Innove booklet 2010

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Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development Innove Activities of the Foundation: • Administrate the EU Structural Funds in the area of life long learning, vocational education and working life (Implementing Agency function) • Develop and implement of programmes and projects in the field of vocational education and lifelong learning, including international projects; • Support educational institutions and organisations and others in updating training processes, mediate international experience and expertise; • Coordinate of the development and offering of career services; • Mediate information about career services in Estonia and Europe; • Organize the collection, analysis and distribution of information about vocational education and training

Innove is situated in the innovative Ülemiste City at Lõõtsa 4.

According to the articles of association, the Foundation’s strategic management and supervision is exercised by a Supervisory Board of 5 members. The members of the Supervisory Board are authorised persons of the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. The Foundation is managed and represented by a Management Board of 2 members: Lea Orro and Tõnis Arvisto. Repesentatives of Innove at Ülemiste City Mini-Fair.

Mission To offer experience, advice and support to the organisations promoting VET and LLL, and to the learning members of society.

Vision The Foundation is a leading developer of lifelong learning and a promoter of innovation in education.


Organizational culture and personnel policies

Figures Budget together with resources allocated for structural funds support. 2010: 1 580 466 299 EEK 2009: 1 473 406 782 EEK

Statistics on employees As of January 1, 2010, 77 people worked at Foundation Innove. In addition, 10 employees are on maternity leave. 6 employees have secondary education, 8 post-secondary non-tertiary education, 20 have applied higher education, 22 have Bachelor’s degree, 31 employees have Master’s degree or higher education corresponding to Master’s degree. The average age of employees is 35,85 years and the average working life at Innove is 3 years.

Turnover 2009: 970 408 948 EEK Increase by 2,5 times compared to 2008. • Administrative costs for the foundation: 39 379 553 EEK • EU structural funds paid out: 930 844 496 EEK In 2009 ca 3,7 million EEK was mediated every day as structural funds support.

Why is this data important? As promoters of lifelong learning we consider learning throughout life very important. In the Human Resources policies we value the personal development of employees and we are concerned about every employee gaining the necessary skills and knowledge to do his/her job. In addition to work-related continuous training, we support participation in formal education, enable the employees to work with flexible schedule while studying and we recognize those who graduate.

Statistic on employees 2004 – 47 2010 – 77

Personnel Specialist

Supervisory Board 5 members

Personnel Manager Communication Specialist

Management Board 2 members

Administrative Specialist

Advisor (Structural Funds) Senior Lawyer


Internal Auditor Assistant of Management Board


Finance Unit 15 positions

Structural Funds Unit 39 positions

National Resource Centre for Guidance 12 positions

Project Development and Implementation Unit 8,6 positions

VET Observations Centre 3 positions

Head of Unit

Head of Unit

Head of Unit

Head of Unit

Head of Unit



Training Specialist


Communication Specialist

International Skills Competitions Co-ordinator (0,4)

Deputy Head of Unit Budget and Accounting Service: Head Accountant

Payment service: Senior Payment Specialist

Senior Accountant

Payment Specialist (8)

Data Puncher

Monitoring Specialist (3)


Leading Career Counselling Specialist

Accountant (2)

Education Service: Head of Service

Lifelong Learning Service: Head of Service

Labour Market Service: Head of Service


Senior Co-ordinator (2)

Senior Co-ordinator

Senior Co-ordinator

Co-ordinator (7)

Co-ordinator (7)

Co-ordinator (8)




Career Services Co-ordinator Leading Career Education Specialist Career Education Specialist Leading Career Information Specialist Career Information Specialist (2) Rajaleidja Co-ordinator

Programme of promoting VET Manager Assistant Public Relations Specialist Skills Competitions Co-ordinator (1,6) Newsletter Editor (0,6)


Information Specialist


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Summer school for employees and families

Why do we keep a record of time worked and age? We acknowledge our employees on their work anniversaries. We try to prepare a special surprise for every employee on their birthday. In addition we traditionally celebrate all the birthdays of every month together, where we pay special attention to every employee and in addition, develop team work skills.

Title for being a family and employee friendly employer In 2009 we received a valuable title in the competition for a family and employee friendly employer. To acknowledge organizations which value a positive working environment and take into account the family life of employees, the Bureau of Population Minister, newspaper Ă„ripäev and magazine Home and Family held the 9th competition to find out the most family and employee friendly organizations, where 59 of them took part in. Three indicators were taken into account to decide the order and the winners: family-friendliness, working environment and the development of employees. In all three categories combined, we shared the 13.-14. place. We are proud of that achievement, since there are so many organizations which do not even think of participating. The 59 who decided to take part, showed that they care about their staff members.

HRM staff in a birthday celebration in the park


How is it expressed in our case first and foremost? • Recruitment policy At first, we announce the vacancy in-house to give opportunities for our employees to advance. • Orientation A new employee is appointed a supervisor who supports him/her during the probation period. In addition, others are happy to help the new colleague – the most important thing is that he/she would feel welcome. For new employees there is also the traditional inauguration ritual.

Innove team „Lifelong grade 5B“ in the Rat Race

• Development of employees Performance reviews are carried out every year. Special attention is paid to fulfilling the tasks, setting objectives, developing needs and also topics concerning job satisfaction. As a result of the reviews a training plan is set up, where the development needs for the whole organization as well as every individual ones are taken into account. • Salary system We consider it important that the salary system be transparent and motivating for the employees. The basis for assigning salaries is a system on graded levels for each post, which are reviewed according to the changes in the organization and the labour market.

„Team spirit“

• Motivation package Based on years worked we give additional vacation days. We try to be considerate about the employees’ family life as much as possible. We support employees on sad occasions and allow flexible working time. We keep the employees on maternity leave informed, so that coming back to work would be as painless as possible.

Organizational culture We treasure common values, our activities are transparent and our behaviour ethical, we are honest and open. We trust one another and listen to others’ opinion, in achieving results we consider team work important. We cherish our traditions and create new ones. We are convinced that if the employees have the necessary knowledge and they are satisfied with their job, then the good results will follow.


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Structural Funds Unit Structural Funds unit mediates European Union’s Structural Funds assistance in the areas of labour market and education- counsels applicants, makes decisions about grants, manages support, provides oversight and participates in designing legal acts and instructions concerning EU Structural Funds assistance. The structural unit was established in 2003 and it is the largest unit at the foundation, employing 30 people at the moment. The unit comprises 3 teams: Lifelong Learning team, Labour Market team and Education team. In addition, there is a close cooperation with several other specialists of the foundation.

In 2004-2006 foundation Innove coordinated 1,1 billion EEK of EU Structural Funds support. From the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) measure 4.3 „Modernisation of infrastructure for vocational and higher education” 10 VET colleges, 4 professional higher education institutions, 5 guidance centres and 7 youth centres were supported. In total, 66 different projects were supported. Within the European Social Fund measure1.1 „Educational system supporting the flexibility and employability of the labour force and providing opportunities of lifelong learning for all” 6 open calls for projects were announced and 201 projects in total were supported. Allocated EU assistance was successful, almost all projects fulfilled their project plans and reached the expected objectives, the designated finances were paid out. By the end of the period the percentage of the support used was 100,02% in the European Social Fund and 99,83% in the European Regional Development Fund.

In 2007-2013 Foundation Innove coordinates the Structural Funds assistance in the areas of education and working life within the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development and the Operational Programme for the Development of the Living Environment, over 6 billion EEK in total. During the present period, Innove has to allocate 2,8 billion EEK towards the support from European Social Fund designated to help the education and labour market sectors through Operational Programme for Human Resource Development. The support goes to programmes, whose implementors have been designated by the Ministries as well as projects through open calls for projects.

Lifelong Learning Service

• • • • • •

Operational Programme for Human Resource Development Priority axis “Lifelong learning“ Programmes: 10 Open calls: 2 2007-2013 total: 423 million EEK Planned payments 2010: 175 million EEK

Labour Market Service

• • • • • •

Operational Programme for Human Resource Development Priority axis “Good-quality and long working life” Programmes: 10 Open calls: 5 (continual) 2007-2013 total: 2 billion EEK Planned payments 2010: 400 million EEK

Operational Programme for the Development of the Living Environment Priority axis: VET, SEN, youth work Programmes: 10 Investment plans 2007-2013 total: 3,3 billion EEK - Planned payments 2010: 1,1 billion EEK

• • • • •

Education Service • • • • • •

Operational Programme for Human Resource Development Priority axis “Lifelong learning“ Programmes: 7 Investment plans 2007-2013 total: 380 million EEK Planned payments 2010: 66,5 million EEK


Veriora Youth Centre before and after the renovations Upon the axis “Good-quality and long working life” programmes and open calls for projects are carried out: • Increasing availability of qualified labour force • Improving the quality of working life • Supporting inclusion to the labour market via welfare measures • Providing health awareness • Promoting of gender equality • The intermediate body (coordinating development of the abovementioned policies, designing the programmes, legal framework etc.) for the priority axis “Good-quality and long working life” is the Ministry of Social Affairs. Three open calls for proposals took place in the labour market axis in 2009. In the first open call of the new period – “Increasing the availability of qualified labour force“ – it was possible to allocate 150 million EEK. 119 applications were submitted to Innove, 32 of which were granted. The second call for proposals in the same measure was closed on November 30th. In total, 198 project proposals competed for 200 million EEK, the best 49 of them got the funding. The volume of the call “Active labour market measures supporting welfare measures” was 25 million EEK. In total, 74 proposals were submitted, the funding was granted to 13. The main objective of the projects receiving the grant was to offer integrated guidance services to help persons with a caring obligations (including services targeted to persons with an obligation to care for the elderly, disabled and disabled children).

Excerpts from making the broadcast „Jobseeker“(project supported from the measure „Increasing the availability of qualified labour force“)

In the first half of 2010, a call for proposals, designated for employers’ and employees’organizations„Improving the quality of working life,“ took place, in which activities concerning the publication and introduction of information materials on collective bargaining and new labour law are supported. 13 proposals compete for the 6 million EEK support from the European Social Fund. The receivers of the grant will be announced in July 2010.


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In the priority axis “Lifelong learning“ open calls for proposals are carried out in 2 measures: • Decreasing dropout, increasing availability and improving the quality of education • Developing learner orientated and innovative VET and broadening the opportunities for lifelong learning. The first open call for proposals in education during the present period „Inclusive, multifacetous and safe general education“ has stirred a lot of interest. 195 project proposals competed for almost 32 million EEK, out of which the best 20 received the grant. Calls for proposals in VET and adult education are planned for summer of 2010. Programmes in the same axis will be implemented within the following measures: • Development of professional qualifications system • Development of the quality of Youth work • Development of Information and Counselling system • Development of language learning • Substantive modernisation and securing the quality of Vocational Education • Development of Adult Education • Reducing dropout rates in schools, Improving Access to Education and Quality of Education • The implementing unit for the lifelong learning priority axis is the Ministry of Education and Research.

Youth Centre in Abja

Foundation Innove has to coordinate the allocation of 3,3 billion EEK of the support from the European Regional Development Fund through the

Operational Programme for the Development of the Living Environment, which will be distributed to the receivers of the grant through investment plans. There will be no open calls, the receivers of grants have been designated by the state. With the support, study facilities, dormitories and youth and guidance centres will be renovated and built all over Estonia, study aids, equipment and furniture will be upgraded.

Foundation Innove has to coordinate three measures: • Modernization of the study environment of vocational schools – 90 projects will be supported. • Improvement of the quality of the study environment at schools intended for students with special educational needs (SEN) through developing the relevant infrastructure – 34 projects will be supported. • Modernization of open youth centres, information and counselling centres and hobby schools – 37 projects will be supported. Many facilities are in the process of being finished or designed, but quite a few have already been finished. The canteen of Räpina Gardening school has been finished, Tallinn Industrial Education Centre has gotten a brand new lab for renovating and painting car frames, some equipment for study labs and the dormitory has been renovated. Thanks to the financial assistance, Luua Forestry school has been able to obtain contemporary machinery for teaching forestry vehicles, the facilities of Orava Youth Centre have been refurbished.

Additional information at

New mechatronics equipment at Tallinn Industrial Education Centre

Kaelase School


National Resource Centre for Guidance Foundation Innove National Resource Centre for Guidance (henceforth NRCG) was founded in 1998 as the Estonian Centre for Euroguidance network. Euroguidance is a network of centres linking together the Careers Guidance systems in Europe. Euroguidance promotes mobility, helping guidance counsellors and individuals to better understand the opportunities available to European citizens throughout Europe. Today, the NRCG works as a methodological centre, implementing programme ”Development of Career Guidance System,” supported by the European Social Fund. In developing the career services, the Centre is following the cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Social affairs, signed on 2008.

The activities of the NRCG: • Create the information and methodological materials necessary to offer career services; • Develop a training system for career specialists and organizing training; • Coordinate career services, offered in regional information and counselling centres and develop activities in pilot schools; • Develop and implement a quality assurance system for career services; • Inform the public about career services; • Involve stakeholders in developing career services; • Disseminate of information and experience in the field of career services; • Promote of mobility for learning opportunities in Europe; The direct target group of the NRCG comprises guidance specialists in Estonia and Europe. An indirect target group is the whole population of Estonia, the sectors of the highest priority are the students making career choices and young people going to the labour market for the first time. In order to establish a guidance system, raise the quality of services and improve the availability, a well-working cooperation is needed between individuals and organizations. The partners of the NRCG have united in the national forum for career services, whose objective is a unified, working and coordinated system of career services. The forum comprises ministries and their specialized agencies, representatives of local municipalities, education and research institutions, target groups and organizations representing service providers, umbrella organization of the representative of entrepreneurs. The closest partners of the NRCG in providing career services are 17 regional information and counselling centres. The development activities of career education are carried out by 26 general education schools and 7 vocational education and training institutions.


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We are active also internationally – in cooperation with members of the Euroguidance network we disseminate information about learning opportunities in Europe and advance Estonian Career services system by bringing experience from Europe into it. Long term cooperation with the network Academia has enabled us to offer international study visits for Estonian career specialists and introduce our experience to practitioners from other European countries. As an Estonian representative of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network we cooperate on working out national policies for career services, including establishing a quality assurance framework. Since 2010 we are partners in the University network for Innovation in Guidance. The main focus of the network is professionalization of career guidance specialists.

Career services in Estonia in general Career services have been offered and developed in Estonia for over 90 years. The most innovative facet about this is the name ”career services”— throughout history the concepts of vocational counselling, vocational direction, vocational orientation and vocational supervision have been used. Changes in labour market, transformation of demands and expectations and inevitability of lifelong learning have caused a change in the content of services. Rather than simply offering vocational guidance, we provide three different types of career services: • Developing knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for career planning by offering career education • Creating and disseminating well structured and relevant career information • Offering career counselling, which supports the process of decisions and choices Career services are offered both, by public and private sectors. The most important networks are regional information and counselling centres, career centres at higher education institutions and departments of Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund in counties. Career services are available also in general education schools and in several VET schools. Career services are offered by career specialists - career coordinator, career information specialist and career counsellor. The quality of career education in schools is determined by national curricula. According to the new national curricula for basic schools and gymnasiums career education is obligatory as a cross curricula theme ”Lifelong

Guidance specialists in summer school


The team of the NRCG

learning and career planning” and recommended as an elective course or subject. The majority of VET curricula contain the topic lifelong learning. In order to enhance the quality of career education and obtain systematic career education, several educational institutions have worked out an action plan for career education procedures and created a post for a career coordinator in their institution. Provision of career counselling and career information to the youth is carried out by the regional information and counselling centres. The services are offered by career information specialists and career counsellors. Quality requirements of career counselling and career information dissemination have been described in relevant handbook, which the regional centres are following in offering the services. You can read more on career services and study mobility on web pages Rajaleidja (Path Finder), Ploteus, Innove web page and a newsletter published once a quarter Karjäärituul

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Project Development and Implementation Unit The Project Development and Implementation Unit coordinates the promotion of vocational education in Estonia as well as the implementation of international projects, programmes and initiatives. The unit was founded in 2006, at present there are 8 employees in the unit. In 2008, a five year VET promotion programme, financed by the European Social Fund, was launched. The main objective of the programme is to raise the awareness of the Estonian population about Vocational Education and training (VET) and the possibilities to study VET. In the programme, the following activities are carried out: skills competitions are held, VET newspaper is published and a brochure advertising the opportunities to study VET is released in cooperation with the VET Observation Centre. Communication trainings are organized for the employees of VET Institutions and creative projects contest: „VET is Cool“ is held for the students in VET institutions.

Youth Skills Competitions Project development unit coordinates youth skills competitions in Estonia and equips young people for the international skills competitions EuroSkills and WorldSkills. Foundation Innove is the official representative of Estonia in the organizations responsible for setting up the competitions. Estonians have successfully participated twice in the global challenge WorldSkills and once in the pan-European contest EuroSkills. The first EuroSkills ever was held in 2008 in Holland and Estonian competitors returned with two medals (silver for the slater and bronze for the bricklayer).

Estonian representation in Calgary, WorldSkills 2009 / The best Estonian competitor carpenter Ivo Ilm


14 The Global contest WorldSkills has a much longer tradition and the competitions held in Canada in 2009 were the 40th in row. In Lisbon in December 2010 in the EuroSkills, Estonia will be represented with the record 20 young people in 19 fields.

Participant in skills contest Young Master 2009

After regaining the national independence, skills competitions were first held again in 1994. Innove has been organizing skills contests since 2006. Every year, the number of skills competitions organized by Innove has been rising. In 2010 there will be 20 competitions in 25 fields. Year 2009 was the first time when Young Master, a big event, comprising skills competitions in many fields, was held. There are plans to continue with the comprehensive competition, so Young Master 2010 will take place in cooperation with a popular youth information fair Teeviit. The supporters of the Estonian Skills Competitions are European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education and Research (MoER), participation in international competitions is supported by the MoER. In addition, many VET Institutions, enterprises and professional associations support the initiative. Contents in Estonia and Estonian participation internationally have been brought under one brand EstoSkills.

Help for the decision maker Hairdressers in skills contest Young Master 2009

A reference guide Help for the decision maker 2010/11, published annually, gives an overview of study programs offered in Estonian VET institutions, it contains comprehensive tables by schools and subjects. In addition, there are stories about VET graduates, trends in economy and labour market and practical advice is given. The reference guides are distributed by regional information and guidance centres, they are also available in libraries and in schools, they are distributed to all the basic school graduates in their schools.

Competition In the spring of 2010 there was a photo, video and audio files contest „VET is cool!“ for the young people studying VET. It is a great chance for VET students to introduce their speciality, school and future profession. The winners will be sent to Lisbon, to watch the Estonian team perform in the European Skills Competition EuroSkills.

Communication training “Abiks otsustajale 2010/11”

In cooperation with the communications company Corpore, a four module communication training was carried out. It was targeted at leaders and PR specialists in VET institutions with an objective to offer theoretical knowledge as well as hone the practical skills needed in public relations. As an additional bonus, the training helped the participants feel like one big family and shape common understanding.

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VET Newsletter VET newsletter, published within the VET Promotion programme, gathers VET related news and disseminates information between the different agents on the VET landscape. E-newsletter is released once a month, a paper version reaches its readers four times a year. The newsletters can be accessed at

Quality project The Project Implementation Unit coordinates the competition of the Quality Award for VET Institutions, whose objective is to help the VET institutions raise the level of teaching and the effectiveness of leadership, introducing school specific self evaluation principles and methodology. Another objective is to disseminate best practices, raise the reputation of the schools and recognize the more advanced institutions. The schools winning the award will be given the VET Institutions Quality Insignia. Quality Management Conference has been organized since 2005. One of the important parts of the quality project is the training courses for the employees of the VET institutions. In 2009 there were 2 introductory quality management ABC training courses for VET teachers and for those who had had no experience with quality management as a discipline. A comprehensive Quality Management Competency training took place from August 2009 untill March 2010. It was targeted at the key persons at VET Institutions. More information at

International projects In cooperation with international partners Foundation Innove participates in several international projects. Project “Polices and Practices in Life Long Learning” was a year long international project, initiated by Bulgarian partners, where 9 countries and 12 organizations participated. As a result of the project, information on lifelong learning (LLL) strategies, policies, projects and best practices are available for policy makers, educators, analysts and social partners. The objectives of the project were the creation of a web platform to compare LLL strategies and to analyze comparatively LLL policies and measures and to disseminate the results in Estonia and European Union. Additional information: The project “Support to VET, Labour Market and LLL systems in the northern part of Cyprus” is financed by the European Commission. The project lasts for 3 years and Foundation Innove is involved in the project with German and Irish partners. Thanks to the wealth of experience of the consortium partners, the strength of the methodology and noted key experts, the consortium was selected from among 8 candidates. Innove participates in the consortium with experts in developing the apprenticeship system in Cyprus, offering career services, raising the image of VET and forming strategies. Short term experts from Foundation Innove participate in the project in the specified fields.



VET Observation Centre The VET Observation Centre is a Structural Unit of Foundation Innove. Its objectives are to gather information about Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Estonia and make it available to European countries and disseminate European VET information in Estonia. VET observation Centre became a coordinator of ReferNet, European Network of Reference and Expertise in May 2004. ReferNet network was founded by Cedefop to provide comparable information on Member States’ developments and policies in VET and to compile the knowledge and experience of key organisations. Kersti Raudsepp, Head of the Unit

Every year, the VET Observation Centre along with other ReferNet coordinators across Europe compiles reports and overviews of its country’s VET systems. In recent years the work has concentrated on reviewing and analyzing the results of the Copenhagen process (20022010). In addition, Cedefop’s electronic library VET-Bib gets new entries continuously added to its database with a list of VET publications and electronic documents. Foundation Innove has been established with the objective to promote initiatives and activities for lifelong learning through Estonian and EU programmes in the area of human resources development. Innove continues the activities of the foundation Vocational Education and Training Reform in Estonia (since 1995). Since 2008, the VET Observation Centre has been holding bi-annual information seminars, where pan-European initiatives in VET and the related fields are introduced, for example there have been seminars on the skills needs and supply on European labour market till 2020, the development of VET in Europe, green economy and sustainable development. The centre has put out publications on these topics. CEDEFOP’s web portal displays information on Cedefop’s initiatives in VET and Lifelong Learning and ReferNet’s reports and other databases. Information on VET in Estonia in English is on VET Observation Centre’s webpage On this page one can also find the collaborative workspace, displaying real time news from several ReferNet units across Europe. VET Observation Centre also houses the foundation’s library, which is unique in Estonia, since it contains VET resources from across Europe.

Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development Innove Homepage. E-mail: Phone: + 372 699 8080, fax: +372 699 8081 Address: Lõõtsa 4, Tallinn 11415, Estonia Published in 2010 by Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development Innove

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