photography vocabulary

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Digital Photography Vocabulary Artist:

Artist Statement:


Balance/ Placement:

Biographical Information:

Is the originator of the media art work - the person who constructed and manipulated the image being viewed.

Typically refers to a written statement provided by the artist that is meant to help an audience understand the artwork being presented. The artist statement can be framed as a short essay, a poem or other form of expression - but is clearly directed to enhance. Refers to) the viewers of the created work. The audience often has no Tangible connection to the artist and bring his/her unique perspective to the viewing process.

Of subject matter within a photograph does not usually draw attention. However, unbalanced images often seem out of place within the image, The message of the photograph can change dramatically based on how images are placed and balanced within the artwork.

Biographical information looks at the history of the artist to provide insight into the artist's interpretation of the media art work. Biographical information typically includes an overview of the artist's other works, cultural background, artistic influences and other items of importance to understanding the source of the work.


Refers to all relevant information surrounding a work of art. It includes information about the artist, die history of the work, the culture(s) that influenced it's production, and other artistic styles that may have influenced the creation of the work.


Is the process of analyzing and evaluating an artwork. Arts criticism studies an artwork in order to bring "meaning" to the reading of an art work.


Cultural Contexts:

Historical Contexts:

Can be observed within most photographic images. How these elements are constructed within the frame can influence the photograph's meaning.

The values, traditions, artistic emphasis, languages, etc. of a given culture heavily influence the creation, presentation, and consequent interpretation of a media artwork. It is important to identify the culture(s) from which the artwork originated as well as the cultural influences of the artistic maker.

When was this piece first produced? History plays a strong role influencing the themes and styles of a photographic work. Events, fads, values, accessible technology, and social concepts of a period often influence the themes and styles presented within an artistic work.


Very simply refers to the sum of unique qualities that make up a person, place or thing. As human beings we often look to identify similar qualities within other persons or places to help us understand more about ourselves. Documented American history for the most part has provided a narrow view of the diverse qualities that make up our culture.


Is what we choose to view within a given frame of reference and can be observed within our natural and constructed environments.


Is the act of reading or conceptualizing a work of art. Interpretation can vary based on the viewer perspective or world view.

Media art work:

Perspective Point Of View:

Photographic Style:

Presentation: Presentation Format:

Can include the art of photography, film, video, animation, and digital video. A media artwork can be said to be the art of creating constructed images through the use of light, contrast, and color, and in some instances movement and sound.

In this case refers to the values, knowledge, opinions, education, etc. that the viewer brings to his or her interpretation of an artwork. Both the artist carries a point of view when creating the artwork and the viewer when interpreting the artwork. These perspectives may vary greatly or carry great similarities.

Refers to the way in which formal elements are used together to enhance the meaning or expressive elements of a work. Sometimes a photographer will mirror the style of other artists to suggest a time period or specific emotional quality. As readers of photographic images we typically categorize- photographs according to styles we are familiar with. Refers to the act of showing artwork to a given audience.

Is a detailed description of how the artist or curator (a person who specializes in presenting artwork)will present their work to a given audience.


Is the environment or place in which an artwork or series of art works are presented.


Is the audience for the created work. The viewer often has no tangible connection to the artist and bring his/her unique perspective to the viewing process.

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