Ancient Energies of the Earth By David Cowan with Anne Silk ---Š - 1999 ISBN - 07225-3800-6 ---Contents: Foreword by Sir George Trevelyan Introduction by Dr Cyril W. Smith Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1 - Early Researchers of Earth Energy: Alternative Theories on Ancient Enigmas Chapter 2 - Listening to the Planet's Pulse: The Strange Energies from Standing Stones Chapter 3 - Walking the Energy Leys: Cup-Marks - the Key to Ancient Art and Science Chapter 4 - The Strange Qualities of Cup-Mark Energy: An Intriguing Insight into the Earth Energy System Chapter 5 - The Cup-Mark Skeleton: A Portal into the Past Chapter 6 - The Secret of the Petroglyphs: A Mass Murder, an Unknown Cup-Marked Stone and the Bubonic Plague Chapter 7 - The Road to Rannoch: Walking the Serpent Chapter 8 - The Final Circuit: Cup-Mark Maps across Scotland and Northern England Chapter 9 - Straight Leys: And How They Work Chapter 10 - Earth Acupuncture: Volcanic Plugs, Burial-Grounds, 'Spirit Paths' and the 'Electric Brae' Chapter 11 - The Leys from Pillar Island: The Glen Lyon Ley Chapter 12 - Circular Burial-Grounds: four-Poster Leys Chapter 13 - Sacred Geometry: A Town Based on the Earth Energy System and Feng Shui Chapter 14 - Rebuilding the Ancient Magic: A Hypothetical Reconstruction of the Ley System Chapter 15 - Strange Happenings on the Earth Energy System: Black Spirals, Ill-Health and Apparitions Chapter 16 - Poltergeists: Some Insights into Various Phenomena Chapter 17 - Lethbridge's Legacy: ... Like Peris' Wands, when pointing out the road Chapter 18 - Ball Lightning and Earth Lights: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Chapter 19 - Earth Gases and Volcanic Tubes: Spontaneous Combustion and Strange Mud Springs Chapter 20 - Crop Circles and Chladni Patterns: Chaotic Systems and Natural Patterns Chapter 21 - The Devil's Footprints in the Snow: A World-Wide Phenomenon Conclusion Further Reading (Removed) Index (Removed) -----------------------------------------Foreword This book relates the story of a remarkable exploration into the mysteries of the living Earth - the further our understanding, the deeper these mysteries become. David Cowan set out on a path of exploration which has led him into unexpected depths. Our generation has realized that the Earth is an organic, living whole, not merely a complex lump of dead minerals with a film of life over its surface, but truly a living creature with its own breath and bloodstream, glands and sensitivity, thought and consciousness. The concept of Gaia, the Earth goddess, has been revived in our time to explain the uncanny
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