iNOVARE Magazine - Family Issue

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Family Special ISSUE

IN iNOVARE Publisher: ShaiLi Alex COO: Eden Alex Manager: Astralia Photographers Artur Costa Akina Astralia Betina Olivieri Dean Joe Luluzinha Baxton Nika Malus Silvana Demina Writers Aurora Faromet Artur Costa Akina Eden Alex Landa Vedrina Lex Demonista Liat Reina ShaiLi Alex Silvana Demina Layout: ShaiLi Alex

C o nt e nt s

10 - Letter from Publisher ShaiLi Alex

11 - Family Matters ShaiLi Alex

17 - Willowdale Elementary School Liat Reina

25 - Furniture *AR* us ShaiLi Alex

37 - Learning Zoo Eden Alex

49 - Life Eden Alex ON COVER: Absinthe Montenegro Westy Bennett Montenegro Photo by Absinthe Montenegro

55 - Let it go! Themed parties Aurora Faromet

Letter from Publisher

Hello readers, as usual, our challenges are proportional to our ambition. With this new edition we will focus primarily on continuing in searching the most interesting topics for our publications, striving to improve it. It is important that more and more readers join forces with us in this commitment. Your contribution is our most valuable asset! We must also thank an admirable person, source of inspiration for the development of this magazine. It was through her that I knew how wonderful and magical it is to have a family and so she and her prince are on the cover of this premiere issue. Thank you, Absinthe Montenegro, for accepting my invitation and being the wonderful person you are. Cheers,

S. Alex


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Written by ShaiLi Alex Photography by Dean Joe & Absinthe Montenegro


L® family isn’t something that I initially looked for when I joined Second Life® three years ago. But, after walking numerous runway shows, and publishing in several digital publications, one of the most rewarding experiences for me has been being a mommy and a wife. I think that the experiences and past relationships I’ve had helped me to be really appreciate the family that I have here. Rob Mimulus is an amazing, caring husband and my little boy, Westy, is the

14 must amusing character. I find that I look forward to logging on every day to speak with my family and laugh with my sisters and my brother. (Smiles) Because when it all goes up in smoke, it’s these relationships and friendships that are left. Shared by Absinthe Montenegro.

Many have been criticizing the families in Second Life®. I read in blogs many comments of people saying having virtual families is sick. I respect the opinion of those who prefer to live immerse in loneliness, but having a family in Second Life® is something exclusive for the lucky ones. Yes, I mean luck because it is not that easy to find people you can trust. Often people become victims of bad intentioned people in Second Life®. They pretend to be friends or children to have certain privileges. In other cases family members fade away for several reasons. The world progresses all the

time. The concepts change, the structures remake values ​​are changed, but one thing remains: true friends. Therefore, if you have a SL® family, even with all the problems it may cause, means you are lucky because it creates a bond of true friendship. Having a family in Second Life® is not only to keep a link that adds joy in hardest time and excites in times of joy, but also, it is where people find solace and strength against daily weather. The warmth of the family is a blessing. You hang out with friends. You have something to call ‘our own’ and you will always feel home around them.





Written by Liat Reina Photography by Dean Joe



estled in the heart of the Fablewood Forest family community, Willowdale Elementary School offers a fun and interactive educational experience. Established in 2009 by Lisan Rhode (Lisan2007 Rhode), the classes provided are tailored for ages one to twelve and are focused on providing a realistic learning environment. Students will not only find a wealth of courses designed for various age levels, but also a sense of belonging and family in which to grow. The opportunities to acquire new skills, challenge oneself, and above all, have a good time; await behind every classroom door. Classes are held on a monthly schedule with something new happening every day in a variety of times slots. For a modest monthly tuition, students have access to any class provided as well as a number of sports and electives. To add to the immersive experience, there are even uniforms required for the core

core classes which are available for purchase at the school store. A dedicated and numerous faculty offers lessons on subjects ranging from basic spelling and math skills for the younger attendees, to more fantastical classes on the world of Harry Potter and Pokemon. For those who are seeking to enrich their Second LifeŽ family experience, take a drive down to the Willowdale Elementary School and have a look around for yourself. You’ll find Ms. Willowdale herself behind the front desk with all the information you might need before enrolling in lessons and might even arrange for a tour. See for yourself if Willowdale Elementary School is right for your childhood educational explorations. Visit Willowdale Elementary School at:

Furniture *AR* US

Written by ShaiLi Alex Photography by Anjelika Rexen


f you have kids, you probably go through moments where you need to decorate the rooms. So you get an incessant quest to find the perfect furniture, and it is the most difficult part. The good news is that you no


longer have to spend days searching for an ideal shop, we found the perfect one for you and yourchildren, regardless of the age they have. Everybody loves to decorate and *AR *offers you a variety of possibilities in quality

furnitures. Famous for its colors and details, *AR* brings to you the ultimate reality and possibility of different themes tthat will certainly make you want to be a child again. Behind such success is Anjelika Rexen the

Designer of *AR*. Creating furniture was her SL® mother’s idea (Latesha String), “she suggested me do a couple of rooms and I found it really fun, entertaining, and a world of possibilities to create rooms ‘out of the box’ or not so traditionally, and after the first ones more people started to ask me more children rooms, somehow they guided the destiny of my store”; she says. In this interview you will know how she started and her new plans for future, check out: ShaiLi Alex: How did you started *AR* and what was your goal at that time? Anjelike Rexen: It was a very personal need to create interiors, before I started with *AR* I designed some furniture for my personal use, and in November 2009 I founded *AR* and started selling some of them, first in marketplace then in a very small store, my goal basically was create full concept rooms

(themed rooms) not only furniture, generate spaces where my clients feel comfy, relaxed, that match their taste and also provides animations to make the space more interactive, and the family experience even better. SA: Do you have new goals now? What has changed for you over the years? AR: My goal is still offering to my clients furniture that improves their second lives, for the past years I have been very focused on kids, last year I introduced some other spaces for the house and has been very well accepted, so this year I planned to extend it to other areas of the house and not only bedrooms. SA: Your furnitures are famous because of its details and colors. Where do you get your inspiration from? AR: Oh well! there is not an specific place, I am always looking interiors on Internet, sometimes inspiration comes from one single furniture that I


see or a texture, or palette, or a small detail, also weather and seasons inspire me even when I try to do atemporal furniture, as well movies or tv programs, actually inspiration can come from everywhere and even without planing it or looking for it and there is also an important contribution from my clients and their suggestions. SA: You surely love what you do and your creations are creative and original. *AR* is a reference in furnitures. To what do you attribute all this success? AR: It is a combination of factors, mostly to my clients whom have been supporting me following my work for a long time and have recommended my work, I am truly grateful to with all of them, to my CSR that had promoted my store, to the animators I work with that had helped me out to improve the family interactive experience, and also I think people love the full concept design, always make sure to love the


room before releasing it, I don’t like to sell things that I wouldn’t buy myself. SA: Now many of your creations support LIFE HUD. Do you think it improved your work? How?

32 AR: I wouldn’t say LIFE HUD has influenced my designs per se but certainly had helped to improve my clients experience, since many of them use it, add it to my furniture is always a plus for them. SA: Do you have new projects? AR: Surely I always have a project in progress, and I really wish I had more time to create them all, there are many projects to develop yet, suggestions for my clients, and old projects I wanted to do for a long time, that I certainly hope this year to get the time to make a big part of them, and there are always new ideas flying around. SA: What can customers expect from your work? AR: Quality, variety and affordable prices, I always try to offer quality in design (sculpt, mesh, textures and animations) and every piece has been designed to work as part of the whole room or as single item, and I’m always

trying to improve my furniture so every new set have more or new selections of animations and/or features. Also I intend to create pieces to match most people taste so they can find something that makes them feel identified with my furniture. I am very conscious that having a family requires investment, in this meaning I try to keep prices affordable without sacrificing the quality, in this meaning I offer to *AR* group members 50% off the first week of new releases (when buying a full set), and a 15% in older items. SA: Would you like to add anything else? AR: I would like to thank to iNOVARE magazine and their awesome staff for this interview, I feel very honored, and also a very special thank from the bottom of my heart to all my clients for their support, and for those who doesn’t know *AR* yet invite them to visit us at Family Furniture.





Written by Eden Alex Photography by Pietra Landar & Dean Joe


ainbow Illuzion Zoo, one of the many entertaining places at Rainbow City is a must see place for people interested in learning more about animals or just a day out with the family. The zoo is located north of the city. There are more than 15 animals to visit and each of them have an information panel that describes the animal itself. Near the entrance is a dolphin aquarium and several times a month the staff holds life shows for the people. The zoo also gives the opportunity to grab some scuba gear and dive into the world of water animals. There is a underwater house which will make you feel like a mermaid/merman. At the right corner of the zoo is a big square which is a memorial center for the fallen U.S. soldiers. The zoo also raises money for the American Cancer Society and Sport our wounded, a society helping soldiers who have been severely injured while doing their job in danger zones.


The zoo also has |LIFE| enabled toilet facilities which makes the family experience very realistic. It also has many entertaining options for every family who seek a place to spend the day or for people who are interested in learning something more about animals. Dont hesitate to visit this beautiful place! You can visit the zoo at: secondlife/Rainbow%20Illuzion/8/65/20 join the group to stay updated about news: secondlife:///app/group/a922adf9-71ce-447c-19a9-af464b3f217f/about


“ Putting the |L I F E| into your Second Life

Putting the

in your Second


Written by Eden Alex Photography by Pietra


o we all need a family to learn how to grow up and to learn how to love but did you ever tried to make the experience more realistic? LIFE, a system based of The SIMs franchise games has been developed by hanley speiser. His goal was to create a hud to bring a more realistic and fun experience to the Second Life® familes. Things such as thirst, hunger, hygiene etc. are all things which need to be taken care of. The families have to go to the supermarket to buy drinks and foods to keep them alive. All this is being displayed on the LIFE hud and a warning text will appear when you need to eat or drink. But the LIFE HUD offers a lot more! Special designed bathrooms and bedrooms that interact with the LIFE HUD can be bought. For those of you that want to keep your own furniture hansley offers the scripts separately, so all you have to do is insert the scripts with your own furniture.

There are also other shops offering furniture sets with the LIFE scripts. One of the most interesting aspects of this system is that there are many sims specially designed for families and LIFE users. When you dont feel like cooking or want to surprise your love you can simply take them to a restaurant. Or when the sun shines, you can take your kids to a family park and let your kids play with the other kids while you are having a picnic with your friends or talk to other parents. Kids can go to school or do hobbies such as ballet and other sports. For those who love the experience of a SL® family, there are also multiple sims designed for families only that include schools, sports, jobs and many more options that make every single day a unique experience for you and your family. A new feature that is being added are Illnesses and for this

LIFE Landar


52 several career options will be available for your character such as Doctor, Chef or Plumber. Each career has it’s own purpose in the system. The release of this update hasn’t been announced yet, but according to Hanley the update will be very detailed and unique. Hanley: “We don’t want to introduce something that is second-grade or easy to recreate, so we’re constantly spending time working to make sure all ends are met, and there’s plenty of room for expansion and updates.” The updates will be free for each user and there will be an option to turn of the Illnesses and careers for those who dont have any interests in this. This major update will definitely be interesting since its a unique piece of art within SL®.Hanley: “We’ve got a long road ahead of us with LIFE and thanks to our users and affiliates, the sky’s the limit on what we can accomplish. We want to not only be a great

innovative product, but we want to reshape and inspire a new lifestyle in SL® and give our users and players a large sense of satisfaction and enjoyment while using the LIFE HUD, its products, and our affiliates’ products as well.’ As a LIFE user myself, I would like to add that this really did changed my SL® experience in apositive way. Me my wife and our little daughter have been a user for some months now and we have had many interesting experiences that teached us several things about life itself. The beautiful part of it is, that you learn all this in a fun and interesting way so beside entertaining its also informative.

Let IT


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Written by Aurora Faromet Photography by Aryiana Novelli



ave you ever wanted to throw a themed party for your kid? Eating cake with your family celebrating your child’s birthday? Today we introduce you to a new feature provided by Aryana Novelli. “Frozen”, the newest Disney movie that has got the hearts of many people is now theme party in Second Life®. Aryiana Novelli, with her creativity and inspired by the song “Let It Go”, which is a Disney song for the

58 movie Frozen and translated into 43 dialects, releases her newest project: themed parties. The CEO of {BabySteps} has come up with the idea of creating high quality, low prim and affordable packs. Each pack including all the basic materials to setup your own themed party for your family. The packs also have the option to make it LIFE enabled. There will be several packs for different occasions such as birthday, wedding and many other themed party packs: “ I have seen Alot of different food places that are life enabled, or many mesh stores just starting out doing other projects but you dont see Wedding packs, birthday packs or party themed packs of high quality, low prim and affordable. Basic decorations will be included in the birthday party starter kit that with the food. I will have all of this available on Marketplace and my In world bakery�; she shared with us.


62 The interesting aspect of this feature is that each organizer can select expansion packs including more food or decorations to throw your own unique party. Check it out following the SLURL and enjoy: http://maps. mination%20Island/115/220/19

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