Chapter Two The Hamstrings
Reformer Stretches
Mat Stretches
Straight Leg Versions/ Lying HS
Foam Roller Hamstring
The Standing Straight Leg Hamstrings
Hamstring Glute Exploration
Reverse Straight Leg Hamstrings
Hamstring Glute Partner
Lying Big Toe
Lying Medial & Lateral
Standing HS: Straight Leg with Hip Shift
Lying Straight Leg Hamstring
Reverse Big Toe
The Mex Stretch
Standing HS Bent Leg
Seated Bent-Leg Hamstring
Kneeling Bent Leg Hamstring
Seated Calf, Hamstring Partner
The Russian
The Standing Straight Leg Hamstrings • Standard: Beginner - Intermediate • Spring Tension: Light - Medium • Muscle Emphasis: Hamstrings, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, rear leg hip flexors
A. How to stretch Keep legs in line with sit bones. Press rear leg back to level hips; i.e. parallel (ensure two ASIS are level). Press carriage away/lean hips back to POT.
B. How to contract Press front foot into floor.
C. How to restretch Slide carriage further from resting position.
What to watch out for: • Spine or low back flattening/rounding. • Lateral pelvic rotation toward front leg. • Front knee bending. • Pelvis must remain neutral or anterior tilt. • Hips to remain square to line of legs.
Innovation in Pilates
The posterior chain of muscles illustrated will stretch. The calves – in particular the lateral head of gastrocnemius, the lateral hamstrings including the
The sartorius
short and long head of biceps
flexes, abducts
femoris and even the pirifomis muscle of the hip – may feel a stretch.
and externally rotates the hip joint. If you find your lower leg tending toward any of these positions, stiffness in sartorius may be present. Similarly, the tensor fascia lata flexes and abducts the thigh. If you show any signs of this motion, make note of it for later inspection.
Innovation in Pilates
Reverse Big Toe • Standard: Intermediate & Advanced • Spring Tension: Medium • Muscle Emphasis: Lateral calves & hamstrings, external hip rotators, gluteals, tibialis anterior hip flexors rear leg
A & B. How to stretch Place foot on carriage in line with foot on foot bar; i.e. adducted across center of body. Press carriage away with leg on carriage to POT. Pelvis must remain neutral or anterior tilt. Hips must remain square to line of rear leg.
B. How to contract Press foot on reformer down and rearward.
How to restretch (not shown) Take carriage further from resting position. Keep pelvis in anterior tilt.
What to watch out for: • Lateral rotation of pelvis toward leg on carriage. • Spine flattening/flexing/rounding –posterior pelvic tilt. • Front knee bending. • Foot inverting.
Innovation in Pilates
15 Lying Medial and Lateral HOW TO STRETCH: Photo A - Place foot into strap and raise leg to point of tension - Keeping both hips on floor, take leg towards or across midline of body to stretch biceps femoris - Keep knee firm and straight HOW TO CONTRACT: Photo A - Press leg away from midline of body
Part B
Innovations stretches
HOW TO CONTRACT: Photo B - Press leg back towards midline HOW TO RESTRETCH: Photo C - Take leg further from midline of body - Bend opposite knee to counterbalance if required
HOW TO RESTRETCH: Photo A - Take leg further across midline of body and also towards shoulder (greater hip flexion) for piriformis emphasis
Biceps Femoris Piriformis
Major muscles stretched Adductors magnus Adductors longus Gracilis Pectineus
MEDIAL HAMSTRINGS/ADDUCTORS HOW TO STRETCH: Photo B - Take leg towards chest until point of tension - Take leg away from midline of body to stretch medial hamstrings and adductors - Keep both hips on floor
19 Seated Calf, Hamstring Partner HOW TO STRETCH: Photo A - Sit as pictured with one leg bent - Place strap over straight leg - Keeping spine straight, bend forwards at hip - Partner to press into sacrum to assist with forwards bend and maintaining neutral spine/ anterior tilt HOW TO CONTRACT: Photo A - Press foot/heel into floor
HOW TO RESTRETCH: Photo B - Lean chest towards leg, keeping spine straight - Partner to assist with lean - Pull on strap for calf emphasis
Major muscles stretched Hamstrings Calves
Part B
Innovations stretches