Advanced Awareness in Personal Development #38 Real Spirit Original Workbook

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By Chris Walker - Advanced Awareness Course #38 REAL SPIRIT ORIGINAL WORKBOOK If you think your life is a drag and you hate it, I will not attempt to talk you out of your opinion. However, I think you can benefit much more if you change the object of your hatred. Instead of hating life, hate God. That was not a typo - you read it correctly. Hate God. Ironically, so many people love God but hate everybody else. The man who hates his fellowman and loves only God is no lover of God.

All that is true, by whomsoever it has been said has its origin in the spirit. Thomas Aquinas

Chris Walker - Innerwealth - Coaching, Adventures, Retreats, Education, Consulting

about the author Chris Walker is on the forefront of radical personal development and change that inspires people to find their life purpose and to live from their heart. His methods are dynamic, and direct. His work is gifted and inspirational. The process Chris embraces can be confrontational, but if you are prepared to "step out", the personal power that this knowledge gives you is without doubt life changing and truly inspiring. Chris’ purpose is to open hearts and to stop the hurt. His work comes from his heart and is a truly magnificent gift for anyone ready to receive it. Chris shows people how to bring Spirit into their life and keep it there. His sensitivity and empathy to others is his gift. The most powerful thing that we can do with our lives is be on purpose, and live with the knowledge of Spirit. Chris helps you discover this, that which is already yours and through his work you will find the courage and love to honor your self and follow your heart. Chris brings his work to individuals and businesses. He believes for business success you first need to create personal success, and this happens when your business and the people within it are on purpose. As corporate consultant, speaker, inspirational writer and CEO of Innerwealth Technologies, Christopher Walker is on the forefront of radical personal development and organizational change. His work inspires people to find their life purpose and to live from their heart. He brings to his work a unique blend of business experience, personal mastery and heart felt inspiration. After graduating from Engineering in 1976, Chris worked throughout Asia building 5 of his own successful businesses. At the age of 34 Chris returned to university to complete an MBA and committed himself to dream, to build an international organization that helped people and their business’s live in harmony with the laws of nature and therefore reach their most inspired potential.

welcome Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewellery. John Lennon

This is an exciting program. If there are truths a person can be aware of that make the most difference in a life, they are enclosed in the work of The REAL SPIRIT program. There are laws that run all things, from the tiniest atom to the universes and beyond, those laws are the universal laws, and they are available to all people. These laws also permeate your life, they determine the outcome of your actions, the thoughts you have and the way you feel. So it seems wise to align ourselves with those laws. The ancients spoke of this alignment in many ways, however, modern religion and lifestyle have robbed us of these truths. We believe the solution to many of life’s problems and uncertainties lies in the awareness of these laws. They in themselves do little, but a person who is aware and aligned with these natural laws, can work miracles. We are tired of the over prescription of drugs to solve problems the medical profession chooses to ignore, we are concerned at statistics that reveal that the current solutions to our social issues are actually causing an increase in the very problem they are able to fix. We believe that it is time for a change. To get back to the basics, to tune into the laws of nature, to bring those laws into our lives to allow us to be the magnificence we were all born to be. To change the world change yourself. This program addresses the very core of personal change, it provides you with a time proven method for solving your life problems as they arrive, it gives you the formulae for healing and a way to stay healthy and on purpose. Let’s all become more conscious of the impact of wrong thinking on the lives of people around us, let’s all become more conscious of the laws of nature and the separation of humanity as a result of the loss of this awareness, let’s all grow personally, put our heart and soul into what we do, have a inspirational vision, a loving relationship and perfect health. This program will, with your application lead to that end.

Guarantee Innerwealth Technologies I would love to inform you in advance that I do not treat disease, prescribe drugs, provide therapy or solve legal problems. Therefore, I am not here to take the place of your doctor, therapist, or lawyer. I am simply here to offer you a new and more profound way of looking at your life. I will provide you with a leading edge methodology, a life advancing process, and a high achievement formula, that can help you create significant changes in your attitude to, and actions in, life. I am also here to help you learn how to change any stressful situation you might encounter into a blissful condition, or experience. The result will be that you will learn how to experience more moments of love, gratitude, certainty and presence in your life. You will learn how to act from a greater state of purpose, wisdom, maturity and poise. If you are presently under any form of psychiatric care, psychological therapy, or under the influence of any form of medication, please inform me in private, before the first morning break, for special instructions. Sincerely, Your facilitator

Š This work is copy write protected under international law and may not be duplicated, used or transmitted in any form without express written permission of the author.



The Four Questions of Leadership


The Four Pillars of Real Spirit


Workshop - Real Life Mastery


Universal Laws


Changing Perception


Living on Purpose






Affirmations Program Summary


Corporate - Applying this Work to Business

the 4 questions of leadership

Where do we come from?

Why are we here?




Welcome Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewellery. John Lennon

Spiritual Work This is the rule for accomplishing this spiritual work: Breath control, sense withdrawal, meditation, concentration, inquiry, and ecstasy are said to be yoga. When seeing by means of this he sees the gold colored maker, the lord, the spirit, the source of Brahma, then the sage, abandoning good and evil, makes everything unitary in the supreme indestructible. Upanishads

Life Purpose Some people say, "If God himself would just speak to me and let me know what He really wants me to do, I would be delighted to do that, no matter how meaningless and humble the work." In fact, God has spoken many times, they just weren’t listening.


Master Your Destiny There is no greater end to life than to become the master of your own destiny; to do so we must truly understand the mysteries of life. In this, nature is our teacher. Then and only then can we apply those rules to our life.



The Enemy Within For one who has conquered the mind The mind is the best of friends, But for one who has failed to do so His very mind will be the greatest enemy Bhagavad Gita

Breath Prana Breath is the external manifestation of the force of prana. Breath is the flywheel that regulates the entire machine of the body. Just as the control of the fly wheel of an engine controls all other mechanisms in it, so the control of the external breath leads to the control of the gross and subtle, physical and mental aspects of our life machine. Swami Rama

God is in the details If you think your life is a drag and you hate it, I will not attempt to talk you out of your opinion. However, I think you can benefit much more if you change the object of your hatred. Instead of hating life, hate God. That was not a typo - you read it correctly. Hate God. Ironically, so many people love God but hate everybody else. The man who hates his fellowman and loves only God is no lover of God.


Spirit All that is true, by whomsoever it has been said has its origin in the spirit. Thomas Aquinas



Mind Most of us live our lives in our heads, and the person who lives in our head is not our true self‌ Most of us are trapped by our sense of what and who we think we are.

One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind. Bhagavad-Gita

Harmony and Effort Quest for harmony: self-effort does not mean blind effort. The Dharma of self-effort also includes striving to know when to exercise the discrimination of acceptance and surrender to a disappointing outcome. This does not mean giving up, but rather finding harmony within oneself in order to regather the necessary strength and move on to the next level of life. Predestiny and self-effort are two wheels of the same cart. Even if you know your destiny, it is only as good as the effort you make to bring it to reality.


Self Knowledge Self-knowledge is a more reliable guide to behavior than adherence to arbitrarily imposed standards, though both are susceptible to error.



to change the world change yourself first When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world: as I grew older and wiser I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change my country, but it too seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years in one last desperate attempt I settled for changing only my family those closest to me. But alas they would have none of it! And now I realize as I lie on my death bed, if I had only changed myself first, then by example I might have changed my family. From then, by example, I might have changed my friends. From their aspirations and encouragement I would have then been able to better my country, and who knows, I might have even changed the world. Inscribed on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop at Westminster abbey


we are the world we see We are immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience in which we have lived many lives. Vedic rishis have given us courage by uttering the simple truth, "God is the Life of our life." A great sage carried it further by saying, there is one thing God cannot do: God cannot separate Himself from us. This is because God is our life. God is the life in the birds. God is the life in the fish. God is the life in the animals. Becoming aware of this Life energy in all that lives is becoming aware of God’s loving presence within us. We are the undying consciousness and energy flowing through all things. Deep inside we are perfect this very moment, and we have only to discover and live up to this perfection to be whole. Our energy and God’s energy are the same, ever coming out of the void. We are all beautiful children of God. Each day we should try to see the life energy in trees, birds, animals and people. When we do, we are seeing God in action. The Vedas affirm, "He who knows God as the Life of life, the Eye of the eye, the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind - he indeed comprehends fully the Cause of all causes." Aum Namah Sivaya.


the yogi view of life The soul, in its intelligence, searches for its Self, slowly ascending the path that leads to enlightenment and liberation. It is an arduous, delightful journey through the cycles of birth, death and rebirth culminating in Self Realization, the direct and personal spiritual experience of God, of the Self, of Truth. This alone among all things in the cosmos can bring freedom from the bondage's of ignorance and desire. This is the highest realization. There is none greater. Yogi’s believe that all women and men are on this path and that all will ultimately reach its summit. It is a glorious and encouraging concept - that every single soul will reach Truth, moksha.


the medicine wheel

Who am I?



Love White Fire Where am I going?

Yellow Air



Red Earth

Where did I come from?

Blue/Black Water


Gratitude South

Why am I here?


• gratitude • pressence • certainty • love

the four pillars of real spirit

the four greatest healers of all

gratitude The power of mind Where is God not? What you cannot be grateful for runs you It doesn't get any better than this Your heart is filled with love and waits to be opened Gratitude opens the gateway of the heart and lets the truth of love radiate out and shine What you repress others express! Every stance creates an oppistance What you judge you breed, attract or become No one will build you up or beat you down as much as you Ultimately there are no victims Emotions – energy in motion What you resist persists Infatuation breeds resentment


the power of presence The Power of Personal Magnetism Spirituality in reality – be REAL Instantaneous personal magnetism Your judgements are killing you Move your “Got to’s” to “Love to’s” Stress is lopsided perception Your life will be remembered for those moments of presence What made you believe that? What you repress others express! Every stance creates an oppistance What you judge you breed, attract or become. No one will build you up or beat you down as much as you Ultimately there are no victims Emotions – energy in motion What you resist persists Infatuation breeds resentment Effort is only present when we are out of alignment


absolute certainty The power of the soul When the inner voice speaks louder than the outer voices – there is certainty Nothing of the senses ever satisfied the soul "Nothing affects the child more than the unlived life of the parent" Jung

Your maximum growth occurs at the border of chaos and order Life is a journey not a destination When you're green you're growing; When you're ripe you rot It's never done There is nothing surer; the beliefs you have and the dreams you have are dissonant. If you take a stance you become a victim of circumstance No stance, no blame, no victims The purpose of a relationship We are attracted to those things we think we don’t have; We are repelled from those things we think we don’t have If any two people are the same there's no need for one of them


unconditional love The power of detachment You only want to make a difference in those things you have not come to love Love is the greatest power in the universe and the most misunderstood Love is detachment Love is not to need or want – love just is. People can reject your expectation they cannot reject your love The truth requires no forgiveness Wisdom is the acknowledgment of balance and order in oneself and others The truth makes you speechless The truth requires no justification or rationalization Your spiritual self actualisation requires no excuses You can’t manage anything you can’t see the balance in Emotions - energy in motion






workshop real life mastery

real life mastery • Move from Reaction to Action • Be in Control of your Emotions • Develop Peace of Mind • Resolve Conflicts Fast and Easy • Dissolve Depression and Anxiety • Develop Focus and Concentration • Improve Health • Remove Unhealthy Habits • Create your Reality • Watch the Signposts • Be Conscious • Transform Illusions • Be at One • Have Gratitude for All


the art of inspiration Action

Reaction Seek the balance in all things and you will become the Master. You will witness ever deeper appreciation for beauty in nature. You will witness the magnificence in this universe and you will hold in your heart the appreciation for yourself as a reflection of that creation. Christopher Walker.

When the inner voice speaks louder than the outer voices, you are inspired. Live your vision. Dare to dream. For in such a life is a success beyond the measure of mortal man. Christopher Walker.


the human quest for reality • Human Laws versus Universal Laws • Morals and Ethics • Perceptions and Reality REALITY Experience - Learning Values Beliefs - Thoughts Perceptions Intentions - Vision Actions – Habits - Goals Personas - Identity I am

What people can link to core values motivates them. Gandhi's values: I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering. The Four Hidden Questions of Mastery

perfection within Deep within this physical body, with its turbulent emotions and getting-educated mind, is pure perfection. In this sacred mystery we find the paradoxes of oneness and twoness, of being and becoming, of created and uncreated existence. The Vedas explain, "The one controller, the inner Self of all things, who makes His one form manifold, to the wise who perceive Him as abiding in the soul, to them is eternal bliss" Aum Namah Sivaya.


the seven levels of mind Corpus Collosum


Cortic Brain


Limbic Brain

Human Mammalian

Basal Ganglia


Brain Stem


Spinal Chord


Cellular Brain


self Those who see with eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the knower of the body, and can also understand the process of liberation from bondage in material nature, attain to the supreme goal. Bhagavad-Gita






universal laws

living with real consciousness There is no greater end to life than to become the master of your own destiny; to do so we must truly understand the mysteries of life. In this, nature is our teacher. Then, and only then, can we apply those tools to our life.

life 101 "Lead your life so you won't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers Jr.

"People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross." Dovie Lowry

"Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond to it." Charles Swindoll

love For I am persuaded, that neither life not death, nor angels, nor principalities, not powers, not things present, not things to some, not height, not depth, not any other creature, shall be able to separate us from love. Roman 8:38

to every thing there is a season To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted: A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance: A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together: A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing: A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak: A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiates 3:1-8


become a myth-breaker I will teach things that you may not want to bear now, that you may not want to face now. I will break some myths, I promise you. You are at sense and motor effect; what comes in through your senses is what goes out through your motors, which are muscles. So whatever you’ve sensed and expressed, whatever you’ve passively received and actively expressed, if you have an imbalanced sensory input, you have an imbalanced motor output. Garbage in, garbage out. True balance in, love out. It’s impossible to have true balance in without having love come out. But if you have true balance in, guess what you see? You sense love, therefore you give love. If you give love, you sense love. What you sow, you reap. There is no gain nor loss, only a transformation. This is the law. Whenever you defy the law of conservation, entropy takes over your life. Instead of you working with the law, you are fighting it, because now you are ungrateful and ingratitude means entropy. You cannot be grateful except in a state of balanced perception, and if you have ingratitude you automatically entropise. Entropise means to break down and fragment yourself. To those who have gratitude more is given, from those who haven’t, more is taken away. You fragment and dissipate; you lose soul. Can you imagine, if there was no gain or loss, what that would do to funerals? Imagine! It could be a celebration. Imagine you were dying. When I ask people that, I very rarely run into somebody who wants remorse and misery at their funeral.


1. the law of symmetry Nature seeks the balance in all things; • Peace and War • Nice and Mean • Good and Evil • Praise and Reprimand Everything has two sides For every upper there’s a downer For every right there’s a wrong For every nice there’s a mean Rescue is the illusion of one sidedness Time and space perceptions create Elation and Depression Attraction and Repulsion Support and Challenge

There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and retreat; a rising and a sinking; This is the affair of the universe, sun, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds: in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of man. Maximum evolution requires support and challenge. 34

2. the law of evolution Maximum evolution occurs at the border of order and chaos. It’s never done. After a moment of love you simply birth a new moment of challenge. Support and Challenge Pleasure and Pain Upper and Downer The lower mind seeks pleasure and gets pain


3. the law of abundance (conservation) Nothing is missing it just changes in form Until you appreciate it the way that you’ve got it you won’t get it the way that you want it Gratitude for what you’ve got The seven areas of life When one window opens another closes Consciousness determines the size of the pool Most people rob Peter to pay Paul (move the deck chairs) When you move through an illusion you grow in consciousness


4. the law of harmony Gratitude The higher the swing the lower the consciousness Your mind determines the tic toc Smaller tic toc, higher vibration Each tic and toc is either side of purpose Maximum growth occurs at the border Gratitude reduces the tic toc Positive thinking increases the tic toc Emotion is tic toc The lower mind seeks one side (nervous system) To the degree that you seek pleasure you attract pain Mastery is the creation of the upper and the design of the downer Presence is the place in between


5. the law of the one and the many The one and the many Local and non local What you judge you breed At one with all -- all is a reflection of you Where is God Not Hierarchy To the degree you can observe these laws in life is the degree of your consciousness Consciousness determines your peace of mind and wellbeing.








changing perception

It’s Never Done If you wake up in the morning without a problem pinch yourself – you’re probably dead. Norman Vincent Peal author of The Art of Positive Thinking.

Experience Imagine if I could give you the absence of negative experiences in our life does not alone contribute to the quality of our life. As humans we need challenges in order to develop fully and bring forth all the positive aspects a miracle formula of a pill that would enable you to eliminate all the negative experiences in your life. How wonderful would your life be? You would have no worries and live stressfree. Right? Wouldn’t this be the ultimate dream come true? But the fact is that if such a pill or formula existed, it would not make you happy or stress-free. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have backed this up with a study that shows how our society puts too much emphasis on eliminating negative experiences when trying to alleviate stress. within ourselves. The only way to feel truly happy is by confronting these challenges and overcoming them. As children of the Divine, we want to touch life’s every fiber - even the negative ones - and feel alive by riding high on life itself.


Health I learned the art of preserving the life force in my body. I saw the Divine within my body and realised that my body is my temple. Thus I began to preserve it with great care. Christopher Walker

Balance – Reflections When you notice an out-of-balance situation within yourself, balance it at once. If you don’t, it will find a reflection outside. Life 101



balance it Up -win - positive - good pro+



Up - win - positive - good pro+


balance it Up -win - positive - good pro+


Up - win - positive - good pro+



peace of mind Your mind never stops. When the mind is out of balance it begins to race uncontrollably on any topic we choose to give it. Alternatively when the mind is in balance it is calm and centred. Worry is inbalanced thought. Radio dials (how many stations do you have running at once)?

Watch out for oversteer (knee jerk reactions) What’s the worst possible result? Find the benefits of that. What can you do about the worst possible result? When the mind is unresolved on an issue it is seeing more pleasure or more pain in an event. However there is never more pain than pleasure in any event.


you cannot give what you haven’t got Nobody can do to you more than you Nobody beats you up more than you Nobody criticises you more than you Nobody loves you more than you Nobody can care for you more than you Nobody rejects you more than you Nobody dislikes or likes you more than you Nobody makes you afraid more than you Nobody can nurture you more than you Nobody can support or challenge you more than you At the end of the day you attract people on the outside to do to you what you are doing on the inside. Change the inside – change the outside.

Exercise What examples do you have in your life where someone has done to you on the outside what you were doing on the inside?




Conquering others requires force. Conquering oneself requires strength.

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching


Yoga Philosophy Yoga is a vast and profound teaching. It worships one Supreme Reality (called by many names) and teaches that all souls ultimately realise Truth. There is no eternal hell, no damnation. It accepts all genuine spiritual paths from pure monism ("God alone exists") to theistic dualism ("When shall I know His Grace?"). Each soul is free to find his own way, whether by devotion, austerity, meditation (yoga) or selfless service. Yoga explains that the soul reincarnates until all karmas are resolved and God Realisation is attained. The magnificent holy temples, the peaceful piety of a Yogi home, the subtle metaphysics and the science of yoga all play their part. Yoga is a mystical tradition, leading the devotee to personally experience the Truth within, finally reaching the pinnacle of consciousness where man and God are one.


Who am I? Where did I come from? Throughout time those who have claimed to have answers to the four fundamental questions have ruled. Whether by force, by faith, by fear or by guilt, the search for these four fundamental answers has truly united the earth in search and mission in life. Career, relationship, recreation and financial wealth can all be related to these simple questions. Religion, eastern culture, war and peace are embodied here. Crime, rescue can all be embodied here. Know these answers with certainty and life unfolds.



human responses 7.Love to 6.Choose to 5.Desire to 4.Intuitive response want to 3.Restful awareness need to 2.Reactive should 1.Fight or flight










personal magnetism Perfect Stillness The Power of Mind The Ability to Hold Focus Kinetic Energy to Potential Energy The Ability to Hold back Nervous System The Ability to Stop the Leakage The Willingness to be Disciplined The Poise of a Champion The Steadiness of Physiology The Commitment to a Path The Ability to Recuperate (Rest) Inner Guidance Real Health Ritual Breath


if you had 24 hours to live what would you do? Nothing of the senses ever satisfied the soul.

What would you love to have as your eulogy, epitaph or obituary? Assume it’s written or spoken by someone who is close to you.


a shift in the way we think Smashing the Illusion We have two aspects to our nature. As Swedenborg described it, we have a spiritual nature and a natural nature. In biblical writings they say you have a natural body and a spiritual body. In the natural body you live in dualism, in the spiritual body you live in synthesis or unity. The dualisms that we encompass when we live in the natural body, our physical nature, are inescapable as long as we live through our senses and through our body, and therefore we will experience the dance of polarities, the dance of peace and war, etcetera. Nobody has ever escaped this. There have been mystical writings throughout the ages of so-called masters. Sometimes they’ve been masters of the Far East or masters of the West, but they have depicted an ideal of human consciousness that is able to transcend duality. It’s always in some far-off place that these beings are found, or not found, but never in actual location or attainment by other people. You hear about these mystery beings who were able to perform certain feats, but nobody ever saw ‘em; there’s always just a description of them, but never an actual sighting or documentation. Beware of the mythological and mystery writings that are rampant in culture, because they create, as Einstein said, "An idealism that creates great suffering." Great suffering in the sense of; "We can’t attain this, so what’s wrong with us?" It’s like an optimistic thinking that says, "We’re supposed to be positive all the time, what’s wrong with me, why can’t I do it?" How many of you understand this illusion? This is so rampant it is actually believed to be true, because it is the collective unconscious and conscious that has now infiltrated the cultures of the world with this belief system. Very few cultures have escaped it, and we are now at a turning point; a paradigm shift is about to occur, and you are part of it.


Judgement Judge not that ye be not judged. Matt. 7:1

Things don’t change Things don’t change. You change your way of looking, that’s all. C.Castenada

It is not love, but lack of love which is blind. G.Wescott

Perception You need to perceive yourself as being successful and then operate your life as if you were. It is essential to uproot from your consciousness thoughts that somehow you are lacking and unworthy. Operate from abundance and selfimportance. Your inner reality will take the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy….actions will be unforced and much more effective because they are motivated from within Christopher Walker


The Nature of Illusion Understand the Nature of Illusion and Reality. Voyage beyond the Avoidance of Pain and the Pursuit of Pleasure. We operate our whole lives in the illusion of a desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The man who is not troubled by pain and pleasure,who remains the same, he is wise and makes himself fit for eternal life. Bhagavad Gita



the illusions of the masses Throughout the ages this knowledge has been in the hands of the few, while the hands of the many tend to avoid one side of life and seek the other. The hands of the few, of the masters, are those which embrace both sides. In some cases even the masters didn’t embrace both sides; some of them were not as masterful as they imagined themselves to be. They also were running from half of life, seeking the other half of life. ‘The Science of Soul,’ is a book by a particular guru from India who, interspersed between great dualistic understandings, suddenly wants peace and happiness and eternal fun and pleasure for people. It markets well to the masses but nobody finds it. It’s like saying, "If you do this you’ll get it (although for some reason you never successfully do this thing), but keep going at it because someday you’ll get it, or you’ll get it in a heaven state." We’ll look at those myths along the journey. It creates a great deal of illusive action in people’s lives. There is a time for both sides, and in our research we accumulated a list of the positive and negative traits that a human being can have; you simply go to a dictionary and an encyclopedia as a group, and collect every positive and negative trait that could be imagined for a human being. From the most villainous to the most virtuous, from hero to villain, saint to sinner, we could list both sides, and if we honestly looked we would find that we, in some form, demonstrate those character traits.


ancient wisdom A great ancient wisdom that has stood through time is that within the human being is the whole universe; it’s like a hologram. We literally have anything we can perceive on the outside, or inside, and to that extent we have every human trait possible. The way we demonstrate it will be unique, in our own unique form, but we have every trait. We will have times for war, and it will be in our own form; there will be challenge and competitiveness in business, or competitiveness in relationship, or domination in society, or desire to lead, or something. We’ll have war and competition; that’s the patriarchal dominant side of the human being. We’ll also have desire for peace and cooperation and support and nurturing – the matriarchal side of life. We need both sides, we cannot be without one side. So we will go from liking to disliking, to having war or conflict, to having peace and cooperation, from silence to speech. The second we think we actually know something we want to speak out. The second we think we know something we attract somebody into our life to make us humbled and silent, to maybe realise we don’t. Back and forth we go through all the two sides of life, but our lower nature, our natural nature, tends to avoid pain and seek pleasure, so we look for one-sidedness when we are in our lower nature. The lower nature is not bad, it’s not sinful per se, even though some writers have called it so, it is simply giving us an opportunity to identify where we haven’t got a balanced perception. When our lower nature runs from pain and seeks pleasure, it’s just doing it to offer us an opportunity to face where we haven’t brought things into balance, so we can then look for the balance and transcend that which is actually running us.


balance perception Spiritually Balanced Perception Awakens your mind to a hidden order Awakens your mind to a greater intelligence governing life’s events Expands your appreciation of what is, as it is Opens your heart to love Mentally Balanced Perception Organises your ideas and thoughts Expands your mind Clears charged memories and fears Develops a photographic and audio graphic mind Vocationally Balanced Perception Adds more certainty and clarity to direction Allows you to see both sides of decisions in advance Enhances vision, inspiration and purpose -- inner motivation Increases action and decreases reaction Financially Balanced Perception Helps develop greater self worth Decreases the personas that tend to sabotage wealth Moderates over and under spending Expands time horizons thereby developing patience Familialy - Balanced Perception Enhances communication decreases blame Adds aspect and appreciation Socially – Balanced Perception Generates leadership qualities Helps overcome fears of rejection Adds clarity to mission and direction Adds understanding of world events so there is less reaction and more action Health -Balanced Perception Releases tense emotional charges thereby adding vitality Decreases stress and its body effects Calms and relaxes muscles making you feel lighter and sleep more soundly Brings homeostasis to your internal physiology 60

wisdom versus ignorance When we acknowledge the balance we have wisdom. Wisdom allows you to have gratitude, which opens up the gateway of the heart and allows the warmth and light to come into your consciousness. When we ignore it we end up having ‘endarkenment,’ unconsciousness, where we can’t see. Blindness means we’re unable to see the balance. When somebody is blinded they’re unable to see the balance, the deaf are unable to hear or express the balance, the lame are unable to walk in the balance. In the biblical metaphors, when they refer to the blind, the deaf and the dumb, or the lame, what they are symbolising is not just someone who cannot see or hear on a physical level, but someone who is unable to receive the truth and balance and order that is sitting in the divinity of consciousness. When they are able to receive it they have the ability to see and hear and walk and function. Ignorance means to ignore the divine order, the balance. The word divine means ‘to shine.’ It’s the light. So divine order, or divine balance, or divine light, or divine wisdom, is nothing more than the light shining. It is the awakening and the turning on of the light of our consciousness. Ignorance means to ignore the balance. When we ignore the balance we have ignorance.

worry ‘I am an old man and have a great many troubles, but most of them never happened’. Mark Twain


potential energy kinetic energy You will not be given a great responsibility without also annihilating a great charge. If you read the stories of the saints, and there is a book called ‘The History and Biographies of the Saints,’ many of them were thieves, villains and murderers who were then converted into a spiritual life. They went from villainy to virtue, and became the most motivated to go off in that other direction. Even though you can never eliminate the other side, they had the most virtuous driving force because they had the most villainous starting point. Whoever has been given the most challenges in life are those who are able to go the highest. It’s not bad, it’s just letting you know what you haven’t loved and allowing you to learn to love it. If you have an extreme like that, just know that’s a potential energy. Down in the tic-toc you have kinetic energy, and if you take kinetic energy and stop it, you birth great potential energy. If you have a pendulum swinging way out with powerful momentum, and you can capture the potential energy that it equals and have it birthed as potential energy, that is a tremendously powerful energy source. If you have just a little swing, it isn’t. If you take the worst case scenarios of your most elated and most depressed times, every time you balanace your worst and your super best, you birth greater potential. We all have that in some form or another.


perception Conciousness is seeing the two sides of perception instantaneously and with gratitude The Upside of Perception

The Downside of Perception











Business Success















Social Breakdown



























Hospitals 63

being real Transforming perception to REALITY The Law of Symmetry – where is your unconsciousness? Your judgements presume that what you are judging is either good or bad, right or wrong. Your judgements and emotions assume that there is an excess or deficiency. To the human nature these perceptions are real. However, beyond human nature there is a deeper truth. These judgements and emotions – in this deeper place are not REAL. Human perception is controlled by the human mind. The mind works always in duality. Separating things into two. It focuses on one side or the other and therefore speaks in duality. I.e. right and wrong, up and down, good and bad, hot and cold. This is the human condition and it is in direct conflict with the true condition of all things. The rate at which you can see the two sides of anything is determines the quality of your life. Consciousness is not sustainable, instead you continuously gain and loose consciousness. This is growth. The more your see balance, the more moments of presence you will experience. This is quality of life.

Your personal growth is conditional on the transformation of perception. Your path is set and the perceptions you are yet to transcend number in the thousands. Welcome the emotions of your life as they are the events that move you to higher and higher levels of actualisation and consciousness.


transforming perception The REAL ISSUE What you judge you breed, attract or become. Because all things are a reflection of you, the judgements and emotions you have are actually a mirror of your feelings toward yourself. Either in excess or deficiency your perception of others is a reflection of you. Those judgements toward yourself lower your self worth. The gift of emotion is it’s duty to reveal your truth. Where you don’t love yourself you’ll end up living with it, working with it or parenting it. Now you may or may not have twigged to this yet but you can’t change people. You actually can’t change yourself. However when you love the trait, it is in your control and then you can choose the form of the shift. Every person has every trait. May as well face up to this. Some express the trait, some repress the trait. Depends on their self belief and the social conditioning of their lives. To change the world, change yourself. The only way to change something permanently is to love it. So it is really important that the first step you take is to identify what it is that is causing you emotion. Either infatuation or resentment, pain, loss, attraction or repulsion are all emotions that are not REAL. They are the illusions that run your life and can, if not dealt with cause ever increasing pain and discomfort. Both mentally and physically.


transforming perception The LAW of Abundance - If all outside of you is a reflection of you – and nothing is ever missing it just changes in form, then you have everything you judge. Try it. All conflict, all of the human condition – ego, attachment, greed, loss, grief and jealousy is caused through the belief that someone has something you don’t. And that perception is simply not true. Based on illusions and perceptions people shoot and kill, the guardians fix the problem but leave the cause untouched. Judgements and perceptions create the reality we call life therefore the transformation of perception can unravel the mysteries of life. On or off purpose, you may be honest and dishonest, right and wrong, an arsehole and an angel. That’s REAL. Being REAL means owning yourself as you truly are. A person with every trait, therefore a reflection of the universe and creation and

therefore half the stuff you worried about is just a waste.


transforming perception The Law of Symmetry For every upper there’s a downer – for every right there’s a wrong. Perceptions in time will have us think otherwise. This is unconsciousness. Consciousness is to see both sides. Therefore for every win there’s a lose and every lose there’s a win. This is the opportunity to rise above the illusion of emotion and righteousness and wrongteousness and become conscious. Love is detachment and presence. To love something is to witness it’s two sidedness. Therefor you can now ask – if it was a negative what was the benefit, if it was a positive what was the downside. These are critical to REAL SPIRIT awareness. Moving from judgement to love releases the subject of your illusion and allows you freedom. To run from a judgement is only to breed it in the next place. Bringing your awareness to balance is a critical step at this time.


questions to transform perception What pissed you off How did that make you feel Why did that piss you off How did that make you feel When have you felt that before? Who I do it to – who have I done it to What did they learn when I did that to them The wake up call - what am I learning Positive outcome


questions to transform perception What attracted you How did that make you feel Why did that attract you? How did that make you feel When have you felt that before? Who I do it to – who have I done it to What did they learn when I did that to them The wake up call - what am I learning Positive outcome










employee Productivity motivation and loyalty


Column A

Column B

Column C

Job responsibilities (star those dislikes).

How column A helps fulfil column C.

Employee purpose, dream

Column D

Column E

How column E helps fulfil column C.

Company mission employer mission

employer Productivity motivation and loyalty Column A

Column B

Column C

Job responsibilities (star those dislikes).

How column A helps fulfil column C.

Employee dream

Column D

Column E

How column E helps fulfil column C.

Company mission employer mission


attention deficit disorder attention surplus order



Column A

Column B

Column C

ASO Signs and symptoms

Drawbacks of ASO

ASO antisigns or symptoms

Column D

Column E

Column F

ADD signs or symptoms

Benefits of ADD signs or symptoms

ADD anti signs or symptoms

broken heart mending Column A

Column B

Column C

Column D

What trait do you felt is Where do you have this Where does someone What are the benefits of lost or missing? trait that you felt is lost or else now have this trait them being gone? missing? you felt is lost or missing?

Column E

Column F

Column G

Column H

What were the drawbacks of them being here?

What they that hurts?

Where have you done what they have done?

What are the benefits to you of them doing this?



lawsuit Resolution


Column A

Column B

Column C

There actions that please

Where I equally have this trait

Drawbacks to me of their actions

Column D

Column E

Column F

Their actions that displease

Where I equally have this trait

Benefits to me of their actions

other individual Communication enhancing

Column A

Column B

Column C

Positive traits in others

Where I equally have this trait

Drawbacks to me of trait in column A

Column D

Column E

Column F

Negative trait in others

Where I equally have this trait

Benefits to me of this trait


health and wellness mind to body connection

Column A

Column B

Column C

Things I disliked about that accident or illness

Benefits to me from this

Benefits to others from this

Column D Things I liked about that accident or illness.

Column E

Column F

Drawbacks to me from this

Drawbacks to others from this


divorce - separation Previous Spouse Resolution

Column A

Column B

Column C

Things I liked about my previous spouse

How these likes are drawbacks to me

Where or when I have or live the same things

Column D

Column E

Column F

Things I dislikes about my previous spouse

How these dislikes are a service to me

Where or when I have or live the same things


individual Self Worth, Self Love Enhancing

Column A

Column B

Column C

Things I liked about myself

How these likes are a drawback to me

How these likes are a drawback to others

Column D

Column E

Column F

Things I disliked about myself

How these dislikes are a service to me

How these dislikes are a service to others


ideal false soulmate Myth, Fantasy, Expectation

Column A

Column B

Column C

Things I liked about myself

How these likes are a drawback to me

How these likes are a drawback to others

Column D

Column E

Column F

Things I disliked about myself

How these dislikes are a service to me

How these dislikes are a service to others


myth, fantasy, expectation, infatuation Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Positive trait that I like?

Where I equally have this trait and/ or who sees this trait in me?

Drawbacks to others that I have this trait or drawbacks to me that they have this trait?

Drawbacks to me that I have this trait?

In which of the 7 areas of life do they have the opposite trait to col 1?


myth, fantasy, expectation, resentment Column 6

Column 7

Column 8

Column 9

Column 10

Benefits to others Benefits to me that In which of the 7 Negative trait that I Where I equally that I have this trait. I have this trait or areas of life do they dislike or resent. have this trait and Or be benefits to me What have they or who sees this that I have done have the opposite that they have this done that I don't trait in me? this? trait to col 1? trait. How did they like? (break it down) serve me?


grief - bereavement remorse Death release Column A Positives in deceased; now gone.

Column B

Column C

Column D

Same or similar positives Who else manifests these Benefits of these positive in self. positives? now gone.

Column E

Column F

Column G

Column H

Negatives in deceased now gone.

Same or similar negatives in self.

Who else now manifests these negatives?

Benefits of having these negatives now gone.




living on purpose

Purpose According to your life, your duties have been prescribed for you; follow them and your desires will be naturally fulfilled. Bhagavad Gita

Change Sometimes people feel that whatever the work they are doing, it could not be what God intended for them. They blame the work. The missing piece here is not what is wrong with the work they are doing, but rather understanding the work they are performing right now in the context of their destiny. Christopher Walker

Aspiration Nobody gets up in the morning and says, "I wish I had less! I want to be lesser in my consciousness, in my impact, in my receiving and broadcasting of light." Most people get up and say they want to evolve to greatness, to learn more and do more and be more and have more in their life. Most people want to grow, they want to expand. Sometimes their personas don’t even want to get out of bed, but their being wants to grow.


Truth Arthur Schopenhauer says: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being selfevident." Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has." Every life form will receive and broadcast on the level of their evolution, no greater and no lesser. Where they are in their evolution will determine what they can pick up. If you come to this course a year from now you’ll pick up a different set of information;



three great keys to living on purpose Vision Know what you want in all 7 areas of life Move from “got to” “to love to” Speak in be, do have. Details turn illusions to reality The value of time Body mind balance Inspiration When the voices on the inside are louder than the voices on the outside Know where you are coming from in all 7 areas of life. Daily ritual to return to certainty The power of silence In tune with the infinite Discipline is the key Purpose Have a purpose in life greater than you. You will be supported and challenged on the path. What you can link to your purpose you’ll build. What you cannot link to your purpose you’ll sabotage. If you can achieve it it’s not your purpose. Your greatest void becomes your greatest value.


divine will or human will? Can you imagine your own all existence?

Can you imagine your own non existence?

Who would you truly be if you had chosen or experienced different parents Would your true being be the same or different?


three great keys to living on purpose Vision Know what you want in all 7 areas of life Move from “got to” “to love to” Speak in be, do have. Details turn illusions to reality The value of time Body mind balance Inspiration When the voices on the inside are louder than the voices on the outside Know where you are coming from in all 7 areas of life. Daily ritual to return to certainty The power of silence In tune with the infinite Discipline is the key Purpose Have a purpose in life greater than you. You will be supported and challenged on the path. What you can link to your purpose you’ll build. What you cannot link to your purpose you’ll sabotage. If you can achieve it it’s not your purpose. Your greatest void becomes your greatest value.


divine will or human will? Can you imagine your own all existence?

Can you imagine your own non existence?

Who would you truly be if you had chosen or experienced different parents Would your true being be the same or different?


Purpose Here’s the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive it isn’t. Richard Bach

The Journey No matter what you’ve done or not done, it’s divine perfection. If we could truly comprehend and deeply meditate on that, and go and explore the universe with that state of knowing, we’d sit in total humility to the intelligence that is governing us. We would then reach a point that Einstein, and Newton, and Dante, and Liebniz were talking about, and jump across the chasm and be totally humbled to the order that is there. In that state there is an unbounded potentiality of energy which is unfathomable to normal thought processes, but attainable by the human psyche in a state of grace. Most of the time the reality we live in is an exaggeration and minimisation, an illusion, that our heart patiently waits through while our mind dilly-dallies within. When we occasionally break through and have glimpses of the heart and understand divine order, we wonder why we ever left that state. However, the evolutionary sequence maintains us on a journey of constantly moving outside it, to go in it, so we can go outside it, to go back into it. That’s what the evolutionary sequence demands. It’s a pac-man consuming illusions and gaining size. 100

Voices Some people say, "If God himself would just speak to me and let me know what He really wants me to do, I would be delighted to do that, no matter how meaningless and humble the work." In fact, God has spoken many times, they just weren’t listening.

Divine perfection The heart is more powerful than the intellect, in the sense of the duality; it knows the order sitting there, and starts to humble itself and ask the soul for guidance. The lies of reality show us the exaggerations and minimisation of true actuality, which I define as this divine perfection. Many people still have the perception that they will one day get to perfection, instead of acknowledging that there is perfection. They have the illusion that they weren’t perfect in this setting, and if they had acted in some other way, they would have been. Our society promulgates the concept that you can get to or achieve perfection, but that most acts are imperfect, and so are we. I ask the questions; "Where is God not? Where is divine perfection not?"



Life Work -Vision, Inspiration and Purpose

To be yourself in a world which tries night and day to make you just like everybody else is to fight the greatest battle there is to fight, never stop fighting.

You go in the direction of your dominant thought. If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be deeply unhappy for the rest of your life.

E.E Cummings

Abraham Maslow

When you are inspired by some greater purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

As a person thinketh so he / she shall be





love list List your “Be”, “Do Haves” in the seven areas of life:


ups and downs of life When we have gratitude we rise and become integrated, when we have ingratitude we fall and become disintegrated. We rise in potentiality if we are grateful, we integrate and we rise into greater potential. We fall and disintegrate when we are ungrateful, into many personas. We go into conditional love, "I love you if... I love you when... I love you here... I love you there." The bigger your belief in opportunities in life, the bigger your cone; if your opportunities are limitless, so is your cone. The height of each phase of the cone is different for everyone, as fulfillment is various and unique to every individual. The height of the cone is proportionate to the diameter/radius of the base. We can have cones of many different sizes. In other words, the more down and out you’ve been, the more up and in you are capable of going. The more extremes you have been able to experience in your life, the more potentiality you have access to. If you take a bellows that feeds a fire, and you pull the arms just a little apart, you don’t have a lot of wind, right? But if you pull them way apart, you have a lot of wind. Those that have been through the most down and out are the ones capable of going the most up and in. Those who have had most down and outs are able to go most up and in. You’ll find that some of the great teachers of history have had a lot of down and outs, that’s a very common trend. You’ve probably heard of Shakti Gawain, she has been through many, many downs and outs. Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra are the same. The great teachers have had many downs and outs – male or female.


worthy of love No matter what you have done, or not done, you are worthy of love Everything you do, every word you say, will be subject to investigation. What if whatever you did or said was printed on the front page of eternity’s paper? What would happen if we were to videotape everything that has happened in your life from the time you were born until now, and have an exact duplicate video of your life. Everything that went through your mind. That means everything you’ve ever done, privately or publicly; with groups, in private, with your partner, bathing, farting, every single thing that you did in your life from beginning to end. Imagine if somebody like “Current Affair” were to clip fragments of your life as videotape, could they not make a saint out of you, and could they not also make a sinner out of you? Couldn’t they make you virtuous or vicious? They could take it out of context, couldn’t they? Your life is a combination of both, and when it’s taken out of context you could sway it one way or the other, and most people live their lives out of context. Taking lopsided perceptions of events is superimposing that non-contextual perception onto other people when in actuality people have perfect balance, they have both sides. There are times when we’re extremely gentle, and times when we’re extremely mean, there are times when we’re extremely giving, and times when we’re greedy and we want, times when we’re very thoughtful and times when we’re careless. Everything that a human being can have, we have, and we can easily take it out of context and see that any part of your life that you are not able to appreciate, or any part you would not want anybody to know, is the part you haven’t yet loved. And the part you haven’t yet loved will be continually running your life until you love it. That’s the law. A basic law of psychology, is that anything in which you haven’t discovered the balance of perceptions will keep running your life until you do. Anything in your life that you do not have a balanced perception about will consistently show up in your life, in the form of memories and imaginations, until you bring it into balance. When you do that they will come into presence and love, and will no longer have to run your life. You will be able to run them. You will use them as a master, not be running from them as a mass.


soul I’m going to define the soul as a photon, which is a relatively massless and chargeless state. It is a massless and chargeless quantum of light. Your soul is a particle of light, a photon, because it’s a parcel of the divine light. But the second it comes toward a finite world from its infinite origins, and manifests as a mind in a form, a body, it dualises itself into positive and negative, which I’m going to define as a positron and an electron, because a photon entering into a domain of different density automatically splits into two polar sides of charged particles. Freeman Dyson gave to Richard Feynman the idea that consciousness is a cloud of charged particles of light. In his studies of quantum electrodynamics, particularly in the study of electrons, Feynman showed that a photon can be split into a positron and an electron, and a proton and a neutron can exchange neutrinos and anti-neutrinos as well as positrons and electrons. We are literally manifesting matter by taking light and putting it into different densities; by creating positrons and electrons, and merging them into photons, or diverging them and making neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. All the exchanges of these particles are nothing more than plays on consciousness being integrated or disintegrated. Gratitude merges those particles and steps them up in potentiality, while ingratitude diverges them and steps them down in potentiality, into kinetic energy, and creates massful and chargeful particles.


Fear The content of fear may be intense and gripping, so much so that it overwhelms us completely. But when we look beyond that content, at the fear itself, what do we find? Pure energy, energy which, if we focus on it directly, will begin to reveal its real nature. Then, instead of filling us with agitation, the energy of fear can actually lead us to a state of exhilaration,or intense concentration, or love. Ancient hindu scripture

Sacrifice Almost everyone thinks he wants to be rich, but in reality most of us are where we want to be financially. Obtaining prosperity is not about what you are willing to do to gain it; more importantly, it is what you are willing to give up in exchange for it. This is an extremely important principle to remember. It is like the making of a superior athlete. The first thing the athlete has to confront is the question, What am I willing to give up in order to become a great athlete? Am I willing to give up the times that I spend with my friends? Am I willing to forgo the parties and fun times that my friends enjoy? Am I willing to forgo delicious, fattening food in exchange for a disciplined diet program? The list goes on. 108

Laziness The record of historical achievement cries out loud in condemning tones against laziness. Gibbon spent 26 years writing "The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire". Milton used to rise at 4 every morning writing "Paradise Lost". Bryant rewrote one of his essays 99 times. Webster worked 36 years to produce the first edition of the dictionary that bears his name. Aciers practiced speaking before his friends every day for 30 years to perfect his elocution.

Do what you love Many teachers preach that you must do what you love, then you will be very good at your job. This is only part of the story. Most people have not reached a clear state of realising exactly what they love to do and what they are good at. By simply being aware that there is a “divine plan� for your life that waits to unfold in the course of life itself, you will begin to be consciously in tune with every incident that comes into your professional and personal life. Treat each incident with the eye of a good detective an try to unveil the mystery of your fate.



garbage in garbage out – body mind You cannot have a sensory lie without a motor lie, garbage in – garbage out. To change the sensory is to change the motor, and fear and guilt dissolve once they are brought into balance. You cannot have fear and guilt when the sensory and motor systems are brought into balance, and no sensory mechanism will ever spontaneously discover balance. The only way to discover balance is through effort and selective attention to find the other side; a force is needed. Therefore, if you’re not looking for the balance, you won’t find it. And because most people don’t want to take the time to look for it, their whole constructed paradigm is that there is no balance. It takes no effort to be a victim, does it? "They did this to me and I’m a victim of that." But it does take some effort to discover the balance, and when you do you find that there is somebody to love there. Love is an effortful state, it’s disciplined. It’s not a no-effort game, it’s a discipline of the soul, you might say.


money and wealth Our divine maker never stops us from possessing worthy gifts. It is our own lack of faith in our worthiness to receive the gifts that prevents us from possessing them. Before one can fight and win the outward battle, one must win the battle within. Poverty is more a state of mind than an external condition. Most people struggle for small rewards because they are shackled by an unarticulated belief that they are not the kind of people who are worth the finer things in life. Money and wealth are obtained through interactions with others. You exchange your labour for money. In order to get a fair exchange value, it is necessary to convince the people with whom you do business that you can be of benefit to them. It is necessary for you to project a sense of your own worth. In order to do this, you must first have a strong inner sense of your own worth. "To have a sense of your own worth, you first have to do something that is worthy of your own respect. This includes hard work along with determination and perseverance. Concentrate your energy on the things that make you of worth to others: the competent and faithful performance of your duties, care in honouring your commitments, and the energy and creativity you bring to your tasks. This is the battle within" Money is the element of life that inspires the greatest of emotions in individuals. In the battle for material success, if you have trouble hitting your mark, try elevating your sights. You will have very little success with mediocre ambitions. Weak dreams inspire weak efforts.


Work Every persons work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of him or her self. Samuel Butler

Work Work to become, not to acquire. Elbert Hubbard

Credit and blame Take no credit, or you will be faced with taking blame. Get not elated with what you do, or you’ll get depressed about what you don’t. If I allow myself to get self-righteous about what I do, I eventually attract something to make me self-wrongous. It’s not a matter of taking credit or blame, it’s about doing what you love. I do what I do because this is what I feel I am to do, it’s like I couldn’t do anything else but this.

Leadership Conquering others requires force. Conquering oneself requires strength. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching




Magnificence Einstein noted that a great person knows of his or her greatness long before anyone else does. most people have been conditioned to be affected by the opinions of others and therefore never get to see their own magnificence.

Fear Performing your duty without attachment or aversion is a great antidote to the poison of fear. Bhagavad Gita


Courage Acquire the courage to believe in yourself.

Let Everything Let everything be allowed to do what it naturally does, so that it’s nature will be satisfied. Chuang Tzu



our code Words are Words; Promises are Promises; Excuses are Excuses; Performance is Reality;


there is no quitting: Life is a school. This school does not give out passing grades, but demands a perfect A from each student on every subject. You can never quit this school, and this school has no time limit for graduation. You will not graduate until you get it "right". If you are a Christian, your schooling might end when you draw the last breath. If you are Hindu or Buddhist, then you will never graduate until you reach your full Divinity, and that might take millions of incarnations. God is not democratic. He demands of His children the best they can be. He demands that they be like Him, and the cost for failing the courses is your liveliness and happiness. However, as long as you are fighting the battle tenaciously and courageously, the magical, unseen hand of the Divine is there to aid. This is not merely rhetoric, but a common experience that many people have found to be true



Investment A study of economics usually reveals that the best time to buy anything is last year. Marty Allen

Dreams Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. W.H.Murray


Priorities Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. H.L.Hunt

Success Do your work with your whole heart , and you will succeed. Elbert Hubard



manifestation Life Purpose A Purpose greater than you Vision

You are not here to self gratify. You have a vision to build create, heal or develop.


Goals are stepping stones to vision – God is in the details.


Inspired Writing takes ideas to form. Gets them out of your mind. Writing is a commitment.


Appreciation builds – depreciation destroys.


Mediation is silence – listening to the universe


If you are waiting to see it to believe it you’ll be waiting a long time – the soul thinks in pictures.


Record your voice to tape and create for yourself the practice of hearing your own inspirational tape.


Plant flower where the weeds are pulled. Fill your mind with power thinking.


If you work on low priorities you’ll be humbled to bring you on track. Focus on your top four priorities.


Ease creates disease – bring your whole body mind and sprit to act on the things that build your dreams.


always defer to a coach for earthly manifestation – they deflate the illusion confront the garbage and challenge the reality – remember elations breed depressions.


Do what you love and link what you do to what you love – what you can link you build, what you cannot you sabotage.


Time is the one thing you cannot replace. Time is spirit. Value time value self worth.


Some people think stopping is resting. Focus your mind on one single point and you will have perfect rest.


Is the highest ingredient of success. The pain of regret outweighs the pain of discipline.


Today’s thoughts, tomorrow’s body. Today's actions, tomorrow’s life.




vision No thinking - future visioning When have you felt like you were right on track?

What were you doing at the time?

What were the key ingredients of that time and place that you loved so much?

If you knew you couldn't fail what would you love to be, do and have?

What are the key ingredients of a job, project, career that you love to have?

What are your 7 most Unique qualities and talents? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 What is your concise definition of Success?

Sample: Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. Earl Nightingale


vision What three things that you have accomplished are you the most proud of?

What three things would you most love to accomplish?

If you could succeed in any career, what profession / occupation / business would you love to be in?

What profession / occupation / business do you currently spend the most time at?

What profession / occupation / business are you great at?

What profession / occupation / business would you love to be an expert in?

If you could be the best in the world at any one profession / occupation / business what would it be?

What profession / occupation / business are you the best at?


fix your mind Fix your mind on that which you would love to achieve. What would you love to do all day every day and be paid incredible money for doing it?

How much would you love to be paid for it?

What's in the way?

How do you overcome those circumstances?

How are you going to spend the money?




values and voids List your seven highest voids in order from most important to least. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

List your seven highest values in order from most important to least. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

When your voids and values differ you are being run by the expectation of others. Check to see that there is syncronicity between the voids and values and list below any incongruency.


visualization The Soul never thinks without a picture. Aristotle


Opportunity In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough wall that imprisons the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.

Prioritise What are your highest priorities. If you play while you work you don’t think about vacation, fun while you work, relax while you work. Never invest in desperation


The Heart has no words Perfect balance exists only in the heart. When the heart is open no words can be spoken. Sense of Awe There are no decisions only conclusions at this point. Love without expectations

Service I sought my God and my God I could not see I sought my soul and my soul eluded me I sought to serve my brother in his need and found all three My god, my soul and thee Anonymous




personal purpose statement I hereby declare before myself, others and...

That my primary purpose in life is to...

For this I will and love to have a net worth of: $ by the year 20... My home will be... My business will be... My family will be... My travel will be... My income will be... My transport will be... My lifestyle will be... My clients – audience will be... My future will be... My ...




Silence If nobody ever said anything unless he knew what he was talking about, a ghastly hush would descend upon the earth. -Alan Herbert

On Enlightenment The Gospel of St.Thomas says so beautifully, when the disciples asked Christ how to enter into the kingdom of God; "When the outside is the same as the inside, and the inside is the same as the outside. When the above is as the below, and the below is as the above. When the masculine is as the feminine,


The little things We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that small drop, I do not agree with the bigger way of doing things. To us what matters is the individual. Mother Teresa




relationship and universal laws




from crock pot to microwave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 140

intellect, intuition and inspiration You have three levels of writing; intellectual writing, intuitional writing, and inspirational writing. That’s ‘got to,’ ‘want to,’ and ‘love to.’ Ungrateful and grateful; doing it because something on the outside says you have to, or writing from the inside loving to come out. With ‘got to’ you have a lop-sided perception of pain or pleasure driving it, and you add or delete. In ‘love to’ they’re equal, and it’s flawless. Our life can be the same way. If we are grateful, we get inspired, and have little editing to do. If we are ungrateful, we have lots of editing. To edit just means to add or subtract, to gain or lose. The principle we see in writing we can also find in knowledge. If we listen to our inner voice, which is grateful and sees the balance, we have less editing to do in our lives. Less editing means we have less gain or loss in our knowledge, because we realise that we can’t gain or lose. Inspired writing and living need no editing.


be still while you are doing it

Uncontrolled bodily movements such as the frequent change of position, the moving of arms, legs, hands, fingers, eyelids, mouth, face muscles and various twitching, jerkiness indicate chronic nervous energy waste. Every one of these activities involves the use of energy thus an enormous amount of energy is given off. It is thus essential in creating magnetic energy that the fund already possessed should be rationally conserved. All such movements should therefore be brought under the general unconscious control of the will. I am power. Why should I exhaust? Let there be repose.


memory, imagination and soul The mind comes in to spacetime. You have the soul in presence and it goes into spacetime, which means the mind comes into a body – it goes into future and away from past, in linear thinking. That’s imagination and memory, fear and guilt. The second the mind goes into the body, it biases things. You lie about something, or exaggerate or minimise something; whatever you do, you automatically splinter things into fear and guilt, into memory and imagination. We couldn’t have memory and imagination if we didn’t lie. Illusions are necessary for imaginations and memories. No memory and imagination is pure. By definition, their absence is called presence. If we were to go back and purely balance our perceptions and memories of any given moment in our lives, guess where we would be in that moment? We could not differentiate it as memory because we would be there. We would be present in that moment. The only way to have an experience called memory is to distort that moment; you have to bias it, and it’s the same for imagination. That’s why whatever you imagine is lopsided. If you’re inspired and your vision is present, you can have a relatively untainted memory and imagination. “and the feminine is as masculine. Then shall we enter into the kingdom.”














affirmations program summary

summary affirmations •No one can lift yourself up higher than yourself •No one can beat you down further than yourself •True self worth stems from within •On purpose we don’t acknowledge rejection •All complete healing is activated through gratitude and love •Certainty and presence intensify healing •The power that made the body heals the body •You one true being your soul is grateful for what is •Doing what you love is the key to fulfillment •The pain of regret is greater than the pain of self discipline •Your body knows when you are doing what you love •Loving what you do helps you do more of what you love •As you believe so you achieve •What do you feed ourselves •You move in the direction of your dominant thoughts •Achievement starts with a single great thought •I am a genius and I apply my wisdom •Your actions determine your results •Whatever you put energy into today produces results tomorrow •Idle time idle mind, illusions grow. If you don’t plant flowers you forever pull weeds •Cause equals effect in time and space •Blessings result from your thought word and action •Everything serves even if at first you don’t see it •Your health and wellbeing tomorrow result from you actions today •Inspired dreams are the driving force of inspired action •All you can conceive you can achieve


summary affirmations •When you follow your inspired dreams you attract the people places things and ideas to support you . •If you don’t know where you are going you’ll end up somewhere else •People think that they think •Your motivation miraculously increases once you begin to act on your dreams •Your body is doing all it can to lead you in the direction of your dreams •Steadiness poise and inner peace are signs of clarity and direction •Your limitations are in your head •Whatever you judge is stopping you, is running you •Self worth is a state of mind •If we acknowledge rejection we are being run by others •By being humble and truly honest with yourself you unveil our true potential and express your greatest self worth •What you feel thankful for heals •What are you doing here •Why are you here •Dedicate your life to your purpose •Anything you can accomplish is not your purpose •Goals are stepping stones to accomplishment s in the direction of your purpose •Your purpose is beyond your goals •When you commit your life to your inspired calling you create an immortal impact •Every problem is an opportunity to learn love •Anything you can’t see both sides of runs your life •You cannot build without destroying nor destroy without building •You are never given a problem you cannot solve •To solve the paradox you must rise to the metadox •Are you full of life or barely breathing •As your breath wanders, so does your mind


summary affirmations •Are you making yourself sick •Your body believes everything you think, do and say •Gratitude rises the body. Ingratitude weighs the body •Do you have passions or do they have you •Moderate passions •Passions are not to be condemn just moderated •Nothing of the senses can satisfy the soul •Money withers if it is lying around •Abundance exists •Money must circulate to grow •You don’t get something for nothing •Don’t invest in desperation •Invest in yourself no one else will •Inspired purpose attracts support •You rise in glory as you sink in pride •Link you daily deeds with your purpose • Service performed with gratitude is a direct expression of unconditional love •Infatuation leads to resentment •Are you busy building pedestals •Anyone or anything that you cannot see both sides of runs your life •Infatuation is based on lopsided perception •Who’s running your life •Everyone is a mirror •Pay attention to your own advice


summary affirmations •The greater the void the greater the value •What we think is missing is our greatest void •Whatever you judge you breed attract or become •Fear precedes every lie and guilt follows •The quality of your life is determine by the quality of your questions •Who made you believe that •Inner voice certainty •One inspired question leads to another •Events are events until we judge them otherwise •Perceptions exaggerate or minimise the truth •Emotions are based on perceptions. Perceptions colour the truth •Forgiveness is a self righteous illusion •Nothing is created or destroyed it just changes in form •The universe is governed by the laws of perfect balance •Your heart and soul have the wisdom of the ages •When you obey your hearts and souls guidance you become fulfilled •Hearts and souls express unconditional love •A genius is one who listens to the light of their soul and obeys •When you are grateful for what is as it is you open your heart to love •Your soul is at one with all that exists •Would you love to heart your heart? •Gratitude opens your heart •Unconditional love is the greatest force in the universe


corporate applying this work to business

a culture of human potential Inspired Love to Inner Zone Gratitude Ambivalence External Chaos

Got to


Reaction - Judgement


corporate soul At a corporate seminar in Melbourne I once talked about putting the soul in the corporate body, into the corporation, so let’s look at the word. ‘Corpus’ means body, and ‘at ion’ means condition of charge. Ratio means some imbalanced proportion. A corporation is an emotionally charged, imbalanced body. That is, unless the soul is put back in the corporate body. If the corporate body has no leader it becomes chaotic, and everybody gets into their own issues. Once someone comes in with a vision which is greater than the vision of those below, it puts the soul back in there and there’s less editing to do. The greatest way to get a corporation to not have additions and deletions, which are hirings and firings and turn-overs... cellular turn-over? fast cellular turnover?... is to give it a soul, which is an inspiring vision and an inspiring message. That reduces the editing. It’s the same law and principles in business as in writing, in psychology, in neurology – the same mechanism. People are learning to become the person they already are, potentially. You are potentially a soul, and you, as mind, are learning to be what you already are in potentiality. So you are learning through education what you already innately are. Learning has two forms, asking and telling; to withdraw out and to impart in. All forms that are under the illusion that they’re not souls do this.


motivation "The way you see people is the way you treat them and the way you treat them is what they become" Goethe


maximum growth Maximum evolution occurs at the border of Chaos and Order


Changing People Don't try to change what people are. Rather develop what they have. According to Kahlil Gibran "Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the fault of others". If you want to get the best out of someone, you must look for the best that is in them. People can only use their strengths to excel, not their

Team Spirit Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, Grow." The Talmud


Aspire The importance of people living on purpose Real Spirit

Death and Dying? Our soul never dies; only the physical body dies. We neither fear death nor look forward to it. Life, death and the afterlife are all part of our path to perfect oneness with God. Aum




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