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Introduction 01.
Tecnológico de Monterrey, with a legacy of 80 years in higher education, is renowned in Mexico and worldwide as an innovative and cutting-edge institution; part of this distinction comes from its constant commitment to incorporating new pedagogic methodologies and state-of-the-art technology to enrich its educational model.
In line with this vocation for innovation and the use of technology for teaching, the institution has carried out actions for more than 30 years to integrate Digital and Distance Education into its study plans for high school, undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs. Throughout this trajectory, it has implemented initiatives for learning in a full distance modality and hybrid and face-to-face plans enhanced by technology.
Considering the challenges and learnings derived from the Covid-19 pandemic and the latest educational trends, Tecnológico de Monterrey has devoted its attention to re-designing an optimal strategy to ensure Digital Education for a brand-new landscape.
This document summarizes some of the first definitions and conclusions regarding this strategy, which will undoubtedly influence institutional actions on Digital Education for years. These guidelines were built from research on the advancements and achievements reached worldwide and from querying the institution’s students, teachers, and administrators. Thus, this document offers a current and future overview of the institutional projects related to Digital Education within the institution.