2023 Inova Schar Cancer Gratitude and Impact Report

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2023 Gratitude and Impact Report

Inova Schar Cancer

Celebrating five years of renewed dedication to our patient-centered care model

Inova Schar Cancer

World-class cancer care

Five years ago, we fulfilled a commitment to our community.

With transformational support from Dwight and Martha Schar, we unveiled a state-ofthe-art facility to serve as the flagship for our system-wide cancer program

Inova Schar Cancer is home to our nationally renowned team of doctors, providers, researchers, nurses, cancer specialists and emotional support experts, who deliver the highest standard of compassionate, collaborative and holistic cancer care to our community.

In 2023, your generosity continued to fuel and accelerate this progress.

We are pleased to share in the following pages some highlights of the extraordinary impact you have helped make possible in 2023 through your philanthropic contributions, advocacy and support

Thank you for all that you do

“Together with our supporters, we are building a nationally recognized program and working around the clock to bring down the cancer curve in every way we can.”

“This group of nurses, doctors and other professionals knows that cancer is not just about the science, the treatments, the side effects. It’s about the whole person.


what we have to treat and that’s what this patient-centered institution is doing.”

–Cokie Roberts, journalist and cancer survivor, at Inova Schar Cancer, Dedication, April 24, 2019


A high-performing year

Philanthropy plays a critical role in advancing care across every one of our program areas, from genetic counseling to clinical trials, surgical procedures to support services.

In 2023, your philanthropic investment helped to deliver the best quality cancer care to members of our community–from diagnosis to survivorship Thank you.

240,000+ outpatient visits, including 3,000 advanced care treatments

61,000 Life with Cancer® consultations and class participants

48,000 unique patients at Inova Schar Cancer Hematology, Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology and Breast Surgery clinic visits 106,000+ 49 new studies

“The best part for me was the feeling that my providers will continue to walk alongside me through this journey.”

–Patient at Inova Schar Cancer

74,000 infusion visits


in funds deployed in 2023 to support Inova Schar Cancer initiatives and programs across the region 85+

physician specialists renowned for their expertise and committed to compassionate care

5,000+ clinical visits for cancer screening and prevention services in 2023

61,200+ radiation therapy treatments
2023 By the Numbers

Funding research and innovation

Inova’s use of the latest technologies has spurred cuttingedge research studies and significantly expanded access to clinical trials, making it easier for patients to get advanced care, close to home.

49 new studies

A state-of-the-art Vectra 360 imaging system, made possible with a gift from the Randolph D. Rouse Foundation, was installed in the Inova Saville Center to provide full body skin cancer screening and support important clinical research.

Designed specifically for dermatology, this whole body 3D imaging system captures the entire skin surface in macro quality resolution with a single capture. The fully integrated software allows clinicians to map and monitor pigmented lesions and distributed diseases of the skin.

49 new clinical trials launched in 2023

Connecting patients with the latest in clinical trials ensures Inova can provide the most advanced care today, while helping to identify the treatments and prevention strategies of tomorrow. One such trial study, PRECEDE, connects a consortium of professionals to accelerate new approaches to early detection and prevention of pancreatic cancer.

Inova named one of seven research hubs by the National Cancer Institute for national studies for cancer early detection

The new clinical trials network creates a national infrastructure to study emerging cancer screening and prevention technologies, with the goal of reducing cancer-related illnesses and deaths. Inova is one of a handful of elite institutions from across the country chosen as leaders in this ground-breaking research.


New milestones in treating patients

At Inova Schar Cancer, our integrated care model allows surgeons, medical oncologists, genetic counselors and specialists to provide personalized cancer care that draws on the latest technologies, clinical trials and targeted therapies. Early in 2024, we celebrated treating 1,000 patients through our Inova Mather Proton Therapy Center, made possible in part through the generosity of the Mather family.

Innovative treatments, powered by philanthropy

Inova Mather Proton Therapy Center is the only center in Northern Virginia to offer today’s most advanced cancer fighting radiation therapy targeting cancer cells with pinpoint accuracy

GammaTile® Therapy is a new advanced cancer technology, a targeted radiation therapy for brain tumors, now available to our region at Inova

Immunotherapy is revolutionizing how cancers are treated, and with a dedicated Stem Cell Transplant/CAR-T Laboratory planned for 2024, Inova Schar Cancer will bring innovative transplant-based therapies closer to home


the milestone of 1000 patients treated marks a significant achievement for our Inova Mather Proton Therapy Center.

As this program continues to grow, we are witnessing the transformative potential of proton therapy in improving outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients.”


Innovative Treatments

Attracting Top Talent

Our ability to attract and retain top talent is linked to philanthropy

A world-class cancer program can only be built with world-class talent We are able to bring the most talented and well-trained cancer experts to Inova and educate the next generation of cancer experts thanks to your generous support Today, Inova Schar Cancer is home to the largest group of medical oncology and hematology physicians in the DC region, with: 87 physician specialists and 41 medical oncologists across 15 specialties

In 2023, we recruited four new specialists to join our talented team. Over the past 4+ years, philanthropy has helped to support the recruitment of over 32 physicians.

Stephen Medlin, MD, Chair, Cellular Therapies, joined Inova Schar Cancer in August 2023 as the head of our Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapies Program.

Bryan A. Bassig, PhD, MPH joined the Saville Center in February 2024 as Senior Research Scientist This position is 100% supported by philanthropy through 2026.

Shawn Davis-Wilensky, MD, MPH is a specialty care physician board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and joined the Saville Center in 2023. Her areas of focus include how society addresses the health care needs of women across their lifespan.


Unique cases, precision treatments

Inova’s Molecular Tumor Board and Proteomics Program now includes more than 40 multidisciplinary experts, having started with only three oncologists in 2015 This team is led by Timothy Cannon, MD, Sheridan Director, Molecular Tumor Board. Fueled by philanthropy, they ensure that patients with advanced cancer receive access to leading-edge trials based on their specific molecular diagnosis.




Since 2015, more than 3,600 patient cases have been reviewed to find matching treatments

In 2023, the Molecular Tumor Board reviewed cases from more than 1,200 advanced cancer patients to tailor their clinical care with precision medicine, and they expect to review 1,700 cases in 2024.

Gastrointestinal cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer made up more than 60% of cases reviewed in 2023 The majority were gastrointestinal, which accounts for 35% of all cancer-related deaths. In 2023, Brian and Kim Hart stepped forward with a gift in support of the Molecular Tumor Board’s work in this area

Kayla is one of many patients who have benefited from the Molecular Tumor Board. She came to Inova after experiencing seizures and was diagnosed with an astrocytoma brain tumor. She received precision radiation proton therapy, critical to help minimize radiation to other parts of the brain Her care team focused on her needs as a whole person, helping to navigate symptoms and side effects so she could get back to her family and her career.

“The team of doctors at Inova Schar Cancer, they have really been earth angels to myself and my family because they have been right along the way with us.”

Kayla, patient at Inova Schar Cancer

Molecular Tumor Board

Cancer screening and prevention

When we invest in cancer screening and prevention, we are investing in better outcomes, better survival rates, and a future with fewer cancer diagnoses.

With the opening of the Inova Saville Cancer Screening and Prevention Center in 2022, anchored by the generosity of Paul and Linda Saville, donors like you helped create a home for early detection and prevention for those at all levels of cancer risk in the DC metro region

For many underserved populations in our community, barriers like language proficiency, lack of transportation, medical distrust, lack of paid time off, and complex scheduling systems make it difficult to access life-saving preventative care.

Fueled by philanthropy, in 2023, Inova launched free screening days, expanded our network of Inova Cares Clinics and deepened our community partnerships with Nueva Vida, FACC, Neighborhood Health and more.

At the end of 2023, our momentum was supported by a generous gift from the Malzahn family to support Inova Saville in its mission of outreach, screening and prevention

5,000+ clinical visits in 2023

“Having this opportunity, thanks to the Saville family, to put effort into prevention programs–helping more people exercise, quit smoking, limit alcohol and eat healthier–is truly groundbreaking. This is the power of a gift.”
–Rebecca Kaltman, MD, Executive Director Inova Saville Cancer Screening and Prevention Center

400% growth in services compared to 2022

2,035+ procedures performed in 2023

Inova Saville

Outreach to at-risk groups

In 2024, Inova Saville will be taking our prevention services on the road with a new Cancer Screening Mobile Clinic.

This custom-outfitted bus will allow Inova Saville to bring our prevention services directly to our community, providing free cancer screenings, genetic assessments, and educational outreach

Thanks to the power of philanthropy, we can bring these life-saving services to our community in innovative and impactful new ways

Philanthropic support of the Saville Center is enabling us to begin customizing and outfittin the vehicle, and we will seek additional philanthropic support to fund the continued operational expenses for this essential new service to our community.

Capt. Ben Coffman lost two colleagues to cancer, prompting him to visit Inova Saville for screening, where he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer

“He didn’t have any symptoms so he wouldn’t have otherwise known his cancer was there,” said Dr Samantha Diamond-Rossi

After two surgeries and treatment, Coffman is healthy and back at work.

Firefighters and first responders face an outsized risk of death from cancer Nearly three-quarters of line-of-duty deaths among firefighters were due to cancer in 2022

To better meet the needs of this high-risk population, in September 2023, Inova Saville held its first Firefighter Cancer Prevention Symposium with 70+ attendees representing 12 jurisdictions.

In 2024, Inova will launch a new pilot study to screen local firefighters and examine how the first responder profession impacts health. This threeyear study will include intensive screenings, exams and blood tests to monitor cancer risk and establish a model for first responder cancer screening programs nationwide

Prevention Outreach

Easing the financial burden of diagnosis

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a profound and lifealtering event that calls for the best possible care.

The support Inova receives from our community enables us to provide the high-quality healthcare everyone deserves regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.

Your generous philanthropic support ensures we can provide financial assistance to cover a range of expenses for those who need it most

From medical bills and childcare to medications and emergency rent, your philanthropy helps patients and families stay focused on healing

As of April 2023, support from the Hisaoka Cancer Patient Financial Assistance is more accessible than ever to patients in Loudoun, with the opening of a new, inhouse retail pharmacy, poised to support patients unable to afford their medications, using this fund as a resource.

The Specialty Shop at Inova Schar Cancer exists to provide easy access to needed products that will support patients’ cancer treatment journey at Inova

Located across from the Gift Shop on the 2nd floor at Inova Schar Cancer - Fairfax, this shop specifically caters to the needs of cancer patients Products available range from specialty bras, to wigs, to prosthetics, to compression garments.

Many of these cost hundreds of dollars and are often not covered by insurance—even in the case of compression garments which can help avoid complications that could lead to another hospital visit. When patients are unable to pay for needed items, patient financial assistance funds can provide crucial support.

475+ patients supported in 2023

665 rideshares to and from medical appointments

$125,000 funds deployed in 2023 to help patients pay for prescriptions

$178,000 funds deployed in 2023

Hisaoka Cancer Patient Financial Assistance

Creating an environment for healing

At Inova Schar Cancer, art in its many forms is used to support the healing process for all those in treatment and recovery, and those who love and care for them.

The Arts and Healing Program is 100% funded by philanthropy.

We are only able to provide this award-winning program to patients, families, caregivers and team members through your generosity

Our innovative program includes a robust permanent art collection, ongoing exhibitions at the Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery at Inova Schar Cancer, workshops, and performing arts events, such as artists playing in the infusion treatment area and reception area, including flutists, harpists, violinists and many more.

Because of the Arts and Healing Program, patients and family members enter spaces that embrace them during one of the most challenging chapters of their lives

In 2023, ArtsFairfax honored the Arts and Healing Program with its the Impact Award in recognition for its significant engagement in the Fairfax community.

Christina Co Mather, a longtime supporter of Arts and Healing at Inova, recently shared some of her personal inspiration to support the program:

“Getting a cancer diagnosis is devastating and scary for the whole family. With a caring environment that’s beautiful and soothing, hopefully we can ease their fears with the knowledge that they’re in the right place.”

Thank you for helping to comfort and inspire hope for our community.

Arts and

The next step: Peterson Life with Cancer

The Peterson family have been longtime supporters of both Inova and Life with Cancer. This year, inspired in part by their deep relationship with Dwight and Martha Schar, they stepped forward with a new $20 million commitment, to support critical renovations of the Inova Fairfax Emergency Department, and to support the long-term sustainability of Life with Cancer.

In recognition of their decades of support, this nationally recognized program, which has long provided a model for psychosocial support for patients with cancer and their families at no cost, has been renamed Inova Peterson Life with Cancer.

The Peterson family’s legacy is already foundational to Peterson Life with Cancer.

Milt Peterson and his wife Carolyn helped create the nationally recognized program in 1988, which provides psychosocial support and education at no cost for individuals and their families who are impacted by cancer in our region and beyond.

After Milt passed away in 2021, Carolyn and the entire Peterson family have continued to play a key role in sustaining this program

“We are deeply proud of the tremendous impact that Life with Cancer has had for the community over the past 36 years, and it means so much to our family to be able to support and help ensure its future impact as well.”
–Lauren Peterson
Peterson Family Leadership

Leading with holistic care

Emotional, social, and mental support are critical components for healing

Through widespread community support, including generous support from the Shrader family, our Inova Peterson Life with Cancer program provides patients, survivors, and their families with evidence-based, comprehensive educational and emotional support throughout their cancer journey, all at no cost


classes, educational groups and wellness programs helped to heal in 2023


educational and counseling consults provided by Peterson Life with Cancer in 2023


adults, children and adolescents received care through Peterson Life with Cancer in 2023

From nutrition counseling to grief support, all services are provided free of charge thanks to the generous contributions of our philanthropic community.

“My Oncology Nurse Navigator was so compassionate, understanding, soothing, comforting, encouraging, knowledgeable and professional.

She is the one who gave me the confidence and fortitude that I've needed to go through the grueling, scary journey.”

–Patient with Breast Cancer

with Cancer
Peterson Life

Schar Family Giving

Challenging transformation

This year, Inova was literally transformed by an extraordinary act of philanthropy.

In May 2023, Dwight and Martha Schar announced their latest, extraordinary $75 million gift, this time supporting Inova’s heart and vascular programs

With their gift, Dwight and Martha Schar issued a challenge They called on our community, the people of Northern Virginia to match their gift over the next year.

While Dwight and Martha Schar directed this latest gift towards Inova’s heart and vascular programs, they are encouraging fellow donors to give wherever their heart beats–to whichever area or need at Inova is most meaningful to them

Every gift counts, and we have been deeply grateful for the many donors to Inova Schar Cancer who have risen to this challenge.

This gift, along with support from donors inspired to join the Schar Challenge, is helping to grow and accelerate some of Inova’s most innovative multidisciplinary, team-based programs, expanding the reach of our world-class care.

“I can’t think of a better way to spend our time, resources, and effort than to help make world-class care possible for everyone, here at Inova.”
Dwight Schar Inova Donor

One example of many such donors to cancer that were inspired by the Schar Challenge, include the Inman family, who stepped forward with a generous gift of $5 million at the end of 2023, in unrestricted support of our efforts at Inova Schar Cancer.

A gift of any size before June 2024 will count towards meeting the Schar Challenge and will put us on a strong path for all the exciting work ahead at Inova.

Accept the Schar Challenge here: https://join.inova.org/scharchallenge


Donors rally to fight breast cancer Breast Cancer

Inova Schar Cancer's breast cancer services are a nationally recognized treatment program that provides breast cancer care from risk assessment and prevention to diagnosis and treatment.

So many donors and supporters are inspired yearly to step forward in support of this critical care we provide to our community We share just a few of them below:

Blair Strejeck (right) has hosted events in Northern Virginia, to bring together supporters and inspire giving to breast cancer care, which his mother received at Inova, for which they and their family are deeply grateful.

October Saves once again held their annual goalie challenge, where goalies of all skill levels gather pledges for every ‘save’ they make during the month of October, to support Inova Schar Cancer. This year, on their 10th anniversary of the challenge, they crossed the $1 million mark in cumulative giving to Inova

Inova Schar Breast Surgical Oncology

Fellowship (the only breast surgery fellowship in the entire state) kicked off 2023 by welcoming our first fellow This fellowship prepares fully trained general surgeons for careers devoted to the care, diagnosis, treatment, and research supporting patients with breast cancer. This fellowship is held under the direction of Dr. Shawna Willey, Peterson Chair, Breast Cancer Research and Dr. Costanza Cocilovo, Medical Director of Inova Breast Surgery. Support for this fellowship was made possible through the generosity of the D’Aniello family


Donors share their inspiration Why

As part of the Schar Challenge, we reached out to Inova donors, to ask them about their inspiration to support Inova and our mission within the community.

We are deeply grateful to have such incredible supporters and are honored to share just a few of their stories and reasons why each of them choose to give, with you, here.

“I give to Inova so the best possible care will be there when people in our community need it.”

We accomplish more, together Celebrating Together

Joan Hisaoka “Make a Difference” Gala

2023 was the 16th and Grand Finale year of the Joan Hisaoka "Make a Difference" Gala celebrating the life and memory of Joan Hisaoka.

Hosted by Robert G Hisaoka, Inova Health Foundation Board Chair and longtime Inova benefactor, the Hisaoka Gala has provided nearly $13 million in philanthropic support for Life with Cancer at Inova Schar Cancer and supported extraordinary growth in the program since 2007.

Lobster Extravaganza

In 1998, Milt and Carolyn Peterson hosted the first-ever Lobster Extravaganza in their backyard to benefit now renamed Peterson Life with Cancer, and since then, the highly anticipated annual event has raised more than $20 million.

For more than two decades, the Lobster Extravaganza has brought together hundreds of sponsors, supporters, and community partners for a New England-style lobster feast to raise funds for this special program

We remain deeply grateful to the Peterson family for their dedicated support of this beloved and deeply needed program, to ensure patients and families continue to receive services at no cost.

“Thank you for the amazing resources and the supportive, kind and talented individuals who make up the Life with Cancer program. It is truly a gift to those of us with cancer. ”


Together, with your generous support, we have achieved extraordinary growth and had a transformational impact on our community in our first five years as Inova Schar Cancer.

“In 2019, when patients and loved ones first walked through these doors, cancer care in Northern Virginia was transformed forever.

Thank you for your vision, your determination, and generosity.”


deployed since 2019 to fund cancer care initiatives and programs across the region

173,000 unique patients from 2019 to 2023

As we reflect on this past year, and the past five years, and all those who have been touched by Inova – patients, family, community partners, team members, researchers, and health care providers – we are reminded that it is only through the power of philanthropy that we can have such a profound impact on the lives of so many.

Thank you, for your generous support.

Inova Schar Cancer, Dedication Ceremony, April 24, 2019

Thank you, for all you do, for

Inova Schar Cancer.

Every gift makes a difference. Your investment in Inova Schar Cancer expands critical services for our community, including:

Cancer Prevention, Screenings and Community Outreach

Clinical Research and Clinical Trial Studies

Growing Inova’s TOP TALENT through recruitment and education.

Cancer Survivorship Programs

Unmatched Holistic Support, Peterson Life with Cancer®

Targeted Therapies, Molecular Tumor Board and Proteomics

Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapies

Premier Clinical Disease Site Programs

For more information about the impact of your giving, please contact Amy Richards at Amy Richards@inova org

Growing Inova’s TOP TALENT through recruitment and education.

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