Medical IoT: Future of Connected Health, Are We Ready?
nnovatioCuris Foundation of Healthcare & Excellence (ICFHE) and IIT-Delhi jointly hosted a panel discussion on Medical IoT: Future of connected health, as an emerging development area. Below is a journalistic account of discussions and decisions made during the Innovators’ club meeting held on Saturday, 2 March 2019.
Our inaugural speaker Dr Partha Dey of IBM emphasized the importance of rapidly growing medical space in next 5 to 7 years (million to billion to trillion) and that the numbers are promising. The question “Is there anything we can do to get our pie of the share from that increasing number?” Connecting internally (institution/hospitals) and with the outer world, there are two aspects. He went on to highlight a concern that connected health should be targeting illness rather than wellness. Illness market would have a better opportunity and that's a fact of life. Integration of many devices also causes a problem in the implementation of IoT in healthcare. The reasons can be many.One of them is that the medical stakeholders do not have any consensus regarding the consent, generation, storage and transmission of data. But IoT changes the way!
DrV K Singh, InnovatioCuris is working towards healthcare disruptions in India to help reducethe healthcare delivery cost. Since the medical space is growing rapidly from 20 million market to 70 million by 2025, describing a business opportunity for the younger ones and existing players of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), insisted on mastering the technology instead of technology mastering us!
The need to change the way of delivering care/service should be our priority. A paradigm shift in the way of offering
The reasons can be many. One of them is that the medical stakeholders do not have any consensus regarding the consent, generation, storage and transmission of data. But IoT changes the way! services through connected health services and emphasizing that privacy and security concerns are of utmost importance when it comes to connected health. Responsibility and accountability after acquiring data is very important. The question is how to analyze the data and get actionable insight. Analytics and IoT should be considered together for actionable insight. The challenge of interoperability has turned up with increase in number of devices being used.
there has been an ongoing conversation about how it might change healthcare, improve patient safety, affordability and accessibility for patients.
Trends and Opportunities of Medical IoT IoT or Internet of Things is not new, but it has been gaining traction at a very high pace. Since the inception of the word IoT,
One of the key challenges is developing the algorithm for medical devices such as CT scans and X-rays. Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare should be
Healthcare in India has a huge potential in terms of IoMT or medical IoT solutions. There will always be challenges and opportunities in this sector. Connected health is contributing towards the growth in space of IoT, but is lagging behind many other connected sectors.