CACAY OIL 1. Identification Product Name: Cacay Oil Internal Code of the Product Identification: N.A Recommended use: Moisturizer and emollient Company Name: Plantus Indústria e comércio de Óleos, Extratos e Saneantes LTDA. Company Address: Rodovia RN 313 Nº 8000 – Pium – Nísia Floresta/RN Phone number: +55 84 3081-1113 Emergency phone number: +55 84 3081-1113 2. Hazard (s) identification Classification of substance or mixture: No classified Elements of appropriate Labeling Word of warning: N.A Hazard statement: N.A Precautionary Phases: - General: N.A - Prevention: N.A - Emergency response: N.A - Storage: N.A - Disposition: N.A Other hazards which do not result in a rating: N.A 3. Composition / information about the ingredients Product Type: Substance INCI name
CAS number
Caryodendron Orinocense Seed Oil
Concentration range (%) 100
4. First Aid Measures - Inhalation: N.A Página 1 de 5
-Skin contact: No known hazard - Eyes contact: No known hazard - Ingest: No known hazard Notes to physician: Treat symptomatically. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Extinguishing (appropriate and inappropriate): Suitable: Foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical and water fog. Unsuitable: Water spray potent. Specific hazards: N.A Protective measures team fire-fighting Stay away from containers. Cool with water spray, the containers exposed to fire. If possible, remove containers close to the fire. Indoors using air supply. 6. Accidental release measures (steps for spills) Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures. -For people who are not part of the emergency services: Staying away. -To the staff of the emergency department: Use personal protective equipment. Precautions for the environment: Do not allow to enter drains or in stormwater. Do not discharge into soil / subsoil. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Pick up with absorbent material aid not fuel. Dispose in accordance with current legislation. 7. Handling and Storage Precautions for safe handling: N.A Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Preserve protected from heat and direct sunlight. 8. Exposure controls / personal protection Eye: Safety glasses should be worn. Skin/Body: Gloves and aprons should be worn.
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Respiratory: Not needed under normal conditions of use. Use adequate ventilation or NIOSH-approved respiratory devices if heating product. Ventilation: A mechanical exhaust/ventilation or fume collection system may be used if deemed necessary according to application. Other: Evaluate need based on application. Slip proof shoes may be worn where spills may occur. Work/Hygiene Practice: Normal work and hygiene practices for handling nonhazardous liquid material. 9. Physical and chemical properties
Appearance ( Physical sate ) Color Odor pH Melting point Boiling point Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability Lower limit / Upper flammable or explosive Vapor pressure Vapor density Relative density Solubility Partition coefficient-n- octanol/water Autoignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity Density Refraction Acidity Peroxide Iodine Saponification
Liquid Yellow to Brownish Characteristic N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 0,900 – 0,980 g/mL 1,400 – 1,490 Max: 20,0 mg KOH/g Max: 30,0 mEq/kg 80,0 – 150,0 gI2/100g 150,0 a 250,0 mgKOH/g
10. Stability and reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): None known Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Acrolein may form when heated to decomposition. Conditions to Avoid: None Página 3 de 5
Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur 11. Toxicological information Acute toxicity Corrosion / irritation of the skin Serious eye damage / eye irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Toxicity and reproduction Target organ toxicity- single exposure Target organ toxicity- repeated exposure Aspiration hazard
12. Ecological information Ecotoxicity: N.A Persistence and degradability: N.A Bioaccumulative potencial: N.A Mobility in soil: N.A Other adverse effects: Do not allow to penetrate the soil, water or storm sewers. 13. Disposal Considerations Recommended methods of disposal: Dispose in accordance with local law. 14. Transport information UN number ADR/RID: N.A IMDG: N.A IATA: N.A UN proper shipping name ADR/RID: Not dangerous goods IMDG: Not dangerous goods IATA: Not dangerous goods Transport hazard class(es) ADR/RID: N.A IMDG: N.A IATA: N.A Packaging group ADR/RID: N.A IMDG: N.A IATA: N.A Pรกgina 4 de 5
Environmental hazards ADR/RID: No IMDG Marine pollutant: No IATA: No Special precautions for user No data available 15. Regulatory information US: This material is intended to be used as a cosmetic ingredient and is exempt from Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulation (40 CFR 710) when used as such. Do not use for other purposes.. EU: This material is not classified as Dangerous according to the health and physical properties criteria of the EU Directives on the classification of substances and preparation. 16. Others informations This product is not considered hazardous. This MSDS has been prepared based on current knowledge of the chemical and provides information about the protection, safety, health and environment. The handling of any chemical requires prior knowledge of its dangers by the user. It is for the company to promote the product user training from their employers and contractors about the potential risks from the product. All health and safety information contained in this bulletin should be provided to your employees or customers. Revision:00 February/2016 17. References
[BRAZIL – RESOLUTION Nº420] Brazil. Ministério dos Transportes. Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres, Resolution Nº. 420. [ECHA] European Chemical Agency. Available: Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006. European Union. [ABNT] Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas NBR 14725-4/2009 [OSHA] Occupational Safety & Health Administration Available:
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