Innnerself Issue 38 EW-VIC/2013

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inspires uplifts

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Your Holistic Community Guide in VIC God Blesses You with ZERO An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti by Leo Drioli & Enza Vita


Volume 25 - Issue 1 Publishing since 1988


The Essence of Life by Simon Blow

Women Making a Difference Feature

BEYOND RELIGION The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet Australian Visit in June 2013





time . . .


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

fumbled and dropped something and then noticed a chain reaction of clumsiness around you? You will feel as though you are in a Mr Bean episode when your aura is this way.


From ww The edITorS

The Gap is Always here I was a

Flowing chi

Qigong co 2004 and with Dr X plained th When the static state with SIMon BloW privately strikes you, try the working h ficially at t following: 19 “IllIOM, dAugHter OF 12 tHe gOlden Age OF yOgA IS PSYCHIC accepted • Meditation, alternate prOpHeCy” nOW nostril SPIRITuAlITY 22 tHe neW dAWn & revelAtIOn Claudio Silvano by dave Stringer practice, I breathing ortIMe,refocusing techniques. OF egyptIAn MySterIeS 6 “IF I HAd tHe I’d be 12 tHe trAnSItIOn FrOM duAlIty find a natural pull back to shore … by Jessica dao lIke tHe buddHA!” tHInkIng IntO unIFIed oreffort. have s These canFenner,shift quite without judgment and without ReGulARS with peter pHd auric static COnSCIOuSneSS you’ll see that in truth you’ve never 22 guIdIng lIgHt pSyCHICS 18 In brIeF revIeWS - bOOkS, 6 A FeMInIne eMergenCe TcM, quickly. by david lane been anywhere else … it’s only and by Anna Hood bA dip tpC reiki/ CdS, dvdS by Isira Seichim Master thought that has been riding the cur13 beIng WOMAn … 2013 HeAltH • Identify any internal dilemmas 19 eventS, COurSeS & rents of your own beingness.the direc 7 tHe knOWIng HeArt 23 “purIty OF Our petS & HOW 16 detOx: SIMple FIrSt StepS Guigen WOrkSHOpS FOr tHe MInd, So, every moment offers another is a chinese ter m which state”, or the state of nothingness, SpeCIAl tHey Are”. asked me or7conflicts andtOwrite them down FrOM MIndFulneSS with robert reevesto bOdy & SOul precious opportunity to see things with Amanda de Warren HeArtFulneSS translates to returning to the root or there is no disease or illness, only as they are. With thought and withA HeAltHy lIFe WItHOut pAIn training a 14 MOOn CAlendAr reduce charge and18attain clarity. by Skytheir Shayne Innes out thought. And things as they are by dr. Sang Whang source, returning to the primordial nothingness, he explained. The regu22 A-Z ClASSIFIedS doesn’t mean that the gap is better. ReVIeWS Qigong. I 3. Contracting It simply means that you are no GRoWTH ASTRoloGY energy from which everything emerg- lar practice of meditation will longerchange seeking yourself outtory in your of m If you feel as though you are in 19 WAlkIng WItH SpIrIt 8 COnquerIng tIMe’S WInged thinking … you are no longer trying 19 AStrOlOgy: FebruAry - AprIl Joy brisbane es. Guigen Qigong is a Medical style of the energy in our body and mind, CHArIOtmode and don’t feel – which y survival 2013 that you to find joy, peace or happiness with with Stephen denham with Claire Hennekam thoughts. All thoughts die! What you Qigong developed by Dr Xu Hongtao helping to cure disease and improve – and sen are8 thriving, it is possible that your will see is that the ultimate freedom, MAnIFeSt yOur dreAMS peace, was joy and happiness of lies in thetwo Q Moran aura with is geraldine contracting rather than radiat- a specialist doctor from the Qigong our quality of life. This concept HeAlING realization that what’s beenmy holding 9 tHerApy: A CAllIng, And A depar tment at the Xiyuan Hospital great interest to me! you captive is your identification withAbso 20 WHere tHere’S A “WIll” and ing outward. CAreer your own thinking. tHere’S A “WOn’t” – yOur in Beijing. The six sections of the dyFrom his own research and experithis is where it all turnstime around. later And SelF-SAbOtAge 10 yOur JOb? be HAppy! A lOSt contracted aura is AurA unable to this is where “this blessed Isle” by rachelle terry tHere IS An AnSWer! namic Guigen Qigong are followed by ence working in this department for becomes the Ocean of Awakened me that attract positive circumstances, 20 AWAkenIng &peotrAnSFOrMAtIOn 10 CHAngIng Old pAtternS beingness… your own presence. ASCenSIOn ACtIvAtIOn the stillness meditation section help- over 20 years, Dr Xu has developed with dr Andrew powell this is where you and thataccepted. are no ple or oppor tunities because it is by kaveeta & Suniel longer at odds. you no longer seek 11 rISe AbOve ing to restore natural harmony and Guigen Qigong, its six different secW resonating with fear-based, survival 21 tHe SpIrItuAl energy CrISIS by Stephen Chong yourself. you see that there reallyThe is by rod & Megan Middleton improve the human race’s quality of only this … only that. tions harmonise the different or11 SenSItIvIty IS nOt A Medical Q states. The good news is21 that most of now the great work begins. tHe eSSenCe OF lIFe WeAkneSS! life. These self healing techniques are gan meridians in the body. Although ised the c with Simon blowthe with nicole the time it Cody is the fear rather than With love, leo drioli and enza vita bee I had object of fear, which is causing the prescribed to both in and out-patients our time with Dr Xu was only brief, at the Xiyuan Hospital as a par t of he kindly taught us the movement conferenc contraction. Once the fear has been their therapy. “Stimulating the Water Element” for and had b acknowledged and processed, it is I first met Dr Xu while I was leading the kidney and bladder channels. As nese Gove possible to move into an expansive, dISClAIMer Would copies of Innerself brighten COntACt uS StAteMentleft, OF IpurpOSe a study group to bookstore, china incoffee September told him I would love to return the inWASM & up your local shop, InnerSelf we thriving state again. AdvertISIng: 1800 451 317 and its staff are dedicated to the opinions expressed by writers InnerSelf are he not gave necessarily those of co-op,group or other hangout? enquIrIeS: (08) 8396 6752 helping readers richer, more fuller, andwith more him, 2002. Our made an official and live study and associatio If your energies aregenerAl contracted, eMAIl: Send us an e-mail at innerselfnewspaper@ responsible lives. We work to do this by the publishers. Advice is nonspecific and visit to the Xiyuan Hospital, a large me an encouraging look and readers are nodded. advised to seek professional with your suggestions about providing inspiration and resources for opment o the following will assist you in expandFREE AddreSS: pO box 146 , Highbury 5089 where the newspaper should be available wellness, personal growth, and spirituality advice for personal or health problems. Web: Traditional chinese Medicine (TcM) When I returned home to Sydney, internatio (including the city and state), and we’ll do ing your field: and by providing information to empower publISHer’S nOte InnerSelF neWSpAper is independently our bestover to get InnerSelf into your area. hospital with 650 beds, treating I had an email from Dr Xu. He had positive choices for the natural and social research • Develop a spiritual practice. the InnerSelf editorial team are working published by InnerSelf © 2012/13 environment. over 2,000 outpatients each day in been looking at my website and conconsciously to keep sexist language out I wa AdvertISIng time, • Identify what you are avoiding of its pages, but sometimes this is not reAderSHIp deadlines for display & Classifieds WrItIng FOr InnerSelF BEYOND RELIGION various departments. gratulated me on the work I’ve been The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet was to be through fear. 297,000 Advertising: We expect stories to offer something of possible due to material having been old sources making it Feb-Apr issue: 4 Jan 2013 We spent an2013 afternoon with Dr Xu in to and spread healingfrombenefits value to doing our readers to carrythe no extracted doing at • Work on adoptingdIStrIbutIOn an attitude and sometimes impossible to get MAy-July 2013 issue: 5 April 2013 Volume 25 - Issue 1 “advertorial hook”. Advertisers are given difficult the Qigong department after touring of Qigong in Australia and invited me We have 5 different versions of Innerself Aug-OCt 2013 issue: 5 July 2013 andif Alcoh of trust. no special consideration with regard permission to alter copy. We apologise any suchhospital. language doesWe offend anyone. newspaper in nSW, vIC, WA, the qld and SA nOv- JAn 2013/14 issue:a4 Oct 2013friendly, to acceptance of editorial submissions. hospital. Dr Xu had very to study with him at the Sydney ov Proudly Remember, your colours areof InnerSelf at are circulated and free copies decisions are based solely on content approachable, relaxed manner about corresponded regularly by email for a FOllOW uS at 2,000 selected distribution points SubSCrIptIOnS serving the needs and editorial preferences; advertising was a gre their brightest and clearest when you nationally in health food stores, bookshops Subscribe to InnerSelf (if you want it history (or lack thereof) is not a factor. community him as we discussed many ideas refew years until I worked out an approhonored feel healthy, connected libraries, to your Divine markets, and expos and Festivals posted) for $12 for 4 issues by sending before submitting an article please request since 1988 Australia. For a distribution point Qigong, your details health to innerselfnewspaper@ garding and spiritualtime to take a break from my high leve a copy of priate our “editorial guidelines”. source (whatever you around perceive that near you, email us with your details. to be) and aligned to your heart. The ity. He talked about the importance of busy teaching schedule and return more in tune you are with your energy meditation. When we enter a “realized to Beijing. states, the quicker you will be able to Wait a second. Stop just a moment. nothing you do, or don’t do will get you any closer to this. every time a thought ends … there’s a gap. this gap is vast beyond measure and allows for all form to manifest and exist. but there’s a natural ending ... a natural death to all form. Watch each thought … no, maybe that’s a little hard because it’s so difficult to extricate our beingness from thought, as it’s the very thing that gives thought the liberty to be. no, an easier way is to catch the natural death of a thought. One thought … any thought. try it with the thought you are enter taining right now … as soon as you become aware that you are thinking, take note of the space and emptiness that happens as the thought dissipates … Here you will find a gap. Call it what you will, I like “this blessed Isle”, a term coined by thich nhat Hanh … the gap will reveal itself naturally, effortlessly. Sit in the gap, contemplate the gap … now, you’ll feel a very natural pull to another thought. In attention goes again. One second … ten … thir ty. but it will end and you will inevitably find yourself back on the shores of “this blessed Isle”. Whenever you get back to the gap, the tendency is to judge the pull into thought as a miss-step, as a problem, as another failed attempt to be present. that’s the next thought! Watch it … and you’re back on the shores again. keep watching and eventually what will begin to happen is that the gap will become the resting place, the Home of your reality which it is anyway. And things will begin to reverse themselves as you’ll

Nothingness is the Best Prescription

Women mAkInG A dIFFerence FeATure

our goal is to awaken one community at a time... 2

inspires uplifts

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

Your Holistic Community Guide in NSW God Blesses You with ZERO An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti by Leo Drioli & Enza Vita

Volume 25 - Issue 1 Publishing since 1988


The Essence of Life by Simon Blow

Women Making a Difference Feature


Australian Visit in June 2013

by Mari Garcia


This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at


God Blesses you with ZERO

better our goal is to awaken one community atplace. a time . . .

An interview with Sri Jaya Shakti

By Leo DrioLi & enza Vita

it is simply sexual. tantra is really

how to move the energy. it’s attending a World Medicalabout the basis of life. in Hinduism there is tantra, yantra and Mantra. yantra onference in Beijing in Mayis the symbol, your body as a symbol yourself. Mantra is the sound, d arranged to spend timeofbecause you have a light... it’s the and tantra is the power or Xu on the same trip. He ex-sound. the energy. So you need all three to move, to have action. hat he could either teach metogether all movement is tantra, like tai Chi, Martial arts, yoga.... it’s all tantra. at my hotel outside of hisHow to move... to receive energy, this is tantra. When people dance, hours at the hospital, or ofSri Jaya Shakti this too is tantra. there are two of desire. on one side people the hospital. to besides Sri Jaya ShaktiHowever, is touring Australia drink or smoke marijhuana or cothis March 2013. Starting with a free, and they dance, they move, into the clinicalcaine... open tohospital all Satsang at for the Sydney flow their energy. and in this they Masonic Centre, followed by a weekend I would need to be a doctor(unconsciously) seek a oneness ‘Advanced Yoga Practices’ Workshop at with life. Sydney’s beautiful Northern Beaches some formal qualifications in and on the other side... tantra on Fri the 15th till Sunday the 17th. is a holy knowledge from Shiva, it’s Registration needed for both on 1300 as I don’t, he checked withhow God Dances... to move the uni500 881 or 0425 260 129. verse. Moving the energy... flowing, ctors of the hospital. Theychanging... creating... all at the same a day before we were to fly out to time. it’s all God dancing -tantra. e to submit an account of my Bali for a 10 day holiday i was finish- and we need to follow this natural flow... we need to move so we can ing up my last minute business and in and teaching experience phoned one of our regular writers create together with God. Jaana Jerabek to discuss our next is-his- in spiritual practice you discover I wrote brief, 8-page sue. “Hey Leo, i’m on holidays at the how you can create move in Spirit, moment.” “Where are you?” i asked. by raising the Kundalini. this is the my professional background “Bali,” came his reply. as we were power source in the body... the seat going find to be there nextwebsite day, he of life. and inside deeper is the soul. you can onthemy said the timing was perfect explain- this is how we are supported in our spiritual life. Creating an expansion ing weto could his spiritualwith nt it off DrmeetXuwithalong teacher Sri Jaya Shakti. We discussed of Soul... more knowledge flowing in when the tantra energy rises... when together in Ubud a fewlife Qigonggetting DVDs, the Artin of days and going out to the ashram to the Kundalini rises and the chakras and essence. the following interview was open, opening us up to another orbingmeetthe A short space of life. this is tantra. arranged. on thepleased day, we met Jaan lunch r, he was toforinform iS: you teach Kindalini tantra at Casa Luna in Ubud and then Meditation & yoga. What is the actual my submission hadroads beenpractice? followed him up the windy through the lush green rice padSri Jaya Shakti: We are now in . dies to the ashram. Meeting Sri Jaya Shakti was refreshing and sweet. He the Dark age because there’s a lot of desire in the world, we call it the World radiated Academic a child-like Society openess... as of we immediately relaxed into his gen- Kali yoga. So it’s easy to be filled Qigongtle (WASMQ) energy, feeling no had barriersorganand a with fear and confusion. When you connection that deeply warmed our start practicing tantra Meditation conference I was let go of stress... stop thinking... hearts. and just move the body. you dance en to one of youtheir innerSelf: have a previous definition and sing... it’s the best way right now for meditation. you can’t focus tantra that many wouldn’t know... ces in ofBeijing in August 1998your mind through the mind. Soul Sri Jaya Shakti: People are confused about tantra. they believe controls the mind. So in dancing, become a member. The chiernment officially recognises MQ and its importance as an on to help foster the develof Medical Qigong and the onal exchange of academic h and training. For the first as presenting a paper which e on the work that I had been teaching Qigong at Drug hol Rehabilitation centres in ver the previous 12. My talk eat success and I felt quite that I could mix with many el professors, doctors and

Continued on page 34

moving, you open the chakras... and the Kundalini rises, and the door of the Soul will open. When this opens, all the spiritual power of the Kundalini rises up and the desire of the mind will become quiet. this is how to move yourself up to this state or spiritual level... with ease. then you become silent. Until then you can’t get still, that’s why you need to move. it can also be through yoga. in the west, yoga is really important because it gets people to move... i learnt many different methods of yoga and it takes a long time to learn. But this method is the key of yoga... Kundalini tantra yoga. yoga is the connection with Spirit... through this the Kundalini comes up with the Guru Bliss, which is very impor tant... through yoga asana, through dancing, through meditation... and Guru Bliss with that. and the Shakti power will come up. iS: there are many misconceptions of what enlightenment is in the west... what’s your definition of enlightenment? Sri Jaya Shakti: i had many experiences as a child. enlightenment is a spiritual state that occurs when the soul opens. and you will become a different person. you will see your mission and what you need to do in your life. enlightenment comes in when everything opens inside… when the soul opens inside... the atman. When God connects with the Soul... enlightenment comes in... it’s like bliss. iS: Describe enlightenment... Sri Jaya Shakti: you will know your mission in your life. at 8 years old i saw many of my past lives and i got really stressed... i had been a healer, a guru... and i wanted to know why my life wasn’t like this right now. i wasn’t ready, this body wasn’t ready and i wanted to die. and i did die at 17 years old, and i was out of the body and i heard a sound. and then i saw i could go anywhere i wanted to go... and i came to a very dark place. and my spirit cried and i asked for forgiveness, then my soul came into the body again. after that i was given

another chance to live and learn about life. insight flowed in from the Soul and i realised “i’m not ready to die.” and i saw i needed to do something with this life... enlightenment is knowing your mission in your life. this is most important right now because most people don’t know what their purpose here is.

it’s all a different karma here in Bali... it’s very different, but when someone has enlightenment inside, they know what to do to make themselves and everyone around them happy. even if it’s only a “little” enlightenment, for some it’s big and for some it’s small, everyone is different. Doing something for others is what makes us happy here. this is enlightenment. there are a lot of people doing good works but it’s not good enough if they are only thinking about themselves... it’s not good enough if they are not thinking about others also. We must find our “God Mission” in our life... to do something for the world, to make it a

iS: What are the main obstacles to enlightenment? Sri Jaya Shakti: : First because of Karma. then, they don’t want to change, their ego is blocked. also, the friends around you have an influence. iS: Can you describe h ow you see the world around you? What does and enlightened viewpoint perceive? Sri Jaya Shakti: i see the people around me are just like kids, like my own kids. they have a small problem and make it big. i see that it’s nothing... i don’t tell them that it’s nothing because they see a “big”


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

problem and get stressed about it... just like a kid. So, you just help people around. God blesses you with zero. IS: zero? Sri Jaya Shakti: You help one person and God blesses that one person with zero, and you get 10 people around you, wanting to help you. It’s like that. Until you understand this, you’ll swim in the ocean of materialism... drowning in the water. You will suffer and die in materialism. You may get more money but you have to know how to use it. You have to get wise about how to work in the material world... how to use it... and you never feel it’s yours. It’s not yours. IS: I was speaking to one of your students about his connection with you as his guru and he said that he has a very simple connection with you inwardly... very simple. He said “Sometimes he comes to me and he tells me ‘Get up... get out of bed.’ And I don’t want to get out of bed. [Laughter] But then I get out of bed because he continues to convince me that it’s time to get out of bed and I do. So that I will meditate in the morning.” He refers to this inner connection you have with you students. Can you describe how it’s possible for you to have this kind of personal connection with all your students. Sri Jaya Shakti: When you are connected with God, Spirit uses you to help those around you. When you have a bigger spirit, you can be everywhere, even if you never leave this place. Even if you have 100,000 students they will receive what they need. Even if you are in Australia or America... Spirit will be there. The Guru guides the students so they grow like Krishna and Gopala. IS: You mentioned service before, why is it so important to serve? Sri Jaya Shakti: when you serve it makes you happy, because you make others happy. With service you create, you grow... you put out the seed of love... then love will grow. Like one grain of rice. Plant this, and it will grow, nature will give you much more rice.

Women making a Difference

As the world undergoes massive change, women continue to come to the fore, leading the way in their own field. Here are some original, wise, strong, passionate, and creative women introducing themselves and what they do. Zoe Davis

I help frustrated Mums manifest genuine peace, per sonal space and time out so the whole family can be happy! A happy wife, a happy life! There is an epidemic of 30 and 40 something mothers who aren’t having a good time. As we get older we need more personal space, and finding space and time can feel impossible when coping with the everyday demands of running a family. Unaddressed, Mums are becoming sick, depressed, anxious and angry. The whole family then creates patterns of dealing with each other’s frustration, and everyone can end up feeling isolated, lonely and disconnected. To find out more call Zoe Davis on 0401 318 593 or go to www. and download your FREE report 9 Simple Steps to Change Your Life.

Kuve Jansky Bradley

I feel blessed to assist others to realign them to their life’s spiritual journey. When we are stressed, our mind and body can become out of balance. Energy heal-

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Jessica Dao

Jessica Dao is an architect/ project manager/ ar tist. She is an authorised Isis Lotus Healing L1/ Angel Miracles I & II teacher at Isis Mystery School. Jessica is currently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practicing as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle /Isis Oracle psychic. |04 22 563 794

Marnie Dromund

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Pascale Osanze

Hi I’m Pascale Osanz, and I am the creator of Spirale colour therapy. This colour therapy system was born in 2001 but many changes are happening in 2013: I decided to open up and you will now have the oppor tunity not only to give consultations but also to teach and to create your own colours. In simple words: to become an independent Spirale colour therapist. This process will happen in 5 stages (see ad) interested?

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Emily Segal

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Jean Sheehan

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Amanda De Warren

As a professional medium & animal communicator, about 95% of my clients are female. With this issue’s theme being ‘Women Making a Difference’, it’s timely to talk about the power of women’s intuition. Many of my female clients have found that turning to their intuition and spiritualism for guidance has given them peace with their inner Continued on page 13

no gates in This one moment


Why do some teachers say that you don’t need to do anything to get enlightened while others say that you need to put in many years of discipline? Who is right? The answer is both and neither. When it comes to awakening or enlightenment and the debate over practice or no practice, there are many different schools of thought. One camp feels that awakening is something that just happens and that any practice reinforces the illusion of a separate entity that needs to strive to achieve a goal. The other camp believes that awakening is something you have to work for and that practice is absolutely necessary to free oneself from the grasp of the ego/mind. Who is right? The answer is both and neither. It is true that everything is just happening, that everything is perfect as it is, that there is nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to seek, nothing to know. This present moment contains everything that is, has been, and ever will be. You don’t have to look for anything, and you are already what you seek. This is true, but a very lofty state of awareness, and it is not the state of awareness that most human beings experience on a daily basis. Most people’s awareness is in a state that does not include the totality of everything around them. We cling to seeing things as separate from us. Our minds create and illusion that there is something out there that is lost and must be found in order for us to be complete. We all have to start somewhere, so why not begin where we are? Doing nothing is not something I

encourage. This is the mind doing something called “being lazy.” I urge a deep and whole-hearted investigation and clear seeing of how things really are, a penetrating inquiry into the subtle nature of aware presence, and this in no way means intellectualizing.

We are always already free but....

At the level of absolute truth, you are already enlightened, free, and complete. At the level of relative truth, you experience suffering because you haven’t yet realized this. Both truths apply. They are inseparable, two sides of one coin, and the goal is not to pick one or the other but to embrace both. There are pros and cons with either the direct path or the path that progresses. The path that progresses is comforting to the mind, it gives a sense of belonging and the intense practice can still the mind and its unruly thoughts. However, a progressing path can also undermine the possibility of direct, immediate awakening by reinforcing the belief that your true nature is not here and now and that awakening requires time and effort. It’s possible that a prolonged, gradual practice can strengthen the ego by solidifying the image of the spiritual seeker. Once this seeker identity is firmly entrenched, it be-

5 your own way and it will take you nowhere.” Nisargadatta Maharaji, said, “You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself, it will not be our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . comes difficult to see clearly and release that identity because the identified seeker is striving for a dualistic experience based on an I/me that is separate from the truth it seeks. This identified seeker becomes firmly entrenched and will eventually manifest an experience for itself that is mistaken for enlightenment. I am not suggesting that all spiritual practices should be discarded. Not at all. The problem is not with the practice but how it is practiced, meaning if it is goaloriented. If your practice is bound to a goal, this is an obstacle because there is no goal to be achieved. What you are looking for is here now and has always been. When the mind is freed from any desire to “become,” the attention that has been projected outward toward something shifts spontaneously from the object it is seeking to the perceiver of the object, which is a taste of one’s own true self. The direct path, on the other hand, while it provides the opportunity to discover your true nature here and now, can also lead you astray if you mistake intellectual knowledge for realization. Simply understanding that you are awareness is just the first step. In other words, “What I am reading in this article makes sense, I believe it, and I’m leaving it at that.” To leave it as a mental theory is not going to help much. Our original nature is not something we “imagine”; it is originally and naturally so, and this must be directly realized as truth.

Awakening is a direct realization of your true nature

It is not an intellectual knowledge or even an experience. You can’t just go to a retreat, wear special clothes, and burn a bit of incense. While it’s true that “we are always the ‘Self,’” if this hasn’t been truly and directly realized, this knowledge won’t do you any good. Just knowing that there is no gate to cross doesn’t mean that you are at the end of the search, not if you are still standing outside that gateless gate. The Buddha’s highest most profound teaching was a direct pointing to our true nature, awareness itself. But as the people didn’t understand this view, then Buddha gave out various relative teachings and practices. Why?

To address the conceptual positions that these people imagined themselves to be in. The Indian sage Ramana Maharshi stated, “You are awareness; awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness, there is no need to attain or cultivate it.” But he also recognized that not everyone could realize this truth instantly, and so he prescribed different practices according to the maturity of the seeker.

How do you decide which path is the better path for you?

Only you can decide that because as another renowned Indian sage, Nisargadatta Maharaji, said, “You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself, it will not be your own way and it will take you nowhere.” I tend to subscribe to the idea that if you are truly honest with yourself, you can discover what approach you really need and at what time. If your mind is restless with a million thoughts, you may need a bit of discipline to bring it under control, in which case a short meditation on the breath, on a candle, on the face of your guru, etc., may help. After the mind has calmed down, you can move to a more contemplative state, to the practiceless practice of noticing what is already here, the presence that has never left and is your essential nature. On the other hand, if your mind becomes too uptight, dry, rigid, and controlling of your experience, it’s time to forget about practices for a while and go spend a few days down on the beach or up in the mountains to loosen up a bit.

Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation

The bottom line is that all the different viewpoints, “meditate, don’t meditate, you are nothing, you are God on earth,” etc., are all relative viewpoints, a matter of conditioning and cultural trapping. If someone believes that they have the monopoly on the truth, they lack clarity and insight. Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation, and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you sooner or later.

True realization is a full stop un-grasping of any perspective and the ability to see all perspectives at the same time. The mind can never open like this if it is clinging to one perspective. Only awareness, our true complete natural state, can reveal this. If people say that no practice is needed to awaken, awareness sees the truth in that. If people say that you need a practice to awaken, awareness also sees the truth in that. To see truth in all beliefs, without having to believe in any of it, is true freedom. Enza Vita is current co-editor of InnerSelf Newspaper, the former editor of Woman Spirit magazine, and the author of the soon to be released book Always Already Free – What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway?, a book that de-mystifies ancient spiritual teachings and practices from east and west and and blends them into Enza’s own unique approach. Founder and director of the MahaShanti Foundation, Enza has studied with some of the great spiritual masters of our age and after a series of deep awakenings, culminating in a profound spiritual realization in 2007, her life is now dedicated to ignite the flame of truth in others. “The truth I talk about is not limited to any tradition but is found in, and open to, all true traditions”.

FrEE DoWNloAD For the first 3 chapters of Always Already Free - What is Enlightenment and What Does It Matter Anyway? by Enza Vita please visit

always already free what is enlightenment and what does it matter anyway? Whatever experience is occurring right now, cosmic or ordinary, supersedes every other one because it is the one happening in this present moment. Every moment is in fact a perfect mirror of the divine impulse to manifest into the world. Life’s mystery and its mundaneness are equally divine. Enza's book is a true book in that it continually brings the attention to what is the immediacy, the actuality right now. The uncontrived spontaneous naturalness. Being constantly reminded in various ways in every chapter that there is only life essence (awareness) the believed in entity is seen to have no self-nature and not stand on its own. In this recognition the book has done its work and that is That. —Sailor Bob Adamson, spiritual author and teacher As a satsang book, Enza, I'm pretty blown away with your clarity. I truly think you are one of the clearest authors I've ever read on the subject of satsang/non-duality. I'm not saying this to be ingratiating or even kind. I truly mean it! At this point I have edited for quite a few satsang teachers, including Gangaji, Eli Jaxon Bear, Issac Shapiro, John Sherman, Om Parkin, and Amber Terrell, not to mention the many others I've been exposed to, so I know what I'm talking about when I tell you that you your expression is exceptional. And I love it that you actually figured out how to offer people a "practice-less practice”. —Shanti Einolander, editor of The Diamond in Your Pocket and You Are That! by Gangaji

For free download (3 chapters) see





“If I had the time, I’d be like the Buddha!” One of the common things I hear from people when I’m running workshop or retreats is, “This workshop space is great, but my life is so busy. I just don’t have the time to slow down and rest, and be present to “what is.” I’ve got the meals to prepare, emails to do, phone calls with family and friends, making a living! All I really want is to spend my life devoted to exploring awareness, but I have all these other commitments that I can’t walk away from. What can I do? How can I respond to the demands of life and still cultivate the connection to nondual awareness?” I reply to this in different ways. First, I will point out that when we slow right down and often “doing nothing” except rest in awareness, that call can’t be compared with inactivity. I may say, “It’s true that in our retreats we aren’t playing sport, surfing the internet, engrossed in a movie, negotiating airport security, or visiting our parents, but the “this” we are doing—what’s happening here right now in this session of the retreat—is ultimately unrelated to being still, or inaction. At the very least we can see how, right now, it’s possible to abide in awareness—and talk, listen, make notes, stand up, sit down, and move around. We can doing all these things without interrupting awareness because our retreats are very flowing and organic. It’s true that, as beginners, it’s easier for us to enter awareness when the environment is simple, stable and undemanding. But, it’s also impor tant not to make a connection and think that “this”—being here—is doing nothing. We aren’t doing nothing in the way we typically use that phrase. We aren’t sitting around aimlessly, watching things go by. We are resting in a pristine state of being: a state where we could rest, fully aware, without a flicker of boredom or distress, for eternity. This is completely different from “hanging around, letting time pass by, doing nothing, until something comes along.” In fact, I question the belief that we really want to spend more time resting in

awareness? I think that, if we really wanted to spend more time “here”, somehow we’d figure out how to do it. The Buddha worked it out—how to be permanently free—as have hundreds of thousands of other sages. What’s clear is that there is a fundamental change in priorities. For the Buddha, the priority wasn’t having a roof over his head, or knowing where his next meal was coming from. Something completely different was going on. So different that he didn’t need a roof over his head, money in his pocket, or fallible human company. It’s easy to say, “Ah, but he could renounce all those things because he was enlightened.” But this is a cop out. For the Buddha, the only thing was abiding in liberating awareness, needing nothing, rejecting nothing, and letting his life unfold with no concern or preoccupation about tomorrow, or the next minute. His power and influence as the founder of a new religion came precisely from his capacity to encounter everything that came his way: scorching heat, drenching rain, an empty stomach, ridicule, unrestrained adoration, assassination attempts, numerous smear campaigns, without any of these producing the slightest mental or emotional disturbance. Such was the power of his unconditioned love and nondual wisdom. If the same priority was alive in us, we wouldn’t be who we are. It’s very simple; we’d be a completely different person, someone so different from who we are, we couldn’t even recognize ourselves. We would see a clone of our body, but the speech, functioning, gait, compor tment, lifestyle, network of friends and colleagues and career (if we could still call it that) would be completely different: like someone from a different planet. For a start, we wouldn’t be saying, “I don’t have enough time to rest in awareness. My life is too busy. I have too many other commitments.” There is nothing to be gained in thinking, ‘I don’t have enough time for this work.’ We rest in awareness for us long as we can. If we

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

could do more of “this” we would. I have no doubt about this. I invite you to be honest and realistic about how you are with this. Complaining about our time being limited and committed, and wishing it were otherwise - that there wasn’t so much to do, there weren’t so many responsibilities - merely fosters conflict. No one ever entered (or re-entered) this state by thinking, “I wish I could do more of this.” Unless, of course, in thinking like this we see that there is no “this” to want more of! No one has ever entered buddhamind wishing that their life was different. In this work we embrace what is, aware of our deepest longings and our present choices, acknowledging where we are with love and understanding. The Bhagavad-Gita speaks about the practice of desireless action (nishkamakarma). When time is available, we sense that there’s nothing we need to do, and so we do exactly that. We find a quiet place and abide in unconditioned awareness. In the rush of getting things done we may forget the possibility of being “here,” but not entirely. Unconditioned awareness is always there, silently in the background, needing and expecting nothing but somehow drawing us into it. Knowing that the ever-present possibility can shine through at any moment, we grow in our capacity to find the time for abiding. We remember how sweet, peaceful, spacious and free this space is, and we receive it as the sourceless gift of the universe. We find a few minutes each day, and each week, to rest in nondual awareness, and we plan ahead for a retreat so we can dwell more deeply and uninterruptedly in timeless presence. Peter is a leader in the Western adaptation of Buddhist wisdom. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 9 years. He has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism and has held teaching positions at universities in Australia and USA. His recent books include: Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, Radiant Mind: Teaching and Practices to Awakening Unconditioned Awareness (7CD set), The Edge of Certainty: Paradoxes on the Buddhist Path.

Peter Fenner, PHD, will be in Australia in 2013, offering the Radiant Mind Course® Experience the space where you are Awake and Totally Complete. Learn how to return to this space by yourself.

Peter Fenner, PHD, author of Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness, The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path, and The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy will be in Australia in 2013 and he will be offering the Radiant Mind Course® He can be contacted at For more info visit and

A Feminine Emergence

You, me and every other thing in the universe is made of the same stuff. energy. everything we are, everything we experience, express and do is the result of a dynamic play of energies. Within our humanness is the dynamic of two fundamental polar energies: masculine and feminine. Like positive and negative currents, their interaction is at the very core of all life force – the spark of life. This dynamic interaction is constantly in play, within each of us as man or woman, within the play between the sexes, and in the dynamics of our collective human consciousness. This dynamic balance and shift within and between our feminine and masculine energies also plays a deeply significant role in our journey of awakening. In general, male energies are those of structure, direction, penetration, individualisation and order, whereas female energies are those of flow, receptivity, embrace, inclusion and transformation. It is relevant to acknowledge that, at this time in our human journey, we are currently most immersed in masculine energies of perception, behaviour and systems. These systems are born out of an extreme attachment to structure, and hence we have the chronic issue of materialism on the planet. However, we are now in a window of profound change. The energies are shifting towards the more feminine cycle and we are bearing witness to a swelling transformation – the call to awaken the heart to our feminine essence – which is flowing, uniting, merging and, yes, transforming. One of the reasons for this shift is the greater number of women embodying and delivering enlightened awareness to humanity. Although feminine and masculine energies are present within both men and women, each energy respectively is (most usually) more prominent in the embodied form. It is therefore more natural for a woman to be deeply in tune with qualities that are receptive, unifying and intuitive. This is evident in her biological make up – the capacity to hold within her and nurture a new life. Many spiritual masters have indicated women are often times much closer or receptive to awakened states than men (contrary to sociological opinions especially held by patriarchal authorities). In the past 2000 years the spiritual journey has been driven largely by structured

concepts and beliefs, with a dominance of male authorities in the spiritual and religious domains. However we are shifting into a phase of deconstruction. Along with this is a shedding, and hence a deeper opening, allowing humanity to move into the experiential phase based on the awakening of the heart – feeling – and therefore into a different level of consciousness which is no longer about concept or structure but about presence. It is well documented that the journey of awakening entails an opening into the cosmic life flow – Shakti or kundalini – which is the feminine source energy. Ultimately this opens the way for the individual to dissolve learned structures (beliefs, attachments and concepts) and to re-unite with the Self. This vast oceanic presence of the Self is eternal, boundless and all united. It is the power and presence of our very essential being and has the capacity to lead us into the totality of love – the awakened presence of Self that is ONe with all. Our feminine energy contains vast power. In its initial stages it may appear destructive as it breaks down all that was systemised and structured, in preparation for the gestation of new life. From the dark crevices and folds of the unconscious realms, a light emerges and carries us into the crystalised state of wholeness and a flow of being which is untethered, all accepting, centred, open and embracing. It is the feminine energy within each of us – man or woman – that opens the way for this light. It is the opening of the emotive self through the heart’s cosmic centre. Dissolving the barriers of the human heart centre is the most significant aspect of this passage. There are many conditions that must be surrendered in order for our hearts to melt and be in their true states of being. but it is our feminine energy that allows this to happen, enabling us to shed our skin and die to the old self – and to do so both powerfully and gently. This universal force of hers is both transmuting and loving. As we collectively undergo this shift it is essential for us to recognise the power that is accessible to us all in the heart centre, and as the aspect of ourself that is divine feminine power. Rather than fear the process of letting go, of change and transformation, we can remember the gift of surrender. For this is the true tool of the divine feminine - it is her sword of truth - releasing us from all that is outmoded or false - clearing the veils of illusions for us to re-awaken to our essential self as that which is all presence... LOVE. With this sur render comes a softening yet a strengthening, a calmness and clarity, and a flow of purpose that serves for the collective, rather than the individual. And indeed, this is the call to awakening: to recognise the absolute interdependence and connectedness of all things, to move as the ocean of

It is the liberating power of awareness that can offer the greatest help during these times of trauma or unease. Not only can it aid you at a ‘personal’ level to regain a sense of peace and trust in life, but it can be extended to others, enabling a greater solidarity and capacity for us to act from the heart toconsciousness, unite in the aftermath of tragedy. ofAs love, see andmore knowtoallyour as One youtoawaken ownfor the gainyou of the collective. essence, become a field of In doing so we begin to truly live peace and love – you shine as this in accord as perpeace andwith love.‘Thy YouWill’ also- not become a ceived definitions and rules... capabut as presence of true compassion, aware, engaged, living presence... ble of extending this deeper awareas Love. ness into other people’s lives. You Perhaps the greatest gift of the become the presence of a deeper vifemininethat energy nowtheis whole the power bration affects at theto transcend wereal undergo unseen level,ourbutfears at a as very level great –a the levelpassage in whichofwechange... truly are for all deep within, she knows that ONE and in which true peacethe is pains of labour are for the gift known. This is the type of help that of is new life. In this knowing is a deeply all-reaching, unhindered by physical centred presence, the power of distance or limited conditions, conbreath of and weplaces usher –in necting allsilence people as in all ourtrue greater being,ofto peace, walk thewellbebeauthe harbinger ty way. ing and happiness.

Isira is a presence of unconditional Isira l o is v eAustralianand born. c o m p She a s s i came on into a p othis w e r world that conscious and inspires, uplifts awake, and atlives. the and changes As aofself-realised age 29 fully master of Isira’s enlightenment, is here awakened. presence she is a sacred to help us alloftoconsciousness awaken to create blessing field that a world of love, peace and wellactivates our energy field and reveals being. Through her consultations, enlightened answers. Through her programs and programs books including “A consultations, and books Journey of“AAwakening” answers including Journey of Isira Awakening” our questions and supports us in our Isira inspires and supports us in our own awakening.

own awakening.


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


From Mindfulness to Heartfulness


During this first part of 2013, I feel a sense of relief that finally we are well and truly here, and the pivotal date of 21/12/12 has come and gone. Now, we are able to really appreciate the shift that is happening in consciousness, and not be waiting for it to happen, however subtle that waiting might have been. As we know, deep transformational forces are at work. Such forces are mysterious and to do with the bedrock of our being. Paradoxically, these forces also free us from this bedrock bringing a visionary sense

of something so much more. What is our purpose on the planet at this critical time? Many of us are sensing an urgency to grow and evolve. We are being called to participate in our evolution. We are sensing an extraordinary transformation is possible that would radically alter our lives and help us leap to another level. We have realised that happiness is not about money, security and comfor t. We want meaningful and creative lives. We have followed different pathways but many of us feel stuck, and are living unhappy and passionless lives. Part of the human experience is to feel frustration and disappointment, inadequacy and rejection, failure and loss. At one time or another we will all experience illness or injury, and we will all go through the ageing process. Research tells us that there are 5 basic emotions that have a distinctive, measurable psychological effect in the body when we experience them - anger, sadness, joy, fear and shame. (All other emotions are one of these with different language - eg guilt shows as shame; frustration shows as anger.) What disturbed me, when reading this, was that we seem to be predisposed towards the negative polarity of emotions. With further consideration, this seems to fit the fear based lifestyles that we lead founded on a consciousness of separation and survival, deeply

wired into us. Changing this is the primary purpose of this transition time. At this stage of this transition, we know that if we want the world to change we have to change ourselves. We know a more radical possibility exists. In the pressure of daily life we lose sight of this and even doubt the possibility. We seem to habitually repeat the destructive patterns of the past instead of leaning into the future and being truly open to a new possibility beyond one’s wildest imagination. So what is this possibility? The possibility is that we evolve from a limited, fear-based consciousness to a unity consciousness filled with love and meaning. How do we do this? We learn to live from the heart? This is a real way of being and reflects an extraordinary shift in consciousness. When your attention is withdrawn from the physical, mental and emotional story of your life, and placed in your heart, you will come to know yourself as pure love, in living form. Each of us brings a unique gift to the world which our world needs. This reflects our soul purpose. The heart is the sacred place where this purpose is known, accessed and integrated. The “knowing” hear t is not a whimsical metaphor but an accurate description of hear t intelligence, the intelligence that we call intuition, inspiration, creativity and even genius. Heart intelligence perceives beyond the limited learning and conditioning of our minds, accessing that data we so often call inspired or guided. It is the kind of intelligence where silence is rich with insight, timing is respected for its timing, and our revelations bring our healing. We learn to experience a new sense of self and know our higher selves, of which there are many. Cultivating a knowing heart, we move from mindfulness to heartfulness, where the presence of love transforms our relationships, our lives and enhances our creative capacities. It also seems to cross boundaries into realms unknown as though we see what we call reality with a quite different filter. The last remnants of fear-based consciousness are seen for what they are - lies that confine us and limit transformation.

In this time of transition, I experienced the ultimate transition through my Mum who crossed on the 6th of December 2012. Journeying through this experience of losing a parent has been both devastating and extraordinary. Having shared this experience with so many people, I felt well prepared, and yet the visceral experience remains unexpectedly shocking. Along with the shock has come, perhaps, one of the most powerful growth spurts of my life. In inexplicable ways, my mother’s crossing opened portals that I could not have dreamt of. I sense with a new depth, and know with a new certainty. Sightings, portents, messages and guidance abound. Her death has had the depth and strength to tear me wide open in ways that nothing else could have. And when I look carefully through the tear, through my tears, I am able to see infinity. I now know the face of death and its beauty, which can only be seen with the eyes of love. When the sacred space in your heart rules, then everything is seen for what it is - divine design unfolding divinely. Attachment falls away and yet the call of every bird is precious. Longing falls away and what is, is more than enough. Trying to be in control is laughable and yet everything is just the way it should be. There is nothing wrong and nothing missing. As I keep saying to myself and you, in these times of great change it is more impor tant than ever to stay focused on that which does not change. The Knowing Heart is our compass offering direction and guidance for every step we take; keeping us aligned and in the light of eternal love. Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 0417 288 642 or visit www.





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selfRemembering with stephen Denham

Conquering Time’s Winged Chariot

time poverty has reached epidemic propor tions. how often do you hear someone say “i haven’t had the time”, or “i ran out of time” or “time got away from me”. in today’s speed-driven, space-compromised, time-poor lifestyle, time is something we say we don’t have – and yet time is a measure of life itself. our lifetime. so saying you don’t have it is a sobering confession. there is something mysterious about time. intellectually, we may acknowledge that we can only really live in the present. “let’s forget about tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes,” as the song goes – but do we actually live in the present? to the contrary, in the unforgiving pace of life today, we never seem to have enough time or presence. in one of english poet andrew marvell’s most famous poems - to his coy mistress - the lover protagonist laments his mortality, “But at my back i always hear time’s winged chariot hurrying near”. philosophically, time is also elusive – thinkers and scientists throughout history have been polarised about whether time is relative or absolute, objectively real or just a mental construct we project upon our experience, to make sense of

our world. armenian mystic, G.i. Gurdjieff called time the “merciless heropass” – expressing in his inimitable way the fact that, under normal circumstances, time will devour the average person’s life spent mostly in a state of what he called “waking sleep”. there will always be some occasions at least when we truly live and breathe in the here and now – an experience which seems to have more to do with the absence of thought, than any kind of mental activity. But such moments seem to mostly come about as a reaction to circumstances, when we find ourselves challenged in some way; when we experience intense physical sensations of pain or pleasure, or during times of emotional crisis such as the death of a loved one. it may be unusual for someone to be truly present without some kind of external demand. in fact, if we are honest with ourselves, we may admit to spending an inordinate amount of time either lost in ideas and emotional baggage from the past or preoccupied with anxieties concerning the future, including the steps we need to take to safeguard ourselves from potential worst case scenarios.

for Gurdjieff, the way to steal time back and, in a sense, prolong one’s life was through self-remembering. But what does this mean for us today? Remembering is usually considered to be a mental process, given that memories are mainly stored in our minds. similarly, the “self” is something we may associate with the “i” we refer to when we say “i think, i want, i have, i wish etc”. however, in the Gurdjieffian teaching this “i” or so-called self was a phantom, an illusion to be seen and understood along the path that led to a deeper understanding. Gurdjieff’s self-remembering was a multi-dimensional process encompassing different states of awareness or consciousness and everything that makes up the human sensory nature – sight, sound, touch, smell, taste. Beyond that too, there were thoughts, hopes, dreams, intuitions and the whole spectrum of human emotions. this journey began with self-observation, with becoming more aware of everything going on in this fertile and highly personal inner realm. this was the key to living a more conscious, soulful life and through the process of waking up, to reclaiming both life and time. Curiously though, time itself may not be something we can have direct contact with. we observe what we perceive to be the effects of time, rather than see, feel, taste or touch it. we may think of time as consistent and unchanging, and yet what we call our experience of time is highly subjective. as that famous theorist of time, albert einstein said “put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. sit

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.” we can experience time as moving quickly or slowly, depending on what we are doing, the quality or intensity of the sensations or impressions associated with that activity, and our mood or emotional state at the time. when we travel by car to somewhere we’ve never been before, our sense of time passing seems to be influenced by our absorbing new impressions along the way. Coming back the same route, it can feel like a much quicker journey, as familiarity already has a desensitising effect on our perception. although time is of the essence here, it is ultimately not what we are searching for. our quest is for life itself. we wish to live. through selfremembering, we seek to experience life more directly. freed of our thinking, and our thoughts about time, we can open ourselves to an experience of timelessness, of living fully and intensely in the present moment; and paradoxically through that, make time no longer our nemesis, but a bountiful friend. in such moments, we have a taste of freedom from Gurdjieff’s “merciless heropass” – we begin to master “time’s winged chariot” as the poet put it, and allow the eternal to touch us with its transforming power. Steve Denham (www.stevedenham. com) is the author of the book ‘A Plate of Eggs’ published in 2011 by Zeus ( Since 1982 he has been a member of the Sydneybased group Leonis ( dedicated to bringing the benefits of stillness to everyday life.

lifeharmony with GeRalDine moRan

Manifest Your Dreams here we are in february and like me i am sure that you have made some new Year Resolutions. how are they going? are they still going? one of those things with resolutions is that we are determined that this time i will stick to them, follow them, start them; then we go back to work, our families require our attention, our friends line up for our time, we place other priorities in the way and before we know it, our resolutions are a memory. i looked at my own life and thought “well how can i do something different this year?” here goes and please let me know how you go along the year. i went on a cruise late last year and enjoyed the hustle and bustle of being on a floating city. i am always in awe that a ship can house, feed, keep safe and generally ensure a fun time for all the souls on board. so how does this help you with your resolutions? one word - manifest. manifest comes from the latin manifest us which means ”plainly apprehensible, clear, apparent, evident;”( online etymology Dictionary). on a ship the manifest or list for passengers is in place to prevent someone being forgotten when the boat is visiting a port and ensure their

safety. the manifest for crew is the same. the manifest of supplies is clearly revealed so that it can be constantly reviewed added to and updated to meet the changing needs of those on board. that’s how you get to eat and there is a seemingly endless supply of food and drink. without the manifest how often do you think passengers might be left behind, crew go awol or the food runs out and there is a mutiny? the manifest is the overview of the situation, the big picture and the keeper of the outcome. i am sure that every captain of a ship is grateful for those who have gone before and helped to create the manifests that lead to the smooth sailing experienced onboard

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9 ships. So let’s look how we might be able to manifest our own life for 2013. No it is not too late, for those of you who are now saying “but I didn’t have any resolutions”. Let’s get manifesting and yes I meant to use that word for other reasons, because when we are clear about what we want, we can more easily attract the things and people that lead us to our outcomes. The manifestation of our list comes about because we took the time to make it, think about it, review it and most importantly action it. Where do we begin? Give yourself some quiet time or space to do this exercise without interruption and in a place that has special meaning for you. You might light a candle, listen to music, go into nature, use your office, meditate, do whatever you do to connect quietly to you, the inner you who is there when you find that space of peace and quiet, when you dull the chatter in your brain, and your other senses

allow you to connect to your infinite potential. Now scan the events of 2012, what were your greatest achievements, biggest challenges, goals achieved and goals not met. Write them all down. Write them down in the areas that matter to you; be it your work, family, friends, mind, body or spirit. Read over the list and remind yourself how grateful you are for everything that happened last year. It’s fun to do because, like me, you probably forgot just what you did, and how much you achieved without really acknowledging the outcomes or your role in them at the time. Next cast your mind’s eye over 2013 and look at what you want to achieve. Don’t hold back, just picture your manifest and write it down. Hold the vision of the outcomes and feel yourself in the picture taking action and enjoying the outcomes. How big is your list? This manifest is your public declaration of

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

your private wishes. Refer to it daily throughout the year as you break it down into the smaller steps to keep you on track and to edge you ever closer to the people and things that matter to you and allow you to fulfill your heart’s desires. Have a spectacular 2013 and manifest your dreams. Geraldine Moran is a coach and business owner who also wanted to put something back into her community using her skills. She set up a Not For Profit to help youth at risk and has enjoyed the challenges and the joys that go with stepping into an arena that is new to her. The greatest thing that we can do is step out of our comfort zones as this allows others to believe that they can achieve those things that live deep inside them. Not only has The Centre For Hope been able to help young people in a regional area in NSW it has brought together a wonderful team of volunteers who share the desire to assist young people and who are willing to give freely of their time and skills. What can you do to make a difference? Phone 0438 466 029.

and believed, to expand and allow greater possibilities to emerge and grow and take their place. Maslow believed that in order to be selfrealized or self-actualized one must have a connection beyond the self or society. What he infers is the need to get past ourselves and contribute to something greater in order to be our best.

Therapy: A Calling, and a Career

I believe it was Kahlil Gibran who wrote, “Work is love made visible.

And if you can’t work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms to the people who work with joy”. He is referring here to a notion that has steadily been lost in the postmodern age, a loss that Marx wrote about some 150 years ago with his notion of alienation. So often today the everyday pressures of life manifest as a relentless force of coercion and seduction, constantly alienating people from Gilbran’s simple sentiment: that work should be a creative and joyful enterprise, which allows one to sustain one’s sense of purpose and action in life. It was Pablo Neruda, who captures how lost this mode of being is becoming, in the way only poets can when he wrote, “Monday burns like oil at the sight of me arriving with my jail face on”. So many of us know all too well our Monday mor ning jail face. Throughout history though, alternatives have been possible, and the same remains in our time. Here that important, yet almost forgotten Greek notion of paideia, is critical. Paideia is that special type of education that comes out of maturation of one’s soul through death - death of what one thought

So the question that surely must follow is in what way is your career in service to others? In what ways do you attend to the weak and the wretched of this earth, in your work and attainment of prosperity? For as Gilbran reminds us, if your work is not love made public, you are best to simply sustain those whose work is. Psychotherapy is one such profession that fits this bill. The word ‘psychotherapy’ etymologically is derived from the Greek psyche meaning soul and therapeia meaning to service or care. Thus therapy is an act of attending to the soul and suffering of another. Such an act is a calling first and foremost, and secondarily a career, and it is a setting that is dedicated to a love made public. Many have been lucky to find such an under taking in this life, and hopefully you too will find a mode of work which calls to you (if not already) - one which allows you to prosper, mature, and to deeply consider what type of person and human you wish to be and in what kind of world you wish to dwell. By all means prosper, enjoy the fruits of our age, but remember the words of Confucius: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” If you believe you have a calling to help others and would like to know more about IKON courses, contact the IKON Institute on (08) 8350 9753 or info@ for your FREE information pack. IKON provides Nationally Accredited Advanced Diploma Courses in Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling and Youth Work in SA, WA and QLD. Visit to find out more.

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Lost your Job? Be Happy! There is an Answer! Many years ago the ‘norm’ was like this… 1) Go to school 2) Get a job 3) Get Married and have children 4) Retire from your job Haven’t things changed? Research shows that most people have at least 4 - 6 different jobs throughout their employment life and the divorce and remarriage rates have increased as well. ‘Retiring’ from your job is now questionable in relation to age and when as many people are finding that their superannuation just isn’t enough to sustain a comfortable retirement. What I have found most interesting over the last 15 years is the amount of people who have become retrenched from their jobs who then suffer from depression and low self esteem. This most often is caused by the fact that they are only skilled in one area and when faced with searching for new employment, struggle with the skill requirements of other employers and industries outside of their own. The exciting news is that despite the increase of retrenchments; companies closing down and increases in the numbers of people applying for the same job...there is a wonderful option that many people around the world are now taking. Its empowering, its exciting and most of all its in balance with your heart and soul. Home based business...the fastest growing industry worldwide. Donald Trump, Robert Kyosaki, and Jack Canfield, even the worlds richest man – Warren Buffett – are all involved with Home based Businesses. With discipline and simple

guidance from a well chosen mentor, people are embracing home based business as the perfect answer to income generation and the power lies within the fact that YOU are the boss. You are no longer an employee however YOU are responsible for all of the outcomes and results. There are many options and types of Home based business. You can harvest your personal passion for a particular idea or service that you feel you could offer or choose from the many Direct Sales/Network Marketing Home base business opportunities that are available. When doing your research on companies providing home based business opportunities, remember like with any industry, there are great ones and there are some ‘not so great’. Ask lots of questions and make sure that the companies have a good track record. Being in business for at least 10 years; providing state of the art support and internet facilities; being debt free; having a credible product that is required by everyone…these are good points to look for as a starting place. I always recommend that a simple phone call to the Direct Selling Association of Australia is important. If the company is a Member then you have the ‘insurance’ you require instilling confidence that they have the credibility you would like to align with. The advantage of ‘plugging in’ to an existing home based business opportunity is that you have minimal start up costs; they usually provide excellent training tools and services; they represent many different product and service categories for you to choose from; you can elect to do

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

your business part time or fulltime having to take work home as well and you the only one responsible and often not getting more money for the results is YOU. Now that is for the work. The direct result of this exciting! point alone is the increase of stress When considering your own Home related disease in our community. based business, star t by creating The health issues of heart attacks; your own Business Plan. Enlist the auto immune disease; depression help of a well chosen business men- – the list goes on, have increased tor and work through the plan to dramatically over the last 15 years make sure you have a clear picture and can all be related in some form of what you need to do and equally or another to compounded stress. important, why you want to do it. A Home based business options prowell produced Business Plan will vide you with a self managed ‘balprovide you with the roadmap to ance’ and control over such issues your success and can be continually which is another great reason to fine tuned as you progress. consider it for yourself. Another great bonus of having You don’t need a university deyour own Home based business gree, you don’t need a lot of money is exactly that – its home based! to start, and you don’t need to know That means you can create a flex- a lot of people…you just need the ible balance between your family, desire to create something that is your life and your business which is your own, that you are in charge always an issue when working in a of and responsible for and most job for someone else. It’s important importantly...that makes your heart to set a ‘boundary area’ for your and soul ‘sing’! workplace. This could be a spare So why not consider the options, room that you can convert or even do the investigations and start plana section of your living area if space ning what could be the most exciting Health,time Wealth & Happiness…. is limited. With most Home based of your life. This New Year You canopportunities start TODAY! businesses all you need is an area holds wonderful and for your computer; your files; Nowork gifts….simply waiting for YOU. matter where you are… what has happened in your life… you can ‘re-start’ everything TODAY! supplies and that is enough to get At the core of personal change is your health… Jaynie Morris has you started. we have solutions that will inspire you and set you on yourhpath too optimum v e r health 3 0andywellness. ears Imagine….w aking up eac in the Discovering the experience ‘options’ for wealth creation… mor ning…getting the children whatever that will fulfill in your life…we have h excite e a l you t h ,and w lead e a lyou t hto & solutions that will ready for school…doing your mornyour long yearned for lifestyle. happiness arena in ing tasks in the home…then sitting We all deserve great happiness…we Direct Sales.have She is down to attend to your own busisolutions and resources which will assist an Entrepreneur, your new ‘design’ of joy and fun…after ness…all from the comfort of inallyour that is what life is all about! International own home! Contact us today Ktoe find y nout o t e S p e a ke r, a u t h o r a n d how you can start on the simple Imagine…being able designandyour easy process of achieving all motivational trainer. Empowering and of this…from the comfort of your day ..every day…the way you own want educating others on the simple steps to home. to and are in charge of your lifeWeand achieving provide training; mentoring the awareness and ‘tools’ to programmes; personal destiny. createdevelopment an amazing life is her passion. advice and tools; recommendations on opportunities; Jaynie can be health heard on radio as part of In an average job, you havehomesetbased business & lifestyle resources and much more. hours of operation and require- ‘Mel Dee’s A TEAM PowerFM’ For further Email: • Phone: 0400 information 880 274 ments of you in the role you are employed. Increasingly these ‘hours’ contact Jaynie at jaynie@jayniemorris. com Mobile 0400 880 274 and go JAYMOR are not enough and an increasing number of people are finding that to her Facebook Page and ‘like’ to they are working over time to get receive regular updates andidhttps:// w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / # ! / p a ge s / simple tasks completed as well as Jaymor/8775357035

Health, Wealth & Happiness…. You can start TODAY!

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Changing Old Patterns

What does your toilet paper say about your abundance mindset?? The obvious answer would seem to be “nothing at all”, but hang in there with me, there is a valuable lesson in this one. You see, there are two kinds of toilet paper- the cheap nasty kind that is only a few atoms thick and feels like sandpaper, or the thick, plushy kind that feels like a gentle, soft caress. I know which one I would prefer on my nether-regions, don’t you? And yet for years I have been scraping away with the cheap sandpaper, without ever giving it a second thought, despite the fact that these days I could easily afford to upgrade! Of course none of this was intentional… it’s simply a hold-over from my days as a broke student studying chiropractic (it’s a long and expensive course). Back in those days every cent was precious, and we certainly wouldn’t waste any on unnecessary luxuries like cushy toilet paper! I would always go for the biggest, cheapest pack I could find, despite the fact that it was never very comfortable or enjoyable. The crazy thing is, that was over a decade ago and since then my financial situation and the level of abundance I enjoy in my life has changed dramatically… however the old programming continues to run in the background, affecting our

behaviours, beliefs, thoughts, attitudes and perceptions, all without the conscious mind even noticing. This is even despite all the mindset work I have done on releasing subconscious patterns of lack and scarcity (and I have done lots of it!) It doesn’t mean all the good work I have done has been for nothing- on the contrary, I am much more open to accepting the flow of abundance in my life than ever before, which is clearly reflected by my physical, financial and emotional circumstances, however, the toilet paper thing is a perfect example of how old programming can still lurk in the background. Now on one level it might be fair to say “so what, it’s just toilet paper”, but in actual fact it is indicative of a much deeper and larger issue. In fact, it is a signpost from my subconscious saying that in some ways I am still focussed on scarcity and lack rather than being totally open to abundance. The problem is that what we focus on expands in our lives, so the more we focus on abundance, the more of it we experience. This is something I have been consciously doing for some years now, yet clearly some part of me still hadn’t got the message… it was still opting for a lower quality experience of life in order to save a couple of bucks, rather than joyfully focussing on the richest

Uncover Your Inner Millionaire

No matter where you are… what has happened in your life… you can ‘re-start’ everything TODAY! At the core of personal change is your health… we have solutions that will inspire you and set you on your path to optimum health and wellness. Discovering the ‘options’ for wealth creation… whatever that will fulfill in your life…we have solutions that will excite you and lead you to your long yearned for lifestyle. We all deserve great happiness…we have solutions and resources which will assist in your new ‘design’ of joy and fun…after all that is what life is all about! Contact us today to find out how you can start on the simple and easy process of achieving all of this…from the comfort of your own home. We provide training; mentoring programmes; personal development advice and tools; recommendations on home based business opportunities; health & lifestyle resources and much more. Email: • Phone: 0400 880 274


JOIN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE:!/pages/Jaymor/8775357035 Include the code: INSSUMMER when emailing or ‘like’ our Jaymor page and include the code in COMMENTS and be in the running for our monthly ‘giveaway’ of a Health & Nutrition Pack including products!

Discover practical & easy steps you can take to explode the level of abundance in your life today It’s all in the critically acclaimed book:

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11 experience of life, knowing that for every dollar i spend more are flowing to me. When i actually stopped to question this i found that stubborn part of me that was holding onto old patterns even had stories to justify its behaviour and views… something about saving trees and being better for the environment using 1 ply paper instead of 2 or 3 ply. however, when i started to question that i realised that it didn’t actually make sense- i discovered that when i use the cheap, nasty paper i had to use 3 times as much to get the job done, so i really wasn’t helping the environment at all! this is how our mind works - we are programmed with beliefs, habits and patterns of behaviour without ever really questioning them (after all, that’s just the way it’s done, right?), and if we do question, the mind makes up whatever story it can to justify the belief, with little regard for how valid it actually is. So the lesson here is to become a conscious observer of your own life. Question your own assumptions. notice what your behaviour is telling you about your underlying beliefs. the more you do this, the more you will be surprised how much of your behaviour stems from old patterns that may have served you once, but are no longer appropriate for the person you have become. often we are just acting out old programming that we picked up in childhood- stuff that we would never consciously choose to believe (like all rich people are bad, or that money is evil). yet this stuff is running our day-to-day lives in so many ways… like putting up with scratchy, uncomfortable toilet paper for 10 years without ever even thinking about it. every time you make a conscious decision to change one of these old belief/behaviour patterns you literally rewire your brain and shift your vibration to a new level - one that will allow you to attract much more abundance into your life in 2013 and beyond. Dr. Andrew Powell is a Chiropractor &Kinesiologist at Hills Spinal Health in Castle Hill, NSW. He is also the author of “The Money Is In The Mindset- The 7 Subconscious Keys To A Profitable Practice” and the creator of the Money Mindset Mastery Program, a unique system for transforming your relationship to money and attracting more abundance into your life. You can grab his 3 Free Videos at

Rise Above

by Stephen Chong

As the grand master was speaking to the villagers a voice called out from amongst the crowd. ‘Master, will you speak with us about sex?’ asked a young teenager amongst the crowd. ‘you speak of the gentleness of a lamb or the rabid power of the wolf. you ask of that which makes you soar to the heavens, or be mired in mud. ‘Sex is both a joyous liberation for the self, or a bind that chains you to a rock. it can blind your sight to the obvious and the unenviable, or it can exalt you in the eyes of the other. ‘i say to you that sex is a gift of life. yet, it should not become your master. enjoy! exalt! Fulfill yourself! Sex is a nectar of the gods, yet do not allow yourself to become enslaved. ‘there is no guilt in the pursuit of pleasure, only the realisation of wasted time. do what you do with virtue, not with shame. May your heart be filled with joy, not with guilt. let your thoughts be filled with love, not with lust. Allow your heart to be replete with sharing and mutual joy, not with power, domination or control. ‘When finally you stand upon the precipice of death, will your soul exalt in your pursuit of that which did not serve you well - power, lust, avarice and self-interest? Will your soul rue your thoughts of guilt, shame and remorse? i say to you sincerely, glory in the life and pleasures that have been bestowed upon you by the Almighty. yet know that these are tools of love. love for the other, as for the self. do unto others only that which you would have them do unto you. ‘When you have sex, do it with love – not out of lust or need. exalt in your feelings of ecstasy, but realise that its fleeting embrace is but a droplet to the ocean of god’s love for you. ‘Sex is a natural and normal function of human expression. it is a pathway that leads to love’s front door. it is not wrong, shameful, disgusting or something tacitly improper. As children you should explore your feelings, urges and curiosities in a wholesome way free from attachment to guilt or shame. these feelings are a pathway to an ever-expanding experience of yourself. yet, do not be held fast by thoughts that “this is it” or “this is what life is all about”. if you do, you will become stuck in a mire of quicksand that will soon cover your heart. ‘Seek always the higher good – for yourself and for others. this way, all of your experiences of sex will be a liberation for yourself and for others. enjoy everything that sex has to offer, but do not desire it. you do not need it. ‘Know that purity, sanctity and godliness are not expressions of those that have abstained from sex. having sex is not a sin. nothing could be further from the truth. these are merely life choices caused by misguided notions that sex is dirty and unclean. it is not! it is wholesome, beautiful and wonderful, if experienced in love’s fullest expression. ‘glory in who you are, do not repress your strong feelings and desires. these feelings repressed are cause for unwanted anxiety and self-loathing. For those that you cherish and love, express your feelings through a gentle touch, a loving embrace or a gentle kiss. express who you are - not what others say that you should be. be who you are, yet seek always to become the highest version of yourself. do not repress feelings of guilt or shame for these will stop you from realising the fullness of your truest potential.’ ‘Rise above, i say to you. your body may have been violated and broken, but they cannot enslave the love in your heart. they cannot stop you from shining the beauty of your light for all others to see and experience. Seek always to become the highest version of the grandest vision of who you are. you are no lesser than a child of god to rise above the actions of lesser men.Seek solace in the silence of a quiet mind and a thankful heart. this is your pathway to enlightenment.’ After these words the master then took the young man’s head in his hands and peered deeply into his eyes, reaching into his very soul. ‘My son,’ he whispered, ‘go forth now and do good works for the benefit of others, so that none need experience the pain and suffering that has been your lot to experience. Shout your passion from the rafters and the rooftops so that all may hear you sage wisdom. let your experiences be as a beacon to ensure that others do not have to tread the same pathway that you have had to endure. go with god’s grace, my son.’ Stephen Chong

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

SoulConnection with niCole Cody

Sensitivity is Not a Weakness! has anyone ever said to you, “Stop being so sensitive?” or is this something that you say to your family, friends or children? Sadly, in recent times sensitivity has come to be seen as a weakness by many. it can also be perceived as weird, precious or a questionable excuse to engage differently or less fully in life. today i’m here to defend the right of sensitive people to be what they are – sensitive! it’s no longer a secret that i’m psychic. i’ve had this ability since childhood, although as a child my gifts were much less developed. i was simply known as ‘sensitive’, and yes, it was something for which i was often criticised or punished. it made me feel different to everyone else, and it socially and emotionally isolated me throughout most of my childhood and young adult life. i felt life deeply, and i was profoundly affected by the thoughts, emotions and actions of others, and by the world around me. even as a very small child i had a strong awareness of emotion, and often struggled with the differences between how people acted and how i seemed to ‘know’ that they felt inside. i had a gift for observation, and i hung back a lot. i felt quite shy until i was sure of my surroundings, although i could also be extroverted at times. And i had intense passion for the things that held my interest. i wasn’t just sensitive to feelings and emotions though. i was also a ‘fussy’ eater, i didn’t enjoy crowds or loud noises, rough rides like the dodgem Cars at the local show upset me, and i was bothered by things like scratchy jumpers. i was frequently told to ‘grow up’, to ‘get over it’, to ‘toughen up’ or to ‘stop being a drama queen’. in fact i didn’t make a fuss about any of these things – being the centre of attention, or drawing focus to my differences, was the last thing i wanted! now that i am an adult my sensitivity is more refined and mostly more manageable. My psychic ability has also become more over t. i get energetically overwhelmed less often, although there are some physical places (like port Arthur in tasmania, which has seen generations of violent atrocities and cruelty) where i find that i simply cannot stay for any length of time. i can tolerate crowds, mostly. And i have learned to shield myself from the raw emotions of others. i have found that sensitivity and increased psychic or metaphysical ability go hand in hand. When you are highly sensitive in one aspect of your life, you are generally sensitive in all other areas of your life. So here is my ten point plan for Sensitive Souls. if you feel that yoU are a sensitive soul too i know that these things will help you. if you are the parent of a Sensitive Child i encourage you to support your child and to help them accept their sensitivity as normal. 1. eat well. Favour organic foods, with an emphasis on fresh, local produce, plenty of leafy green vegetables and root vegetables, rice, pulses and yoghurt. Avoid processed food and sugar. Some people may need to avoid meat. others may need meat to ground them. listen to your body. if you’re especially sensitive avoid wheat as well. Avoid alcohol, drugs and stimulants. 2. Rest. it’s one of the best gifts we can give ourselves. Avoid crowded places such as shopping centres and football games when you are feeling par ticularly sensitive or energetically vulnerable. Avoid difficult relationships and people who drain, upset or unbalance you. limit contact with the crazymakers in your life. 3. take a good powdered magnesium supplement. your muscles and nervous system use magnesium to relax and we also burn it like rocket fuel when we are engaging in energy work and psychic activity. 4. drink plenty of fresh, clean water. Staying well hydrated eases stress on all levels. 5. Spend time in nature. A walk in the park, a swim, a bike ride, sitting under a tree, playing outside with your dog, sunshine, dancing in the rain. 6. Avoid chemicals in your cleaning and personal care products as well as in your diet. Avoid places that have a strong artificial or chemical energy. 7. embrace gentle exercise, especially those modalities that support body, mind and spirit such as yoga, tai chi and qi gung. 8. Meditate and Journal. there are so many ways to do this – choose what works for you. explore your sensitivity! 9. Find a hobby. Spend creative time on your own, exploring the things that interest you. 10. Seek out like-minded people. We all benefit from having friends who understand us. you are beautiful just as you are! Much love to you, nicole xx Nicole Cody is a channel, metaphysical teacher and Soul Guide. For more information contact 07 3256 0815, or come visit her blog to get the support and inspiration you need!


The Golden Age of Yoga Is Now


The yoga world has frequently used words like ancient and traditional to market it’s claims. The implication is that we have become lost and can cure the ills of the modern world by returning to the values of a simpler time. It sounds hopeful, but the attitude is really defeatist. When you view the present as being defective, when you take the view that we have fallen, you are left with only the past as a source of legitimacy and authority. But are we really lost? Was the ancient world really better? Was it really wiser? None of us lived in the ancient world, so none of us can really say. But by most standards of measurement – health and life span, human rights, exposure to ideas and cultures, awareness of our interconnection with each other and with the dynamic systems of the environment as a whole, I think we are much better off. This is a far better time to need dental work, or to be gay, to express a dissenting political opinion, or to question the nature and existence of God. Yoga as we know it now isn’t really ancient. Much of modern asana was developed in the 20th century, and it is still developing at an unprecedented pace. Yoga is not an exhibit in a museum, it is a living, breathing, and evolving practice. In the last 100 years, the ideas and practices of yoga have steadily reached wider and further, achieving global influence. In my decade of travels around the world as a musician and yogi, it has been fascinating to witness the growth of yoga into a truly international and multicultural

community. The golden age of yoga is now. As mor e and mor e people become exposed to bhakti yoga through the joyous chanting practice of kirtan, and as the styles of kirtan multiply, there has been increasing discussion and confusion about what the tradition really is. This discussion is healthy, and evidence of a dynamic and innovating culture. But I think it’s important to remain focused on intention and effect, and not to be confused by style. Kir tan (from the Sanskrit word meaning “to sing”) is rooted in a very old and profoundly joyful Indian tradition, and is one of the world’s oldest forms of popular spiritual music. But I don’t know that it is possible for me to be traditional. I’m a Westerner, and I can’t help but bring my own cultural biases with me. My intention, however, is be authentic, in the sense that what I am doing originates in my heart. Yoga points toward awareness of the essential oneness of things, so from this perspective, to align the individualdissolving Eastern tradition of kirtan with the individual-expressing Western traditions of gospel and jazz and rock music is no contradiction. All arise from the same impulse toward expressing what is ecstatic and liberating and transcendent. Kirtan is a folk form that arose from the Bhakti movement of 15th century India, originally played and sung by musicians with very little in the way of formal training. The Bhaktis wrote ecstatic love poems to the divine, and went around singing all the time. Their message was simple: Cultivate joy. See the divine in

one another. In the eyes of Love, we are all the same. In a caste-bound society, this was, and still is, a radical message. The Bhaktis had no use for orthodoxy. They saw the expression and form of the divine in every direction they looked. They spoke and created music in the vernacular of the people they addressed. They taught Sanskrit mantras to common people using simple melodies, accompanied by handclaps and finger cymbals and drums. The first directive of kir tan is to connect, and through that connection to transform. From the perspective of instrumentation and style, anything that invites and inspires a crowd to participate is expressive of the Bhakti movement’s original vision. Every change or expansion of the instruments used in kirtan has created controversy. The introduction of the sarangi, a bowed string instrument roughly in the range of the western viola, caused outrage because it had traditionally been used in brothels. Tablas owe their origins to the Persian music introduced by the Muslim Moghuls. The British brought the harmonium, a por table reed organ intended to accompany the singing of Christian hymns. Kirtan has absorbed them all. Now in the West we are adding guitar and bass and drum sets from rock music to the mix. Cajon from flamenco. Pedal and lap steel from country music. Violins and cellos from European classical music. Hackbrett from the gypsy tradition. Trumpets and saxophones from jazz. Kirtan is a mighty river. Innovation and synthesis, as it turns out,

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . are the tradition. The intention of kir tan is consciousness-transfor mative, directing the singers to vanish into the song as drops merge into the ocean. One of the things that interests me most about kir tan is how the responsive aspects of it blur the distinction between performer and audience. A large group of people singing together intentionally, breathing together, is a cloud of intelligence, turning like a flock of birds, until the song itself vanishes into the skies of silence. It’s a mighty thing to be a part of. You feel somehow intimate with all the strangers surrounding you, bigger than your little concept of yourself, and intensely, vividly, alive. Chanting opens emotional pathways in a kind of cleansing catharsis. This has the effect of shifting one’s center of awareness from head to heart, which is one of the aims of yoga. The mind is wired to put things into categories, but the heart seeks unity. And the search for love is the same everywhere. The neurochemistry of chanting is very interesting. Music coordinates neural activity in many areas of the brain, helping to improve learning and memory. Singing also reduces activity in the area of the brain that produces our sense of where our body ends and the external world begins. The result is a diminished sense of separation and aloneness, accompanied by an increased sense of well being. From a linguistic perspective, Sanskrit is the mother tongue of many modern languages, and a kind of periodic table of elemental sound-meaning. It can be experienced as a kind of divine nonsense that flushes away the impurities of the mind. The mantras are primarily recitations of names given to the divine. But perhaps the true understanding of the mantras can be found in the sense of unity, wellbeing and timelessness that they elicit. The mantras quiet the mind, and the music frees the heart. Ecstasy is both the process and the product. The music and the method of kirtan are meant to express unity. Indian music, and many forms of folk music, are based on a single tonal center and pulse that the melody and rhythm arises from and returns to. Call it the One. There is a feeling of tension as we move away from it, and a sense of relief as we return to it. This one, in both melodic and rhythmic terms, can be said to represent the all encompassing being, consciousness and bliss of the universe. It’s impossible to be a spectator in yoga and kirtan. You have to fully dive in to experience it and know it. It doesn’t allow for ironic distance. It’s a little model of the universe in which everyone is at the center, both influencing the whole and being influenced by it. Kirtan is a way of practicing joy, and experiencing how it is amplified by others. It’s a way of practicing mindfulness of how intimate we are, and involved with the universe. It’s a way of practicing opening your heart in public instead of reflexively closing it. But the thing that I love best about kirtan is not the singing; it’s the moment after singing. It’s the moment when the whole room spontaneously falls into this deep expansive silence and no one can move and no one can speak, and no one wants to do anything at all but just sit in this quiet space. And that is deeply refreshing.

The Transition from Duality Thinking into Unified Consciousness

Most people who are interested in spirituality would be aware that the inflow of universal positive energies affecting human consciousness reached its peak during December 2012. You would also be well aware that several different predictions and prophesies are said to be coming into fruition at this time. The interpretations of what these mean is just as varied. A common theme that runs through all of them is that we are going through a major consciousness shift at this time. What does all this mean? Over the past few years; I have written about a shift relating to the way we relate to and how we see life through the lenses of Duality perceptions and thinking. I also wrote about the shift into triune energy expressed through the ‘three energies’ as described in the Christian concept of the ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. This triune energy is also depicted in the human concept of ‘conscious, subconscious and super conscious’. I have noticed that some in the scientific world have coined this new ‘non-duality’ human energy as ‘Homo Lucis’ or the ‘new human’. What does this new energy mean and why is it relevant to us now. First; let us reflect on the purpose of, or what was experienced whilst being in duality energy. Duality energy facilitated very distinct points of reference by which we could make judgements and decisions plus perceive and understand spiritual concepts and life. Duality energy consists of opposites; i.e. positive and negative, love and fear, right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies. We used these reference points when we made judgements about many things. Duality is still a major characteristic of the third dimension reality. It requires a more consciously developed or spiritually evolved human to perceive life from a non-duality or triune perspective. There is a greater responsibility that comes with perceiving life and spirituality from this higher level of consciousness. We are being challenged to step up and be counted as we absorb this new wave of energy. Many of the predictions refer to a new world or new earth and whether that is symbolic or an actual physical reality remains to be seen. Many of the predictions also refer to a disappearance of anyone who tries to cling onto the ‘old ways’ as the duality energies come to an end. It remains to be seen whether this happens in an instant (as some predictions indicate) or is a slower phasing out process. There are two critical areas that have the ability to hold us back from entering the new higher level of consciousness. They are our negative belief systems and our negative karma and they are very entwined with each other. We need to heal and balance out our karma and let go of our duality based belief systems such as judgements about right and wrong, good and bad etc. The opposites experienced in the world of duality gave us great reference points by which we could make judgements and decisions. Something is either right or wrong,

good or bad etc. Our legal system was also built on this concept. We compared and we judged ourselves and others accordingly. The new energy requires us to let this level of consciousness go. How do we do that? One major perception that we need to let go of is judging others and using the reference points of right and wrong. We need to replace them with ‘levels of truth’. This is rather more complex than using duality thinking so it requires us to step up to a higher level of consciousness. Even when we grasp the new concept, it takes a lot of retraining our brain and mind to think from this higher level. In the new ‘levels of truth’ paradigm; everybody is living and perceiving their reality from their own level of truth which is governed by their level of consciousness. Nobody is right or wrong anymore because everybody is expressing from their level of consciousness. There are many levels of truth that eventually lead to the ultimate truths which are those of our Creator. The exploration into why people have different levels of consciousness is complex in itself so I won’t elaborate on that here.( If you wish to explore this further then you will find more information on my website). This is a time that many humans have been talking and speculating about for centuries. It is no longer in the future. Are we prepared to stand up and be counted – the energies are in our favour now! There is great hope so be inspired to change with the flow. Let go of the old ways of duality thinking and move into the new world of non-duality that comes with the triune energy. We are all very privileged to be able to experience and contribute to this major shift in human consciousness. Check out the new website! David Lane Laneway to Spiritual Wisdom David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an inbuilt feedback system that tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David’s first book is called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s new website; or phone David on mob. 0414-352211


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . other modalities, to connect clients back to their true selves.

Belinda Dickinson

Women making a Difference

Continued from page 4

Being Woman … 2013

It’s no secret that being a modern day woman is big business. The modern day woman is busy, diverse, engaged and extraordinarily pressed for time. She is also wellinformed, existing in an era where information on any conceivable topic is readily accessible at the click of a button. She is a mother, a bread-winner, a par tner, a boss, an employee, a leader and a student. Big businesses love the modern-day woman for the diverse marketing opportunities she represents. She is a human shape-shifter: willing to try anything and gifted with the ability to multi-task. However, despite the unprecedented suppor t and oppor tunities offered to women these days, there is still something lacking from mainstream society’s portrayal of the modern woman – the means to celebrate our sacred womanhood, and understand it on a deeper level. How many girls receive a rite of passage or initiation ceremony into adulthood when they first start their menstrual cycle? How many girls are properly taught about how their bodies function, and the deeply sacred nature of their femininity? How many women had open and honest relationships with their own mothers, where joys, fears and uncertainties were shared and discussed free of awkwardness and judgement? I certainly didn’t. My generation got all its information from Dolly magazine, and thought being a housewife or mother was akin to admitting you were a complete and utter failure at life. To this day, like our mothers before us, we have little to no understanding of the powerful and sacred nature of our own femininity. The feminine ideal is sold to us in gym memberships and makeup kits.

Knowledge of our fertility and menstrual cycle is doled out by GPs in the form of a contraceptive pill. Our relationships with men can be confusing and unsatisfying, with both genders harbouring uncer tainty about their roles and self-worth. My first step towards a deeper and more accurate understanding about my own profound and often mystifying femininity started when I was 27, by attending the 2011 Being Woman … gathering on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. With a ready community of conscious, like-minded women committed to exploring and celebrating their womanhood, I began a journey of self-discovery which highlighted all the things that Dolly Doctor had failed to mention to me as a teenager. And there were a lot of them. At my second gathering in 2012, I stepped up to join the First Circle, the committee responsible for organising next year’s event. We meet for a weekend together once a month to talk about committee business and do inner work. It’s hard to articulate all of the things I’ve learned and experienced on this journey, but it’s definitely safe to say that my womanhood is no longer defined by the strictures of adolescent magazines and dubious information from the internet. It comes from a much more reliable source: myself, and realisation of what my own womanhood means to me. The Being Woman … 2013 gathering (8-10 March) promises to have plenty of goodies to fill your body, mind and soul. I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a richer, more fulfilling experience of their own womanhood.

For more information or to book your place, please visit: www.

self. I’ve helped facilitate this by connecting them to their passed over loved ones or pets (dead or living). The results have been so rewarding, with many women’s lives really starting to fall into place. Men see this and think, ‘I want what she’s got’. Well, why wait?

Contact Amanda De Warren, Medium & Animal Communicator on 0434 713 615 or

Geraldine Moran

Geraldine Moran is a coach and business owner who also wanted to put something back into her community using her skills. She set up a Not For Profit to help youth at risk and has enjoyed the challenges and the joys that go with stepping into an arena that is new to her. The greatest thing that we can do is step out of our comfor t zones as this allows others to believe that they can achieve those things that live deep inside them. Not only has The Centre For Hope been able to help young people in a regional area in NSW it has brought together a wonderful team of volunteers who share the desire to assist young people and who are willing to give freely of their time and skills. What can you do to make a difference?

Phone 0438 466 029 or email

Claire Hennekam

Claire Hennekam is an astrologer and Reiki master who founded Emerald Astrology in 2005 ( Claire works from home in the Melbourne CBD as well as from SAHU Healing Space (, a healing sanctuary she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. She prepares various types of astrology repor ts for her clients, as well as running ‘astro-healing’ sessions, where she uses astrology, amongst

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Juanita Henry

Amanda-Jean Deering

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Past-life regression, angel ther apy, Reiki and massage helped me “wake up” and connect to the intimate awareness and wisdom I held inside. I knew I had to share this power with others finding their way. To see people change and empower their lives ignites my heart and makes me whole. Juanita ~Empowered Hear t ~ Flowing Mind 856 200


Jenni Maddison

Louise Corran

Louise Corran from Packaged Events specialises in managing the day-to-day affairs of some high profile mediums, psychics & spiritual teachers. Think of Louise as a Virtual Manager/Assistant, she is flexible, reliable and passionate in what she does. Louise & her team will take the stress off the daily running of your business so you can concentrate on your clients and your spiritual path. Phone 0405 016 504

Sarah Watkins

Sarah Watkins is the founder of Spiritual Events & Directory, a web based mar keting resource for pro-active practitioners wanting a web savvy asset to market their events, services and books. Unlike the stress of trying to learn to do it yourself, working with the team at Spiritual Events & Directory provides you with real support from people who know your target market and

Jenni an entr epr eneur and Founder, Director of Coconut Magic. Her journey has taken her from the strategic business world of branding and marketing, to a career in the development health consciousness. Jenni’s discovery of organic coconut oil in Thailand, whilst on her own healing journey, was a catalyst in giving birth to her mission and her company Coconut Magic. Jenni’s passionate vision for Coconut Magic is to raise awareness of the amazing health benefits and versatility of coconut oil and related super food products. Her continued dedication and commitment to ‘spreading the Magic’ is fueled by the ongoing emails and testimonies she receives daily about how much her customers love Coconut Magic’s coconut oil, and how it has helped them to live happier and healthier lives. Radiant health is what Jenni embodies in her professional and personal life. Her message is for us to embrace an holisitic approach to healing by using whole foods, body mind medicine and a return to Nature for our own personal empowerment.


Eileen Dielesen

Eileen Dielesen is a Life Transition Consultant on the Gold Coast in Queensland. She is launching her 2013 ‘Women Eat, Love and PLAY’ monthly funshops focusing on issues around body image, food and self love. Many women have suppor ted Eileen in her journey from darkness into light, inspiring her to facilitate an ongoing ‘Break Free: Women’s Storytelling Circle’ in Palm Beach Qld offered as a free service! Her passion and joy is to inspire you to reclaim your infinite beauty and magnificence so that your ‘Light’ can shine brightly into the world. You are beautiful just as you are!

For bookings and further information phone Eileen on 0423 182 587 or visit





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1 2 MH Emotions run deep and reactions may catch some by surprise. 3 4 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon H A time to consolidate what has been started and although a difficult set of circumstances may dominate, maintain a levelhead. Emotions may be intense so be prepared to acknowledge them but do not allow them to dominate decisions. 5 MI The focus shifts to the bigger picture and there is a sense of enthusiasm for the task at hand. 6 7 MJ Take a practical view and get things done. 8 9MK Think outside the square and you may be surprised by the results. 10 ] New Moon K The New Moon brings a sense of new beginnings but the challenge will be to remain objective. Some may find it difficult as expectations, especially from others may be unrealistic. The important thing is to maintain integrity while dealing with change. 11 ML Increased sensitivity may see emotions on edge. 12 13 MA Time to take action and accept the challenges that are about to be presented. 14 15 MB Be practical about what has been done and focus on the present. 16 17 18 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon BM enters CN enters L What has been started recently will start to produce initial results. Be wary that you do not rely on this alone to judge the potential as it may be misleading. There may also be frustrations before these results are available. As the Moon changes sign, greater flexibility is called for. Compassion, empathy and sensitivity are the hallmarks of Pisces. 19 20 MD There is a need to nurture and protect what has been started. 21 22 23 ME Be prepared to be generous with praise. 24 25 MF Criticism is only useful if alternatives are offered. 26 … Full Moon F The situation becomes much clearer and there is a need to ensure that the details are seen to. What is overlooked may cause difficulty, misunderstanding or even conflict. 27 MG Make sure that relations are cordial if not harmonious. 28

1 2 MH Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations 3 4 MI A change of emphasis calls for a broader perspective. 5 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon I Results of recent efforts call for alternative action but be careful that rash action does not jeopardise an existing relationship. Also, a time to take stock and make plans for the next move. 6 MJ Lead by example and take control when needed. 7 8 M K An objective approach with an emphasis on knowledge and communication is called for. 9 10 ML Maintain boundaries to avoid misunderstandings. 11 12 ] New Moon LM enters A The beginning of a new cycle has a strong emotional flavour and ideals will dominate. The temptation to project them onto a person can result in disappointment. Instead be prepared to put your ideals to work and as the Moon moves into Aries, gird your loins and put them into action. 13 14 15 MB Maintain boundaries to avoid unwelcome involvement. 16 17 MC A good time to emphasise communication. 18 19 20 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon CM enters D Sun enters A Recent activities may not be productive at first so you may want to cut your losses and start again. As the Moon moves into Cancer, take advantage of personal connections to get matters going. The qualities of strength, independence and a love of challenge are the characteristics of Aries. 21 22 ME Enjoy the attention but do not be seduced by it. 23 24 25 MF Take the time to get the details right. 26 27 MG Full Moon G Clarity is now possible on matters at hand and so be prepared to voice an opinion even if others do not agree. The important point is to uphold a personal of view in spite of pressure that others may bring to bear. Remember you cannot please all of the people all of the time. 28 29 MH Be upfront in all your dealings. 30 31 MI A sense of enthusiasm colours what is being undertaken.


1 2 MJ Take control of matters in order to get the results you want. 3 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon J Time to wrap up matters at hand and the best way to do this is to take control of the situation. This may be easier said than done as you may have to challenge someone in authority. 4 MK Knowledge and information are what is required. Be prepared to look at things differently. 5 6 ML Back your intuition as this may be the best option. 7 8 9 MA Take action to clear up what has been left undone. 10 ] New Moon A A fiery New Moon heats things up and there is plenty of energy to get things moving. Be mindful however that in the rush to get things going, there may be some who will get caught in the rush. 11 MB Be practical but not stubborn about what you want. 12 13 MC Take the time to research and gain information needed. 14 15 16 MD An emotional tie with something or someone dominates now. 17 18 ‡ 1st Quarter MD The impetus of the cycle continues as the initiatives undertaken a week ago start to take shape. The competition will also continue as for some it will be race to get the first results. Others might find that there may be some level of conflict between interested parties. 19 ME Well-earned praise places works wonders if you want to get the best out of others. 20 Sun enters B Practical, sensuous and focused are the qualities of Taurus. 21 MF A time to see to the details. 22 23 MG Striking a balanced outlook is admirable but not at the expense of your opinion. 24 25 MH Be wary of overreacting to any and all stimulation. 26 … Full Moon H Lunar eclipse The full picture is now visible and emotions will be running high. Be aware some actions may exclude others which could lead to conflict. Alternatively, aggression may alienate others. Tread carefully and be prepared not to overreact. The Lunar eclipse brings a release of tension and a lingering concern starts to clear. 27 MI A bird’s eye view of the situation will help you see things not presently apparent. 28 29 MJ Be prepared to take a hands-on approach. 30 31

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LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic”. The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can easily

discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues.

A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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Detox: Simple First Steps

the journey of detoxification needn’t be difficult, however it does require commitment. please avoid judging yourself from your past habits, or any slip ups. Making conscious choices is important and ‘programming’ your food with positive words can greatly assist your detox. water serves as its own living being, having the ability to retain the energies it’s exposed too. we can find examples of this miraculous gift through healing essences. Now, consider that the foods you eat are made up of a very large portion of water, as is your beautiful body, and brain. so, when you pick up that food and say, “this is bad for me”, you have just changed the chemical make-up of that food. the molecules of water have taken on that lower vibration and now, like a genie granting your wish, has become bad for you. please become more conscious of the phrases, and words, you associate with certain foods you consume. i’m not saying to carry on eating unhealthy food and simply infuse it with love. Your higher self knows, and is likely telling you right now, that natural, healthy foods are what your body craves. water is an essential part of the detoxification process. aim to drink

lots of water right throughout the day. place a drink bottle on your desk that you will continually sip from. this way you are able to measure the amount of water you are having. a rough guide to your water consumption is 30mL per kilogram of body weight. For example a 70kg person could require 2100mL of good quality water each day. Your requirements may be different following exercise or medical conditions. Check with your health care professional for individualised guidance. when thinking of detox organs most people think of the bowel and liver. other organs of elimination are kidneys, lungs, and one of the largest, the skin. Help your precious body clear excess toxins and waste by promoting cleansing through the skin. enjoy warm, steamy showers, and baths to open up your pores. sweating opens up your pores and removes wastes. aim to exercise daily to assist this clearing process. anything that gets you sweating is good. You don’t have to start big as gentle movement is the key. begin with regular walking for 20 – 30 minutes. Keep a reasonable pace that will have you perspiring after 10 – 15 minutes. whilst you might initially think of exercise as a chore,

soon you will come to love the high energy and clarity that comes with it. Coriander has profound detoxifying abilities. Research has found that even small amounts of coriander in your diet can help detox you from heavy metals. Heavy metals are absorbed into your body through non-organic foods and animal meats consumed. they can also be present environmentally in health hazards such as cigarette smoke. include coriander as part of your diet in stirfrys, soups, salads, and even juices. Hematite crystals energetically cleanse your blood. wear hematite rings, or carry a stone with you, to keep you on the path of detoxification. they release old addictive patterns connected to foods and beverages. You can also work with healing angels to let go of unhealthy habits. archangel Raphael is a wonderful, benevolent being that will gladly help you get your health back on track. Raphael is the chief healing angel who works on all levels of your mind, body, and spirit. Here’s a simple method of balancing your energy and setting your intentions for detox. Hold a cleansed hematite crystal within your palms and say: “Hematite, please help me to stay strong during my detoxification journey. please take away any craving i may have to unhealthy foods. i ask you to purify my blood, as it is the pathway to optimal nutrition.” Next call upon archangel Raphael: “i now ask archangel Raphael to be with me. i invite you to heal my entire body and aura with your em-

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . . erald green light. i trust that through faith and love i will achieve true health and well-being. please give me constant, clear messages about my diet and lifestyle as i wish to hear your heavenly guidance.” sit for a moment and allow the healing energies to work with you. trust any impressions or feelings that you receive about the next steps to take. Your detox checklist: • Take a positive approach • Drink adequate water • Exercise daily • Include coriander in your meals • Balance your energy and spirit May this introduction into detoxification inspire you along this path. think of detox as a daily way of keeping your body healthy and fully functioning, not a once a year process after the New Year period. in our chemical filled world we must make conscious choices, and efforts, to keep our energy high and our light bright. all of the preceding information is intended as a guide only and is not intended to replace proper medical care. please consult with your health care professional before starting anything new. Robert Reeves is a Naturopath and bestselling author of Flower Therapy. He blends herbal medicine with his psychic abilities to help his clients reach their utmost potential. He gives self-help workshops, and runs a successful natural-therapies clinic. Phone: 1300 668 772 Web: www.RobertReeves. Facebook: RobertReevesNaturopath

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Tools for HealTHy living

Coconut oil for beginners These products where developed by Robert Reeves after years of receiving guidance. The result is a very pure vibration. Each healing product is made and labelled by hand in an ego-less environment. The potent energies in each bottle include crystals, angels, and environmental vibrations. The beautiful aura sprays contain the healing energies of the essences in combination with pure, high quality essential oils. Also available are Vibrational Essence Stock Kits allowing you to create your own healing essences. Order through



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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

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I was suffering digestive ailments, stomach and skin problems when a friend recommended coconut oil. Within weeks of internal and external use, my health completely transformed – energy increased, mind cleared, skin softened, and best of all my stomach went flat again! As I r esearched the health benefits andversatility of coconut oil, I could not believe what I was finding. Pure coconut oil is a true gift from Mother Nature. Coconut Magic’scoconut oil, the purest on ear th, was a discovery that was destined to change my health, and my life, for the better, forever! Many people fall madly in love with Coconut Magic’s raw organic virgin coconut oil. Why? Because it is delicious, nutritious, and makes you look good and feel good.What’s not to love? Coconut oil has natural antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial


Konjac Root Japan’s best-kept secRet for lasting weight loss, health and wellbeing.

What is Konjac?

Konjac or Shirataki Konnyaku is a traditional Japanese health food made from a herbaceous perennial plant called “Amorphophallus Konjac”(K. Koch), water and calcium hydroxide or oxide calcium extracted from eggshells. The Konnyaku is cultivated for food only in Japan, but wild forms grow naturally in Southeast Asia and China. Japanese and Chinese have been eating Konnyaku as a health food, for over 2000 years. In the beginning, it was a precious gift shared between monks in the form of medicine and cakes. Konjac is quite popular in Japan; almost every family eats Konjac in every meal. It is still the most favored food in Japan. The Ministry of Health in Japan implemented that konjac food should be used in the cafeteria for all schools. Right now, Japan is the largest consumer of konjac foods. The main ingredient of the Konjac root is glucomannan fibre. Glucoman-


nan fibre not only contains more than 16 types of amino acids, but is a low-protein, low-fat, high-fibre food. Thus, Konjac can lower LDL cholesterol and blood sugar. Made out of a soluble dietary glucomannan fibre and scientifically proven to make you feel full faster, they can be helpful as par t of any weight loss, low carb or weight management program. The glucomannan fibre has also been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart disease and diabetes. It has also been shown to aid the digestive system, assist with elimination, and prevent constipation and diverticulosis.

The Nutrition and Health Benefits of Konjac Foods

Clinical studies specific to glucomannan supplementation have shown

properties that detox the body and strengthen the immune system, and it’s medium chain fatty acids convert directly into energy. Taking 1-3 teaspoons per day is a great way to get started and bring your body back into healthy balance. This infor mation represents only a small amount of the amazing health & beauty benefit’s of Coconut Magic’s premium coconut oil.

Coconut Magic coconut oil is produced in Thailand and made from mature coconuts grown on cer tified organic plantations. We have developed a very unique and exclusive process that produces the oil with maximum nutrients and the highest quality in taste, purity and smell. This is essentially our point of difference and the reason for our distinct delicious, subtle flavour and aroma. The oil is packaged and bottled into dark amber jars and then shipped to Australia in container drums. The amber glass helps protect the oil from sunlight and aligns with our contribution toward eco friendliness and sustainability.

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glucomannan group also repor ted reduced hunger. The reasons for this are simple: soluble fiber increases bulk, and slows food digestion.

One benefit of the ability to regulate blood sugar levels is seen in Type 2 Diabetes. Konjac Glucomannan has shown potential to reduce blood glucose, insulin and serum lipid levels after meals, an effect that seems to be enhanced by glucomannan’s relatively high viscosity compared to other soluble fibres.

for lasting weight loss, health and Hyperglycemia and wellbeing. Hypoglycemia

Konjac Glucomannan attracts water in

Cardiovascular and

the digestive systemfood, and becomes JapaneseCerebrovascular and Chinese have been eating Konnyaku as a health for over a Diseases gel,gift slowing digestive processes 2000 years. In the beginning, it wasinhibit a precious shared between monks and in Glucomannan can effectively the formtheofabsorption medicine of andcholesterol cakes. and bile trapping carbohydrates so that blood sugar family levels are stabilised. acidisthrough lipolysis inthrough in- every Konjac quite popular Japan;the almost eats Konjac in every promote excretion, meal. Ittestine, is still the mostfatfavored foodreduce in Japan. The Ministry of Health in Japan the amount of fat and implemented that konjac foodcholesterol should bein used in the cafeteria for all schools. the blood, and reduce the amount of Right now, Japan is the largest consumer of konjac foods. and triglyceride in serum. positive results in the treatment of aThe cholesterol theblood Konjac root is glucomannan fibre. GlucomanItmain can ingredient also preventofhigh presnumber of conditions, including: nan fibre not only contains morecardiovasthan 16 types of amino acids, but is a lowsure, high lipids, and other protein,cular low-fat, high-fibre food. Thus, Konjac can lower LDL cholesterol and diseases. blood sugar. Cholesterol Made out ofHigh a soluble dietary glucomannan fibre and scientifically proven attaching to bile Benefits to makeByyou feel fullitself faster, theyacids can inbethe helpful asOther part ofHealth any weight loss, low digestive system and moving them of Konjac Fibre carb or weight management program. out of the body, glucomannan sup1. Reduces fat absorption The glucomannan fibre has also been scientifically proven to lower cholesplements can help lower cholesterol 2. It contributes to healthy bowel flora terol and high blood sugar which can prevent heart disease and diabetes. It and reduce the amount of fat present 3. It cleans the stomach has alsoin been shownIn to aid the controlled digestive system, assist with elimination, and the blood. a placebo 4. It detoxifies. Weight Loss preventstudy, constipation andlevels diverticulosis. cholesterol in men were 5. Anti food-poisoning properties The efficacy of konjac for weight loss reduced by a significant amount, and relies on its ability to absorb up to tryglycerides were reduced by 26%. twenty times its own weight in water. This may be due to bile binding efThe glucomannan expands after in- fects, or the fact that glucomannan gestion, and this tends to promote a fibre slows the absorption of these feeling of fullness as it travels through lipids in the intestines. the digestive tract. Several glucomannan weight loss High Blood Pressure studies have produced impressive As a corollary to glucomannan’s benresults. A 16 week study repor ted eficial effect on cholesterol levels, one that glucomannan supplements can study has demonstrated a decrease aid weight loss. At the end of the (including postage & in systolic blood pressure in healthy study, the glucomannan fibre group handling anywhere in men after a four week course of glulost 4.52 kg compared to .79 kg on comannan supplements. australia) average in the control group. The

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a healthy lIfe wIthout paIn by Dr. Sang Whang

Aging, degenerative diseases and pains are all caused by a common cause: the accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes. Alkaline water is the solution to neutralize these wastes and help the body eliminate them safely. Cancer generally develops deep inside the body where there are no nerve endings for us to feel the pain. If a concentration of acidic pool is formed in such a place, we can go on living without feeling anything there. Left alone for a long time, cancer cells can develop and grow. By the time we feel something, it could be too late. This is why doctors tell us to have regular check-ups to detect such a growth at an early stage. I urge you to drink alkaline water regularly so that such an acid accumulation does not stay there for too long. The ultimate goal of living a long and pain-free life is to get the acidic wastes out of the body. The far-infrared pad disperses concentrated acidic wastes and alkaline water helps the body dispose of them safely. Dr. Sang Whang is a successful inventor, scientist, and engineer. Mr. Whang has discovered a new theory of aging and reverse aging. He explains the health and aging processes in layman terms in his book, Reverse Aging, regarded as the original scientific thesis of the new theory of aging.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

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The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman

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Beyond Meditation Spiritual Exercises Guidebook

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The Rising Lotus “Inner Revolution”

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Since the age of seven, author Joy Brisbane has known that she walks with spirit. Her abilities as a psychic medium (one who is connected to the realm of spirits) continued to develop through her school years, nursing training and education in counselling. In “Walking with Spirit” Joy shares her experiences as a medium and the insights and information she has gained through her work and her contact with the spirit world. The messages communicated in this book seek to touch the hearts and minds of others, helping them to reclaim happiness and find joy and peace in their lives. This is a book to help the reader heal self. Throughout the thir ty chapters, the author addresses subjects such as: • Self-love and forgiveness • Guilt and resentment • The power of the mind • Awakening to self, and • Spirits of the ancestors To quote from Walking with Spirit: “A positive mind is one that also brings us into a deeper understanding of who we are, researching how we can become greater than who we are right now. A positive mind allows us to forgive ourselves and others, letting go of the pain and stepping into the healing. It reaches for the heights of happiness and the depths of peace. A positive mind not only gains knowledge but also gathers wisdom and sees that all

experiences, negative and positive, are opportunities to learn more of who we are.” Walking with Spirit is a book of inspiration that will guide you through your dark nights into a new day. For those who struggle with anxiety, depression and loneliness; for those who feel confused and lost in their relationship with self, work, friends and family; this is a book that will help you find self-worth and self-love. The author asks of you to open your mind and open your hear t to the possibility of healing yourself. Joy says, “When we step into our divine heritage of living a joyful life – when we find the courage and strength to be who we truly are – then we enter into the experience of discovering inner freedom. We find our divine essence.” Joy Brisbane can be contacted through her website Walking with Spirit can be purchased through that website or through ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joy Brisbane is a psychic medium, trained nurse and counsellor. She facilitates workshops on psychic ability, past life regression, grief healing and contacting spirit guides. Author of Walking with Spirit, When Do The Tears Stop? and four volumes of poetry. Visit her online at

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

“Illiom, Daughter of Prophecy”

The first book in the “Destiny of Fire” trilogy by Claudio Silvano

eye on the Sky

The author speaks about the first book in the “Destiny of Fire” trilogy.

“Under every fear lies a hidden power, quietly waiting to be claimed.” Who are we, really? We come into this world the traditional way, steaming from the void, a product of incredible rapture and excruciating pain. Where do we come from? And, perhaps more importantly, why? I’m one of the lucky ones. I remember the experience of being born. I remember floating in a great red ocean, and I remember my very first experience of duality: of darkness and of light, both present at the same time, dividing my reality in equal measure. There was a timeless, thoughtless peace and then it was abruptly interrupted: something star ted to happen. It began in the darkness: a broiling, fearful pulling and sucking, a sense of being caught of being pressed and squashed and channelled down, completely at the mercy of a force as unavoidable as fate. Funny that being born should feel like dying, don’t you think. That is all I remember. And I remember to this day because the experience came back to me, over and over, time and again, in childhood nightmares. I would wake up crying, covered in sweat, drenched in the fear of being born again. Who are we and why did we come here? Illiom has been asking herself the



February - April 2013

same question. From her obscure origins as a foundling to the day she decided to shun the world of humans and become a hermit, Illiom has been trying to understand what her life is really about. She has made no headway, however. She knows that there are mysteries afoot – the power that was unleashed once when someone tried to harm her, had been her own, not anybody else’s; and yet what do you do with such a ‘gift’ when you live in a land that abhors and persecutes magic? You hide. First you hide your ‘gift’ and then, if that’s not enough, you hide yourself. And that’s exactly what Illiom has been doing these past four years. She has hidden in her beloved mountains, hidden and waited for something to change. Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Change is coming for Illiom. Coming fast, but is it the kind of change that she has hoped and prayed for? When we refuse to act in our own best interest, the world finds a way of coming for us and of drawing us out, sometimes kicking and screaming, to face the very things we most fear. So the question is: how will Illiom cope with what is coming to claim her? Will she answer the call? Will she even have any choice? And what will she find out about herself on the course of the journey ahead? Will it lead her towards the answers to her questions or further away?

Visit to download the first 2 Chapters (13%) of Illiom’s story for FREE.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2013. Please wait until the cosmic energies have come to a complete standstill before unfastening your seatbelts. Please take care when opening the overhead lockers as your personal baggage may have moved during the journey and might fall out and cause some grief to you or your fellow passengers. Thank you for flying with Apocalypse Airlines and we look forward to seeing you on-board again in the future. So what an amazing journey it’s been! For many around the world, the Mayan prophecy seemed like a fizzer. The world didn’t end, aliens didn’t invade and the calendar itself turned out to be a wheel let down (see what I did there?) But for those of us that are sensitive to the changing energies, it might have been quite the rollercoaster. For some, the planetary alignments at the end of last year might have given a higher part of you the opportunity to shine, which can feel positively euphoric at times, yet can also cause all manner of panic and confusion as long-term egoic residents from deep down In the dark are pushed up to the surface to make room for the returning deity that is your true self. What we will see in the sky over the next few months – and indeed, for much of the year – are a series of small alignments, nothing particularly out of the ordinary, but with a focus on healing and awakening. This is our spiritual “Spring clean” year, when we gently (or not so gently) and continuously sweep out anything that no longer serves us.

If I could turn back time…

We start February with everything but the nodes in forward motion – we’re looking ahead to the year that is still mostly before us. But by halfway through the month, Saturn goes retrograde, gradually starting to reexamine anything it’s passed since the start of the year. If you made any resolutions, commitments or simply introduced some new habits in January, this is a good opportunity to revisit them.

If you let them go and you want them back, Saturn will help you. If you don’t want to be reminded of your early efforts and forgotten intentions, you might want to either lay low for a while, or make peace with whatever you didn’t go through with. Accept and love where you are right now. Saturn is attracted to guilt like a magnet, so don’t give him an excuse to start breathing down your neck! As many readers know, Mercury usually goes retrograde for around three weeks, three times a year. It kicks things off this year on 23rd February and remains in permanent ‘moonwalk’ mode until 18th March. not a great time to buy electronic equipment and things that can break down, but it will be in Pisces, meaning that it will be a great time to reflect and resolve old emotional conflict and pain. The Sun crosses the asteroid Chiron – “the wounded healer” - during this time (28th Feb), as does Venus (6th March), so there will be love and light shining on old hurts, giving us opportunities to heal them. Be gentle, compassionate and patient with yourself and others during these times especially, as communication difficulties and scheduling confusion is common. Midway through April, it’s time for Pluto to turn retrograde in Capricorn, which could expose past

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was in a white, blurry fog. Fog is a very useful disguise in the aura. Our negative behaviours can remain, undetected forever, if they have a nice, fluffy fog in which they can hide. This fog was concealing Jacqueline’s diet sabotage behaviours. Jacqueline’s subconscious had created this fog in order to protect herself from her own judgment and lack of self worth, resulting from the negative behaviours. I reinstated (returned) Jacqueline’s missing energy and focus to her present.Her lifestyle,which changed the next day, now reflected a woman with a strengthened inner power and in command of her life. In relation to habits and addictions, fog, liver stagnation, disempowered patterns are some of the many auric indications I have witnessed. However there are many more. Others include: • Cords/ties, which connect the person to an object of addiction; • numbing patterns designed to “anesthetize” against emotional pain (often present where there are alcohol or sugar habits); and • wall-like barriers, which keep a person in isolation via de-energising habits. When you set out to release a habit, first be kind to yourself and thank your subconscious for creating the protective mechanism. It did its best to help, but its way of going about it was not useful. Acknowledge the cause of the need for this protection and decide how you could replace the protection in a more constructive way. I wish you strength and look forward to seeing your picture in a health magazine (or, at least, being the picture of health)! For consultations or more information, see: Rachelle Terry – Medical Intuitive. R a c h e l l e Te r r y, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients by means of private consultations and group healings. Wonderful results are experienced after having life, health or relationship patterns cleared and it becomes possible to be in flow again. For phone, Skype or in-person consultations with Rachelle, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*

We are ONE Consciousness split into many religions, belief systems, colour, race and creed. All this is happening in a low astral consciousness and has become so powerful that it is swallowing the whole of humanity. This self healing Activation Meditation will not only connect YOU back to your Creator/ Source self, it facilitates your Ascension Journey. It cleanses your aura of negative residual energies from others whom may psychically and energetically drain or attack you. It will remove all cords that no longer serve you. It will clear all old vows, promises, contracts and binds that were made in this and past lifetimes. As you remember to spin everyday in your Light Body as THE CREATOR, You will become more Empowered and manifest all your intentions. We are all programmed by various modalities of healings and we’ve chosen healers to heal us based on our chakras instead of the whole Being. We’ve forgotten how to heal ourselves. The SOURCE/Creator gives the simplest and powerful method of activating your SOURCE TEMPLATE. The whole of planet earth including all its inhabitants are being given this code activation, the highest form of self healing. This, the Utopian world emergence code. Let us Awaken our Creator Self with the CRYSTALLINE Diamond LIGHT GRID. Your AURA is a brilliant shining egg; within this egg all the Harmonic Universes and Dimensions are present. Your personal aura consists within it your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual bodies. We may call this your Diamond light grid (perfect state of Happiness and Joy).This is the GRID that connects all of us into ONENESS-One Consciousness via the morphogenetic Fields. This diamond light GRID will enable you to re-activate your LIGHT BODIES, the vehicle of your soul. VISUALISE or INTEND that you are the SOURCE. Close your eyes and focus on the Heart chakra, then your Solar Plexus chakra and Sacral chakra. Feel a knot like energy which is twisted to form a shape like a numeral 8. As you open the twist at the centre you become a brilliant shinning cosmic egg. Now be aware of the top loop of your cosmic egg. Instantly feel crystalline liquid light flowing into your cosmic egg through your Crown chakra. Remember, you are not split into chakras you are ONE CHAKRA, one cosmic egg. Now feel this crystalline energy filling your cosmic egg, activating all the vertical and horizontal lattices, which become one large GRID. Experiencing this in your auric field, remembering to breathe in and out, as you breathe in through your nose there is expansion and as you breathe out there is contraction of your belly. Your, In breath (expansion) is from the upper loop of your

cosmic egg and the Out breath (contraction) from the lower loop of your cosmic egg. Do these expansion and contraction breaths until you feel you are a field of spinning crystalline light running within and around you. As you do this, it will feel as if you are spinning or rotating at an enormous speed. Let your body move and sway with the force that you are generating. The spinning will keep on increasing and you will feel every cell being cleansed and washed, spiritual DNA strands will activate. For some of you who are active meditators and healers you may feel the whole space around you pulsating, throbbing, and vibrating as you spin. On the energy dimension it is faster than the speed of light. This SELF HEALING will reactivate all the re-connections on the morphogenetic field which in return will connect you to the Divine Blueprint and help you remember that you are the SOURCE-CREATOR. This is the simplest, shortest, fastest self healing Activation Meditation. Initially it will take a few minutes of in and out breaths in order to activate the spinning in your light body. The direction of the spin is not important, it can be clockwise or counter-clockwise. We suggest you practice this activation meditation daily for 21 days, there will be quantum level energy shift, some of you may feel the shift on a physical level, with body aches, sleepiness, dizziness (due to light body activation as you spin) .You will experience firsthand how it feels to becoming ONE with the SOURCE. K aVeeTa & SuNiEL, founders of Kosmic Fusion, are one of the fully enlightened DNA-acti v ated Diamond Light Master couples on Earth at this special time of 2012-2017. The twin ray couple have been holding and emitting the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse (QVSWPP), via the Galactic Centre from the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS since 2003. Their Divine Purpose was revealed to humanity only on the 11.11. 2011 to travel the globe and upgrade and activate the holographic light grids of as many souls as possible and train Facilitators to spread the upgrade work. KaVeeTa’s mission with her Twin-Ray SuNiEL is to eventually take this work free of charge to all awakening countries. Do you want to… Experience HOW your dense 3rd & 4th-Dimensional (lower astral/mental) Grids feel? Or experience the Quantum Vortex Energies? and book in for the next 5th+ Dimensional upgrades Workshop sessions? Offered Globally, by Webinars. Register on our Website to find out how! www.KosmicFusion. or contact Nat on 0400342811

rEb-eArTh from 3-D to 13-D Transmissions-Activations-Initiations Offered Virtually on Webinars

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rMaTioN Fo

EN A N s dE N Tr

Powerfully experienced and felt by participants

iN TrANs eN

Claire Hennekam is an astrologer and Reiki master who founded Emerald Astrology in 2005 ( Claire works from home in the Melbourne CBD as well as from Sahu Healing Space (www.sahu., a healing sanctuary she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. She prepares various types of astrology reports for her clients, as well as running ‘astro-healing’ sessions, where she uses astrology, amongst other modalities, to connect clients back to their true selves.


BY RACHELLE TERRY You see pictures of gorgeous, fit,radiant models leaping for joy in a meadow or in a state of supreme ecstasy over an apple. You first feel inspired, curious to find the missing link to eternal youth and health. You finish the article.You sigh. It was a great article and you know you would feel better if you put their advice into practice – healthy routines, green smoothies, meditation, exercise, but deep down, you know it will never happen because you’ve got an embarrassing secret. A bad habit. In truth, you wake up feeling about as fresh as the bottom of a 7/11 coffee machine. If I saw your aura in this state, there would be a brown, muddy sludge-like energy, stagnating around the liver and gallbladder. This “sludge” will give rise to sugar and stimulant cravings which will fur ther exacerbate your feeling of “blah”. If I asked you if you would like to release your negative habit you would nod your head vigorously. If I looked at your aura while you responded, I would see the equivalent of an actor in a pantomime, mouthing, “Nooooooo!” in the background. But you absolutely want to quit this habit, right? Every part of you wants it gone. Wrong! You are in fact having an arm wrestle with your subconscious mind, which has been in training for your entire life. It developed clever, protective mechanisms even before you could speak. Your willpower has nothing on your subconscious, “won’t power”. Jacqueline had been talking all year about her fantastic new, raw food and juice diet, which did not exist. Her family knew the spiel so well they could finish her sentences word for word. In reality, white bread, sugar and processed foods were the perfect fellow conspirators in her subconscious mission to sabotage her positive intentions. When I looked at her aura in our first session, I noticed Jacqueline had an unusual pattern. Her consciousness was fragmented and projected outward, about one metre in front of her body. This was where Jacqueline was storing her future. I shared this, “Your future never happens”. She replied, “Oh I know! I can’t wait to get to my future!” Jacqueline’s eyes lit up as she described her “future”, as if it were a destination or utopia. For Jacqueline, it seemed the concept of the future was where all her joy was stored. I explained that there was no way she would be able to create a better future until she was in the here and now. The space immediately around her physical body, which represented her present,

AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN Ascension Activation


Dates to watch this quarter

7th Feb – Talkative Mercury brushes past dreamy Neptune, while Venus trines with Jupiter – it’s a good little opportunity for the artists, musicians and romantics of the world to seize opportunities or to express what’s in their heart (just in time for Valentine’s Day). 10th/11th Feb – Soon after that sweet little alignment, the squares charge in to break up the lovefest, but one at least could be a rebel with a cause. Mars squaring Jupiter could mean a fight for justice, but make sure your cause really is just (and worth it). The Sun is squaring the Nodes on this day as well, which could force some important questions about your life’s journey and purpose. The next day, Mercury crosses Chiron, so if feelings were hurt, this is a good day to talk about it. 27th March – More Mars action near the end of next month as Mars squares Pluto. This can bring up power struggles, jealousy, territory disputes and obsessive behaviour. Tread carefully – you will most likely want to act during this time, but it’s really a better time to plan and develop a strategy. It’s also a good time for personal transformation. 29thMarch – A delightfully bizarre meeting of the Sun, Venus and Uranus eases the ongoing tension between Mars and Pluto (before Venus and the Sun jump into the fray later in the week, also squaring Pluto). Expect the unexpected, particularly in matters of the heart.

Where There’s a “Will” There’s a “Won’t” – Your Aura and Self-Sabotage

A wa

secrets and reveal old truths. “I thought I’d worked through that!” is likely to be a catch-phrase right through until September, as Pluto scrubs the bottom of our basements and lets some skeletons out of dusty old closets. Pluto’s square with Uranus is an ongoing story in the world of astrology and will be for several years to come. Nonetheless, the influence of this powerful alignment will remain strong, continuing to expose institutions that represent control and authority and shaking up the status quo, particularly at times of the year when an exact conjunction takes place. With Pluto moving back (relatively speaking) and Uranus moving forward, we’ll be seeing another meeting of these two in May.

our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .



our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


BY RoD & MEGAN MIDDlEToN For many centuries Cosmic Intelligences such as Shri Krishna, the lord Buddha and the Master Jesus, to name a few, have been visiting our planet to give of their wisdom and love and outline the divine laws of God. Mankind as a whole has not followed the guidance that these Cosmic Masters have given and as a result, the world is in turmoil. In this modern age, prior to the prophesied New Age, the Cosmic Masters are more active than ever before. They have been coming to Earth in many craft for centuries but one in particular is a giant spacecraft called Satellite No. 3. This Satellite comes at certain times of the year and has been used as a floating temple to draw in the spiritual radiations from the Sun, condition them and then radiate these energies to Earth. The results of this activity by Satellite No.3, enhances the effectiveness of all good spiritual acts performed by anyone by a factor of 3000 times. (See diagram)

28 our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

fumbled and dropped something and then noticed a chain reaction of clumsiness around you? You will feel as though you are in a Mr Bean episode when your aura is this way.

Flowing chi Chi Flowing

In conjunction with this important modern event we have the work we requested and it is manipulated When the static state of Dr. George King, the Founder/ to areas stricken by floods, drought, strikes you, try the President of The Aetherius Soci- fires, severe weather systems etc. following: ety. He acted as a medium for many We have also been given an idea of messages or transmissions of in- the amount of what we call Prayer • Meditation, alternate nostril Jing is a term which means refined, formation from the Cosmic Masters, Hour energy for this Mission andbreathing or refocusing techniques. shift auric static quite through the work or gong the impuincluding the times of these orbits that for every hour of running timeThesejustcan south of lockhar t River, as a rities are discarded and the essence of Satellite No.3. These messages of our machines we send out 1500quickly. category 3 cyclone at 3pm on 19th • Identify any internal dilemmas has been kept. There are two types contained valuable information that Prayer Hours. April. It tracked across the PeninGuigen is the a chinese ter m which of Jing, prenatal essence that we There have been numerous ex-or conflicts and write them down to once again told mankind that he had sula and the Gulf of Carpentaria betranslates to with returning to postnatal the root oresreduce their charge and attain clarity. are born and the amples of where we have sent the to cooperate with the divine laws fore crossing the Northern Territory source, returning to the primordial Contracting sence that we make in this life. of God. There were many aspects energy to but we will look at a few 3.coast nearasManingrida on are the in even- energyJing fromis which everythingforemergyou feel though you the foundation life as it that set Dr. King aside from other examples that are related to just If ing of 24th April as a category 5 cyes. Guigen Qigong is or a Medical of survival mode and don’t feel that you creates Qi (Chi) life forcestyle energy, Australia. The energy sent to these advanced individuals and one of clone. The cyclone passed through Qigong developed by Dr Xu Hongtao it is possible that your with fur ther refinement Qi transthem was the fact he was a Radionic situations was mainly from the SERare thriving, Jabiru before quickly weakening to a specialist the Qigong forms intodoctor Shen from or spiritual energy. in New Zealand but the first exampleaura is contracting rather than radiatScientist. below cyclone intensity. depar tment at the XiyuanMedicine Hospitalas In Traditional Chinese He invented Radionic equipment was from the SER in los Angeles. Ining outward. TC Monicaaura crossed the CapetoYork in Beijing. The six sections of the A contracted is unable well as Daoist energy cultivationdy-it is that could draw in and condition April 2006 we were tracking Cyclone Peninsula in a sparsely populated namic GuigentoQigong arethe followed positive circumstances, peoessential maintain energybyand the energies sent by the Cosmic Monica across the “top end” of Aus-attract area causing minimal damage stillness meditation sectionto helpoppor tunities because it is to the the function of the kidneys sustain Masters, concentrating these even tralia and as it was tracking acrossple orhousing extensive survival damage to ing life. to restore natural and withbutfear-based, The kidneys areharmony also regarded fur ther and beaming these ener- the Gulf of Carpentaria it increasedresonating vegetation. The lockhart Riverof SES improve the human race’s quality of states. The good news is that most as the source of creativity on gies out to mankind. During these in size to Cyclone Tracy (1974) pro- local Controller stated that there life. These self healing techniquesallarelevit is the fear rather than the els, whether creating life – children, times, called Spiritual Pushes, many portions. We performed some runsthe time was minimal damage to about 15 both and forms out-patients fear, which is causing the prescribed works oftoart orinother of creamillions of hours of uplifting healing from our SER in los Angeles and thisobjectperof cent of homes in the Hospital as a par t of Once the fear has lockhart been at the tiveXiyuan expression. energy have been sent out to the is what the resulting news informa-contraction. River area. their therapy. world through originally two of these tion reported a few days later fromacknowledged and processed, it is I first Dr Xuelement while I was relates leading Themet Water machines called Spiritual Energy the EMA Disasters Database. It said:possible to move into an expansive, a study group to china in(Yin) September to the Kidney and thriving state again. Radiators or SER’s for many years. group made an official (Yang) If your energies are contracted, 2002. Our Bladder Event Title Tropical A Cosmic Mission is where there visit to the Xiyuan Hospital, a large The season of winter and cold the following will assist you in expandCyclone Monica is a specific task involving direct Traditional Medicine (TcM) weatherchinese correspond to the Water ing your field: BY RAcHelle TeRRYCosmic Intel- Event Category Cyclone cooperation between hospital withas over beds, treating Element do 650 the emotions of fear • Develop a spiritual practice. Event Start Date 19/04/2006 ligences and their chosen agents over 2,000 outpatients each day in and impatience. • Identify what you are avoiding “So howon have you the been?!” I ask as I benyears while raising children. Fading Event End Date 24/04/2006 Earth, results of which variousThe departments. kidneys regulate water circugreet myefit friends or clients. of the aura colours can also hap- through fear. Duration of Event 5 day/s the Earth. The name of the CosWe spent Xu in lation in an theafternoon body andwith helpDrmaintain “You tell they joke, - both literal Wide • Work on adopting an attitude location Zone Australia The times of orbit of Satellite micme!” Mission that pointing the SERsto run pen by with redundancies the fluid Qigong department after balance. In TCM, thetouring kidneys and figurative, where a person no of trust. Region NT-QlD No.3 are called Magnetisationtheir Pe- auras. is called operation Space Power. hospital. Xu had athat veryisfriendly, theDressence received Remember, your colours are at the store They So do we have a fair couldwe have longer feels wanted. It is as if the soul Human Casualties riods or Spiritual Pushes and have have thepoint. SER’sI and approachable, relaxed manner about food and air and is released how they names are feeling retreats, People believing it is0 not needed Killed People Injured 0their brightest and clearest when you himfrom been set for 1,000 years intotell thethemdesignated of theand Missions as wethe discussed many ideas re- it. when other organs require have by we ob-will look on the People planet.Affected In the long term Homeless this feel healthy, connected to your Divine 0 People future. The Satellite comes intowhat and changes that they runoccurred by. So now garding andthe spiritualThus,Qigong, they arehealth a bit like batteries serving the shifts in theiraspect energyoffield reduction in life force can reduce en- source (whatever you perceive that 0 People leaves orbit at 12 midnight Greenat the spiritual why they ity. He talked about the importance of of the body. Essence is also received however are it seems more polite to ask. ergy levelsTropical and result in more serious Cyclone Monica crossedto be) and aligned to your heart. The meditation. wich Mean Time and remains in orbit operated. we enter “realized from ourWhen parents and isastored in the In fact, seeing your health issues. the Cape York Peninsula in QlD,more in tune you are with your energy for four set periods each year. The SER’s areaura run atmeans the time that kidneys. The kidneys transform the quicker you will be able to that it is not only possible to identify Once I have worked with these cli- states, the So here we have one example essence into Qi or energy. andjust experience colours which define personalities, ents on finding their true self, purpose makeofcorrections, a Cyclone the size of Tracy that Guigen Qigong is a Chinese Mediit is like to be a better version moods etc., but it also enables me and passions again, their colours and what after of you! we had performed SER runs cal style of Qigong and is featured in to identify the “marks” your experi- radiance return. to it, diminished rapidly in size. Not Simon Blow’s Book/DVD Restoring ences have left on you. Your internal If you can identify with the faded onlyTerry, that, it saved many lives and a Natural Harmony. Guigen translates Rachelle responses to your environment, re- state, the following will help: lot ofbased damage. a Sydney to ‘returning to the source or root’ lationships and life events will af• Write down a list of your pasexample was the start to the primordial energy from which t h e r a pThe i s tabove , fect how your energies appear and sions. h a s many h a d successful an SER runs which are everything emerges. Section No 4 function. A trauma or unpleasant • Be aware of where you are sac- ability fromto this day. on going relates to the Water Element. experience may cause your energies rificing identity or needs and establish childhood to Qigong is an ancient healing systo contract. Being centered, spiritu- healthy boundaries. clairvoyantly AUSTRALIA tem that has evolved over thoually aligned and operating from your • Ask yourself daily: ‘What would see the Thehuman Aetherius Society Brisbane Group sands of years to help improve The Aetherius Society is atruth worldwide . &S Megan h e Middleton higher will lead to spiritual expansion oforganization I be doing right now if I were fulfilling a u r aRod people’s quality of life; it is a part w o r kP.O. s Box w i t 6140 h your aura. my life purpose?’. dedicated to help heal and uplift humanity. Founded in local,Fairfield interstate and international of the holistic system of Traditional Gardens 2. Static Disturbance 1955 by the late Western Master George King, The QLD t s 4103 by m e a n s o f p r i v at e Chinese Medicine (TCM). The dyStatic interference in your aura re- c l i e nAustralia Three of theDr. most consultations and group healings. namic forms and inner meditations Aetherius Society practices form sults of Karma from and creates the energetic Wonderful commona powerful glitches innew auras Tel: 07results 3892 5253 are experienced help regulate the meridian system, equivalent of a “bad hair day”. of old after having Mob: 0419 yoga. This new yoga1.isFading based on the wisdom of the spiritual traditions life,020804 health or relationship and this releases stress, increases e-mail: Static appears in the aura where patterns If you feel burnt out, exhausted cleared and it becomes as well as new wisdom released by advanced spiritual masters in response to health and longevity and develops Illustr ations or have a sense of not belonging, it there is chaos, confusion, anxiety and possible to be in flowprinted again. with kind permissionSkype from Tropical Storm Risk spiritual perception and awareness. humanity’s scientificisadvancement and are itsnot dire stress. Disconnected feelings, frus- For phone, or in-person most likely your colours at need.

The Essence of Best Life Nothingness is the Prescription

Not Glowing? 3 Signs your Aura is Blocked

natural or manmade disasters. (Operation Prayer Power).

Divine Service Held every Sunday 10.00 – 11.00am. Our service includes prayers given by the Master Jesus, mantra, a playing of one of The Twelve Blessings transmissions and an address. All are welcome. The Aetherius Society Brisbane Group (07) 3892 5253 mob: Rod 0419 020 804 or email: P.O. Box 6140 Fairfield Gardens. QLD 4103

“Man dwelleth in a world of selfishness – God dwelleth in a world of selfless expansion. Bridge this gap – and be a GOD.” – The Master Jesus

state”, or the state of nothingness, there is no disease or illness, only nothingness, he explained. The regular practice of meditation will change the energy in our body and mind, helping to cure disease and improve our quality of life. This concept was of great interest to me! From and experiThehis artown of research Qigong consists prience working in this department for marily of meditation, relaxation, over 20 years, Dr Xu has developed physical movement, mind-body inGuigen Qigong, six different sectegration and its breathing exercises. tions harmonise the different orThere are thousands of different gan meridians in the body. Although styles and systems either done our time withmoving, Dr Xu was only sitting brief, standing, walking, heorkindly lying. taught us the movement “Stimulating the Water Element” for In Traditional Chinese Medicine, thegood kidney and is bladder channels. As health a result of a freeweflowing, left, I toldwell-balanced him I would love to return energy sysand study more with him,physical and he gave tem. Ailments both and meemotional an encouraging lookwhen and nodded. can occur Qi flow is When I returned home to Sydney, blocked or impeded, causing imbalI had email from Dr inXu. had anceanand dysfunction theHebody’s been looking at my website conenergy system. With regularand practise gratulated me on the workthe I’vebody been Qigong helps to cleanse of doing to restore spread energy, the healing benefits toxins, reduce stress of and Qigong in Australia andindividuals invited me anxiety, and help tomaintain study with him atand the active hospital. a healthy life. We corresponded regularly by email for a near fatal fewSimon yearsBlow until I aworked out anaccident approat thetime agetooftake nineteen Simon priate a breaklead from my to investigate different methods of busy teaching schedule and return healing and rejuvenation a path he tohas Beijing. been following ever since. He is

Iw Qigon 2004 with D plaine privat workin ficially accep practi or hav TcM, the d asked traini Qigon tory o – whi – and my tw and A time l me th accep Th Medic ised t I had confer and h nese G the W assoc opme intern resea time, was to doing and A Sydne was a honor high l

a Sydney based master teacher of Qigong, the ancient Chinese art of relaxation, healing and rejuvenation. Simon is the author of numerous Books, DVDs and Meditation CDs, as well as a sought-after speaker and workshop presenter. He has been working for over thirty years to help spread the benefits of meditation, peace and love. Simon works with many different groups helping them to develop self healing skills to manage their stress levels and improve their quality of life. In 2004 Simon was accepted as a resident student at the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Daoism and given the name of Xin Si meaning Genuine Wisdom and is a 29th generation of the ancient Dayan - Wild Goose Qigong. He also is a Standing Council Member of The World Academic Society of Medical Qigong, Beijing China. w w w. s i m o n bl o w q i go n g . c o m o r telephone (02) 9559 8153


The Aetherius Society

trations and even clumsiness are their brightest. I have noticed a common pattern frequent outcomes of this state. Twelve Blessings Service If youSpecific are in a healing static state your ofHeld fadedevery aura colours in women who Thursday 7.30 – 8.30pm. energy fieldhave may well affect others. Have have sacrificed theirand needs forareas many that to individuals any been affected by you

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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .


our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

The New Dawn & Revelation of Egyptian Mysteries

In BrIef revIews - Books, CDs, DvDs

by Jessica Dao

As humanity survived the 21:12:12 through war, suffering, sorrow and Giftsone of appreciates Imperfection: End Time prophecy, it is a time toThedeath peace, joy,live out your highest calling and stay Go of Who Think embrace the New Dawn, a Divine op-Lethappiness and lifeYou hence the catalyst connected to your Source of being. portunity given to mankind to create You’re for the Supposed rise of civilization and spir- From the lofty perspective of your to Be a Heaven on this Planet Earth. awareness. and itual Embrace Who You Are highest self, you will learn how to train Throughout our spiritual evoluSince the fall of Atlantis, ancientyour imagination in a new way. by Brene Brown tion, we saw rise and fall of civiliza- Egyptian and In Mayan This book will help you See—with The civilizations Gifts of tions, dawns and dusts, and history were the most highly evolved. Their a capital S—that you are divine, and Imperfection, repeated itself. culture, pyramids and ruins are that you already possess an inner, Br ené own, by From the seeding of the planet still being studied andBr puzzled higher self that can and will a le aand d ingScientists. ex - invisible Ear th we rose to the Golden Age our Archaeologists ofyou creating onofEar guide towardHeaven a mastery thetharthas per t on shame, of Lemuria, then the technologi- Channelled information indicates not been mastered; for the balance of manifestation. You can attain this a u t h e n t iincluding c i t y, cally advanced Atlantean civilization that these civilizations of spiritual and earthly life has not deliberate and belonging, and to its fall. Once again we be- Tibet were established by Atlantean mastery beenthrough their main focus. conscious of your imagination! s h a r e s t e n controlThe came spiritually advanced in Ancient survivors. ancient Egyptians, on the Hay House Egyptian & Mayan civilizations then The Mayansguideposts were highly evolved other hand, mastered the ar ts of on Publisher: to their falls. Followed the birth of but towards later dates, they based creating Heaven on Earth. Priests the power of Sensing Spirit Buddha and Jesus Christ and other their society on fear human and priestesses lived normal lives Wholehearted living—a wayand of enby Mitchell Coombes ascended masters; we are now apsacrifice which led to their fall. The but volunteered their ser vice as gaging with the world from a place of proaching the age of enlightenment Tibetans learned from the fall and channels of Divine T h energies i s b o o k toi sthe worthiness. “The Golden Age of Aquarius”. haveday been on peace,ofnon- land and to others (the healing packed with exEach we focusing face a barrage The rise and fall of civilizations attachment to material life and the energy of the Goddesses traordinaryIsis real-and images and messages from led society has been perceived as a natural inner-work which have them to Sehkmet). Theirlife highstories priestsofand and the media telling us come who, what, process “the circle of life” and that mountain high and closer to priestesses also people’s masteredtouchthe arts and how we should be. Wehas arebrought led the souls can only master their lesheaven. The Tibetan of alchemy by working with the deiing encounters to believe that if we could only look sons through hardships. Certainly, much peace to humanity yet the art with the spirit perfect and lead perfect lives, we’d no wor ld. Written longer feel inadequate. So most of us with warmth and perform, please, and perfect, all the while thinking, “What if I can’t keep insight, Mitchell offers an easy to folall of these balls in the air? Why isn’t low guide-book to discover how to everyone else working harder and tap your own spirit sensing guidance.

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ties and with the elements of nature. In the recent the Goddess Hoogendyk believesyears, that anyone can Isistheir has consciousness returned with and her Divine shift learn Feminine Energy. Her wor k has to operate from a place more in tune been many lightworkwith theirchannelled core beliefbyand a successful ers around the globe, and mainly future. “ButIsispeople need toolsbytoElisaacthrough Mystery School cess them, especially in a fast changbeth Jensen. ing world,” Prior he to says. 2011, I had been to Egypt several times as a tourist to admire the pyramids and temple ruins A from an architectural Plate of Eggsperspective. The awakened By visits Stephen Denhammy soul to the hidden mysteries of Egypt T his book as is I felt the powerful energy a wino nthe d estrucrful tures of the temple and pyramids.ofIn collection front of the pyramids, I experienced probing conthat time stood still, and the rise and templations, fall of civilizations flashed in front of insights, my eyes.Until I studied at IsisexploMysrations of realtery School and after participated and spiritual in the Sacred Journeyity2011, I began A to understand the questioning. secrets, power, PlateofofAncient Eggs knowledge and wisdom is not a spiritual instruction handbook Egypt. We cannot thesufficiently “circle of however, but it willbreak stir you life” thetoimmanent enoughortochange get you your ownnature reof All Things. However, by underalisation of what is true and real. As stand that the rise and fall should a student of the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky not be a “starting but movement, Denhamfrom has scratch” embraced a spiral evolution process in which the multi-level approach to Truth the rises are prominent and falls are that explores recognized, through manyprevented, spiritual minimized, traditions how learned; it is that we to and lessons thencome history bewon’t truly repeat humanitself . A wonderful book and the spiritual to evolution read slowly,ofone short chapter a mankind will be at contime, andon journey through and to our stantly the rise. own awakenings as we do. Ancient Egyptian civilization can truly reveal to us the secrets of manifesting Heaven on Earth and a smooth soul journey on the celestial ocean to return to the source which is the ultimate purpose for all souls!

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Jessica Dao is an architect/project manager. She is an authorised Isis Lotus Healing L1/ Angel Miracles I & II teacher at Isis Myster y School and a cer tified facilitator at Crystal Awakening Academy. Jessica is currently conducting workshops throughout Australia. She is also practising as an Isis Practitioner and Angel Miracle /Isis Oracle psychic. |04 22 563 794

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COURSE Four days, two weekends; ong Masters. 18th–19th August & 1st–2nd Because I September, needed to live in9.30am–5.30pm. the hosping to receiveWATSOnIA. the certification for clinical Powerful Educational actice, Dr Xu had arrangedtechniques for me to to balKinesiology ay in the “High roomthethere. ance Official” & integrate whole mind/ It’s a proven fact that owning a pet ad been staying at a luxurious hotel body system. Consultations & or even being around an animal can ing the conference andMary this arrangeworkshops: nicholls 039435 make us feel better. You come home h sounded nt interesting. But778 when I 0349 0415 840 from a very long day and there’s that ived at the hospital, Dr Xu told me The Love familiar wagging tale or kitty twisting at his usual joking way, “Sorry, a High Fest. Retreats around your legs with that “I’m so icial is staying in your room,and so we processes happy to see you!” look. Owning a ve ls, organised a nurse’s roomtoon the deepen, pet can be so very rewarding for so cond floor of the inpatient’s honour depart-and enmany reasons but one of the main nt for you.” hance any lovones is the enormous love that we I met the ing directors and other main relationship. Queensland, Bali p get from them. Their love is uncondiff of the and hospital and commenced beyond. www.dynamicgroups. m tional and they are almost always up training as Dr Xu’s personal as-4707. Phone 07 5494 for a hug, a walk or just to sit there tant. I would star t at 8am at the with us while we have that morning gong clinic and he would teach me cuppa. They don’t ask for much in six sections of Guigen Qigong in return, but most of us would give ween patients arriving for treatment. them the world because they are our would break for lunch at 11.30am world and they really don’t care if we d recommence at 1pm. From 3pm are old or young or fat or thin. 5pm, we held Qigong and meditation The story of the little family dog services directory listed alphabetically actice for patientsProducts and other and doctors running around alerting his family and appearing he department. When word spreadin 5 different versions of the paper: that there was a fire in their home t a foreigner was in the Qigong denSW, VIC, QLD, SA, WA and saving everyone comes to mind. tment, a lot of doctors came to meet There are so many of these stories , practise their English and discuss I could tell you but my point is that at I was studying. Soon, I had a few they would give their life for us and gong students, confirming that Forthe 20 words (in each region) sometimes have. Animals such as st way to learn is to teach. Extra I spentwords: $1 each per region bomb dogs, sniffer dogs and guide uable time with Dr Xu at the hospital, photo/logo: $50 extra per region dogs are highly trained and love shared a common goal and desire to their job, as they know instinctively p people improve theirMuLTIPLE quality ofREGIOnS life. DISCOunTS APPLY FOR 2 OR MORE that this is something that will keep On my first morning with Dr Xu, he us safe. A lovely story about an army Phone 1800 451 317 or (08) 8396 6752 d me that I was the first Australian man looking for a new bomb detecong teacher to learn Guigen Qigong or email tor dog was that he found one on d that he wanted me to make a DVD it so that others could benefit. I proced the DVD “Qigong - Restoring Natal Harmony” in that same year, 2004, d now this instruction book published 2010 and packaged together with original DVD. I have returned many The Mo $2.97/min GST incl. s Pay/mobile extra. es with groups of students to share P opulart Xu’s knowledge, also to continue my P sychics n understanding and development of ong, TCM and Chinese culture. LIZ Credit Card readings - $2.95/min

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death row and saved him. This dog is now one of the best the army has and does his job with pride. We don’t always plan to have an animal but somehow we end up being the owner of a stray cat that has just turned up at our door or a dog nobody wants. We then adjust our lives to fit in with them so we can give them the best life possible. I know myself I wasn’t planning on another dog when I ended up with a Mastiff cross Great Dane, but I wouldn’t give him up for anything. My other dog, Kelli, accepted him straight away and the two are now firm friends. Pets just love to do things with us. Many of us, me included, take their pets on holidays with them, and many holiday resorts now cater for our pets to include them on the family vacation. When it comes down to it we love our pets, they teach us and we do everything we can to make their lives happy. They bring us such happiness and teach us lessons about love and commitment to a living creature. They are always so flexible and generally just go with whatever’s happening at the time. I know of two cats who travel the country with their truck driver dad and when I asked them what they thought of this they thought every

cat lived in a truck! He found them abandoned when he was doing a delivery and that was nine years ago. They often lie across the dash of the truck while he’s out on the road, totally oblivious to their extraordinary lifestyle. It’s important to us as pet owners to know that our pets are well, safe and happy because just knowing that puts a huge smile on our faces. I know myself when I’ve been away working that I’m eager to get home to be greeted by my four-legged fur kids who I know have missed me and I them. Life is wonderful when you have a pet of any kind to share it with – be it a cat, dog, horse or even a rabbit. As a professional medium & animal communicator, about 95% of my clients are female. With this issue’s theme being ‘Women Making a Difference’,

it’s timely to talk about the power of women’s intuition.Many of my female clients have found that turning to their intuition and spiritualism for guidance has given them peace with their inner self. I’ ve helped facilitate this by connecting them to their passed over loved ones or pets (dead or living). The results have been so rewarding, with many women’s lives really starting to fall into place. Men see this and think, ‘I want what she’s got’. Well, why wait? Contact Amanda De Warren, Medium & Animal Communicator on 0434 713 615 or


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