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4.1. Teaching modalities at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Digital Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey is deployed both through digital learning experiences throughout the student’s journey, and through academic and LiFE training programs, in training units (TU) / face-to-face modality courses, and training units /digital modality courses, blended or distance, as shown in the following figure.
As a starting point, digital learning experiences were defined, as well as the various teaching modalities the institution offers to carry out the teaching-learning process and tend to the purposes of their academic programs.
Digital learning experience
A digital learning experience is the result of technology-mediated activities that offer students the opportunity to develop or strengthen competencies. This experience can be (or not) intentional, systemic, and planned and occur in any environment or context.
Teaching modalities
They are the modalities the institution offers to carry out the teaching-learning process and fulfill the purposes of its training programs.
Face-to-face modality
Modality in which students and teachers/trainers interact in real-time and coincide physically in the same learning space (classroom, laboratory, workshop, among others) both in learning experiences throughout the journey, and in the training units/courses from an academic or LiFE training program.
Digital modalities
Mixed modality Distance modality
Modality in which students and teachers/trainers devote part of the contact time to face-to-face synchronous interaction in the same physical space and the rest to distance interaction mediated by technology (synchronous or asynchronous). It is relevant that both environments (face-to-face and distance) are planned to be connected and not excusive to provide an integral learning experience.
Students and teachers/trainers interact exclusively in digital environments synchronously or asynchronously.
Modalities of delivery of training units / courses
Besides the definitions of teaching modalities, below are shown the modalities of delivery present in the various training units/courses that make up the academic and LiFE training programs.
Face-to-face modality
Courses are designed for an experience in real-time in the same physical learning space. It is enriched with digital learning experiences.
Course that intentionally integrates technopedagogical solutions for an experience that combines interconnected face-to-face and distance moments (synchronous or asynchronous).
Digital modalities
Course that intentionally integrates technopedagogical solutions for an experience fully in real-time using technological videoconference tools.
Course that intentionally integrates technopedagogical solutions for an experience in a fully digital environment without the need to meet in realtime.