Rhomboid Stretch
Unusually named, the Rhomboid major and minor run between the medial border of the scapula and the nuchal ligaments and spinous processes of the C7 to T5 vertebrae. (See image A below) . Rhomboid major and minor, often referred to together as Rhomboids, get their name from their shape, said to be Rhombus. Geometrically, a Rhombus shaped object is a term for a quadrilateral object whose four sides have equal length. The major function of the Rhomboids is stabilization of the scapula, and retraction, that is, to pull it back toward the spine. The Rhomboids, because of their line of pull, can also downwardly rotate the scapula. Curiously, very few people ever seem to have their shoulder blades pulled too closely together. Such a posture would indicate the Rhomboids were stiff and short and have too much neural tone i.e are overactive. In fact, most postural complaints represent the opposite. What is so common is the so called “computer posture”-a rounded upper back and collapsed chest, with tight pectoral muscles, among others. (See photo B below). And yet, so many of our clients have pain in the region between the shoulders, right where the Rhomboids lie. Why is that?
Perhaps the most comprehensive way to manage a client with this posture would be to both stretch and strengthen the Rhomboids. There are many Pilates exercises to strengthen the Rhomboids, one in particular that is actually named Rhomboids. (See photo C on next page, courtesy of BASI Pilates). Others include the Rocking and Double Leg Kick on the mat.
One possible explanation is that the Rhomboids, although lengthened, are not relaxed. In fact they can be working isometrically to resist the pull of their opposing short muscles, the Pectoralis minor, and others. They could be producing waste products like any working muscle and impeding their removal via blood flow because of their higher internal pressure. This could easily result in painful symptoms. Should we stretch them? The jury is out, but ask any client how they feel after stretching the rhomboids and their answer will be a resounding “Yes!!”