her life and her work as a therapist. See www.therapyviaskype.com or contact Persephone at 0435 014 821 or persephone@therapyviaskype.com
Dreaming our Ideal Future
In the previous edition of innerSelf we looked at the value proposition or why you should develop your dreaming. We also began talking to you about the process of unblocking, that is an impor tant par t of dream development. In this issue, we would like to continue the theme of unblocking by going on an adventure to look at the problem of guilt and how, if ignored, it can weigh us down and constrain the flexibility of our consciousness and therefore our dreaming. Now, most people carry guilt about something. Something they may have done to somebody else. Or it could be something they did to themselves. It’s also possible for some people to feel guilty about things that happened to them even if wasn’t their fault. Whatever the reason, these guiltridden events can fix into our consciousness, like a physical scar on our body. When we look at ourselves in the mirror we can try to ignore the scars and pretend they don’t exist. We tell ourselves that the time for
that event has passed and there is nothing else we can do about it. But no matter how much we try to ignore it, if we look into our feelings at a deeper level, many of us still feel intensely disappointed about the event. Disappointed, because the event doesn’t fit with our greater ideal of ourselves. An ideal, that is the person that we most want to be. An ideal, we may be working incredibly hard to fulfil in the other areas of our life. In these cases, guilt-ridden events can become energy sapping, stultifying and stagnating - whirling away our spiritual strength like a little black hole. Sucking away our confidence to be that unreachably good and successful person that we deserve to be. But when we look at the scar, we are reminded again, and we give up. We then can have difficulties pushing out during our dreams and visualising ourselves becoming our ideal self. This undermines one of the most impor tant functions of dreaming which is to facilitate you
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to ‘surf’ out into your various possible futures, manipulate through a variety of circumstances and then make various choices, often subconsciously, about the ideal pathway to reach your goals. So how can we transform the negative impact of guilt on our ability to dream about our ideal future? Firstly, we need to cease the practice of ignoring these scars or guilt-ridden events. These events are actually sources of power within your consciousness because of the emotional intensity that is tied up with them. If we are successful, instead of being something that causes us shame, it can become that thing for which we feel quietly famous for in our minds eye. Something, that can charge our heart and energise us to take bold action. Now, if we’re willing to take the next step, we need to begin with some myth breaking. Firstly, we need to attack the idea in your mind that what happened in the past is fixed. Because when we talk at the level of consciousness, it is only fixed if you say it is. At the level of consciousness, it is our memory that is the mirror on the wall showing us the reflection of our scar or guilt-ridden event. Now a mirror may seem to be objective, impartial and merely reflecting what is, or in the case of our memory, what was. It’s true most of us prefer not to bring our memory under the microscope to consider how it actually works. We just want it to serve us faithfully like a car that gets us from a to b. The truth is, we are in a perpetual state of creating and recreating our memories about events.
Spirit Heals the Abandoned Child
The only love that can heal our unloved inner child is the love of our own inner being, our own spiritual self. What’s needed is to embrace the desperate, traumatized inner child, love her unconditionally, listen to her pain, and let her know that we will not abandon her. As we do this, her pain is soothed, and she starts to relax, to feel free, playful, loving and loved, and no longer needs to drive our life with her love-seeking agenda. We find that we are no longer desperately focused on finding love, but are more truly self-loving and self-sufficient. Our relationships work much better as we star t to enjoy, rather than need, our friends and partners. And paradoxically we start to be drawn to those who are more truly loving, even as we need their love less. The process of learning to channel the love of spirit into the healing of our abandoned, love-star ved inner child can look daunting at first, but it is actually surprisingly simple when we have the support of a counsellor or therapist who’s skilled ad layout.indd 2
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www.innerself.com.au Some memories are disappearing as they become less impor tant to us, whilst others are being reinterpreted in a new light just like that favourite story we like to tell our friends. So if we really think about it, our memory is much more pliable than we give it credit. We can use this pliability, to change the way we look in the mirror at a guilt-ridden event. By using our will in fact we can change the mirror. When we are done we will look in at where the scar was but we will see and feel something completely different staring back at us. Or in other words, we are aiming to reverse the direction of the energetic black hole associated with the event. We want to transform it, to bring in energy instead of taking it out. Energy, that will give us the confidence and flexibility of consciousness to dream about our ideal future. There are a number of practical ways we can do this: Meditation: By using various
techniques we can practise the emotional detachment that will be necessary before we are able to transform the memory of the event. Visualisation: We can use various methods to return to the emotional time and site of the event to make the changes. This can be done with the support of a practitioner eg: regression therapist, inner child therapist, hypnotherapist or transpersonal psychologist etc. Transformation Mantra: If you take the time to create/invent your own mantra it can be mentally programmed by you to ‘code’ to the emotional site of the event in the past. This can be a safer method for those of us who feel more confident to make the changes remotely in the present, rather than returning to the event in the past. Here is an example of a small mantra I am the moon I am the sun
I am a joy to everyone I am the light I am the dark This event has charged my heart. If you are successful in making these changes, you may feel additional energy flowing forwards into your consciousness, coupled with the motivation to try some new lines of activity in your professional or personal development. You may also find yourself experiencing an exciting new flexibility of experience with your dreaming. Please feel free to drop us an email and let us know how you went. In the next edition of innerSelf we will move on and do some work on the process of remembering our dreams. Love from your friends at One Third Dream Development. Happy Dreaming. Damian is an educator in the area of Dream Development. Feel free to email us at damian@13rd.com.au
healing trauma by Louise Tebble
Trauma: something that has happened to us, that one’s reason cannot explain. This is the human definition of trauma. It is easy to extrapolate from this - most people have been traumatised at least once in their life. What’s more when those who have experienced trauma courageously enter therapy, few understand that this act in itself opens them up to trauma, however subtle. Many people exit therapeutic engagement feeling unhealed. Einstein stated ‘we cannot get ourselves out of a problem, the same way we got into it’. We humans get ourselves into trouble by thinking - modern psychological strategy instructs us to think our way out of the problem. Psychological therapy is called Cognitive (thinking) Behavioural (acting) Therapy; this insinuates one can think one’s way out of behaviour. Did we not think ourselves into the behaviour in the first place? Here’s the deal - healing trauma is not a psychological task but a spiritual, emotional, and somewhat mystical process. Caroline Myss, a Western medical (intuitive) doctor espouses that the mind is simply incapable of healing trauma. The journey to heal is not intellectual:
it will never be something the mind can negotiate. This doesn’t bode well with modern psychological approaches to healing. It does however, go a long way in explaining why people (who are truly committed to the healing process) still find after intensive therapy, that they remain essentially unhealed. You see, it is the mind that has been traumatised. How can we expect the traumatised mind to be its own healer? Dr. Myss continues to explain that we, as a people, are now opening ourselves to the subtle planes however, this is not yet a clinical reality, in terms of medicine and psychology. Thus our internal and external worlds can seem to be at loggerhead. How often we struggle to make time for meditation or to rest without any ‘enter tainment’; how difficult it is to even have time to journal or take a lunch break at work. We are still just moving too fast. The call is for stillness but the world does not YET value stillness. The traumatised mind cannot heal itself. Healing trauma is transformative and this is why it is a mystical process. The aim of healing is not to secure a life where pain is absent but to trust absolutely in one’s own immor tal self. The trauma is
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
a wounding in every sense of the word, but healing is not about the wound. The wounding acts as a beacon, ‘it’ shines a light so we can see the way in which we interact with the world. In the fleeting moments when we are still, the calling for stillness is there. When we glimpse something extra-ordinary like a moon just rising over the horizon, in awe of its own reflection in the ocean below; these moments can bring us to tears and immense feelings of connectedness. The point of new aged wisdom is that we transform the pain mystically, spiritually, so then we can see clearly in the night. Don’t wish to be rid of the nights, for it is in the deepest darkest nights, if we are quiet, that we can hear the calling of the soul. “Be still”. Healing trauma via transformation is a 7 step process that begins with committing time each day to ‘Being’ Still. If you are committed to healing and would like to transform the pain please call for an appointment. Namaste. Louise Tebble Fully Accredited Mental Health Clinician with Medicare Privilege. Call or SMS Louise for an appointment on 0435 469 123.
Louise Tebble Louise Tebble
Mental and Emotional Health Clinician Combining new age wisdom with Contemporary Psychological Strategies Mental and Emotional Health Clinician Combining new age wisdom with Contemporary Psychological Strategies
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new Years resolutions
With all the New Years resolutions that are made year after year, have you ever wondered why we don’t keep going towards achieving our desires and wishes? The majority of resolutions made during the festive season fade away in the first six months of the year. Another interesting fact is that the over 50’s have less success around their resolve, and are less likely to continue throughout the year with their resolutions than those who are still in their 20’s. I wonder if our resolutions have been made lightly, around the “Silly Season” so that if we don’t achieve them, we don’t really believe it’s a life-changing problem. The most common resolution is to lose weight or get fit or change something about our lifestyle that would make a difference to our health. Oddly enough, for some folks, the failure to change their lifestyle is life threatening, and yet the goals are allowed to slip away easily in moments of unconsciousness. Other common resolutions are to get organised, spend less and save more, stay healthy, learn another language, quit smoking, and spend more time with family and friends. These are the things that we notice that we did or didn’t do last year and would like to change in the coming year. Often they are our habits and addictions. This “old chestnut”raises its head again and again as we attempt to change. Changing our behavior requires consciousness and awareness of our own habits and motivation. The annoying thing about our habits and us is that we like them! Our habits are those little things that we do unconsciously to help us through the day. I like my sweet biscuit with a cup of tea in the af-
ternoon. I like having a couple of pieces of dark chocolate at night in front of my favorite TV shows. I like a good glass of wine with a meal. The problem with all these things that I like, is that I know they can add to my body fat index, ergh!! I have to change and give up the habits, which, by themselves are not harmful, but put them all together in a day they are!! Habits are formed in the brain, when they create a satisfaction or good sensation in the body. Let’s face it, it’s co-dependence and so well disguised that we don’t even know that its there. Procrastination is dependency on the way we are now, and what we do regularly, a way of staying the same, and not actually taking the steps to change anything. Procrastination is the art of putting off until later what can be done today. You’ve heard it all before, “I’ll do that later”, “I’ll start next week” or the old favorite “ I ‘’I’m not ready to….”this is often the cry of a smoker. I have been known to do a whole basket of ironing or defrosted the freezer to avoid doing things like answering emails when I don’t know what to say, or do some administration tasks that I find dull and boring. The joke is that nothing changes and I have a laugh at myself because ultimately I have to go and do the things that I have put off anyway! Sometimes we procrastinate to avoid failure or disapproval. Students are fabulous at this and can really sabotage themselves by creating tension and stress by the “eleventh hour” assignments. Recently, one of my clients who lives in a dysfunctional relationship, realized that he was just putting off the inevitable breakup with his partner due to the fact that his mother was
very fond of him. Although we can see the pain in this decision, he was willing to stay in it longer and delay the break up, until he could convince his mother of the dysfunction of his relationship and then he would get her support and approval to leave. This level of co-dependence on the approval of his mother and the relationship is causing pain and upset and it’s the “I’m not ready “ syndrome and maybe he is not ready. Delaying or failing to follow through with a deal that we make to ourselves is a self-betrayal. It’s a “deal breaker”. It’s a broken promise. It’s a betrayal of our own trust in ourselves to continue on with our hopes and dreams for a happy life. Our hopes and dreams are always important for us, they put a fire in the belly and create accomplishments when we achieve them. Accomplishments, either big or small, develop a natural self- esteem, a knowing that we can create something from a thought or an idea. Giving up on resolutions, must surely have the opposite affect, so put off procrastination and do what you promised yourself that you would do. Do it now, be true to your word, for your sake. Bronwyn Barter Rebirther Training Australia President Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork Author “Healing the Dependency on Depression, Are you a Depression Addict?” www.rebirthertrainingaustralia.com.au www.aar/b.com.au www.str ate gicpublishinggr oup. c o m / t i t l e / HealingTheDependencyOnDepression. html 08 8260 2086 0408 853364
Bronwyn Barter
is a Rebirther, Rebirther Trainer and Author.
Bronwyn’s approach to healing is gentle and empowering and she believes that we all have the innate ability to learn, heal and grow when supported with love and guidance. Bronwyn is a founding member of the Australian Academy of Rebirthing/Breathwork and Director of Rebirther Training Australia. Rebirther Training Australia offers Cert IV in Health and Diploma of Rebirthing Breathwork Therapy. Both courses are nationally recognized. Bronwyn’s book “Healing the Dependency on Depression, Are you a Depression Addict?” written for those who have been or still are, suffering from depression. For private sessions day or evening or information on Rebirther trainings and Bronwyn’s book please call…08 8260 2086 or visit rebirthertrainingaustralia.com.au
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Lost your Job? Be Happy! There is an Answer!
Many years ago the ‘norm’ was like this… 1) Go to school 2) Get a job 3) Get Married and have children 4) Retire from your job Haven’t things changed? Research shows that most people have at least 4 - 6 different jobs throughout their employment life and the divorce and remarriage rates have increased as well. ‘Retiring’ from your job is now questionable in relation to age and when as many people are finding that their superannuation just isn’t enough to sustain a comfortable retirement. What I have found most interesting over the last 15 years is the amount of people who have become retrenched from their jobs who then suffer from depression and low self esteem. This most often is caused by the fact that they are only skilled in one area and when faced with searching for new employment, struggle with the skill requirements of other employers and industries outside of their own. The exciting news is that despite the increase of retrenchments; companies closing down and increases in the numbers of people applying for the same job...there is a wonderful option that many people around the world are now taking. Its empowering, its exciting and most of all its in balance with your heart and soul. Home based business...the fastest growing industry worldwide. Donald Trump, Robert Kyosaki, and
Jack Canfield, even the worlds richest man – Warren Buffett – are all involved with Home based Businesses. With discipline and simple guidance from a well chosen mentor, people are embracing home based business as the perfect answer to income generation and the power lies within the fact that YOU are the boss. You are no longer an employee however YOU are responsible for all of the outcomes and results. There are many options and types of Home based business. You can harvest your personal passion for a particular idea or service that you feel you could offer or choose from the many Direct Sales/Network Marketing Home base business opportunities that are available. When doing your research on companies providing home based business opportunities, remember like with any industry, there are great ones and there are some ‘not so great’. Ask lots of questions and make sure that the companies have a good track record. Being in business for at least 10 years; providing state of the art support and internet facilities; being debt free; having a credible product that is required by everyone…these are good points to look for as a starting place. I always recommend that a simple phone call to the Direct Selling Association of Australia is important. If the company is a Member then you have the ‘insurance’ you require instilling confidence that they have the credibility you would like to align with.
The advantage of ‘plugging in’ to an existing home based business opportunity is that you have minimal start up costs; they usually provide excellent training tools and services; they represent many different product and service categories for you to choose from; you can elect to do your business part time or fulltime and you the only one responsible for the results is YOU. Now that is exciting! When considering your own Home based business, star t by creating your own Business Plan. Enlist the help of a well chosen business mentor and work through the plan to make sure you have a clear picture of what you need to do and equally important, why you want to do it. A well produced Business Plan will provide you with the roadmap to your success and can be continually fine tuned as you progress. Another great bonus of having your own Home based business is exactly that – its home based! That means you can create a flexible balance between your family, your life and your business which is always an issue when working in a job for someone else. It’s important to set a ‘boundary area’ for your workplace. This could be a spare room that you can convert or even a section of your living area if space is limited. With most Home based businesses all you need is an area for your computer; your files; work supplies and that is enough to get
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10 you started. Imagine….w aking up eac h mor ning…getting the children ready for school…doing your morning tasks in the home…then sitting down to attend to your own business…all from the comfort of your own home! Imagine…being able design your day ..every day…the way you want to and are in charge of your life and destiny. In an average job, you have set hours of operation and requirements of you in the role you are employed. Increasingly these ‘hours’ are not enough and an increasing number of people are finding that they are working over time to get simple tasks completed as well as having to take work home as well and often not getting more money for the work. The direct result of this point alone is the increase of stress related disease in our community. The health issues of heart attacks; auto immune disease; depression – the list goes on, have increased dramatically over the last 15 years and can all be related in some form or another to compounded stress. Home based business options provide you with a self managed ‘balance’ and control over such issues which is another great reason to consider it for yourself. You don’t need a university degree, you don’t need a lot of money to start, and you don’t need to know a lot of people…you just need the desire to create something that is your own, that you are in charge of and responsible for and most importantly...that makes your heart and soul ‘sing’! So why not consider the options, do the investigations and start planning what could be the most exciting time of your life. This New Year holds wonderful opportunities and gifts….simply waiting for YOU. Jaynie Morris has over 30 years experience in the health,wealth & happiness arena in Direct Sales. She is an Entrepreneur, International Keynote Speaker, author and motivational trainer. Empowering and educating others on the simple steps to achieving the awareness and ‘tools’ to create an amazing life is her passion.Jaynie can be heard on radio as part of ‘Mel Dee’s A TEAM PowerFM’ For further information contact Jaynie at jaynie@jayniemorris. com Mobile 0400 880 274 and go to her Facebook Page and ‘like’ to receive regular updates andidhttps:// w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / # ! / p a ge s / Jaymor/8775357035
BY LEAONA HAMOOD AND MICHAEL OSTER Our previous ar ticles have discussed the subconscious mind and its ability to heal many symptoms that resist conscious level help and other therapies. This time we’ll address the three essential principles of true subconscious change. We are often asked who can benefit from P.S.H. Therapy. Our answer is “if you have responses, behavior patterns or habits you are unhappy with and unable to change through will power and conscious effor t – they are probably the result of subconscious dynamics”. The first principle to understand is that you don’t need help until you have come to the conclusion within yourself that you have a problem and want to do something about it. Many people consider others need help. The fact is that if the person is genuinely happy with the way they are, then they are not about to make changes just because someone else wants them to. There is no point someone coming to see us to stop smoking because their wife or husband wants them to or because it is not allowed in their workplace. They need to stop because they want to and accept responsibility for making the changes. More impor tantly, in order to make subconscious changes, you have to consciously continue wanting those changes until you have made them - until you feel happy and comfortable inside. If for some reason you think “To hell with it all”, then you will probably stay the way you are. Secondly, in order to achieve subconscious change, you also need to be willing and prepared to open the channels of communication within your own mind. The par t of you that is making you feel insecure or unhappy in some way, is the part of you that has to make the changes. Everyone has the ability to do this provided they want to. Finally you have to trust and be patient with your own inner healing process. This means not analyzing what’s happening or trying to help the process along in any way - and being patient and allowing the deeper part of you to do the healing,
that only that part knows how to do. By adhering to these three principles and with the appropriate help, true subconscious change can be achieved. With permission and endorsed by I.C.S.T.R. (QLD) – www.icstr.com.au My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten year s, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). My aim in life has always been to help people emotionally and physically. I am available 7 days a week and most evenings and can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0419037830. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified P r i v a t e Subconsciousmind Healing ( P. S . H . ) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110.
Looking for something to be upset about? Why?
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Have you ever caught yourself looking for something to be mad at? Or disappointed in? Or unhappy with? Have you ever woken up happy, but then immediately, you went into your head? The rest of the day was spent trying to get out of your head? Have you ever caught these moments? These moments are the most crucial, tiniest moments where you allow yourself to get swept away by your mind, and if you have programmed yourself to be unhappy, sad, lonely, worrisome or angry - you will look to get your 'fix'. Everyday, a new thing to be unhappy about. Imagine if you did not have these things to be bothered about? Life would be perfect. Happy. Easy. Flow. relaxing and get it all done. But, that would be too good for you right? you can’t have it too good, you never saw anyone else around you have that...why should you? It's not reality, right? Well, your reality is whatever reality you want. you are trying to control your environment all the time anyway, aren't you? So, why can't you control your mind instead and create a life that is more 'you'. And the more 'you' is peaceful and happy isn't it? Catch yourself in these moments. Catch yourself going from happy and content and then you 'start' to look for something that is not what you like, what you want, or how it 'should be'...something to be upset about. Catch yourself robbing yourself of joy. Causing others something to deal with in you, instead of creating an environment of joy. Is it really worth getting upset over? Isn't it more fruitful to be happy and content and find your excitement and thrill in being curious and in awe? Instead of getting your 'fix' in your usual judgement and upsets? Now, you don't have to ever be upset again...unless you want to because you like it
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
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Therapy: A Calling, and a Career
I believe it was Kahlil Gibran who wrote, “Work is love made visible. And if you can’t work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms to the people who work with joy”. He is referring here to a notion that has steadily been lost in the postmodern age, a loss that Marx wrote about some 150 years ago with his notion of alienation. So often today the everyday pressures of life manifest as a relentless force of coercion and seduction, constantly alienating people from Gilbran’s simple sentiment: that work should be a creative and joyful enterprise, which allows one to sustain one’s sense of purpose and action in life. It was Pablo Neruda, who captures how lost this mode of being is becoming, in the way only poets can when he wrote, “Monday burns like oil at the sight of me arriving with my jail face on”. So many of us know all too well our Monday mor ning jail face. Throughout history though, alternatives have been possible, and the same remains in our time. Here that important, yet almost forgotten Greek notion of paideia, is critical. Paideia is that special type of education that comes out of maturation of one’s soul through death - death of what one thought and believed, to expand and allow greater possibilities to emerge and grow and take their place. Maslow believed that in order to be selfrealized or self-actualized one must have a connection beyond the self or society. What he infers is the need to get past ourselves and contribute to something greater in order to be our best.
So the question that surely must follow is in what way is your career in service to others? In what ways do you attend to the weak and the wretched of this earth, in your work and attainment of prosperity? For as Gilbran reminds us, if your work is not love made public, you are best to simply sustain those whose work is. Psychotherapy is one such profession that fits this bill. The word ‘psychotherapy’ etymologically is derived from the Greek psyche meaning soul and therapeia meaning to service or care. Thus therapy is an act of attending to the soul and suffering of another. Such an act is a calling first and foremost, and secondarily a career, and it is a setting that is dedicated to a love made public. Many have been lucky to find such an undertaking in this life, and hopefully you too will find a mode of work which calls to you (if not already) - one which allows you to prosper, mature, and to deeply consider what type of person and human you wish to be and in what kind of world you wish to dwell. By all means prosper, enjoy the fruits of our age, but remember the words of Confucius: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
So, as we move into 2013, the new beginning for consciousness, let’s look at how that could affect relationships. To start with we could stop the “I’m right, you’re wrong”, belittling, teasing about cooking, sex, weight, whatever! We need to walk on this earth from this moment knowing that we are sacred human beings and that it is time to treat each other with respect for the gifts that each of us bring with our unique female/male differences. Our hear ts want nothing more than to love and to be truly ‘seen’ … thus the word intimacy – intome-see. Our subconscious minds though, in an effort to protect ourselves, build walls around our heart and they act like a shell of fear that keeps us from truly loving… we need to crack the shells that keep each of us trapped in our ‘stuff’. If women don’t surrender and trust their true hear t space, then they create men who are not ‘present’ and cannot give them what they want. We either build more trust and love through honest communication and heart-felt openness or we build closure, where walls get higher and shells get thicker. So even in the fear that they will leave you or hurt you, we both must keep surrendering. Women want men who will totally ‘be’ with them, feel them, allow the safety to surrender to whatever they feel and take them to a place of absolute bliss and…. men want the same thing!! (Even though this depth of love that is a woman’s emotions is scary for a man). Totally passionate, all consuming, emotional, powerful love, this kind of true intimacy is terrifying for most people so we let people in part of the way and then we shut down. We
train ourselves to feel less. If a woman doesn’t allow the full depth of her sacred sexual femininity to shine forth she won’t attract that same depth in a man as we only create that which we are. So as a woman shuts down she will attract a man who is isolated in his ability to feel or whose major goals have nothing to do with opening to the love of two people. Men would prefer that women find a way to be open without our ‘games’ or moods, he is often too tired to deal with all the emotional concerns of his woman just like women are often too stressed to want to express our innate sexual energy. Then each of us complain. She wants more of his loving presence, he wants more sex. If both learned to simply open their hearts they would soften, the walls would crumble and we would find that intimacy. Many women have challenges having orgasms and this has now been medically linked to lack of self love and self wor th. A woman’s potential for orgasm is enormous, behind every breath there can be another orgasm but most women don’t allow themselves to go there because we want to make sure our man is taken care of or maybe we will wake the kids if we let go of the sounds in our bellies! Intuitively we pick up on each other and if it isn’t safe, we build another shell around our precious hearts. David Dieda words: “In the past when I was more self centered, I needed you to make me feel good about myself. Then when I grew more open and became more wecentered, I wanted you to join with me as a team so we could work together and create a good life for ourselves. Now I need your love
The Time of the Sacred Masculine & Sacred Feminine
in a different way. I still enjoy feeling good with myself with you but your love invites me beyond my own thoughts and emotions. Your surrender draws me even closer than all bodies. Words cannot describe the unbounded place your love illumines. Here, now, deeper than my own heart yet more open than the farthest reaches I can see, your love awakens an openness of bliss. This bliss isn’t different from anything. My feet, your smile, the trees are all made of this bliss, this openness, this love. There are no words for that which is not other than any thing and yet opens deeper than everything and spreads wider than all. This openness is where your love invites me to awaken. I long to ravish you open to God here. This is the openness we are born of and the openness we die into. This is the love that our two bodies remember through their embrace when we allow our yearning to open without end.” I think the goal is balance; we have done the patriarchy and the matriarchy and neither worked well. We haven’t been here before, where we embrace our natural Divine Feminine which is contained within both men and women. It’s time for this beautiful energy to emerge from within allowing us to create relationships that speak of trust and truth and move us into a new future where we can both be all we came on this planet to be. Diane McCann Mathews facilitates The Goddess Within for women and together with her husband Robert, run Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples. Contact her on www. beyondtheor dinar y.net.au (08 82481281 or beyondtheordinary@ internode.on.net)
If you had an opportunity to be in a space where you could be “authentic”, where it didn’t matter what your past was or even if you couldn’t see your future; if years of past pain or present challenges, confusion, job/relationship issues could transform like magic in 48 hours into clarity… If you were accepted simply because you were there… if there was no judgement, no need for you to smile if you didn’t want to, or even talk if you didn’t have the need to… If you were given the gift of transforming how you feel about yourself and your life in two short days… would you take it? Well, thousands of women in countries like Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, USA and UK over the past twenty six years have had the opportunity to do just that by attending a women’s seminar called The Goddess Within! And so they come…. Mothers, daughters, grandmothers… some dragged by friends, others paid for by someone who loves them, some have come wearing the mask of “I’m fine” while inside they felt broken. The majority come willingly, knowing somehow in their psyche, that they just had to be there, but not even knowing why! For some their lives work and they choose to give themselves a Gift. For others, the pain is deep and shows in faces lined with hurt, shoulders carrying burdens, hearts broken, but come they do. Not to have to share the story of their pain, or scream and cathart about their life, but simply to be in a space of incredible transformation, made that way by a woman of vision with a passion for peace and her team of women who come to assist and give back because of their own transformations from attending the course. When asked how they are 48 hours after stepping into the space, women say: Heart connected; Reconnected with my Femininity; Brought me Home; Life changing; Self healing; Realigned to my inner worth; Empowered; Life-saving; Awe-inspiring; Transformed; Healed and whole; Grateful… and the words go on but more importantly so do the women. They go on and continue to change, not just their lives but the lives of those around them. Like Faizah who came to Goddess, completely broken from discovering her husband had an affair and an impending divorce was her future and she had two tiny daughters. Today she is a member of Parliament in Singapore making a huge difference especially in areas of women’s issues and the environment; or Saleemah who contemplated suicide and, in her words said: “I was crying all the time - crying about being abandoned and traumatised over incest that happened in my family. Now I am helping underage girls who have been sexually assaulted and who have been forced into prostitution in this region through an organisation called UNIFEM of which I am the President”. Or Pat, whose husband left, she just “knew” she had to attend and 17 years later is still there, giving back by preparing beautiful food for the new women to nurture their souls while they heal. Or Elizabeth, so totally invisible and scared that once she hid in a cupboard to avoid people coming to the house. She is now a renowned story-teller and is a practitioner helping others. Or Rebecca, who was an anorexic addict who left school at 15. After Goddess she went back to Uni, got a degree, became a belly dancer, discovered her inner artist and is about to begin teaching dance. The women’s stories are all different but the essence of their “now” is the same. They all have learned to love themselves, honour their place in this world and they all continue to do what they can to make a difference in this world of ours. The Goddess Within is where you will find answers. You will discover the patterns that keep you stuck, you will learn about the effects of particular birthing styles on your life. You will see the power of your mind and learn the difference between what you are consciously attempting to create and the way to shift the subconscious stuff that keeps popping up. You will receive an entire tool-box of tools to be able to transform your life into one where you are creating an intentional life that works rather than reacting to subconscious patterning. You will heal, grow, become inspired, get in touch with your Core essence and from there, anything is possible. Are you ready…. To heal, to grow, to be the best that you can be? Then contact Beyond The Ordinary on 08-82481281 or email beyondtheordinary@internode.on.net or www.beyondtheordinary.net.au for more information.
FULL STOP - An interview with Sailor Bob Adamson Continued from page 14
13 our everyday life, every day, it’s very
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The first book in the “Destiny of Fire” trilogy The author, Claudio Silvano, speaks about the first book in the “Destiny of Fire” trilogy. “Under every fear lies a hidden power, quietly waiting to be claimed.”
those who feel confused and lost in their relationship with self, work, friends and family; this is a book that will help you find self-worth and self-love. The author asks of you to open your mind and open your heart to the possibility of healing yourself. Joy says, “When we step into our divine heritage of living a joyful life – when we find the courage and strength to be who we truly are – then we enter into the experience of discovering inner freedom. We find our divine essence.” Joy Brisbane can be contacted through her website www.joybrisbane.com. Walking with Spirit can be purchased through that website or through www.iuniverse.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joy Brisbane is a psychic medium, trained nurse and counsellor. She f acilitates workshops on psychic ability, past life regression, grief healing and contacting spirit guides. Author of Walking with Spirit, When Do The Tears Stop? and four volumes of poetry. Visit her online at www.joybrisbane.com
Who are we, really? We come into this world the traditional way, steaming from the void, a product of incredible rapture and excruciating pain. Where do we come from? And, perhaps more importantly, why? I’m one of the lucky ones. I remember the experience of being born. I remember floating in a great red ocean, and I remember my very first experience of duality: of darkness and of light, both present at the same time, dividing my reality in equal measure. There was a timeless, thoughtless peace and then it was abruptly interrupted: something star ted to happen. It began in the darkness: a broiling, fearful pulling and sucking, a sense of being caught of being pressed and squashed and channelled down, completely at the mercy of a force as unavoidable as fate. Funny that being born should feel like dying, don’t you think. That is all I remember. And I remember to this day because the experience came back to me, over and over, time and again, in childhood nightmares. I would wake up crying, covered in sweat, drenched in the fear of being born again. Who are we and why did we come here? Illiom has been asking herself the same question. From her obscure origins as a foundling to the day she decided to shun the world of humans and become a hermit, Illiom has been trying to understand what her life is really about. She has made no headway, however. She knows that there are mysteries afoot – the power that was unleashed once when someone tried to harm her, had been her own, not anybody else’s; and yet what do
you do with such a ‘gift’ when you live in a land that abhors and persecutes magic? You hide. First you hide your ‘gift’ and then, if that’s not enough, you hide yourself. And that’s exactly what Illiom has been doing these past four years. She has hidden in her beloved mountains, hidden and waited for something to change. Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Change is coming for Illiom. Coming fast, but is it the kind of change that she has hoped and prayed for? When we refuse to act in our own best interest, the world finds a way of coming for us and of drawing us out, sometimes kicking and screaming, to face the very things we most fear. So the question is: how will Illiom cope with what is coming to claim her? Will she answer the call? Will she even have any choice? And what will she find out about herself on the course of the journey ahead? Will it lead her towards the answers to her questions or further away? Visit www. claudiosilvano. n e t t o download the first 2 Chapters (13%) of Illiom’s story for FREE.
God Blesses you with ZERo An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti
Continued from page 4 nothing because they see a “big” problem and get stressed about it... just like a kid. So, you just help people around. God blesses you with Zero. IS: Zero? Sri Jaya Shakti: You help one person and God blesses that one person with zero, and you get 10 people around you, wanting to help you. It’s like that. Until you understand this, you’ll swim in the ocean of materialism... drowning in the water. You will suffer and die in materialism. You may get more money but you have to know how to use it. You have to get wise about how to work in the material world... how to use it... and you never feel it’s yours. It’s not yours. IS: I was speaking to one of your students about his connection with you as his guru and he said that he has a very simple connection with you inwardly... very simple. He said “Sometimes he comes to me and he tells me ‘Get up... get out of bed.’ And I don’t want to get out of bed. [Laughter] But then I get out of bed because he continues to convince me that it’s time to get out of bed and I do. So that I will meditate in the morning.” He refers to this inner connection you have with you students. Can you describe how it’s possible for you to have this kind of personal connection with all your students. Sri Jaya Shakti: When you are connected with God, Spirit uses you to help those around you. When you have a bigger spirit, you can be everywhere, even if you never leave this place. Even if you have 100,000 students they will receive what they need. Even if you are in Australia or America... Spirit will be there. The Guru guides the students so they grow like Krishna and Gopala. IS: You mentioned service before, why is it so important to serve? Sri Jaya Shakti: when you serve it makes you happy, because you make others happy. With service you create, you grow... you put out the seed of love... then love will grow. Like one grain of rice. Plant this, and it will grow, nature will give you much more rice.
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1 2 MH Emotions run deep and reactions may catch some by surprise. 3 4 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon H A time to consolidate what has been started and although a difficult set of circumstances may dominate, maintain a levelhead. Emotions may be intense so be prepared to acknowledge them but do not allow them to dominate decisions. 5 MI The focus shifts to the bigger picture and there is a sense of enthusiasm for the task at hand. 6 7 MJ Take a practical view and get things done. 8 9MK Think outside the square and you may be surprised by the results. 10 ] New Moon K The New Moon brings a sense of new beginnings but the challenge will be to remain objective. Some may find it difficult as expectations, especially from others may be unrealistic. The important thing is to maintain integrity while dealing with change. 11 ML Increased sensitivity may see emotions on edge. 12 13 MA Time to take action and accept the challenges that are about to be presented. 14 15 MB Be practical about what has been done and focus on the present. 16 17 18 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon BM enters CN enters L What has been started recently will start to produce initial results. Be wary that you do not rely on this alone to judge the potential as it may be misleading. There may also be frustrations before these results are available. As the Moon changes sign, greater flexibility is called for. Compassion, empathy and sensitivity are the hallmarks of Pisces. 19 20 MD There is a need to nurture and protect what has been started. 21 22 23 ME Be prepared to be generous with praise. 24 25 MF Criticism is only useful if alternatives are offered. 26 … Full Moon F The situation becomes much clearer and there is a need to ensure that the details are seen to. What is overlooked may cause difficulty, misunderstanding or even conflict. 27 MG Make sure that relations are cordial if not harmonious. 28
1 2 MH Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations 3 4 MI A change of emphasis calls for a broader perspective. 5 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon I Results of recent efforts call for alternative action but be careful that rash action does not jeopardise an existing relationship. Also, a time to take stock and make plans for the next move. 6 MJ Lead by example and take control when needed. 7 8 M K An objective approach with an emphasis on knowledge and communication is called for. 9 10 ML Maintain boundaries to avoid misunderstandings. 11 12 ] New Moon LM enters A The beginning of a new cycle has a strong emotional flavour and ideals will dominate. The temptation to project them onto a person can result in disappointment. Instead be prepared to put your ideals to work and as the Moon moves into Aries, gird your loins and put them into action. 13 14 15 MB Maintain boundaries to avoid unwelcome involvement. 16 17 MC A good time to emphasise communication. 18 19 20 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon CM enters D Sun enters A Recent activities may not be productive at first so you may want to cut your losses and start again. As the Moon moves into Cancer, take advantage of personal connections to get matters going. The qualities of strength, independence and a love of challenge are the characteristics of Aries. 21 22 ME Enjoy the attention but do not be seduced by it. 23 24 25 MF Take the time to get the details right. 26 27 MG Full Moon G Clarity is now possible on matters at hand and so be prepared to voice an opinion even if others do not agree. The important point is to uphold a personal of view in spite of pressure that others may bring to bear. Remember you cannot please all of the people all of the time. 28 29 MH Be upfront in all your dealings. 30 31 MI A sense of enthusiasm colours what is being undertaken.
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1 2 MJ Take control of matters in order to get the results you want. 3 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon J Time to wrap up matters at hand and the best way to do this is to take control of the situation. This may be easier said than done as you may have to challenge someone in authority. 4 MK Knowledge and information are what is required. Be prepared to look at things differently. 5 6 ML Back your intuition as this may be the best option. 7 8 9 MA Take action to clear up what has been left undone. 10 ] New Moon A A fiery New Moon heats things up and there is plenty of energy to get things moving. Be mindful however that in the rush to get things going, there may be some who will get caught in the rush. 11 MB Be practical but not stubborn about what you want. 12 13 MC Take the time to research and gain information needed. 14 15 16 MD An emotional tie with something or someone dominates now. 17 18 ‡ 1st Quarter MD The impetus of the cycle continues as the initiatives undertaken a week ago start to take shape. The competition will also continue as for some it will be race to get the first results. Others might find that there may be some level of conflict between interested parties. 19 ME Well-earned praise places works wonders if you want to get the best out of others. 20 Sun enters B Practical, sensuous and focused are the qualities of Taurus. 21 MF A time to see to the details. 22 23 MG Striking a balanced outlook is admirable but not at the expense of your opinion. 24 25 MH Be wary of overreacting to any and all stimulation. 26 … Full Moon H Lunar eclipse The full picture is now visible and emotions will be running high. Be aware some actions may exclude others which could lead to conflict. Alternatively, aggression may alienate others. Tread carefully and be prepared not to overreact. The Lunar eclipse brings a release of tension and a lingering concern starts to clear. 27 MI A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent. 28 29 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 30 31
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A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries – fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo – earth
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These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on
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LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily
discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.
A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email: mgarcia55@bigpond.com
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Cultivate your Health in 2013
happy 2013! Do you want to experience improved if not optimal health this year? if so you’ve no doubt made a resolution or perhaps several as the new year was ushered in. today as i reflect upon the hundreds of people who have consulted me regarding improving their health and well-being over the last few years a question comes to mind: what makes some people “successful” at instituting change for health while so many others make the new Years’ resolution but don’t manage to achieve their “goal”. i am convinced that for most it is all a question of mindset and perhaps goal setting is not the best approach. perhaps when we make a “resolution” par ticularly a “new Year’s resolution” we in some ways set ourselves up to fail. Merriam-webster defines resolution a: a firm decision to do or not to do something. From this definition it is ultimately about an action. i think if we reframe our resolution in terms of an action or two rather than a goal we are far more likely to create the new reality we are aiming for. it is also very helpful to select positive “to
do” type actions rather than “don’t do” actions. For example if you choose a goal of “fit into a size 12 or lose 15 kilo” this is stated in terms of a goal not an action. an action we can commit to whereas a goal may involve many actions - so many indeed that we get overwhelmed or disappointed when we can’t keep on track so we give up. presto another failed resolution! and all the guilt, shame, frustration and sense of defeat that accompanies it. what if instead we choose to CoMMit to one or two aCtions and really CoMMit to them. For example to spend 30 minutes to one hour daily exercising or in meditation? perhaps we commit to eating one huge salad everyday or drinking one or two glasses of fresh green juice daily? Make one or two commitments that are realistic and achievable. then put them in your DiarY and plan ahead. if you have committed to exercise you have to make time for it. if you have committed to dietary change you have to prepare for it. this may mean getting up 30 minutes early or going to the green grocers twice a week.
where does mindset come in? it is the voice in our head that is either our best friend or worst enemy when it comes to DisCipline. Yes it takes discipline to fulfill our commitments. Many times the voice in our head is giving us a million reasons why we shouldn’t be disciplined “i’m too tired. i’m not getting anywhere with this. oh “stuff it!”. hmmmm…. we’ve all heard those voices before. so how do we overcome selF saBotage? well again careful selection of one or two achievable actions that are positive in nature is the first step. and reflect upon how you are viewing your chosen actions. rather than trying to give up a negative action or habit we are CultiVating a positive one. giving up “bad” habits is more difficult than cultivating “good” ones because we become very attached to our actions and often feel deprived when we “give things up”. our mind becomes very attached to repetitive behaviours or habits. like well worn grooves in the mindstuff our thoughts and patterns habitually return to again and again. this is the “auto pilot” realm of the mind – reaction without awareness and seemingly without control. also giving up “bad” habits is more difficult than cultivating “good” ones because we often feel deprived when we “give things up”. luckily we can choose to form new grooves by repeating chosen new behaviours and thoughts with regularity. this is where commitment to our chosen actions over tiMe is important. it is said to establish a new pattern takes 21 days and to be firmly established in the
pattern 40. this is the period required for cultivation, for fostering and nurturing a new health sustaining action in our life. so if you are resolute and ready to cultivate a new positive health sustaining action in your life start with the following steps: select one or two positive health aCtions plan for them in your life and Diarise them CoMMit to their DailY practice for a MiniMuM of 40 days and congratulate yourself for getting started! remember this is a cultivation period so if you have setbacks you have not failed. simply start again and eventually the new groove in your mindstuff will be established and so will your new health sustaining actions! Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, RYT has been a registered health professional since 1986. She is a naturopath, herbalist, Master’s prepared counselor, Registered Nurse and Registered Yoga Teacher. Belle firmly believes total health and wellness are only achievable through the integration of body, mind and spirit. She specializes in women’s health and cancer support and holds advanced nursing qualifications in obstetrics, g ynaecolo g y and r epr oducti v e endocrinology and infertility. She is the consultant naturopath for Cancer Care Centre, Unley SA and has specialised in holistic cancer support since 2003. Belle teaches gentle yoga classes at her private studio, Serenity Yoga and practices from St Georges. For more info see www.mccalebhealth.com.au.
yourChiropraCtor with Dr roB hutChings Chiropractic Doctor and Bachelor of Kinesiology
Core to Extremity
whether you are a casual runner or elite marathoner, member of a swim club or the national swim team, office worker or labourer, a large number of people experience a chronic extremity injury at some point in their lives. For a lot of these people, the injury is unrelenting, for many others, it seems to come and go, often unpredictably. Many people begin to simply write these injuries off as irreparable. it is not uncommon for a friend to mention, their ‘crook knee’, ‘dodgy hip’ or ‘bad shoulder.’ sadly these injuries often stop people from doing the activities they enjoy and may force some to give up their job. to overcome these extremity injuries, such as frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis or runner’s knee syndrome, and get back to doing the activities you enjoy, we must look at the causes of the problems and break the mindset and pattern of simply attempting to treat the symptoms. Countless people are beginning to find out that merely treating the symptoms of a chronic health problem leads to a frustrating circle of: injury - cessation of activity – rehab - a period of feeling better – reoccurring injury. how do we prevent the reoccur-
rence of extremity injuries? Central to the function of all parts of the body is the spine and nervous system. the nervous system is the master control centre of the body and the primary job of the spine is to act as a suit of armour to protect the spinal cord. when the spine is in its optimal alignment the nervous system works at its peak potential. when the spine becomes misaligned, however, there is an increase in nervous system interference creating a stress response in the body. in the context of extremity injuries, a misaligned spine can cause uneven stress on the extremity joints leading to improper movement and alignment, which if left uncorrected can cause extremity injuries. this is further complicated by local injuries and repetitive movements such as typing and texting.
WARNING SIGNS of an unhealthy spine Misalignments of your spine may cause: • Dizziness • Pins and needles • Pinched nerves • Back and neck pain • Headaches • Fatigue Health Align Chiropractors treat the cause of these problems rather than just the symptoms. Health Align is conveniently located, family-friendly and our fees are tailored to suit everyone. Call today for an appointment and feel the difference Chiropractic can make. Full spinal, postural and nerve examination and recommendations
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www.innerself.com.au Over time, subtle changes in the alignment of the spine and extremity joints can lead to extremity injuries, often without any noticeable symptom in the spine.
Runners Knee Ailments
as an example, many runners suffer from knee ailments that are often limited to one side. since running is a symmetrical sport, there must be an imbalance present to create more stress on one knee than on the other. these subtle stresses can be so small that symptoms may not become present for many years. By using chiropractic to restore the alignment of the spine and/or pelvis, many runners discover they never had a primary knee problem, it was a spinal problem signalled by knee pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
another example is office workers suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. the standard intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome includes wrist exercises and if that fails to relieve symptoms, pain killers and surgery are usually next. the astonishingly high rate of failure for these interventions is due to the fact that the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is often not in the wrist, but in the neck. almost every nerve we have in our arms and shoulders come from the neck, and the primary location of nerve interference in carpal tunnel syndrome suffers is often there. Most commonly this nerve interference relates to forward head posture often the result of prolonged sitting, slouching and forward rolling
of the shoulders. while doing wrist exercises is very valuable, particularly on the ‘mouse hand’, the arms and shoulders will never function optimally when the neck is out of alignment. Often chiropractic patients will find complete resolution of carpal tunnel syndrome with treatment limited to the spine. Other patients may need adjustments to the shoulder, elbow or wrist as well, dependent on where there is nerve interference at these joints. Despite the central importance of the spine, movement of the injured joint and total body are also essential. Movement in proper alignment is crucial not only for injury recovery but overall health and wellbeing. this article refers to chronic injuries that had a slow onset, rather than localised traumatic injuries to an extremity such as a sporting or car accident. However imbalances in movement caused by traumatic injuries such as limping, favouring one side or reduced range of motion may cause spinal or pelvic misalignments. Chiropractic correction of these misalignments can assist in healing and may prevent secondary chronic injury. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Align on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates instructors, a nutritionist and massage therapist. His passion is in helping people achieve optimal health and healing, naturally. You can find out more about the services offered by Health Align at www.healthalign.com. au or phone 8338 2221. Source: James Chestnut. 2005. Innate Physical Fitness™ & Spinal Hygiene.
witH Maria Harpas Naturopath, , Clinical Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist
Your Genes, Your Future
the power to understand our inherited genetics and their impact upon our health is extremely attractive and is now within our reach like never before! Our genes, inherited from our parents, regulate how we look, how our bodies function, how we grow and develop. while we can’t change our genes, we need not think they necessarily determine our fate. Genetic testing is proving to be an incredibly useful tool for identifying which variants you have (otherwise known as mutations or polymorphisms) and any potential health risks they may pose – it’s important to understand that not all variants pose a health risk. if we can’t change our genes, then what’s the point? well, diet and lifestyle factors may affect the genetic risk factors associated with developing a disease. smoking, over-eating, alcohol consumption, nutrient deplete diets can all impact your wellbeing, but based on your personal genes, understanding which factors need particular attention and which ones may not be as important, is an exciting step forward in understanding and managing your health. this can provide you with the basis to use
supplementation, giving you a bigger bang for your buck – especially in relation to preventative care. Consuming adequate amounts of the right nutrients and avoiding unnecessary exposure to cer tain toxins and environmental elements can help you reduce the risk of DNa damage which may lead to the onset of disease. Genetic testing can allow for a more direct and accurate approach, providing you with the information to make the most influential changes for your health, in the long term can save time and money. Maria Harpas is a naturopath, clinical nutritionist and medical herbalist and the director of Natural Health Medicine (her own business which includes testing consultants) and is also the managing director of Integrated Health Therapies. As part of her naturopathic practice, Maria offers -hemaview analysis, interpretation and general screening test interpretations (clinic and external laboratory testing) based on nutritional/naturopathic perspectives. For more information please contact Natural Health Medicine, 65 Edward St, Norwood SA 5067 Ph:08 83572553 or 0401399459 www.naturalhealthmedicine.com.au
Coconut Oil For Beginners
i was suffering digestive ailments, stomach and skin problems when a friend recommended coconut oil. within weeks of internal and external use, my health completely transformed – energy increased, mind cleared, skin softened, and best of all my stomach went flat again! as i researched the health benefits and versatility of coconut oil, i could not believe what i was finding. pure coconut oil is a true gift from Mother Nature. Coconut Magic’s coconut oil, the purest on ear th, was a discovery that was destined to change my health, and my life, for the better, forever! Many people fall madly in love with Coconut Magic’s raw organic virgin coconut oil. why? Because it is delicious, nutritious, and makes you look good and feel good. what’s not to love? Coconut oil has natural antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties that detox the body and strengthen the immune system, and
its medium chain fatty acids convert directly into energy. taking 1-3 teaspoons per day is a great way to get started and bring your body back into healthy balance. this infor mation represents only a small amount of the amazing health & beauty benefits of Coconut Magic’s premium coconut oil. Visit our website for more information, useful tips & recipes. www.coconutmagic.com
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How to Identify Environmental Sensitivities
Practitioners of today have to acknowledge that the pathologies their patients present to them with might not only stem from an imbalance of their internal homeostatic mechanisms but may simply be driven by their closest environment. Today, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the use of chemical personal care and household products coupled with electromagnetic radiation exposure and artificial food grown for us contibute a great deal to the majority of our maladies. As a practitioner, it is impossible not to acknowledge the above mentioned issues whilst attempting to heal my patients. Having not only seen my patients being affected by their nearest environment but having it experienced myself, here I write from first hand experience and from eclectic practice. Pathologies including Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hyperactivity, Parkinson’s, Autism, multiple chemical sensitivity and of course all types of Cancers can be caused simply and solely by environmental toxins that disrupt the mitochondira and cause long-term DNA changes in our bod-
ies. Current medical approaches to diagnoses do not acknowledge such environmental toxicants diagnosing the patient with a form of mental condition instead. Unfor tunately, cellular mutations, changes in intracellular calcium, changes in the regulation of the protein known as NF-kb coupled with an excessive activity of neuroreceptors NMDA which control synaptic plasticity and memory function are results of environmental insults in our body. Furthermore, an imbalanced regulation of cortisol levels consequently cause fur ther inflammation in the afflicted person by increasing the levels of a substance known as nitric oxide. In any instance, all toxins are pro-inflammatory and produce significant amounts of oxidative stress increasing cellular and tissue ageing. How to make the connection - If the condition of the patient is chronic and encompasses several (related or unrelated) organs of their body; if symptoms re-occur when the patient is exposed to chemicals and symptoms ammeliorate when the person is no longer exposed to such chemical, if the person has
“never been well since” a particular event then as practitioners we have encountered a patient with environmental susceptibility. Furthermore, symptoms can vary from mild and acute to chronic and debilitating. when environmental sensisitivity occurs, chemicals have the capacity of affecting cognitive function, creating lack of concentration and “foggy thinking”, manifesting gastrointestinal problems, chronic candida infections, respiratory problems namely asthma as well as chronic skin conditions. Additionally, such chemicals further create auto-immune conditions such as thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or SLE, multiple sclerosis, chronic migraines, headaches and widespread pain all over the body. The most common substances linked to systemic organ imbalance include pesticides and fer tilizers. The kind most likely to be encountered and be affected by involve namely chemicals such as round up/ glyphosate and commercial termite treatment which contain cadmium, mercury and lead. Such chemicals once they enter our body
may not leave for over a decade, if ever. other common encounters are in fabric softeners, shampoos, conditioners and household cleaning products. Advertising has done much to raise awareness that tap water needs to be filtered prior to drinking. Unfortunately, the concept hasn’t reached for rain and shower water to be filtered as well yet. Rain water contains ALL the chemicals in the air that have once fallen on the roof or the gutters (glyphosate included) later ending up in what you think is clean drinking water. The problem lies in the fact that some of these chemicals may not necessarily cause symptoms to each and every one of us in an immediate manner. For some, the exposure is cummulative therefore making it easy to “lose track” of what could have potentially made us sick. Cummulative exposure can also be generational or of epigenetic origin. Take the example of conditions that only till recently became more commonly found in our society such as hyperactivity in children, attention deficit disorder, autism spectrum disorders, Alzheimer’s and other inflammatory nervous conditions caused by toxins that create a significant amount of inflammation in the brain. we have developped effective methods of assessment (where applicable we may seek the support of some advanced pathology laboratory assessment) and treatment for many of these toxicants and chemicals that helped our patients with the conditions listed previously. we acknowledge the patient’s symptoms and detoxify each patient in an individual manner according to their own chemical exposure. Do not be fooled into thinking that a mere detox program will give you all the answers. The process of detoxification needs to be tailor- made and personalised to the person’s body characteristics. Contact us for further information. Andrea Fernandez Indulski NDHUMANKIND’S WELLBEING Andrea holds the following qualifications: Masters Sclerographics, Graduate Diploma Integrated Iridology®, Honours Bachelor Health Sciences (Complementary Medicine), Natur opath, Herbalist, Animal Technician (Iridology). She has 5 years experience consulting clinically around Adelaide. She has a passion for human and animal clinical nutrition and Iridology/Sclerology studies. She just finished writing her first book “Validations” that validates complementary medicine use in clinical practice and is out on Amazon for sale. You can contact her on 0414 701 479 or afernandez@adam.com.au. Also visit her online on www.animaliridology. com.au or www.humankindswellbeing. com.au. Clinics in North Adelaide and country SA.
That act of conceiving a child should be a wonderful and passionate experience shared between a couple. However, many healthy couples experience difficulties conceiving which adds stress, pressure and unnecessary strain to their lives. At present in Australia one in six couples will take longer than 12 months to fall pregnant or carry a pregnancy to full term. Inability to conceive after the 12 months defines the couple as being infertile. In 40% of cases the cause of infertility rests with the male, 40% with the
female and 10% is unknown. The rise in infertility has been increasing dramatically over recent years – much of course attributed to the
www.innerself.com.au delay in childbearing and other contributing factors such as increased chemical exposure and reproductive abnormalities. infertile couples find themselves jumping through hoops and undergoing extensive medical intervention and treatment in order to conceive. however, one of the simplest things that tends to be overlooked in the mad craze of trying to fall pregnant are the female’s progesterone levels – the key hormone for conception and the key hormone for sustaining a healthy and vital pregnancy. Progesterone literally translates to “Pro-Gestation” or “Pro-Life”. it also plays an impor tant role in preparing a woman’s breasts for lactation along with altering the ligaments and muscles in a woman’s body to facilitate birth. in a woman with a healthy reproductive system progesterone levels will surge after ovulation and if the woman conceives her levels of progesterone will remain at a heightened level until twelve weeks gestation. this is when the placenta will take over and supply this important hormone. the progesterone’s role; once conception has occurred, is to prevent the lining of the uterus from shedding and therefore supply a lush, healthy uterine environment for the embryo to implant and develop into a fetus. if conception does not occur, progesterone levels will drop and another menstrual cycle will pursue. Numerous women who have trouble conceiving or who have suffered a miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy have a progesterone deficiency. in order to discover whether you have a progesterone deficiency
hormone level testing needs to be performed. this will enable you, along with your healthcare provider, to accurately monitor progesterone levels and ensure that they remain within optimal physiological range. however, not all hormone testing is equal. hormone testing is done in three ways via the blood, urine or saliva. the best, most reliable, cost effective way to get your hormones tested is via salivary hormone tests. saliva hormone tests are considered to be the gold standard for hormone analysis by the World health Organisation (WhO). they measure the free, biologically active form of your hormones, thus providing an extremely accurate picture of what your body is currently doing. if you are concerned about your hormone levels or worried that a progesterone deficiency may be hindering your chances of conceiving and are not quite ready to take the step to use assisted Reproductive technologies to try and conceive, make a time to see a Naturopath who can use accurate saliva testing to determine what your progesterone levels and other hormones are doing. Once these are assessed Natural therapies such as herbal Medicine and Nutritional therapy can aid in re-balancing your body’s hormones and raising your progesterone levels along with a thorough pre-conception diet plan. Hormone Saliva Testing is available from Tessa Roberts N.D. at Romeo’s Organic Wholefoods Naturopathic Clinic. Tessa Roberts N.D. BHlthSc (Complementary Medicine), Adv. Dip Nat, Nut & WHM. e: naturopath@romeosretailgroup. com.au p: (08) 8361 9150
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
LivingWeLL with NaNthea NisseN Naturopath, holistic healer and health and Wellness Consultant
Belief Systems
What do you believe? Do we even know deep down what we believe? We have so many thoughts in one day, how can we keep track? have you tried the positive thinking and found that the old ways snuck back in? Yes it has happened to us all. Our underlying belief systems are part of us, until we choose to remove them and exchange them for something that suits us better, something that is more aligned with the goals we now have. Why do we always give up? Why can’t we stick to things? Unfortunately i don’t believe we are taught how to set goals and how to achieve them, something i believe would be ideally taught in school age. i don’t believe we are taught how to love ourselves or treat ourselves with the respect our body deserves. imagine if we were. i hear far too many people tell me how bad they are at something, how they can’t achieve something because they have never been able to, how useless they are and how hopeless they really are. if only these people knew what others see. these are some of the most amazing, strong, intelligent and capable people i have ever had the privilege of knowing. i only wish they had met
Often we need help to do this, help from people who have been there, help from those who know how to set goals, break them down and get there, step by step, help from people who believe in us, when we don’t believe in ourselves and help from those who know how to get to those underlying belief systems. it is when we find it the most challenging that we must push on. this is where our old patterns and belief systems arise, ready to be challenged by the person you are becoming, the person you know you are deep down, the person you really want to be. Contact 8357 7379
the person i have. Now i can ask these people to think positively, to listen to CD’s, read books, these are immeasurable tools to overcome many of our old and negative belief systems, but are they enough to make long term change? sometimes yes, many times no. if you have an underlying belief that suggests you are wor thless and always give up, why do we wonder when we do give up. When we sabotage our own goals, when our underlying belief is we can never achieve anything, how can we expect to achieve those goals? Often people are completely unaware what their underlying beliefs are, we have carried them around for so long, they are par t of us, entrenched in our subconscious, only to poke their head up when we are attempting to change our life in some way. this is exactly the time to take notice, to listen to your body, to take those negatives and sabotage patterns as challenges and opportunities to change, to remove the old belief patterns and fill that space with something that suits us and our goals.
Brazilian pepper tree is a shrubby tree that’s found on several continents, but native to Central and south america. the leaves and bark contain many active compounds including alkaloids and essential oil. the plant has a long history of medicinal use by peoples throughout its native area. Peruvians use the sap as a topical antiseptic, argentinians use it for respiratory ailments and urinary tract infections. in Brazil, extracts from the bark are used in herbal medicine to address cardiovascular problems, inflammation, harmful organisms, and fungus.
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
YourIridologist wITH lYNNe SINglewOOD
Naturopath, Iridologist, Herbalist, Oriental Diagnosis, and Teacher of Natural Medicine
Your Eyes Never Lie
I have been writing this column for the best part of two years now and thought it was time to get back to grass roots, so for those of you unfamiliar with Iridology I hope you enjoy this introduction and for those of you who have been following my column, I hope you enjoy the reminder of what iridology is about. what is iridology? The iris (the coloured portion of the eye) has a connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Via the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. Information is then sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. It is a remarkable tool used by practitioners all over the world to look at your physical, emotional and genetic predispositions. You are a unique and special being, and as such we need to remember that what may be right for one is not necessarily right for another. By looking at the iris we can see your genetic strengths, or should I say
the potential strengths which depend on how you choose to live your life, where you live, whether you are loved and nur tured, and how you feel about yourself, all these factors can have a profound effect on your physical body. By looking at your iris, I can see if certain organs in the body need support, for example, if your body is struggling to absorb and break down nutrients efficiently, I may see a darkened leaky area around the edge of the pupil. This may occur due to stress or the lack of certain minerals such as Zinc or Chloride and can be remedied quite efficiently by a qualified practitioner. By looking at your diet and lifestyle similar problems may be remedied by taking some supplements, such as herbs, or perhaps a digestive enzyme formulation before you eat. I have seen many individuals through the years who are not utilizing calcium efficiently, this can lead to calcification of the arteries, inhibiting blood flow and causing a multitude of problems. what a wonderful
thing to know! Remember, this is not a message of doom and gloom, iridology is a remarkable tool which can motivate you to make some positive changes to your diet and lifestyle enabling you to enhance your quality of life. when I look at your iris I look at the structure of the fibres (the lines in the iris) which may be straight, wavy or in shapes like a flower, this structure tells us a lot about you. we also look at colouring in the iris, for example if you have a lot of orange in the eyes there is likely to have been sugar imbalances in
your family indicating perhaps you should take care and watch your carbohydrate intake. Your eyes may have a lot of yellow over the iris, this indicates that you need to nurture the kidneys and adrenal glands, it can also relate to emotions and the individual may need suppor t with some nourishing herbs. There may be a pattern seen in the iris which looks like the rings of life seen on a tree, this individual may be born with these rings, or they may accumulate over a lifetime, which tend to indicate a more sensitive, feeling oriented person. These rings can also relate to the physical stress of the body be it poor diet, late nights working in a toxic environment etc. These are just a few of the different patterns and colours seen in iridology. The iris indicates genetic traits relating to health and personality from the last three generations of your family. So if dad, grandpa and great grandpa all had hear t disorders, does that make you susceptible to the same thing? Not necessarily so! It depends on your diet and surroundings, and how you live your life, remember, genes can be switched on through unfor tunate circumstances or choices, I believe by changing your lifestyle and diet in a positive way, you may be able to switch them off also. Make a conscious decision to look after this amazing body, believe great things are possible and you will see an amazing transformation. every day as I sit with my clients I look at their faces, the lines, colouring, facial structure etc and it tells me a lot about who is sitting in front of me. This subject is called physiognomy, it is a dying art I’m afraid, we are all so involved in looking at our screens we are forgetting to look at the person right in front of us. I also look at the tongue, the hands and nails and it is amazing what information can be found. In 2013 I am going to run some one day workshops in my clinic for anyone who would like to know a bit more about iridology and physiognomy. Lynne Singlewood has taught Iridology and herbal medicine at Endeavour College, she also lectures Emotional Iridology and Face and Body signs at WEA. She has a passion to help the community with their health and well being. Her deep love of iridology and herbal medicine is infectious. Ph: 0421618792 or email lynne@ irishealth.com.au. Web site: www. irishealth.com.au
ACUPUNCTURE & HORMONE ISSUES BY DR gReg DePAMPHIlIS Can this treatment really help things like PMS, Infer tility, Morning Sickness or Menopause? Acupuncture is now commonly used in western countries more than ever before. This surprisingly painless procedure, dating back thousands of years, is used to help alleviate a multitude of common health conditions, too many to cover in this article. As it is with all therapies some conditions respond better than others to a given treatment. Fortunately for women hormone issues fall into the better response category. Having said this, please realise no treatment therapy can guarantee a desired result. But if acupuncture does work in a particular case, how does it work? To this day it remains an unanswered question from a medical science point of view. western scientists have conducted many studies and trials involving acupuncture. even here in South Australia the Queen elizabeth Hospital has conducted clinical trials. From an acupuncture point of view the body has a system of energy channels running over and through the body, often called Meridians. These meridians are laid out in particular patterns (like road maps) with points that are activated by inserting a fine .25 mm needle. The Acupuncture points also have names and numbers. Some of the points act like control keys on your computer. They are used to stimulate the meridian energy in some way by speeding it up, slowing it down or releasing a blockage that may have occurred for some reason. But then how does acupuncture stimulation influence a change in the body? Acupuncture may work on the basis that these energy patterns (meridians) flow through the body’s organs and glands having some influence on their normal function. So if your hormones or body chemistry is out of balance an acupuncture treatment directed at a related meridian may help the body help itself, by regulating its normal function. A body not in normal homeostasis (chemical balance) is a body open to disease and a host of
irritating symptoms. This homeostasis is a commonly accepted physical concept. exactly how acupuncture works to help restore balance is still not proven in medical science. So until some bright spark in a white lab coat gets that “light bulb moment” we will have to just rely on patient feedback, anecdotal evidence and clinical trials. But I can tell you, as an acupuncturist, it is most rewarding when patients tell you their symptoms have improved and life is easier to cope with. It may be true that no one knows how acupuncture really works, just yet, but you can find many clinical trials on the internet that show it can be effective in a vast range of medical conditions. A good reference for clinical studies, that shows the percentage you may expect acupuncture to help your condition is the (w.H.O.) world Health Organisation web site < www.who.int/medicinedocs/ pdf/s4926e.s5926e.pdf/ > I am an acupuncturist and it is mind blowing even for me to read some of this information. You can look up many common health issues and see how acupuncture compares to other treatments. Sometimes we take the body for granted in its ability to heal itself, if given the right tools to do so. Over my 23 years of giving acupuncture treatment to countless patients I have had my share of failures but also along the way many success stories. And it is the successes in life that keep us going. I hope there can be a success story in your future. Yours in good health, Dr Greg DePamphilis D. C . ( U S A ) F.I.A.C.A. (Board Certified Acupuncturist in Australia and America) Suite 106, 145 Brebner Drive West Lakes SA 5021 Telephone: (08) 8353 3777
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Tools for HealTHy living 27
CHeWing gUM, THe Way naTUre inTenDeD Konjac Root
Japan’s best-kept secRet
Most of us don’t swallow chewing gum so we don’t give the ingredients a second thought, but a quick scan of today’s popular chewing gum brands reveal a long list of toxic ingredients. Even if you don’t digest the gum, these toxins still make their way into your bloodstream in high concentrations through the walls of your mouth. Materials used to mass-produce chewing gums include artificial petrol-based polymers composed of rubber, plastic, aspartame and dye, and pose a real threat to our bodies and our environment. But now, there is an alternative – Australian chewers no longer have to feel bad about their gum habit! Introducing Chicza Organic Chewing Gum, which has just landed in Australia straight out of Mexico’s famed Mayan Rainforest. It boasts all natural ingredients and is fully certified organic and 100% biodegradable. Making it the ultimate Fair Trade product; it even supports 2,000 farmers and their families who have come back to protect their rainforest and harvest the Chicle used in producing this unique product. It comes in four delicious flavours: Mint, Spearmint, Cinnamon and Lime.
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Diabetes Konjac Root Japan’s bestkept secRet
glucomannan group also repor ted reduced hunger. The reasons for this are simple: soluble fiber increases bulk, and slows food digestion.
One benefit of the ability to regulate blood sugar levels is seen in Type 2 Diabetes. Konjac Glucomannan has shown potential to reduce blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels after meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan’s relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble fibres.
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the digestive systemfood, and becomes Diseases JapaneseCerebrovascular and Chinese have been eating Konnyaku as a health for over a gel, slowing digestive processes and Glucomannan can effectively 2000 years. In the beginning, it wasinhibit a precious gift shared between monks in trapping carbohydrates so that blood the formtheofabsorption medicine of andcholesterol cakes. and bile sugar levels are stabilised. acidisthrough lipolysis in through in- every family eats Konjac in every Konjac quite popular Japan;the almost testine, promote fat excretion, reduce meal. Itthe is still the most favored food in Japan. The Ministry of Health in Japan amount of fat and cholesterol in implemented thatand konjac food the blood, reduce theshould amountbe of used in the cafeteria for all schools. Right Japan isand thetriglyceride largest consumer cholesterol in serum.of konjac foods. positive results in the treatment of a now, The Itmain theblood Konjac root is glucomannan fibre. Glucomancan ingredient also preventofhigh presnumber of conditions, including: sure, and other cardiovasnan fibre nothigh onlylipids, contains more than 16 types of amino acids, but is a lowdiseases. protein,cular low-fat, high-fibre food. Thus, Konjac can lower LDL cholesterol and blood sugar. High Cholesterol Made out of a soluble dietary glucomannan fibre and scientifically proven By attaching itself to bile acids in the Benefits to make you feel full faster, they can be helpful asOther part ofHealth any weight loss, low digestive system and moving them of Konjac Fibre carb or out weight management program. of the body, glucomannan sup- 1. Reduces fat absorption The plements glucomannan fibrelower has cholesterol also been scientifically proven to lower cholescan help 2. It contributes to healthy bowel flora terol and blood prevent3. heart disease and diabetes. It andhigh reduce the sugar amountwhich of fat can present It cleans the stomach has alsoin been shown aid the controlled digestive system, assist with elimination, and the blood. In to a placebo 4. It detoxifies. Weight Loss cholesterol in men were 5. Anti food-poisoning properties preventstudy, constipation andlevels diverticulosis.
For a list of stockists and wholesale enquires visit: www.organicimports.com.au nan fibre not only contains more than 16 types of amino acids, but is a Konjac or Shirataki Konnyaku is a low-protein, low-fat, high-fibre food. traditional Japanese health food made Thus, Konjac can lower LDL cholesfrom a herbaceous perennial plant terol and blood sugar. called “Amorphophallus Konjac”(K. Made out of a soluble dietary gluKoch), water and calcium hydroxide comannan fibre and scientifically or oxide calcium extracted from eggproven to make you feel full faster, shells. they can be helpful as par t of any The Konnyaku is cultivated for food by Deborah Barratt weight loss, low carb or weight manonly in Japan, but wild forms grow agement program. As Henry Ford naturally once said, “If youAsia and China. in Southeast The glucomannan fibre has also believe you can, or Japanese if you believe you have been and Chinese been scientifically proven to lower The efficacy of konjac for weight loss reduced by a significant amount, and can’t…. you’re right”. eating Konnyaku as a health food, for cholesterol and high blood sugar overa2000 Any of these ring bell?years. In the beginning, it which can prevent heart disease and relies on its ability to absorb up to tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. twenty its 2own weight weight loss andtimes within days thein water. This may be due to bile binding efwas a precious gift shared between “I just couldn’t help myself” diabetes. It has also been shown to The glucomannan expands after in- fects, or the fact that glucomannan in the of medicine and kilos “Sometimes monks I am my ownform worst aid the digestive system, assist withwere dropping off! She is now gestion,weight and this tends promote a fibre slows the absorption of these cakes. steadily losing and hastoexelimination, and prevent constipation enemy” feeling of fullness as it travels through lipids in the intestines. Konjac is quite popular in Japan; pressed that it is no effort this time. “No matter what I do or how hard Konjac in and diverticulosis. the digestive tract. almost every family eats tions we develop behaviours. Usu- She is just doing it! No longer does it I try, it’s never good Several glucomannan weight loss everyenough” meal. It is still the most High Blood Pressure ally,favored it is self-defeating behaviours control her every waking moment. “My opinion food doesn’t reallyThematstudies have produced impressive in Japan. Ministry of Health we wish to change. Often the most The uses for PSYCH-K onlyrepor ted As a corollary to glucomannan’s benresults. A 16 weekare study ter” in Japan implemented that konjac eficial effect on cholesterol levels, one yourglucomannan imagination. supplements No mat- can food should be used cafeteria way to change a behav- limited by that “I shouldn’t try anything new be-in theeffective study has demonstrated a decrease iour isisthe to change the subconscious ter what age aidorweight the end of the (including postage & stageloss. in lifeAtPSYCH-K forscrew all schools. cause I’ll probably it up”Right now, Japan in systolic blood pressure in healthy study, Wouldn’t the glucomannan fibre group largest of konjac belief(s) foods. that support it. Based on can help you. it be nice “If people knew theconsumer real me they a four week course handling in of gluClinical studies specific to glucoman- lost 4.52 kg compared to .79 kg on men afteranywhere years of split-brain research, also The main ingredient of the Konjac have ‘I am wor thy of the best comannan supplements. probably wouldn’t like me” shown nan supplementation have to Australia) average in the control group. The root is glucomannan fibre. Glucomanknown as Brain Dominance Theory
What is Konjac?
Your Life is a Reflection of your Beliefs
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that life and love have to offer’ proHave you read all the self-help books, attended all the workshops, PSYCH-K provides a variety of ways grammed into your subconscious? to quickly identify and transform Or ‘I love doing homework’ for the listened to podcasts, tried all the different modalities crossing your fin- beliefs that ‘limit’ you into beliefs students in your life? What about gers that ‘this one will be the one!’, that ‘support’ you, in any area of ‘Money now comes to me in abundance and in perfect ways’ or ‘My but still have that nagging sensation your life. Many people harbour self-limiting body is healed, restored and filled that things aren’t a whole lot different? Do you face each new day/ subconscious beliefs in the areas of with energy’? Are you ready to experience week/year with that same pep talk? spirituaity, self-esteem, health and You know the one ”Ok so we messed body issues, financial abundance, abundance in every aspect of your life, reduce stress and anxiety, enit up last time but we’re focussed relationships or career. “Re-scripting limiting subcon- hance career opportunities, eliminow and nothing is going to distract us!”, only to find by the end of the scious beliefs is similar to repro- nate destructive habits, develop day/week/month you’ve slipped gramming your personal computer. relationships you desire and deback into your old patterns, telling Using PSYCH-K processes, a kind serve, increase your sporting perof ‘keyboard’ mind, you formance, release fiber, post-traumatic noodles are madetoofyourallown natural vegetable Glucomann a water-soluble dietary fiber yourself it wasn’t your faultOur – it was between the which stress, fears and phoyour spouse, parents, boss, societyfromcan derived theincrease root ofcross-talk the Konjac plant, hasre-perceive shown beneficial effects backed by medical two cortical hemispheres, thereby to feel atCholesterol peace or enhance or even God’s fault. Or do you usualresearches for Type II Diabetes,bias Obesity, and your Constipation! achieving a more ‘whole-brained Spiritual development? Then free ly choose to blame bad Karma, bad is ideal changing Konjac hasstate’, beenwhich grown and forused in Japanyour andmind China for overthe2000 and become masteryears of as both a healthy luck, bad genes or the Universe? subconscious beliefs.” Rober t M. your beliefs. a traditional medicine to excrete waste and toxic elements from the body. Whatever your act, PSYCH-K foodand is There is a better way to find the the missing piece (peace) you have Williams, M.A. originator of PSYCHbeen searching for. It is a simple yet K, author of PSYCH-K The Missing missing peace in your life rather P zero fAt P zero eggS P JAPAneSe orgAnic certified than doubling your efforts and trying effective technique that can make Piece (Peace) in your Life! kinesiology P zero SugAr Through P zero Soy (muscle harder. As P theLoW sayinggigoes, “ If you ‘this time’ a whole lot easier! testing) canLoW communicate di- keep doingPwhat P zero gLuten Pyou very cALorieS fASt & eASy to PrePAre you’ve been doing, Before explaining what PSYCH-K your subconscious mind, you’ll keepP getting what you’ve been Oxygen Chamber or Hyperbaric P where zerothat Soy rectly with P very LoW cArBoHydrAteS no PreServAtiveS is, it is important to know giving you insightin intoSoLuBLe what positive getting” P HeLPS WitH WeigHtChamber P zero WHeAt P HigH fiBer LoSS therapy may help improve self-sabotaging experience is combeliefs are already progeneral for health.Longer This chamber proing from. Your reality P is created by or negative zero dAiry P ALL nAturAL P mAKeS you feeL fuLLer D e b o r a h vides about 50% more oxygen than your beliefs. These beliefs, usually grammed in. Then by using methods Barratt is a normal room air (Via an oxygen subconscious, are often the result of whole-brain integration you can Naturopath concentrator) increasing the atof lifelong programming and rep- change the old self-limiting beliefs and PSYCH-K into new self-enhancing ones, all in resent a powerful influence on your A d v a n c e d mospheric pressure around you just minutes! to 1.5 atmospheres (Normal room Facilitator. behaviour. Studies in neuroscience I had a client recently that was S h e h a s atmosphere is .5 - 1.0). This helps indicate that as much as 95% of struggling with weight loss. She had spent years your body absorb the oxygen while our consciousness is actually subresearching consciously driven. It’s the subcon- tried all the diets! She had written the best possible treatment protocols in the chamber. The session lasts goals, affirmation after affirmation one hour, while you simply lay down scious mind that is the storehouse to support your wellbeing. She also rest in the chamber.Postage for our attitudes, values and beliefs. even stared at herself naked in the offers Douglas Microscopy Live and and(including The O2 Chamber has a large winIt is from our beliefs that we form mirror telling herself how much she Coagulated Blood Analysis and Rife handling anywhere in phone Australia) dow and inside as well as perceptions about the world and loved herself! Nothing had worked. Frequency treatments. ourselves, and from these percep- We did a core belief balance around Her clinic is located at 262 Magill Rd, your own manual release valve. The
Nigella Lawson’s dramatic weight loss was down to noodles made from Konjac root
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Visit our website for more information, useful tips &recipes. www.coconutmagic.com
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
www.innerself.com.au Susanne Marie
Women making a Difference As the world undergoes massive change, women continue to come to the fore, leading the way in their own field. Here are some original, wise, strong, passionate, and creative women introducing themselves and what they do. Jessica Dao
Jessica Dao is an architect/ project manager/ ar tist. She is an authorised Isis Lotus Healing L1/ Angel Miracles I & II teacher at Isis Mystery School. Jessica is currently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practicing as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle /Isis Oracle psychic. www.thepyramidoflight.com |04 22 563 794
Lynne Singlewood
Lynne Singlewood is a naturopath with a compassionate nature. Her aim is to help individuals to understand how to nur ture their bodies physically and mentally, so they can have a better quality of life. 2013 is going to be an exciting year for Lynne as she runs one day courses in her Findon clinic to help educate the community. Stay posted! www.irishealth.com.au
Louise Tebble
L o u i s e Te b ble is in her 17th year of practice working as a Mental Health Clinician and Family Therapist. Louise
offers a unique practice where Focussed Psychological Strategies meets ‘new age’ wisdom; the best of both worlds. Louise is university trained and extensively experienced in working with all mental and emotional health issues including but not limited to: anxiety; depression; addiction; eating issues; relationship issues; grief; and trauma. Louise is committed to on-going professional and personal development; regularly updating and expanding her knowledge and skill base. All ages. Conveniently located in Unley, call 0435 469 123. Medicare rebates available.
Ally Thomas
Ally offers her ser vice to help you re-connect with your Feminine Essence: Awaken your w h o l e b o dy t o
pleasure Imagine pampering yourself with a sensual relaxing massage ... that lasts and lingers... For discerning, enlightened ladies ready to experience soul soaring delight. You know you deserve it! Women, relax, luxuriously as you surrender to indescribable sensual tantric bliss. A mind blowing, ecstasy inducing, pampering indulgence for open-minded. Sensual Pleasuring 1 hour $120, Special for March 2013 only $100, just mention this ad. Available Monday - Friday 10am-5pm.
Contact Ally now. Joy & Bliss Tantric Spiritual Consultant - an immersive whole body pleasure experience that goes on, and on... Call Ally 0419 038 310 Email ally@mytantramassage.com.au Website: www.mytantramassage.com. au
Doris Horvath
Teacher, healer, gardener.... that’s some of what I am and do. I love the beauty of people and of nature. I love keeping things real and accessible. While I have practiced many healing modalities including massage, pranic healing, reiki etc, I have been doing sound healing, specifically sound massage for some years. With sound massage you get the joy of hearing the beautiful harmonies of the singing bowls and the amazing sensation of the sound waves travelling through your body. Sound healing will re-balance your body and soul, return to them the sound frequencies they need. Blockages to the harmonic flow of energy are gently removed, allowing you deep relaxation and a feeling of well-being. 1 hour session $60, 1/2 hour $40 For further info go to www.palebluedot. org.au (May 2012) and contact Doris on 0412 180 810
FREE Launch Concert Sunday 17th Feb 5.30pm 48 Lounge, Adelaide Convention Ctr
Susanne Marie from Vital Harmony is a Thetahealing® teacher and pr actitioner of many years experience. Susanne is a Thetahealing® Master and Certificate of Science in Thetahealing®. She teaches in Australia and internationally. Bringing about positive change and self-empowerment for people around her is her focus. She uses all of her many and varied life experiences (includingTeaching, Music, Drama, Intuitive, Mother, Grandmother, Rotary Club member, Massage Therapist and more), to bring more value to the extensive range of healing modalities she practices. Susanne offers theta healing seminars (practitioner level for those who desire) in all of the areas of theta healing. She offers classes, individual consultations, mentoring, house & business clearing and past life journeys & healings, as well as massage therapies. She is also a Civil Marriage Celebrant. She can be reached on 08 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119. Website: www.vitalharmony.com.au . Email: vitalharmony@hotmail.com
Petta KneeLah
Petta KneeLah is Events Manager & Cr eator of Blessed Gaia. She is passionate about seeing others experience their highest joy. Blessed Gaia offers The Sacred Hawaii Tour (teachings by Petta KneeLah of Celestial City, Rachelle Charman of The Academy of Crystal Awakening & Yvette Doudle of The Cosmic School of Karma), The Adelaide Solstice Sound Festival and an array of unique workshops & retreats available throughout Australia in 2013. Visit www.blessedgaia.com for more details, updates and to subscribe. Contact Petta via petta@ blessedgaia.com. Petta KneeLah travels to various locations in Australia through her personal practice, Celestial City, offering Sacred Sound, Past Life & Inner Child Healing, Soul Art, Spirit Guide Drawings and a variety of workshops around creativity, ceremony, sacred sound and The Divine Teachers. The “Awaken The Healer” practitioner course is available this year with limited spaces available.
Deborah Barratt
Deborah Barratt is a Naturopath and PSYCH-K Advanced Facilitator. She has spent years researching the best possible treatment protocols to support your wellbeing. She also offers Douglas Microscopy Live and Coagulated Blood Analysis and Rife Frequency treatments. Her clinic is located at 262 Magill Rd, Beulah Park. 0477 131 461.
Gweneth Lillywhite
Having 20 years experience in counselling/kinesiology, in 2012, I found myself doing more relationship counselling and mediation. In harsh times of change, relationships are being challenged. Numerology states 2013 brings vibration of 6 relating to home and family. Therefore it is imperative for people to get their relationships right! If your relationship is not right, it not only affects you and can be devastating for many family members. For this reason, I have put together a seminar which addresses core issues of why relationships don’t work. If you can find and address your core issue, you can realize rewarding relationships. To book your place, contact Gweneth at White Lilly Centre for Health & Harmony on (08) 8662 2622
Emily Segal
Emily Segal co-created their company Organic Impor ts to provide Australians with healthy, unadulterated food alternatives that nourish our bodies, the earth and future generations. Emily discovered this extraordinary hand-crafted organic chewing gum called Chicza whilst travelling through Mexico. She loved the texture, flavour and pure ingredients of the gum so much that she realised the Australian market was crying out for this product! In little over 6 months her company has already placed Chicza in around 200 stores across Australia with many more on the way. Emily and her company’s aim is to provide Australians with other equally dynamic, natural organic products that increase
awareness about clean eating and wellbeing. Visit www.organicimports.com.au
Jean Sheehan
She is the example of what is possible! Imagine being told you were not loveable and a failure. This was the trigger that gave Jean Sheehan the passion to assist others to design their destiny and create the life they desire. Jean knew personally what it was like to live in fear and transform her life from rags to riches on all levels. “Within each person is a potentiality waiting to burst out”. Leading by example having healed herself of cancer and depression Jean teaches her gift of Medical Intuition, Love of Self and Children’s Personalities globally. Jean’s heart-felt passion has her requested as an international motivational speaker. Email to receive FREE Medical Intuitive information Millennium Education PTY LTD P: 0414 758 360 E: info@absoluteempowerment.com W: www.absoluteempowerment.com PO BOX 329, Tewantin, QLD Australia, 4565
Anna Foste
Po l i s h - b o r n A n n a Fo s t e r ’ s healing wor k is anchored in her passion for flexibility, movement and balance for body and mind. A facilitator of Chakradance®, a teacher of Yoga and a Ka Huna massage practitioner, Anna’s transition from the corporate world to holistic healing makes her work practical and grounded, yet beautifully heartfelt and soulful. www.manamakia.com.au
Heather Frahn
Heather Frahn is one of South Australia’s most treasured singersongwriters. She writes ‘conscious music’ that promotes peace, unity and positive social change. Heather’s latest alContinued on page 27
For a private appointment or workshop participation please call 0412 986 426. Visit www.celestialcity.com.au for more details, updates and to subscribe.
Career Opportunities:
Annie O'Grady
• Accredited Medical Intuitive Teacher Courses
Making a difference is my passion. I use a wonder 21st Century energy technique called Emotional Fr eedom Techniques (EFT tapping). You can easily learn to use it yourself, and/or have practitioner assistance to feel better—achieve peak performance – find your best way in relationships – achieve pain relief – eliminate food cravings fast -- quickly heal trauma and old memories – clear a phobia, and more …. See my DIY book, ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ via my websites www.EFTemotionalhealing. com and www.annieogrady.com . I work with clients in Adelaide, plus nationally and internationally on Skype, telephone 61 8 8537 0447.
• Certified Medical Intuitive Courses
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Discover your full potential knowing anything is possible.
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
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Light Therapy Lucia N°03 is a neurostimulator, which combines a stroboscope (flickering light), flexible in both, speed and intensity, with a constant light, available in different degrees of brightness. The computer-controlled interaction of these light sources activates different ways of experiencing (seeing intense worlds of colour and shape, a sense of leaving the body etc. ) allowing for an impressive individual light experience that is different every time. Lucia N°03 creates wave patterns in the EEG that would usually only appear after several years of meditation practice. Since this involves a real neurostimulation and not an optical post-image phenomenon, each session is unique. Lucia N°03 allows for a transcendental experience as it is usually seen only under extreme conditions (during high performance sport, through using entheogenic substances or in neardeath experiences) and consequently triggers the same positive effects. The experience value is one of a kind and the effects are noticeably intense, even after the very first use. Lucid Light Stimulator Lucia N°03 is now available for sessions in Adelaide.
Tuning fork for the mind
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Phone today to receive your FREE eBook “Tuning Fork for the Mind”. Book now, and secure your place for Free no obligation trial session valued at $25.00 Lee-Anne Farguna Clear Light Foundation Phone: 0468 681 990 Email: enquiries@clearlightfoundation.com Website: www.clearlightfoundation.com For an interview with the founders of Lucia No.3, please visit www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4Ia-cCOl-fU
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
The Air Element - Let Go of the What’s right with you is the starting Raising your vibration in 2013 point – the spiritual truth Old, Make Way for the New by Susanne Meaney
by Dr Andrew Horwood
by Lisa Fabry
Autumn is the time when many trees let go of their leaves. They do this easily, without regrets, shedding their dead and dying leaves and giving themselves up to a winter of rest and renewal before bursting into new growth in the spring. If only we could so easily let go of our excess baggage - whether it is clutter in our homes or attachments to unhelpful thoughts, habits and feelings. If we could release our physical, mental and emotional junk without regret, perhaps we could emerge clean, clear and receptive to whatever new joys life has in store for us. In Wu Tao, Autumn is the season of the Air element. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Air is known as the Metal element, but it has the same meanings and correspondences. Physically, the air element governs the lungs and the large intestine – organs of elimination in the body. As we breathe in, our lungs take in fresh oxygen and vital energy (Qi) and, as we breathe out, they release old energy and carbon dioxide. The large intestine controls the elimination of the waste products of digestion. Emotionally, the air element helps us to let go of old attachments that may be preventing us from embracing movement and growth. We may cling to old thoughts, habits and feelings just because they are familiar. We may worry about repeating bad experiences, or be fearful of change. The air element helps us to release and open our hearts to new, life-enhancing experiences. The air element is connected to grief, the natural expression of letting go and loss. Grief is the emotion we feel when we let go of something we have been attached to. If we are able to accept grief when it arises, it will move through our being, allowing us to change and grow. If we are unable to let go fully and open up to the present moment, grief may not be fully resolved and an imbalance may occur. If the air element becomes un-
balanced, Qi can become stagnant causing symptoms such as sluggishness, poor circulation, breathing problems, lower back pain and intestinal problems. Emotionally, it can manifest as feelings of unresolved grief, depression, a feeling of isolation and of being cut off from other people. Painful feelings often lead to restrictive breathing as we seek to protect ourselves. This weakens our energy, and contributes to the cycle of depression.
The Wu Tao Air Dance
The movements in the air dance are specially designed to help stimulate and activate the energy channels that govern the lungs and the large intestine and help them to work optimally. This dance has a light, airy quality. It encourages a free and full breath, and allows us to move our bodies in a gentle, rhythmic and elegant way. Images of a beautiful bird, flying high in the sky, combine with those of autumn leaves, gently dropping from the tree. As we dance, without even being aware of the process, we are healing our air element, helping us to let go of the old and make way for the new, bringing clarity and lightness of spirit. The dance also stretches and vitalizes the shoulders, arms, chest and sides of the body. The air dance helps us to move forward, receiving and welcoming new opportunities and opening up to the joy of life. Lisa Fabry is a Wu Tao dance and yoga teacher, vegan chef, author and b l o g g e r. S h e teaches weekly Wu Tao and yoga classes in the Adelaide Hills and CBD, facilitates seasonal retreats and provides delicious, nutritious food for many occasions. Her latest book, Divine Vegan Desserts, is available from all good bookshops. You can contact Lisa on 0432 895111 or lisa@wutaoadelaide.com
We’re in the New Age. New possibilities await us. And old baggage remains to be cleared. Have you heard yourself saying these words to yourself? “Oh heck, I’ve stuffed up again. When will I EVER learn?” Do you feel that you get things wrong; that in some way you’re faulty or bad? Or worry that “if people really knew what I was like, they wouldn’t like me” Our culture seems wedded to what’s wrong. Just look at the media – stories of acts of violence, starvation, environmental devastation abound. Then look at our personal lives where stories of addictions, depression and relationship problems are rife. “Not good enough” seems everywhere - body not beautiful enough; don’t have enough; not bright enough etc. Dissatisfaction with the present is essential to the adver tising industry and our economy which is based upon consumption. It’s hard not to believe that mankind, ourselves included, is doomed because we have stuffed up. Whilst there may be truth in this point of view, the bigger question is “what can I do now?” What can I do about my life, my relationships, the things that are within my control? How can I turn this tragedy into a triumph? The starting point is to recognise that at the core of things, there’s something right about you – the real you. One time in my life when I was struggling to see this, I decided to keep a list of just one thing I did each day of which I was proud. At the end of the day, I’d get out the pad, and to my delight, find that there were at least 5 things I could think of. I kept this going for some months at the end of which I realised that I WAS OK – and that there were things I could do better next time. My inner energy altered and I was accepting of myself rather than regarding myself as a walking disaster. I’ve found that I’ve been most helped by people who held out a car-
rot to me, not beaten me with a stick. They have helped me grow into a greater me rather than telling me to grow up. Those who helped me knew what’s right about me first and told me so. That knowing became the foundation I needed for taking the next steps into the unknown, the next risks. Next time you find yourself dwelling in the things that are wrong with you, others or the world in general, try this: • Get out a writing pad and make a list of all the things that are RIGHT. • Be honest with yourself, allowing in the goodness that is there • Notice how you feel inside at the end of this • Breathe this feeling in and rest in it • When you’re ready, take a look at what you need to face next knowing there’s “what’s right” inside you. The truth is this. What’s right with you is the starting point. What’s wrong with you is beside the point. From this star ting point, you can build a new life. Riverdell Spiritual Centre can help you know this truth deeply. Dr Andrew Horwood Program Director Riverdell Spiritual Centre & GP in Gawler Andrew cocreates with others at Riverdell Spiritual Centre workshops and events and offers mentoring & attunements. Contact him at andrew@ riverdell.org.au
2013. The star t of a new year is always a good time to take stock. There are many theories circulating about what 2012 was really all about. My own personal belief is that it was a time of letting go of the old energy to make way for a new higher vibrational energy to come in easily. People found change and upheaval was occurring last year. So now let us look to the New Year and to the new energy. • A good place to start is to think about clearing out clutter. There are many excellent books written on the topic. Choose one that clearly and simply gives pointers on how to go about it. Keep it simple. Set a timer and achieve clearing for just 15 minutes a day. If you then want to continue for longer that is okay. Know that just 15 minutes can make a difference. Star t too, with one drawer or one cupboard. Confine yourself to one room until all parts are completed. Once you have had success with one then the next will be easier. • Clearing your mind is another very impor tant way to raise your vibration. Set time each day to quiet your mind using a meditation technique that suits you the most. That may be to sit and look at a candle flame for ten minutes. It may be to listen to running water trickling in a pond or a stream. It may be counting as you breathe slowly in and out. Possibly it may be mindful walking meditation. Whichever technique you use, give it your full attention. Every time your chattering brain attempts to take over, imagine that all of your chattering is written on a whiteboard. Then simply imagine it being erased. • My third suggestion is to look at the way in which you move your body. Do you move your body with joy? Play music with an upbeat rhythm that helps you to do tasks a little faster, or dance to the music where no one can see you. Make moving your body achievable. Start with ten minutes a day and see if you can gradually increase the amount. Again there are many great ways to do this. There are many books,
gyms, studios or classes to assist you to find ways to do this. Identify and change any beliefs you have that are blocking you from wanting to achieve those goals. (Thetahealing® has great techniques for facilitating this). • Bring colour in to your life. Change the colour of your day every day. Check out all of the clothes and accessories that you already have in your wardrobe. Are there different items that can be worn together to create a new feel, a new energy, a new look. Become consciously aware of how different colours make you feel, how they affect your moods, your health, your vitality and well being. Find three colours that make you feel good and use them mindfully. Have posters, photographs, paintings and decorations that reflect your moods. Add cushions in your favourite colours. Use coloured filters on lights to change your mood. Be aware of the effects of sunshine and of the difference in your mood on a grey day. • Pay it forward. I love this as it can bring joy to giver, to receiver and to witnesses of the act. It can be as simple as paying for the cup of coffee for the person behind you in a line. I saw this in action in a drive through coffee shop in the USA recently. The person in front had paid for me. I was delighted when told and immediately paid for the person behind me. The two attendants were so excited as they told me I was the 7th person in a row to do so. They both witnessed the joy of the whole process. Smile at someone who looks sad as you walk past. Help to carry someone’s shopping. Offer a seat. Find a way to make someone smile. • Another way to change or raise your vibration is to learn a new skill. It may be a subject towards a degree or diploma; it may be a step towards a field of alternative health or healing. Thetahealing® is just one of many modalities being experienced and learned by many so that they may venture into a new direction in life. Do research on what is available by going to a library, a local
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Come and Try!! All for Free!
Come and experience the joy and freedom of Wu Tao (pronounced ‘woo dow’), a blend of music, dance, yoga and meditation. Five dances, based on the elements of Air, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, stretch and activate different energy channels in the body, harmonizing energy flow and bringing about a state of physical, mental and emotional balance. It doesn’t matter what age you are, or if you have never danced before. In Wu Tao the emphasis is on how you FEEL not how you look.
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Meditation � Attunement � Dance � Afternoon tea See our beautiful grounds For bookings & information: 8523 1329 info@riverdell.org.au www.riverdell.org.au
www.innerself.com.au community centre, looking on line or reading magazines such as innerself. Sometimes we may hear about a modality from someone, then see information online and then possibly read an ar ticle on the same one. If your eyes and ears are drawn a number of times to the same modality, now is the time to delve deeper. While you are thinking about all of the possibilities, go outside and connect with nature. If you do not have a garden, go to the beach or the hills or to a park. Find ways to connect with the trees, the flowers, and the wildlife and feel your energy take a turn for the better. Make this the year for self empowerment and raising your vibration to a higher level. Susanne Marie (formerly Meaney) T h e t a Healing™ Master, Certificate of Science in Theta Healing™, DipTeaching (Prim), Dip Health Sciences, Dip Oriental Massage, Healer and teacher of Theta Healing™ for many years. She conducts regular classes and individual consultations. She is also a remedial massage therapist and Civil Marriage Celebrant. T: 08 8370 8557 M: 0418 845 119 www.vitalharmony.com.au susanne@vitalharmony.com.
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
Living from the Heart
“There is a light that shines Beyond all things on earth Beyond us all, beyond the heavens Beyond the highest heavens It is the light That shines in our heart” Upanishads
The heart centre has long been identified in many cultures as one of the energy points that act as an interface between our spirit-selves and our physical bodies. The heart centre is located at the very centre of the chest, in the middle of the sternum, and not where the physical heart resides, which is somewhat to the left of centre. This is the place where our hand goes spontaneously when something touches or moves us deeply. It is here that expansive feelings of love and awe originate and then permeate our entire being. So what does living from the hear t mean? This saying has become almost a cliché because we live in a culture that does not usually endorse “living from the heart” as a strategy for a “successful” life. The modern world is ruled by the mind and is populated by its many children: the offspring of rational thought such as clever trinkets, useful tools, gadgets, powerful machinery, and anamazing explosion of technological innovation that shows no sign of wanting to slow down. This Midas touch has proliferated and expanded across the world… well, at least across the first world, and has dazzled us all with its seemingly endless abundance of riches. It is also common knowledge that we are not necessarily happier than we were
in the past or than those living in third world countries. In fact there are strong indications to the contrary: people who are impoverished or who live in slums are often reported to have much happier dispositions than their wealthy brothers and sisters in the west. One of the issues here is that the mind, by its very nature, compartmentalises and separates in order to analyse and ‘understand’ the universe around it. This is all well and good if the things being compartmentalised are numerical, physical or chemical, but there are many things in the world that do not respond well to this dissection. We all know that to be truly human, much more than a good mind is needed. The call to live from the heart is not a call to discard the mind. Instead it is a call to awaken our hearts and to place our minds in service to our hearts. This will awaken us to a more evolved way of perceiving reality: one that acknowledges our commonality, one that is forgiving instead of attacking, responsive instead of reactive.This awakening allows us to see the shadow dimensions of fear, anger and hatred not as signs of damnation, but as gateways into further opening. When our heart centres open, we begin to perceive the world in a very different light, that of Oneness. When that happens, ahh... then we begin to experience the joy of connection, with deep gratitude for all the blessings. Sa and Claudio Silvano will be in Adelide to present The Awakened Heart weekend workshop on 23-24 March. Phone 0403 699 479.
Living in Harmony with Life Thetahealing® Master Susanne Marie’s passion is to assist people in being healthy, happy and abundant in all aspects of their being. Theta Healing Consultations and Classes in: • DNA 1 & 2 Basic and Advanced • Disease and Disorders • Rainbow Children’s Class • World Relations • Vianna’s Manifesting and Abundance • DNA 3 • Intuitive Anatomy • Soulmates Class • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Class Civil Marriage Celebrant Remedial Massage Therapist ALDGATE • Ph: 8370 8557 • Mob: 0418 845 119
Women making aContinued Difference from page 24 bum “Be The Change” features a collection of songs to inspire. She is a multi award-winning artist and performer, who has a reputation of being an outstanding performer. Heather Frahn & The Moonlight Tide have been invited to play at one of Australia’s largest music festivals, WOMADelaide, on Saturday March 9th 1-2pm. Come see Heather Frahn & The Moonlight Tide perform live and experience their uplifting music and songs. www.heatherfrahn.com
Dr Kogi Naidoo
Dr Kogi Naidoo, Relationships Coach, Self Leader s Academy,is devoted mother, academic, goldmedallist, speaker, relationshipscoach, acclaimed author of Working Women and Live, Learn, Love!is the great-granddaughter of farm labourers.Overcoming adversity in South Africa, she’s inspired thousands of women and students in their careers and relationshipsfor three decades. Contact Dr Kogi Naidoo: Mob.0405915291 Website:www.selfleadersacademy.com
Persephone Maywald
Persephone Maywald M.A. offers IFS therapy, a revolutionary new
method of psychological transformation that uses the power of Spirit to heal, allowing us to gently and rapidly transform our emotional issues, such as anger, anxiety, fear, trauma and depression. As these difficult parts of us unfold into the peace, joy, love, aliveness and strength that we truly are, we find that we are much more engaged and fulfilled in our lives. Persephone has also been a student of A.H.Almaas’s Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986. These extraordinary spiritual teachings give her a deep understanding of the many forms that Spirit can take, and create the foundation for her life and her work as a therapist. See www.therapyviaskype.com or contact Persephone at 0435 014 821 or persephone@therapyviaskype.com
Lee-Anne Faraguna
Lee-Anne Faraguna has worked in the health industr y for many years. She started her career as a registered nurse and combined this with the study and practice of healing energy disciplines. Lee-Anne is bringing an exciting neurostimulation light therapy to Adelaide. Neurostimulation takes you to a deep and relaxed state (theta level). After treatment, people report feelings of increased clarity and focus, improved sleep patterns, reduced stress and much more. Using a computer controlled interaction of light sources, static and strobe, the neurostimulator offers a
unique experience. Discover the benefits for yourself with a free no obligation Trial. Contact Lee-Anne on 0468 681990 at Clear Light Foundation or enquiries@ clearlightfoundation.com or visit www. clearlightyfoundation.com To view an interview of the inventors go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ia-cCOlfU&feature=results_main&playnext=1 &list=PL53DA12756E08FF2E
Jenni Maddison
Jenni an entr epr eneur and Founder, Director of Coconut Magic. Her journey has taken her from the strategic business world of branding and marketing, to a career in the development health consciousness. Jenni’s discovery of organic coconut oil in Thailand, whilst on her own healing journey, was a catalyst in giving birth to her mission and her company Coconut Magic. Jenni’s passionate vision for Coconut Magic is to raise awareness of the amazing health benefits and versatility of coconut oil and related super food products. Her continued dedication and commitment to ‘spreading the Magic’ is fueled by the ongoing emails and testimonies she receives daily about how much her customers love Coconut Magic’s coconut oil, and how it has helped them to live happier and healthier lives. Radiant health is what Jenni embodies in her professional and personal life. Her message is for us to embrace an holisitic approach to healing by using whole foods, body mind medicine and a return to Nature for our own personal empowerment. Visit www.coconutmagic.com
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
“You will never win if you never begin” Helen Rowland
Guiding Light Psychics by Anna Hood BA Dip TPC Reiki/Seichim Master
guiding Light Psychics are an Australia-wide network of psychics with a broad range of skills including clairvoyance, mediumship, oracle reading and healing. We share passion for our work and we are committed to the service of Spirit and others. More than day-to-day predictions, we offer you readings with soul for your life path. Whatever your questions or issues, our caring psychics seek to shine the light of awareness for all. See and read about our dedicated team of psychics and learn about Seven Steps to a good psychic reading at our website www.guidinglightpsychics.net For a personal reading, to pay by phone account call 1902 256 002 $3.96 per min (mobile/pay extra) or for Credit cards call 1300 601 641 $3.60 per min (Phone Australia). Readers are available from 6:30 am – 2:30 am (EST). For any queries, please email us from our website.
Guiding Light Psychic Readings Spirit Mediumship Soul Guidancee
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Beyond predictions...readings with soul for your life path
1902 256 002
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The Power of Love
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - a quote popularized by Jimi Hendrix many years ago. In the hustle and bustle of today’s society we are confronted with information from multiple sources, generally from the internet, television or newspapers. We must also remember that the mores of society and the prevailing interests of our institutions have a huge effect on our life within our community. All this information and misinformation comes with an agenda. Often we are too busy living in the past and planning the future to live in the present or the NOW. All our lives, particularly in western society, we are guided towards a love of power or the love of money and the power that that can bring. 2013 offers the beginnings of the opportunity with the support of the Universe to change this and work towards the power of love. But we must take an active par t. First of all we must find the love within ourselves: to take the time out from our over busy schedules to reflect and bring clarity into our lives, creating a space to discern and discover the concept of Universal Love. Through some form of meditation or reflection each day, either formal or informal, we allow ourselves to come into that space where we can connect to what really is around us, allowing us to change and uproot the negative, limiting or selfish behaviours that we might have. We can cut through the illusions that may be blocking us and work to-
wards and strengthen our concepts of universal love with each other. The sparks of the same light are contained within each and everyone of us, not only just we humans but animals, plants and all other things. Science has shown that our sub atomic particles co–exist in everything at once. We are all part of one. The type of love I am talking about here is not the same as romantic love. It is a deeper form of love for all things. To help us identify this love, although possibly over simplifying the concept, maybe we could call it compassionate love or a way to find common ground with those who look, live or think differently to us. That is, finding a way to hold out the olive branch of peace or offer love without an agenda. This is sometimes hardest in our interpersonal relationships where people may have mood swings or be physically hurting us. Unconditional love still allows us to set healthy personal boundaries to avoid being badly hur t, mentally or physically, whilst finding ways to acknowledge the intrinsic good that is within each of us. They can still feel that they are a par t of us in some way. It is about acknowledging them for who and what they really are rather than for how they are interacting with us. Remember we must show unconditional love in order for it to be returned to us. But this universal love extends much more than just our interactions with other people. Through our time of self-reflection and sense of being as one, we begin to look at everything differently. The sky, earth and trees etc. All appear in a new light. We can begin to enjoy the unique design and intrinsic beauty in all things. We interact with our pets differently, maybe we see the reflection of our souls as we look into their eyes. We can take a moment to enjoy the brilliant colours and petals of a flower or the shape of a tree or the wings of a butterfly.
Song and dance has a new meaning, as does the quality and origin of the food we eat. We begin to appreciate the immenseness of our land, rivers, mountains and oceans, the vastness of our cosmos and begin to realise that we are not alone and will never be alone. Each breath comes alive as we start to vibrate with a higher resonance, opening our heart and bringing peace within and to others. It is knowing that everything and everyone has a purpose, acknowledging that each person’s journey is individual to them and consequently not judging them for what they do or don’t do, allowing them to travel their road as you travel yours, knowing that we can create unity and harmony with each other and our environment through the practice of human dignity and our awareness for all other things such as our food or the way we treat our environment. It is only through each and every person’s individual par ticipation, no matter how small, that we can move towards the power of love and bringing peace in many ways to our planet. Anthony Cr aig is the originator of Spectra Healing and Spectra Activating Consciousness. Based in Adelaide he travels extensively as an Instructor and Practitioner, educating and expanding new healing work locally and worldwide and is available as a guest speaker. Re gular infor mation sessions, workshops and seminars are held. See website for details. Anthony is also available for appointments ph: 0412 832 664. www.SpectraHealing.com
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
How does the “Crystal Bed” produce healing? The “Crystal Bed” combines the power of Color, Light and Crystal Healing Therapy. A Crystal Bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client lying on a massage table. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency and it is aligned above each of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the frequency of chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies. The individual receiving the session rests face up with eyes closed, bathing in the energy. BENEFITS OF A CRYSTAL LIGHT HEALING
* Stimulates your immune system
* Calms and rebalances your nervous system * Restores function of your hormonal system * Decreases pain, spasm & muscular dysfunctions * Releases negative emotions such as depression, grief, fear, anger * Feeling more Energized – Clear thoughts – Ability to Focus * Feeling more at Peace within Balances your chakras * A deeper spiritual understanding INITIAL HEALING * Introductory Offer – 50% OFF single treatment
About Carmelina My Wonderful journey on this Planet has been ever evolving. I am amazed with Gratitude for the beauty and the gifts that life presents me through my experiences. About a year ago I visited John of God,
“The Earth laughs in flowers.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
the renowned Brazilian Healer. While I was there, I was inspired to return to Adelaide with a Crystal Healing Light Bed, & I am so excited to share this unique & Ancient healing tool with you all. Crystal light Therapy has enabled me to gently shift old limiting patterns & trauma, revealing more of my inner beauty & love. Crystal Light Healing carries crystal, frequency & colour combined with music to transcend us in this much needed time of change. ANASA HEALING 46 PHILLIS ST MAYLANDS SA 08 722 50 104 0423 453 339
by Annie O’Grady
calms the energy structures underlying physical and emotional stress, which often prove to be connected. These structures include both the body’s meridian system, and the amygdala par t of the brain which is involved in the fight-flight-freeze stress response (a Harvard Medical School finding). Sometimes a quick application of EFT’s fast tap-and-talk procedure banishes pain in a minute or two, or a one-hour session or two. In other cases that take longer, EFT’s mind-body approach proves that resolving specific emotional pain often results in dissolving physical pain. As an EFT coach, I frequently support clients and students to try EFT for pain, and I recount some of these cases on my websites(see advertisement) and in my DIY book, ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’. A case demonstrated pain relief in one EFT session, for a woman who had been crippled by ‘bone on bone’ knee pain for six months, had difficulty walking, and could not bend one leg. Despite the diagnosis of arthritis that had worn away knee cartilage, she left my consulting room (aston-
ished) walking freely without pain, with more time to consider her best options for knee replacement. Anger she’d held for decades proved to be a factor in this case. Ten months later she reported, ‘I am doing fabulously well since that session.’ EFT demonstrates the new approach to biology taught by former Stanford University professor Dr. Bruce Lipton in his groundbreaking book on epigenetics (the study of the signals that turn genes on or off), ‘The Biology of Belief’. Annie O’Grady is a certified EFT coach based in Adelaide, also working with clients nationally and internationally on Skype and by phone. Her websites are www.eftemotionalhealing.com and www.anniogrady.com , telephone 08 8537 0447. Her DIY book, ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ is available online via her websites.
EFT -- Self Help Pain Relief THE TAPPING TECHNIQUE Emotional Freedom Techniques – acupressure plus! Try a session, and start learning to reduce or eliminate your physical pain, as many people do -- or have experienced help. (EFT also has lots of other stress-relieving applications for yourself, your family, even your pets.) Annie O’Grady Certified EFT Coach
Next Courses: Angel Miracles 1—Jun 22 & 23 Angel Miracles 2—July 20 & 21 Isis Lotus Healing 1—Mar 20 & 21 or Jun 15 & 16 20 Scholefield Rd, Seacliff—Ph: 1300 558 075 Cathryn Jane Neill, PhD Jennifer Fisher
Former Registered Nurse & University Senior Lecturer
Energy & Past Life Healing Clearing & Spirit Release
Member of IICT & APA
Member of IICT
Thoughts Before 2013
EFT Tapping Often Clears Physical Pain How could tapping on your body and saying a few words banish physical pain? Well, countless people are proving that it can – when they use self help acupressure in the form of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping). This remarkable mind/body energy technique was developed in the mid-Nineties, and already has U.S. mainstream organisations conducting scientific studies on it. They want to find out how EFT gets its results, frequently where nothing else does. Such results are constantly reported among the estimated more than ten million people around the world who have discovered EFT, mostly via word of mouth or on the Internet. Even many beginner tappers repor t successes on such physical problems as headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, backache – regardless of diagnosis, or of how long the pain has been present. Experienced EFT practitioners report a high success rate with clients on low-level, acute, andchronic pain. While EFT does not claim to heal all pain for everyone, in many cases it is effective. How does it work? EFT tapping
ISIS LOTUS HEALING & ANGEL MIRACLES PSYCHIC COURSES Secret Egyptian Healing Codes To Create Healing Miracles For You! Taught by Cathryn Jane Neill & Jennifer Fisher Isis Psychic Healings & Readings Spiritual Group Meditations
EFT tapping is endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra.
Annie’s DIY book: ‘Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT’ is available online and at Adelaide bookshops Cosmic Pages and New Dimensions Web: www.EFTemotionalhealing.com & www.annieogrady.com Phone: (08) 8537 0447 • Consults: South Terrace, Adelaide, S.A., & Skype Email: annie@EFTemotionalhealing.com
Sometimes as a medium when you prepare a talk for a meeting your guide inspires you with words at a level above the normal. I share these with you. Spiritualism is not just a religion it is all religions. It encompasses all systems of belief in its fundamental truth – There is no death. This truth should be in all religions because, regardless of our belief system in life, the world of Spirit is as one. The entire universe is governed by Natural Law, this works in the same way for everyone and every belief. There is a supernormal but no supernatural. Everything that happens in the universe does so in accordance to this Natural Law. What appears magical is just a failure to comprehend or understand an element of this law. Everything that occurs does so in a natural way. Death is the same for everyone whatever the belief or nonbelief. That is the law. The transition to a new state of existence may vary for each Spirit, because of conditioning from their belief system, however, over time, the truth will become known to them.This truth is that in Spirit you are a Rainbow People, mixing all of life’s experiences because all of, what you call human
races and beliefs, become as one with each other. Spirit never intended for the world to be segregated as it is. However, it knew this was likely because of the nature of physical existence and the individual’s freedom of choice.This is what caused the separation to happen. We see Natural Law in action, however, all the variation within the world opens the path to learning, all of the good and the bad aspects of life bring knowledge. How could you learn if everything was perfect? Many may wish that we could make it that way but why would Spirit break its own Natural Law to interfere in the normal course of life? Indeed one view of perfection may be totally unsuitable to another so this change would impose upon the choices of others. How could Spirit so interfere with the freedom of choice granted to those experiencing a physical life? Yes the world and those experiencing life can bring change but Spirit must leave that step for each of you to decide upon. The choice for everyone is their own to make. We cannot impose change whereas mankind will always create change, it is natural to life although those decisions may be for good or bad.
This is a great truth to learn, seek Spirit’s help to make changes within yourself. Spirit cannot create sudden upliftment in the state of consciousness for you; this can only come through each soul choosing its own path. Our message has ever been simple, change is within, reflect your light to the world, behave correctly, live ethically. Act strongly if you must but with love and compassion. Demonstrate the Principles you adopt in the life that you live. Keep your mind open to knowledge and wisdom but be discriminating in what you choose. Demonstrate service without expectation but do know that these acts of service will, in time, greatly benefit you. Go in love, be love.
Jim Warwood is the leader of the Ne w Age Spiritualist Mission. He is a regular contributor of articles to the UK Spiritualist newspaper Psychic Newsandis an experienced public speaker and medium. Jimruns a weekly development group at the Mission and is available for private readings by appointment. Contact leader@nasm. org.au 08 8367 6984
Friday 8th February Doors 7pm 7.30-9.25 $20 contact number below for Booking or at door MEDIUMSHIP, TALKS, HEALING, & MORE All Welcome- By Donation - EVERY SUNDAY @ 3pm SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC Relax and Enjoy – Donation Only Fridays 11am to 2pm STEPPING STONES Practice Platform First Friday each month, 7.30pm – 9.15pm An opportunity for beginners or the more advanced to give a talk, reading or messages $5 FINDING THE PATHWAY Meditation & Interactive Psychic Development Class $5 Monday 7.15 -9.10pm weekly & Tuesday Fortnightly 10.30am -12 Noon PRIVATE READINGS AVAILABLE BY BOOKING (also with April Mackie, $75, in Feb.) 30-40mins $55 Tues 1-3pm. Thurs 12-3pm Fri 11am-2pm See Website for More Exciting Events and Courses during the year See www.nasm.org.au for news or Phone (08) 8367 6984
our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
The New Dawn & Revelation of Egyptian Mysteries
by Jessica Dao
Purity of our Pets & How Special They Are
It’s a proven fact that owning a pet or even being around an animal can make us feel better. You come home from a very long day and there’s that familiar wagging tale or kitty twisting around your legs with that “I’m so happy to see you!” look. Owning a pet can be so very rewarding for so many reasons but one of the main ones is the enormous love that we get from them. Their love is unconditional and they are almost always up for a hug, a walk or just to sit there with us while we have that morning cuppa. They don’t ask for much in return, but most of us would give
them the world because they are our world and they really don’t care if we are old or young or fat or thin. The story of the little family dog running around alerting his family that there was a fire in their home and saving everyone comes to mind. There are so many of these stories I could tell you but my point is that they would give their life for us and sometimes have. Animals such as bomb dogs, sniffer dogs and guide dogs are highly trained and love their job, as they know instinctively that this is something that will keep us safe. A lovely story about an army
man looking for a new bomb detector dog was that he found one on death row and saved him. This dog is now one of the best the army has and does his job with pride. We don’t always plan to have an animal but somehow we end up being the owner of a stray cat that has just turned up at our door or a dog nobody wants. We then adjust our lives to fit in with them so we can give them the best life possible. I know myself I wasn’t planning on another dog when I ended up with a Mastiff cross Great Dane, but I wouldn’t give him up for anything. My other dog, Kelli, accepted him straight away and the two are now firm friends. Pets just love to do things with us. Many of us, me included, take
their pets on holidays with them, and many holiday resorts now cater for our pets to include them on the family vacation. When it comes down to it we love our pets, they teach us and we do everything we can to make their lives happy. They bring us such happiness and teach us lessons about love and commitment to a living creature. They are always so flexible and generally just go with whatever’s happening at the time. I know of two cats who travel the country with their truck driver dad and when I asked them what they thought of this they thought every cat lived in a truck! He found them abandoned when he was doing a delivery and that was nine years ago. They often lie across the dash of the truck while he’s out on the road, totally oblivious to their extraordinary lifestyle. It’s important to us as pet owners to know that our pets are well, safe and happy because just knowing that puts a huge smile on our faces. I know myself when I’ve been away working that I’m eager to get home to be greeted by my four-legged fur kids who I know have missed me and I them. Life is wonderful when you have a pet of any kind to share it with – be it a cat, dog, horse or even a rabbit. As a professional medium & animal communicator, about 95% of my clients are female. With this issue’s theme being ‘Women Making a Difference’, it’s timely to talk about the power of women’s intuition.Many of my female clients have found that turning to their intuition and spiritualism for guidance has given them peace with their inner self. I’ ve helped facilitate this by connecting them to their passed over loved ones or pets (dead or living). The results have been so rewarding, with many women’s lives really starting to fall into place. Men see this and think, ‘I want what she’s got’. Well, why wait? Contact Amanda De Warren, Medium & Animal Communicator on 0434 713 615 or www.amandadewarren.com
l Ca
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As humanity survived the 21:12:12 End Time prophecy, it is a time to embrace the New Dawn, a Divine opportunity given to mankind to create a Heaven on this Planet Earth. Throughout our spiritual evolution, we saw rise and fall of civilizations, dawns and dusts, and history repeated itself. From the seeding of the planet Ear th we rose to the Golden Age of Lemuria, then the technologically advanced Atlantean civilization and to its fall. Once again we became spiritually advanced in Ancient Egyptian & Mayan civilizations then to their falls. Followed the birth of Buddha and Jesus Christ and other ascended masters; we are now approaching the age of enlightenment “The Golden Age of Aquarius”. The rise and fall of civilizations has been perceived as a natural process “the circle of life” and that the souls can only master their lessons through hardships. Certainly, through war, suffering, sorrow and death one appreciates peace, joy, happiness and life hence the catalyst for the rise of civilization and spiritual awareness. Since the fall of Atlantis, ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations were the most highly evolved. Their culture, pyramids and ruins are still being studied and puzzled by our Archaeologists and Scientists. Channelled information indicates that these civilizations including Tibet were established by Atlantean survivors. The Mayans were highly evolved but towards later dates, they based their society on fear and human sacrifice which led to their fall. The Tibetans learned from the fall and have been focusing on peace, nonattachment to material life and the inner-work which have led them to mountain high and come closer to heaven. The Tibetan has brought much peace to humanity yet the art of creating Heaven on Ear th has not been mastered; for the balance of spiritual and earthly life has not
been their main focus. The ancient Egyptians, on the other hand, mastered the ar ts of creating Heaven on Earth. Priests and priestesses lived normal lives but volunteered their ser vice as channels of Divine energies to the land and to others (the healing energy of the Goddesses Isis and Sehkmet). Their high priests and priestesses also mastered the arts of alchemy by working with the deities and with the elements of nature. In the recent years, the Goddess Isis has returned with her Divine Feminine Energy. Her work has been channelled by many lightworkers around the globe, and mainly through Isis Mystery School by Elisabeth Jensen. Prior to 2011, I had been to Egypt several times as a tourist to admire the pyramids and temple ruins from an architectural perspective. The visits awakened my soul to the hidden mysteries of Egypt as I felt the powerful energy in the structures of the temple and pyramids. In front of the pyramids, I experienced that time stood still, and the rise and fall of civilizations flashed in front of my eyes.Until I studied at Isis Mystery School and after participated in the Sacred Journey 2011, I began to understand the secrets, power, knowledge and wisdom of Ancient Egypt. We cannot break the “circle of life” or change the immanent nature of All Things. However, by understand that the rise and fall should not be a “starting from scratch” but a spiral evolution process in which the rises are prominent and falls are minimized, recognized, prevented, and lessons learned; then history won’t repeat itself and the spiritual evolution of mankind will be constantly on the rise. Ancient Egyptian civilization can truly reveal to us the secrets of manifesting Heaven on Earth and a smooth soul journey on the celestial ocean to return to the source which is the ultimate purpose for all souls!
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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .
As You Say It – So It Is
here it is, giving you back precisely what it is in metaphysical actuality that you ‘want’; i.e that what you’ve by Fran Tomlin. wished, spoken and thought about. It’s a proven scientific fact that eve- out there’. In the same way that if It’s a perfect mirror – a perfect rerything in the Universe is Energy you focus upon something, anything flection. And since youve given so much right? So, if you buy into the Belief – it becomes very much larger in that by your thoughts you create your perspective, almost seem- time and Energy into whatever it is, it your World, then it stands that so too ingly to grow out of all proportion, to must be what you want, right? No ? If it isn’t, then pay heed – are the Words you speak incredibly drain you of your energy, to assume The ONLY way to make sure that impor tant in the Creation of your a life of its own so to speak. you get what you really really want World. is through the practice of MINDFULT he ripple ef fects of your This applies to the Positive NESS. To be Mindful of your Words, thoughts (which are energetically as well as to the Negative your Thoughts...and then the acevery bit as strong, if not more so, Simply put, what you focus on be- tions and re-actions will take care of as the spoken word), of your words PSYCHIC comesDEVELOPMENT a ‘reality’ – then CLASSES as you themselves. and of course your actions – or REDesigned in 3 levels as a comprehensive guide and overall journey touching are livingofthrough whatever it and maythe practices As thethereof. Buddhists say ‘ Right on ALL ASPECTS psychic phenomena actions – cannot be in any manner, be at the time, you are speaking Thought, Right Speech = Right Acshape or form, be underestimated All classes are offered at A LIFE ABUNDANT, 587 Magill Rd, Magill (08) 8333 3144 and at CARPE words and thinking thoughts that *NEXT CLASS LEVEL 1 begins in PT nor indeed overstressed in termsDIEM, of 158 Commercial Rd, PT ADELAIDE (08) 8240 0702tion.’ ADELAIDEaccompany on 10th October, that 2012. so called ‘reality’ – So be AWARE, mindfully, in each their INFINITE importance. These classes are designed youand on amore journey through all the differing aspects of Psychic thereby setting to uptake more of thelifestyle NOW –supporting before you development so that the practice easily becomes part moment of your everyday far reaching energy vibrations that in your greater Spiritual evolution. It will also enable youto toannounce, determine in which areasstiplie begin pronounce, As you say it – so it IS you your specific and individual talents and passions within this field. It is an ‘across the board’ ripple out into the World around you, ulate or Decree... Better then to be very careful asstudy to of Psychic Development. attracting BACK to you whatever it is SPIRIT GUIDE PAINTINGS: Fran offers paintings/drawings in Watercolours/ because what you say or think, as that Energy ink and wash Glaze youAcrylic speakand or oil think of paintings ; what itthrough is thata channelled reading to your Spirit Guides. Prices from $95 - $400 A3 sizes.AS YOU SAY IT returns threefold unto whencedetermine its you BELIEVE – as indeed there you SO ITDIEM, IS. 158 MEDITATION: Twice weekly Mon nights/Fri morns.. only @-CARPE come, (and time-wise, that’s almost Commercial ADELAIDE. Ring (08) 8240 0702 or 0405 687 930 for details. are,Rd,asPTlarge as Life, speaking and immediately these days!) thus bePSYCHIC thinking CHANNEL from READINGS: Fran offers Spiritual Guidance and Psychic your ‘belief’ systems. Readings @ A LIFE ABUNDANT in Magill (08) 8333 3144 (Thursdays) and CARPE coming the Living Law of Attraction And it goes, and(Monday/Tuesdays) 0405 DIEM (08) 8240 0702so (Fridays) and inaround HAPPY VALLEY at work in your life. 687 930 around in a Circle. Ad Infinitum. You attract TO you what you ‘putContact: Fran Tomlin 0405 687 930 • www.frantomlinpsychic.com.au So perfect is the Universe that
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For guidance only telads
SOUL TO SOUL with Cinzia Vuat
If you have a question you would like answered, email Cinzia Q: “Im thinking of applying for a more challenging position in a different department at work. Will I be successful?”
Anna CAMPBELLTOWN A: I see you talking to a man in a managerial position in regards to this position. Be aware that there could be a conflict of interest that may not work in your favour. Don’t give up however as I see a great opportunity just around the corner. Q: “Im thinking of buying a home with a pool but I haven’t sold my home yet, will it work out?”
Drew BROMPTON A: I don’t see you buying just yet-
You and your husband will move back to your original home and then I see you looking to buy & sell in 2013….and there is travel ahead! Q “As you predicted things in my business have turned around by summer but we’ve still got some way to go. How much longer till we are in the clear?”
James PORT ADELAIDE A: The year starts bright for you and just gets brighter. Patience. Summer is not over yet! FEEDBACK Thank you Cinzia, I found the documents I had lost. They were exactly where you said they would be. By the way - You wouldn’t be able to
ACCESS YOUR FUTURE TODAY Your important questions anwered accurately and quickly. Readings may be taped so Cinzia’s gentle guidance lasts
Satisfaction assured or no fee charged Special Discount Please mention inner self when booking to receive a discounted 1 hour reading By appointment only
Phone 0410 456 540 Kilkenny
see where a lost medical script has gone? A: Yes I can see it in a pile of papers/books/magazines..looks like a cluttered area by the end of your bed. Much love Cinzia. As a child Cinzia suffered from selective mutism, frightened to speak, her healing search began and intensified after a near death experience resulted in awakening her uncanny psychic ability, now a psychic medium Cinzia is available to Innerself readers who have a pressing question they would like answered. Please indicate in any Email whether you give permission for extracts to be published and pseudonym if required. Reply emails also welcome.
Fran Tomlin For details re-media and price please call Fran: 0405687930
• Guided meditation sessions 2x per week • Psychic/Medium Readings • Energy Healings
• Spiritual Art W/Shops • Metaphysical Guidance/ Counselling • Empowerment W/Shops • Psychic Dev. Classes Levels 1-3
N.B. We hold regular Psych. Dev. Classes Limited Places – Book Early. 0405687930