Age and growth of Mullus surmuletus (L.) in Mostaganem coast, Northwest Algeria

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J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2014 Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 37-43, 2014 RESEARCH PAPER


Age and growth of Mullus surmuletus (L.) in Mostaganem coast, Northwest Algeria Ali Kherraz1&2, Amel Kherraz2, Sofiane Benghali1&2, Salim Mouffok, Zitouni Boutiba2 1

Department of Marine Science and Aquaculture, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, University

of Mostaganem, Algeria 2

Laboratory Environmental Monitoring Network, Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural

Sciences and Life, University Of Oran, Algeria Article published on August 02, 2014 Key words: Mullus surmuletus, Mostaganem, relationship, Von Bertalanffy.

Abstract The age, growth, of Mullus surmuletus, caught in Mostaganem (Northwest Algerian Sea) between January and December 2009, were investigated. Sex ratio female to male was 1:1.60. The total length of females ranged from 12.5 cm to 23 cm and of males from 12.3 cm to 22.5 cm. The length-mass relationship for all individuals can be described by the parameters a =0.009 and b = 2.934. Fish aged 0-7 years were present in the samples. The parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth equation obtained for females were L∞= 24.70 cm, k = 0.37 cm / year, and t0 = 0.37 year. For males L∞= 25.52 cm, k = 0.32 cm / year, t0 = - 0.71 year. Significant differences were found in the growth parameters between males and females. *Corresponding

Author: Amel Kherraz 

37 | Kherraz et al.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2014 Introduction

monthly samples at depths ranging from 10 to 150 m

Red mullet Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus 1758) is a

in Mostaganem coast, Mediterranean Sea, using a

demersal marine fish that inhabits sandy and rocky

commercial bottom trawl net (Fig. 1).

substrata, usually at depths <200 m (Hureau, 1986). M.








A subsample was taken from monthly samples for the

Mediterranean demersal fisheries (Reňones et al.,

biological examination later in the laboratory, the

1995; Mehanna, 2009) and encountered in shallower

total lengths (TL) of all fish were measured to the

soft bottoms, sea grass beds and rocky bottoms

nearest cm and the nearest gram total weight (TW),

(Lombarte et al., 2000; Bautista-Vega, 2008). This

and the sex of each specimen was determined by

species is benthic carnivores and feed on small

examining the gonads macroscopically.

invertebrates (Gharbi and Ktari, 1981b; Golani and 1992;

The length-weight relationships were determined

Labropoulou and Eleftheriou, 1997; Vassilopoulou et

according to the allometric equation (Sparre et al.,

al., 2001).

1989): W = aLb, where W is the total body weight (g),






L is the total length (cm), while a and b are constants. In the Mediterranean, most investigators have

Statistical comparison of length-weight relationships

studied Mullus surmuletus jointly with M. barbatus,

between sexes was performed with t-tests (Zar, 1999).

and reports are available

comparing chemical

composition (Fernández and Val, 1966), age and

Growth was expressed in terms of the von Bertalanffy

growth (Bougis, 1952; Gharbi and Ktari, 1981 a;

equation (Beverton and Holt, 1957): Lt= L∞ (1-e-K(t-t0)),

Andaloro and Giarritta, 1985; Morales-Nin, 1986;

where: L∞: is the asymptotic total length; Lt: the total

1991; Campillo, 1992; Stergiou et al., 1997; Mehanna,

length at age t; K: the growth curvature parameter

2009), reproduction (Gharbi and Ktari, 1981b),

and t0 is the theoretical age when fish would have

trophic relationships (Gharbi and Ktari, 1979; Golani

been at zero total length.

and Galil, 1991), and biological and fishing aspects and

Growth parameters were estimated according to the

Papaconstantinou 1992; Renõnes et al., 1995; Pajeulo

non-linear method by using the software FISAT

et al., 1997) of both species. In Algeria, only Djabali et

program package (subroutine ELEFAN). In ELEFAN,

al., 1993 and Derbal et al., 2001 have studied some

data are reconstructed to generate “peaks” and

biological aspects of this specie.

“trought”, and the goodness of fit index (Rn) is






defined by: Rn = 10


where the ASP

The aim of our study is analysing the age and the

“Available Sum of Peaks” is computed by adding the

growth aspects of M. surmutetus in Mostaganem

“best” value of the available “peaks” and the ESP

(Northwest Algeria).The result of the present work

“Explained Sum of Peaks” is computed by summing

will contribute to the knowledge about the age

all the peaks and troughs “hit” by a growth curve of

composition and growth of M. surmuletus and also to

the form: Lt = L∞ (1- EXP(- K(t - t0) + Sts + St0) where:

better understanding of its role in the ecosystem. Consequently, this study will be a step forward to

Sts = (CK/2π) * sin (2π (t-ts)),

the improvement of the fisheries assessment and St0 = (CK/2π) * sin (2π (t0-ts)), and Lt is the length at

management of M. surmuletus in this area.

time t. (Sparre et al., 1989). Growth parameters Materials and methods

obtained for males and females were compared using

A total of 838 M. surmuletus specimens were

the multivariate Hotelling’s T2 test (Bernard, 1981).

collected between January and December 2009 from

For the sake of comparison, the index of overall

38 | Kherraz et al.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2014 growth performance Φ, proposed by Pauly and Munro,1984 was used. This test provided an

Females: W = 0.009*LT 3.02, r2= 0.935, n = 516

indication of the reliability of age estimates since it

Males: W = 0.010*LT 2.98, r2 = 0.977, n = 322

had been suggested that phi-prime test values were similar for the same species and genera. The test was

The analysis by sex showed a significant difference in

based on: Φ = log K + 2 log L∞ (Piñeiro and Saínza,

the b coefficient (Table 1).

2003). Table 1. Biometric Relations M.surmuletus (Linne, Results


The length and weight of the M. surmuletus ranged from 12 cm to 23 cm in total length (TL) and from 16 g to 120 g in weight, respectively. Most fish were 14 -

Females Males

WT = a LT b W∞ = 0,009LT3,02 W∞ = 0,010LT2,98

r2 = 0.935 r2 = 0.977

16 cm TL, accounting for 64 % and 42 % of females

The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for M.

and males, respectively (Fig. 2).

surmuletus were estimated as L∞= 24.70 cm, K = 0.37 cm/year and t0 = - 0.37 year for females, and L∞ =

Of 838 specimens captured, 516 were female and 322

25.52 cm, K = 0.32 cm/year and t0 = - 0.71 year for

were male. Females measured 12 to 24 cm TL

males (Table 2). Significant differences were found

(X=18.21 cm), males 12.5 to 23.5 cm TL (X =17.69

between the growth of males and females.

cm). The length-weight relationship of Mullus surmuletus indicated a positive allometry for female and a negative allometry for male by the following equation: (WT = a LT b). Table 2. Growth parameters for M.surmuletus females and males. Parameters Results

k (cm/yr) 0,37

Females L∞ (cm) t0 (yr) 24,70 - 0,37

Φ 2.35

k (cm/yr) 0,32

Males L∞ (cm) t0 (yr) 25,52 - 0,71

Φ 2.32

Table 3. Von Bertalanffy Equation. Females Males

Von Bertalanffy Equation Lt = 24,70(1-e-0,37 (t + 0,37)) Lt = 25,52(1-e-0,32 (t + 0,71))

The positive allometry of the length weight relationship for the whole population agrees with results of other studies (Table 4 and 5). The differences


between females and males, with a small difference in

The calculated growth performance index (Φ) in

allometric coefficient in females than males, are

Mostaganem waters was 2.35 for females and 2.32 for

probably due to the different length distributions of

males. This finding is in agreement with the

the two sexes. In the size weight relationship, this



difference between females and males as a whole

performance indice (Φ) calculated for each sex. In

means that the portion of the population > 21 cm in

order to compare the growth of the M. surmuletus

length has a very low proportion of males (Fig.2).




population with others, all available literature data of von Bertalanffy growth parameters and Φ values, including results from the present study are compiled (Table 4).

39 | Kherraz et al.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2014 Table 4. Mullus surmuletus length weight and growth parameters in different areas of Mediterranean Sea (F females; M males; F + M females and males; further abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2). F+M F M F M F+M F M F+M F M

L∞ (cm) 32.52 29.75 26.25 21.82 19.87 21.51 31.90 25.54 31.28 31.74 24.70 25.52

k(cm/year) 0.1097 0.49 0.41 0.51 0.49 0.50 0.20 0.27 0.21 0.47 0.37 0.32

t0 (year) -3.64 -0.31 -0.23 -0.112 -0.025 -0.116 -2.60 -2.45 -2.34 -0.30 -0.37 -0.71

Φ 2.06

a 0.0073

b 3.10

2.38 2.28 2.36 2.32 2.25 2.31 2.67 2.35 2.32

0.1403 0.1443

3.351 3.28

0.0095 0.0104 0.0091

3.1090 3.0672 3.1203

0.009 0.010

3.02 2.98

Area Catalonia Sicilian Channel Tunisia

Source Sáncez et al (1983) Andaloro and Giarritta (1985) Gharbi and Ktari (1981a)


Renones (1995)

Egypt Algeria

Mehanna (2009) Kherraz et al (2014)

Table 5. Total length-total weight relationships of M. surmuletus reported by various studies. a




Size range (cm) 21.5-38

0.016 0.082

2.91 3.00

1092 -





5.4-20.8 7.7-25.4

0.011 0.0097

3.03 3.07

122 146

♀ ♂ ♀ ♂

17-38.2 6.6-22.6 11-26.8 11.8-19.8 12-24 12.5-23.5

0.039 0.0083 0.0075 0.0114 0.009 0.010

3.36 3.12 3.16 3.01 3.02 2.98

108 192 184 118 516 322




Morales-Nin (1991) Campillo (1992) Sanche et al (1995) Gonçalves et al (1996) Abdallah (2002) Valle et al (2003)

Majorca Gulf of Lion Spain Portugal Egypt West Mediterranean Portugal Izmir Bay Saros Bay

Mendes et al (2004) Ilhan et al (2009) Mukadder et al (2013) Kherraz et al (2014)


Fig. 1. Study area (Max Sea-marine software V.10).

40 | Kherraz et al.

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biologiques sur Mullus surmuletus de la mer Tyrrhénienne méridionale et de la mer Ionienne Fig. 2. Length-frequency distribution by sex of M. surmuletus. As a whole, growth of Mullus surmuletus is fast, with females growing at a slightly slower rate than males. There is no apparent difference in the maximum age between sexes, but females are predominant in Age Classes IV and V. The growth of Mullus surmuletus recorded in our study is very similar to that reported for this species in other areas, except in Catalonia where it is lower (Table 4). However, the calculated growth parameters describe the exploited population for the trawl fishery, where the oldest fish were 7 yr of age.





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The results of the present work will contribute to the knowledge on age composition, growth of M. surmuletus in Mostaganem and also to better understanding of its role in marine ecosystem. This information will help fisheries scientists for future studies on M. surmuletus populations and may also help to enforce regulations on commercial fisheries with regard to minimum landing size restrictions for this species.

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Acknowledgements We thank the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) which funded this experimental study within the framework of CNEPRU project No F01820090008. We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for the constructive critisms of an earlier draft.


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