MORINGA OIL (FLOWERS AND LEAVES) 1. Identification Product Name: Moringa Oil (Flowers and Leaves). Internal Code of the Product Identification: N.A Recommended use: Antioxidant, emollient Company Name: Plantus Indústria e comércio de Óleos, Extratos e Saneantes LTDA. Company Address: Rodovia RN 313 Nº 8000 – Pium – Nísia Floresta/RN Phone number: +55 84 3081-1113 Emergency phone number: +55 84 3081-1113 2. Hazard (s) identification Classification of substance or mixture: No classified Elements of appropriate Labeling Word of warning: N.A Hazard statement: N.A Precautionary Phases: - General: N.A - Prevention: N.A - Emergency response: N.A - Storage: N.A - Disposition: N.A Other hazards which do not result in a rating: No know hazard. 3. Composition / information about the ingredients Product Type: Substance INCI name
CAS number
Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract
Concentration range (%) 100,0
Página 1 de 6 PLANTUS INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE ÓLEOS EXTRATOS E SANEANTES LTDA CNPJ: 12.492.143/0001-47 – INSC. EST. 202498280 Rodovia RN 313, N° 8000 - Distrito de Pium, Nisia Floresta - RN CEP 59.164-000 – - +55 (84) 3081-1113