Vision on digitalisation in horticulture

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Summary Digitalisation offers the Dutch greenhouse

knowledge, and the creation of awareness and

horticulture chain the opportunity to (once again)

knowledge amongst users (such as the production

become world leaders in vegetables and ornamental


products That is the core of the ‘Feeding and Greening the Megacities’ strategy, which consists

There is also a third level of digitalisation: digital

of the pillars Knowledge & Innovation, Selling

transformation. This involves a fundamental

products and services to (residents of ) Western

change to the business model, chain processes and

European megacities, and the International sales of

business processes and the employees, through

such concepts.

the application and acceptance of technological innovations. This is also referred to as ‘Horticulture

These pillars can to a large extent be realised

4.0’. Digital transformation is the next industrial

by using new technologies. This will enable the


sector to meet challenges in the areas of securing green knowledge, establishing short chains, and

Digital transformation is not a short-term process,

responding to consumer desires.

and it’s certainly not something that will happen overnight. It’s hard to predict what the digital

The sector is no stranger to the use of digital

transformation of the sector will look like. The first

technologies. The Dutch greenhouse horticulture

outlines are already visible; for example, growing as

chain has made great strides in recent decades.

a service is expected to rise.

A large amount of information has already been digitised (e.g. auction paperwork), and there are

So on one hand, this third level is difficult to predict,

also business processes (such as climate control)

but the sector can certainly prepare for the digital

that have been fully computerised for many years.

transformation by, for example, working on making

This means that the sector has already made

data widely accessible, developing data standards,

considerable progress in the first two levels of

and continuing to work on awareness and an open

digitalisation, namely digitisation (converting

attitude amongst business owners.

information from a physical to a digital format) and digitalisation (using digital information to set up

Because no matter how digital the future is, it’s


people who are in charge. But in order to do that they – the business owner or the employee – must

There are still concrete tasks remaining in the

have the right competences. So digitalisation also

second level. For example there is room for decision

places demands on the ‘humanware’ in the sector.

support systems to be established in various links of the chain. Autonomous cultivation is a clear example of this; it is the domain of robots, Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensors, vision technology and mechatronics, amongst others. These technologies undergo further market development autonomously; no joint, co-operative actions are required. But the sector does need to ensure that the preconditions are present for these technologies to succeed. These preconditions are a good ecosystem, the digitalisation of green


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