April 4, 2013

Page 1




Don’t Blow Off Your Allergies Prevention is Key

“Woofchoo!” Dog Allergies? Page 16

Page 14


Business Network of Anthem • Absolute Professionals Window Cleaning Jeremiah Johnsen 623.694.0101

• Home Appraisals, Foothills Appraisal

Rob Tinsman 623.866.3960

• Home Inspections, Hummingbird


• JD’s Home Repair

Sandy Struss 602.762.8422

• Ads & Marketing, Tinsman Graphic Design

Sean Preston 602.312.6266

• Auto Service & Repair, Tobias Automotive

Justin Franks 602.618.1489

• A/C & Heating, Air Dynamics Steve Pillow 602.973.2272

• Andrew Z Diamonds & Fine Jewelry

Follow us on

• Clearview Pool Cleaning & Repair


623.551.6892 480.203.4757

• Legal Services

Florence Bruemmer, Esq. 623.551.0380

• Maki Insurance Group Tim Maki 623.551.3585

• Marquee Mortgage

Rick Giordano 602.228.4017

• CPA / Investments

Lisa Jackson, CPA 623.455.9630

• Nature’s Preserve Landscaping

Amos Peterson 623.693.2160

• Plumbing, Priceless Plumbing

Michelle McLaughlin 623.551.5100

• Printing & Shipping Services, PostNet

Brett Innocenti 602.300.3918

• Real Estate, D.L. Jones & Associates

Todd Kelly 623.738.9655

• Soft Water Plus

Jennifer Fishell 623.465.7979

• Titan Pest Control

Matt Peterson 623.764.1208

• Colours Painting LLC

Matt Harrison 623.444.0611

• Curves of Anthem/New River

Meena Pandya 623.551.1305

• Epic Carpet and Tile Cleaning

Dennis Jones 602.909.2845

• Flooring, Stellar Floors & Decor

Pete Schneider 623.551.7383

• Hampton Inn

Aaron Eubank 623.879.8700

• Harper Physical Therapy Ty Harper 623.742.7338

Local Names You Can Trust


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lots of fine print, so consult a legal and tax professional before proceeding.

Featured Homes


N. Raleigh Ct. $254,900 You’ll want to see this 4 bedroom + loft home on a friendly cul-de-sac, close to everything, in the awardwinning community of Anthem. Upgrades include corian counters, two-tone paint, wood blinds, stainless appliances, maple cabinets, ceiling fans with grass front & back. You’ll be happy you saw it first. Give us a call!

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VOL. 9.14

P.O. Box 74693 Phoenix, AZ 85087 623-239-3956 | www.anthemnews.com

Publisher Nadine Shaalan nshaalan@anthemnews.com Copy Editor Karen Goveia kgoveia@anthemnews.com Web Producer Pam Shivak pshivak@anthemnews.com Listings Editor Sarah Crouse listings@inandoutaz.com


Contributors Dick Buscher ldbuscher@anthemnews.com Linda Buscher ldbuscher@anthemnews.com Lara Gates lgates@inandoutaz.com Amanda Niemerg aniemerg@anthemnews.com Chris Prickett cprickett@anthemnews.com Larry Vivola lvivola@inandoutaz.com Brad Wood bwood@anthemnews.com Advertising 623-239-3954 advertising@inandoutaz.com For display and classified ad rates, visit www.anthemnews.com Letters to the Editor letters@anthemnews.com. Include full name, home town and daytime phone number. Limit letters to 250 words. Questions or Comments info@anthemnews.com

While In&Out strives to provide the most accurate, current information, we recommend contacting the appropriate source prior to acting on any listing. Events and advertisements are published at Publisher’s discretion. Opinions expressed by contributors, readers and respondents are not necessarily those of the Publisher. COPYRIGHT 2013. All Rights Reserved.

7 LETTERS 9 THIS WEEK IN The Neighborhood

12 THIS WEEK OUT Of The Neighborhood

14 COVER STORY Nip Allergies

16 SIDEBAR Dog Allergies

23 CLASSIFIEDS 28 REAL ESTATE WATCH For more news, visit AnthemNews.com /AnthemNews

@Anthem _News


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6 |




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Thank God or Enjoy His Blessings?


n the March 14 issue of In&Out, you ran the exciting article “Anthem Gets a Farmers Market.” Thank God we have this opportunity. But something seemed amiss. What could that possibly be? In your next issue, you included a picture of the market on Sunday, March 17. How wonderful! We were so anxious to go and then we seemed to forget. We tried to remember what we were doing that made us overlook this opportunity. Then we remembered. We were at church! We were thanking the God who made the farmer, and all the produce… Of all the events we have in Anthem, this one is mostly made possible by Divine Providence. It should not be necessary to choose between thanking God for His blessings, and taking the opportunity to enjoy them. Give Him Sunday morning and the rest of the day we can bask in His graces. Farmers can market on Saturday or Sundays from 1–4 p.m.

Carol Stelter Anthem

Anthem’s Uniqueness Traded for $140,000


e were shocked to read that our ACC is considering opening Anthem’s amenities to the residents of Arroyo Norte [“Anthem Envy,” In&Out, March 21]. This community center and the parks were to be for the sole use of the owners— owners who purchased homes in Anthem. Now for a paltry $140,000, you are giving up our uniqueness. We… purchased our home because of the amenities that were offered. Our community center pool is crowded in the summer. The emergency egress Arroyo Norte requested was denied citing “not much in the way of advantage” to Anthem. This request has no advantage to Anthem and should be denied. Let them use this $140,000 to build their own community center.

Ken & Mary Miller Anthem

Amenities Already Crowded


am strongly against [giving Arroyo Norte residents access to Anthem’s amenities.] I feel part of our home values, and the attraction to move to Anthem, is the amenities. I know this was part of my decision to move here many years ago. I think our property values will suffer from allowing this and it may encourage people to move out of our community. Some have said our facilities are not that busy anyway. I ask those people to find an open chair at the pool on a hot ACC Board of Directors day, or an open Special Meeting machine at the 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4 gym at peak Anthem Community Center times. To allow Arroyo Norte Facilities non-residents to Use Agreement will pay less to use be discussed. the facilities and potentially cause a negative impact on the residents (who are paying more)


(See LETTERS on Page 8) THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 |


| 7

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8 |


(From LETTERS on Page 7)

doesn’t seem right. I have heard the argument that [Arroyo Norte residents] will use the facilities anyway…but they can’t get into the Community Center without an ID badge. I suggest maybe charging $25 per month for use of the parks and lake. Also, they can take classes and play sports at the resident rate. This seems win/win without overcrowding the most popular facilities. 5:11 PM

At the very least they should have to pay more to get the same access we do.

Keith Dale Anthem

accepting most insurance

including ahcccs!


46641 N. Black Canyon Hwy #7 (On the Frontage Road at New River Road)


GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? letters@anthemnews.com

Include full name, town and daytime phone.




Stories, songs and activities for ages 3-5. First come, first-served. Story Time Room.

Audition Preparation Class 4:30—9 p.m. Musical Theatre of Anthem 42323 North Vision Way 602-743-9892 $35



Made by Hand

1 p.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

A gathering place for those wishing to knit, crochet, tat, macrame or work with fiber. Bring your projects, books, patterns, accomplishments and knowledge to share with others. Ages 18 and up.

The Resume & Reinventing Yourself

1:30—3 p.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Analyze and articulate who you are for yourself and a potential employer.

Walk-Up Computer Assistance 3—4 p.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Basic computer skills. Computer assistance sessions, GED information and individual topics concerning the use of a computer provided.

Anthem Community Council Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 p.m. Anthem Community Center 41130 North Freedom Way 623-879-3011

Anthem residents encouraged to attend. [See Page 7.]


‘The Sunshine Boys’

2 p.m. Herberger Theater Center 222 East Monroe Street, Phoenix 602-252-8497 $35-$90

Prepare for upcoming “The Little Mermaid Jr.” audition. Instruction on cold reads, acting technique, characterization and audition practice. Ages 6-9 from 4:30-6 p.m. Ages 10-12 from 6-7:30 p.m. Ages 13-18 from 7:30-9 p.m. Reservations required.


Ride with the Ranger

3—4 p.m. Cave Creek Regional Park 37019 North Lava Lane, Cave Creek 623-742-6700 $6/Vehicle plus trail ride standard fee

Discover Cave Creek Park and the Sonoran Desert during a one-hour ride on horseback. Registration required.


NVCA: Spring Pictures

North Valley Christian Academy 39808 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 623-551-3454

BCHS: JV and Freshmen Baseball vs. Deer Valley 3:45 p.m. Boulder Creek High School 40404 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 623-445-8636

BGHS: JV and Freshmen Softball vs. Paradise Valley 3:45 p.m. Barry Goldwater High School 2820 West Rose Garden Lane, Phoenix 623-445-3000

BGHS: Varsity Baseball vs. Sunrise Mountain

3:45 p.m. Barry Goldwater High School 2820 West Rose Garden Lane, Phoenix 623-445-3000

SDOHS: Varsity Baseball vs. North Canyon

3:45 p.m. Sandra Day O’Connor High School 25250 North 35th Avenue, Glendale 623-445-7100


SCHOOL Al Lewis and Willie Clark kept audiences in stitches for decades, but now estranged for 11 years, they agree to reunite for one DVUSD: Early Release 623-445-5000 last TV performance. KIDS

Preschool Story Time

9:30 & 10:30 a.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway

Preventing Sudden Death Among Young Athletes


esearch shows sudden cardiac arrest affects more student athletes than previously believed. The Anthony Bates Foundation is tackling this issue and bringing low-cost earlydetection screening to Diamond Canyon school. The foundation was formed after Anthony Bates, a Kansas State football player who died from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). It plans to screen 500 people 12 and older for HCM in the Anthem area.

Cardiac Screening

BGHS: Varsity Baseball vs. Peoria 3:45 p.m. Barry Goldwater High School 2820 West Rose Garden Lane, Phoenix 623-445-3000

BGHS: JV and Freshmen Softball

10–4 p.m., Saturday, April 6 Diamond Canyon School 40004 N. Liberty Bell Way Appointments 602-482-5606 Cost $40 donation requested (scholarships available)



| 9

vs. Thunderbird

4 p.m. Barry Goldwater High School 2820 West Rose Garden Lane, Phoenix 623-445-3000

accompaniment CD or iPod and registration materials. Ages 6-18.


Diamond Canyon: BCHS: Varsity Baseball vs. North Free Heart Screening 10—4 p.m. Canyon 5 p.m. Boulder Creek High School 40404 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 623-445-8636


Diamond Canyon School 40004 North Liberty Bell Way 602-482-5606

All Arizona students ages 12 and up welcome. Donations accepted.




8 a.m. Anthem Community Center 41130 North Freedom Way 623-879-3011 $20-$25

8 a.m. St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 2825 West Rose Canyon Circle Phoenix, 623-465-9740 $10/Vehicle

Emma’s Run for Tyler

Emma’s Run celebrates and commemorates the life of Emma Simpkins while raising money for local families in need. Proceeds from this year’s race will benefit Tyler Hallsey and family as they do “Whatever It Takes.” Course begins and ends at the Anthem Community Center.

Market on the Move

8—1 p.m. St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 2825 West Rose Canyon Circle 623-640-4961 $10

Farmers market atmosphere where a $10 donation will get a family 60 pounds of produce.

Open House/Summer Registration

9—noon Anthem Community Center 41130 North Freedom Way 623-879-3011

Early registration for upcoming classes and activities. Games, contests and demonstrations. Free sample classes throughout the day.

Games and Cards Program

10—11:30 a.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Play Rummikub, Boggle, Hand and Foot, Cribbage or bring your own games.


Auditions: ‘The Little Mermaid Jr.’ 11 a.m. Musical Theatre of Anthem 42323 North Vision Way 602-743-9892 $250

Vocal auditions. Prepare a musical theatre song, 16-32 bars or one-minute in length. Bring an

Boy Scout Car Wash

Vehicles washed during 8 and 11 a.m. Mass. Benefits Troop 432.


2nd Annual Golf Outing at Ironwood

Noon Anthem Country Club 2708 West Anthem Club Drive 602-402-8700 $100

Four-player-best-ball scramble. Raffle, prizes and awards. Benefits BCHS Golf.


Auditions for ‘The Little Mermaid Jr.’ 10 a.m. Musical Theatre of Anthem 42323 North Vision Way 602-743-9892 $250

Dance auditions. Call backs at noon. Bring registration materials. Ages 6-18.



Job Searching: A ‘Match.com’ For Job Seekers 9—10 a.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Personalize your job search with networking and research on potential companies.

Walk-Up Computer Assistance 10:30—noon North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Learn basic computer skills or explore career-related topics. Computer assistance sessions, GED information and individual ARE YOU IN? SUBMIT YOUR EVENT. topics concerning the use of anthemnews.com/get-in a computer provided.

10 |



Take Care of Fido… AFFORDABLY


Series of eight slow-flow hatha yoga classes. For adults new to yoga and Foreign Film Essentials those with some experience. Attend Movie Series with Jeremy Carr one session or the entire series. Wear 6 p.m. comfortable clothing and bring a North Valley Regional Library yoga mat (a limited number of mats 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway available to borrow) and water. No 602-652-3000 registration necessary, space limited. Watch “The Seventh Seal” by director Ingmar Bergman. Refreshments KIDS served. Registration required.

nthem Pets, the North A Valley’s most active pet advocacy group,

wants to make sure pet care isn’t overlooked when money gets tight. If your bills have you foregoing Fido’s full-on vet visit this year, stop by the Low-cost Shot Clinic to make sure he is up-todate on all his important shots.

Time for Twos



Windows 8: A Brief Overview 6—7 p.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

9:30 & 10:30 a.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

Stories, songs and rhymes. Limited seating.


Review some basic departures from DVUSD: previous Windows programs and learn AIMS High School Math Test about the new Windows design and 623-445-5000 appearance. Bring your laptop.

Anthem Pets Low-cost Shot Clinic

DVUSD: SAT 10 Testing

New River/Desert Hills Community Association Meeting



7:30—9 p.m. Crossroads Christian Fellowship Church 42425 North New River Road 602-432-2800


Job Accelerator: Your Library’s Online Business Resource

Public welcome.

10—11 a.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000


Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting

Caregivers encouraged to attend. Confirm by phone.

Adult Beginning Yoga

Services by Dr. Tom Ratke, Academy West Animal Hospital. Info 623-551-2234

This business and career e-source provides assistance in assessing your talents and interests, resume writing, job opportunities and interview strategies.

2 p.m. 3340 West Sousa Drive 623-551-9726

7:15 p.m. North Valley Regional Library 40410 North Gavilan Peak Parkway 602-652-3000

9 a.m.–noon Saturday, April 13, Jackass Acres Dog Park Black Canyon Highway (East side frontage road, between Anthem and New River)


DVUSD: AIMS High School Science Test 623-445-5000 io

Three-year Rabies $15 Canine DHLPP $15 Bordetella $15 Feline Shots $20 AVID Micro-Chip $25 Rattlesnake Vaccine $25

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| 11



“Sita Haran” portrays the Indian literary work “Ramayana” at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Friday.




‘The Sunshine Boys’

Herberger Theater Center 222 East Monroe Street Phoenix, 602-252-8497 $35-$90



7:30 p.m. Musical Instrument Museum 4725 East Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix 480-478-6000 $37.50-$42.50

Al Lewis and Willie Clark kept audiences in stitches for decades, but now estranged for 11 years, they agree to reunite for one Pianist with the reputation as a modernlast TV performance. day Pied Piper.


8 p.m. Comerica Theatre 400 West Washington Street Phoenix, 602-379-2888 $25-$90

A twist on the legendary tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.


Fitness Hike

8 a.m. Cave Creek Regional Park 37019 North Lava Lane, Cave Creek $6/Vehicle

Moderate, steady pace based on the fitness level of participants. Hike a different part of the park each week. Meet at the nature center.


Ride with the Ranger

3—4 p.m. Cave Creek Regional Park 37019 North Lava Lane Cave Creek, 623-742-6700 $6/Vehicle plus trail ride standard fee

India Jazz Suites

8 p.m. Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts 7380 East 2nd Street Scottsdale, 480-994-ARTS, Ext. 2 $29-$49

Traditional performances, choreography and evolution of Kathak, the classical dance of North India, by Chitresh Das Dance Company.



Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast 7—11 a.m. Carefree Desert Gardens 101 Easy Street, Cave Creek 480-488-8400 $8/Adults; $4/Children

Pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Benefits Carefree Kiwanis.

Discover Cave Creek Park and the Sonoran Desert during a one-hour ride on horseback. Registration required.



Through Sunday, April 7 Musical Instrument Museum Phoenix Art Museum Children’s Museum of Phoenix Free

Financial Aid Literacy Workshop 6—7 p.m. Argosy University 2233 West Dunlap Avenue, Phoenix Free

Museums On Us

Free admission to the Musical Instrument Museum, the Phoenix Art Museum and the Children’s Museum of Phoenix for Bank of America and Merrill Lynch cardholders. Present photo ID and MORE INFO ON THESE AND OTHER credit/debit card at museum. One EVENTS anthemnews.com/calendar-2 free admission per cardholder.

Learn about financing options for you or your child’s college education, regardless of which school you are attending. RSVP required.

12 |



Metro Classic Car Show

11 a.m.—4 p.m. Metrocenter Mall 9617 North Metro Parkway West Phoenix, 602-882-0500

Classic car show. Balloon glow at 7 p.m. VIN etching by Phoenix Police from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Sita Haran

8 p.m. Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts 7380 East 2nd Street Scottsdale, 480-994-ARTS, Ext. 2 $29-$49

Dynamic interpretation excerpted from the literary work of India, “Ramayana” by Chitresh Das Dance Company. Story of greed, lust, distraction and divine intervention.


Flower Power

9 a.m. Cave Creek Regional Park 37019 North Lava Lane, Cave Creek $6/Vehicle

Take pictures of the seasonal wildflowers on a short hike.

Feeding Frenzy

3—4 p.m. Cave Creek Regional Park 37019 North Lava Lane, Cave Creek $6/Vehicle

Watch creatures munch lunch. Meet in the nature center.



Zukerman Chamber Players

7:30 p.m. Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts 7380 East 2nd Street Scottsdale, 480-994-ARTS, Ext. 2 $29-$49

Performance of Brahms’ “Piano Quartet No. 3” in C minor and Shostakovich’s “Piano Quintet” in G minor.


Guided Pipeline Canyon Wildflower Hike 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Lake Pleasant Regional Park 41835 North Castle Hot Springs Road 602-372-7460, Ext. 202 $6/Vehicle

Slow and moderate 4-mile hike.

Romeo Santos


8 p.m. Comerica Theatre 400 West Washington Street, Phoenix 602-379-2888 $45-$75

Former lead vocalist of Aventura. io



| 13


Nip Allergies

Before They Bloom By Nadine Shaalan nshaalan@anthemnews.com



the symptoms before they start,” Dr. Rosenstreich said. “If you start after the symptoms are in full swing, it’s much harder to stop the allergic reaction than to prevent it from the beginning.”

rystal skies. Warm, scented breezes. Cool evenings. This is precisely what we love about the Valley. But over the But an early course of antihistamines years, allergies have crept in, making some might not do much, said Dr. Fadia Habibof us miserable during the most beautiful Khazen of Adult and Pediatric Allergy season. Associates in Anthem. “The histamine In fact, Quest Diagnostics ranked is not the only chemical involved. There Phoenix the No. 1 city in the country for are so many other chemical mediators. ragweed allergies. And, the University of It’s not going to prevent the pollen from Arizona claims non-native plant species penetrating the mucosa and starting the add significantly to airborne allergens. inflammatory reaction. It will not prevent Global climate change is also being all the symptoms that can develop,” Habibfingered for earlier allergy seasons and Khazen said. higher pollen count. Rosenstreich warns that trees are the With winter’s heavy rains, the desert is first to produce pollen as soon as buds a giant sneeze cloud of pollen right now, form. And this can trigger the cold-like and drippy Valley children and adults are symptoms as the body overreacts to fight rubbing their eyes and nose, and reaching back. And don’t think just because you don’t for the tissue. see the offending tree you are safe. “When the wind is blowing, tree pollen can travel The best treatment is prevention, 100 miles,” Habib-Khazen said. according to David Rosenstreich, M.D., director of the allergy and immunology While early treatment might lessen division at Montefiore Medical Center. the symptoms, Habib-Khazen offers practical advice. “The number one thing is “By taking medicine early, starting in mid- to late-February, you can prevent (See BLOOM on Page 19)

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Take These Precautions • Limit outdoor activities during days with high pollen counts, especially in the morning. • Keep windows closed (at home or in the car) to keep pollens out. • Run air conditioners early, as they filter the outside air coming into your home. • Keep your HVAC filters clean. • Wash your hands, face and, if possible, hair after being outside. • Change your clothes after being outside. • Refrain from mowing the lawn or raking leaves. • Avoid hanging laundry outside to dry.

The Top 10 Allergens

About half of all Americans test positive for at least one of these: • • • • • • • • •

Ragweed Bermuda grass Rye grass White oak Russian thistle Alternaria mold Cat House dust mite German cockroach

Arizona Heights

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such as bermuda and rye, are culprits of seasonal allergies.

Angela Baskin, dds

SOURCE National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


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| 17

18 |



(From BLOOM on Page 14)

avoidance, avoidance, avoidance,” she said. During high season, avoid opening windows and going outdoors during early morning when the pollen count is highest. If you have to go outdoors, wear a pollen mask. She recommends certainly not going out after a shower when hair is moist and pollen will stick. And once you come back inside, wash your hands and face and, if possible, shower and change clothes. Anyone suffering with allergy symptoms should consult a medical professional. Another concern if you suffer allergies: you are at higher risk of developing asthma. According to Habib-Khazen, 60 to 80 percent of the asthma triggers are allergic in nature. “Patients who have nasal allergies are at extremely high risk of developing asthma at one point or another. First symptoms often appear at peak pollen periods.. io

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20 |



Woofchoo! Dogs Have Allergies, Too

llergies are affecting both blood tests and skin A more and more testing to look at the people each year. But most common allergens they are not the only ones suffering the watery eyes, sneezing and itching of the season. According to Kirstin Young, a veterinarian at Daisy Mountain Veterinary Hospital, allergies in pets are increasing, too. “Every year we seem to see more and more pets for allergies, both to food and airborne particles,” Young said. And while they do sneeze and have watery eyes, the most common symptom is itch. Incessant, unbearable itch.

Itchy red eyes, nose and paws are symptoms of dog allergies.

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and testing. “There are several companies that test for airborne allergies using


in a given area,” said Young. The pet can then be injected with small amounts of the allergen to desensitize the body. “This type of treatment is effective in 60 to 80 percent of cases,” Young said, “although it can take several months to see the full effect.” Shampoos, conditioners and sprays containing steroids can help, as can antihistamines. Oatmeal and compounds that support skin health are also a good idea, according to Young.

If your pet is exhibiting signs of allergies, consult a veterinary professional to develop a treatment plan specific to your pet. io




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