Inpress Books Catalogue: January - June 2011

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“Inpress is an efficient and necessary operation, which brings poetry and literary fiction publishers together in a collective, and in the process greatly benefits its members as well as their audiences. It is a powerful force for good, matching diversity with high quality, and old technologies with new. It deserves widespread support and admiration.” Sir Andrew Motion, poet, novelist and biographer Poet Laureate 1999–2009 “Inpress does invaluable work supporting the small presses who take risks, nurture bold new voices and publish a wealth of poets in translation and groundbreaking anthologies. Their bookshop is an Aladdin’s cave where I am always discovering new poets to inspire my own writing.” Pascale Petit, T.S. Eliot Prize nominee for 2010 “Discovering the Inpress website is a little like chancing upon a hidden gem of a bookshop on a sunny afternoon and happily losing all sense of time as you browse the beguiling titles on its shelves. It’s easy enough to find first-rate poetry collections among these pages; the hard bit is narrowing the list down...” Julia Copus, Forward Prize-nominated poet (in 1995 and 2010)


Poetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Non-Fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Magazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Publisher Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Distribution & Sales Representation . . . . . . . . . . . 78

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Wanted on Voyage Wanda Barford Fourth collection, chronicling poet’s extraordinary life as a Jewish exile. Wanted on Voyage is concerned with travelling and journeying, in both space and time, and above all in memory. The collection opens with a short sequence about the ships of the Union Castle line, recalling Barford’s family’s flight from anti-Semitic and Fascist Italy to Africa. Her work then moves effortlessly between past and present, between the 1930s and the twenty-first century. There are poems about Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) where she grew up, and about the Holocaust, especially the fate of members of her own extended family. Jewish experience in twentieth-century Europe is a prominent theme, but both formally and thematically Wanted on Voyage is her most varied and diverse book to date. “… a different, liberating voice for crying out the human situation, not with a grumble, but with acceptance.” The North Wanda Barford was born in Milan. She subsequently moved to London and trained as a musician at the Royal College of Music. Her debut, Sweet Wine and Bitter Herbs (Flambard, 1997), was shortlisted for the Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize in 1997. Her other works are A Moon at the Door (1999), Losing, Finding (2002) and What Is the Purpose of Your Visit? (2006), all published by Flambard. Flambard Press | Paperback | £7.50 | 978-1-906601-18-8 | 216x138mm | 64pp | January

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Stop Sharpening Your Knives 4 Emily Berry, Nathan Hamilton, Sam Riviere, Jack Underwood (editors) Fourth in the series of talent-spotting poetry anthologies from Egg Box. Stop Sharpening Your Knives 4 features a selection of work from more than 20 of the most exciting new young poets around. This series of anthologies from Egg Box is fast establishing a reputation for spotting the best new poetic talent. Features poetry from Agnes Lehocsky, Amy Blakemore, Ben Stainton, Ben Borek, Callan Davies, Charlotte Geater, Nathan Hamilton, Charlotte Hoare, Chrissy Williams, Emily Toder, Hayley Buckland, Joe Dunthorne, Joe Kennedy, Jon Stone, Emily Berry, Kirsten Irving, Margot Douaihy, Heather Phillipson, Jack Underwood, Matthew Gregory, Meghan Purvis, Michael Zelenko, Sam Riviere, Mollye Miller, Robert Herbert, Sam Thomas, Stuart McCarthy, Theo Best and Tim Cockburn. “Individualistic, anarchic, dissident, argumentative, fun. I wish I’d written some of these myself.” Hugo Williams “A remarkable gathering of emerging poets.” Lavinia Greenlaw

Egg Box Publishing | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-955939-91-4 | 198x129mm | 80pp | January

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Talking to the Dead Anne Caldwell First full collection from winner of the 2009 Cinnamon Press Poetry Award.

“Anne Caldwell is a poet of tremendous variety but she writes with equal sensuality and careful craft about personal experience or the worlds of politics, art and literature… These are poems unafraid to look into the dark corners of real life and find beauty in what is hidden there... Anne Caldwell’s wonderfully sensual language and the sheer, glorious physicality of her poems transform the world for the reader so that we may revel in life’s experiences and travel more hopefully than before.” Alicia Stubbersfield “Anne Caldwell’s poems deal passionately with grief and birth, love – and lobsters. They are intensely alive, flighty as young animals; powerful and varied as the sea.” Alison Brackenbury Anne Caldwell is a Development Manager, working with literature professionals and writers. Her debut pamphlet, Slug Language, was published in 2008, and her work appears in the Cinnamon anthologies Only Connect (2007) and The Ground Beneath Her Feet (2008). Anne is also the contributing editor of the Route creative non-fiction collection Some Girls’ Mothers (2008). She lives near Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £7.99 | 978-1-907090-25-7 | 216x140mm | 80pp | January

love / all that / & OK Emily Critchley Gathers five years of work from widely-published poet and performer.

love / all that / & OK is an unofficial New & Selected Poems, collecting together work written and published by poet Emily Critchley since 2005, and including an exciting array of new, unpublished poems. “really intelligent... a space for a new kind of anti-misogynism in poetry.” Marianne Morris Emily Critchley was born in Athens in 1980 and studied at the Universities of Oxford, Bristol and Cambridge. In 2006 she organised the first experimental women’s poetry festival at Cambridge University and in 2010 she curated the London Cross-Genre Festival at the University of Greenwich, where she currently lectures in English and Creative Writing. Her work has appeared in HOW2, The Chicago Review, The Cambridge Literary Review, Onedit, Openned, Pilot, Plantarchy, Quid, Default, Intercapillary Space, ‘in blossoms atop reeds it flares’, Dusie, Skald, Archive of the Now, delirious hem, The Argotist Online, Damn the Caesars and Black Box Manifold. She is one of the featured poets in the recent anthology Infinite Difference: Other Poetries by UK Women Poets, edited by Carrie Etter (Shearsman, 2010). Penned in the Margins | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-956546-77-7 | 216x138mm | 96pp | January


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Ten Poets: UEA Poetry 2010 Nathan Hamilton and Rachel Hore (editors) Trend-setting who’s who at cutting edge of contemporary poetry. The world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA presents its annual selection of new young poets. Founded in 1992, students and tutors on the course have included Owen Sheers, Kathy Simmonds, Denise Riley, Andrew Motion, Ben Borek, Lavinia Greenlaw, George Szirtes, Matthew Hollis, Adam Foulds, Hugo Williams, Daniel Kane and Anthony Thwaite. “This group of poets have come from all over the world to work together at UEA. The interaction of such different voices has helped each to become more distinctive, more its own.” Lavinia Greenlaw “No house-style, no ready-mades, simply original thinking, original writing from an exciting set of individual voices.” George Szirtes

The Apple Trees at Olema Robert Hass New work from Pulitzer Prize-winner and former US Poet Laureate. Robert Hass is a major American poet of world stature, a poet of great eloquence, clarity and force. Hass’s familiar landscapes – San Francisco, the northern California coast, the Sierra high country – are vividly alive in his work. His themes include art, desire, family life, the life between lovers, the violence of history, and the power and inherent limitations of language. The Apple Trees at Olema includes work from five books – Field Guide, Praise, Human Wishes, Sun Under Wood and Time and Materials – plus a substantial gathering of new poems. Robert Hass was born in 1941 in San Francisco. He served as US Poet Laureate in 1995-97. His many awards include a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award for Time and Materials (2007), and the National Book Critics Circle Award for Sun Under Wood (1996). His first collection, Field Guide, was selected by Stanley Kunitz for the Yale Younger Poets Series in 1973, and his poems have appeared in the Bloodaxe anthologies Staying Alive (2002), Being Alive (2004), Earth Shattering (2007) and Being Human (2011), as well as Michael Schmidt’s two Five American Poets anthologies from Carcanet (2010). He lives in California with his wife, the poet Brenda Hillman, and teaches at the University of California at Berkeley. Poetry Book Society Special Commendation.

Egg Box Publishing | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-955939-96-9 | 210x148mm | 80pp | January


Bloodaxe | Paperback | £15.00 | 978-1-852248-97-0 | 229x152mm | 368pp | January

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Selected Poems Jaan Kaplinski

77 Love Sonnets Garrison Keillor

Draws on four collections from major European poet and Nobel Prize candidate.

Debut collection from popular American broadcaster and author of Lake Wobegon Days.

Estonia’s Jaan Kaplinski is one of Europe’s major poets, and one of his country’s best-known writers and cultural figures. This selection includes work previously unpublished in English as well as poems drawn from all four of his previous UK collections: The Same Sea in Us All, The Wandering Border, Through the Forest and Evening Brings Everything Back. Translated by Jaan Kaplinski with Sam Hamill, Hildi Hawkins, Fiona Sampson and Riina Tamm. “He is re-thinking Europe, revisioning history, in these poems of our times.” Gary Snyder “His poems loom and soar, veering from lines of one word to sweeping bravura meditations, and achieve a great beauty.” Adam Thorpe, The Observer

The highly anticipated debut collection from Garrison Keillor, best-selling novelist and literary celebrity. Immediate and accessible, this brilliant group of sonnets is accompanied by two CDs of the author reading his work. “You’ll want to get your hands on Garrison Keillor’s 77 Love Sonnets… Keillor’s original poems of courtship, heartbreak and frank carnal desire, all of it well suited to the author’s folksy, avuncular voice.” The New York Times “The book proves that the sonnet is still alive and kicking. Keillor enlarges our sense of what the old 14-liner can do…” X.J. Kennedy, Contemporary Poetry Review

Jaan Kaplinski was born in Tartu in 1941, shortly after the Soviet occupation of Estonia. His mother was Estonian, and his Polish father died in a labour camp in northern Russia when Jaan was still a child. Nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, he lectured on the History of Western Civilisation at Tartu University. He was a member of the new post-Revolution Estonian Parliament in 1992-95, and his essays on cultural transition and the challenges of globalisation are published all across the Baltic region.

Garrison Keillor is one of America’s best-known literary celebrities, the author of the Lake Wobegon series. He has hosted A Prairie Home Companion since its radio debut in 1974, chronicling life in a Minnesotan small town in his weekly monologues. He was famously parodied on The Simpsons, and his voice can also be heard on Honda TV adverts. His many books include Lake Wobegon Days (Faber, 1985), Love Me (Faber, 2003) and Homegrown Democrat (Penguin, 2004), and two anthologies drawing on his Writer’s Almanac poem selections: Good Poems (Penguin, 2002) and Good Poems for Hard Times (Penguin, 2005).

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £12.99 | 978-1-852248-89-5 | 216x138mm | 256pp | January

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £12.00 | 978-1-852249-00-7 | 234x156mm | 96pp | January


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The Agister’s Experiment Gill Learner Winner of the 2008 Hamish Canham Prize.

Displaying a love of the patterns and cadences of the English language, this first collection by Gill Learner explores craft, technology, painting and music. It also reflects on growing up and motherhood, and imaginatively retells legends, myths and superstitions. “These diverse, amusing, sometimes chilling, entirely honest poems speak from the heart to the heart. Many are work-based and hold that undertow of regret for things past, good people, lives undervalued, probably gone for ever… This is poetry to savour.” Mavis Cheek “What is striking about The Agister’s Experiment is the way poems lift off from a base of precise knowledge into the imagination, the life or work of an individual...” Myra Schneider Gill Learner retired from teaching Printing Studies at Berkshire School of Art & Design in 1999 with the intention of writing. Her poetry has been published in Poetry News, Acumen, Envoi, Orbis, Smiths Knoll and Tears in the Fence, and read on BBC Radio 3. She won the Hamish Canham Prize in 2008. In 2009 she became one of Shetland Library’s ‘Bards in the bog’ and was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, highly commended at the Petra Kenney competition, and named a finalist in the Aesthetica Creative Works competition. Two Rivers Press | Paperback | £8.00 | 978-1-901677-71-3 | 210x140mm | 64pp | January

Caught Victoria Bean A poet’s perspective on the workings of an English magistrate’s court. Court is where you go when you get caught. It’s a temple of justice, a tragic theatre, a circus, a long-running soap opera and a revolving door. Victoria Bean spent a year in Horseferry Road Magistrate’s Court in central London, recording in verse the high-drama and low-comedy of the English justice system. Caught is a wholly unique take on everyday life in a busy courtroom and its cast of thieves, drunks, kerb-crawlers and dealers who come before the bench each day in despair, bewilderment and indifference. All human life is here – the strong and the weak, the hopeless and hapless, the users and losers, the innocent and the guilty, the banged-up and the free. Victoria Bean is an artist and a member of the Arc Editions group. Her work has been collected by the Tate, the V&A, and shown at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Her previous publications include the limited editions Ten Poems for Pandora, helvetica poems and Heartburn, and her poems have appeared in The Spectator and Poetry Review Salzburg. She currently works in a voluntary capacity with Young Offenders. Caught is her first full-length collection. She lives in London. Smokestack | Paperback | £7.95 | 978-0-956417-55-8 | 197x127mm | 64pp | February


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A Corridor of Rain Andrea Bianchi

A Few of Her Secrets George Bradley

First full-length collection in English by prominent Italian poet and translator.

Fifth collection from multi-award winning US poet.

A Corridor of Rain is the first collection in English by Italian poet Andrea Bianchi. These seemingly slight poems are layered with meaning; precise and visceral, each poem is a small revelation of great import.

A Few of Her Secrets is a new collection of adroit and high-spirited verse by acclaimed American poet George Bradley. These poems aim to entertain in the best sense of the word, ranging widely in subject and in tone, and spanning the landscapes and sensibilities of New England, Tuscany and Lake Geneva. The book includes amused and occasionally caustic observations on America’s ‘culture wars’; enthusiastic and witty renderings of Italian food recipes; and heartfelt yet unsentimental meditations occasioned by the deaths of relatives.

“Accuracy and precision are what we find in this book, close observations of the physical world and how it uplifts or tortures the spirit. It is as if Bianchi’s poems are telling us ‘here is something I have looked at or thought of a thousand times. But at last I have truly seen or understood it. At last.’ … Bianchi has found the courage to mythologise his own experience... he trusts his perceptions, fleeting or hard-won, and understands the inestimable value of their importance.” Robert Minhinnick Andrea Bianchi is a poet in Italian, who has published four volumes of his own writing. A Corridor of Rain is his first collection in English, translated by Silvana Siviero and himself. Together their translations of the works of Welsh author Menna Elfyn won her the Anima Istranza Foreign Prize for Poetry in 2009.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £7.99 | 978-1-907090-28-8 | 216x140mm | 80pp | February

George Bradley was born in 1953 in Roslyn, NY. His first book of verse, Terms to Be Met, was selected by James Merrill for the Yale Younger Poets Prize in 1985. His work has also been published in, among others, The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry, American Poetry Review, The Yale Review, Verse and Standpoint. His many awards include the Witter Bynner Prize from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters and the Peter I.B. Lavan Award from The Academy of American Poets. He now lives in Chester, Connecticut. Waywiser | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-904130-42-0 | 216x138mm | 80pp | February


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Kentucky Derby Andrea Cohen

Candling the Eggs Sally Douglas

Follows well-received 2008 collection Long Division.

Winner of the 2009 Cinnamon Press Collection Award.

“Lyric compression and a wonderful command of the plain style make Andrea Cohen one of a handful of poets who can make her voice the conscious echo of her mind. And it’s a mind well furnished with whimsy, heartbreak, and moral questioning, a mind brilliantly attuned to the tragicomic, Kafkaesque nature of the day to day. ” Tom Sleigh

Candling the Eggs is Sally Douglas’s first poetry collection and won the Cinnamon Press Poetry Award for 2009. The poems in this collection are precise, lyrical and beautiful, sometimes disquieting and strange, often pushing at the boundaries of language. This is a mesmerising and accomplished collection.

“A tonic…” The Observer “Delightfully unfashionable.” Ploughshares Andrea Cohen’s poems and stories have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Threepenny Review, Glimmertrain, The Hudson Review, among others. Her poetry collections include The Cartographer’s Vacation, winner of the Owl Creek Poetry Prize, and Long Division (Salmon, 2008). She has received a PEN Discovery Award, Glimmertrain’s Short Fiction Award, and several residencies at The MacDowell Colony. She directs the Blacksmith House Poetry Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-56-7 | 210x134mm | 78pp | February


Sally Douglas was born in Cornwall and lives in Devon. Having read English and European Literature at Warwick University, she has had poems and short stories published in magazines such as The Rialto and Acumen. She was also a prize-winner in the Challenging Poverty Poetry Competition, organised by the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE). Her poems and short stories have also featured in the anthologies The Visitors (Cinnamon, 2010) and The Light That Remains and Other Stories (Leaf, 2007).

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £7.99 | 978-1-907090-26-4 | 216x140mm | 64pp | February

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The Mind John FitzGerald

Early/Late: New & Selected Poems Philip Fried

Third collection from Irish-American poet.

New poetry from editor of The Manhattan Review, championed by Marilyn Hacker.

As its title suggests, The Mind is an exploration in poetry of our mental and emotional worlds. John FitzGerald’s third collection drifts through various stages and states of being, with unusual, often indescribable but always mesmerising consequences. The poems are philosophical; emotions are set against the ‘objective’ consciousness of the mind. The result is a deep exploration of what it means to be human. John FitzGerald is a lawyer for the disabled who writes in every spare moment. In the past he has been Development Director for Red Hen Press and Book Editor at Cider Press Review. His first two books of poetry are Spring Water (2005) and Telling Time by the Shadows (2008), both published by Turning Point. A dual citizen of the United States and Ireland, he now lives in Los Angeles, California.

Early/Late: New and Selected Poems draws from Philip Fried’s previous four collections of poetry: Mutual Trespasses (1988), Quantum Genesis (1997), Big Men Speaking to Little Men (2006), and Cohort (2009). The new poems are haunted by the current financial turmoil and possessed by the disembodied voices that multiply in our world of simulacra. As D. Nurkse wrote of Cohort, this work “opens exciting territory where poems haven’t dared to venture—the toxic side of the Information Age as it veers out of control.” “Multi-layered but never opaque, these poems move gracefully from forest to subway, from a suburban drivein to the Rodin museum, from post-war discovery to pre-war doubt.” Marilyn Hacker Philip Fried is a New York-based poet and the founding editor of The Manhattan Review. His poems have been widely published in journals and have appeared in many anthologies, including Salmon: A Journey in Poetry, Poems 1981–2007 (Salmon, 2006) and Poetry After 9-11: An Anthology of New York Poets (2002).

Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-60-4 | 210x134mm | 126pp | February

Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-57-4 | 210x134mm | 100pp | February


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Open Plan Graham Fulton

Selected Poems Kerry Hardie

Alice in Wonderland meets David Brent: exploring the humdrum of 9-5 office work.

First edition of Hardie’s work to be made widely available in the UK.

These days most of us earn our daily bread sweating over spreadsheets, agendas and unanswered e-mails. There are 10 million office-workers in the UK, sharing over 200 million square metres of office space. And yet office work has rarely been the subject of poetry. Graham Fulton writes with wit and compassion of the world of e-mails, post-its, tea-breaks and sickies, of the little rituals, the red tape and the flexi hours, punctuated by moments of mayhem.

Kerry Hardie is one of Ireland’s leading poets. Her Selected Poems covers work written over two decades and draws on her five collections with Gallery Press: A Furious Place (1996), Cry for the Hot Belly (2000), The Sky Didn’t Fall (2003), The Silence Came Close (2006) and Only This Room (2009). Her poetry questions, celebrates and challenges all aspects of life and experience, but ultimately is concerned with the quiet realisation that ‘there is nothing to do in the world except live in it’.

“Here’s a poet who explores the world with wit, irony and intelligence...” David Crystal Graham Fulton has been writing poetry since the 1980s when he co-founded the influential Itinerant Poets performance and publishing group. His poetry has been published in the likes of The Rialto, Other Poetry, Poetry Scotland and The North, as well as in the anthologies Scotlands (Carcanet, 2004) and Scottish Poems (Macmillan, 2007). He now runs Controlled Explosion Press. His previous collections include Humouring the Iron Bar Man, This, Knights of the Lower Floors, Ritual Soup and Other Liquids, Inner Circle and most recently Pocket Fugues (2009). He lives in Paisley.

Smokestack | Paperback | £7.95 | 978-0-956417-56-5 | 197x127mm | 64pp | February


“The essence of her marvellous poems lies in the way she sees through a material world that is rendered truthfully, plainly yet freshly.” George Szirtes, The Irish Times “She guides us through tragedy, reassuring us but never romanticising the true nature of life.” Jennifer Matthews, Poetry International Kerry Hardie was born in 1951 and grew up in County Down. Her poems have won many prizes, including the Michael Hartnett Award for Poetry in 2005. They have also featured in the Bloodaxe anthologies Staying Alive (2002), Being Alive (2004), The Poetry Cure (2005), The New Irish Poets (2004) and Modern Women Poets (2005), as well as Being Human (2011). She now lives in County Kilkenny with her husband, the writer Seán Hardie. Bloodaxe | Paperback | £9.95 | 978-1-852248-90-1 | 216x138mm | 96pp | February

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Bonehead’s Utopia Andrew Jordan Poetry from writer-in-residence at controversial immigration detainment centre. HMP Haslar, on the far side of the Gosport peninsular, is unique in the British prison estate. Everyone locked up there is an ‘immigration detainee’. They were sent to gaol by civil servants. They have had no trial. Some of the men – who are not to be called prisoners – have been ‘held’ for more than two years. The majority are refugees. Some are survivors of torture. In Bonehead’s Utopia a fictional ‘Haslar’ has rebelled and declared independence. It is a fairytale state, an ideal world, a state of disjuncture. In this false utopia certain members of the staff have joined the ‘perfect community’, forging a polite and tolerant new world. But there is something wrong at the heart of this fenced Eden. Everyone is welcome – but to what? Andrew Jordan edits 10th Muse magazine and runs the bending oeuvre poetry imprint. From November 2000 to May 2001 he worked as writer-inresidence at HMP Haslar, then a Home Office Holding Centre; his article ‘Inside the Outside’ was featured in the Winter 2004/2005 edition of Poetry Review. He has written several poetry chapbooks and three previous full-length collections, including The Mute Bride (Stride, 1998) and Ha Ha (Shearsman, 2007). He lives in Southampton. Smokestack | Paperback | £7.95 | 978-0-956417-57-2 | 197x127mm | 64pp | February

Fell Hunger Joseph Lennon Poetry in reflection on travels and undiagnosed illness. Fell Hunger, Joseph Lennon’s first volume of poetry, gathers a body of work from twenty years of writing. The poems, most derived from the sonnet, reflect on living for many years with an undiagnosed illness, coeliac disease. These reflections are interlaced with childhood memories and experiences of living in New York City, Ireland, Italy, and elsewhere. “The poems of Joseph Lennon’s debut collection, Fell Hunger, range warmly and ruefully across the scales of place and displacement – from the American heartland to the lost ‘family country’ of Ireland to Rapallo and Mumbai – and in so doing manage to turn the genre of bildungsroman into a transnational narrative of longing and witness.” Daniel Tobin Joseph Lennon was born in Newport, Rhode Island, and grew up in central Illinois. He has lived in Ireland and Italy and travelled throughout India. He now lives in Philadelphia and is Director of Irish Studies at Villanova University. His book Irish Orientalism: A Literary and Intellectual History (2004) won the Donald J. Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Book from the American Conference for Irish Studies. Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-61-1 | 210x134mm | 96pp | February


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The Ballads of Kukutis Marcelijus Martinaitis (translated by Laima Vince) New poetry collection from central figure in Lithuania’s campaign for independence. Set in the Stalinist era, when Lithuania’s farmers lost everything – their villages, their land, and even their way of life – to the process of collectivisation, this book documents the life of the village idiot/anarchistic trickster Kukutis. Incapable of understanding or following the laws and rules of the totalitarian regime, and knowing nothing of strictures or borders, he says and does what he likes, thus becoming a potent symbol of freedom until the downfall of communism in Lithuania. Together these poems form a black comic riposte to the horrors of occupation and totalitarian rule. Marcelijus Martinaitis, author of fifteen collections of poetry and five collections of essays, was born in 1936 in western Lithuania. After an education disrupted by first Soviet then Nazi occupation, he graduated from Vilnius University and worked as a journalist, editor and university tutor until he retired in 2002. In 1998 he received the Lithuanian National Award in Literature, the highest honour bestowed upon a Lithuanian writer. During the late 80s and early 90s, he actively participated in Lithuania’s struggle to regain its independence from the Soviet Union. Laima Vince is a graduate in Creative Writing from Columbia University. Her other translations include Martinaitis’s poetry collection K.B. The Suspect (2009). Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £10.99 /£13.99 | 978-1-906570-27-2 (pb) / 978-1-906570-27-9 (hb) | 216x138mm | 160pp | February


As Much As Allan Peterson New poetry from prize-winning American author. “Allan Peterson has accomplished that rare thing; he has learned how to enter ‘the uneasy feudal kingdoms of the mind’ and track the tactile elements of his own thought… Peterson is not a poet terrible at home on earth – for he experiences life as organised chaos without the assurances of final truth. Yet out of his restlessness and search for ‘knowing,’ he creates a language infused with… verbal velocity that feels utterly fresh and original, apocalyptic and personal and impressively new in American Poetry… he is very much a poet of his time who is needed in this long global hour of transitions.” J.P. White Allan Peterson is an American poet and visual artist whose writing has appeared in print and online literary journals for over twenty years, including his prize-winning collections All the Lavish in Common (2005 Juniper Prize, University of Massachusetts) and Anonymous Or (2001 Defined Providence Prize). A recipient of fellowships from The National Endowment for the Arts and The State of Florida, he and his wife, Frances Dunham, an environmental activist, divide their time between Gulf Breeze, Florida and Ashland, Oregon.

Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-58-1 | 210x134mm | 72pp | February

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Bernard Spencer: Complete Poetry Peter Robinson (editor)

Limits of Control Steve Spence

One of Dannie Abse’s Top 10 20th century poetry collections in The Guardian.

Follows Forward Prize-shortlisted debut A Curious Shipwreck.

Bernard Spencer was a distinctive voice in 20th century English poetry, and a central figure in the Personal Landscape group of wartime Cairo writers. He spent much of his life working for the British Council, in Greece, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Austria, the settings for many of his poems. Living for many years in non-English-speaking communities, he became, quite consciously, ‘a stranger here’, a poet whose subtly inventive techniques served to fix and define modes of personal, cultural and political unease. Based on Roger Bowen’s pioneering Collected Poems (1981), this new edition of Bernard Spencer’s works is the first to include all his poetry, his translations from George Seferis, Odysseus Elytis and Eugenio Montale, and selections of his prose – including critical and travel writings, memoirs and interviews.

Steve Spence follows his Forward Prize-shortlisted debut with Limits of Control, a fizzing, wit-laden investigation of contemporary society in prose poetry. “These poems are likeable, funny and intelligent, their satire exact for these times.” Michael Mackmin, The Rialto (on A Curious Shipwreck) Steve Spence lives in Plymouth and co-organises the live poetry group The Language Club. His reviews and poetry have appeared in Great Works, Shearsman, Stride, Tears in the Fence, Tenth Muse and The Rialto. He was assistant editor of Terrible Work magazine and in 2007 completed an MA in Creative Writing at the University of Plymouth. His debut, A Curious Shipwreck (Shearsman, 2010), was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection.

Bernard Spencer (1909-63) was born in Madras, India. He published just two full collections of poetry in his lifetime: Aegean Islands and Other Poems (1946) and With Luck Lasting (1963). While on holiday in 1963, Spencer began to suffer from an undiagnosed illness, and was later found dead beside a railway line in unexplained circumstances.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £15.00 | 978-1-852248-91-8 | 234x156mm | 384pp | February

Penned in the Margins | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-956546-78-4 | 216x138mm | 80pp | February


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The Geese at the Gates Drucilla Wall Poetry engaging with author’s American Indian, Irish and Jewish mixed heritage. Drucilla Wall’s debut poetry collection reflects on the elusive forces of landscape, history, family and spirit that resist exploration yet lay claim to who we are. Her poems are tinged with humour and a wry sense of human shortcomings. In sharp lyrics, Drucilla Wall explores her diverse ties to homes that range from County Wexford and Galway, Ireland, to the American settings of Missouri, Nebraska, Alabama and Pennsylvania. Throughout, her writing engages with her mixed heritage of Creek/Muscogee American Indian, Irish and Jewish identities in surprising and exciting ways. Drucilla Wall grew up in Philadelphia. Her poems and essays have appeared in a variety of magazines and journals, as well as in anthologies such as The People Who Stayed: Southeastern Indian Writing After Removal; Eating Fire, Tasting Blood: Breaking the Great Silence of the American Indian Holocaust; Times of Sorrow/Times of Grace: Writing by Women of the Great Plains/High Plains; and True West: Authenticity and the American West. She teaches at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Salmon Poetry | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-907056-59-8 | 210x134mm | 82pp | February

Electric Shadow Heidi Williamson Hotly anticipated debut explores the human quest for knowledge. Heidi Williamson’s fascination with science leads her to explore less usual territories for poetry – including mathematics, chemistry, and computer programming, as well as space travel, electricity, and evolution. The Northern Lights reach down beneath the London skyline, Darwin staggers across a heaving ship and Coleridge slumbers on to another dream. The driving force throughout this new collection is a desire to understand the ‘astonishing state of possibilities’ in the world around and inside us. “Heidi Williamson’s poems are about contact with the haunted world. She understands uncertainty and loss, as well as the trace loss leaves behind as memory, memory that acts like a Blitz incendiary waiting to ignite later in life.” George Szirtes Heidi Williamson was born in Norfolk. In 2008-09 she was poet-in-residence at the London Science Museum’s Dana Centre. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including The Rialto, Smiths Knoll, Poetry News, Orbis, Mslexia, Smoke, The Interpreter’s House and Iota, and on Jackie Kay’s Poetry Society blog and Guardian Online. She was shortlisted for the Hamish Canham Prize and the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem in 2008, and a runner-up in the Mslexia Women’s Poetry Competition in 2007 and 2008. She lives in Wymondham. Poetry Book Society Recommendation. Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-02-1 | 216x138mm | 64pp | February


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Mortal Morning Brian Aldiss

Being Human Neil Astley (editor)

Poetry from legend of science-fiction writing, whose work has been adapted by Steven Spielberg.

Third instalment of vastly successful Staying Alive anthology series, which has sold over 200,000 copies in the UK and Ireland.

Although better known for his achievements in sci-fi fiction, Brian Aldiss’s poetry has been an integral part of his creative activity throughout his writing life. Mortal Morning brings together a selection of his best and most representative poems, including those with a sciencefiction or metaphysical slant; deeply personal poems about family and loss; and poems of everyday life. A sequence of poems about artists and their work includes reflections on Gauguin’s Tahiti paintings, Kandinsky and Francis Bacon. As a poet, Aldiss is versatile and frequently surprising, creating work that ranges from intimate and introspective to humorous, bold and surreal. Mortal Morning will appeal to his many loyal readers and those who are yet to encounter his unique work and talent. Brian Aldiss was born in Dereham, Norfolk, in 1925. The author of over sixty books, he was awarded an OBE for Services to Literature in 2005. His long career has so far included the acclaimed novels Hothouse (Penguin Modern Classics, 2008), Non-Stop (HarperCollins, 1987) and the Helliconia trilogy, all regarded as modern classics and reprinted by Gollancz in 2010. Aldiss’s work has been adapted for the cinema three times, including for the 2001 Kubrick/Spielberg production AI: Artificial Intelligence.

Flambard Press | Hardback | £12.99 | 978-1-906601-21-8 | 216x138mm | 96pp | March

Being Human is a world poetry anthology offering an even broader, international selection of ‘real poems for unreal times’. The range of poetry here complements that of the first two anthologies, Staying Alive and Being Alive: hundreds of thoughtful, passionate poems about living in the modern world. On Staying Alive: “I can’t think of any other anthology that casts its net so widely, or one that has introduced me to so many vivid and memorable poems.” Philip Pullman “A book for people who know they love poetry, and for people who think they don’t.” Helen Dunmore Neil Astley founded Bloodaxe Books in 1978, and was given a D.Litt by Newcastle University in recognition of his pioneering work. As well as Staying Alive (2002), Being Alive (2004) and Being Human, he has edited over 1000 poetry books and anthologies; published two poetry collections, Darwin Survivor (1988) and Biting My Tongue (1997); and two novels, The End of My Tether (shortlisted for the 2002 Whitbread First Novel Award), and The Sheep Who Changed the World (Flambard, 2005). Bloodaxe | Paperback | £12.00 | 978-1-852248-09-3 | 216x138mm | 496pp | March

21 | M AR CH

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John Ormond: Collected Poems Michael Collins (editor)

Folk Tony Curtis

Collected poems from one of the great 20th century Welsh poets.

New poetry from winner of the Irish National Poetry Prize.

John Ormond (1923-1990) is one of the remarkable generation of poets born in south Wales in the early 1920s which includes Dannie Abse and Leslie Norris. He was a friend of fellow Swansea writers Dylan Thomas and Vernon Watkins, both of whom were key influences. His poems were originally published in the Penguin Modern Poets series. Many of them are elegiac, probing his Welsh roots; others focus on particular aspects of the natural world, seeking to capture their elusive quiddities.

The poems in Tony Curtis’s new collection are woven out of his fascination with the everyday, the quirky, and the downright extraordinary. These are poems wrapped up in love and death, friendship and memory, madness and music – from the blind man singing in a field, to his three Cistercian uncles singing plainchant. There are people at the heart of everything he writes. Curtis is a born storyteller, and these are poems crafted by a poet with a wonderful ability to express great depth of feeling with deceptive simplicity.

“John Ormond’s poems about people are infallibly accurate and compassionate under the surface of humour. His eye for detail is immensely zestful, he is technically adept and varied, and is prepared to try a different, more ambitious manner, and can bring it off. A poet full of individuality.” Alan Brownjohn Michael Collins is Professor of English and Dean Emeritus at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He served as Director of the Villa Le Balze, the University’s Study Centre in Fiesole, Italy, which John Ormond visited numerous times and which resulted in his brilliant long poem, ‘Tuscan Cypresses’. Seren | Paperback | £12.99 | 978-1-854115-21-8 | 216x138mm | 208pp | March

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“Curtis lives on the borderline between our world and the world of the Spirits.” The Irish Times Tony Curtis was born in Dublin in 1955. He studied literature at Essex University and Trinity College, Dublin. An award-winning poet, Curtis has published six warmly received collections, the most recent of which was The Well in the Rain: New & Selected Poems (Arc, 2006). In 2003 he was awarded the Varuna House Exchange Fellowship to Australia. He is a member of Aosdána, and a recipient of the Irish National Poetry Prize.

Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £9.99 / £12.99 | 978-1-906570-74-3 (pb) / 978-1-906570-75-0 (hb) | 216x138mm | 120pp | March

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Sorrow’s Egg Katherine Duffy Latest collection from the 2006 Hennessy New Irish Writer of the Year. Just over a dozen years since her much-praised debut The Erratic Behaviour of Tides, Katherine Duffy’s follow-up, Sorrow’s Egg, shows an increased maturity of voice, facing as it does the twin subjects of loss and grief, and the intimations of mortality which accompany them. Inventive in form and agile in movement, Sorrow’s Egg is also very much a celebration of the way in which artistic endeavour negotiates the abyss. Katherine Duffy was born in Dundalk in 1962. Her first poetry collection, The Erratic Behaviour of Tides, was published by Dedalus Press in 1998, and poems from that collection have since appeared in various anthologies. She also writes fiction and in 2006 received the Hennessy New Irish Writer of the Year award. Her fiction in Irish has won many awards and she has translated stories by leading Irish language authors into English. She lives in Dublin where she works as a translator in the Houses of the Oireachtas. Dedalus Press | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-906614-40-9 | 216x140mm | 82pp | March

A Year in the Bull-Box Glyn Hughes Eighth collection of poetry from one of The Times’ ‘Six best authors ever in the North of England.’ Glyn Hughes writes about his latest collection: “This book follows the course of a year’s cancer from acceptance to joyous life again through closeness to nature. On one of my first nights in the oncology ward, I dreamed that a wall-clock at the foot of my bed was replaced with a scroll covered in runes. I had to decipher these in order to regain health. On waking, I instantly understood. There were three parts to my recovery. One was the medical attention that I was receiving. The second was my mental attitude. The third lay in my spiritual strength. These poems belong to the third of these categories. I had recently acquired use of an isolated stone hut (the ‘Bull-Box’) in the Ribble Valley. The time spent there was my healing.” (The Irish Times) Glyn Hughes now 75 years of age, is best known as a Northern poet and novelist with a string of prizes for his work (Guardian Fiction Prize, David Higham Prize, Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Welsh Arts Council Poet’s Prize; plus shortlists for the Whitbread, Portico and James Tait Black Prizes). He is also an artist. A Guardian poll of readers in 2005 chose two of his books as ‘Eco-Classics’, while he was picked by The Times as one of the ‘Six best authors ever in the North of England’. He has lived in the Calder Valley for forty years. Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £7.99 / £10.99 | 978-1-906570-78-1 (pb) / 978-1-906570-79-8 (hb) | 216x138mm | 64pp | March

23 | M AR CH

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Jacket in Production

Six Latvian Poets Ieva Lesinska (editor)

Saving Spaces Ian Pople

Seventh in much-praised series of bilingual anthologies focusing on the ‘smaller’ languages of Europe.

Third Arc collection from Forward Prizeshortlisted poet, based in Manchester.

Six Latvian Poets is the seventh in Arc’s New Voices from Europe and Beyond series. It features the work of six of Latvia’s leading young poets, three men and three women all under the age of 35 – Anna Auzina (b. 1975), Ingmara Balode (b. 1981), Agnese Krivade (b. 1981), Marts Pujats (b. 1982), Maris Salejs (b. 1971) and Karlis Verdins (b. 1979). The anthology also features a fascinating introductory essay which traces the history of Latvian poetry from the earliest written word to the present day, by Latvia’s best-known poet and literary ambassador, Juris Kronbergs. This is a bilingual edition, with the Latvian original and the English translation on facing pages. Ieva Lesinska was born in 1958. She now lives in Riga, working as chief translator at the Bank of Latvia, and as a freelance translator. She has translated the poetry of Seamus Heaney, Robert Frost, D.H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound, Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot and various American Beat Generation poets into Latvian, and has published numerous English translations of poems and prose by Latvian authors in periodicals and anthologies in the UK and the US.

Arc Publications | Paperback | £10.99 | 978-1-906570-39-2 | 234x156mm | 160pp | March

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Ian Pople recognises that the process of writing is, in its own terms, an actual act of creation. He examines how this act of creation crosses the boundaries between the real and the unreal, and how it is possible to make something that not only reflects life but also becomes part of the human condition. This sequence of poems is a gentle and understated questioning of one’s comprehension of the real world. Ian Pople was born in Ipswich. He was educated at the British Council, Athens and the Universities of Aston and Manchester. His first book of poetry, The Glass Enclosure (Arc, 1996), was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. His second collection, An Occasional Lean-to, was published by Arc in 2004. He teaches at the University of Manchester.

Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £7.99 / £10.99 | 978-1-906570-76-7 (pb) / 978-1-906570-77-4 (hb) | 216x138mm | 64pp | March

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The Game of Bear Peter Bennet Shortlisted for the 2008 T.S. Eliot Prize for The Glass Swarm. Peter Bennet’s previous collection, The Glass Swarm, was widely praised for its formal skill, wit, and imaginative reach. The Game of Bear includes a powerful sequence in which time-shifts and colliding settings in Northumberland and Aquitaine enhance the drama of a story of sorcery, murder and demonic retribution, derived from a hitherto uncollected Border Ballad. In the words of Sir Andrew Motion, these poems establish the criteria by which they must be judged. “Bennet really does know, very precisely, how to contrive the entry of the powers of place and history into his poems without depriving them of idiosyncrasy, surprise, or their darker natures.” The Sunday Times “In the end it’s the eerie, chilly atmosphere that beguiles: Bennet’s at his best writing of ice and shadows and dark water.” The Guardian Peter Bennet lives in Northumberland near the Wild Hills o’ Wanney. He was Associate Editor of Stand from 1995 to 1998, and is a co-editor of Other Poetry. He received a Poetry Book Society Recommendation in 2005 for Goblin Lawn: New & Selected Poems, and the Poetry Book Society Choice in 2008 for The Glass Swarm, which was also shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize; both are published by Flambard. Flambard Press | Paperback | £8.50 | 978-1-906601-25-6 | 216x138mm | 72pp | April

A Rose Loupt Oot: Poetry and Song Celebrating the UCS Work-in David Betteridge (editor) Poets including Edwin Morgan and Jackie Kay commemorate 1970s political movement. In the early 1970s, with the Glasgow and Clydebank shipyards facing closure and the Tory government refusing to invest in ‘lame-duck’ industries, a dynamic group of young communist shop stewards led a working occupation of the yards. Within a few weeks the fight to save jobs had become an international campaign for the right to work. 80,000 people marched to Glasgow Green in support. The worlds of poetry and music added their support at a series of high-profile benefit concerts starring the Dubliners, Billy Connolly, Matt McGinn, Dick Gaughan, Jim McLean, Jimmie Macgregor and Hamish Henderson. John Lennon and Yoko Ono donated £5,000 to the cause. A Rose Loupt Oot brings together, for the first time, songs written during the UCS work-in, as well as poems of reflection by writers like Edwin Morgan, Jackie Kay, Alistair Findlay and Aonghas MacNeacail. The book is illustrated with sketches by Ken Currie and cartoons by Bob Starrett, and introduced by Ann Henderson, Assistant Secretary of the Scottish TUC. David Betteridge is a retired teacher and teacher-trainer who has worked in Scotland, England, Norway, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Pakistan and Nepal. He has written several books for the classroom and a collection of poems, Granny Albyn’s Complaint (Smokestack, 2008). He now lives in Glasgow. Smokestack | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-0-956417-50-3 | 197x127mm | 64pp | April

25 | Ap ril

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The Essential Brendan Kennelly: Selected Poems Terence Brown and Michael Longley (editors) New Selected from one of Ireland’s most popular poets and performers.

Over the past five decades Brendan Kennelly has written thousands of poems published in over 30 books, including three previous editions of Selected Poems. Published on his 75th birthday, this new selection presents just over a hundred of Kennelly’s most essential poems, accompanied by an audio CD of his own readings, drawn from two classic recordings made in Dublin in 1982 and 1999. The Essential Brendan Kennelly has been edited by two lifelong admirers of his work, Terence Brown and Michael Longley. “He is the people’s poet. He spends his life wondering and thinking and daring to think and see differently.” Jim Farrelly, Editor-in-Chief, The Sunday Tribune Brendan Kennelly was born in 1936 in Ballylongford, Co. Kerry. He was Professor of Modern Literature at Trinity College, Dublin for over thirty years. He has published over thirty poetry and drama titles, including Cromwell, Familiar Strangers: New & Selected Poems 1960-2004, Glimpses, The Man Made of Rain, Martial Art, Now, Poetry My Arse, Reservoir Voices, When Then Is Now and The Book of Judas (which topped the Irish bestsellers list). All these are available separately from Bloodaxe, the latter shortened to The Little Book of Judas (2002). Bloodaxe | Paperback & CD | 978-1-852249-04-5 | 234x156mm | 160pp | April

Poetry and the State David & Helen Constantine (editors) Latest issue of Modern Poetry in Translation features new translations of Anna Akhmatova and Primo Levi. The latest issue of Modern Poetry in Translation poses an important question for contemporary society: What is the relationship between poetry and the state? And, in turn, how much does poetry matter? Poetry matters, and it matters that poetry should move freely across the frontiers of language, time and space. Poets and translators from all over the world contribute to MPT. Some states encourage their poets, others ignore them; others imprison and murder them. MPT aims to document – chiefly in poems, but also in statements and short essays – the varying but always uncertain relationship between poetry and the state. The contents are not, however, merely confined to outwardly ‘political’ works. Any lyric poem insisting on the value of individual experience has uneasy dealings with the order and ideology of the state. Does the state allow you the autonomy the poem demands? As always, the issue features contributions from the present and the past, from near and far. Modern Poetry in Translation | Paperback | £9.95 | 978-0-955906-46-6 | 201x140mm | 200pp | April

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Hombre: New and Selected Poems Gerard Fanning

Feeding the Cat Rowan B. Fortune (editor)

Winner of the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature, championed by Colm Tóibín.

Anthology of poetry and short stories from UK and international authors.

Gerard Fanning is one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Irish poetry, described by The Irish Times as “an enigmatic surveyor with an appetite for the exotic... ” This New and Selected Poems gathers the poet’s own choice of his three previous collections, together with twenty-five new poems which manage to be spontaneous yet formallygrounded, inventive yet filled with intensity.

Feeding the Cat introduces readers to a range of emerging voices in prose and poetry. The anthology also features poetry from some excellent new voices, including prizewinning poems by Will Kemp and new work from Sharon Black, Nicola Warwick, David Keyworth and John Mackay.

“These poems combine a tone that is intimate and urgent with a formal reticence and an absolute care and respect for language.” Colm Toibin, Books of the Year, The Irish Times “Gerard Fanning anchors his meditative, often dreamlike poetry in the physical world – these are melancholy poems (run through with threads of memory, anxiety, illness and loss) but despite their sobriety they contain moments of real glory.” Sarah Crown, The Guardian

On the fiction front, Lindsay Stanberry-Flynn’s awardwinning title piece is a compelling and witty story of the baggage adults carry from childhood, alongside strong stories from Jeremy Worman, Ayesha Hebble and Adam Bayfield. Rowan B. Fortune is assistant editor at Cinnamon Press. His writing engages with several forms including poetry, fiction, reviews and essays. He runs a YouTube channel that features his work in philosophy, aesthetics and literature, including a series of mixed media microfictions. He recently completed an MA in novel writing and is working on a first novel.

Gerard Fanning was born in Dublin in 1952. He has published three collections with Dedalus Press: Easter Snow (1992), Working for the Government (1999) and Water & Power (2004). His awards include the 1993 Rooney Prize for Irish Literature, the Brendan Behan Award for Poetry, and Literature bursaries from the Arts Council/Ireland. Dedalus Press | Paperback & Hardback | £12.50 / £19.50 | 978-1-906614-38-6 (pb) / 978-1-906614-39-3 (hb) | 216x140mm | 100pp | April

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-30-1 | 216x140mm | 144pp | April

27 | AP RIL

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The Scale of Change Desmond Graham

A Body Made of You Melissa Lee-Houghton

Author of the Poetry Book Society Recommended Heart work.

New collection from Manchester-born author of poetry and short fiction.

The Scale of Change is the latest collection of poetry by Newcastle-based poet Desmond Graham. Its opening sequence, ‘Class’, offers up a condition of England poem for our time, its focus moving from the proto-communist ‘Diggers’ of Surrey, through Bewick’s radical Tyneside, and on to a wet St George’s Day in Dover. The book’s second half, ‘Rembrandt’s Last Pupil’, quietly reveals an aesthetic that proves to be no less political and contemporary. Together the two sections provide the scale on which this collection subtly and poignantly measures change.

Melissa Lee-Houghton’s A Body Made of You is a series of poems written for other writers, artists, strangers, lovers and friends. The process began by interviewing each muse, and then working from photographs and in a couple of cases, paintings of them or by them.

Desmond Graham was, until recently, Professor of Poetry at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, but is now a full-time writer with homes in Newcastle and southern Germany. Flambard has published four previous collections: After Shakespeare (2001), Milena Poems (2004), Heart work (2007), a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, and The Green Parakeet (2009), as well as Two Darknesses (1994), a selection by the Polish poet Anna Kamienska that he co-translated. Desmond Graham is also known as the biographer and editor of the poet Keith Douglas, with works published by Faber and Carcanet, and the author of the sixth in the Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry series, Making Poems and Their Meanings (Bloodaxe, 2007).

Flambard Press | Paperback | £9.00 | 978-1-906601-24-9 | 216x138mm | 90pp | April

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Charged with sexuality and an uncomfortable sense of the strange, this debut collection introduces a powerful new voice in poetry. Melissa Lee-Houghton was born in Wythenshawe, Manchester in 1982. Her poetry, short fiction and reviews have been published in literary magazines such as Succour, The Short Review, Magma and Tears in the Fence. She lives in Blackburn, Lancashire.

Penned in the Margins | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-908058-00-3 | 216x138mm | 80pp | April

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Sparrow Tree Gwyneth Lewis

Family Album Sheree Mack

“One of the most exhilaratingly gifted poets of her generation” – The Guardian.

Debut collection from Newcastle poet with West Indian/African heritage.

Gwyneth Lewis’s highly inventive Sparrow Tree is a thematic gathering of new poems, mostly about nature and birdlife. A huge variety of the latter is on offer: blue tits, blackbirds, egrets, juncos, starlings, herons and hummingbirds, as well as the sparrows of the title. The collection includes her already well-known ‘How to Knit a Poem’, commissioned by BBC Radio 4, and ends with images of the human word as a form of love.

Family Album is preoccupied with migration, journeys and places. In poems full of energy and life, Sheree Mack catches the complexity of family history –‘it was already there waiting for me’– the pull of the past and the threads that have formed her identity. These poems evoke images of sea journeys made from Barbados and Trinidad to England – ‘a place speckled / with a few brown faces’ – and onward travel to Bradford and Newburn, Tyneside.

“Such exuberant invention… The range of reference is so wide, we are intoxicated by it.” Elaine Feinstein, The Independent

Sheree Mack’s collection captures a sense of the changes and migrations of the last century, and shares with us an experience and insight that is all her own.

“True stars in poetry like Gwyneth Lewis always match brilliance with warmth. She is the one to bet on.” Les Murray

“Poems that do not flinch from the conflicts and inconsistencies of family bonds.” Cynthia Fuller

Gwyneth Lewis was Wales’s National Poet from 2005 to 2006, the first writer to be given the Welsh laureateship. Her books of poetry include Chaotic Angels (Bloodaxe, 2005) – which brings together the poems from her collections Parables & Faxes, Zero Gravity and Keeping Mum – and A Hospital Odyssey (Bloodaxe, 2010). Her other books include The Meat Tree (Seren, 2010). Her Welsh collection, Y Llofrudd Iaith (Barddas, 2000), won the Welsh Arts Council Book of the Year Prize. She lives in Cardiff.

Sheree Mack was born in Bradford to a Trinidadian father and a Geordie mother of Bajan and Ghanaian heritage. She has lived in Newcastle from the age of ten. She was Poet in Residence at the Durham Literature Festival in 2005. Married with two children, she works as a freelance writer and lecturer for the Open University and has recently completed her PhD in Creative Writing at Newcastle University.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852248-99-4 | 216x138mm | 64pp | April

Flambard Press | Paperback | £9.00 | 978-1-906601-23-2 | 216x138mm | 90pp | April

29 | AP RIL

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Strangely Happy Joan Margarit (translated by Anna Crowe) New works in translation from one of Spain’s foremost modern poets. For the past thirty years Joan Margarit has become known for his mastery of the Catalan language. In the much-praised Tugs in the Fog: Selected Poems (2006), Joan Margarit evoked the Spanish Civil War, the harshness of life in Barcelona under Franco, and grief at the death of a beloved daughter. In Strangely Happy, he builds an architecture of the human spirit out of the unpromising materials of self-doubt, despair and death. His poetry confronts the worst that life can throw at us, yet what lingers in the mind is its warmth and humanity. “Wow!… Erotic closeness, distance, passion, jealousy, indifference, night, death, imagination, apocalypse, and more all in a few lines and a few simple words… His themes [are] delivered with such fire and candour they inspirit.” Herbert Lomas, Ambit Joan Margarit was born in 1938 in Sanaüja, Catalonia. An architect by trade, in 2008 he received the Premio Nacional de Poesía del Estado Español, Spain’s highest literary award for non-Castilian writers, for his collection, Casa de Misericòrdia. Anna Crowe is a poet, translator and creative writing tutor currently living in St Andrews. She co-founded StAnza and was its Artistic Director for seven years. Her previous Bloodaxe edition of Margarit’s work, Tugs in the Fog: Selected Poems (2006), was a Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation. Bloodaxe | Paperback | £9.95 | 978-1-852248-93-2 | 216x138mm | 144pp | April

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Where the Air is Rarefied Susan Richardson & Pat Gregory Exciting collaboration between Cardiffbased poet and artist. Where the Air is Rarefied explores environmental and mythological themes relating to the Far North, with the poetry provided by Susan Richardson, the illustration by Pat Gregory. A collection of their poetry and prints has already toured galleries in Wales and beyond. “This poetry demands to be read alongside the visual images involved in its creation, not because it could not communicate alone, but because of that interplay it invokes and exploits between the two. The collection pushes Susan Richardson’s work well beyond her previous comfort zones, marking her emergence into a new breadth and vividness of voice.” Philip Gross Susan Richardson is a poet, performer and educator based in Cardiff. Her collection of poetry, Creatures of the Intertidal Zone (Cinnamon Press, 2007), was inspired by her journey through Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland in the footsteps of an intrepid female Viking from the 11th century. She has been published in numerous anthologies and journals, including Acumen and Poetry Wales, and is one of the poets-in-residence on BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Live. She was commissioned to write and perform poetry for BBC2’s coverage of the 2009 Chelsea Flower Show. Pat Gregory is a Cardiff-based printmaker and artist.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £11.99 | 978-1-907090-32-5 | 234x153mm | 80pp | April

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Writing King Kong Robert Seatter “A gloriously individual voice” – Planet.

Robert Seatter’s new collection of poems explores the way we write the world, and reinvent it both for our own development and delusion. Seatter’s subjects range from an elliptical self-help manual to a telephone party line; from the comfort of a drunken night singing hymns to the elusive proximity of family trees; from the recipe for summer pudding as elegy for a lost friend to a mantra of engineering facts about Sydney Harbour Bridge to comfort a dying father. And at the heart of the book is a sequence of poems inspired by the writer’s travels in South America, conjuring both the exactitude of place and the nagging unreality of journeying. “His poems remind us how complex it is to recall and rebuild a world, and how the act of doing so comes bundled with its own sense of loss.” Paul Farley, Poetry London Robert Seatter has published two previous collections with Seren, Travelling to the Fish Orchards (2002) and On the Beach with Chet Baker (2006). Educated at Oxford, he has worked as an EFL teacher in Italy and France, as an actor and as a journalist in publishing and broadcasting. He lives in London and works for the BBC. Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-45-4 | 216x138mm | 72pp | April

Emile Verhaeren: Selected Poems Emile Verhaeren (translated by Will Stone) First modern English translation of key figure in European literature. Dubbed the ‘European Walt Whitman’, the Belgian poet Emile Verhaeren is a great modern European poet who, until now, has been unduly overlooked by the Anglophone world. A pro-European idealist championed by the likes of Stefan Zweig, his poetry and views aroused respect across Europe and beyond. His overriding notion of mankind advancing to a promised land was swept away by the industrial brutality of the First World War, and his profile never recovered. And yet, to return to the poetry now is to reappraise a master poet who consistently exhibits his sublime visionary gift, as well as his all too contemporary human vulnerability, in some of the most tender and beautiful love poems ever written. Emile Verhaeren (1855-1916) is the most important Belgian poet in the French language. Born in Flanders, he settled into the literary community of Brussels and soon became a pivotal link with the Symbolist movement in Paris, finally moving there in 1898. A national treasure, and symbol of defiance against German aggression, he died in a tragic accident in Rouen in 1916. Will Stone was born in 1966 and now divides his time between Belgium and England. His first poetry collection Glaciation (Salt, 2009) won the International Glen Dimplex Award for Poetry in 2008. Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £10.99 / £13.99 | 978-1-0904614-69-2 (pb) / 978-1-906570-09-5 (hb) | 216x138mm | 160pp | April

31 | AP RIL

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Georges Rodenbach: Selected Poems Georges Rodenbach (translated by Will Stone)

Tomas Tranströmer: New Collected Poems Tomas Tranströmer (translated by Robin Fulton)

First-ever selected poems in English of important 19th-century Belgian poet and author of classic novel Bruges la Morte.

Comprehensive selection of eminent Swedish poet’s work.

Georges Rodenbach is known first and foremost for his famous 1892 novel Bruges la Morte, and it is for his connection with Bruges that he is always remembered. Bruges was his muse, the landscape in which he attempted to reveal the significance of what appeared lifeless or unconnected to art. Using the Symbolist devices of suggestion and mood, in these poems Rodenbach presents the decaying Bruges as a medieval corpse, full of melancholy, decline and loneliness, laid out for him to ‘rescue’ through his work. Georges Rodenbach (1855-1898) was educated in Ghent alongside his friend Emile Verhaeren. Prodigious in short stories and novels as well as poetry, he was the first Belgian writer of his circle to move to Paris, and find support from his French counterparts. His poetry influenced writers such as Proust, Zweig and Rilke. Rodenbach died in Paris of ill health in 1898, aged only 43. Will Stone’s other translations include To The Silenced – Selected Poems of Georg Trakl (Arc, 2005) and the first English translation of Journeys, Stefan Zweig’s travel writings (2010).

Tomas Tranströmer is arguably Sweden’s most important poet. His books have been translated into fifty languages worldwide. This book includes all the poems he has written in the past fifty years, including those from the Bloodaxe Collected Poems of 1987, plus three later collections: For Living and Dead (1989), The Sad Gondola (1996) and The Great Enigma (2004), and his 1993 prose memoir Memories Look at Me. “Tranströmer’s poetry permits us to be happily certain of our own uncertainties...” Seamus Heaney “Precisely observed, haunting, sometimes mysterious poems. They have a quality of intense concentration on the moment, the scene, the details…” Fleur Adcock, Poetry Book Society Bulletin Tomas Tranströmer was born in 1931 in Stockholm. His awards include the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, Germany’s Petrarch Prize, the Bonner Award, the Bellman Prize, the Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize, and the August Prize. In 1997 the city of Västerås established a special Tranströmer Prize. Robin Fulton is a Scottish poet and translator. He has lived in Stavanger, Norway since 1973 and has worked with Tomas Tranströmer on each of his collections over many years. Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation.

Arc Publications | Paperback & Hardback | £10.99 / £13.99 | 978-1-904614-64-7 (pb) / 978-1-906570-07-1 (hb) | 216x138mm | 160pp | April

Apr i l | 3 2

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £12.00 | 978-1-852244-13-2 | 216x138mm | 256pp | April

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House of Tongues Susan Wicks

Sound Archive Nerys Williams

Latest collection from one of the Poetry Book Society’s New Generation Poets.

“Here’s a fine writer who is completely unique in Wales” – Robert Minhinnick.

House of Tongues is concerned with acceptance and refusal, power and incapacity. These poems are full of the sadness and exhilaration of leaving – of saying an often ambivalent goodbye to people and places, a job, friends lost through illness – and of the precarious process of setting out again.

Sound Archive is an innovative display of modernist techniques by Welsh poet Nerys Williams. The reader is enticed by hints and clues, by tone and rhythm, by fragment and exclamation. These poems build soundscapes of imagery, veering away from straightforward narrative. Williams confronts our preconceptions about what it might mean to be a woman writing against the background of two formidable traditions: Welsh-speaking Wales and English literature as a whole.

“Few poets writing today go into [family ties and sorrows] in so detailed and tender a way. Or so frighteningly.” Alan Brownjohn, The Sunday Times “A fine poet, with an eye for detail and a gift for conveying the earthiness of everyday experience.” Jo Shapcott, The Independent on Sunday

“Here’s a fine writer who is completely unique in Wales. Nerys Williams... [is] a tremendous addition to the Seren poetry list.” Robert Minhinnick

Susan Wicks has published two other books of poetry with Bloodaxe: De-iced (2007), and Night Toad: New & Selected Poems (2003), which included a new collection with selections from three earlier books published by Faber: Singing Underwater, winner of the Aldeburgh Poetry Festival Prize; Open Diagnosis, one of the Poetry Society’s New Generation Poets titles; and The Clever Daughter, a Poetry Book Society Choice, shortlisted for both T.S. Eliot and Forward Prizes. Her translation of Valérie Rouzeau’s Cold Spring in Winter (Arc, 2009) was shortlisted for the 2010 International Griffin Poetry Prize. She lives in Tunbridge Wells, and teaches at Goldsmiths College, London.

Nerys Williams is from Carmarthenshire. She has an MA in Contemporary Poetry and a D.Phil in American Studies. Before her post-graduate studies she worked in the sound department at BBC Wales and as an assistant in mental health care. In 2005 Nerys won the Ted McNulty Prize for Best Single Poem for ‘The Dead Zoo’, which appears in this collection. She is the author of two critical books: The Edinburgh Critical Guide to Contemporary Poetry (2011), and Reading Error: The Lyric and Contemporary Poetry (2007). She now lectures in American Literature at University College, Dublin.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-06-9 | 216x138mm | 64pp | April

Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-38-6 | 216x138mm | 72pp | April

33 | Ap ril

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The Captain’s Tower: Poems for Bob Dylan at 70 Phil Bowen, Damian Furniss, David Woolley (editors) Contributors include Andrew Motion, Wendy Cope, Roger McGough and Sophie Hannah.

Jacket in Production

Unbelievably, Bob Dylan is 70 in May. The Captain’s Tower is a birthday-present anthology of poems concerned with Dylan’s life, his work, and his cultural impact. In this book the poets respond to Dylan’s own creativity, his capacity to inspire and his enormous influence on culture and writing. Here are poems by Allen Ginsberg, Lachlan Mackinnon, Glyn Maxwell, Matthew Sweeney, Jeremy Reed, Linda Chase, Chris McCabe, Helen Kitson, Sophie Hannah, Wendy Cope, Linda France, Mark Ford, Andrew Motion, Owen Sheers, Paul Henry, Roger McGough, Roddy Lumsden, Peter Finch, Paul Batchelor, Paul Muldoon, Hugo Williams and Ian McMillan. There is bound to be a huge media response to Dylan’s birthday and this will be part of it – a must for Dylan fans and poetry readers alike. Phil Bowen is the author of four volumes of poetry from Stride and Salt. He edited a previous Dylan anthology, Jewels & Binoculars (Stride, 1993) and Things We Said Today, an anthology of poetry about The Beatles (Stride, 1995). Damian Furniss’ first collection, Chocolate Che, was published in 2010 by Shearsman. David Woolley is a well-known poet, publisher and arts administrator. Until 2010 he was the director of the Dylan Thomas Festival, and on the board of the Dylan Thomas Prize. Seren | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-1-854115-60-7 | 216x138mm | 120pp | May

Kaleidoscope Rowan B. Fortune, Jan Fortune-Wood (editors) Includes poetry from Alison Brackenbury, N.S. Thompson, Ruth Bidgood, Myra Schnieder and Tony Curtis. Kaleidoscope brings together a genre of poetry that too often goes overlooked. Hard to place in magazines because of shortage of space, poetry sequences nonetheless offer the reader an opportunity to explore poetry that is sustained, narrative and rich. Selected from over 500 entrants, Kaleidoscope brings together sequences from both poets at the top of their form and emerging new voices. Well-known contributors include Susan Utting, Myra Schnieder, Alison Brackenbury, Tony Curtis, Anne Cluysenaar, N.S. Thompson, Peter Barry, Ruth Bidgood, Sam Adams, and many more. Rowan B. Fortune is assistant editor at Cinnamon Press. His writing engages with several forms including poetry, fiction, reviews and essays. Jan FortuneWood is the founding editor of Cinnamon Press. Her books include the novels Dear Ceridwen, The Standing Ground and Coming Home, and the poetry collection Stale Bread and Miracles. Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-36-3 | 216x140mm | 160pp | May

MAY | 3 4

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Terrific Melancholy Roddy Lumsden

Swan Mary Oliver

Previously shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot, Forward and Saltire Prizes.

America’s biggest-selling contemporary poet and author of Wild Geese.

Roddy Lumsden’s Terrific Melancholy is a book of changes, both physical and emotional. It begins with a diverse sequence on that most dubious and folkloric of changes: rebirth into a new life, exploring our history’s advances. The book also contains a miscellany of new poems which display the writer’s acclaimed inventiveness with form and structure and his breadth of approach: satire, listing, praise poems and a new form, the ‘ripple poem’, which develops the use of ‘fuzzy’ rhyme.

Mary Oliver is America’s biggest-selling contemporary poet, and one of its best-loved. Her luminous poetry celebrates nature and beauty, love and the spirit, silence and wonder – extending the visionary American tradition of Whitman, Emerson, Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her extraordinary poetry is nourished by her intimate knowledge and minute daily observation of Cape Cod and the New England coast. In Swan, her twentieth volume, she brilliantly captures the world that we, ‘made out of the dust of stars’, inhabit.

“One of the best poets writing in English on the planet today.” Don Share

“These are life-enhancing and redemptive poems that coax the sublime from the subliminal.” Sally Connolly, Poetry

“… the rhymes, the larks, the brutal punch-lines tug Lumsden’s poems off the page and into the living context they describe.” Matthew Smith, Verse

“Mary Oliver’s poetry is fine and deep; it reads like a blessing.” Stanley Kunitz

Roddy Lumsden’s first book Yeah Yeah Yeah (1997) was shortlisted for the Forward and Saltire Prizes. His second collection, The Book of Love (2000), was a Poetry Book Society Choice and shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize, selling over 2,500 copies. Mischief Night: New & Selected Poems (Bloodaxe, 2004) was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. His most recent collection is Third Wish Wasted (Bloodaxe, 2009). His anthology Identity Parade: New British & Irish Poets was published by Bloodaxe in 2010. Born in St Andrews, he lived in Edinburgh before moving to London. Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-08-3 | 216x138mm | 64pp | May

Mary Oliver was born in Maple Heights, Ohio in 1935. Her first collection American Primitive (1983) won a Pulitzer Prize. Bloodaxe published her first UK selection, Wild Geese: Selected Poems, in 2004, which has so far sold over 8,000 copies. It was followed by Thirst (2007), Red Bird (2008) and Evidence (2009). She holds the Catherine Osgood Foster Chair at Bennington College, Vermont, and lives in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-07-6 | 216x153mm | 96pp | May

35 | M AY

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Pure Hustle Kate Potts

Reading Poetry: An Anthology Peter Robinson (editor)

Follows 2008 Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice Whichever Music.

Anthology of poetry about Reading and the Thames Valley.

Pure Hustle is concerned with imagination – as a means of escape and of illumination, destructive and redemptive. Its landscapes are shot through with myth, storytelling and the lure of transformation. With a startling and idiosyncratic eye, Kate Potts examines the shifting, fractured nature of memory and the strangeness of love. Her inspirations are enthusiastically wide-ranging: everything from news reports to advertising text to song lyrics, from crosscontinental bus trips to the daily commute, from the grand passions and chronic uncertainties of a world in flux to the trials of a day at the office.

The poems gathered in this anthology celebrate Reading’s rich and long-lasting connections with poetry. Written by poets who live or have lived in the area, many of the poems are set in Reading and the Thames Valley and make reference to poems and writers associated with the town over the years: Coleridge in flight from his university debts, Rimbaud’s association with a language school in King’s Road, Oscar Wilde’s ‘Ballad of Reading Gaol’, Jane Austen’s only formal schooling, and Dickens’s many visits to the town.

“Kate Potts is a pickpocket of human experience in this tightly-rhythmed, assonance-jellied, beetle-drawer of a pamphlet.” Jen Hadfield on Whichever Music Kate Potts was born in 1978 and grew up in London. She worked in music publishing before studying at Goldsmiths College, London, and has taught English and Creative Writing at colleges in London for several years. Her pamphlet Whichever Music (tall-lighthouse, 2008) was a Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice and was shortlisted for a Michael Marks Award. Her work was featured in the Bloodaxe anthology Voice Recognition: 21 Poets for the 21st Century in 2009.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-03-8 | 216x138mm | 64pp | May

MAY | 3 6

The poets represented are Paul Bavister, Adrian Blamires, David Cooke, Jane Draycott, Claire Dyer, John Froy, A.F. Harrold, Ian House, Wendy Klein, Gill Learner, Allison McVety, Kate Noakes, Victoria Pugh, Peter Robinson, Lesley Saunders, Susan Utting, and Jean Watkins. Specially commissioned illustrations from Sally Castle round off this refreshingly approachable collection. Peter Robinson’s many books include Selected Poems (Carcanet, 2003), The Look of Goodbye (Shearsman, 2008) and English Nettles (Two Rivers Press, 2010). He was awarded the John Florio Prize for The Greener Meadow: Selected Poems of Luciano Erba (2007). He is currently Professor of English and American Literature at the University of Reading.

Two Rivers Press | Paperback | £10.00 | 978-1-901677-72-0 | 134x156mm | 160pp | May

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Jacket in Production

The Method Rob Stanton

Third World Girl: Selected Poems Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze

Debut collection, championed by Pulitzer Prize-winner Rae Armantrout.

“Her work... affirms life in a way that the rest of the world might do well to emulate” – The Independent.

“From the opening Tuyman’s sonnets, which depict the cultural detritus of recent history as evidence of the severed real, to the sly, deft, minimalist lyrics of the book’s second half, The Method is a tour de force which shows Rob Stanton to be a poet to watch.” Rae Armantrout, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rob Stanton was born in Bishop Auckland, County Durham in 1977, raised in the West Midlands and educated in Cardiff (BA) and Leeds (MA, PhD). He currently lives and teaches in Savannah, Georgia. His poems and critical writings have appeared in Canadian Literature, Dusie, Eoagh, Fascicle, First Offense, Great Works, Octopus, The Rialto, Jacket and Salt. In 2005 he was shortlisted for the Eric Gregory Award. The Method is his debut collection of poetry.

Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze is a popular Jamaican Dub poet and storyteller whose performances are so powerful she has been called a “one-woman festival” (Culturebase). Her poems use personal stories and historical narratives to explore social injustice and the psychological dimensions of black women’s experience. Striking evocations of childhood in the hills of Jamaica give way to explorations of the perils and delights of growth and change – through sex, emigration, motherhood and age. This book brings together new poems with poetry and reggae chants from four previous collections: Riddym Ravings (1988), Spring Cleaning (1992), On the Edge of an Island (1997) and The Arrival of Brighteye (2000). Many of the poems are included on the accompanying DVD, which features two performances filmed at Leicester’s Y Theatre, plus an interview with Jane Dowson. Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze is a poet, actress, dancer, choreographer, film writer and theatre director. Her most recent collection from Bloodaxe is The Fifth Figure (2006). She has performed her work all over the world, and now divides her time between Jamaica and Leicester. She received a NESTA Award in 2003, joined Michael Symmons Roberts on the judging panel for the Forward Prizes for Poetry in 2007, and performed at the Glastonbury Festival in 2010.

Penned in the Margins | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-956546-76-0 | 216x138mm | 80pp | May

Bloodaxe | Paperback + DVD | £12.00 | 978-1-852249-10-6 | 234x156mm | 192pp | June

37 | JUNE

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Imaginary Menagerie Ailbhe Darcy

The Ivy Hides the Fig-Ripe Duchess Ellie Evans

Debut full collection from Irish poet showcased in Bloodaxe anthologies Voice Recognition (2009) and Identity Parade (2010).

Commended in Poetry Society’s Members’ Poems for Autumn 2010.

Ailbhe Darcy is a new Irish poet, an exuberant and inventive presence in the poetry world. Her debut collection is a set of urgent dispatches from both her native city of Dublin and her skirmishes further afield: London, Paris, Africa, Eastern Europe, the United States. Driven by wild conceits, semantic leaps, and startling juxtapositions, these are poems that itch and pluck at the pelt of what we think we know. “Ailbhe Darcy’s work has a precision and purpose rare in one so young. Her poems turn up without a word out of place... she is a poet consumed by what the world around her is doing; it is this quality above all others which numbers her among the most promising new Irish poets.” Kevin Higgins Ailbhe Darcy was born in Dublin in 1981, and currently lives in South Bend, Indiana, where she is doing a PhD in English Literature at the University of Notre Dame. She has published her poetry in Ireland, the UK and the US, and co-edits Moloch, an online magazine of new art and writing. Selections of her work are included in the Bloodaxe anthologies Identity Parade (2010) and Voice Recognition (2009), and in her pamphlet A Fictional Dress (talllighthouse, 2009). Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-01-4 | 216x138mm | 64pp | June

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The Ivy Hides the Fig-Ripe Duchess is an exhilarating first collection of poetry from Welsh writer Ellie Evans. Evans takes us on strange journeys: to the post-apocalyptic world of the title poem, or into a skewed 18th-century Venice. The reader obliquely unearths childhood trauma, fraught or intense relationships, and a singular delight in rebellion and escape. Poems like ‘Picnic with Earthquakes’ and ‘Jekyll Island, Georgia’ deftly align exotic locales (in Greece and the US) with intimate states of mind. There is also a fascination with art and history, and a palpable delight in technique: the book includes sonnets, a villanelle and triolets, and her concise free verse often employs rhyme, half-rhyme, and subtle alliteration. Ellie Evans was born in Carmarthen and read English at Oxford. She worked in publishing and for the Medical Research Council, before living in Hong Kong, teaching English. She has spent most of her adult life teaching in London, but is now based in Powys. She began writing poetry six years ago, and has an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University, where she is finishing a PhD. Her poems have been published in several anthologies and in magazines including Poetry Wales, New Welsh Review, Red Poets, The Rialto and Acumen.

Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-46-1 | 216x138mm | 64pp | June

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A True Prize John Goodby Winner of Cardiff International Poetry Competition and English PEN Award. In A True Prize, John Goodby combines wit, virtuosity and a robust intelligence with personal openness. Formally more traditional than some of his previous offerings, the book has a richness and a variousness of theme and approach which together add up to a satisfying and intriguing collection of poetry. “Goodby’s mastery of the verse-line…, his phrasing and his fusing of form, idea and perception are always sparky and startling, usually inarguable and very often electrifying.” Lyndon Davies John Goodby was born in Birmingham in 1958. His poems have appeared in The Independent, Poetry Review and Poetry Wales, and were anthologised in Poetry Introduction 8 (Faber, 1993). He is also a prolific translator, with works including Heinrich Heine’s Germany: A Winter’s Tale (Smokestack, 2006) and his cotranslation of État d’Urgence / State of Emergency by Soleiman Adel Guémar (Arc, 2007), which received an English PEN award. His poetry won the Arvon / Observer competition in 1989-90, the 2006 Cardiff International Poetry Competition and the Keats-Shelley Memorial Association tenth annual poetry competition in 2007. Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £7.99 | 978-1-907090-31-8 | 216x140mm | 96pp | June

Six Macedonian Poets Igor Isakovski (editor) Poetry in translation – New Voices from Europe and Beyond No. 8. The eighth in Arc’s New Voices from Europe and Beyond series of anthologies, Six Macedonian Poets features the work of three men and three women – Elizabeta Bakovska (b. 1969), Lidija Dimkovska (b. 1971), Bogomil Gjuzel (b. 1939), Igor Isakovski (b. 1970), Jovica Ivanovski (b. 1961) and Katica Kulavkova (b. 1951) – who have helped to shape the face of contemporary Macedonian poetry over the past five decades. Translated by a range of highly-regarded translators, and introduced by the editor of Macedonia’s leading online literary magazine Blesok, this volume is a window on the poetry of one of Europe’s least-known and most intriguing ‘corners’. This is a bilingual edition, with the Macedonian original and the English translation on facing pages. Igor Isakovski is a poet, prose writer, translator and editor. He was born in 1970 in Skopje, Macedonia. He received a BA in World and Comparative Literature from St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje and an MA in Gender and Culture from the Central European University in Budapest. From 1991 to 2003, he worked as a presenter at various radio and TV stations in Macedonia. He is the founder and director of the cultural institution Blesok, where he works as editor-in-chief. Arc Publications | Paperback | £10.99 | 978-1-906570-49-1 | 234x156mm | 160pp | June

39 | JUNE

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Minority not Minorities 1: Poets from Sardinia Michele Pinna (editor) (translated by Andrea Bianchi, Robert Minhinnick, Giuseppe Serpillo and Silvana Siviero) Anthology of Sardinian poetry. This new anthology is the first in a series from Cinnamon Press, with the express aim of allowing “Italian authors who do not speak/write/dream only in Italian but in regional languages such as Sardinian, Friulian etc, to reach the world in English”. Editor Michele Pinna presents parallel texts in Sardinian and English from ten poets: Alcioni, Canu, Cocco, Cherchi, Delogu, Mura Ena, Piras, Porcheddu, Rubattu and Serra. The language question runs through these poems, but so too does a love for the country and its traditions.

Changeling Clare Pollard “Her work really is emphatically of our time...” – Ian McMillan, BBC Radio 3. From 17th-century Lancashire witch-trials to the gangs of modern-day east London, Changeling takes on our myths and monsters. These are poems of place that journey from Zennor to Whitby, Broadstairs to Brick Lane. Whether relocating the traditional ballad ‘The Twa Corbies’ to wartorn Iraq or giving us a glimpse of the ‘beast of Bolton’, Changeling is a collection about our relationship with the Other: fear and trust, force and freedom, and the stories we tell ourselves. “Her work really is emphatically of our time, capturing the world in its beauties and horrors in writing that’s technically superb…” Ian McMillan, The Verb

Michele Pinna is Professor of Sardinian Literature at the University of Sassari and writes extensively on the history, language, literature and folklore of Sardinia. Andrea Bianchi and Silvana Siviero, the founding editors of the series, work as translators from English and Welsh to Italian or from Italian to English. Giuseppe Serpillo is Professor of English Literature at the University of Sassari, with a special interest in Irish and Welsh literature. Robert Minhinnick is a Welsh poet, essayist, translator and former editor of Poetry Wales. His books have won many awards, including two Forward Prizes (Best Single Poem, in 1999 and 2003) and the 2006 Wales Book of the Year for To Babel and Back (Seren, 2005).

Clare Pollard was born in Bolton in 1978. She has published three other poetry collections with Bloodaxe: The Heavy-Petting Zoo (1998), which she wrote while still at school, Bedtime (2002) and Look, Clare! Look! (2005), a GCSE set-text in Wales. Her first play, The Weather (Faber, 2004), premièred at The Royal Court Theatre. She works as an editor, broadcaster and teacher, and co-edited the Bloodaxe anthology Voice Recognition: 21 Poets for the 21st Century (2009) with James Byrne.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £7.99 | 978-1-907090-39-4 | 216x140mm | 112pp | June

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-11-3 | 216x138mm | 64pp | June

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“Clare Pollard has so much youthful talent that it’s alarming... I loved the headlong rush of it all.” Catherine Czerkawska, Mslexia

poet r y The Assay by Yvonne Green Smith/Doorstop | Paperback 75pp | £8.95 978-1-906613-17-4

Being Alive by Neil Astley (ed) Bloodaxe | Paperback 514pp | £10.95 978-1-852246-75-4

A Cure for Woodness by Michael Haslam Arc | Paperback & Hardback 96pp | £9.99 / £12.99 978-1-904614-84-5 (pb) 978-1-906570-36-1 (hb)

De Chirico’s Threads by Carol Rumens Seren | Paperback 72pp | £8.99 978-1-854115-34-8

Developing the Negative by Emily Wills The Rialto | Paperback 72pp | £8.50 978-0-955127-33-5

Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology by Jessie Lendennie (ed) Salmon Poetry | Paperback 462pp | £15.00 978-1-907056-50-5

Countdown Carole Satyamurti Winner of Cholmondeley Award and National Poetry Competition. The central theme of Carole Satyamurti’s new collection is the shifting relationship between loss and gain. The poems in Countdown range from the personal to the political, the psychological to the scientific, many addressing the human cost of war and terror, most notably in ‘Memorial’, written after a visit to Oradour-sur-Glane, the still desolate French village where six hundred innocent people were massacred in 1944. A sense of the transience and fragility of life runs through all the poems, the questions of ageing and mortality addressed with both seriousness and humour, and an ever-sharp eye for detail. “Her unobtrusive approach is deceptive – these poems have unexpected stings in their tails.” Penelope Shuttle Carole Satyamurti is a poet and sociologist who lives and works in London. She won the National Poetry Competition in 1986 and a Cholmondeley Award in 2000. This is her first new collection since Stitching the Dark: New & Selected Poems (Bloodaxe, 2005), which drew on her previous collections Broken Moon (1987), Changing the Subject (1990), Striking Distance (1994) and Love and Variations (2000). Her translation from the Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata is forthcoming from Norton.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-12-0 | 216x138mm | 64pp | June

41 | JUNE

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Dragon Talk by Fleur Adcock Bloodaxe | Paperback 64pp | £7.95 978-1-852248-78-9

Heavenly Life by Ramsey Nasr Banipal | Paperback 180pp | £7.99 978-0-954966-69-0

How to Pour Madness into a Teacup by Abegail Morley Cinnamon | Paperback 64pp | £7.99 978-1-907090-00-4

I Spy Pinhole Eye by Philip Gross, Simon Denison Cinnamon | Paperback 80pp | £11.99 978-1-905614-99-8

Identity Parade: New British & Irish Poets by Roddy Lumsden (ed) Bloodaxe | Paperback 400pp | £12.00 978-1-852248-39-0

The Iron Book of New Humorous Verse by Eileen Jones (ed) Iron Press | Paperback 130pp | £8.00 978-0-955245-09-1

Landing Places by Eva Bourke, Borbála Faragó (eds) Dedalus Press | Paperback & Hardback 238pp | £13.50 / £22.50 978-1-906614-21-8 (pb) 978-1-906614-22-5 (hb)

Later Selected Poems by Sheenagh Pugh Seren | Paperback 120pp | £9.99 978-1-854114-97-6

Learning Gravity by Helen Oswald tall-lighthouse | Paperback 62pp | £8.00 978-1-904551-77-5

Long Division by Andrea Cohen Salmon Poetry | Paperback 120pp | £10.00 978-0-956128-71-3

Miming Happiness by Allison McVety Smith/Doorstop | Paperback 57pp | £8.95 978-1-906613-14-3

Night Train by Sean O’Brien, Birtley Aris Flambard | Paperback 64pp | £9.99 978-1-906601-08-9

Selected backlist | 4 2

poet r y Not for Specialists by W.D. Snodgrass Waywiser | Paperback 128pp | £10.99 978-1-904130-35-2

Our Sweet Little Time by Hamish Ironside Iron Press | Paperback 144pp | £6.00 978-0-955245-07-7

Pavilion by Deborah Tyler-Bennett Smokestack | Paperback 64pp | £7.95 978-0-956034-15-1

Penultimata by Robert Conquest Waywiser | Paperback 192pp | £8.99 978-1-904130-36-9

Phantom Noise by Brian Turner Bloodaxe | Paperback 80pp | £8.95 978-1-852248-76-5

Pray for Us Sinners by Joolz Denby Comma Poetry | Paperback 80pp | £6.99 978-0-954828-06-6

The Scent of Your Shadow by Kristiina Ehin Arc | Paperback 110pp | £9.99 978-1-906570-53-8

The Seer Sung Husband by Bob Beagrie Smokestack | Paperback 64pp | £7.95 978-0-956034-14-4

Skirrid Hill by Owen Sheers Seren | Paperback 72pp | £7.99 978-1-854114-03-7

Standard Midland by Roy Fisher Bloodaxe | Paperback 64pp | £7.95 978-1-852248-70-3

Staying Alive by Neil Astley (ed) Bloodaxe | Paperback 496pp | £10.95 978-1-852245-88-7

Steak & Stations by Michael Egan Penned in the Margins | Paperback 80pp | £8.99 978-0-956546-75-3

43 | Selected backlist

P oet r y

Ten: New Poets from Spread the Word by Bernardine Evaristo and Daljit Nagra (eds) Bloodaxe | Paperback 128pp | £8.95 978-1-852248-79-6

Territory by Andrew Forster Flambard | Paperback 72pp | £7.50 978-1-906601-15-7

Time Between Tides by Seán Street Rockingham Press | Paperback 107pp | £7.99 978-1-904851-33-2

Too Black, Too Strong by Benjamin Zephaniah Bloodaxe | Paperback 88pp | £7.95 978-1-852245-54-2

Twelve Nudes by Ross Sutherland Penned in the Margins Paperback (boxed) 48pp | £9.50 978-0-956546-73-9

Undraining Sea by Vahni Capildeo Egg Box | Paperback 112pp | £12.99 978-0-955939-90-7

The Wall-Menders by Kate Noakes Two Rivers Press | Paperback 60pp | £8.00 978-1-901677-64-5

The Water Table by Philip Gross Bloodaxe | Paperback 64pp | £7.95 978-1-852248-52-9

What the Water Gave Me: Poems after Frida Kahlo by Pascale Petit Seren | Paperback 72pp | £8.99 978-1-854115-15-7

The Wisteria’s Children by Sarah Lawson Hearing Eye | Paperback 54pp | £5.00 978-1-905082-53-7

You by John Haynes Seren | Paperback 72pp | £8.99 978-1-854115-17-1

You Are Her by Linda France Arc | Paperback & Hardback 92pp | £9.99 / £12.99 978-1-906570-55-2 (pb) 978-1-906570-56-9 (hb)

Selected backlist | 4 4




Coming Home Jan Fortune-Wood Fourth novel from Cinnamon Press editor. Coming Home covers a day in the lives of one man and the women he loves, and lets down. This is the day when Jim returns home to his abandoned Welsh family, leaving his Filipino lover Consuela to face pregnancy and an uncertain future alone. And this is the day when Jim’s memories come home to roost: ranging from the 1940s to the 1990s, from north Wales and the industrial demise of the 1970s to his work in Algeria and in the cities of Manila and Baguio in the Philippines. Against a backdrop of abandonment, betrayal and loss, new life emerges as both Consuela and Jim’s estranged daughter Megan make their own discoveries about acceptance and transformation. Jan Fortune-Wood is the founding editor of Cinnamon Press and also teaches Creative Writing. Her books include the novels A Good Life, Dear Ceridwen and The Standing Ground, and poetry in the collections Particles of Life and Stale Bread and Miracles.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-27-1 | 198x129mm | 208pp | January


UEA Creative Writing Anthology 2010 Nathan Hamilton and Rachel Hore (editors) Foreword by John Boyne, author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA presents new work from the three prose strands of the course: fiction, life writing, and scriptwriting. Past course tutors and students have included Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan, Toby Litt, John Boyne, Trezza Azzopardi, Rose Tremain, Malcolm Bradbury, Anne Enright, Angela Carter, Ali Smith, Tracey Chevalier, Joe Dunthorne, Adam Foulds and Tash Aw, among many others. “UEA has a knack of discovering writers with a distinctive voice – in this case 40 distinctive voices – and this latest anthology proves that standards remain high. Thoughtful prose, provocative stories that stay in the mind, extracts from novels that make one long for the finished book. Read it and sample the future.” John Boyne

Egg Box Publishing | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-0-955939-95-2 | 210x148mm | 304pp | January


A Book of Blues Courttia Newland “One of Britain’s most important young black novelists... a truly gifted storyteller” – Time Out. A music journalist suffering a crisis of identity in Miami. The year young London went crazy for hip-hop. Old friends trying to connect their disparate lives once more. In stories threaded together with music, A Book of Blues explores both physical and internal landscapes and the never-ending diversity of human relationships. A storyteller whose locations span continents and cultures, from the sparse Kenyan bush to the bustling Portobello Road, Courttia Newland paints vivid, inimitable portraits of characters endeavouring to navigate their way through a world where love presents as many problems as it does opportunities. “One of the most imaginative, free-thinking writers working today. I love his work.” Sarah Hall Courttia Newland is the author of the critically-acclaimed novels The Scholar (1997), Society Within (1999) and Snakeskin (2002). He was the co-editor of IC3: The Penguin Book of New Black Writing in Britain (2000). His latest books are The Dying Wish (2006), and a collection of stories, Music For the Off-Key (2006). His radio play, Hands, was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2006. W10 LDN, a BBC Three television drama, was based on Courttia’s short stories. In 2007 he was shortlisted for the CWA Dagger in the Library Award. Flambard Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-906601-22-5 | 198x129mm | 224pp | March

Brother ’Lijah Built the Arc Glenis Stott Winner of the 2009 Cinnamon Press Novel Award.

Liam is grateful to the religious community that takes him in off the streets – the people are ‘nice’ and the food is great, but Elijah’s ranting worries him and the lack of privacy begins to eat away at him – between work, Morning Meeting, Afternoon Assembly, Circle Time and Social Hour the only time alone is in the bathroom. But it isn’t only the feeling that someone is always watching him that is awry in this closed community, and as things wind towards a disturbing climax it isn’t only Elijah who disquiets the reader; does Liam have his own emerging demons? Brilliantly observed, unsettling and wry, Brother ‘Lijah Built the Arc won the Cinnamon Press Novel Award for 2009. Glenis Stott lives in Lancashire. She began writing when her daughter died in 1999. She graduated in MA Creative Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2006. She now works as a library assistant on a casual basis which allows her to focus on her writing.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-29-5 | 216x140mm | 208pp | March

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The Quality of Light Richard Collins Nominated for 2004 Whitbread Prize for Best First Novel for The Land as Viewed from the Sea. By chance, Daniel and Isabel both find themselves visiting a city of long-ago memories. Each is haunted by their time previously spent there, a past in which they attended the same course, fell in love and almost – but not quite– began a relationship, before things went horribly wrong. Will their paths cross again as they crisscross the city? And what of their former course tutor who, it gradually emerges, was himself deeply affected by Daniel and Isabel’s first meeting? Now afflicted by the early onset of Parkinson’s Disease, he too recalls the past in the light of his new condition. “Fresh, surprising and ambitious... Richard Collins’ darkhearted love story is a gripping tale that unfolds with immense narrative skill.” The Whitbread First Novel Award Judges on The Land as Viewed from the Sea Richard Collins is the author of two other novels, The Land as Viewed from the Sea (Seren, 2005) and Overland (Seren, 2006). The former was shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize for Best First Novel in 2004 and the Arts Council of Wales Book of the Year Award in 2005. A lecturer in countryside crafts, Richard lives in rural west Wales.

Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-36-2 | 208x135mm | 192pp | April

A P RIL | 4 8

Mendeleev Rock & Rooftop Anesthesia Andrei Kuzechkin and Pavel Kostin Two novellas showcasing the best of new Russian writing. Two short novels from Russia, both painting a vivid portrait of life for the new generation: of young people in their late teens and early 20s stung by their first contact with harsh reality. Mendeleev Rock by Andrei Kuzechkin presents a modern-day rogues gallery: radically-minded youths, ruthless skinheads, drunken intellectuals, the local elite and its fallen fortune-seekers. Its hero is the frontman of a failed rock band, torn between two loves, yearning for faraway glamorous cities. In search of new inspiration he slips into the darker reaches of society. Rooftop Anesthesia by Pavel Kostin is another story of misadventure. Out of boredom one young man invents his own entertainment: climbing down abandoned high-rises. Soon he becomes a city celebrity. But with fame comes the cold calculation of PR managers, as the ‘merry rage’ with which the movement started gives way to the unhinged craze of life in the media spotlight. Andrei Kuzechkin was born in 1982 and grew up near Nizhni Novgorod on the Volga. Mendeleev Rock won the annual prize in October magazine and was a finalist in the Debut Prize. Pavel Kostin was born in 1981 in Kaliningrad. His first novel, The Runner, was nominated for the Debut Prize, as was Rooftop Anesthesia. Glas | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-5-717200-89-9 | 200x125mm | 300pp | April


The Colour of Grass Nia Williams

Dovetail Jeremy Hughes

Third novel from Welsh author now based in Oxford.

The designer-murders of American Psycho meet the inventions of The Wasp Factory.

Helen’s family is falling apart. Her husband, Nick, has been in a coma for the last two years, most of which she has spent talking to him in hospital in the hope of a response. But, looking back, she can’t remember how many years ago it was that he stopped talking to her. Her daughter, Lisa, has her own issues and, suddenly alone, Helen turns to other relatives: the ones who are dead and gone. Straight away she finds herself floundering in a colourful and confusing new world of friends, secrets, enemies and family history enthusiasts.

A psychological thriller, set in Spain and south-east Wales, on obsession and the far-reaching evils of perfectionism. Fifteen year old Tim’s world changes forever when he is attacked by a gang of bullies. As an adult, devoting himself to revenge, he is repellently creative, a fine craftsman in everything he does, including murder. Constantly aware of the aesthetics of the world around him, he turns revenge into a fine art. But can he create the perfect killing machine, and how much practice does he need before he achieves his goal?

The Colour of Grass by Nia Williams is a beautifully and sensitively observed story about families, past and present, and life’s unexpected connections.

“A subtly daring format and an easy, hypnotic style, at once tense and uncommon.” John Ballam

Nia Williams is a freelance writer and musician, born in Cardiff and now living in Oxford. Her published work includes short fiction and two novels: The Pier Glass (2001) and Persons Living or Dead (2005), which was longlisted for the Wales Book of the Year in 2006. Her short stories have been published in several anthologies, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and Radio Wales, and translated into Czech.

Jeremy Hughes was one of the first students to study for the Master’s in Writing at Oxford University, from which he graduated with distinction. He was awarded first prize in the Poetry Wales competition and his poetry was shortlisted for an Eric Gregory Award. He has published two pamphlets – breathing for all my birds (2000) and The Woman Opposite (2004) – and has widely published poetry, short fiction and reviews in British and American periodicals. Jeremy lives in Abergavenny.

Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-39-3 | 208x135mm | 240pp | April

Alcemi | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-0-956012-53-1 | 215x140mm | 200pp | May

49 | M AY


Perfect Architect Jayne Joso New novel from London-based author of Soothing Music for Stray Cats, finalist for People’s Book Prize 2010. A love letter to architecture, Jayne Joso’s second novel is set in the dazzling and eccentric world of the star architect. After the death of her architect husband Charles, and the discovery of intimate correspondence with another woman, Gaia Ore is about to learn some harsh but rewarding lessons on the nature of erotic and artistic obsession. Flowing between Spain, Italy, the US and the UK, four world-class architects – Charles’ former adversaries – take up the challenge of designing Gaia’s perfect home. But will they truly understand what is required of them? Accustomed as they are to skyscrapers, bridges, museums and galleries, will the request for a modest dwelling ultimately get the better of them? “A work of stunning originality and deftness of prose, in which Jayne Joso explores with delicate skill and rare empathy what becomes of the broken hearted.” Cathi Unsworth “Jayne Joso is an extraordinary writer of fiction.” Rob Burdock Jayne Joso now lives in London, having lived and worked in Japan and China. Perfect Architect is her second novel. Her debut, Soothing Music for Stray Cats (Alcemi, 2009), was a finalist in the People’s Book Prize in 2010.

Alcemi | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-0-956012-52-4 | 215x140mm | 200pp | May

Special Needs Sue Vickerman Comic novel about teaching from author championed by Sandi Toksvig and Magnus Magnusson. In a multi-cultural community somewhere in the North, teaching is not the only thing that occupies the mind. Special Needs features a vibrant cast of teachers and dreamers: adults every bit as in need of self-discovery as their teenage charges and offspring. A tour de force about family, race, sexual identity, lesbianism and life at the chalk-face, Special Needs is an always intelligent, often hilarious and unerringly humane debut, filled with larger-than-life but thoroughly credible characters, from an accomplished and mature voice. Sue Vickerman was born in Bradford. While living in a Scottish lighthouse, she had two poetry collections published: Shag (2003) and The Social Decline of the Oystercatcher (2005), the latter championed by the likes of Sandi Toksvig and Magnus Magnusson. Her short stories have appeared in Staple, Peninsular and The Frogmore Papers, and have been anthologised by Virago and Diva Books. Having lived on four different continents, home is currently a room in a watermill in the Yorkshire Dales.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-33-2 | 198x129mm | 254pp | May

MAY | 5 0


Fragmented Jeremy Worman

The Last 100 Days Patrick McGuinness

Debut short-story collection from established broadsheet journalist.

Historical fiction by prize-winning Welsh poet and cultural commentator.

Fragmented brings together short stories and sketches, charting a personal journey from squatter and hippy in Seventies London to creative, stable middle-age as husband, father, teacher and writer. Recording and responding to social change, often by seizing moments in the flux of city life, these stories are both self-contained fragments and a cohesive narrative of a city and an individual within it. Many sketches are set in Hackney or Hornsey Rise, at one time the largest squat in Europe. Fragmented brings to life the underside of London – outsiders, drugs, racial tension and crime – and explores deeper themes not only of childhood, family and relationships, but also of the nature of writing, political idealism, fear of oblivion and how we conjure and retain a sense of the past.

The socialist state is in stasis, the shops are empty, and beautiful old Bucharest vanishes daily under the onslaught of Ceaucescu’s demolition gangs. Paranoia is pervasive and secret service men lurk in the shadows. In The Last 100 Days, Patrick McGuinness creates an absorbing sense of time and place as the city struggles to survive this intense moment of history. He evokes a world of extremity and ravaged beauty, close to the eye of the storm as the regime of 1980s Romania crumbles to a bloody end.

Jeremy Worman has reviewed for The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Spectator, The New Statesman, the TLS and many other publications. ‘Storm at Galesburg’ won the Cinnamon Press Short Story Competition in 2009 and ‘Terry’ won the Waterstone’s / Multi-Storey competition in 2002. His first novel, It’s All Right, Ma is forthcoming. He has degrees in English from London University and Cambridge University and teaches English Literature to American students at Birkbeck. Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-34-9 | 198x129mm | 160pp | May

Patrick McGuinness is a Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Oxford University and a Fellow of St Anne’s College where he has taught since 1998. He lives in north-west Wales. His poetry is published by Carcanet: his latest collection being Jilted City (2010). He has won an Eric Gregory Award, as well as the American Poetry Foundation’s Levinson Prize in 2003 and the Poetry Business Prize in 2006. He frequently writes and presents for Radio 3 and 4, on poetry, French culture and his own work as a poet and translator. His translation of Stephane Mallarme’s For Anatole’s Tomb was the Poetry Book Society’s Translation Choice in 2004.

Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-41-6 | 208x135mm | 356pp | May

51 | M AY


Daniel’s Beetles Tony Bianchi

Not Tonight Neil Ian Gregson

English translation of 2007 Daniel Owen Prize-winning novel.

Edgy, filmic thriller set on a Manchester council estate in the 1960s.

Daniel’s Beetles is the author’s translation of his Welsh novel, Pryfeta, which won the 2007 Daniel Owen Prize and was shortlisted for the 2008 Wales Book of the Year. Daniel’s interest in insects dates back to memories of an early childhood birthday and his father’s fatal accident. Now middle-aged and divorced, Daniel’s humdrum life suddenly changes direction when a blind woman, Cerys, joins his monthly reading-group. Daniel is fascinated by Cerys, drawn into her work, compelled to take a job in her company, His duties become all-consuming, blurring the boundaries between real life and virtual reality. Then he hits on a sinister way to help his ageing mother enjoy her memories, as well as rewriting his own past.

Not Tonight Neil is an innovative mix of psycho-thriller and period satire, set in 1969 on a Manchester council estate. Forty-something satirical cartoonist Dennis Pugh publishes ‘Noises Through the Wall’, the story of his teenage years, going through puberty only a thin wall away from his sexually exuberant neighbours. Now those formative years, and noises through the wall, emerge again, this time in the form of murder. The novel cleverly combines social realism and dark comedy: pitching together Dennis’s adolescent travails and impossible longings with the puzzle of who commits the central act.

“This is an intricate and multi-layered novel, rich in ideas and eloquent in expression, which will be pored over for years to come.” Planet Tony Bianchi is a freelance writer and arts researcher, formerly Literature Director at the Arts Council of Wales. He is also a critic and has won national and international prizes for his poetry in Welsh. He is the author of another novel in Welsh, Esgyrn Bach (The Bone Pickers) (Y Lolfa, 2006), and a novel in English: Bumping (Alcemi, 2010), set in Newcastle upon Tyne. Seren | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-854115-44-7 | 216x138mm | 220pp | June

J UNE | 5 2

Ian Gregson is an award-winning poet whose latest book of poems is How We Met (2008); Call Centre Love Song (2006) was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. He has published poems and reviews in the London Review of Books, the TLS and Poetry Review, among others, and co-edited the anthology Old City, New Rumours with Carol Rumens (Five Leaves, 2010). He teaches Literature and Creative Writing in the English Department at Bangor University; is the editor of Salt Wales and judged the Wales Book of the Year 2010.

Cinnamon Press | Paperback | £8.99 | 978-1-907090-37-0 | 198x129mm | 254pp | June

FI CTION Always the Love of Someone by Huw Lawrence Alcemi | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-29-6

Bamboo Grove by Romy Wood Alcemi | Paperback 260pp | £9.99 978-0-956012-51-7

Born in the 1980s by Catherine Browne (ed) Route | Paperback 176pp | £8.99 978-1-901927-40-5

Bumping by Tony Bianchi Alcemi | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-28-9

Clay by Gladys Mary Coles Flambard | Paperback 272pp | £8.99 978-1-906601-19-5

The Day of the Sardine by Sid Chaplin Flambard | Paperback 292pp | £8.99 978-1-873226-72-8

Speak to Strangers Gemma Seltzer Featured in The Independent on Sunday. London is a city full of millions of strangers. Gemma Seltzer wants to meet all of them. Inspired by comedian Josie Long’s online self-improvement project One Hundred Days to Make Me a Better Person, Speak to Strangers is a brilliant, funny and uplifting sequence of one hundred hundred-word short stories. Through positive interactions with new people, Gemma spreads a bit of good energy throughout the capital. Gemma Seltzer is a London-based writer interested in charting ordinary life in her creative work. Her stories have been published in various online and print journals, most recently in the Spring issue of .Cent Magazine, and in the anthology Rogue Symphonies (2007). In 2008, she completed an MA in Creative and Life Writing at Goldsmiths College and has just finished her first novel. Gemma also collaborates with visual artists and was recently commissioned by The Photographers’ Gallery to write a short story in response to a series of films about Soho by Jordan Baseman. As a consequence, she was invited by ArtSway to discuss her work as part of the ‘Narrating Art’ event at the Venice Biennale 2009.

Penned in the Margins | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-0-956546-79-1 | 216x138mm | 112pp | June

53 | June


The Deer Wedding by Penny Simpson Alcemi | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-0-956012-50-0

The Dreams of Max and Ronnie by Niall Griffiths Seren | Paperback 168pp | £7.99 978-1-854115-02-7

Eleven by David Llewellyn Seren | Paperback 130pp | £6.99 978-1-854114-15-0

Faith, Hope and Love by Llwyd Owen Alcemi | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-27-2

Felicity and Barbara Pym by Harrison Solow Cinnamon | Paperback 208pp | £8.99 978-1-907090-11-0

The Horses by Elaine Walker Cinnamon | Paperback 256pp | £9.99 978-1-907090-09-7

The Icarus Diaries by Kate Hoyland Cinnamon | Paperback 240pp | £8.99 978-1-907090-20-2

Ideas Above Our Station by Ian Daley (ed) Route | Paperback 212pp | £8.99 978-1-901927-28-3

It’s Just the Beating of My Heart by Richard Aronowitz Flambard | Paperback 254pp | £8.99 978-1-906601-13-3

Kilo by MY Alam Route | Paperback 320pp | £6.95 978-1-901927-09-2

Knives by Wendy Robertson Iron Press | Paperback 128pp | £8.00 978-0-955245-06-0

La Rochelle by Michael Nath Route | Paperback 288pp | £8.99 978-1-901927-43-6

Selected backlist | 5 4

FI CTION The Land as Viewed from the Sea by Richard Collins Seren | Paperback 200pp | £6.99 978-1-854113-67-2

The Legend of Liz and Joe by John Murray Flambard | Paperback 224pp | £8.99 978-1-906601-07-2

Le Temps des Cerises by Zillah Bethell Seren | Paperback 304pp | £8.99 978-1-854115-22-5

The Meat Tree by Gwyneth Lewis Seren | Paperback 192pp | £7.99 978-1-854115-23-2

The Ninth Wave by Russell Celyn Jones Seren | Paperback 176pp | £7.99 978-1-854115-14-0

A Place of Meadows and Tall Trees by Clare Dudman Seren | Paperback 300pp | £8.99 978-1-854115-18-8

The Route Book at Bedtime by Ian Daley (ed) Route | Paperback 192pp | £8.99 978-1-901927-42-9

Sardines and Oranges by Margaret Obank (ed) Banipal | Paperback 222pp | £8.99 978-0-954966-61-4

Scars Beneath the Skin by AJ Duggan Flambard | Paperback 256pp | £8.99 978-1-906601-06-5

The Schoolboy by Holly Howitt Cinnamon | Paperback 160pp | £8.99 978-1-905614-88-2

The Sheep Who Changed the World by Neil Astley Flambard | Paperback 254pp | £8.99 978-1-873226-75-9

The Sleepwalkers’ Ball by Alan Bilton Alcemi | Paperback 256pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-26-5

55 | SElected backlist

FI CTION Soothing Music for Stray Cats by Jayne Joso Alcemi | Paperback 256pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-25-8

Squaring the Circle by Natasha Perova and Olga Slavnikova (eds) Glas | Paperback 300pp | £8.99 978-5-717200-86-8

Stranded by Val McDermid Flambard | Paperback & Hardback 216pp | £7.99 / £14.99 978-1-873226-74-2 (pb) 978-1-873226-76-6 (hb)

TAG by Stephen May Cinnamon | Paperback 336pp | £8.99 978-1-905614-37-0

Thinner than a Hair by Adnan Mahmutovic Cinnamon | Paperback 208pp | £8.99 978-1-907090-03-5

Touch by Graham Mort Seren | Paperback 220pp | £7.99 978-1-854115-12-6

Truth Games by Bobbie Darbyshire Cinnamon | Paperback 288pp | £8.99 978-1-905614-72-1

The Turing Test by Chris Beckett Elastic | Paperback 230pp | £5.99 978-0-955318-18-4

Twenty Thousand Saints by Fflur Dafydd Alcemi | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-0-955527-22-7

Uncle Freddie and the Prince of Wales by Alex Ferguson Iron Press | Paperback 240pp | £10.00 978-0-955245-08-4

War and Peace by Natasha Perova (ed) Glas | Paperback 400pp | £12.99 978-5-717200-74-5

White Ravens by Owen Sheers Seren | Paperback 192pp | £7.99 978-1-854115-03-4





Noteworthy: Images of Welsh Music Bruce Cardwell New photography collection, focusing on musicians in Wales. Music makers are the focus of Bruce Cardwell’s latest book of black-and-white reportage and portrait photography, with 80 new images in total. Practitioners of acoustic and vocal music – folk, gospel, opera, choral, classical and ‘ethnic’ – in Wales at the start of the twenty-first century make for a rich and diverse gallery of talent. Cardwell’s subjects range from harpists Catrin Finch and Elinor Bennett, through Bryn Terfel, conductor Owain Arwel Hughes and Incredible String Band songwriter Robin Williamson to Welsh bagpipers, hurdy gurdy players, harpmakers, and African drummers in Newbridge and steel bands in Carmarthen. All musical life is here and the resulting book is an atmospheric group portrait of musicianship, fascinating to followers of music and photography alike. Bruce Cardwell is the author of Hoofpicks (Seren, 2009), a collection of photographs of horses in Wales. He is also a practising folk musician, playing flute, violin and citrain, who has appeared in Wales, Britain, Ireland and Europe. He has an invaluable personal insight into the lives of musicians and the world of music in Wales. Seren | Hardback | £14.99 | 978-1-854115-40-9 | 216x138mm | 144pp | April

Real South Pembrokeshire Tony Curtis Latest in Seren’s Real series, mixing travelogue with personal memoir. The Real series moves to west Wales as poet, past resident and frequent visitor Tony Curtis roams around south Pembrokeshire. On his tour round this halfcounty Curtis takes in many contrasts, from Pembrokeshire’s new potatoes to the oil refineries of Angle, from farmworkers to immigrant artists, from the excited tourism of Folly Farm and Oakwood Park to the tranquility of Bosherston Ponds and timeless beauty of Broadhaven beach. 60 black-andwhite photographs help plot the way. The mix of new and old, of memoir, anecdote and history gives us new insights into the patterns and vivacity of life in one of the most beautiful places in Britain. Tony Curtis is the prize-winning author of over a dozen collections of poetry. Formerly Chairman of the Welsh Academy of Writers, his awards include an Eric Gregory Award, the UK National Poetry Competition, the Greenwich Festival Poetry Prize, the Dylan Thomas Prize and a Cholmondeley Award. He is also the editor of a variety of anthologies, including The Poetry of Pembrokeshire (Seren, 1995). He has written extensively about Pembrokeshire in his own poetry. In 2001 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Seren | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-1-854115-37-9 | 216x138mm | 220pp | April

A P RIL | 5 8


The Dragon and the Crescent Grahame Davies (editor)

Jonah Jones: An Artist’s Life Peter Jones

Timely exploration of the relationship between Wales and Islam.

Biography of important Welsh artist and cultural figurehead, with foreword by Jan Morris.

In The Dragon and the Crescent Grahame Davies explores the relationship between Wales and Islam through a compilation of writings by Welsh authors. Stretching back to the Crusades, through the eighteenth century and William Williams Pantycelyn’s influential book on world religions, to the present-day, the book takes in a range of writing and attitudes, including the publication of the controversial cartoons of Mohammed in the Welsh magazines Gair Rhydd and Y Llan. There are memoirs and letters from missionaries, military diaries and journals, hymns, poems and stories, travel writings and even a poem from 2006 by Gwynfor ab Ifor about the mentality of a suicide bomber. The authors featured include Ann Griffiths, Eluned Morgan, T Gwynn Jones, Cynan, TE Lawrence, Lloyd George, Iwan Llwyd, Gwyn Williams and Angharad Tomos. Grahame Davies is a poet, novelist and literary critic. In 2002 he won the Welsh Arts Council Book of the Year Award for his poetry collection Cadwyni Rhyddid. Seren has previously published a translation of a novel, as Everything Must Change (2007), as well as Real Wrexham (2007). He works at BBC Wales where he heads the digital newsroom in both languages. He now lives in Cardiff.

Seren | Paperback | £12.99 | 978-1-854115-57-7 | 216x138mm | 240pp | April

Sculptor, painter, letter cutter, stained glass artist, novelist, travel writer and academic, Jonah Jones (1909-2000) was a twentieth-century renaissance man. Born into a family of miners, Jonah Jones first found his passion for art while serving with the Medical Corps during the Second World War. He later settled in his family’s homeland of Wales: much of his early work was at Clough WilliamsEllis’s Portmeirion village. The two became close friends and Jones widened his circle to include Richard Hughes, Bertrand Russell, John Cowper Powys and Huw Weldon. In a varied career Jonah Jones produced intimate sculptures, monumental installations, and beautiful inscriptions, in addition to writing several novels, a biography of Clough Williams-Ellis and a hugely regarded survey of the lakes of north Wales. This book is a remarkable portrait of both an artist and of art in the twentieth century. “... proud, humorous, affable, patriotically Welsh, and deeply committed to his humanitarian ideals and a belief in the transforming power of art...” The Guardian Peter Jones is the son of Jonah Jones, who worked with him in his studio for a number of years before working for the BBC World Service. Seren | Hardback | £14.99 | 978-1-854115-56-0 | 216x138mm | 240pp | April

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The Vagabond’s Breakfast Richard Gwyn Startling memoir from acclaimed author of The Colour of a Dog Running Away. “Richard Gwyn’s memoir – his down-and-out vagabondage around the Mediterranean – takes us on a terrifying, funny, and erudite journey through alcoholism, insomnia and liver disease to a redemptive and self-accepting wisdom. One hell of a good read.” Desmond Barry In 2006, Richard Gwyn was given a year to live unless a suitable liver donor were found. A novelist and poet, he lost nine years of his life to vagrancy and alcoholism in the Mediterranean, principally Spain and Crete. This memoir is an account of his ‘lost’ years: of addiction and reckless travel; serial hospitalisations; redemption via friendship, love and fatherhood; recovery; living with viral hepatitis, and the life-saving gift of a liver graft. Richard Gwyn is a novelist, poet and critic. His publications include the much-acclaimed novels The Colour of a Dog Running Away (2006) and Deep Hanging Out (2007), along with several poetry titles, the most recent being Sad Giraffe Café (Arc, 2010). He is a regular columnist for Poetry Wales and reviews books for The Independent. He is currently Director of the MA in the Teaching and Practice of Creative Writing at Cardiff University.

Alcemi | Paperback | £9.99 | 978-0-956012-55-5 | 215x140mm | 200pp | May

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Music Lessons: Newcastle/ Bloodaxe Poetry Lectures Fiona Sampson Three lectures on contemporary poetry by leading poet and editor of Poetry Review. In this innovative series of public lectures at Newcastle University, leading contemporary poets speak about the craft and practice of poetry. The lectures are then published by Bloodaxe, giving readers everywhere the opportunity to learn what the poets themselves think about their own subject. It’s almost a cliché that music and poetry are cousins. Yet the actual forms music takes within poetry are unclear, even contested. Fiona Sampson’s Music Lessons outlines some of the parallels between the two, using ideas and examples from Martin Heidegger to J.S. Bach, Emily Dickinson to Leonard Cohen, and George Herbert to Julia Kristeva. Fiona Sampson was first a concert violinist, and then studied at the Universities of Oxford, where she won the Newdigate Prize, and Nijmegen, where she received a PhD in the philosophy of language. Her latest of seventeen books is Rough Music, shortlisted for the 2010 Forward and T.S. Eliot Prizes. In 2009 she received a Cholmondeley Award and became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. She is the editor of Poetry Review.

Bloodaxe | Paperback | £8.95 | 978-1-852249-09-0 | 216x138mm | 64pp | May

NON -F ICTION Art in the Light of Conscience: Eight Essays on Poetry by Marina Tsvetaeva Bloodaxe | Paperback 224pp | £9.95 978-1-852248-64-2

Canterbury Tales: Chaucer Made Modern by Phil Woods Iron Press | Paperback 72pp | £5.95 978-0-906228-43-2

Consorting with Angels by Deryn Rees-Jones Bloodaxe | Paperback 288pp | £10.95 978-1-852243-92-0

The Deregulated Muse by Sean O’Brien Bloodaxe | Paperback 320pp | £10.95 978-1-852242-82-4

Eat Wild by Duncan Mackay Two Rivers | Paperback 82pp | £8.95 978-1-901677-69-0

Fire Drill: Notes on the 21st Century by John Barnie Seren | Paperback 192pp | £9.99 978-1-854115-19-5

Evan Walters: Moments of Vision Barry Plummer (editor) Beautifully produced art biography of forgotten Welsh painter. Evan Walters (1893-1951) is perhaps the great hidden secret of Welsh painting in the twentieth century, an outstanding artist awaiting discovery further afield. This book presents, for the first time, a generous selection of colour reproductions of his paintings – portraits, landscapes, still lives – with a short biography of the artist. However, the bulk of the book is taken up by a host of responses to Walters’s work by leading artists and writers, including Jan Morris, Rowan Williams, Dannie Abse, Wynn Thomas, Nigel Jenkins, Trevor Fishlock, Jon Gower, John Barnie and Peter Finch. The result peels away the layers from both Walters and his respondents, and becomes a fascinating commentary on creativity and inspiration. All royalties are being donated to the Noah’s Ark Appeal for a children’s hospital in Wales. Barry Plummer is a former journalist from south Wales who became an art historian, via a doctorate at the Courtauld Institute. He has lectured in Art History in south Wales for the last ten years, currently at Swansea Metropolitan University.

Seren | Paperback | £12.99 | 978-1-854115-42-3 | 210x210mm | 144pp | June

61 | JUNE


Holy Wells: Cornwall by Phil Cope Seren | Hardback 220pp | £20.00 978-1-854115-28-7

Hurting God: Part Essay Part Rhyme by Rita Ann Higgins Salmon Poetry | Paperback 90pp | £10.00 978-1-907056-51-2

A Much-Maligned Town by Adam Sowan Two Rivers Press | Paperback 90pp | £8.95 978-1-901677-61-4

No Redemption by Keith Pattison and David Peace Flambard | Paperback 104pp | £20.00 978-1-906601-20-1

Poetry: Reading it, Writing it, Publishing it by Jessie Lendennie (ed) Salmon Poetry | Paperback 192pp | £12.00 978-0-956128-75-1

Real Bloomsbury by Nicholas Murray Seren | Paperback 200pp | £9.99 978-1-854115-26-3

The Russian Word’s Worth by Michele Berdy Glas | Paperback 400pp | £12.00 978-5-717200-87-5

Second Exile by Aleš Machácek and Jane Kirwan Rockingham Press | Paperback 88pp | £8.99 978-1-904851-37-0

Slanderous Tongues by Daniel Williams (ed) Seren | Paperback 220pp | £14.99 978-1-854114-58-7

Some Girls’ Mothers by Anne Caldwell (ed) Route | Paperback 128pp | £8.99 978-1-901927-39-9

Stress Fractures: Essays on Poetry by Tom Chivers (ed) Penned in the Margins | Paperback 160pp | £9.99 978-0-956546-71-5

What Did You Do in the War, Mummy? by Mavis Nicholson (ed) Seren | Paperback 280pp | £9.99 978-1-854115-29-4

Selected backlist | 6 2

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Acumen Acumen is a literary journal that places an emphasis on poetry. Edited for 25 years by Patricia Oxley, Acumen publishes a varied and impressive list of poets and critics. The magazine is also known to be on the lookout for highquality work by new and unknown talent of all ages. Published three times a year (January, May and September), the magazine contains approximately 50 new poems (including translations), reviews, poetry comment, and reader feedback. The critical articles are designed to set the reader thinking and thereby promote discussion within the correspondence columns of the magazine. “Acumen mixes poems and prose by celebrated and new writers who have something to say and say it well.” – Dannie Abse “Acumen deserves to be read for its first hand experience of poetry. The work it does is the opposite of academic and therefore valuable.” – Hugo Williams (winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize 1999) “A beacon of invention in the west, Acumen’s guiding light is valued throughout the wider world of letters. Printing the best, and not necessarily the most celebrated, is its policy.” – Peter Porter

Banipal Banipal has published hundreds of contemporary Arab authors in English translation – each magazine contains a wealth of poetry, fiction, interviews, book reviews and author photographs. In March 2008 Banipal won the UK Incwriters 2008-2010 Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature (Magazines). The Banipal – Arab British Centre Library of Modern Arab Literature (BALMAL) was officially opened on 12 January 2010 at a reception to celebrate the 2009 winner of the Saif Ghobash–Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation. It is the first lending library for literature from the Arab world, translated into English or written originally in English. It is housed at 1 Gough Square, London EC4A 3DE. “Banipal is almost my chief source of information about current Arabic writing and cultural events. Without Banipal I would be much less well-read. Its past issues constitute an incomparable archive.” – Robert Irwin “A combination of newly awakened curiosity about the Arab world and the tireless efforts of Banipal, an independent magazine committed to making Arab authors available to an English readership, may be about to extend our horizons.” – Stephanie Merritt, The Observer

| 64 Now in its 54th year, Envoi is a magazine with an eye for presenting poetry well on the page. Envoi welcomes all poets, both new and established, reflecting the best in Welsh writing on an international platform. Envoi is distinctive in that it publishes a small group of poems or a short sequence from each contributor rather than single poems. The style of the magazine is eclectic – its interest set on good poems in a wide range of styles, but with a leaning towards uncluttered, lucid modern poetry, particularly poetry that is willing to take risks. The magazine also features a substantial section of reviews and occasional poetry-related articles and poetry in translation. In addition, Envoi has a tradition of open poetry competitions with closing dates three times each year, with winning poems published in the magazine.

Modern Poetry in Translation Modern Poetry in Translation was founded by Ted Hughes and Daniel Weissbort in 1966. Since then, its aim has been to bring foreign poetry into wider circulation in English translation, and in doing so, to enrich its readers. Relaunched under the editorship of David and Helen Constantine in 2004, today it remains a journal with an international reputation for the broad range of poets and translators that it presents, and for the serious and lively discussion of the art of translation that it prompts. The real circumstances of the world may have changed, but they are every bit as pressing as they were when the magazine began. As the English language marches towards an apparent hegemony, the need for its readers and writers to be confronted by what is foreign is even greater still. Issues of MPT generally offer a themed special section, in addition to a wide-ranging selection of poems from other times and places, plus essays and reviews. The average issue weighs in at around 200 pages, and has a cover specially designed by the artist and designer, Lucy Wilkinson.

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Naked Punch Founded in 2002, Naked Punch is an art, politics, philosophy and poetry magazine run by a voluntary collective of young London-based thinkers. Essentially a non-institutional project, Naked Punch is the spontaneous collaboration of thinkers and artists residing in different cities of the world. Naked Punch aims to challenge sectarian positions and dogmatism of all kinds, while encouraging a sharing of new ideas to enrich everyday being. Past issues have featured extensive dossiers on such fields as Lebanese art, Latin American politics, Pakistani art, Arabic poetry, and many other global themes. The world’s leading intellectuals have contributed to Naked Punch, including the likes of Zizek, Simon Critchley, Spivak, Arthur Danto, Zia Sardar, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Arundati Roy, Howard Zinn, Wim Wenders, Ranciere, and many many more.

Poetry Wales Founded in 1965, Poetry Wales is a quarterly magazine with an international reputation for excellent poems, features and reviews from Wales and far beyond. It is rooted in a rich bilingual culture and explores the diverse perspectives of Welsh poetry in English and its international relationships. It also publishes outstanding poetry from around the world, and includes a rich seam of poetry in translation. Poetry Wales is open to tradition and experiment, and to publishing poetry from a wide range of approaches. It is widely read by poets and the general reader, and runs the annual Purple Moose Poetry Wales pamphlet competition.

| 66 From the 1700s to the present day, The London Magazine has played a vital role in the literary world, as a cultural review renowned for publishing only the best writers, artists and commentators from London and beyond. It has championed the work of Wordsworth, Lamb, De Quincey and Clare, as well as the ‘Cockney School’ of poets. Welcoming the publication under John Lehmann’s editorship, T. S. Eliot saw it as “the magazine which will boldly assume the existence of a public interested in serious literature”. Recent contributors have included Michael Blackburn, Roddy Lumsden, Mario Petrucci, John Hartley Williams, George Szirtes, Martyn Crucefix and many more. Consistently on the pulse of what is happening on the literary scene, The London Magazine is a meeting place of the day’s greatest minds.

The North The North is intelligent and generous, essential reading for all lovers of good poetry. As a small independent magazine, The North does not follow trends, foster political affinities or keep up appearances. It doesn’t do lots of useful, necessary and boring things and it doesn’t put up with middle-of-the-road ideas. The most important thing is the quality of the writing. Recent contributors to The North include Simon Armitage, George Szirtes, Allison McVety, Gillian Allnutt, Alan Brownjohn, Alison Brackenbury, Yvonne Green, John McAuliffe, Carol Ann Duffy and Roy Fisher. “Excellent.” – Carol Ann Duffy, The Guardian “Redressing the balance of English poetry.” – Poetry Review “The North grows in authority with every issue.” – Andy Croft

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The London Magazine


The Rialto Published three times a year since 1984, The Rialto is a magazine where you’ll find the poets you should be reading. Currently celebrating its 25th anniversary, it publishes a wide range of poets and styles, from eminent international names to emerging new writers. In recent issues you will find poetry, reviews and features from the likes of Fleur Adcock, Carol Ann Duffy, Les Murray, C.K. Williams, Linda France and Simon Armitage. “The Rialto is a poetry magazine that sets its bar perennially high. The formula is simple but effective: exceptional poetry and lots of it…” – The Guardian “The Rialto, Good Luck To It!” – Les Murray “Poetry gives us essential human pleasures and rewards, not least because it allows us to discover richer versions of ourselves. The Rialto, being reliably full of excellent new work, is an excellent place to find these pleasures and rewards.” – Sir Andrew Motion

All magazines available to the book trade through Central Books. Contact for further info.

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Bloodaxe Books

Alcemi’s tastes are for literary fiction by the writers of Wales; genre only if it has an intelligent twist; not so much fantasy as magic realism; not so keen on historical as retro; definitely surrealism, black comedy, sex. Urban, yes, but also rural voices which avoid sentimentality.

Bloodaxe has revolutionised poetry publishing in Britain over the past 30 years. Internationally renowned for quality in literature and excellence in book design, its authors and books have won virtually every major literary award given to poetry, from the T.S. Eliot Prize and Pulitzer to the Nobel Prize. Anthologies like Staying Alive and Being Alive have broken new ground by opening up contemporary poetry to many thousands of new readers. These two best-selling anthologies will be joined by a companion volume, Being Human, in March 2011.

Alcemi believes in publishing success stories, kept on a human scale. Editor Gwen Davies has experience of developing new fiction writers such as Richard Gwyn, Rachel Trezise and Tristan Hughes, who have gone on to make their name worldwide with publishers like Doubleday and Picador. Alcemi’s own plaudits include Gee Williams’ Salvage as nominee for the prestigious James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction, and Fflur Dafydd having been named as the Oxfam Hay Emerging Writer of the Year 2009 for her novel Twenty Thousand Saints.

Widely respected for its innovative, international and diverse range of poetry publishing, including a substantial list of books in translation, Bloodaxe publishes both new and established poets from Britain and Ireland, as well as many poets from the US, including the new Poet Laureate of the United States, W.S. Merwin, and former Laureate Robert Hass. A growing number of Bloodaxe publications now include audio CDs or films on DVD of poets reading their work.

Arc Publications To this day, Arc still adheres to its founding principles: to introduce the best of new talent to a UK readership, including voices from overseas that would otherwise remain unheard in this country, and to remain at the cutting edge of world poetry. Arc Publications was established by Tony Ward in 1969 with the pricipal aim of introducing new work to an eager readership, initially through a series of hand-produced pamphlets and later through full collections. Over forty years on, he runs the press with fellow director Angela Jarman and an Editorial Board of three, from a converted textile mill on the Yorkshire-Lancashire border in the north of England, producing upwards of 20 new titles a year.

Banipal Books Banipal takes its name from Ashurbanipal, last great king of Assyria and patron of the arts, whose outstanding achievement was to assemble in Nineveh, from all over his empire, the first systematically organised library in the ancient Middle East. Banipal Books was established in 2004 by Banipal’s editor in order to strengthen and expand the work of Banipal Magazine by publishing in book form works by contemporary Arab authors. Its first two titles arrived in 2005, and it now publishes a wide range of poetry and fiction from the Middle East, North Africa and beyond.

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Cinnamon Press Cinnamon Press is five years old in 2010 and the fastest growing small press in Wales, publishing about twenty-five titles a year in fiction, poetry and occasional non-fiction. Wales has a strong literary tradition and Cinnamon aims to contribute to that by bringing in authors from around the world – Italy, Finland, Sweden, Bosnia, South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, China and the USA to name a few, as well as those from Britain and Ireland, with a strong core of Welsh writers. Cinnamon takes great pride in being independent and innovative, taking risks with high quality unusual projects: including the genre-defying epistolary Felicity and Barbara Pym by Harrison Solow and I Spy Pinhole Eye, Philip Gross’s poetry in response to Simon Denison’s pinhole photography, which won the 2010 Wales Book of the Year Award.

Egg Box Publishing

Comma Press is a not-for-profit publishing initiative dedicated to promoting new poetry and short fiction. Poets on its list include the Yorkshire-based author Gaia Holmes, punk performer Joolz Denby, Dadaist artist and songwriter turned poet Ed Barton, and science writer Helen Clare. Based in Manchester and built on the literary wreckage of the now collapsed City Life magazine, Comma also runs a film-adaptation project, which commissions short film realisations of published poetry by aspiring independent film-makers, in conjunction with Version Festival.

Founded in 2002 and incorporated in 2006, Egg Box is an independent poetry publisher whose influence continues to grow and be felt far and wide. It is based in Norwich and is run by the poet Nathan Hamilton. True to its name, Egg Box is predominantly a publisher and promoter of newcomers and is interested in talented writing with an experimental or intelligent edge – fresh eggs. As well as exciting collections from the likes of Agnes Lehoczky and Vahni Capildeo, each year Egg Box publishes the Poetry and Prose anthologies of the University of East Anglia, one of the world’s leading creative writing schools.

Dedalus Press

Elastic Press

Dedalus Press is dedicated to contemporary poetry from Ireland, and to poetry from around the world in English translation. Under its current editor, the poet and broadcaster Pat Boran, Dedalus continues to introduce the work of new writers and, through anthology and other projects, to re-introduce readers to its many backlist titles. Established with a broadly modernist outlook, the press is primarily interested in serious writing but recognises and celebrates the broad diversity of styles that makes up contemporary poetry, from Ireland and further afield. Elastic Press published from November 2002 until November 2008, specialising in short fiction collections and anthologies in a variety of genres. During this time they won seven separate awards, including the Edge Hill Prize for Short Fiction, won by Chris Beckett’s collection, The Turing Test, in 2009. This title, along with some of their back catalogue, is still available although the Press itself has ceased to publish due to the owner’s other commitments.

Described by as “among the most outwardlooking poetry presses in Ireland and the UK”, Dedalus publishes a podcast on iTunes (‘AudioRoom: New Writing from Ireland’) and is actively engaged in ‘spreading the word’ in print and online.

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Comma Poetry

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Flambard Press

Hearing Eye

Flambard is an independent press now based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Established in 1990, Flambard’s list includes writers from all across the UK and abroad, yet the press remains especially supportive of writers from northern England.

Hearing Eye is a small independent press established by John Rety and Susan Johns in 1987. Since then, Hearing Eye has published over 200 books and pamphlets by new and established poets, ranging from selections of haiku to epic poems.

Flambard’s poetry forms the backbone of the press. Flambard has published several collections by well-known poets such as Peter Bennet and S.J. Litherland, coupling this long-term support with a policy to incorporate first collections into each year’s planning. Flambard’s growing fiction programme has seen the press publish novels by established authors such as John Murray, Martin Edwards and Sid Chaplin, while also actively looking to take on first and second books. The press has also published books with a visual-art element, such as Night Train by Sean O’Brien and Birtley Aris

Hearing Eye is based at the Torriano Meeting House in Kentish Town, north London. The Meeting House has hosted weekly Sunday-evening poetry readings since the mid-1980s with a wide range of readers, including Dannie Abse, Les Murray and Mimi Khalvati. Many Hearing Eye books are written by poets who have read at the Meeting House, including many who have initially read a poem from the floor.

Iron Press

Glas New Russian Writing The premier showcase for contemporary Russian writing in English translation, Glas has been discovering new writers (Pelevin, Ulitskaya, Babchenko) and rediscovering under-appreciated past masters (Bulgakov, Platonov, Krzhizhanovsky) since 1991. Based in Moscow, Glas is the most comprehensive English-language source on Russian letters today – a must for libraries, students of world literature, and all those who love good writing. “Glas is a first-rate series, well planned and very well translated. Anyone interested in Russia and good writing should seek it out.” The Observer “Glas has become almost disturbingly indispensable.” George Steiner

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Iron Press is small but beautiful. It was set up in the NorthEast by the writer Peter Mortimer in the long-lost days of 1973, and Mortimer has remained the editor to this day. In more than a third of a century it has produced a truly eclectic body of work, championing the most interesting writers from its own region, the rest of the country, and sometimes world-wide. Iron is the country’s leading independent publisher of haiku, and published the first two books by David Almond in his pre-Skellig days. Latest on the list is The Iron Book of New Humorous Verse, edited by Eileen Jones and featuring the likes of Ian McMillan, John Hegley and Kate Fox.

Menard Press

The Rialto

Menard Press was founded as a small magazine in 1969 and brought out its first book in 1971. It has specialised in literary translation, mainly of poetry. In addition to literary texts – original and translated poetry, original and translated fiction, art and literary criticism – the press has published works and testimonies by survivors of Nazism, including the first English edition of Primo Levi’s poems.

With its commitment to placing the best new talent alongside established names, The Rialto is well-placed to talent spot and nurture new talent. The Rialto’s First Collection and Bridge Pamphlet series feature poets who are taking the first step from magazine to book publication.

Senior poets on the Menard list include F.T. Prince, Brian Coffey and Nicholas Moore. Translated poets include Nerval, Mallarmé, Rilke and Mandelstam, plus Sylvia Plath’s translations of Ronsard and one of Elaine Feinstein’s selections from the work of Marina Tsvetayeva. Among the works of prose criticism Menard has published are studies of Charles Reznikoff, Fernando Pessoa and Octavio Paz.

The Rialto’s list of authors includes Allan Crosbie (Outswimming the Eruption, 2006), Emily Wills (Developing the Negative, 2008), John Siddique (The Prize, 2005) and Josephine Dickinson (Scarberry Hill, 2001). It has also published collections to mark the early deaths of poets Julia Casterton (Night Lightning, 2007) and Andrew Waterhouse, whose debut In won the Forward Prize for Best First Collection in 2000 (2nd, 2002).

Rockingham Press Penned in the Margins Penned in the Margins is a dynamic literary arts company which combines live events, projects and tours with a commitment to publishing exciting, risk-taking new poetry. Their books have been Highly Commended in the Forward Prize, featured on Newsnight and in Time Out. The company is led by writer and arts producer Tom Chivers, recipient of a prestigious Paul Hamlyn Foundation Breakthrough Award for his work with the annual London Word Festival. Penned in the Margins specialises in first collections by exciting young poets such as Ross Sutherland, Sarah Hesketh, Siddhartha Bose and George Ttoouli and is also known for the acclaimed anthologies Generation Txt and City State: New London Poetry.

Rockingham Press Rockingham Press was set up in 1991 to champion new and neglected poets and also Middle East poetry in translation. Since then Rockingham has published each year on average four paperback collections (always including a first collection) and one or two pamphlets. Its Middle East titles have included Modern Turkish Poetry (a Poetry Book Society recommendation), Modern Persian Poetry, and works by Feyyaz Kayacan Fergar and Oktay Rifat. Poets published by Rockingham include Judi Benson, Anne-Marie Fyfe, Adèle Geras, John Greening, James Kirkup, Jane Kirwan, Lotte Kramer, William Oxley and Edward Storey.

“Good news for poetry.” The Times

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Menard Press

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Route is a terraced publishing house in the north of England that publishes novels, short stories, cultural nonfiction and performance poetry titles. Its author list is an eclectic mix that includes Nobel laureates and first time writers, music superstars and warehouse operatives. Route publishes stories in print, audio and digital forms, creating books one way or another.

Seren is a dynamic independent publisher of awardwinning poetry, fiction, translation, biography, art history, history and current affairs titles. For the last thirty years Seren has aimed to publish the best quality and most thought-provoking writing on offer, in well designed, well produced books. Prominent Seren authors include Dannie Abse, Sheenagh Pugh, Owen Sheers, Gwyneth Lewis, Niall Griffiths, Pascale Petit and Kathryn Simmonds.

‘The sharpest, on the button writing you’ll read all year. Route could soon start taking on a Samizdat level of importance as it quietly ushers in the beginnings of a much needed literary renaissance.’ – The Big Issue “Now we rely on small independent publishers such as Route, often based outside London, to support authors such as Michael Nath. Two or three decades ago, a novel this unusual would not have seemed out of place on, say, Picador’s list.” – Nicholas Royle, The Independent

Salmon Poetry Salmon Poetry was established in 1981 with the publication of The Salmon, a journal of poetry and prose, as an alternative voice in Irish literature. Since then over 300 volumes of poetry have been produced, and Salmon has become one of the most important publishers in the Irish literary world. Salmon’s catalogue includes initial works by Irish poets Rita Ann Higgins, Theo Dorgan, Moya Cannon, Mary O’Donnell, Eamonn Wall, Mary O’Malley, Eva Bourke, Kevin Higgins, Dave Lordan, Janice Fitzpatrick-Simmons and Gerard Donovan. Salmon has also published a range of international poets, and anthologies such as Salmon: A Journey in Poetry 1981-2007 and The Watchful Heart: A New Generation of Irish Poets.

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Many of Seren’s books and authors are shortlisted for – and win – major literary prizes across Britain and America, including the Costa, Forward, T.S. Eliot, Glen Dimplex and Ondaatje Prizes. Seren also publishes Poetry Wales magazine and maintains strong links with writing from Wales, as showcased in the popular Retellings of the Mabinogion series.

Smith/Doorstop (The Poetry Business) The Poetry Business publishes books, pamphlets and audio under its Smith/Doorstop imprint, as well as the literary magazine The North. It also runs its own national Book & Pamphlet competition, Writing School and residential courses. The directors and co-editors are Ann and Peter Sansom. Smith/Doorstop poets have won or been shortlisted for almost every major literary prize, including the Forward on 11 occasions, while The North has been described by Poetry Review as “redressing the balance of English poetry”. “One of the most vital and vitalising literature organisations in the in the country.” Sir Andrew Motion

Two Rivers Press

Smokestack Books aims to hold open a space for what is left of the English radical poetic tradition in the twentyfirst century. Smokestack champions poets who are unfashionable, radical, left-field or working a long way from the metropolitan centres of cultural authority.

Founded in 1994 by Reading artist Peter Hay, Two Rivers Press is an informal, not-for-profit collective which has published over 70 titles. Two Rivers is interested in new writing from Reading and the Thames Valley, focusing on local poets, local history, and new editions of classic poems, especially those with a Reading connection. The Press is strongly rooted in the local community and has close links with the University and the Poet’s Café; its contribution to Reading’s culture won a Pride of Reading award in 2008. Poets published by Two Rivers include Adrian Blamires, Jane Draycott, A.F. Harrold, Kate Noakes, Peter Robinson and Susan Utting.

Since 2004, Smokestack has published over forty titles. Smokestack’s authors include Linda France, John Lucas, Katrina Porteous, Alison Fell, Kevin Cadwallender, Kath Kenny, Tom Wintringham and Sebastian Barker. Smokestack’s growing and distinguished international list includes Martín Espada (Puerto Rico), Francis Combes (France), Kristin Dimitrova (Bulgaria), Andras Mezei (Hungary) and Gustavo Pereira (Venezuela).

Waywiser tall-lighthouse

The Waywiser Press was founded in 2001 and has its head office in Oxfordshire and a subsidiary in Baltimore, USA. Waywiser publishes not just poetry but literary books of all kinds, including works of fiction, memoir, criticism and history. Waywiser also has an imprint, Between The Lines, which publishes book-length interviews with senior contemporary poets.

Since its inception in 1999, tall-lighthouse has established itself as a worthy competitor in the small poetry press market. Dedicated to supporting both new and existing poets from the UK and Ireland as well as the USA and Canada, it produces a varied selection of full collections, pamphlets, chapbooks and anthologies. It also uses its series of events (including the Poetry Café, London) to promote poets and their work. tall-lighthouse’s most recent publications include the debut British collection from Canadian poet Todd Swift, mainstream love hotel, plus the Forward Prize-nominated learning gravity by Helen Oswald, and the selected poems of Keith Please and Brendan Cleary.

Waywiser specialises in modern poetry, publishing work by established writers such as Robert Conquest, Anthony Hecht, Mark Strand, W.D. Snodgrass and Richard Wilbur as well as by newcomers such as Carrie Jerrell, Dora Malech and Chris Preddle. Waywiser also runs the annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize.

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Smokestack Books





Adcock, Fleur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Dafydd, Fflur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Hamilton, Nathan . . . . . . . . 8, 10, 46

Alam, MY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Daley, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 55

Hardie, Kerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Aldiss, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Darbyshire, Bobbie . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Haslam, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Aris, Birtley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Darcy, Ailbhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Hass, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Aronowitz, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Davies, Grahame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Haynes, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Astley, Neil . . . . . . . . . . 21, 41, 43, 55

Denby, Joolz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Higgins, Rita Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Denison, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Hore, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 46

Douglas, Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Howitt, Holly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Dudman, Clare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Hoyland, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Duffy, Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Hughes, Glyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Duggan, AJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Hughes, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Beckett, Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56



Bennet, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Egan, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Ironside, Hamish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Berdy, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Ehin, Kristiina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Isakovski, Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Berry, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Evans, Ellie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Bethell, Zillah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Evaristo, Bernardine . . . . . . . . . . . 44

B Barford, Wanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Barnie, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Beagrie, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Bean, Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Betteridge, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

J Jones, Eileen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Jones, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Bianchi, Tony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 53

Fanning, Gerard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Jones, Russell Celyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Bilton, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Faragó, Borbála . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Jordan, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Bourke, Eva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Ferguson, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Joso, Jayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 56

Bowen, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Fisher, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Bradley, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

FitzGerald, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Breeze, Jean ‘Binta’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Forster, Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Kaplinski, Jaan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Brown, Terence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Fortune, Rowan B. . . . . . . . . . . 27, 34

Keillor, Garrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Browne, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Fortune-Wood, Jan . . . . . . . . . 34, 46

Kennelly, Brendan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

France, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Kirwan, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62


Fried, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Kostin, Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Caldwell, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 62

Fulton, Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Kuzechkin, Andrei . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Capildeo, Vahni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Fulton, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Cardwell, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Furniss, Damian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Bianchi, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 40

Chaplin, Sid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Lawrence, Huw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Lawson, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Cohen, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 42

Goodby, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Learner, Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 36

Coles, Gladys Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Graham, Desmond . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Lee-Houghton, Melissa . . . . . . . . . 28

Collins, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Green, Yvonne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Lendennie, Jessie . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 62

Collins, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 55

Gregory, Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Lennon, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Conquest, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Gregson, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Lesinska, Ieva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Constantine, David . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Griffiths, Niall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Lewis, Gwyneth . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 55

Constantine, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Gross, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 44

Llewellyn, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Cope, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Gwyn, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Longley, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Chivers, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Critchley, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Crowe, Anna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Curtis, Tony (Ireland) . . . . . . . . . . 22 Curtis, Tony (Wales) . . . . . . . . 34, 58

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Lumsden, Roddy . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 42





Machácek, Aleš . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Rees-Jones, Deryn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Walker, Elaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Mack, Sheree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Richardson, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Wall, Drucilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Mackay, Duncan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Riviere, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Wicks, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Mahmutovic, Adnan . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Rodenbach, Georges . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Williams, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Margarit, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Robertson, Wendy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Williams, Nerys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Martinaitis, Marcelijus . . . . . . . . . 18

Robinson, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 36

Williams, Nia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

May, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Rumens, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Williamson, Heidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

McDermid, Val . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 McGuinness, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . 51


McVety, Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 42

Sampson, Fiona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Minhinnick, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Satyamurti, Carole . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Wills, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Wood, Romy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Woods, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Woolley, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Morley, Abegail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Seatter, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Mort, Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Seltzer, Gemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Murray, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Serpillo, Giuseppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Murray, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Sheers, Owen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 56

Zephaniah, Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . 44

Worman, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 51

Simpson, Penny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 N

Siviero, Silvana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Nagra, Daljit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Slavnikova, Olga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Nasr, Ramsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Snodgrass, W.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Nath, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Solow, Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Newland, Courttia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Sowan, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Nicholson, Mavis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Spence, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Noakes, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 44

Spencer, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

O O’Brien, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 61 Obank, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Oliver, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Stanton, Rob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Stone, Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 32 Stott, Glenis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Street, Seán . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Sutherland, Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Ormond, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Oswald, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


Owen, Llwyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Transtromer, Tomas . . . . . . . . . . . 32

P Pattison, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Tsvetaeva, Marina . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Turner, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Tyler-Bennett, Deborah . . . . . . . . 43

Peace, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Perova, Natasha . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 56


Peterson, Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Underwood, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Petit, Pascale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Pinna, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Plummer, Barry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Verhaeren, Emile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Pollard, Clare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Vickerman, Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Pople, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Vince, Laima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Potts, Kate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Pugh, Sheenagh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

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Image credits Front Cover: One of a series of paintings of birds and fruit (late 19th century) by Wang Guochen Poetry: The Agister’s Experiment (2010) by Sally Castle ( Fiction: Dovetail (2010) by Matthew Tyson ( Non-Fiction: The Vagabond’s Breakfast (2010) by Matthew Tyson Magazines: Pearly Queen (1942) by Ceri Richards; Image courtesy of the estate of Ceri Richards and Jonathan Clark Fine Art, London. All rights reserved, DACS 2011. Publisher Profiles: Venus Transit (2007) by Leonarda Boughton (artist) & Margaret Hoganson James (photographer) Catalogue Design: Jeremy Hopes

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