Workshop Technician Roles

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Workshop Technicians Roles & Responsibilities The technicians are key to making sure each workshop works fluidly and without incident. The technician is responsible for collecting documents, checking out equipment, making sure that all the technology is set up properly and is in good working order.

Pre-Workshop: 1. Prep all eq, this means check and make sure that cameras have batteries that are fully charged and that all eq is proper working order. 2. Check all eq out with the CE coordinator – write down carefully the IP # and serial # of each item to be checked out. 3. Prepare a checkout folder for use at each workshop site. The folder should include the master eq list, extra permission forms, registration forms and overnight check-out forms. 4. Pack eq carefully for transport to site.

Workshop Day One: 1. Prepare eq and make sure it is ready for presentation and checkout. 2. Locate a safe storage place (preferably a locked closet) for overnight storage of EQ 3. Pass out and collect registration forms 4. Pass out permission forms – students must return this in order to check out any eq 5. Pass out and collect pre-surveys 6. Type up all surveys information at Studio 301 – using “Survey Monkey” 7. Type up all registration forms at Studio 301 – using the MAC Address Book 8. Set up a filing system where we will keep master copies of all collected materials

Every Workshop Day: 1. Check in overnight check-outs 2. Follow up with any eq that has not been returned 3. Pull any broken eq – troubleshoot – fill out a repair form if broken and pull from available check-outs 4. Collect any additional forms and type up as needed 5. Inventory all eq – is everything present and accounted for? If not report immediately to the project coordinator. 6. Print informal copies of best artwork on post-it paper and present daily. No one is take home until the last day of the workshop.

Workshop Final Day: 1. Thank participants for being responsible and making your job doable 2. Complete a final inventory of all eq – this includes multi strips, computers, supplies etc. 3. Pack eq carefully for delivery back to Studio 301 4. Pass out and collect final evaluation forms 5. Collect all Curriculum Books for return to Studio 301 6. Organize and collect all digital photo files from participants: every participant should have a digital folder that is labeled: “last name first name” (i.e. Sorensen kristine). In

the folder, there should be another folder that says “raw”. This is where any loose data files, first pics exercises, etc. should go. There should also be a folder labeled “finals”. In this folder all finals should be labeled as follows “last namefirst initial and the # that represents the order of the work” (i.e. Sorensen k 001 sorensen k 002 etc.)Also in this file should be the following typed information: artist website profile, writing for each photographic series). 7. Organize and collect all digital video files from participants

Upon Return to Studio 301 1. Unpack and check-in all eq 2. Put away all supplies 3. Type up all post evaluation using “Survey Monkey” 4. Explain any broken/repair items to the CE coordinator 5. Archive all artwork using MAC “pages” software – follow instructions as provided in the attached environment. 6. Print final artwork (after it has been archived) and place in the back of each artist’s portfolio. Burn a CD with their final artwork on it and place in a CD pocket at the back of their portfolio. Place the portfolio away for distribution in the fall. 7. File the completed archive in a folder that is labeled: (site name – i.e. portage). All completed artwork should then be burned to a drive or DVD and turned into program director Kris Sorensen

Please remember: Your role is extremely important to the success of our In Progress artists. If you need help ASK!!! If you get confused or overwhelmed – CALL SAI. If Sai is unable to help you CALL KRIS. If any part of your role falls apart. The whole workshop fall apart. YOU ARE NEEDED!!!

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