Hearing Loss Can Have a Devastating Effect
My dad has lost interest in many outside activities he once enjoyed. He is hearing impaired and does not wear hearing aids. Could this be a contributing factor to his malaise?
Debbie Kelley, Au.D.
is a doctor of audiolog y and owner of Hear in Arizona, with 20 years clinical experience. She has recently opened a private practice in Anthem. FREE hearing tests for adults through March
hrough our sense of hearing, we connect with the world, enjoy conversation with family and friends, engage in social activities, listen to lectures and sermons and pursue careers. When our ability to understand conversation is compromised, the world becomes much smaller and we can feel very left out. If your dad cannot make sense of what is being said, he won’t feel comfortable contributing to a topic. He will no longer feels like an integral, contributing part of the conversation. The activities he once enjoyed now require more energy and concentration. It’s just easier to be uninvolved, so he begins to withdraw and becomes isolated. He can become negative, depressed, stressed and overly anxious. Family and friends who often do not understand the impact of hearing loss, lose patience and become frustrated. Dad’s hearing loss might be due to a medical condition, aging, noise exposure or a combination of these. Encourage dad to visit his primary care physician to evaluate for possible medical issues that might be contributing to his hearing loss.
42104 N Venture Drive
602-290-9711 hearinarizona.com
Also, it is important to see an audiologist to determine the type and degree of hearing loss. In addition to evaluation and treatment, the audiologist can offer guidance, support and understanding of the vast effect hearing loss has on the family. The audiologist can then make recommendations that make sense for your dad’s lifestyle.
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