SCOTTLIN WILLIAMS The emergency coordinator and meteorologist in the Emergency Management Division of the Department of Public Safety was named Escambia County's August 2024 Employee of the Month. As an emergency coordinator, Williams enables the community to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters through the development and presentation of public outreach campaigns, facilitation of Emergency Operation Center training, management of WebEOC and Everbridge Emergency Alert notifications, and serving as a liaison for Be Ready Alliance Coordinating for Emergencies and the Escambia County Long-Term Recovery Group. As Escambia County's meteorologist, she provides meteorological support for the county, particularly through her accurate and thorough weather predictions for planning large-scale, countywide events. Williams brought the HERricane program to Escambia County, which empowers women, increases diversity and female leadership in the emergency management profession, and improves outreach around emergency preparedness.
EMPLOYEES Navy Federal Credit Union received the Gold President's Volunteer Service Award at Manna Food Pantry for its employees' volunteer efforts in 2023. To qualify for the Gold President's Volunteer Service Award, more than 500 volunteer hours must be given. Last year, Navy Federal Credit Union employees gave more than 1,345 hours, the equivalent of 27,036 healthy meals, to neighbors in need in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Navy Federal employees gave the most volunteer hours out of all Manna volunteer groups in 2023. They gave time out of their workweek to help Manna gross and fine sort food items, date- and quality-check food items, pack food bags and boxes, and other activities.
MISSION The trusted leader in serving the homeless community proudly has launched "Hope for Her" to support homeless women in Escambia County. Women, who make up an average of 29% of the homeless population nationally, are particularly vulnerable due to economic instability, domestic violence and the lack of affordable housing. The initiative is committed to equipping every woman who walks through the doors with the tools and short-term support necessary to rebuild her life.
LANDLINES In 2023, Florida's business and residential telecommunication wireline markets continued to follow the national trend with significant decreases, according to the Florida Public Service Commission's annual "Report on the Status of Competition in the Telecommunications Industry." Carriers reported approximately 764,000 total landlines in Florida in 2023, about 17.7% fewer than in 2022, as Florida consumers continue to move from traditional landline to wireless and business Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. Business access lines declined by 15% in 2023, while residential landlines declined by 21.8%. CenturyLink experienced a 19.9% decline in residential lines during 2023, while Frontier fell 25.6%. AT&T experienced the biggest residential loss, with a 27.2% decline in residential access lines during the same period.
Escambia County paid $3.5 million to the federal government in a settlement about billing for emergency medical services (EMS), said the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida on Aug. 1. The settlement stemmed from allegations Escambia County violated a law known as the False Claims Act by falsely billing federal health-care programs. According to the news release, the allegations involved Escambia County using ambulance and emergency medical technicians who did not have the required certifications. The news release also stated the settlement was "not an admission of any liability" by Escambia County.
2025 Paul Dans, who has headed the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, stepped down last week. Project 2025 was promoted as Donald Trump's transition plan to reshape the federal government. Dans was chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration. Democrats have used the initiative to galvanize support for Vice President Kamala Harris. Former President Trump has increasingly tried to distance himself from Project 2025. Trump campaign officials last week issued a statement denouncing it: "Reports of Project 2025's demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign—it will not end well for you."
By Rick Outzen
Some have complained about the negotiation process with Inspired Communities of Florida for parcel 5 at the Community Maritime Park. They have forgotten what happened when the YMCA wanted to build there.
In December 2012, Mayor Ashton Hayward's Urban Development Advisory Committee released its report. A key recommendation was a new YMCA for the downtown area to replace the aging facility on North Palafox. The cost was estimated to be $10 to $15 million.
The following month, Rishy and Quint Studer announced a $5 million donation to the project. The Studers wanted it built at the Community Maritime Park on parcel 8, initially dedicated to the maritime museum run by the University of West Florida. The YMCA would have been built entirely with private donations, but unlike the UWF museum, the nonprofit would pay a ground lease. Philanthropist Teri Levin would co-chair the fundraising effort.
Though Mayor Ashton Hayward announced his support, his finance department wasn't happy. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) had two annual obligations—$535,000 for the bonds used to build the park and $1.3 million to help the Emerald Coast Utility Authority relocate the Main Street Sewage Plant.
In a memo, the CRA administrator said the agency was on its way to collapse by 2017. By then, the city anticipated that all CRA revenue would be devoted to bond and ECUA debt. They predicted the other CRA functions, such as sidewalk additions, landscaping and law enforcement, would be shifted to the General Fund.
Quint Studer reminded the public and city leaders that his office building, which would pay a ground lease and ad valorem taxes, had yet to be completed, but the naysayers wouldn't listen. In Pensacola News Journal's column "Viewpoint," Councilman Charles Bare wrote, "The YMCA does not belong on the most valuable remaining parcel that the city owns on the waterfront."
In March, the Pensacola City Council voted 6-2, with Bare and Vice President Jewel CannadaWynn dissenting and President P.C. Wu absent, to approve the concept of placing a new YMCA at
the park while leaving it to the Community Mari time Park Associates (CMPA) board to "hammer out" the lease details.
$2,800,000 • 7.8 acres
New wetland survey April 2023! 3283 Gulf Breeze Pkwy by Publix at Tiger Point and Tiger Point Park Drive. Access from Hwy 98 and Tiger
At the CMPA meeting, board members argued about the process and were upset that the mayor and his staff had negotiated the lease, not them. Despite CMPA chair Collier Merrill's insistence the board was only to work out the details of the lease approved by the city council, board member Fred Gunther made a counteroffer.
Gunther's motion was to offer the YMCA parcels 5 and 6 (the ones that Inspired Communities and Valencia are interested in today) instead of parcel 8. He argued his motion within the bounds of the council's directive and also contended that the CMPA board was not beholden to the council. He said he made his motion to reflect concerns raised by the CMPA's Audit and Operations Committee, of which he is a member.
715 S Palafox St. 5,700 SF / $25 PSF (Annual) Downtown Pensacola Waterfront on Palafox with Parking! 2 story building available. Deck on Palafox Marina (dock not included). Excellent condition. Ready for occupancy.
The CMPA board voted 6-4 for his motion.
After the vote, Merrill said, "I think we have made a big mistake doing what we did here."
Mayor Hayward wrote a letter to the city council, encouraging them to "take whatever action is necessary to reaffirm your prior decision on the YMCA lease and move the project forward without delay." However, he didn't put the full weight of his office behind moving the project back to parcel 8.
Bare blamed the mayor for the "failure of process" and said the CMPA should have brought the lease to the city council, not Mayor Hayward.
With the process becoming muddy, YMCA withdrew its request to build at the Community Maritime Park. Councilman Andy Terhaar said he would lead working out a better process and reopen negotiations, but that didn't happen.
The CRA didn't collapse in 2017. The FY 2013 budget showed the CRA's total revenues and fund balance would be $4 million. The Studers' office building, Maritime Place, opened in October 2014. In FY 2017, the CRA's total revenues and fund balance more than doubled to $8.9 million. The FY 2014 budget shows the total has grown to $12.96 million.
Today, the YMCA is on Intendencia Street, and parcel 8 remains vacant. {in} rick@inweekly.net With the process becoming muddy, YMCA withdrew
Anyone who visits downtown Pensacola on a Friday or Saturday night is all too familiar with driving around in search of an elusive parking spot. Weekday nights, too, present their share of parking challenges, with an influx of restaurant and bar patrons.
Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves rolled out parking changes Aug. 1 to minimize the problem. The city increased rates from 50 cents to $1 an hour, expanded paid parking boundaries, eliminated 2-hour-only parking options, and extended paid parking hours 8 a.m.-11:59 p.m. Monday-Saturday. The paid parking hours previously ended after 7 p.m. Sundays and national holidays remain free.
Virtually all of the commercial properties fall within the paid parking boundaries. The streets in the boundaries include Palafox from Gregory to Main, Zaragoza from Palafox to Tarragona, Government from Palafox to Tarragona and Jefferson from Government to Zaragoza.
Reeves appeared on the WCOA program "Real News with Rick Outzen" on July 30 to answer questions listeners submitted about the
parking changes. Reeves said a study conducted by Philip Olivier and survey responses from 5,000 people spurred the changes.
"We said, 'When is the hardest for you to find spaces?' Nights and weekends," Reeves said. "That's where it's the most difficult to find them. What do we charge right now on nights and weekends? Zero. So we would not be genuinely addressing anything if all we did was go from 50 cents to a dollar, add some paid spaces and then just leave it at 7 o'clock."
Downtown is a tourist magnet, and traffic has increased by 30% in the past three years, Reeves said. Data for the past 52,000 transactions in downtown parking indicates 85% of the visitors live outside of Pensacola.
Reeves cited the statistics, stating the increased parking rates will primarily impact visitors, not Pensacola residents. He said the money brought in from parking fees will be "more efficient than a bed tax" and save city taxpayers from paying for infrastructure improvements.
The mayor said the study recommended increasing the parking rates to $1.70. He decided on only a 50-cent increase but with some trepidation.
"The perfect scenario for any city is that there's hypothetically one available space on every block," he said. "That means the supply is filling up, but there's generally availability. I actually have long-term concern that the dollar isn't motivating enough to continue to turn spaces."
So how will the money be spent?
"We've got to generate this revenue and then we can go invest in the things that we need to invest in, be anticipatory of all of this growth and explosion that we're having downtown," he said.
Reeves said building another downtown parking garage is high on the priority list. The parking garage on Jefferson Street is usually filled to capacity on weekends and during special events.
"When I say parking garage, that's not just pie in the sky," Reeves said. "We are starting the process of trying to find locations for a 500-space garage. I mean, I just think that that's the reality we're in."
Lissa Dees, the city's constituent and parking services director, said the price of one
parking space ranges from $30,000 to $47,000. That means the price of a 500-space garage would range between $15 million and $23.5 million. Dees said the city has already identified the ideal location for a parking garage.
"There's a lot of development being planned for the south end with pickleball courts and American Magic," she said. "There's so much being planned for that area and we have the property."
The mayor promises the city will be transparent with the parking revenue. The city plans to roll out a webpage in the next few weeks that tracks how every dollar is allocated and shows the money is being reinvested into downtown.
The city's marketing efforts to inform the public about the changes include coasters distributed to downtown restaurants that state, "City-owned parking just got easier" and include a QR code linking to the ParkMobile app. Other marketing efforts by the city include billboards, commercials, news articles and social media posts.
Dees said she has read complaints about the parking changes on social media, but she has only received about a dozen calls from citizens objecting to the city extending the paid parking hours and eliminating the two-hour parking. She said the two-hour parking has been "antiquated since the 1940s."
Reeves said nine out of every 10 email complaints he receives about parking are out of his control. Private lots and boot vehicles—not the city. Private lots are marked with red signs, but the public's confusion is understandable. Tickets from third-party parking companies say municipal parking on them.
"It's a great gig if you're in that situation because the mayor takes all the blame," Reeves said. "People don't know that that's not city parking. They charge whatever they want. They're not charging a dollar an hour. They're charging $4, $5, maybe more. And then you get to slide away while the mayor and the city council and everybody gets beat up over how bad parking is and why you booted their car even though the city doesn't own any boots. So it's quite the quagmire we're in."
Premium Parking is one of the parking companies with lots downtown. The same Olivier who conducted the study for the city used to be president of the Gulf Coast market for Premium Parking. The company is suing Olivier for allegedly stealing trade secrets and embezzling funds by hiring shell companies to perform work done by Premium employees.
Pensacola resident Adam Johnson frequents downtown and said he "generally agrees" with the parking approach taken, but he questions why the city hired Olivier to conduct the study. Johnson noted the city conveniently paid Olivier $49,950 for his services.
"That's exactly $50 under the threshold for bidding," Johnson said. "The rate was deliberately set to pay the contractor as much as possible without going to public bidding … If you hired the best person, you wouldn't be in this situation where you have all this shady stuff going on."
Johnson reviewed the study conducted by Olivier and the 2016 parking study by West Florida Regional Planning Council. He said the study by Olivier "lacked solutions" and paled in comparison to what West Florida Regional Planning Council submitted to the city.
"If the mayor's goal was to increase revenue and fund a parking garage, he probably got exactly what he wanted," he said.
Johnson commended Reeves for showing some restraint in where he expanded the paid parking boundaries. The study recommended almost all downtown street parking be paid, but Reeves held off on including streets such as Spring and Wright.
Reeves said 70% of parking spots downtown will still be free. That 30% is still too high for a vocal minority who remind him that parking is free in cities such as Fairhope.
The mayor argued that it isn't the free parking but the shops and restaurants that attract people to downtown Fairhope. Reeves said, "What I would tell you is there is not a city in the country, and whether this is a stormwater assessment or a user fee for parking, that a city government has enough money to fund its infrastructure."
To learn more about city parking, visit cityofpensacola.com. {in}
to advocate for the AbilityOne Program and promote opportunities for economic and personal independence for individuals with disabilities.
"Sen. Scott and Rep. Ezell's advocacy for individuals with disabilities is truly commendable," said Dwight Davis, the president of GCE. "Their legislative efforts and unwavering support have been instrumental in advancing our mission to create meaningful employment opportunities for those who need it most. Their leadership underscores the importance of creating an inclusive workforce that values the contributions of all individuals, regardless of their disabilities."
The AbilityOne program provides employment opportunities through federal contracts to more than 36,000 individuals who have significant disabilities, including veterans across the country. This program plays a crucial role in empowering these individuals by offering them meaningful employment and the chance to achieve greater economic self-sufficiency.
"Sen. Scott has been a great advocate for different pieces of legislation that we're looking to move forward up on Capitol Hill," said Lori Kain, the senior director of Government Affairs and Advocacy for GCE. "With him, obviously there's visibility and recognition because of who he is, and he gets visibility as well from what he does for GCE because it resonates back with his constituents across the state of Florida."
She continued, "In the state of Florida alone, we have 725 team members that range all the way from the Panhandle all the way down to MacDill Air Force Base. He stands up and supports the
vide assistance as to the financial disclosures, in particular your financial adviser?"
"Not ours. Our financial adviser assisted me to find the reports on their website. It's a Merrill Lynch website," the county clerk said.
The Commission on Ethics website shows that Pam Childers filed her Form 6 on May 30. The financial information was as of Dec. 31, 2023. Bruce Childers' Form 6, which she completed for her husband, was completed two weeks later but not given to the SOE office until the week after the deadline. It was also as of Dec. 31, 2023.
Pam Childers reported on her Form 6 that her net worth (assets less liabilities) was $4,712,285. When Inweekly added up the assets and subtracted her liabilities, the net worth was computed to be $4,712,649—a difference of $364, which could be explained by items below the $1,000 threshold.
However, the Form 6 she completed for Bruce Childers has a net worth of $4,461,673 on page 1, but the math comes out to $3,602,162. Either she needs a new calculator, or Pam Childers failed to list more than $850,000 worth of assets.
Merrill Lynch advisor Cameron Smith accompanied Bruce and Pam Childers to the SOE office, so we should assume all the asset data on Bruce Childers' Form 6 is accurate. Why else would he
Bruce and Pam Childers both digitally signed the same statement on page 4 of Form 6: "Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing Form 6 and that the facts stated in it are true."
"When I talk about why we're chasing more stolen cars, I always make the connection," he said. "I made the connection when the Erress Boulevard shooting took place (June 24). It was a stolen car, and then it went to the drive-by."
Another common denominator is the ages of most victims and suspects, which range from 18 to 25.
"Mostly it's going to be that age group, typically not in school anymore, or they've dropped out of school, and then they'll steal a car," Simmons said. "They'll wait, they'll hide it and then they'll wait a couple of weeks and try their retaliation. I mentioned in the press conference that it is odd that we talked to victims of these things, and they don't know anything about anything. And yet they knew who to retaliate against."
The sheriff wants more cameras installed at the county community centers. "My hope is to have cameras at every community center and cameras that would tie into our Real-Time Crime Center."
Simmons continued, "We are working with Commissioner (Lumon) May on cameras in Erress Boulevard, Diego Circle and Massachusetts Avenue area. And then I would love to see cameras on every one of these ballparks and these centers."
He believes the cameras and his crime center are having an impact because the criminals have changed their behavior.
fostering a more inclusive and diverse work force. Learn more at gce.org.
Escambia County Clerk Pam Childers went to great lengths to avoid filing her husband's Form 6 with the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office, and she appeared stunned that a grainy photo of one page of the form failed to meet the legal requirement.
Form 6 is a full and public disclosure of the candidate's financial interests, including net worth, assets and liabilities valued at over $1,000, joint liabilities, interest in specified businesses and primary and secondary sources of income.
Attorney Bruce Childers failed to qualify to run for Escambia County Supervisor of Elections because he did not provide the SOE with a signed and completed Form 6 before the noon deadline on June 14. Pam and Bruce Childers sued Election Supervisor Robert Bender to get on the primary ballot.
Through a public record request, Inweekly obtained the transcript of the emergency hearing in which the judge upheld Childers not qualifying to run. Attorney Ed Fleming represented Childers. His first witness was Pam Childers.
"Did you have occasion to assist Mr. Childers in the qualification process?" Fleming asked.
Pam Childers replied, "I did on the Form 6 because I had to do it, and there are new rules. It's different for incumbents versus new candidates. It's a little confusing. So, yes, I provided assistance, and I had to separate our assets out."
The attorney asked, "Did anyone else pro -
The county clerk's fraud investigators may have their first case. We can't wait to see what they find.
MORE CAMERAS NEEDED Two people, ages 21 and 24, were killed, and five others were injured in a drive-by shooting the night of Sunday, July 28, outside of the Marie K. Young-Wedgewood Community Center & Park, 6405 Wagner Road. The injured survivors were ages 22, 23, 27, 29 and 11.
On WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen," Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons said the shooting happened at a pavilion during a dice game held outside the community center and a men's basketball game held inside the countyowned facility. Over the weekend, the center hosted the 16th annual End of the Summer Showdown for youths from second to 12th grade. The tournament had ended earlier Sunday.
The sheriff said the center's video cameras revealed a white Hyundai Sonata driving by and then coming back around. "Clearly, they're looking for somebody. They park around the edge of the building, and then three males get out and then they start opening firearms. Of the people that are out there or around the dice game, seven people total were hit, including an 11-year-old young man, and two of them were deceased. That car then obviously sped off."
Law enforcement found the Hyundai, which had been reported stolen in Pensacola for about a month, but the suspects were not identified. Simmons said the use of stolen vehicles for drive-by shootings has been common.
"They've got masks and gloves on, and they're changing the way they do it. They don't want to get caught," Simmons said. "So now they're stealing cars, and they're hiding them. They know that if they drive these cars around too much, we'll chase them, and we'll stop them and put them in jail, especially if they've got guns."
The sheriff added, "Our efforts are working, and I think we just need more cameras."
Grace McCaffery, the founder of the Hispanic Resource Center of Northwest Florida, said the 45 Chilean aviation mechanics laid off by ST Engineering–Mobile Aerospace Engineering mechanics at its Pensacola and Mobile, Ala., sites received their termination letters the same day she appeared on WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen."
The letter from HR Senior Director Ryan Lee stated the workers were terminated June 26. The grants of H-1B1 status were limited to one year.
"You may be held subject to future immigration bars if you accrue more than 180 days of unlawful presence after your status expires," Lee wrote. "Please make immediate arrangements to leave the United States f you have not already done so."
The company offered to travel expenses to return to Chile.
"Their clock is ticking now. Because of their visas, they have 60 days from their termination date to find another job, which would require a new sponsor, or leave the country," McCaffery said. "They want to stay. Of course, they love this area, they love this country, and they invested their entire lives and their family's lives in coming
here. So doing everything that we can to help them kind of get through these 60 days."
She said some prospective employers have expressed interest in workers, but they have to move to other parts of the country. McCaffery added that ST Engineering has halted layoffs but announced to all Chilean workers that none of the visas would be renewed.
She said that one of the workers shared with her a photo of a PowerPoint slide that was used to recruit aviation mechanics from Chili. According to the photo, the mechanics were told they could work up to leadership positions and "possibly H1B and green card."
"I think that it's pretty clear that there was no way that ST was going to be able to recruit them if they didn't make it look like they could stay longer, but it's also why there's nothing documented," she said. "There's no written contract anywhere."
McCaffery added, "That's crazy for a company to dangle that in front of an employee, but it is definitely proof that, that was the expectation that they had in deciding to come here and accepting a position with this company."
The Santa Rosa-Escambia County Continuum of Care (CoC) is accepting applications from those interested in serving on the nominating committee member, which will help select the CoC Leadership Council.
Applications can be found at ricksblog.biz/ coc/ and must be submitted by Aug. 30. The AD-HOC Governance Committee will review the submittals and propose five to eight people to be approved as the Nominating Committee at the CoC membership meeting Sept. 24.
Membership/Nominating Committee members must also be an organization or individual member of the Continuum of Care (CoC). Members must fully participate and engage in all aspects of the committee, and complete external committee work as required. In addition, it's important committee members are committed to ensuring a diverse and inclusive CoC membership. If you're not currently a member, there is a link to join inside the Nominating Committee Member Application.
Pensacola City Councilwoman Allison Patton serves on the AD-HOC Governance Committee and helped draft the new CoC charter approved last month.
"This charter establishes the CoC membership and authorizes the election by the membership of a leadership council," Patton said. "That leadership council will be the board that oversees the CoC. Prior to that, it was the lead agency board (Opening Doors Northwest Florida) that was functioning in that role."
She continued, "And what we have now is consistent with best practices as far as HUD and others are concerned. So I think having that leadership council to really step into that role of helping our community move forward to really put that system in place that we need of response is going to be extremely important and will help us make the progress that I think we are all hoping for."
To learn, visit openingdoorsnwfl.org.
The YMCA of Northwest Florida has announced that the Community YMCA at Gulf Breeze will close Monday, Aug. 26, for total renovation to better serve its growing membership.
The location, formerly Gulf Breeze Aerobics & Fitness, has doubled its membership since the Y took over in December 2022. The closure will allow the fastest, safest and most cost-effective approach to this floor-to-ceiling renovation. It will reopen before the end of the year.
"After hearing from our members, watching usage data and observing current trends, we've planned a refreshed facility that will serve the most members possible in this location," said Michael Bodenhausen, the CEO of YMCA of Northwest Florida. "We appreciate the patience members have shown while we've carefully planned what will look and feel like a brand new Y."
The updated facility will include three virtual personal studios, updated group fitness and functional training equipment, individual locker rooms, a multipurpose space for intergenerational programming, new flooring and lighting and an open concept. The location will continue to offer live group exercise classes, a robust offering of cardio and strength equipment, and 24/7 access.
"We're really going to be able to meet the needs of the members that are there, said Andrea Rosenbaum, the director of advancement. "Construction can be messy, noisy and dusty. For our Gulf Breeze members, we are incentivizing them: 'Stay with us during those three months. We're going to give you access to all other YMCAs. We're going to have an opportunity for you to bring a buddy during some workout times.' And we're going to draw for somebody to get a free membership in 2025."
To learn, visit ymcanwfl.org.
VIP AIRSHOW SEATING Premium preferred seating options for the NAS Pensacola 2024 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow are on sale through the NAS Pensacola Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) department's Airshow website, naspensacolaairshow.org.
Box Seating is available for $50 on Friday, Nov. 1, or Saturday, Nov. 2. It offers individual reserved folding chairs in a theater-style arrangement to the left of the show center and access to private portable toilet facilities.
The NAS Pensacola MWR Flightline Club is an outdoor area with bistro-style tables offering reserved seating located at the show line. In addition to a reserved table, Flightline Club participants will have access to a non-reserved tented area for shade, catered lunches, unlimited soda and water, a cash bar and private premium portable toilets. These reserved tables are available $300 for two or $600 for four individuals, ages 4 and older, for either the Friday, Nov. 1, or Saturday, Nov. 2 events.
Stroller parking is available in designated areas within the seating areas. Umbrellas and tripods are prohibited in both Box and Flightline Club preferred seating. Premium Preferred Seating for the 2024 NAS Pensacola Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow is only available through naspensacolaairshow.org. {in}
With marijuana legalization and abortion protections on the ballot in Florida (Amendments 3 and 4, respectively), the November general election is sure to dominate headlines. However, voters shouldn't look past the event that shapes our local races: the August primary.
This will be our first full primary under the new law that requires voters to renew their mail-in ballot requests each election cycle. Thursday, Aug. 8, is the last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot for the primary, so if you read this issue after that date, you're out of luck. But early voting begins on Saturday, Aug. 10, so you can still vote that way through Satur-
day, Aug. 17, or on primary election day, which is Tuesday, Aug. 20.
We put together this primary guide with the latest information from the Supervisor of Elections office, plus a roundup of all the local races and resources to help you learn more about the candidates. We also included some key dates for the general election too, so you can start planning for that.
In the U.S. Senate race, Sen. Rick Scott has two opponents, and four Democrats are battling to make it on the ballot for the general election.
The federal race that has gotten the most attention and mudslinging is House of Representatives District 1, where incumbent Matt Gaetz faces Aaron Dimmock in the GOP primary.
The Florida Senate and Florida House races take a breather in the primary but will heat up after Labor Day.
Two Escambia County Commissioner seats are on the GOP primary ballots. District 1 incumbent Jeff Bergosh once again faces District 2 commissioner aide Steven Stroberger, plus his own aide, Jesse E. Casey.
The District 4 seat has sat empty since late January when Gov. Ron DeSantis ap -
pointed Commissioner Robert Bender to fill the Supervisor of Elections post vacated by David Stafford. Three newcomers vie for the Republican nomination: Ashlee Hofberger, Buck Mitchell and Walker Wilson. This race may come down to the wire as the candidates knock on doors, wave on street corners and flood mailboxes with flyers in the days leading up to Aug. 20.
The primaries for the Escambia County School Board and the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority Board are either universal or nonpartisan races, meaning everyone in their districts can vote, regardless of party registration.
Stanley Campbell stanleyforflorida.com
Rod Joseph rodjosephforussenate.com
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell debbieforflorida.com
Brian Rush rushforsenate.com
John S. Columbus columbusforcongress.com
Keith Gross keithgross.com
Rick Scott (i) rickscottforflorida.com
Aaron Dimmock aarondimmock.org
Matt Gaetz (i) mattgaetz.com
Jeff Bergosh (i) jeffbergosh.com
Jesse E. Casey votejessecasey.com
Steve Stroberger votestroberger.com
Ashlee Hofberger voteashlee.com
Buck Mitchell votebuckmitchell.com
Walker Wilson votebuckmitchell.com
UNIVERSAL PRIMARY (open to all registered voters)
Vicki H. Campbell (R) (i) vickiforecua.com
Jim Faxlanger (R) none
UNIVERSAL PRIMARY (open to all registered voters)
Chase Anderson "Andy" Romagnano (D) andyromagnanoforecua3.wordpress.com
Larry Williams (D) (i) facebook.com/electlarrywilliams
NON-PARTISAN (open to all registered voters)
Carissa Bergosh bergoshforschoolboard.com
Rich Holzknecht rich4district4.com
Earle McAuley earle4schoolboard.com
Brian Ranelli brian4district4.com
NON-PARTISAN (open to all registered voters)
Tom Harrell tomharrell2024.com
Joshua Luther joshluther4schoolboard.com
Jim A. "Andy" Taylor votejimtaylor.com
AUG. 10-17 Primary Election Early Voting
OCT. 7 General Election Registration Deadline
OCT. 24 General Election Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Deadline
OCT. 26-NOV. 2 General Election Early Voting
In addition to studying up on the candidates' websites, here are some other valuable resources to check out.
• EscambiaVotes Essential voting information, such as sample ballots and polling locations, can be found on the official Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office website at escambiavotes.gov.
• Greater Pensacola Chamber 2024 Candidate Surveys Escambia County Commission, ECUA Board and Escambia County School Board candidates answered questions about their plans. You can read their responses at ricksblog.biz/2024-surveys.
•VOTE411 Launched by the League of Women Voters, VOTE411 is a non-partisan one-stop shop for election information. To
compare candidates, make a voting plan and more, visit vote411.org/florida.
• Financial Reports The Escambia County Supervisor of Elections office has the campaign finance reports of all local candidates on escambiavotes.com under "Candidates." Reports for state and multi-county candidates can be found at dos.fl.gov/elections under "Resources: Candidates, Campaigns & Committees." The financial reports for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives candidates can be found at fec.gov/data.
• Chamber Candidate Forum The forum, which was held on July 16 for the Escambia County Commissioner and School Board races, is available on the Pensacola Chamber's Facebook page under "Videos."
All qualified and registered voters are permitted to vote-by-mail. To do so, you must request a vote-by-mail ballot to be mailed to you by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8.
Mail-in ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections office no later than 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20, so be sure to get yours in the mail as promptly as you can. Once it's in the mail, you can visit escambiavotes. gov/track-my-ballot to chart its progress. If you are worried that you're cutting it close to the deadline or just decide you'd rath-
er vote in person, you can bring your mail-in ballot to any early voting location or your local precinct on election day. You'll surrender your mail-in ballot and receive an in-person ballot instead. If you're unable to return the ballot, you'll have to vote with a provisional ballot, so do your best to avoid that situation. You can also drop your mail-in ballot off in person at the Supervisor of Elections office (213 S. Palafox St., second floor). Just remember the deadline is 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20.
For more on voting-by-mail in Escambia County, visit escambiavotes.gov/vote-by-mail.
For this primary election, you can vote early from Saturday, Aug. 10 through Saturday, Aug. 17. There are 10 early voting locations in Escambia County, and any registered Escambia County voter can vote at any early voting polling place. All early voting locations are open from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily.
Supervisor of Elections Office
Main Library
Molino Community Center
Asbury Place at Cokesbury Church
Southwest Library
Bellview Library
Escambia County Extension
Brownsville Community Center
UWF Center for Fine and Performing Arts
Billy G. Ward Courthouse
213 S. Palafox St., Second Floor 239 Spring St. 6450-A Highway 95A, Molino
750 College Blvd. 12248 Gulf Beach Highway 6425 Mobile Highway 3740 Stefani Road, Cantonment
3200 W. DeSoto St. 11000 University Parkway, Bldg. 82 7500 N. Century Blvd, Century
For more on early voting in Escambia County, visit escambiavotes.gov/early-voting-locations.
Tuesday, Aug. 20
• First, find your assigned voting location. This is based on the address you registered to vote with (because you already registered, right?). We recommend visiting escambiavotes.gov/precinct-finder to find your polling location easily.
•Then head to that location between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20. Bring photo identification and you should be good to go. {in}
WolfGang Pensacola, LLC, in partnership with Hoff House Pet Photography, returns with the 2025 Pups of Pensacola Calendar Contest. Proceeds, after costs and fees, from the photo contest and calendar sales will assist with continuing their efforts to provide resources for area animals in need. Submit your favorite photo of your pets and ask your family and friends to vote for them (and you can vote for your cutie, too). Each entry is a $15 fee, and each vote is $1 with proceeds, after costs and fees, going to the fourth annual Pawdi-gras benefactor, the Escambia County Department of Animals Welfare. Details are available at gogophotocontest.com/wolfgangpensacola.
Allies Florida hosts bingo twice monthly at Scenic Hills Country Club, 8891 Burning Tree Road. The cost is 10 rounds of bingo for $10, with cash prizes for winners. Food and drinks are also available for purchase. The full bar and restaurant offer special adult beverages just for bingo nights. You must be 18 to play. For more information, visit facebook. com/animalalliesflorida.
ADOPTION Visit Pet Supermarket 11 a.m.-3 p.m. every first and third Saturday of the month at 6857 N. Ninth Ave. to meet your furever friend. Visit aaflorida.org for details.
DRIVE The Gloria Green Caring & Sharing Ministry is attached to the Historic St. Joseph Catholic Church, 140 W. Government St. The ministry feeds the homeless 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays. The ministry's food pantry opens 10 a.m. and has clothing. Food donations needed are poptop canned goods, Beanie Weenies, Vienna sausage, potted meat, cans of tuna and chicken and soups. Clothing donations needed include tennis shoes for men and women, as well as sweatshirts and new underwear for men in sizes small, medium and large. Call DeeDee Green at (850) 7233390 for details.
Get back-to-school ready with Waterboyz. Shop with Waterboyz, 380 N. Ninth Ave., during TaxFree week and save on select apparel, backpacks, shoes and select accessories in store only. Sale ends Aug. 11.
The Wide Angle Photo Club has opened registration for the 2024 Power of Photography show in November. All amateur and professional photographers are welcome to participate and compete for cash prizes and sponsor merchandise. Photographers may enter unlimited photos online. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. Aug. 18. The late entry is through Aug. 18 with a fee of $15. For details, visit wideanglephotoclub.org/contest.
OPERA AFTER DARK Join Pensacola Opera and Tenor Andrew Morstein for an evening of
Italian classics 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9 at the Opera Center, 75 Tarragona St. Tickets are $25 at pensacolaopera.com.
ANNE OF GREEN GABLES Showtime is 7-9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9 at The REX Theatre, 18 N. Palafox St. Details are at shininglightplayers.com.
GALLERY NIGHT: CAR SHOW The next Gallery Night is 5-9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16 in downtown Pensacola on South Palafox Street. Visit gallerynightpensacola.org for details.
INCORRUPTIBLE Watch this Studio 400 Production at Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Aug. 16 and 23, Saturdays, Aug. 17 and 24, 2:30 p.m. Sundays, Aug. 18 and 25. A Thursday performance is 7:30 p.m. Aug. 22. Tickets are $20-$30 at pensacolalittletheatre.com.
LIFE OF PETS' The next Cinemas in the Sand is Friday, Aug. 16 with a showing of the animated feature "The Secret Life of Pets." Movie starts at sunset from the Gulfside Pavilion stage on Casino Beach. Visit facebook.com/visitpensacolabeach for details.
Hobbs Glass will host the ninth annual Second Sale 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17 at the 1060 Gallery located at the First City Arts Center. Shop a wide variety of beautiful glass pieces, from one-off prototypes to discontinued series and perfectly imperfect pieces.
HOT WAX VINYL FAIR Fair is noon Sunday, Aug. 18 at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox St., with records, live DJs and beer releases. Details are at facebook.com/oddcolony.
The next book club is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20 with the discussion of "Not Another Love Song" by Julie Soto. The Romance Book Club meets every third Tuesday at Bodacious Bookstore, 110 E. Intendencia St. Details are at facebook.com/bodaciousbookstore.
THE ART GALLERY AT UWF PRESENTS TAG ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2024 'TESTBED' "TESTBED" 2024 Faculty Artist in Residence and Exhibition features UWF Department of Art and Design faculty members Marzia Ransom, Jason Pinckard and John Dougherty. Artwork will be displayed at TAG, in the Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 11000 University Parkway, Building 82, on the Pensacola campus. An opening reception is 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22 in TAG. Following the open studio hours and reception, visitors can view completed works during the exhibition dates Aug. 22- Sept. 26. A closing reception is 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 in TAG. TAG is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and observes all UWF closures and holidays. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, visit uwf.edu/tag.
CELEBRATING 70: A HISTORY OF COLLECTING A new Pensacola Museum of Art exhibit runs through Sept. 29 featuring highlights
of PMA's permanent collection at 407 S. Jefferson St. Details are available at pensacolamuseum.org.
Try your hand at stand-up comedy or watch others perform 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Tuesdays at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 Cervantes St. Details are at sirrichardslounge.com.
SILENT BOOK CLUB AT BODACIOUS Sundays are for quietly reading at Bodacious Bookstore & Café, 110 E. Intendencia St. Join the Silent Book Club 10-11 a.m. Sundays. Details are at facebook.com/bodaciousbookstore.
PENSACOLA ROSE SOCIETY Monthly meetings are normally 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month at the Pensacola Garden Center, 1850 N. Ninth Ave. Visit pensacolarosesociety.org for more information.
BTB COMEDY Watch live standup comedy in open mic style 7 p.m. Mondays at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox. Follow BTB Comedy on Facebook for updates.
BTB Comedy presents a comedy showcase the first Thursday monthly at Subculture Art Gallery, 701 N. V St. Follow facebook.com/pensacolasubculture for updates.
SCRIPTEASERS Join writers at Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St., for Scripteasers every month. Visit pensacolalittletheatre. com for details.
PALAFOX MARKET Enjoy Palafox Market 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays. The event features local farmers, artists and crafters on North and South Palafox Street at Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza and Plaza Ferdinand. For updates, visit facebook.com/downtownpensacola.
CABARET DRAG SHOWCASE AT AMERICAN LEGION POST #193 Don't miss Cabaret Drag Showcase every second and fourth Saturday at the American Legion Post #193, 2708 N. 12th Ave. Doors open 8 p.m. Showtime is 10 p.m. For more information, contact show director Taize Sinclair-Santi at taizesinclairsanti@gmail.com.
SPIRITS OF SEVILLE QUARTER GHOST TOUR AND LUNCHEON Dine inside Pensacola's oldest and most haunted restaurant and investigate the spirits with actual paranormal equipment at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Tickets are $12 and include a voucher toward Seville Quarter's menu. Tours are 11 a.m.-2 p.m. weekdays and 2-4 p.m. Sundays. Make an appointment by calling (850) 941-4321.
AFTER DARK: SEVILLE QUARTER GHOSTS, MURDER, MAYHEM AND MYSTERY TOUR AND DINNER After Dark Paranormal Investigation and Dinner happens inside one of Pensacola's most haunted restaurants with actual ghost-hunting equipment 6-8 p.m. Sundays. Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, paranormal activities, history and more related to Seville Quarter and downtown Historic Pensac-
ola. After your ghost tour, enjoy dinner at Seville Quarter Palace Café, 130 E. Government St. Reservations are required. Call (850) 941-4321. Tickets are available at pensacolaghostevents.com.
BODY, MIND, SPIRIT MARKET AT EVER'MAN Local vendors, artisans, holistic practitioners, speakers and more come together 10 a.m.-4 p.m. the first Saturday of the month at Ever'man Downtown, 315 W. Garden St. This is a free indoor and outdoor event with door prizes, entertainment and children's activities. For a vendor table, call (850) 941-4321 or go to empowermentschoolhouse.com.
HOUSE OF DRAGON TRIVIA Event is 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8 at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox St. Details are at facebook.com/oddcolony.
BAKING FUNDAMENTALS: SWISS ROLL Class is 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10 at Pensacola Cooks, 4051 Barrancas Ave. Ste. C. Details and ticket info are at facebook.com/pensacolacooks.
THE DINNER DETECTIVE COMEDY MYSTERY DINNER SHOW Comedy, interactive show is 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10 at Hilton Garden Inn, 8 S. Ninth Ave. Details are at thedinnerdetective.com.
BRUNCH AND BUBBLES Brunch is 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 11 at Bodacious, 407-D S. Palafox St. Tickets are $50 and available through the event link at facebook.com/bodaciousshops.
SUMMER BEER OLYMPICS The Summer Beer Olympics continue through Aug. 11. Visit Perfect Plain, 50 E. Garden St., during the Olympics. Get a Beer Olympics Loyalty Card and a free T-shirt when you purchase all 10 beers during the Olympics. Visit facebook.com/ perfectplainbrewingco for details.
1920S MURDER MYSTERY Event is 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 11 at Garden & Grain, 50 E. Garden St. Tickets and details are at facebook. com/perfectplainbrewingco.
VINO MAGNIFICO Sample five wines and mingle with wine enthusiasts 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13 at V. Paul's, 29 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $18 a person and available at vpauls.com. Reservations are required.
HAWAIIAN STREET FOOD CLASS Class is 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 with Pensacola Cooks, 4051 Barrancas Ave. Cost is $60 a student. Tickets are available at facebook.com/pensacolacooks.
ALGA BEER COMPANY THREE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY Stop by Alga Beer 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 18 at 2435 N. 12th Ave. with beer releases, live music, new merch and more. Visit facebook.com/algabeerco.
COASTAL CALIFORNIA WINE DINNER EXPERIENCE WITH CHEF CHRIS VOORHEES Dinner is 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 at Bodacious, 407 S. Palafox St. Ste. C. Cost is $90 and tickets are available through the link at facebook.com/bodaciousshops.
LNO: SUMMER VIBES Ladies Night Out cooking class is 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16 at Pensacola Cooks, 4051 Barrancas Ave. Tickets are available through the link at facebook.com/pensacolacooks.
GREEN THUMB WINE TASTINGS Join Green Thumb Wines for a wine tasting 6-8 p.m. every first Friday of the month at 9 E. Gregory St. Cost is $15, which can be applied to a bottle purchase of your choice. For more information and tickets, visit greenthumbwines.com/collections/events.
MEN'S NIGHT AT WISTERIA From 3 p.m. to close Mondays, guys can play free darts and enjoy $6 craft tallboys. There are more than 150 craft beers to choose from. Wisteria is located at 3803 N. 12th Ave. Visit wisteriatavern.com for details.
FIGHTER GAME NIGHT AT O'RILEY'S Gamers unite 5 p.m.-close Mondays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
SIN NIGHT AT O'RILEY'S SIN Night is 11 p.m. to close Mondays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
TRIVIA NIGHT AND SIN Trivia is 9-10:30 p.m. Mondays, and SIN is 11 p.m.-3 a.m. at Mugs and Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar. com for details.
BINGO NIGHT AT CALVERT'S IN THE HEIGHTS Play a game (or two) of Bingo 6-8 p.m. Mondays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670
Scenic Highway. For more information, visit calvertsintheheights.com.
DOUBLE MONDAYS AND SIN NIGHT Enjoy Double Mondays 8 p.m. to midnight and SIN Night 11 p.m. to close at O'Riley's Tavern, 3728 Creighton Road. Details are at orileystavern.com.
75 CENT OYSTERS AT ATLAS Enjoy 75-cent oysters 5-9 p.m. Tuesdays at Atlas Oyster House, 600 S. Barracks St. For more information, visit greatsouthernrestaurants.com.
MUSIC BINGO Test your music knowledge 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays at Wisteria, 3808 N. 12th Ave. Take part in half-price bottles of wine and $5 canned cocktails. Visit wisteriatavern.com for details.
Visit O'Riley's Irish Pub for poker at 6:30 p.m. and bar bingo 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays at 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
LUNCH AT THE DISTRICT The District Steakhouse, 130 E. Government St., is open for special lunch seatings on the third Friday of the month. Enjoy a $5 martini or house wine. Seatings are 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Reservations are accepted but not necessary. Details are available at districtsteaks.com.
DOLLAR NIGHT Enjoy Dollar Night 8 p.m.-midnight Tuesdays, at Mugs and Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar.com for details.
SECOND TUESDAY THEMED TRIVIA Visit Perfect Plain Brewing Co. for themed trivia nights 7-9 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at 50 E. Garden St. Visit facebook.com/perfectplainbrewingco for details.
DOLLAR NIGHT AT O'RILEY'S Dollar Night is 8 p.m. to midnight Wednesdays at O'Riley's Tavern, 3728 Creighton Road. Details are at orileystavern.com.
TRIVIA AT O'RILEY'S Test your trivia knowledge 8-10 p.m. Wednesdays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
SIN NIGHT AND KARAOKE Karaoke is 9 p.m.1 a.m. and SIN specials are 11 p.m.-3 a.m. at Mugs & Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar. com for details.
Take part in trivia nights 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. For more information, visit calvertsintheheights.com.
SIPPIN' IN SUNDRESSES LADIES' NIGHT AT FELIX'S Pop-up shops, pink drink specials and live music is 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Felix's Restaurant and Oyster Bar, 400 Quietwater Beach Drive.
PITCHERS AND TAVERN TRIVIA Get deals on pitchers 8 p.m. to midnight at O'Riley's Tavern. Trivia is 9 -11 p.m. Thursdays at 3728 Creighton Road. Visit orileystavern.com for details.
DOLLAR NIGHT AT O'RILEY'S Dollar Night with a DJ starts 8 p.m. Thursdays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
TRIVIA UNDER THE TREES Trivia is 6 p.m. Thursdays at Wisteria Tavern, 3808 N. 12th Ave. Visit wisteriatavern.com for details.
Gary's Brewery Trivia Night is back by popular demand 7-9 p.m. Thursdays at 208 Newman Ave. Test your trivia skills with a glass of beer or wine. Arrive early to grab a spot. For more information, visit facebook.com/garysbrew.
TRIVIA AT SIR RICHARD'S Flex your trivia knowledge 8-10 p.m. Fridays at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
POKER NIGHT AT SIR RICHARDS'S Poker Night is 6 p.m. Saturdays at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E Cervantes St. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
WEEKLY SATURDAY BRUNCH Brunch is 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
SHAMROCK SATURDAY Shamrock Saturday is 9 p.m. Saturdays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
FREE POOL AND BAR BINGO AT O'RILEY'S TAVERN Enjoy free pool all day and play bar bingo 9-11 p.m. Sundays at O'Riley's Tavern, 3728 Creighton Road. Details are at orileystavern.com.
Partake in brunch specials, full café menu, espressos and bottomless mimosas until 1 p.m. Sundays at Café Single Fin, 380 N. Ninth Ave. Live music begins at 10 a.m. Visit cafesinglefin. com for details.
SUNDAY BRUNCH AND KARAOKE O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. hosts Sunday brunch 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Karaoke begins at 8 p.m. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
SUNDAY BRUNCH AT ATLAS OYSTER HOUSE Sunday Brunch is 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays at Atlas Oyster House, 600 S. Barracks St. View menus at atlasoysterhouse.com.
BANDS ON THE BEACH Weekly concert series
is 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays at Gulfside Pavilion on Pensacola Beach. Aug. 13 is The Astronauts, and Aug. 20 is Yard Lights. For details, visit visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happening-bands-on-beach.
EVERYWHERE, HALF HEARD VOICES Show is 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are $20-$25 and available at thehandlebar850.com.
DJ FLASHDRIVE, OMG ROBBY, DJ STRAYLIGHT, DEVIN STONE, MAURICE CEZAR Show is 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are available at vinylmusichall.com.
20 YEARS OF TEARS: HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS, THURSDAY, ANBERLIN Show is 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Purchase tickets at seetickets. us/20yrspcola.
JERRY GARCIA COVER BAND Show is 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Cost is $10. Tickets are at vinylmusichall.com.
ERIC JOHANSON, JOHN HART PROJECT Show is 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are $15-$20 and available at handlebar850.com.
FREE GALLERY NIGHT SHOW WITH MODERN ELDORADOS Show is 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Details are at vinylmusichall.com.
PAUL VINSON & STARLIN, NICK FAIR, TORI LUCIA Show is 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are $12-$15 and available at thehandlebar850.com.
COLONY Music pickers of all levels are invited to play 7-9 p.m. every last Monday of the month at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox St. Bring your acoustic instrument and jam. Visit facebook.com/ oddcolony for details.
QUARTER Enjoy smooth jazz with Melodious Allen and The Funk Heads on Tuesday nights at Lili Marlene's in Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. Visit sevillequarter.com for more information.
KARAOKE AT O'RILEY'S UPTOWN Sing your heart out 8 p.m.-midnight Tuesdays at O'Riley's Uptown, 3728 Creighton Road. Visit orileystavern.com for details.
Open mic night is hosted by Renee Amelia 6 p.m. every other Wednesday at Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave. Visit facebook.com/ garysbrew for details.
KARAOKE AT THE HANDLEBAR Karaoke is 9 p.m. Wednesdays at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Visit thehandlebar850.com for details.
KARAOKE AT WISTERIA Wisteria Tavern hosts karaoke 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 3808 N. 12th Ave. Details are at wisteriatavern.com.
WHISKEY WEDNESDAY KARAOKE Karaoke starts 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Mugs and Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar.com for details.
Bring your singing talents Monday and Thursday nights at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Festivities are 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
Drink specials and live music are 4-7 p.m. Fridays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
LIVE MUSIC ON THE PATIO AT SIR RICHARD'S Enjoy live music outside 8-11 p.m. Fridays at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
Karaoke starts 9 p.m. Sunday at Mugs and Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar.com for details.
PUB Karaoke is 8 p.m.-midnight Sundays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Details are at orileyspub.com.
LIVE MUSIC AT CALVERT'S Listen to live music 5-8 p.m. Sundays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. Visit facebook.com/ calvertsintheheights for details.
Ocean Hour Pensacola hosts weekly cleanups 7:45-9 a.m. Saturdays. Follow Ocean Hour at facebook.com/oceanhourfl for more details and locations.
for more listings visit inweekly.net
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19): Legend tells us that the first person to drink tea was Chinese Emperor Shennong in 2737 BCE. As he lounged outdoors, tree leaves fell into his cup of water and accidentally created an infusion. Good for him that he was willing to sample that accidental offering. It took many centuries, but eventually tea drinking spread throughout the world. And yet the first tea bag, an icon of convenience, didn't become available until 1904. I don't expect you will have to wait anywhere near that long to move from your promising new discoveries to the highly practical use of those discoveries. In fact, it could happen quickly. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to ripen your novel ideas, stellar insights and breakthrough innovations.
TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20): I hope in the coming months, Taurus, you will refine your skills with joy and vigor. I hope you will devote yourself to becoming even more masterful at activities you already do well. I hope you will attend lovingly to details and regard discipline as a high art, as if doing so is the most important gift you can give to life. To inspire you in these noble quests, I offer you a quote by stage magician Harry Blackstone Jr.: "Practice until it becomes boring, then practice until it becomes beautiful."
GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20): "Wohlweh" is a German word that means "good pain" or "pleasurable pain." It might refer to the feeling you have while scratching a mosquito bite or rubbing your eyes when they're itchy from allergies. But my favorite use of the word occurs when describing a deep-tissue massage that may be a bit harrowing even as it soothes you and provides healing. That's a great metaphor for the kind of "wohlweh" I expect for you in the coming days. Here's a tip: The less you resist the strenuous "therapy," the better you'll feel.
CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22): I earn my living as a writer now, but for many years I had to work at odd jobs to keep from starving. One of the most challenging was tapping the sap of Vermont maple trees during the frigid weather of February. Few trees produce more than three gallons of sap per day, and it takes 40 to 50 gallons to create a single gallon of maple syrup. It was hard work that
By Rob Brezsny
required a great deal of patience. According to my analysis, you Cancerians are in a metaphorically comparable situation these days. To get the good results you want, you may have to generate a lot of raw material—and that could take a while. Still, I believe in the end, you'll think the strenuous effort has been well worth it.
Why do I bring this to your attention? Because now is an excellent time to synergize your pragmatic devotion to financial success with idealistic work on behalf of noble causes. Doing both of these activities with extra intensity will place you in alignment with cosmic rhythms—even more so if you can manage to coordinate them.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22): I love the fact that Antarctica doesn't belong to anyone. Thirty nations have research stations there, but none of them control what happens. Antarctica has no government. It has a few laws almost everyone obeys, such as a ban on the introduction of non-indigenous plants and animals. But mostly, it's untouched and untamed. Much of its geology is uncharted. Inspired by this singular land, I'd love for you to enjoy a phase of wild sovereignty and autonomy in the coming weeks. What can you do to express yourself with maximum freedom, answering primarily to the sacred laws of your own ardent nature?
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22): Babylonia was an ancient empire located in what's now Syria, Iraq and Iran. Among its citizens, there was a common belief insomnia was the result of intrusive visitations by ancestral spirits. Their urge to communicate made it hard for their descendants to sleep. One supposed cure was to take dead relatives' skulls into bed, lick them and hold them close. I don't recommend this practice to you, Virgo. But I do advise you to consult with the spirits of deceased family members in the coming weeks. I suspect they have a lot to tell you. At the very least, I hope you will explore how you might benefit from studying and pondering your ancestors' lives.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22): Libran tennis player Naomi Osaka is one of the highest-paid women athletes ever. She is also a staunch political activist. That blend of qualities is uncommon.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21): Scorpio actor Sally Field told a story about an agent who worked for her early in her career. In those formative years, all her roles were on TV. But she aspired to expand her repertoire. "You aren't good enough for movies," the agent told her. She fired him, and soon she was starring in films. Let's make this a teaching story for you, Scorpio. In the coming months, you will be wise to surround yourself with influences that support and encourage you. If anyone persistently underestimates you, they should not play a prominent role in your life's beautiful drama.
Sagittarius I know is building a giant sculpture of a humpback whale. Another Sagittarius is adding a woodshop studio onto her house so she can fulfill her dream of crafting and selling fine furniture. Of my other Sagittarius acquaintances, one is writing an epic narrative poem in Greek, another is hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Northern California to the Columbia River in northern Oregon, and another has embarked on a long-postponed pilgrimage to Nigeria, the place of her ancestors' origin. Yes, many Sagittarians I know are thinking expansively, daring spicy challenges and attempting fun feats. Are you contemplating comparable adventures? Now is an excellent time for them.
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19): When I opened my fortune cookie, I found a message that read, "If you would just shut up, you could hear God's voice." In response, I laughed, then got very quiet. I ruminated on how, yes, I express myself a lot. I'm constantly and enthusiastically riffing on ideas that are exciting to me. So I took the fortune cookie oracle to heart. I stopped talking and writing for two days. I retreated into a quiescent stillness and listened to other humans, animals, and the natural world. Forty-five hours into the experiment, I did indeed hear God's voice. She said, "Thanks for making space to hear me. I love
you and want you to thrive." She expounded further, providing me with three interesting clues that have proved to be helpful in practical ways. In accordance with your astrological omens, Capricorn, I invite you to do what I did.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18): Scientists at the University of California devised a cheap and fast method for unboiling an egg. Their effort wasn't frivolous. They were working with principles that could be valuable in treating certain cancers. Now I'm inviting you to experiment with metaphorical equivalents of unboiling eggs, Aquarius. You are in a phase when you will have extra power to undo results you're bored with or unsatisfied with. Your key words of power will be reversal, unfastening, unlocking and disentangling.
PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20): Every week, I imbibe all the honey from an eight-ounce jar, mostly in my cups of hot tea. To create that treat for me, bees made a million visits to flowers, collecting nectar. I am grateful. The work I do has similarities to what the bees do. I'm constantly gathering oracular ideas, meditating on the astrological signs and contemplating what inspirational messages my readers need to hear. This horoscope may not be the result of a million thoughts, but the number is large. What's the equivalent in your life, Pisces? What creative gathering and processing do you do? Now is a good time to revise, refine and deepen your relationship with it.
HERE'S THE HOMEWORK: Can you boost your willpower just by deciding you want to? Try it. {in}
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CREME DE LA WEIRD Mary Jacobs, 77, of Newmarket, England, tried to sell her prized collection of bedpans at auction in July, the Suffolk News reported on July 29, but there were no takers. Jacobs said she started collecting bedpans in 1984: "I just wanted to collect something different," she said. "It snowballed from there." Now, with 160 unique items, she's run out of room to store them. The rarest ones are those with odd shapes, she noted. She's hoping to find a new home for them: "They're clean, washed and in fantastic condition."
BUT WHY? St. Petersburg, Florida, resident Jaclyn Goszczynski, 40, was arrested on July 26 and charged with felony child abuse, The Smoking Gun reported. Goszczynski, police said, had been hanging picture frames with her three children when she asked her 12-year-old daughter whether she'd ever been "screwed in the a**," then proceeded to drive a screw into her daughter's "left side buttocks" with an electric screwdriver. No word on the daughter's condition, but Goszczynski sits in the county jail on $25,000 bond and has been ordered to have no contact with the victim.
SAW THAT COMING Homeowners' associations seem to aspire to be the group versions of "Karens." To wit: The Wildernest Home Owners Association in Summit County, Colorado, called the sheriff's office in late July to tattle on a kids' lemonade stand that they said was blocking the road. When officers arrived, KKTV reported, they found the kids were not blocking the road, "but did ask them to move back from the road a few feet for their safety," police said. "The original reporting parties came out and began yelling at the children, claiming they were on private property ... (but officers) determined the property was shared HOA property and because the children's parents are part of the HOA, they had a right to be there," the report went on. Kids 1, HOA 0.
ANIMAL ANTICS When Alicia Mastroianni left for work in Brighton, Massachusetts, on July 15, she found her car covered in scratches and a note, she told WBZ-TV. The note was from a neighbor, who wrote, "I just watched and recorded a massive turkey attack your car for over 15 minutes. Sorry you were the target of this turkey rage." "All sides of my car were messed up," Mastroianni said. The Massachusetts Environmental Police said turkey attacks aren't rare anymore in the area. One reason for the assaults is that the birds see their own reflection in the car's surface and attack. They recommend covering your car or yelling to scare turkeys away.
WHAT'S IN A NAME? On July 22, when officers noticed a white van on the I-5 near Weed, California, that kept swerving out of its lane, they engaged their lights and sirens—and it still took almost 3 miles for the van to pull over, KOBI-TV reported. Inside the van, they found 1,021 rooted marijuana plants, which, according to driver Yung Fai Sze, 53, were on their way to Oregon. However, Sze did not have the proper documentation from the California Department of Cannabis Control, so he was
By the Editors at Andrews McMeel
arrested and charged with illegal transportation and possession of marijuana.
AWESOME! In Leicestershire, England, a quaint problem is getting a practical solution, the BBC reported on July 25. The North West Leicestershire District Council received a grant of about $9,300 from Keep Britain Tidy's Chewing Gum Task Force to clean up the discarded wads of gum littering the sidewalks. "Many of the streets, pavements and shopping areas in our towns are affected by discarded chewing gum," said Michael Wyatt of the council, which will also install signs asking people to dispose of their gum properly. The grant is provided by gum manufacturers.
IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING In 2016, the Scottish government declared it would increase the number of medical school placements because of a shortage of doctors, the BBC reported. Eight years later, professor Gordon Findlater, HM Inspector of Anatomy for Scotland, has declared an unexpected and potentially dire result of the change: a shortage of cadavers for medical students to train on. "This is already having an impact on the surgical colleges (which) are now having to cancel training classes," Findlater said.
THE CONTINUING CRISIS River Church Kansas City in Lenexa, Kansas, celebrated Father's Day with a raffle, KSHB-TV reported on July 29. Just what did the lucky winner receive? An AR-15 rifle, of course. The contest was so popular that for the Fourth of July, River Church gave away three more firearms. Why? Well, "A gun is a blessing because here in America, we have what's called the Second Amendment, and we're free Americans," explained pastor Christopher Zehner. "Christ gives us freedom, and so, as Christ has given us freedom on the inside, Americans are free as well, so it correlates," he went on. "Our attendance doubled after this whole thing happened," he said. "We will probably do it again. I would say maybe Christmastime, to be a blessing again." The four winners declined to comment.
BRIGHT IDEA Jason Arsenault, 41, pleaded guilty in Portland, Maine, on July 29 to an unconventional bank robbery attempt, HNGN reported. Back in January, Arsenault, wearing a black hat, a mask and sunglasses on his face, pulled into the drivethru lane of a Key Bank location and sent a note to the teller through the pneumatic tube: "CAR BOMB No Cops Alarms or WE ALL DIE $50,000 in 20s." The teller sent the money back through the tube, and Arsenault drove away. Surveillance video allowed law enforcement to track Arsenault's movements until they could spot him without his disguise; six days later, he was arrested. He directed police to a backpack with the money, hidden in the woods. He faces up to 20 years in prison. {in}
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