Festival of Creative Learning Handbook 1.0 2016/17

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This is your go-to resource for running an event in the Festival of Creative Learning, a festival running throughout the academic year and culminating in a curated Festival Week 20 - 24 February 2017. You can also get more information from the festival website, blog and online Basecamp community. If your school has a School Coordinator, we strongly recommend that you contact them as they can provide a great deal of support.


stival of 04 The Feve Learning Creati Values 05 Aims and tival Team 06 The Fes cture of FCL 07 The Stru 08 Timeline 6 10 ILW 201 lved 12 Get Invo t-ups 14 FCL Mee bmission 16 Event Sues Guidelin nding 18 Event Fu rganising 20 Event O nt our own eve 22 Design y 38 Contacts

L o ok ou t !

You can view all the information contained in this handbook digitally too. Where you see this symbol, you might wish to refer to the FCL website, Basecamp, or blog for further information.

these speech r fo t u o k o o L h contain bubbles whic d key pieces hints, tips, an n. of informatio

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About us The Festival of Creative Learning aims to inspire, support, and celebrate creative & innovative learning at The University of Edinburgh. It’s supported by The Institute for Academic Development (IAD). Staff and students are invited to explore their learning experience in a new way through collaborative events and activities across the academic year and over a curated week in February. The Festival was created during the summer of 2016, evolving out of the five-year run of Innovative Learning Week (ILW) at The University. You can read more about this transition on our website. 04 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk


We provide holistic support to enhance the wider impact of events which reflect these core values and aims. Aims To help staff and students navigate the University support network to best design, deliver and learn from new ideas To inspire, support and celebrate creative learning at UoE To support the UoE community in developing creative learning practices and feed into related institutions and strategic priorities around learning and teaching To support a pipeline of innovation at UoE Provide a platform to explore and experiment with different ways of learning and incorporate them into the wider University experience Effectively design and deliver innovative events to share and learn new ideas Foster meaningful and interesting collaborations & communities to enhance the learning experience Celebrate good practice already taking place and enhance its impact Explore the definition of innovation and creativity and how they can be further supported and embedded into the learning experience how our values You can read more about our website. and aims were created on

Values OPENNESS - an open mindset and curiosity for innovation COLLABORATION - creating meaningful connections between different parts of the University CREATIVITY - being open to taking risks and how it’s relevant across the University EXPERIMENTATION - building and prototyping ideas in a supportive environment EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING - gaining new skills and broadening your mindset within different contexts CELEBRATORY - celebrating the University community and how it brings amazing research, teaching and learning together PROTOTYPING - an opportunity to prototype ideas in a low-risk and safe environment HOLISTIC SUPPORT - supporting the cycle of innovation through encouragement and providing opportunity through self-directed support WIDER IMPACT - using our resources knowledge and communities to make a difference to our local and global community

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IAD central Festival team

David McNaughton

Our 2 full-time projects & engagement staff supporting the Festival can be reached at

David is the graphic designer and illustrator who has created the new Festival visual identity.



School coordinators

Service coordinators

help inspire, promote, and support activity happening within their school.

are the first point of contacts for many of the services around the University.

06 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk


How doe s it work? The Festi val of Cre ative Lea is suppor rning ted Institute fo centrally through The r Academ ic Develo in close c pment ollaborati on with a of partne ne rs across the Unive twork especiall r sit y our FCL School an y, Service C d oordinato rs.

If your School doesn’t have an FCL School Coord inator, don’t w orry. The central te am can help yo u get the informatio n that you need and this Handbook and the FCL w eb site are full of grea t information which will help you.

Staff, stu den apply to b ts, and other partn e part of the Febru ers festival p ary rogramm e. We als small gra o offer nts to tho se runnin in the Feb g events rua events ou ry festival, as well as tside the week tha with our a t aligns ims and v alues (see page 5). In additio n to curati ng the ye long prog arramme, s upporting up events popand the fe stival wee week in F k ebruary, we organiser s through support event FCL Mee (see page t-up 15). They help even s coordina tors desig t n and deli great eve ver nts. We b elie event org anisers fe ve that if the el suppor then the e ted vents ben efi more hap pening aft t! There will be er the Feb week too ruary , so watc h out for informati m o on on ou re r website and blog.

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Writing applications Applying Decisions made Logistics arranged Complete event booking through University system (by Dec 05) Programme launched Promotion of events Sign-up open FCL February Festival week FCL Awards Debrief

08 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

Meet-up 3: Logistics Nov 23

Meet-up 4: Promotion Dec 07

P La rog D un ra ec c m 06 hed me

Email your co-ordinators

Meet-up 2: Event Design Oct 26

S Ev ucc N e es N otifi nts sfu ov e l 21 d

Meet-up 1: Ideas Sept 28



A D ppl e N ad ica ov l ti 04 ine on






Meet-up 5: Final Touches Jan 25

Meet-up 6: Organisers’ Breakfast Feb 15

Meet-up 7: Organisers’ Drinks Mar 08

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Last year, we hosted 263 events run by staff and students from across the University from high profile events to smaller low-key activities.

These statistics are taken from our ILW 2016 impact report. To read the rest see our website. Draw-ing(s) : The Art of Chromatography (Workshop & Exhibition) This two-day practical workshop was a collaboration between Chemistry and Contemporary Art. They explored contemporary art work through “column chromatography”, developing ways to separate these inks on silica substrates. This event won the ILW 2016 award for ‘Most collaborative event’.

10 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

Board Game Jam The event was a collaboration between Projects and Innovation, Research and Learning Services, Library and University Collections and Information Services. It was a hands-on workshop where the participants were guided through all the steps of creating a new board game. This event won the ILW 2016 award for ‘Most creative event’.


Interview with a 2016 organiser PhD candidate Matluba Khan was one of the event organisers behind ‘Play + Design = Learn.’ This was a two-day event for children to try out their landscape architect skills by exploring different methods to redesigning the outdoor area in Edinburgh College of Art. The event won ‘Best community event’ at the ILW 2016 awards. Matluba blogged about her experience: ‘The response and outcome of the event surpassed our expectations. The enjoyment of working with out of the box designers with wild imagination as well as reasonable thinking (which we often don’t want to accredit children with) cannot be compared to anything else. We not only enjoyed but also learnt how we can work with children more effectively to generate creative and effective design ideas. Different age groups of children express their ideas in different ways which is needed to be considered and acted accordingly. We observed which materials children are friendlier with and love to work with. We collaborated and learnt how people’s expertise in different aspects can be brought together. The children also learnt through seeing, analysing, acting on, collaborating and then learning from each other’s presentation but above all they learnt through playing- playing with different materials, colours, objects and making things. And here how ‘Ideas of play’ leads to learning in an innovative way.’ You can find the rest of Matluba’s blogpost on our website. #FCL17 / 11


Why run a FCL event? The Festival of Creative Learning gives you a fantastic opportunity to explore and experiment with different ways of teaching and learning in a low-risk environment.

Why get involved? Challenge yourself & take responsibilities Try new ideas Share a passion Work with others Learn new skills Acquire new experiences Help shape the future of learning Help others shine What will be yours?

e.g. prototyping, project management experience, gather research For more information on getting involved and what you can gain from it, see our website.

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There are a number of ways to get involved in the Festival of Creative Learning Apply to run an event in the February Festival! You can do this through your School, society, or on your own! Deadline is 4 November. Volunteer for an event already taking place. Help out with the events running in your School Attend an FCL event though the year or in the curated February Festival Week

The FCL Application form is available through our website and the deadline is 4 November 2016

Apply for support for an event you’re already doing that you think aligns with our aims and values (see page 5) Come to one of the Meet-ups, or the central team’s open office hours to see if you want to get involved (see website/ and or page 14 for details)

What is Basecamp? Basecamp is an online project management platform which allows us to share resources, tips, and space for discussion between event organisers. Email creative.learning@ed.ac.uk if you would like to join our FCL Basecamp and we will send you an invitation.

Why use Basecamp? Basecamp allows you to connect with other event organisers and have easy access to all the information you need for your event. The central team will use Basecamp as the main channel where we put all the resources for Meet-ups, event logistics, promotion toolkits etc.

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What are the Festival Meet-ups? Monthly FCL Meet-ups are for those interested in running an event and those that are confirmed as part of the February festival programme. Each Meetup is on a particular topic which we have designed in order to give you the most important information at the most relevant time. We are strong believers in getting people in the same room together as often as possible. You will have the chance to meet other event coordinators, those with great ideas and those looking to collaborate with others.

Why meet-up? The Meet-ups will give you important information on the festival, networks and the process for applying and delivering your event. In addition to meeting people from other parts of the University (and potential collaborators), Meet-ups are a great opportunity to ask questions and get advice on putting on a great event.

/ www.ed.ac.uk/innovative-learning 14 / 14 www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

What if I can’t make the date? While the Meet-ups aren’t compulsory for event organisers, they are very useful. The sessions complement this Handbook and information provided online. If you miss these sessions, you can get more information from your festival School coordinator or the festival central team.


Idea Development

Event Design

Logistics, 23

28 September 2016, 4pm

26 October 2016, 4pm

November 2016, 4pm

Get basic Festival of Creative Learning information and this year’s updates. Declare your ideas, look for crossover, and meet some school coordinators and other faces.

Working through the information and considerations you’ll need to outline in your February festival application.

Looking at options for dates, venues, catering, etc. Health & Safety and getting the ‘all clear.’

Promotion, 7

Legacy & Final Touches

Breakfast networking,

25 January 2017, 4pm

15 February 2017, 10am

Discuss measuring impact of your event(s) and make sure everything is in place.

No work - just chat. Hopes and fears for the upcoming week. Coffee and croissants on us! (You’re still allowed to ask the team for help/ questions of course).

December 2016, 4pm

Get advice and guidance on promoting your February festival event and resources/ strategies that might help.

February festival Thank you + awards / 8 March 2017, 3.30 pm Time to celebrate! Casual meet-up for drinks and celebration for all involved in the Festival of Creative Learning’s February festival. Announcing the winners of the February Festival Awards.

You can register for the FCL Meet-ups online through Eventbrite. There is more information and booking links on the Basecamp and the festival website.

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If you are interested in running an event as part of the February Festival programme you need to apply by 5pm on Friday 4 November 2016. If your application is successful, your event will feature in the February festival programme and you will have access to a wide range of support and resources. This section provides all the information you need to know about the application process, and can also be found on our website. If you want to run an event around innovation and or creative learning outside of the February festival week, please consult our aims and values (see page 5) and email us at creative.learning@ed.ac.uk to discuss options. 16 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk


What kind of events are we looking to include in the programme? Events and activities which align with the overall aims and values of the festival (see page 5). Events with strong learning outcomes for the organising team and the prospective audience. Events which are open to staff and/or students and have collaborative organising teams with representation from across the University. We welcome community collaborations as well. Multi-day events such as hackathons/jams/ research based events are welcome to apply.

Please see the application form on our website for more information around what we value in an event.

If you need help meeting staff and students from a particular School, we suggest you contact the FCL School Coordinator for that school to help you in the first instance.

Can I run an event? Staff and students at The University of Edinburgh are eligible to run an festival event. From undergraduates to Online Distance Learning Students and academics to professional staff – we welcome your application. Students and student societies interested in funding are encouraged to speak with their festival School Coordinators in the first instance. (See page 38 to find out who your school coordinator is.).

Can I collaborate with others? Collaboration is a core value of the Festival and we strongly encourage event organisers to collaborate with others. Applications which feature collaborative events are more likely to receive funding and be included in the festival programme.

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There is up to £300 of funding available to help kick start your event. To apply for funding, fill in the Funding Section of the February Festival Application Form which is available online on our website. To ensure a smooth transfer of funding, please fill in the cost centre and job code of your school/project in the application. If you’re not sure about this, ask your school coordinator or your school’s relevant finance team. You can also ask the central team about it. All applications will be reviewed by an application committee with representation from across the University. In some instances, your School will also comment on your application.

Depending on your Sc hool and if you have a Sch ool Coordinato r, studentled events may have to be reimbur sed for the ir expenses a fter the payment is made.

18 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk


What we will fund Catering for up to 75% of total cost requested. Collaborative events between Schools, departments, and/or community which are open to staff and students from across the University. Expenses for external facilitators if you can demonstrate impact and learning outcomes relevant to FCL (see aims and values page 5)

ble Menus are availa on Basecamp for d Edinburgh First an g. Honours Caterin

If you are using FCL funding for external facilitators, you need to be sure they have a right to work in the UK. Please speak to your School Coordinator or the Central team about this.

An event which runs outside of FCL, but includes some activity during the week.

What we will not fund

Overseas activities if you can demonstrate impact and learning objectives relevant to FCL.

Proposals over £300.

Events which charge a ticket price but provide a clear explanation why the cost gives value to your event as opposed to making it free. Impact beyond numbers. We don’t view high audience numbers as the only indication of impact. For example, we support events where you may be prototyping a new tool or method of learning and you are catering to a smaller number of people.

What do I need to submit?

Buy-out of staff time.

Multiple proposals for the same event. Events limited to students from one particular School. These will not be considered by funding and will not be prioritised to be in the event programme. can still be If you don’t receive funding, you ival fest ry rua Feb accepted into the February the into get ’t programme. If you don s & tips hint the out ck che e, festival programm t for por sup r othe for site web section of the lity to be a your event, as well as the possibi pop-up event.

Using the February festival Application form online, submit your event idea with as much detail as you can. Don’t worry about submitting all the details (venue, dates, times, etc) of your event until a later date. The application is due at 5pm on Friday 4th November 2016.

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What are the expectations of me as an FCL event organiser? While the Festival’s Central Team and the network of festival School Coordinators provide a great deal of support to curate the programme, there are expectations of event organisers to manage their event.

Go. Make. Do.

Go. Make. Do. was a pilot we ran in the lead-up to ILW 2016 (you might have seen it in Handbook 1.0) which supported events happening throughout the year. We listened to our community and this support is now one of the ways we can support you through the Festival of Creative Learning in general. Please consult our aims and values (page 5) to see if your event could be supported by us. See our website for more information about this or email the central team.

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Your commitments as an FCL event organiser: Event management. It is up to you and your School Coordinator (if applicable) to organise the venue, dates, times, catering, and set up the Event Booking System for your event. Refer to the Basecamp for more information on this. Meet-ups. Try to attend FCL Meet-Ups & engage with the online Basecamp. The Meet-ups are held on a Wednesday each month on a particular theme. The Basecamp is an online community of event organisers and is a great source of information and support. See our website for more information, and email creative.learning@ed.ac.uk to get a Basecamp invite. Accessibility. Your event/project should take into account accessibility issues, ensuring access to the materials for students with disabilities. Further information on accessibility is available from www.ed.ac.uk/student-disability-service. Promotion. The festival Central Team will be promoting the February Festival itself (as well as our other activities through the year), but it is up to you to promote your event to your target audience. We will provide the tools (logos, poster templates, etc) for you and can provide guidance as well as helping you promote through our social media channels. Our December Meet-up addresses this - and there will be tools on Basecamp from last year’s meet-ups too, including the questions the central team were asked the most. Health & Safety. If you receive funding from us, you will be asked to

complete a Health & Safety form for your event.

Reporting. Each successful event/project organiser will be required to submit a short final written report/case study at the end of the Festival. Please answer the surveys the central team will be sending out too - we want to keep innovating the festival and the February festival and we can’t do so without your help! Your feedback will help us run smoother next year. Engagement with FCL. This means keeping updated with information provided by the central festival team and being responsive to requests. You can also come to the Meet-ups and catch us there, as well as coming to our weekly open office hours (see website for details).

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u will find In the following pages, yo hich will guide questions and exercises w of designing you through the process you find this your event. We hope that eating the useful and it aids you in cr e, and most engaging, innovativ well-organised event! also tion will c e s is h T CL ent the F complem hich run w Meetups e lead-up in th monthly tival. uary fes r b e F e to th

22 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

You don’t need to follow these although many of the questions are replicated in the Festival Application form. So by following these guidelines, you will begin to shape your application!


What’s the big idea? Write, draw or map out what your idea is. What activities will you do. Think broadly without too much detail at this stage.

What might you need? What kind of space? Would you need a projector or chairs?

What is the Purpose of Your Event? What is the core purpose of your event? What is the value in attending it to prospective attendees?

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Examples of different types of events which you might want to consider Community engagement: Rootmap Rootmap is an illustrated map of Edinburgh, featuring places to buy and eat food that is local and sustainable. The team believe in nurturing creativity and community to invite everyone into a conversation about the food they eat. During ILW 2016, Rootmap hosted their first interactive event. They engaged participants in the local food scene through taking them on a tour of some of the places on the map. Rootmap went on to win the 2016 Student Society Award at The University’s Sustainability Awards. www.edinburghrootmap.com

Co-designing learning experiences: ‘100 Ideas for the Main library This event invited participants to reimagine the Main library foyer and was a collaboration between The Institute for Academic Development and The Library & University collections. People passing through the Main library were asked to reflect upon the foyer space and how it could be more useful, creative, exciting etc. Participants were encouraged to write, draw and build with lego in the foyer space to illustrate their ideas. All the ideas were collected into a report about making real change to the space.

You can learn more about the variety of events that ran in the ILW 2016 newspaper on our website.

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How do you Categorise Your Event? My event is. . . (tick all that apply) Pop-up

At lunchtime


In the afternoon

An adventure

In the evening


After dark

A walking tour


A chance to learn

An outdoor event


new skills

An indoor event


A chance to see

A festival

Open to everyone

something new

A show

Student run

A chance to share

A one off

Staff run

A chance to create

A multi-day event

In the morning

A talk or lecture A workshop

What else might it be? We want you to consider other formats your event take. For instance, sometimes a talk might work better as a presentation, or a participatory workshop.

If my event was (e.g. a presentation, arranged at night, smaller than I planned)

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What is your event? Use this space to try out various event titles for your event. Try to come up with at least 10. Use wordplay, rhyming or alliteration to come up with something catchy.

Event Title

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Event Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes refer to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities that an attendee gains from your activity. They are helpful as they provide a clear direction and measurable output to your event. What are the learning outcomes for you in this event? How will you measure your own success?

What are the key learning outcomes for your attendees?

What should your attendees expect to take away from coming to your event?

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People: Audience Who is your event for? Who is your intended audience for your event? potential audience? Have you pitched your event idea to people in your

an audience as possible from How might you open up your event to ensure as wide the university and beyond can attend?

Are there any barriers or restrictions to your event?

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People: Team and Roles Who are your team members?

What roles do you need?

What partners (schools / services / external) might you collaborate with on your event? How? How will this benefit your event?

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Where and When What are some of the key features or aspects you are looking for in a event space? What proposed spaces have you discovered? You will work on this later with your coordinator, but use this space to help define what your venues will need to facilitate your event.

Estimated Cost ÂŁ

When will your event take place across Innovative Learning Week? Consider different days or times it could run on and how that could have an effect on attendee’s experience of your event. Monday





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Ideally, where and when would you like your event to take place? Venue considerations: List everything your venue will require for a successful event. This might include; power, projector, kitchen facilities, tables, chairs, a meeting point, accessible entrance etc.

Proposed venue or type of venue needed. Please be aware that this may be subject to change:

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Event Agenda & Plan Use this space to plan your event from start to finish. It would also be good to specify who is performing which key action at each point and what preparation work has be performed before the event begins and after it ends.


Action Performed

e.g. 18:00

e.g. Open up venue / set up chairs

e.g. 19.30

e.g. Attendees begin to arrive chairs

e.g. 22.30

e.g. Hand keys back to janitor chairs

32 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

Person/ Performer e.g. Dave

e.g. All

e.g. Silje


Catering Will your event run over people’s mealtimes?



Do you intend to provide food to your attendees?



Which meals? How many servings? Do you need to consi der specific dietary requirements?

How will you serve this? Do you require plates, cups, glasses, cutlery? Does this need to be delivered or picked up on the day? Where will you store this? How will you present it?

Do you have any potential suppliers in mind?

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Budget Estimate et you might need for We want you to generate a rough estimate of the budg out your event, but for your event. You will work on this in depth as you figure of things you would expect now but for now use this space to outline the types to spend funding on if you are granted it. Must have

Should have

Would have

? Where could you find fund funding for your must haves

34 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

Cost £

Cost £

Cost £


Budget Tracker Don’t expect to fill this page out now. Use it as you work through the following pages and gather more information about your event and the logistics behind it.






Other costs

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Promotion Promotion of your event is an important factor on how well attended it is. Proper promotion is not just a distinctive or pretty poster, but it is informative text, simple contact and sign-up options and a clear purpose or direction. When creating promotional materials, you do not have to be a graphic designer or a web developer (but those skills definitely help). What you do need to consider are the channels you are going to use to reach prospective attendees. Look out for our promotion toolkit on Basecamp. , paper ld you use? E.g. Word of mouth What offline/physical channels cou nnels to the best effect? And how could you use these cha

poster, flyers.

tter, bloggers. And ld you use? E.g. Facebook, Twi What online/digital channels cou the festival has its ls to the best effect? Don’t forget how could you use these channe Use #FCL17 when l for sharing posts about events. own social media channels as wel central team will see it. posting about your event and the

36 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk


Health and Safety undertake? If you receive funding from What are the risks for the activities will you th and Safety form to ensure you have FCL, you will be asked to fill in a basic Heal n we contact successful applicants, we considered and planned for all the risks. Whe n it to us. will ask you to complete this form and retur

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School coordinator & service contacts directory Your school coordinator is a great contact to have and can help you a lot in getting started with your event, logistics and help you find useful contacts within your school. Here are some of the things they can help with: Helping you with your Setting up your event festival event application booking system Support in booking rooms Arranging catering Helping market your event Liaising with relevant Finance office regarding funded events Points of contact for collaboration Service contacts are the first points of contact to many of the helpful services around The University. They might be able to help you or collaborate with you on your event. To find your school coordinator and the service contacts – please see the directory on our website

38 / www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk

The publication is available online at www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk. It can also be made available in alternative formats on request. All photos and images used in this publication are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the University of Edinburgh. Š The University of Edinburgh 2016 The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk @UoE_FCL #FCL17

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