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Attn: Anthem Community Council and High Desert Little League

Re: Equality between Softball and Baseball Field Conditions There is tremendous disparity between the conditions of the baseball and softball fields. The baseball fields are meticulously groomed sometimes daily whereas the softball fields are often left unmaintained for months at time. It has been years since the softball fields were over seeded during the winter. Game Rights During the spring season, baseball teams have two games each week and the softball teams only have one game a week. As if 2 games to 1 was not unfair enough, the two most desirable of the 4 unmaintained softball fields are now being used by the baseball teams. Recognition The HDLL bylaws are written solely for baseball and do not include a single rules governing softball. During the opening day ceremony, there was a prayer stated only for baseball teams and totally left out all of the softball teams. Along with this they gave recognition to all of the male coaches but they gave none to any of the female coaches. Communication Email correspondence from HDLL to parents and coaches consistently refer to “baseball players” or “baseball parents”, softball players and parents are frequently disregarded. Badge Discrimination The Little League association provided 75th anniversary badges for all of the players in High Desert little League. Little League Softball is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year. Why are we not celebrating this important milestone in Little League history? In 1974 Little League Federal Charters and rules were amended to allow participation by girls and Little League created the Major and Senior League softball programs. Prior to 1974 Please take this into consideration that we do appreciate baseball players but softball players deserve equal recognition and fairness. Sincerely, Rachel Chazan Taylor Marchesani

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