rtificial intelligence is the future and it aims at making human life easier. With this view, a Delhi-based start-up VISIT was launched in 2016 which is an ondemand healthcare service online platform that provides its users a pool of medical specialists and general physicians to choose from, for consultation. The facility has an artificial intelligence based ‘chatbot’ that acts as a digital assistant to
China–based firm VVFLY Electronics has developed a smart anti-snoring eye mask called Snore Circle priced at nearly INR 9700. Snore Circle is a smart wearable sleeping mask that comes with a little module that uses sound detection and bone conduction to identify when one is snoring. Once that is done, it sends out little vibrations to trick one’s brain into tightening one’s throat muscles. Once the throat muscles are tightened, snoring should subside. The vibrations on the Snore Circle adjust to your snoring level and are tuned well enough so that they don't get so strong that people just end up waking up instead they are just enough to alter your throat muscles. The mask has an 80 mAh battery and can detect snoring by giving out vibrations at 36 levels. It allows the users to monitor and analyse their snoring, its intensity and decibel level along with sleeping data through its Snore Circle App. 34
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
provide ‘smart help’ to patients in getting consultation from doctors. The chatbot comes with a USP that when a patient accesses it for help, it learns using the information given by the patient and uses the information to reinforce its decision network. The chatbot tracks user’s activity, sleep, calories and fitness data to help them reach their goals with continuous reminders, insights and motivation. The VISIT offers
paid online consultation, through video and voice channels and seven days of free follow-up check-up over text chat. The service also maintains a pool of MBBS doctors who through its ‘Q’ service offer free health advice by text. The pool of 2200 doctors includes: psychologists, dieticians, dermatologists, sexologists, gynaecologists, preventive cardiology and paediatricians besides general physicians.
S-based start-up Zipline has developed a drone that can deliver urgent medicines, blood and vaccines mid-flight. Hospitals can text orders to Zipline for the required products, which are packed at its centres and then launched aboard the drone that races along at over 100kmph. The autonomous drone then drops the package via parachute at the designated area. Zipline improves access to these supplies by flying over impassable mountains and washed-out roads, delivering directly to remote clinics. The supplies are centralised and
provide on-demand deliveries, completely reducing waste and stock-outs. Zipline provides a seamless delivery system at an affordable price, obsessing over every detail, so that healthcare providers can solely focus on patient health. Zipline created national drone delivery system to ship blood and drugs to remote medical centres in Rwanda. Now the company has developed world’s swiftest commercial delivery drone, with a top speed of 128kmph (a hair shy of 80mph) with its extended services in Tanzania.