“The system is so stressed and it is hanging by a thread, literally.”
“I want to be nourished in every way that’s humanly possible.”
“We’re not trying to convert anybody.”
Independent News | October 11, 2012 | Volume 13 | Number 39 | inweekly.net
publisher & editor Rick Outzen production manager Joani Delezen art director Samantha Crooke administration/ staff writer Jennie McKeon staff writer Jeremy Morrison contributing writers Bradley “B.J.” Davis, Jr., Joani Delezen, Hana Frenette, James Hagen, Brett Hutchins, Chelsa Jillard, Sarah McCartan, Kate Peterson, Chuck Shepherd, T.S. Strickland intern Shelby Smithey
photo courtesy of Pensacola Greek Festival
Ihatejoezarzaur.com .....or so one of his last trial opponents may think. 11 East Romana St. Pensacola, Florida 32502 22
winners & losers
MITT ROMNEY The Republican presi-
dential nominee needed a boost to his floundering campaign. The first presidential debate galvanized his supporters and gave him a chance to act presidential, even if it appears Romney was a little loose with the facts about his proposed initiatives. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you say, just how you say it.
ED TURNER The long-time Board of Trust-
ees member for the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind was recently recognized for his 31 years of service. During his tenure, Turner led the board in various positions to include Board chair and vice chair. He steered the Board’s Endowment Investment Committee, as the chair, in developing and implementing the school’s investment policies to ensure scholarships were available for graduates to continue with advanced education opportunities and supported significant student activities each school year.
CHERRY FITCH The former principal of
Gulf Breeze High School won a seat on the Gulf Breeze City Council last month when no one else filed to run against her. Fitch has served Gulf Breeze for 33 years as a teacher, guidance counselor, assistant principal and principal of Gulf Breeze High School. She has worked as a realtor for Levin-Rinke Resort Realty since retirement.
BIG BIRD The lovable muppet has been targeted by the conservative Republicans. First, he can’t produce a birth certificate. He is part of Mitt Romney’s 47 percent with 15 percent of his network’s budget coming from the federal government. There are also reports that his coworker, the Count, is an undocumented worker from parts unknown. JACK WELCH The former General Electric suggested on Oct. 5 on Twitter that the White House somehow lowered the rate to 7.8 percent to give the president a boost. “Unbelievable jobs numbers … these Chicago guys will do anything … can’t debate so change numbers,” he tweeted. Ever since Pres. Nixon tried to cook the books 40 years ago, safeguards have been in place to prevent such manipulations. Who knew Welch knew how to tweet?
FLORIDA REPUBLICAN PARTY In an unprecedented move, three Florida Supreme Court judges, R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince have been targeted for removal by the state Republican Party. Every six years the justices face retention-vote process, a vote that is usually routine. Why target the judges? Because the trio dared to reject a poorly worded state constitutional amendment that would have allowed Florida to opt-out of the new federal health care law.
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Pensacola and Escambia County are in a new spitting battle. The issue of public libraries is one that has plagued the community for decades. The city of Pensacola runs the system—and I use the word loosely—and the county has traditionally funded about 70 percent of the costs to operate it. This year, Escambia County cut its library contribution by $165,000 from the previous year. The city responded to the shortfall by cutting operational hours, staffing, subscriptions and book purchases. The branches in the rural areas took the brunt of the staff cuts, which didn’t sit well with County Administrator Randy Oliver. He wants to hire back the staff in the rural libraries and cut the county’s fund transfer to the city by whatever that will cost. Oliver wants all library branches in the unincorporated areas be staffed at the same level as the branch in the city with the greatest operating hours. We’ve been here before. In 2007, the Pensacola City Council and the county commission met for over three hours to discuss the Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) and the West Florida Public Library system. The city wanted the county to contribute about $498,000 to fund the library system. The county was asking the city to contribute $300,000 to fund ECAT.
Commissioner Mike Whitehead proposed the county swap the library system for ECAT, but city council wanted none of it. In the end, nothing happened, except the city later stopped its contributions to ECAT. For some reason, this community has never been committed to public libraries. The first public library wasn’t built until 1957. For years, the West Florida Regional Library System was ranked at or near the bottom among the state’s library systems in amount per citizen spent on library materials and facilities, total square feet of library space and other categories. A 1974 study said that the downtown Pensacola library was woeful. In 1990, another one concluded the library’s annual operating budget should be $20 per capita. And again in 2001, a study recommended about $43 million in capital improvements and the budget should be about $10 million annually to bring the system up to par by 2020. The county and city have built more branches, but the funding hasn’t come anywhere near $10 million. The 2012-13 budget is $5.38 million. So instead of a true commitment to public libraries, we have the system becoming a political football yet again. Is there any doubt why our illiteracy rates are so high and our kids’ FCAT reading scores are so low? {in} rick@inweekly.net
Is there any doubt why our illiteracy rates are so high and our kids’ FCAT reading scores are so low?
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BET TER PENSACOL A 2012 PENSACOLA PLEDGE SCHOLARS This fall, the University of West Florida and Pensacola State College welcomed 35 Pensacola Pledge Scholars, amounting to approximately $60,000 in scholarship awards. The 2012 UWF Pledge Scholars include: Haley Anderson, Andre Bordelon, Jonathan Brannan, Jackson Buckley, Brett Calkins, Alexa Carter, Phillip Dugger, Darian Feysa, Sophie Irwin, Lakeyah Johnson, Deforest Jones, Latesa Jones, Tanya Jones, Tucker Massey, Emily Mixson, Layla Navidi, Lyndon Parmer, Elizabeth Quina, Rachael Robinson, Mary Tempesta, Annie Thomas and Timothy Tittel. Pensacola State students in the 2012 scholarship program are Kelli Brock, Javante Butler, Molly Funck, Kata Kuch, Kendall Lee, Chelsea Mason, Emma McBride-Taylor, Christian McCants, Christopher Pahalek, Kayla Parazine and Anna Talamo. Students interested in applying for the Pensacola Pledge Scholars program for the 2013 academic year must reside within Pensacola city limits and graduate from an Escambia County public high school the same year as college entrance. To apply, students must submit an application, two letters of recommendation and a 500-word essay on “What being a citizen of Pensacola means to me” by April 1, 2013. For more information about the Pensacola Pledge Scholars program and application information for the 2013 academic year, go to www.pensacolastate.edu or www.uwf.edu/pensacolapledge.
Alexa Carter (UWF); Javante Butler (PSC); Anna Talmal (PSC); Tucker Massey (UWF)
Sponsored by Quint and Rishy Studer October 11, 2012
SLOW BURN It didn’t take data to validate response and staffing issues to the union president. He had other validations. “The problem was validated by that fire fatality,” he said. “The one that occurred last month and the one that occurred in November. That should have validated it.” Brask attributes the county’s problems to the waning numbers of volunteer firefighters. “The volunteer situation has faded, and that’s nationwide,” he said. “There’s just a downturn in volunteering.” Escambia County Public Safety Director Mike Weaver is familiar with the issue. It’s been a problem in the county for years. “It’s nothing new, that’s why volunteers started missing calls back in the 1990s,” Weaver said.
Escambia County firefighters work a local scene. / courtesy photo
County Grapples with Gaps in Fire Service by Jeremy Morrison Firefighters provide perhaps the purest service government has to offer. If your house is on fire they will come and try to put it out. They’ll risk their lives, and maybe save yours. When a fire call goes out, firefighters begin a race. A race against time, in which the situation could worsen exponentially by the minute. Locally, Escambia County Fire Rescue rushes to respond to fires. Sometimes, however, the response time is longer than it should be due to unmanned and undermanned stations in the county. On Thanksgiving Day 2011, a house caught fire about a mile away from the Station 16 in Warrington. There was no initial response from that station, an all-volunteer location. After more than eight minutes, a fire crew from the Navy base arrived on scene. Too late to save the victim, who was found at the front door. More recently, on Sept. 26, there was another fire in the Warrington district. And another fire fatality, this time with both stations 16 and 11 never responding.
from the blog 66
A crew from District 17 did respond to the Warrington fire. Unfortunately, a fire broke out in District 17 while they were on the call. Luckily, no one was injured or killed in that incident. “The system is so stressed and it is hanging by a thread, literally,” said Firefighter Dan Brask.
“We have a remote controlled vehicle operating on Mars today, but we can’t get people out of a fire station?”
Sitting at his kitchen table, Brask was frustrated. “We have a remote controlled vehicle operating on Mars today, but we can’t get people out of a fire station?” he asked. “That just doesn’t make sense.” As president of the Escambia County Professional Firefighters Local 4131, it troubles Brask to watch what he considers to be a deterioration of service. It’s not good for the citizens and it’s not good for the firefighters. “It has a significant effect on morale, on the volunteer firefighters, as well as the career,” Brask said. “There’s nothing that affects a fireman more than hearing a call and there’s nobody there to fulfill that need.”
“The library is a service for the entire community.”—Cathy
Recently, Escambia County crunched 10 months worth of numbers and found that stations had been non-responsive in more than 3,000 instances. Station 16 alone missed 670 calls.
Dan Brask When a station misses a call it is because it is unmanned, or there are not enough firefighters present to man a crew. Of the county’s 18 stations, eight are all-volunteer and four more are not manned with career personnel beyond four in the afternoon or on the weekends. “It’s basically, this,” Brask said, crossing his fingers.
“This is a great move the city council made.”—Beverly
“She was put in place to help the people who elected her.”—Bill
In September, Fire Chief Daniel Spillman resigned from his position with Escambia County. He declined to discuss the reasons for his departure, but did outline some closing thoughts in an email to his comrades in the department. “Stay the course as I know you will, always do the right thing and hopefully the political winds will change and allow the department to progress and whoever is the Fire Chief to make the necessary changes to really make a difference,” Spillman wrote. “I think we all know what those are.” Weaver wasn’t sure if the response and coverage stresses were at play in the chief’s decision to resign. “It may have had part to do with it, it was an issue he couldn’t overcome,” the director said. “It’s just a very tough job and some other issues—that may have been a portion.” In an August letter to the county, Brask outlined the union’s position. He also offered some suggestions for temporarily addressing their concerns. “The county needs to reinstate mandatory four man staffing so the career personnel can at least have adequate personnel when responding into fire districts that are lacking on volunteer response,” he wrote, also suggesting that Station 16 be staffed with 12 career firefighters. Like everything else, the crux of this issue comes down to dollars. Weaver said that an increase in the level of fire service will require more money. That requires an increase in the Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU), the tax that funds fire service.
“Mayor must not have been available...”—Tony
Rick’s Blog has been quoted in the New York Times, Newsweek and on dozens of websites, including The Daily Beast. Read it to find out the real story behind the news. Visit ricksblog.biz.
Brask said he would like to see the department’s current available budget reworked to reflect the coverage concerns. “They’re trying to say we don’t have enough money,” he said. “And we’re saying this is an extraordinary situation, you have to maximize every dollar for personnel.”
Brask is hopeful that the county’s data spurs action. “I believe the majority of commissioners at this point would agree to hire more career personnel,” the union president said. “It’s just clear.” Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson said he recognizes the problem. He also concedes the eventual, inevitable solution: an increase in the Fire MSBU. “We may have to look next year at an increase,” Robinson said. “We just need more people.” Wilson Robertson, chairman of the commission, isn’t quite ready to commit to a MSBU increase. “I’m not right now,” he said, “cause they just increased it recently, a few months ago.” Robertson has another possible solution in mind. More ambulances—“they’ve got about $11 million reserves at EMS.” Along with responding to fires, firefighters also respond to other emergencies— “out at a fender bender, sweeping grass or whatnot”—as they are trained to provide emergency medical service. Unlike when firefighters respond to traffic accidents or other medical emergencies, a citizen is billed for the services of an ambulance. “The fire trucks can’t collect a dime when they go out to these minor accidents, so we need to look at that,” Robertson said, venturing that the prospects of an ambulance bill would also cut down on calls for service—“then people will be a little more thoughtful when they call about a minor issue.”
In the immediate future, Weaver said the county may look at restructuring current resources in an effort to address the hotspots. Reshuffling the formula. He calls it a “costeffective, easy fix.” “It’s kind of the way the chief was leaning,” Weaver said. Brask is ready for some sign of a plan. He describes the county as unresponsive to the problems facing the department. “We’re doing our jobs, we’re doing our jobs in a stressed environment,” he said. “Where is their effort?” Whatever the solution—be it restructuring, or an increase in the MSBU, or something else entirely—he hopes it comes soon. The validations are difficult for a firefighter. “That’s a fundamental aspect of government,” said Brask, “to provide the services that citizens can’t do for themselves.” Citizens, meanwhile, are experiencing varying degrees of fire service depending on where they live. Some stations sit empty and useless, as nearby fires and precious minutes burn and neighboring crews are drawn away from their districts. {in} October 11, 2012
all the political news and gossip fit to print
MCCAIN’S ROMNEY RALLY As the November election nears, Pensacola is seeing its share of Mitt Romney stumpers. Following a visit from Mike Huckabee a few days prior, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) made an Oct. 2 stop at The Fish House. While Romney was not in attendance, the scene was otherwise reminiscent of the candidate’s campaign visit during the primary season: Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Chumuckla) and Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward gathered on the restaurant’s deck to introduce McCain, who relied heavily on his naval background to connect with the locals. “I want to talk very seriously to our veterans,” the senator said. “This is the most important election of our lifetime. Whoever takes Florida is probably going to be the next president and that person has to be Mitt Romney.” The 2008 presidential candidate spoke about the current national debt, and also criticized President Barack Obama’s policies, such as the recently passed Affordable Care Act. “We’ve just gone over $16 trillion dollars in debt. This is the same president who said he would cut the deficit in half and said if we didn’t get our budget balanced in his first term then he didn’t deserve a second term. I guess he’s got a little amnesia on that one,” McCain said, before laying into the new health care law. “When Mitt Romney is the president of the United States, the first thing he’ll do is repeal and replace Obamacare. He will stop this overwhelming avalanche of government regulations that is shifting the free enterprise system in America that has caused us to have the longest recession in history with the exception of the Great Depression.” McCain, who was a Vietnam-era prisoner of war, also talked about what he views as the president’s lack of leadership during the war in Iraq. “I believe this president does not know how to lead this country. He does not understand the importance of our military,” the senator said “He does not understand that the forces of radical Islam are there and are a direct threat to our country. We’ve lost over 4,000 brave young Americans who sacrificed their lives in the war in Iraq. Now we are losing the peace after we have won. The Taliban is coming back and Al Qaeda is coming back because they know we are weak.” Evoking a call-response back-and-forth, McCain asked the Romney supporters in attendance how many times they had heard Obama say the word “victory.” A number of people shouted back “never.”
“You know what service is like,” McCain wrapped up his remarks. “It is your obligation. We have to get this vote out. This is going to come down to Florida.”
LOCAL ROMNEY PARADE CONTINUES A couple of days after McCain’s visit, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) also dropped by The Fish House. He spoke to about 30 people at a private Oct. 4 fundraiser for Congressman Steve Southerland (R-Panama City), using the opportunity to praise Romney’s debate performance the night before. “He needed to make the sale, and Mitt made the sale last night. The debate wasn’t about policy issues. It was about how he handles himself,” Boehner said. “The economy was a fidgety place for the president to focus. And it’s with their pocketbooks that people vote. The President wanted to talk about anything other than the economy.” The Speaker described polls that show Obama leading in battleground states as “goofy,” and told attendees that the race is in a “dead heat” in key states. He encouraged Republicans to vote and questioned the reliability of traditionally left-leaning voters. “We’re going to get our people out,” Boehner said. “Blacks, Hispanics and young people are the people most hurt by this economy. Do you really think they are going to vote for this president? I don’t think so.”
“The Taliban is coming back and Al Qaeda is coming back because they know we are weak.” Sen. John McCain
pet access on the beach. Once she began researching the matter, she explained, she learned that Northwest Florida has a reputation for banning dogs. “It wasn’t like, ‘Oh no, they don’t allow it,’” Sindel said. “It was like, ‘Pensacola Beach is the most un-pet friendly beach in the state of Florida.’”
CNG STATION OPENS Partnering together, the city of Pensacola, Pensacola Energy and the Escambia County Utilities Authority have opened a compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station on Pine Forest Road. The station is the first of several that the agencies have planned. The new station is located at the ECUA’s sanitation facility, and will service an estimated 80 vehicles from all three entities’ fleets. There are eventual plans to open the $1.8 million facility to commercial fleets and the general public. Last year, ECUA and Pensacola Energy finalized a 10-year CNG agreement. Under the agreement, Pensacola Energy, an enterprise of the city, will maintain the station and ECUA will pay monthly transportation charges, as well as an indexed price-perdiesel-gallon equivalent of fuel used.
“It was like, ‘Pensacola Beach is the most unpet friendly beach in the state of Florida.’” Karen Sindel
DOGS ON THE BEACH? Dogs that currently enjoy splashing in the gulf and racing over the white sands of Pensacola Beach do so at the risk of earning their masters a hefty ticket. Karen Sindel is hoping to change that. Following an Oct. 10 presentation to the Santa Rosa Island Authority, the local resident will make the rounds to Escambia County officials. Sindel has already floated the idea of allowing dogs limited beach access, and said the response has been good. “Everyone seemed very positive,” she said, “it’s just that nobody has taken the ball and run with it.” Sindel is proposing that dogs be allowed on certain stretches of the beach, and during limited hours. Leashes would be required during turtle or bird-nesting seasons. The dog proponent points out that more than 20 other Florida counties allow for
Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers has filed a Motion for Clarification or Rehearing. She is requesting Circuit Judge J. Scott Duncan clarify his late September ruling on a lawsuit the councilwoman filed against Mayor Ashton Hayward. Myers’ lawsuit challenged the scope of the mayor’s authority, and specifically the May 15 memorandum in which Hayward requested that council members channel communication with city staff through his office. When Judge Duncan issued an Order Granting Complaint for Writ of Quo Warranto In Part and Denying Complaint for Writ of Quo Warranto In Part, both Myers and the Mayor claimed their respective perspectives on the matter had been validated. While Myers pointed out that the ruling allowed for council to make inquiries, Hayward read the decision as backing up his position that individual council members would need to communicate with staff via his office. “Given the language of the formal statement issued by the Mayor following the issuance of this Court’s Order, Petitioner is compelled to respectfully request that this Court provide clarification or its Order, which would delineate the proper scope of the Mayor’s communication policy authority,” states Myers’ new motion. {in} 7
It’s not easy picking favorites. In some categories, the difference between ‘winner’ and ‘runner up’ was a slim margin, so it’s only right to recognize those businesses that give healthy competition and provide Pensacola with great food, drinks, retail therapy and overall improve the city’s quality of life. Over 5,000 votes were cast online for this year’s Best of the Coast. In order to celebrate all the businesses that you voted for, we had to split up the list in two issues. Just like the winner’s list, you’ll see some familiar names and businesses, and some new. Keep reading to see the Rest of the Best.
October 11, 2012
Rest of the Best that antiques are “the oldest form of recycling.” She describes the store as “big and absolutely full” of items new and old with mid-century modern furniture being the most abundant inventory. “It’s like 80 different stores in one,” Wessel said.
Lee Tracy Shoes & Apparel
Winner: Best Wine Shop, Best Wine Tastings Charlotte Gordon, proprietor of Aragon Wine Market, is obviously a lover of wine, but not an expert. “I'm happy to admit that I learn something new about wine each day,” Gordon said. “I think that the never-ending learning of wine is what makes it so great.” What makes Aragon Wine Market different from wine shops is the customer service. “We take the time to get to know our customers and their needs. I like meeting people, talking with regular customers and get satisfaction when I help someone find a wine that they love.”
Winner: Best Antiques Andrea Wessel and her husband opened Blue Moon Antiques—named after the blue moon they were married under, over 10 years ago. Wessel has a love and an eye for antiques, which she got from her mother and notes 010 1
Winner: Best New Retail Shop Runner Up: Best Gourmet/Specialty Food With marinated olives, fresh pasta, a dizzying array of infused olive oils, balsamic vinegars, and gourmet salts, this gorgeous boutique is worth exploring. When Tristan de Luna came to Pensacola over 450 years ago, he brought several olive trees to plant. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans. The Bodacious Olive has a selection that would make de Luna proud.
Maria’s Fresh Seafood Market
Runner Up: Best Boutique, Best Women’s Accessories, Best Women’s Apparel Lee Tracy Shoes & Apparel is one of the few places where mothers and daughters can shop together. “Our motto is we’ve been dressing the generations since 1978,” said manager Diane McLaughlin. The store is a full Brighton retailer as well as offering brands such as Lenny & Eva, Hobo and Joseph Ribkoff, which has been sold at
Lee Tracy for 20 years. “From casual to cocktail, we do it all,” McLaughlin said.
Runner Up: Best Place to Buy Children’s Gifts/Toys While the big box stores can sometimes feel impersonal and overwhelming, this cozy toy store allows customers a more intimate experience. Nestled in a Fairfield Drive strip mall, toys peering from the front window beckon the young, as well as the young at heart.
INDIGEAUX DENIM BAR & BOUTIQUE Winner: Best Boutique, Best Women’s Apparel Runner Up: Best Women’s Accessories What sets Indigeaux Denim Bar & Boutique apart from other stores is client relationships. “Knowing our customer's style, aligning that style with current fashion trends and establishing a relationship with our customer's through personalized attention are very important aspects of our boutique,” said co-owner Katie Rozier. The boutique carries brands such as M.M. Couture, Joes Jeans, Lilla P. and B.B. Dakota. “We strive to provide great service to our customers and keep them in mind by providing quality products at a reasonable price point,” Rozier said.
Let's Play inweekly.net
Rest of the Best probably know his dealerships’ reputation for great customer service if you’ve shopped for a new car in the Pensacola area. For decades, the Sansing name has been tops in vehicle sales and service, and Sansing himself has become a local icon with his TV ads showing him perched atop an elephant, kissing a chimpanzee, or publicizing various community non-profits and organizations. IN readers are sold, Sandy.
Sandy Sansing
Runner Up: Best Seafood Market Established in 1989, Maria’s proudly serves over 130 of the area’s finest restaurants and offers seafood for both wholesale and retail. All fish is purchased and fileted daily. They specialize in fresh local whole fish cut to order and offer the freshest local fish fillets. Located on Cervantes Street, Maria’s is convenient for locals to stop on their way home and pick up seasoned steamed shrimp and tasty blue crabs and Maine lobsters.
Winner: Best New Car Dealership Runner Up: Best Used Car Dealership “Sandy Sansing Can!” You know his name. You know his face. And you
Winner: Best Unique Jewelry Runner Up: Best Women’s Accessories What sets Susan Campbell Jewelry apart from many local jewelry stores is not just great customer service, but the ability to provide a product that no one else in the area has. This Palafox shop features pieces that are more like wearable art than just a statement necklace or charm bracelet. That’s because owner Susan Campbell Hatler was a portrait sculptor before she began making jewelry. The shop is filled with handcrafted pieces at a variety of price points for IN readers.
spanning 10 acres—shoppers find treasures from yesteryear, as well as bargains on new merchandise. Whether you’re looking for vegetables, a VCR or nothing at all, the flea market makes for a good time.
for him. Today, his sons, Mark, J.P. and Greg, carry on in their father’s name offering the finest sales and service with the latest models from Cadillac, Buick and GMC.
Runner Up: Best Wine Shop This shop near Cordova Mall provides an unparalleled selection of fine wine, handcrafted beer and aged spirits, as well as custom gift baskets, gourmet snacks and wine accessories They have also have locations in Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Watercolor, Panama City Beach and Miramar Beach. They host weekly beer and wine tastings at all of their stores.
Runner Up: Best New Car Dealership Since 1958, the Vince Whibbs Automotive Group has earned the trust and respect of car buyers in Northwest Florida. The late Vince Whibbs Sr. was the longest serving mayor in the Pensacola’s history and was known for his integrity and community spirit. The Community Maritime Park is named
Runner Up: Best Outdoor Market Named after the streets that form its boundaries, the T&W Flea Market is like all the best garage sales distilled into one, canopy-covered extravaganza. Strolling from one table to the next—there’s 400 tables
T&W Flea Market
Thank you
Pensacola we are honored
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Rest of the Best
Ballet Pensacola
Winner: Best Yoga Nancy LaNasa opened Abhaya Yoga Center six years after practicing in New York City for 20 years. Her center has been a Best of the Coast favorite ever since. Yoga classes for all levels, whether for beginner or pro, are offered along with special sessions for those seeking to become yoga teachers. Nancy also offers weekend seminars on mediation, diet and healthier lifestyle.
Winner: Best 24-Hour Gym Runner Up: Best Gym Overall Owner Chris Herr describes his keys to success being “convenient location downtown, cleanliness and a welcoming professional staff.” All of the trainers have exercise science degrees and are available to give that added encouragement. They recently renovated the entire gym. Plus, its membership is a who’s who of Pensacola movers and shakers, or, at least those who want to stay fit.
of professional and talented student dancers. The Youth Ensemble provides an opportunity for young dancers to develop their technique and stagecraft. Ballet Pensacola presents several major performances each season including Arts-in-Education presentations, the Nutcracker and a spring repertory concert. In addition, outreach performances are presented to more than 20 local schools each season, reaching more than 13,000 children.
ola area. In 2006, the hospital—which is undergoing an expansion—received the VHA Leadership Award for Clinical Excellence. Most recently Baptist and its sister institution, Gulf Breeze Hospital, were recognized by The Joint Commission on its 2011 list of Top Performers in Key Quality Measures™. The list presents scientific evidence of hospital performance and how it relates to common medical conditions and procedures.
Runner Up: Best Chiropractor Sometimes things feel a bit out of alignment. Backs begin to ache and necks stiffen. IN readers know where to go when their spines start to feel as humped as the Three-Mile Bridge. Just on the other side of the bridge in
Runner Up: Best Hospital Baptist Hospital is part of the Baptist Health Care group and a winner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. It is a community-owned, notfor-profit facility that serves the Pensac-
212 1
Runner Up: Best Fitness Classes Bodyworx provides a personal feel that alleviates the intimidation and confusion of a gym setting. Prestigiously kept, the cleanliness of the facility is only topped by the quality of the trainers. Every Bodyworx client does a full assessment including a Functional Movement Screen for determining how well you move, which serves as the basis for developing strength, losing fat or improving conditioning. New clients receive a fitness consultation and assistance with creating your fitness goals.
Runner Up: Best After School Activity Ballet Pensacola is one of the cultural cornerstones of the community. The Ballet Pensacola Company is comprised
Gulf Breeze, Dr. Kenneth L. Williams and his team at Baybridge Chiropractic Clinic know how to reduce tension, relieve pain and provide tune-ups that put everything back in line.
Anytime Fitness
Runner Up: Best Real Estate Agent Randy Bricker can sell. He loves to network, meet new people and put together deals for his clients. His specialty is working with investors whose goal is fix the property to rent or sell and first time homebuyers. Randy hosts his own TV show on BLAB TV, “Just ask Randy,” which helps him stay connected to the community and continue to grow his network of buyers, sellers and friends. inweekly.net
Opening Day Gates Open at 4 p.m.
Winner: Best Caterer Runner Up: Best Wedding Caterer Classic City Catering, who serves clients throughout the panhandle and Alabama Gulf Coast, offers gourmet, full-service catering and does everything from “BBQ to Black Tie.” Exquisite cuisine and exceptional service have been the hallmarks of owner David Penniman and his crew. From tents, rentals and lighting to cakes, music and flowers, Classic City has you covered. Regardless of the size or type of event, they have an uncanny ability to anticipate customers’ needs and exceed expectations.
Winner: Best Local Ad Agency Clever Ogre isn’t a suit and tie advertising agency. A lot of the time they’re not even a shoes and socks kind of agency. Clever Ogre makes its clients’ business or product look good by taking the steps to ensure all of the details have been addressed. The size of the impact does not have to be dictated by the size of the budget. They work within anyone’s price range.
Winner: Best Residential Real Estate Agency Runner Up: Best Place to Work, Best Commercial Real Estate Agency Coldwell Banker is the nation's largest real estate company. In 2007, the company acquired Coldwell Banker JME Realty, which operated 20 residential and two commercial offices in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Denis McKinnon Jr. is the President/ COO for the Gulf Coast Region.
Runner Up: Best Dentist Dr. Michael Shay Tilley, a Tennessee native, graduated from the University Of Alabama Birmingham School Of Dentistry in 1997 where he practiced in Manchester, Tenn. prior to moving to Pensacola in 2003. Emerald Coast Smiles by Design was recogOctober 11, 2012
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nized in 2009 as the Small Business of the Year by the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. He and Dr. Stephanie Tilley have continued to improve their practice while keeping their commitment to the community. Both doctors are involved in several community organizations including Ballet Pensacola, Fiesta Forces, Pensacola Children’s Chorus and sponsors of multiple school and charitable fundraisers and events.
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Runner Up: Best Law Firm Established in Escambia County in 1913, Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon is one of the oldest law firms in the area. Today, it boasts more than 100 attorneys, paralegals and staff and is recognized as one of Northwest Florida's pre-eminent law firms. The fullservice firm has experienced lawyers providing services to individuals and organizations on legal matters ranging from commercial litigation, real estate loan closings, and estate planning to personal injury, employment, social security and domestic law.
Halloween special sponsored by Nemours Clinic, WXBM & Soft Rock 94.1. Costumes not required.
Winner: Best Outdoor Boot Camp, Best Non-Gym Workout Runner Up: Best Fitness Classes Josh and Kenzie Presnell have created a workout system that excites those who were tired of the gym. Their six-week, outdoor boot camp involves a variety of exercises and a personalized approach, where campers are sideby-side four days a week and can help motivate each other to work harder to reach fitness goals. It looks like IN readers have felt the burn. 13
Victor Cross Runner Up Best Rising Leader
Runner Up: Best Real Estate Agent Pensacola native Fred Gunther has personally vested in redevelopment efforts that enhance our community. His company, Gunther Properties, specializes in residential, commercial, and investment real estate with a particular interest in new developments throughout Downtown Pensacola. His team actively participates in community enrichment projects, such as the Downtown Improvement Board, City of Pensacola: Zoning Board of Adjustments, and promotion of the Vince Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park.
Runner Up: Best Local Ad Agency This exceptionally talented and highly skilled team is bold and passionate about its clients' success. Idgroup seeks to be a passionate agent of change—for its clients, its team and our society. The agency has partnered with regional and national clients for over 20 years to build strong brand reputations and move organizations toward their aspirational visions.
Runner Up Best Hotel Bar Best Bar For Live Music Best Day Drinking Best Bar-Pensacola Beach & Paradise Inn Runner Up Best Boutique Or Independent Hotel Or Inn
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Runner Up: Best Attorney Bob Kerrigan is a partner with Kerrigan, Estess, Rankin, McLeod & Thompson LLP, a law firm he founded in 1975, focusing on personal injury and wrongful death cases. Kerrigan has obtained numerous multimillion dollar jury verdicts. He has been honored not only for his accomplishments in the courtroom, but also for his commitment to pro bono work. In 2011, Bob was given the Tobias Simon Pro Bono Service Award, the highest statewide pro bono award.
Levin Papantonio has received more than 75 jury verdicts in the amount of $1 million or more, including 12 jury verdicts in excess of $10 million, and two in excess of $450 million. The firm's total settlements have exceeded $1 billion. The New York Times, Forbes, Time Magazine, George Magazine, Newsweek, ABC News, CNN, The American Lawyer, Lawyer Weekly and the National Law Journal have profiled the firm’s attorneys. Additionally, four of the attorneys are listed in Best Lawyers in America.
Runner Up: Best Residential Real Estate Agency Audie Street and Holly Lovett opened Main Street Properties in response to agent outcry for a different kind of company that would put relationships first and hometown values over franchise models. In short, Main Street Properties is a relationships company that is in the business of real estate. It’s a family of like-minded individuals who understand what it means to stand for something and know how to take care of their clients’ real estate needs.
Winner: Best Law Firm Runner Up: Best AttorneyFred Levin
Eddie Fancher, Studio 7 Salon / photo by Riesling Photography inweekly.net
Rest of the Best MICHLES & BOOTH
Runner Up: Best Law Firm The law firm provides aggressive and compassionate representation to an exclusive clientele—the victims of the negligence of others and workers that are injured on the job. Managing partner Marcus Michles has had some of the largest medical malpractice jury verdicts in Northwest Florida. Michles and partner Rainey Booth are members of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum For Trial Lawyers while achieving the highest jury verdicts, and both have been named among Florida's Top Trial Attorneys.
Winner: Best Day Spa, Best Facial Runner Up: Best Massage, Best Nail Salon, Best Pedicure, Best Salon for Waxing, Best Skin Care Overall Still Waters has wowed IN readers for six consecutive years with its serene atmosphere, professional staff and indulgent spa services. In addition to traditional spa treatments including massages, facials, body treatments and wraps, make-up consultation and application, spray tanning, manicures and pedicures, Still Waters also offers a full spectrum of anti-aging and appearance-enhancement options using the latest laser technology and state-of-the-art medical procedures.
Runner Up: Best Chiropractor Johnathan Newlin has developed a team at Newlin Chiropractic of skilled professionals who will go the extra mile to make sure you receive excellence in service. They promise to treat their patients with the same caring compassion that they expect for their loved ones. Their efforts are designed to relieve pain and restore health as quickly as possible.
Runner Up: Best Place to Rent a Tux Rein’s Formal Wear specializes in men's formal attire for any occasion. Tuxedos are what they do best whether it’s for weddings, proms, Fiesta balls or society fundraisers. Its excellent personal service sets Rein’s apart from other menswear shops. Rein’s Formal Wear takes into consideration your build, your personal style, and how your tuxedo will most appro-
STUDIO 7 SALON Solé Inn & Suites priately match the event at hand. All pluses in our books.
Winner: Best Hospital Runner Up: Best Place to Work More than 600 primary and specialty physicians practice at Sacred Heart, a not-for-profit health care organization. Its main services include Sacred Heart Medical Group, a network of primary-care physicians, a 24-hour Emergency Trauma Center, a Pediatric Trauma Referral Center and centers of excellence specializing in women’s health, cardiac care, orthopedics, cancer care and the care of children.
Eddie Fancher
Runner Up Best Hair Stylist
& Studio 7 Salon Runner Up Best Hair Salon
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Winner: Best Boutique or Independent Hotel or Inn Runner Up: Best Hotel-not Pensacola Beach Solé Inn & Suites has won this category for three years with its 45 renovated rooms and suites designed and decorated with an Art Deco flare. Located in the heart of downtown within walking distance to live entertainment, dining and shopping, Solé also features a free continental breakfast every morning, free hi-speed Internet and Wi-Fi, free happy hour meet-and-greet for guests, upscale amenities and affordable rates.
Runner Up: Best Hair Salon, Best Hair Stylist-Eddie Fancher When Andrew WenDel, owner and stylist of Studio 7 Salon, decided to open a salon in 2008 he wanted it to have a timeless look and he succeeded. “Everybody who’s come to the salon says it doesn’t belong in Pensacola,” he said. “It looks like it belongs in a bigger city like Atlanta.” Studio 7 Salon has eight stylists, two massage therapists and two nail technicians that are ready to make you beautiful. All employees are independent workers, which gives them flexible availability. WenDel is adamant about having a relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere for his clients. Of the eight stylists, Eddie Fancher is a popular choice. He even has a fan page on Facebook. “He styles women of all ages,” WenDel said. “From trendy to classic hairstyles.”
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Winner: Best Skin Care Overall Runner Up: Best Facial, Best Beauty Products Dr. Kevin Welch and his Skin Care Center have once again been voted by our readers as the Best Skin Care Overall on the Gulf Coast. Dr. Welch and his staff provide the latest in facial rejuvenation treatments such as Botox, Dysport, Thermage, IPL, Restylane, Juvederm, acid peels, microdermabrasion and more. The office also offers an array of top-quality skin care products to address dermatological issues ranging from sunspots to scarring to wrinkles. Dr. Welch is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology &
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Aesthetic Surgery as well as one of only 200 Platinum Plus Injectors of Botox in the United States.
Runner Up: Best Hospital West Florida Healthcare is proud to be the only hospital in the area to offer all private rooms as well as the area’s only Accredited Chest Pain Center. The facility is also an Advanced Primary Stroke Center and is the area’s only accredited Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. The West Florida Healthcare campus includes the all-private room acute care hospital, the area’s only comprehensive physical rehabilitation hospital, and a mental health facility.
Runner Up: Best Sports/Rec Program, Best Gym Overall, Best Pilates, Best Outdoor Boot Camp, Best After School Activity For more than 100 years, the Downtown YMCA has served this community, creating opportunities for men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds to come together to learn, grow and thrive. Thousands have been touched by this non-profit that has been committed to strengthening our community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility for a diverse membership that includes all ages, genders, races, religions, abilities and incomes. inweekly.net
Rest of the Best
Sara Gillianne Weddings and Events
Samantha Jackson Weddings
Runner Up: Best Wedding Planner Samantha Jackson has been planning weddings of all types and sizes for over a decade. “I focus on the small details to make the wedding what the client envisioned,” Jackson said. She is the only accredited bridal consultant in Northwest Florida and one of eight in the state of Florida. Jackson helps find clients the best value for their budget without sacrificing quality. “I can help make sure the client stays within budget and help them minimize costs in other areas.”
Runner Up: Best Wedding Planner When it comes to weddings, Sara Gillianne goes beyond just planning. She offers help with design and coordination, floral design, invitations, linens and other custom details. She describes her style as “simple, classic, over-the-top, vintage, retro, southern sweet, beach chic or city sleek.” When it comes to the client, Gillianne works hard with reliable vendors to make the wedding of their dreams. “A good wedding designer is able to meet with her client, listen to what she wants, see her ideas and tailor the even to reflect the couple’s personality, no matter the style.”
Thank You Pensacola!
Runner Up: Best Wedding Hair Stylist, Best Wedding Hair Salon-Salon Allure Heidi Taylor has a very simple motto: "A good consultation goes a long way." Heidi, who honed her craft in New Orleans before opening Salon Allure, establishes good communication with her clients immediately, so that each salon service fulfills their personal vision of themselves and matches their unique personality. Taylor has found her mantra to be so effective that she has spread it to her team of five beauty techs, which includes an airbrush-tanning artist and trained massage therapist.
Heidi Taylor, Salon Allure
Heidi Taylor
Runner Up Best Wedding Hair Stylist
Best Steak, Runner Up Best Steakhouse, Runner Up 1101 Scenic Hwy October 11, 2012
Runner Up Best Wedding Hair Salon 3495 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 | 850-934-1524 17
Rest of the Best Bad Ass Coffee features Hawaiian Kona coffee that is grown on the mountainsides of the Hawaiian volcanoes and is one of the most flavorful and sought after coffees in the world. They also serve a variety of pastries, sandwiches and Bad Ass merchandise.
Winner: Best Vegetarian/Vegan Cuisine, Best Place to Count Calories Runner Up: Best Vegetarian/Vegan Dish-Enchiladas This organic, vegan café with its full coffee bar, catering services and vegan cooking classes has won the hearts and appetites of IN readers. Stop in on Thursday nights for a vegan organic dinner or on Sundays for a vegan organic brunch, which features a new menu every week. On the last Monday
Angus Steakhouse
Restaurants & Food ANGUS STEAKHOUSE
Runner Up: Best Steak, Best Steakhouse The Angus Steakhouse is a Pensacola landmark that has been serving up some of Pensacola's best Prime Angus beef, fresh gulf seafood and traditional handmade Greek desserts for over four decades. Whether you're looking for an intimate dinner for two, cocktails after work, or catering options, Angus has it all.
of the month, make reservations for the raw organic vegan dinner.
Winner: Best Restaurant-Downtown Pensacola, Best Seafood Cuisine, Best Looking Wait Staff, Best Gumbo, Best Happy Hour, Best Ladies Night, Best Uniquely Pensacola Dish-Grits a Ya Ya Runner Up: Best Restaurant Overall, Best Brunch, Best Place for a Business Lunch, Best Place for a Birthday Dinner, Best Place To Eavesdrop, Best Bar With A View, Best Bar To People Watch, Best View, Best College Hangout-Deck Bar, Best Bar For Live Music-Deck Bar, Best Regular Gig-Lucas Crutchfield, Best Fish Sandwich-Fried Fish, Best Original Menu Item-Grits a Ya Ya, Best Salad-MoMa Salad, Best Outdoor Dining-Atlas
Runner Up: Best Breakfast When it comes to breakfast, brunch, or lunch, Another Broken Egg Cafe offers a totally egg-ceptional experience with over 130 menu items that meet upscale tastes at affordable prices. The Gregory Street location has a casual elegance and charming French country atmosphere. For business people, Another Broken Egg lets them quietly dine and discuss the matters of the day.
Runner Up: Best Cup of Coffee This coffee joint across from Pensacola Junior College isn't just for students. IN readers appreciate the quality and consistency of the locally owned coffee shop.
Another Broken Egg Café
417-9292 • 701 S. Palafox St. www.emeraldcoasttours.net 818 1
850-346-7865 EAST HILL www.luminouslifehypnotherapy.com inweekly.net
Bad Ass Coffee With its relaxed environment and spectacular view of Pensacola Bay—not to mention mouth-watering menu—it’s pretty easy to see why The Fish House has repeatedly been recognized by IN readers as one of the best restaurants and nightspots in Northwest Florida. Grits a Ya Ya, fresh sushi rolls and a jawdropping wait staff are just a few things you’ll find when you dine at this exquisite restaurant in the historic district. The Deck provides live entertainment almost every night of the week, and the bartenders make some of the best drinks in town. On Wednesdays, you don’t want to miss their Ladies Night. Whether you’re out with a date, friends or just someone you’d like to impress, you can’t go wrong with this area favorite.
the ripest tomatoes grown in the San Joaquin Valley. Georgio’s menu also includes pastas, sandwiches, burgers, calzones and more. Owner Carl Hixon is a big part of the local community, and every September 11 he honors local first responders by offering them free food all day.
Runner Up: Best Pizza, Best Pizza By The Slice This local favorite offers mouth-watering pizza made with only the very best cheeses from Milwaukee and October 11, 2012
End of the Line Cafe 19
Rest of the Best
Tricia Horton, Jaco's
Landry's Seafood ing specials. One item you don’t want to miss: the Bacon-wrapped Lobster Tail. You won’t want to share it.
Winner: Best Restaurant Overall, Best Original Menu, Best Place for a Birthday Dinner, Best Original Menu Item-Bacon-wrapped Lobster Tail, Best JACKSON’S STEAKHOUSE Chef-Frank Taylor, Best Waiter-Jarrod Winner: Best Steakhouse, Best Place McLendon to Splurge, Best Place for a Business Runner Up: Best Place for a Birthday Lunch, Best Steak, Best Wait Staff Dinner, Best Restaurant-Downtown Runner Up: Best Restaurant Overall, Pensacola, Best Appetizers, Best Best Restaurant-Downtown Pensacola, Looking Wait Staff, Best Wait Staff, Best Original Menu, Best Appetizers, Best Place to Splurge, Best Romantic Best Romantic Dining, Best Place for a Dining, Best Place for a First Date, Best Birthday Dinner, Best Restaurant You Steak, Best Martini, Best Selection Haven’t Been to in Ages, Best Chef-Irv Of Wine By The Bottle, Best SaladHeirloom Tomato Salad, Best SoupLobster Bisque, Best Waitress-Libby Castellani, Best Waiter-Sam Sumlin, Best Waitress-Samantha Flood The Global Grill has long been known as one of Pensacola’s premier dining establishments, and this year it won the coveted Best Restaurant Overall title. Jane and Chef Frank Taylor go out of their way to make your dining experience memorable. Frank is always creating new dishes that take advantage of local seafood and produce. The Taylors surround themselves with a well-trained and hospitable staff and an eclectic dining room that features dim lighting, local art pieces and soothing live music. That’s not to mention the impeccable tapas, seafood and wine selection that make it a one-of-a-kind dining experience. The menu is unique with Chef Taylor addGeorgio's Pizza 020 2
Miller, Best Waiter-Scottie Miller, Best Desserts, Best Martini, Best Selection Of Wine By The Glass, Best Selection Of Wine By The Bottle, Best Original Drink Menu, Best Soup-Roasted Vidalia Onion, Best Vegetarian/Vegan Dish-Vegan Plate The mission of Jackson’s since it opened in 1998 has been to provide “great service and great food.” Yes, Pensacola is a seafood town, but locals love good steaks, especially those at Jackson’s, which is part of the Great Southern Restaurant Group that also
owns The Fish House and Atlas Oyster House. Great towns have great steakhouses. Pensacola has Jackson’s.
Winner: Best Appetizers, Best Outdoor Dining Runner Up: Best View, Best Up-andComing Chef-Tricia Horton, Best Bar With A View Jaco’s Bayfront Bar and Grille has a huge advantage. It overlooks Pensacola Bay at the end of Palafox Street and its seating is also designed to allow visibility from anywhere. Locals flock to view the sunsets while enjoying their favorite libations, flatbread pizzas, salads and small plates. Chef Tricia Horton is getting rave reviews for her creations.
Runner Up: Best Japanese Cuisine, Best Sushi This restaurant offers authentic Japanese cuisine using fresh steak, seafood, chicken in its teriyaki and tempura menu items and has an extensive sushi menu featuring inventive rolls such as the BMW roll, which includes grilled chicken, seaweed salad, crab stick and spicy sauce. Ichiban has several different dining areas. Customers can sit at the regular tables or Japanese style in one of the five tatami seats or at the sushi bar. inweekly.net
Rest of the Best LANDRY’S SEAFOOD
Runner Up: Best Place to Eat Like a Tourist Located on Pensacola Bay near the Seville Historic District, Landry's Seafood attract tourists year around with its creative seafood dishes and spectacular view. In a state known for its great seafood restaurants, Landry's is a classic Gulf Coast restaurant, with the hospitality, friendly service and delicious menu that visitors and locals know and love.
Winner: Best Neighborhood Bar Runner Up: Best Kept Local Secret, Best Bar Menu, Best Selection Of Wine By The Glass, Best New Bar Escambia County, Best New Restaurant-Escambia County, Best Restaurant-East Pensacola/Scenic Highway, Best Way to Get “Cheese-y”-Pimiento Cheese Sandwich, Best Soup-White Bean
and Bill Manning, traveled extensively before opening a bar/ restaurant in their hometown. One step inside and the dim lights, clean atmosphere and great music will make you feel like hanging out all day. “It's just comfortThe Magnolia / pictured: Pimiento Cheese Sandwich able. The way a neighborhood bar should be,” Bolster said. Chicken Chili, Best Sandwich-HumThe friendly staff loves to get to know mingbird, Best Original Menu Itemregulars and is open to comments and Pimiento Cheese Sandwich The Magnolia owners, Kiley Bolster suggestions. The building itself is just
CHEF BLAKE RUSHING Thank you for voting us:
Runner Up for: Best Chef And Best Original Menu! Join us at the Lee House every Monday and Tuesday for a different Five Course Tasting Menu every week. Contact us for private events, holiday gourmet gift baskets, weddings, and anything else you can imagine! Email Blakerushing22@gmail.com, Facebook us, or call: Reservations: 850-384-4998. Questions: 384-4333
as much a part of the local community. Manning built the actual bar out of locally sourced Florida White Oak from Milton. “It's a community bar as much as it is a neighborhood bar.”
Runner Up: Best Up-and-Coming Chef After spending years in the local kitchens, Chef Alex McPhail was tapped to work in the Commander’s Palace in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Eventually making his way to the city’s Restaurant August, the chef prepared food for everyone from celebrities to the President of the United States. “I love food,” the chef said, describing IRON’s offerings as “contemporary.” McPhail also emphasizes sustainability in his kitchen: “We’re growing most of our own vegetables that we use in the restaurant on the grounds.”
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Rest of the Best NACHO DADDIES
Runner Up: Best Mexican Cuisine, Best Late Night Eats, Best Burrito, Best Taco Nacho Daddies is the brainchild of Pensacola natives Ryan and Chef Erika Thomas. This Palafox eatery features made-to-order Tex-Mex style entrées such as nachos, tacos, quesadillas and burritos. It’s a great place to go for lunch or dinner. And if it is happening downtown at night, they are open to cure all those late night cravings on weekends.
wasabi-crusted grouper. The salad bar is fresh and extensive. If you’re holding a business lunch in your office, Portabello will deliver.
Runner Up: Best Chef, Lee House Bed & Breakfast Runner Up: Best Original Menu, Lee House Dinners
Blake Rushing / photo by Matthew Coughlin
Roly Poly
Winner: Best Chinese Cuisine Runner Up: Best Restaurant-Cordova Area In an area with dozens of Asian restaurants, Shark Fin stands out. This restaurant is the place to be for casual fine dining in a swanky atmosphere. Shark Fin offers a la carte, upscale Chinese-Japanese fusion cuisine accompanied by a full bar with beers, wines and sakes from around the world.
Runner Up: Best Lunch Delivery, Best Place for a Business Lunch, Best Salad Bar It's set in one of the most unique locations, the Pensacola Cultural Center. Portabello caters to the downtown lunch crowd with an array of atypical entrees. Sample the excellent cream of tomato basil soup, one of an array of sandwiches, or the
Runner Up: Best Take Out, Best Place to Count Calories Fresh ingredients matter. Roly Poly proves with it every flavorful rolledup sandwich, soup and salad on its menu. The Pensacola and Gulf Breeze locations have won over IN readers watching their calories and looking for a different kind of take out meal. Roly Poly offers the ideal fare for lunch, a light early dinner or a snack. For those in a hurry, online ordering and delivery is available.
Blake Rushing said he doesn’t have a signature dish, but that may be because there are too many dishes to choose from. “I think I set myself apart from other chef ’s by changing my menus weekly,” he said. “I have done over 68 different themed fivecourse menus since Norma, Amber and I have joined forces at the Lee House.” Rushing’s food inspiration comes from ingredients he craves and reinventing dishes. “I like to be challenged with new techniques and flavor pairings,” he said. Rushing and his wife, Amber, also own R&R Fine Catering.
Winner: Best New Restaurant-Escambia County, Best Cheeseburger Runner Up: Best Late Night Eats, Best Original Menu Item-Blue Balls Burger With a build-your-own burger menu concept, this Palafox eatery offers customers a chance to get creative. Want an egg on your burger? How about peanut butter? Wash down your masterpiece burger and fresh-cut bacon-infused potato chips with some beer or a spiked (or regular) milkshake.
Runner Up: Best Chicken Fingers Yes, Pensacola has people who actually judge a restaurant based on its chicken fingers. They love Zaxby’s. An alternative to typical fast food, Zaxby’s offers prepared-at-order chicken fingers, wings, sandwiches and salads. Zaxby’s most popular items are its hand-breaded Chicken Fingerz and Jumbo Buffalo Wings, smothered in a choice of nine sauces with names like Wimpy, Tongue Torch, Nuclear and Insane.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The CITY OF PENSACOLA will receive Proposals as listed below. Forms and specifications will be furnished upon request from the Purchasing Office on the sixth floor of City Hall, 222 West Main Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32502. A MANDATORY Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on 10-25-12, at 1:30 P.M., local time, in City Hall’s fourth floor conference room. Contact rdonahue@cityofpensacola.com or call (850) 435-1835 for further information. RFP is available on-line at www.cityofpensacola.com/ bids. The Mayor shall have the authority to reject all Proposals and advertise for new Proposals. RFP NO. 12-047 / TITLE: PUSHCART VENDING PROGRAM FOR VINCE J. WHIBBS COMMUNITY MARITIME PARK AND BAYVIEW PARK / OPENING DATE: 11-15-12 / TIME: 2:30 PM local time 222 2
Winner: Best Bar-North Pensacola/ Nine Mile Road/UWF Runner Up: Best New Bar-Escambia County, Best Restaurant-North Pensacola/Nine Mile Road/UWF Now that it’s there, it’s difficult to imagine a world without the Nine Mile Road Hopjacks. Building on the success of his downtown location, owner Joe Abston decided to expand his business to the other side of town. Now University of West Florida students don’t have to drive to downtown to enjoy the beer, pizza and duck fries.
Hopjacks Filling Station
Bars, Drinks & Nightlife 5 ½ BAR
Winner: Best Original Drink Menu, Best Bar To Drink Alone, Best Martini, Best Bar Ambiance Runner Up: Best Place To Eavesdrop, Best Margarita, Best Dark Corner For PDA, Best Selection Of Wine By The Glass, Best Bartender-Patrick Bolster After enjoying a show at Vinyl, step through the door in the rear of the hall and into one of the swankiest joints in town. This quiet little bar connected to Pensacola’s hottest music venue scored big, once again topping several Best of the Coast categories. With its own entrance on Garden Street, the intimate 5 1/2 prides itself on mixology know-how. Say hey to Patrick and curl up with a Moscow Mule.
Runner Up: Best Karaoke Night, Best Karaoke DJ-Jeremy Ward, Best PetFriendly Bar Billed as downtown Pensacola’s most progressive bar, The Cabaret pours over 217 fine liquors, 20 different bottle beers and eight draft beers. Their friendly staff provides a place to relax and offers videos, all genres of live music and game nights. Its karaoke night is one of the most popular in town thanks to DJ Jeremy Ward. The outdoor seating works for those who like to party with their pets. October 11, 2012
Winner: Best Bar Downtown Pensacola, Best French Fries, Best Selection of Beer on Tap, Best Bar Menu, Best Bar For Getting Flat-Out Drunk. Best College Hangout Runner Up: Best Late Night Eats, Best Pizza, Best Bar Overall, Best Drink Specials, Best Bar Where It Pays To Be A Regular, Best Local Person/Business To Follow On Twitter, Best Place to Mooch Free Wi-Fi, Best Place To Meet Friends After Work, Best Happy Hour, Best Karaoke DJ-KJ Wildo Hopjacks delivers one of the more unique atmospheres in Pensacola and won the much-sought-after Best Bar Downtown Pensacola title. Stocked with more than 200 beers—111 on tap—in a bar that spans much of the establishment, you’ll never get thirsty—or bored. While the bar selection is top-notch, so is the pizza and their world-famous fries. The best part of all is they serve food ‘til the wee hours of the morning, just when those post-drinking munchies set in.
Winner: Best Sports Bar, Best Restaurant for Sports Fanatics Runner Up: Best Wings, Best Sports Team Club Headquarters All the games—that is what set Nick’s apart. Palafox’s top sports bar has flat-screen TVs everywhere you turn—offering games and sports that nobody else carries, including lacrosse. There is not a better place in town to catch college football or March Madness. The wings and sauces are made in-house and the Stoney sauce is heaven on anything it touches. If you become a regular, Nick might even smile at you and let you change the channel to your favorite show, but it
better not be Lifetime Television or some Reality show.
Runner Up: Best Bar-Pensacola Beach, Best Hotel Bar, Best Bar For Live Music, Best Day Drinking There is no better place to sip on a margarita, kick off your sandals and leave the world behind than the open, relaxed environment of Paradise Bar & Grill. It has long been a favorite of locals, and once again IN readers have named it one of their favorite places to drink and party on Pensacola Beach.
Winner: Best Bushwacker, Best BarPensacola Beach Runner Up: Best Bar To People Watch, Best Day Drinking, Best Bar For Poker, Best Bar For Trivia, Best Music Venue, Best Signature Drink-Bushwacker, Best Shot-Dirty Girl Scout The home of the world famous Bushwacker is like no other bar on Pensacola Beach. The outside deck and observation tower complement the beach bum atmosphere for which this iconic bar has always been known. Order a Bushwacker and enjoy live music, karaoke and other events throughout the week. Don’t forget the 151 shot of rum!
Runner Up: Best New Bar-Escambia County Joining its Nine-Mile sister in this category, the Hopjacks Filling Station is exactly what it sounds like: a place to fill up, on beer and food and conversation. The Scenic Highway location of the Hopjacks empire establishes a craft-beer foothold in yet another corner of Pensacola.
Sandshaker Lounge 23
Rest of the Best SEVILLE QUARTER
Winner: Best Salad Bar, Best Night Club, Best Bar To People Watch, Best Sports Team Club Headquarters, Best Bar For Bingo, Best Place To Shake Your Stuff, Best Bar To Hook Up, Best Bar Personality, Buck Thomas Runner Up: Best Cigar Shop, Best Wine Tastings, Best Reception Venue, Best Chicken Fingers, Best Bar Overall, Best Cover Charge Worth Paying, Best Jazz Bar, Best College Hangout, Best Place For Bar Games, Best Bar For Poker, Best Bar Menu, Best Music Venue, Best Karaoke Night, Best Bar For Live Music, Best Ladies Night, Best Running Club, Best Regular Gig-Dueling Pianos, Best Special Event Space-Heritage Hall, Best Bartender-Michelle Klemm, Best Regular Gig-Mr. Lao Since opening in 1967, Seville Quarter has been a staple of Pensacola nightlife. Originally owned by Bob Snow, the entertainment complex is
now under the guidance of the Mitchell family. Seville Quarter is a jack-ofall-trades establishment, offering food, drinks and a variety of entertainment options. From the dance club vibe of Phineas Phogg’s to the Dueling Pianos of Rosie O’ Grady’s, this Pensacola institution serves up every flavor of conceivable nightlife nightly. They regularly bring in national and regional acts and host dozens of weekend festivals and events throughout the year.
Winner: Best Music Venue, Best Bar For Live Music Runner Up: Best Special Event Space, Best Night Club, Best Cover Charge Worth Paying, Best Place To Shake Your Stuff Music fans in Pensacola have wanted a mid-sized venue forever. Vinyl Music Hall has finally made that dream a reality, and IN readers have picked it a winner for the second consecutive year. The venue has added vibrancy to downtown Pensacola that has been missing for decades.
Vinyl / photo by Al Graham
Robert Kerrigan
George Estess
William Rankin
Mike McLeod
Randle Thompson
444-4444 PENSACOLA
424 2
KE0219 IN ad.indd 1
7/16/12 2:56 PM
professionals and resources needed for the intervention, investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases under a single child-friendly facility. The non-profit’s collaborative response to child abuse cases has improved case outcomes and minimized trauma to the children and families.
Autumn Beck
Runner Up: Best Rising Leader This attorney, author and mother has had an impact in Pensacola since moving back to town after serving as Political Action Committee Director and Legislative Counsel for the Florida Chamber of Commerce. Autumn is an energetic, charismatic advocate for making Pensacola a better place. She is this year's president of the Northwest Florida chapter of the Florida Association of Women Lawyers.
Runner up: Best Rising Leader The Pensacola native had his first foray into politics when he ran this August for Pensacola City Council. The sales director for Collector Solutions had strong support from the police and fire unions and caught the attention of IN readers with his honest, direct approach to campaigning. His future is indeed bright.
Runner Up: Best Sports/Rec Program Seastars Aquatics provides a free USA Swimming Outreach Swim Team to children on free or reduced lunch and to special needs children and adults. All swimmers are put on an incentive program and the swimmers earn points for attendance, community service, positive sportsmanship conduct, personal goals, and academics. The points correlate to a token economy and swimmers spend and save their points to learn responsibility and proper money management.
Runner Up: Best Rising Leader In November, Andy Terhaar will be seated on the Pensacola City Council to represent District 3. “I feel like I can make a difference,” he said. The Auburn University graduate is a member of the Pensacola Young Professionals and a 2008 graduate of the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Pensacola (LeaP) program. “I think the young professionals are going to be the next ones to get the reins and we just need to keep moving Pensacola forward.”
GULF COAST KIDS’ HOUSE Runner Up: Best Non Profit Gulf Coast Kids’ House is a children's advocacy center for Escambia County that combines all of the October 11, 2012
Gulf Coast Kids' House 25
Winners List Artesana Imports Celebrations BEST GONE-BUTNOT-FORGOTTEN STORE Winner: Sarah’s Gayfers Ordon’s Page & Palette BEST GOURMET/SPECIALTY FOOD Winner: Nancy’s Haute Affairs Apple Market The Bodacious Olive Four Winds International Fine Food
Aragon Wine Market
BEST ANTIQUES Winner: Blue Moon Antique Mall Alyssa’s Antique Depot Poor Richards Antiques Oooodles of Everything BEST ATHLETIC STORE Winner: Running Wild Academy Sports + Outdoors Intracoastal Outfitters Weatherford’s BEST BEAUTY PRODUCTS Winner: Skin Beauty Boutique Belle Ame’
Escape Wellness Spa The Skin Care Center
Seville Quarter Tinder Box
BEST BICYCLE SHOP Winner: Truly Spokin’ Bikes Plus CycleSports Bicycles Sports Authority
BEST CONSIGNMENT STORE Winner: Elite Repeats & Boutique Lads & Lassies Plato’s Closet Rococo
BEST BOUTIQUE Winner: Indigeaux Denim Bar & Boutique Gibson Girl Lee Tracy Shoes & Apparel Scout BEST CIGAR SHOP Winner: Cordova Cigars Grand Reserve Cigar & Smoke Shop
BEST FURNITURE/ HOME DÉCOR STORE Winner: duh Luxe Home Interiors Rooms To Go Urban Objects BEST GIFT SHOP Winner: Pizzaz Angel’s Garden
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BEST “GREEN” BUSINESS Winner: Ever’man Natural Foods Lamar Advertising Company Navy Federal Credit Union Rodney Rich & Company BEST HARDWARE STORE Winner: Pensacola Hardware Ace Hardware Gulf Breeze Hall’s Hardware Reynolds Hardware BEST HOME DÉCOR Winner: Urban Objects
Mezza De Luna Consignment Shop duh McAlpin Interiors BEST INDEPENDENT MARKET Winner: Apple Market City Grocery Ever’man Natural Foods Shoreline Food Store and International Deli BEST JEWELER OVERALL Winner: Jewelers Trade Shop Beré Jewelers Elebash’s Rock Hard Designs BEST LIQUOR STORE Winner: Richey’s East Aloha Wine & Liquor Fusion Publix Super Market BEST MOTORCYCLE SHOP Winner: Harley-Davidson of Pensacola D&D Cycles Pensacola Motorsports Stokes Victory Polaris BEST MUSIC GEAR Winner: Blues Angel Music Dollarhide’s Music Center Schmidt’s Music
Tringas Music BEST NEW CAR DEALERSHIP Winner: Sandy Sansing Dealerships Centennial Imports Pete Moore Chevrolet Vince Whibbs BEST NEW RETAIL SHOP Winner: The Bodacious Olive Mezza De Luna Consignment Shop Francesca’s Collections Your Dog’s Business BEST NURSERY Winner: Floral Tree Gardens Garden Gate Perdue Lawn & Maintenance Woerner Landscape BEST OUTDOOR APPAREL & ACCESSORIES Winner: Intracoastal Outfitters Academy Sports + Outdoors Running Wild Weatherford’s BEST PET STORE Winner: The Spotted Dog Pet Boutique and Bakery PetSmart
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w w w. r e i n s f o r m a l w e a r. c o m inweekly.net
Winners List Pet Supermarket Petland BEST PLACE TO BUY AN ENGAGEMENT RING Winner: Elebash’s Beré Jewelers Jewelers Trade Shop Meadows Jewelers BEST SURF/SKATE SHOP Winner: Waterboyz Innerlight One Love! Surf Collective Coastal Paddle Company BEST THRIFT STORE Winner: Waterfront Rescue Mission Goodwill Habitat for Humanity ReStore Loaves & Fishes BEST UNIQUE JEWELRY Winner: Susan Campbell Jewelry Beré Jewelers Jewelers Trade Shop Rock Hard Designs BEST USED CAR DEALERSHIP Winner: Frontier Motors Mr. C’s Pete Moore Chevrolet Sandy Sansing Dealerships
October 11, 2012
BEST WINE SHOP Winner: Aragon Wine Market Anna’s Wine Shop City Grocery Wine World Outlet BEST WINE TASTINGS Winner: Aragon Wine Market City Grocery Distinctive Kitchens Seville Quarter
Studio 7 Salon Style Downtown BEST HAIR STYLIST Winner: Cortney Campus, Style Downtown Eddie Fancher, Studio 7 Salon Rebecca Taylor, Eimaj
BEST PEDICURE Winner: Nail Lounge Escape Wellness Spa Lisa’s Nails Still Waters Day & Medical Spa BEST NAIL SALON
BEST WOMEN’S ACCESSORIES Winner: Scout Indigeaux Denim Bar & Boutique Lee Tracy Shoes & Apparel Susan Campbell Jewelry BEST WOMEN’S Nancy LaNasa, Abhaya Yoga Center APPAREL Winner: Indigeaux Denim Bar & Boutique Spa and Salon Winner: Nail Lounge Gibson Girl Sarah Tucker, Style Escape Wellness Lee Tracy Shoes & Downtown Spa Apparel Natural Nails & Scout BEST MASSAGE Spa Winner: Escape WellStill Waters Day & ness Spa Medical Spa BEST HAIR SALON Eimaj Spa and Salon Winner: Eimaj Spa and Massage Envy Spa BEST FACIAL Salon Winner: Still Waters Still Waters Day & Izzo Cutter & Company Day & Medical Spa Medical Spa
Escape Wellness Spa Renú Dr. Kevin Welch/The Welch Skin Care Center BEST SKIN CARE OVERALL Winner: Dr. Kevin Welch/The Welch Skin Care Center Escape Wellness Spa Renú Still Waters Day & Medical Spa BEST DAY SPA Winner: Still Waters Day & Medical Spa Eimaj Spa and Salon Escape Wellness Spa Fusion Spa Salon Aveda BEST SALON FOR WAXING Winner: Escape Wellness Spa Natural Nails & Spa Eimaj Spa and Salon Still Waters Day & Medical Spa BEST TANNING SALON Winner: Club Sun Tanning Style Downtown Tropical Touch Tanning Sun Shack
BEST 24-HOUR GYM Winner: Anytime Fitness Chips 24 Hour Gym Powerhouse Gym World Gym BEST GYM OVERALL Winner: Omni Fitness Anytime Fitness Gulf Breeze Aerobics Fitness and Crossfit YMCA Downtown BEST YOGA Winner: Abhaya Yoga Center Breathe Yoga Studio Fitness Onboard Everything Yoga BEST PILATES Winner: Pilates Core Training Fitness Onboard Pilates By Val YMCA Downtown BEST FITNESS CLASSES Winner: Fitness Onboard BodyWorx Fixed on Fitness Omni Fitness BEST RUNNING CLUB Winner: McGuire’s Running Club Running Wild Seville Quarter Milers PBBrew Running Club
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BEST FITNESS TREND Winner: Stand Up Paddleboarding Outdoor Boot Camp Yoga Zumba
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BEST NON-GYM WORKOUT Winner: Fixed on Fitness Zumba Pensacola with Priscilla 4 Shore Fit Razor’s Edge CrossFit BEST OUTDOOR BOOT CAMP Winner: Fixed on Fitness 4 Shore Fit Fitness Onboard YMCA Downtown BEST HOSPITAL Winner: Sacred Heart Hospital Baptist Hospital Gulf Breeze Hospital West Florida Hospital BEST BANK Winner: Regions Bank Of America Hancock Bank Wells Fargo
Andy Terhaar Runner Up Best Rising Leader
“ 828 2
We’ve always known you are one of the best Mom & Dad
BEST CREDIT UNION Winner: Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union Members First Credit Union Navy Federal Credit Union Pen Air Federal Credit Union BEST RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY Winner: Coldwell Banker United Connell & Manzieck Realty Main Street Properties RE/MAX On The Coast
BEST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY Winner: Beck Property Company Coldwell Banker Commercial United Realtors NAI Halford Trademark Properties BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT Winner: Conna O’Donovan, RE/MAX On The Coast Mark Lee, Resort Realty Fred Gunther, Gunther Properties Randy Bricker, Sellstate Gulf Coast Realty BEST BOUTIQUE OR INDEPENDENT HOTEL OR INN Winner: Solé Inn and Suites Lee House Bed & Breakfast New World Landing, The Inn Paradise Inn BEST HOTEL– PENSACOLA BEACH Winner: Hilton Gulf Front Pensacola Beach Hampton Inn Holiday Inn Resort Margaritaville Beach Hotel BEST HOTEL–NOT PENSACOLA BEACH Winner: Crowne Plaza Hilton Garden Inn, Airport Blvd Marriott Courtyard, Downtown Solé Inn & Suites BEST BED AND BREAKFAST Winner: Lee House Bed & Breakfast Noble Manor Pensacola Victorian
B&B Seahorse Bed & Breakfast BEST POOL & SPA COMPANY Winner: Aqua Pool & Patio Dolphin Pools Pensacola Pools Pinch A Penny Pool Patio Spa BEST ARCHITECTURE FIRM Winner: Dalrymple Sallis Architecture Brett Duch Architect Caldwell Associates Spencer Maxwell Partington BEST LAW FIRM Winner: Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Rafferty & Proctor Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon Michles & Booth BEST INSURANCE AGENCY Winner: McMahon & Hadder Insurance Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance Hiles-McLeod Insurance McGraw Insurance BEST ATTORNEY Winner: Justin Witkin Bryan Aylstock Fred Levin Robert Kerrigan BEST CHIROPRACTOR Winner: Lindsey Jeudevine, Olde Seville Chiropractic Baybridge Chiropractic Gulfcoast Spinal Center Newlin Chiropractic inweekly.net
Winners List BEST DENTIST Winner: Dr. Stephen Zieman Dr. Scott Booker Dr. Edward Noland Dr. Michael Shay Tilley BEST INTERIOR DESIGNER Winner: Dee McDavid Chance F. Jobe Lacy Phillips Tip McAlpin BEST LOCAL AD AGENCY Winner: Clever Ogre Appleyard Agency Emagination Unlimited idgroup BEST ART GALLERYWinner: Artel Gallery
Blue Morning Gallery Pensacola Museum of Art Quayside Art Gallery
Paul’s On The Bay Vinyl Music Hall BEST BAKERY Winner: J’s Pastry Shop Milton Quality Bakery Oh Snap! Cupcakes Publix Super Market
BEST FRAME SHOP Winner: Framing By Design Aiken Picture Frames Framery and Gallery Just Plain Putter BEST TATTOO STUDIO Winner: Hula Moon Tattoo Black Sparrow Tattoo Studio Pensacola Tattoos Skech1 Tattoo Studio BEST PIERCING STUDIO Winner: The Psyche-
BEST CAKE SHOP Winner: Betty Weber Cakes J’s Pastry Shop Oh Snap! Cupcakes The Cake Shop Fixed on Fitness delic Shack Head 2 Toe Tattoo & Body Piercing Hula Moon Tattoo
Kaoz Tattoo and Piercing Studio BEST SPECIAL EVENT
SPACE Winner: 5eleven Palafox Heritage Hall, Seville Quarter
BEST CATERER Winner: Classic City Catering Apple Market Culinary Productions Nancy’s Haute Affairs
BAYBRIDGE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Runner Up Best Chiropractor Dr. Kenneth L. Williams, DC 107 Baybridge Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 (850) 932-1778 October 11, 2012
Winners List BEST FLORIST Winner: Celebrations Fiore Blooms A Million Flowerama BEST PHOTOGRAPHY Winner: Cook Images Photography Lindsey Friar Photography Matthew Coughlin Hara Cook, Documented Photography BEST BOWLING ALLEY Winner: Oops Alley Cordova Lanes Liberty Lanes DeLuna Lanes 5eleven Palafox
030 3
BEST MOVIE THEATRE Winner: Gulf Breeze Cinema 4 Rave Motion Pictures Breeze Cinema 8 Ridge Cinema 8
BEST PLACE TO GET MARRIED Winner: Palafox Wharf Waterfront 5eleven Palafox Hilton Gulf Front Pensacola Beach Old Christ Church BEST RECEPTION VENUE Winner: 5eleven Palafox Paul’s On The Bay
Pensacola Country Club Seville Quarter BEST BRIDAL STORE Winner: Bridal Loft Bridal Suite David’s Bridal Renee’s Bridal BEST PLACE TO RENT A TUX Winner: Gent’s Formal Wear Men’s Wearhouse Randall’s Formal Wear Rein’s Formal Wear BEST BRIDAL MAKE-UP ARTIST Winner: Eliza
George Creagh Proctor, Skin Beauty Boutique Tiffanie Park Sheryl Schwartz BEST WEDDING HAIR SALON Winner: Style Downtown Fusion Spa Salon Aveda Salon Allure Shears Unlimited BEST WEDDING HAIR STYLIST Winner: Kelly Michelle Brooke Miller, 10th Avenue Hair Designs Heidi Taylor, Salon Allure Rebecca Taylor, Eimaj Spa and Salon
October 11, 2012
Winners List Thank You for Voting Sandshaker Lounge:
Best Bar-Pensacola Beach Best Bushwacker Runner Up:
Best Day Drinking Best Bar To People Watch Best Bar For Poker Best Bar For Trivia Best Music Venue Best Signature Drink—Bushwacker Best Shot—Dirty Girl Scout
BEST WEDDING PLANNER Winner: Megan K. Events Sara Gillianne Weddings and Events Legacy Event Design Samantha Jackson Weddings BEST WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Winner: Aislinn Kate Photography Cook Images Photography Jessi Field Photography Pasty Brown Photography BEST WEDDING VIDEOGRAPHY Winner: Mike Wood Productions Diva Productions Momentus Films Sublime Studios
to those who voted for us & to those who have supported us for 10 years so far! Open Tues-Sat 10-5 Sun 12-5
3721 W. Navy Blvd. 455-7377 232 3
BEST WEDDING BAND Winner: Mr. Big The Astronauts Clark and Company Reunion Band
BEST WEDDING CAKE Winner: Betty Weber Cakes Adonna’s Bakery J’s Pastry Shop The Cake Shop BEST WEDDING FLORIST Winner: Fiore Blooms A Million Celebrations Southern Floral Traditions BEST PLACE TO BUY A WEDDING GIFT Winner: Artesana Imports Distinctive Kitchens Pizazz Target
Around The Globe Travel Gulf Breeze Travel Agency Springdale Travel
Jerry’s Drive In Scenic 90 Cafe The Magnolia
BEST HONEYMOON DESTINATION Winner: New Orleans Hawaii The Bahamas Destin
BEST RESTAURANT– GULF BREEZE Winner: Aegean Breeze Niki’s Restaurant Shan Kishi Mariachi’s Mexican Grill
BEST RESTAURANT– DOWNTOWN PENSACOLA Winner: The Fish House Dharma Blue Sluggo’s Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar Jackson’s Steakhouse BEST RESTAURANT–CORDOVA AREA Winner: O’Brien’s Bistro Bonefish Grill Shark Fin The Tuscan Oven Pizzeria BEST RESTAURANT–NORTH PENSACOLA/ NINE MILE/UWF Winner: Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse Cock of the Walk Hopjacks Nine Mile Jasmine Fusion
BEST WEDDING Mike DeSorbo, Culinary Productions / photo by BEST RESTAUDJ SquareboxPphotographics RANT–WEST Winner: AnyPENSACOLA/ day DJ PERDIDO KEY Boogie Inc. BEST PLACE TO Winner: Cactus Flower BUY WEDDING Marty Stanovich Cafe INVITATIONS Roger Martinez Becky’s Eatery Winner: Sassafras StatioFisherman’s Corner BEST nery & Gifts The Oar House WEDDING Nancy’s Haute Affairs CATERER Artesana Imports Winner: Culinary ProducInvitations By Karina BEST RESTAURANT– tions EAST PENSACOLA/SCEApple Market Catering BEST TRAVEL NIC HIGHWAY AGENCY Classic City Catering Winner: New Yorker Deli & Winner: Elite Travel Nancy’s Haute Affairs Pizzeria Agency
BEST RESTAURANT– PENSACOLA BEACH Winner: The Grand Marlin Crabs We Got ‘Em Hemmingway’s Island Grill Peg Leg Pete’s BEST RESTAURANT– PACE/MILTON Winner: Blackwater Bistro Chet’s Seafood The Cutting Board David’s Catfish House BEST NEW RESTAURANT– ESCAMBIA COUNTY The Tin Cow The Magnolia Nick’s Boathouse Polonza Bistro BEST NEW RESTAURANT–SANTA ROSA COUNTY Winner: Stinky’s Fish Camp Mandarin Moon Rotolo’s Pizzeria Thai 54 BEST RESTAURANT OVERALL Winner: The Global Grill The Fish House The Grand Marlin Jackson’s Steakhouse BEST GREEK CUISINE Winner: Founaris Bros. Aegean Breeze Jordan Valley Restaurant Niki’s Restaurant BEST MEXICAN CUISINE Winner: Cactus Flower Cafe La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant inweekly.net
Thank you! Chet’s Seafood The Grand Marlin Peg Leg Pete’s BEST SEAFOOD MARKET Winner: Joe Patti’s Seafood Market Maria’s Fresh Seafood Market L & T Seafood Market Smokey J’s Seafood Market, Milton BEST STEAKHOUSE Winner: Jackson’s Steakhouse Angus Steak House Coach-N-Four Steakhouse McGuire’s Irish Pub Kiley Bolster, The Magnolia Nacho Daddies Vallartas Mexican Grill BEST ITALIAN CUISINE Winner: Franco’s Italian Restaurant Bonelli’s Cafe Italia Petrella’s Italian Cafe The Tuscan Oven Pizzeria
Shan Kishi Yamato Oriental Cuisine BEST THAI CUISINE Winner: Bangkok Garden Jasmine Fusion Siam Thai Thai 54
BEST CHINESE CUISINE Winner: Shark Fin Chow Tyme Panda Express Yum’s Chinese Restaurant
BEST CAJUN CUISINE Winner: Cajun Specialty Meats Fisherman’s Corner H2O, Hilton on the Beach Five Sisters Blues Café
BEST JAPANESE CUISINE Winner: Horizen Restaurant Ichiban Japanese Restaurant Sake Café Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse
BEST VEGETARIAN/ VEGAN CUISINE Winner: End of the Line Cafe Ever’man Natural Foods Sabor Tamales Sluggo’s Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar
BEST HIBACHI Winner: Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse Nobusei
October 11, 2012
Wine World:
Runner Up - Best Wine Shop
The Wine Bar:
Winner: Best Way to Get “Cheese-y”—Cheese Plates Best Selection Of Wine By The Glass Best Selection Of Wine By The Bottle Runner Up: Best Place for a First Date Best Place To Meet Friends After Work Best Place To Eavesdrop Best Selection of Bottled Beer Best Bar Ambiance Best Up-and-Coming Chef—Daniel Watts Follow Us! chanswineworld.com
BEST ORIGINAL MENU Winner: The Global Grill Jackson’s Steakhouse Lee House Dinners with Chef Blake Rushing Polonza Bistro BEST APPETIZERS Winner: Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille The Global Grill Jackson’s Steakhouse Polanzo Bistro BEST CHEF Winner: Frank Taylor, The Global Grill Blake Rushing, Lee House Bed & Breakfast Irv Miller, Jackson’s Steakhouse Thierry Reverse, Hilton Garden Inn BEST UP-AND-COMING CHEF Winner: Kiley Bolster, The Magnolia Tricia Horton, Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille Alex McPhail, Iron at Marcus Pointe Daniel Watts, The Wine Bar on Palafox
There is a way for you to support WUWF.
Federal employees may now designate contributions to WUWF 88.1 FM (CFC# 33728). You will find WUWF listed as the University of West Florida Foundation, the 501(c)3 organization responsible for handling contributions to WUWF Public Media. Any questions? Call 850.474.2787 or visit wuwf.org. We appreciate your support!
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Thank you for voting us
Best Caterer!
BEST LOOKING WAIT STAFF Winner: The Fish House The Global Grill Peg Leg Pete’s The Leisure Club BEST WAIT STAFF Winner: Jackson’s Steakhouse The Global Grill Nick’s Boathouse Polonza Bistro BEST WAITER Winner: Jarrod McLendon, The Global Grill Scottie Miller, Jackson’s Steakhouse Sam Sumlin, The Global Grill Johnny Wilding, Nick’s Boathouse BEST WAITRESS Winner: Miranda Coley, Crabs We Got ‘Em Libby Castellani, The Global Grill Samantha (Flood) Ford, The Global Grill Kaya Hard, The Grand Marlin BEST COFFEE SHOP Winner: The Leisure Club The Drowsy Poet Coffee Company Maximilian Coffee Polonza Bistro
and Runner Up Best Wedding Caterer From BBQ to black tie, Classic City Catering has been offering gourmet full-service catering for over 24 years. 850.433.8064 • 214 w intendencia st. pensacola, fl 32502 classiccitycatering.com
now booking holiday parties 434 3
BEST OUTDOOR DINING Winner: Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille The Fish House/Atlas Oyster House The Grand Marlin The Oar House BEST VIEW Winner: Nick’s Boathouse The Fish House The Grand Marlin
Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille BEST PLACE TO SPLURGE Winner: Jackson’s Steakhouse The Global Grill McGuire’s Irish Pub The Melting Pot BEST PLACE TO BLOW YOUR DIET Winner: Krispy Kreme Donuts Five Sisters Blues Café Jerry’s Drive-in Oh Snap! Cupcakes BEST PLACE TO COUNT CALORIES Winner: End of the Line Cafe Ever’man Natural Foods Roly Poly Sluggo’s Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar BEST PLACE TO SATISFY YOUR SWEET TOOTH Winner: Oh Snap! Cupcakes 32 Degrees Yogurt Bar Dolce! J’s Pastry Shop
Palafox BEST BREAKFAST Winner: Native Cafe Another Broken Egg Cafe Polonza Bistro Scenic 90 Cafe BEST BRUNCH Winner: H2O, Hilton on the Beach The Fish House Five Sister’s Blues Café The Grand Marlin BEST LUNCH DELIVERY Winner: Sunshine Garden Cafe Cottage Cafe Nancy’s Haute Affairs Portabello Market BEST LUNCH SPOT Winner: New Yorker Deli & Pizzeria Dharma Blue Polonza Bistro The Leisure Club BEST PLACE FOR A BUSINESS LUNCH Winner: Jackson’s Steakhouse The Fish House Polonza Bistro Portabello Market
BEST PLACE TO FEED THE WHOLE FAMILY Winner: McGuire’s Irish Pub Golden Corral Jerry’s Drive In Polonza Bistro
BEST TAKE OUT Winner: Nancy’s Haute Affairs East Hill Market Roly Poly Tu-Do Vietnamese Restaurant
BEST ROMANTIC DINING Winner: The Melting Pot Dharma Blue The Global Grill Jackson’s Steakhouse
BEST FAST BITE Winner: Hub Stacey’s Bagelheads Jerry’s Drive In Philly’s Cheesesteaks & Hoagies
BEST PLACE FOR A FIRST DATE Winner: Dharma Blue The Global Grill The Grand Marlin The Wine Bar on
BEST DRIVE-THRU Winner: Tops Choice Hamburgers Bagelheads Chick-fil-a WhataBurger inweekly.net
Winners List BEST RESTAURANT YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO IN AGES Winner: Coach-N-Four Flounder’s Chowder House Jackson’s Steakhouse McGuire’s Irish Pub
BEST PLACE FOR A BIRTHDAY DINNER Winner: The Global Grill The Fish House Jackson’s Steakhouse McGuire’s Irish Pub BEST RESTAURANT FOR SPORTS FANATICS Winner: New York Nick’s Buffalo Wild Wings Miller’s Ale House Sidelines Sports Bar and Restaurant BEST LATE NIGHT EATS Winner: The Elbow Room Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen
October 11, 2012
BEST PLACE TO EAT LIKE A TOURIST Winner: Peg Leg Pete’s Flounder’s Chowder House Landry’s Seafood McGuire’s Irish Pub
Landry's Seafood & Taproom Nacho Daddies The Tin Cow
Hopkins Boarding House Madison’s Skopelo’s On The Bay
BEST BAGEL Winner: Bagelheads Bagels Del Sol Panera Bread Dunkin’ Donuts
BEST BBQ Winner: The Happy Pig Café Arlene Williams BBQ Shane’s Rib Shack Sonny’s BBQ BEST BREAD Winner: Joe Patti’s Seafood Market Bagelheads Bread of Life Bake Shop Panera Bread BEST BURRITO Winner: Cactus Flower Cafe La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant Moe’s Southwest Grill Nacho Daddies
Winners List
The Leisure Club BEST CHEESEBURGER Winner: The Tin Cow Blue Dot Barbecue
Five Guys Burgers and Fries Jerry’s Drive In
BEST CHICKEN FINGERS Winner: Sidelines Sports
Where Smiles….
Are Created For You
Congratulations to
Dr. Michael Shay Tilley Runner Up Best Dentist
Stephanie Flynn Tilley, DMD Michael Shay Tilley, DMD 3927 Creighton Road Pensacola, FL 32504 850.479.2525 636 3
Bar and Restaurant Guthrie’s Seville Quarter Zaxby’s
New Yorker Deli & Pizzeria Shoreline Food Store and International Deli
BEST SPECIALTY/ ICED COFFEE Winner: Starbucks Bagelheads The Drowsy Poet Coffee Company The Leisure Club
BEST DESSERTS Winner: Bread of Life Bake Shop The Grand Marlin Jackson’s Steakhouse New Yorker Deli & Pizzeria
BEST CUP OF COFFEE Winner: The Leisure Club Bad Ass Coffee Bagelheads Starbucks
BEST DOUGHNUT Winner: Krispy Kreme Donuts Daylight Donuts Dunkin’ Donuts Milton Quality Bakery
BEST DELI Winner: Apple Market City Grocery
House—Forklift Peg Leg Pete’s—Big Grouper Jerry’s Drive In—Grouper The Fish House—Fried Fish BEST FRENCH FRIES Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Five Guys Burgers and Fries Jerry’s Drive In Surf Burger BEST FRIED CHICKEN Winner: Five Sisters Blues Café Becky’s Eatery McGuire’s Irish Pub Scenic 90 Cafe
Exquisite Edible Art
We promise you the most memorable meal
Ichiban Japanese Restaurant 850-494-2227 5555 N. Davis Hwy www.ichibanpensacola.com inweekly.net
Winners List BEST FRIED FOODS Winner: Five Sisters Blues Café Jerry’s Drive In The Oar House Peg Leg Pete’s
BEST PIZZA Winner: The Tuscan Oven Pizzeria
Winner: Bailey’s Farmers Market Apple Market
loom Tomato Salad Sunshine Garden Cafe, Farmer’s Market Salad
BEST SOUP Winner: Cactus Flower Cafe, Tortilla The Global Grill, Lobster Bisque Jackson’s Steakhouse, Roasted Vidalia Onion The Magnolia, White Bean Chicken Chili
BEST FROZEN YOGURT Winner: 32 Degrees Yogurt Bar Berry Yogurt Sweet Frog TCBY BEST GUMBO Winner: The Fish House The Grand Marlin The Oar House Peg Leg Pete’s BEST ICE CREAM/ GELATO Winner: Dolce! Baskin-Robbins Marble Slab Creamery TCBY BEST ORIGINAL MENU ITEM Winner: The Global Grill, Bacon-wrapped Lobster Tail The Fish House, Grits a Ya Ya The Magnolia, Pimiento Cheese Sandwich The Tin Cow, Blue Balls Burger
BEST SOUL FOOD Winner: Five Sisters Blues Café Blue Dot Barbecue H&O Cafe Jerry’s Drive In
BEST STEAK Winner: Jackson’s Steakhouse Angus Steak House The Global Grill McGuire’s Irish Pub Jackson's Steakhouse Georgio’s Pizza Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Ozone Pizza Pub BEST PIZZA BY THE SLICE Winner: Papa’s Pizza Georgio’s Pizza Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub Santino’s Pizza and Grinders BEST PLACE TO BUY PRODUCE
Ever’man Natural Foods Palafox Market BEST POBOY Winner: Peg Leg Pete’s Becky’s Eatery Cajun Specialty Meats City Grocery BEST SALAD Winner: The Grand Marlin, Blue Cheese Wedge The Fish House, MoMA Salad The Global Grill, Heir-
BEST SALAD BAR Winner: Seville Quarter Portabello Market Rodizio Grill Ruby Tuesday BEST SANDWICH Winner: Hub Stacey’s, Hub Club City Grocery, Boss Hog The Magnolia, Hummingbird Polonza Bistro, Portobello Mushroom
BEST SUBS Winner: City Grocery Jersey Mike’s New Yorker Deli & Pizzeria Philly’s Cheesesteak & Hoagies BEST SUSHI Winner: Sake Café Dharma Blue Horizen Restaurant Ichiban Japanese Restaurant BEST TACO Winner: Cactus Flower
Cafe Nacho Daddies Sabor Tamales Taco Rock BEST UNIQUELY PENSACOLA DISH Winner: The Fish House, Grits a Ya Ya Dog House Deli, Bayou Grits The Grand Marlin, Blue Angel Chips Nancy’s Haute Affairs, Scamp Cervantes BEST VEGETARIAN/ VEGAN DISH Winner: Sluggo’s Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar, Sweet Thai Chili Bowl End of the Line Cafe, Enchiladas Dharma Blue, Vegetarian Paella Jackson’s Steakhouse, Vegan Plate BEST WAY TO GET “CHEESE-Y” Winner: The Wine Bar on Palafox, Cheese Plates Cactus Flower Cafe, Queso The Magnolia, Pimiento Cheese Sandwich The Melting PotCheese Fondue
Thank you for voting us
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Winners List BEST WINGS Winner: Sidelines Sports Bar and Restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings Kooter Brown’s New York Nick’s
Shooter’s Sports Bar Wisteria Tavern BEST BAR-NORTH PENSACOLA/ NINE MILE ROAD/ UWF Winner: Hopjacks Nine Mile Chan’s Nightclub LiVE Mugs & Jugs
BARS, DRINKS & NIGHTLIFE BEST BAR OVERALL Winner: Emerald City Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Seville Quarter World of Beer BEST NIGHT CLUB Winner: Seville Quarter Emerald City Capt’n Fun Beach Club
Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Vinyl Music Hall BEST BAR DOWNTOWN PENSACOLA
Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Play Emerald City World of Beer
BEST BAR-CORDOVA AREA Winner: Coyotes Sports Bar O’Riley’s Irish Pub
BEST BAR-WEST PENSACOLA/ PERDIDO KEY Winner: The Jellyfish Flora-Bama Lounge, Package and Oyster Bar The Oar House Tippy’s Tavern BEST BAR-GULF
BREEZE/NAVARRE Winner: The Bridge Bar Juana’s Pagodas Third Base Pub & Eatery Helen Back BEST BARPENSACOLA BEACH Winner: Sandshaker Lounge Paradise Bar & Grill The Islander Paddy O’Leary’s BEST BAR-MILTON/ PACE Winner: Ollie’s Neighborhood Grill Hideaway Lounge & Package The Oval Office Pub &
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838 3
Winners List Grub Beef ‘O’ Brady’s BEST NEW BAR ESCAMBIA COUNTY Winner: World of Beer Hopjacks Filling Station The Magnolia Hopjacks Nine Mile Road
Sandshaker Lounge BEST BAR TO DRINK ALONE Winner: 5 1/2 Bar The Bridge Bar The Elbow Room Wisteria Tavern
BEST DAIQUIRI Winner: Bamboo Willie’s Beach Side Bar The Dock Flounder’s Chowder House The Grand Marlin
BEST PLACE TO MEET FRIENDS AFTER WORK Winner: The Otherside (at Emerald City) Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom The Wine Bar on Palafox World of Beer
BEST SELECTION OF BEER ON TAP Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Mellow Mushroom Woodshed Grill & Brew Pub World of Beer
BEST DRINK SPECIALS Winner: Emerald City Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Hub Stacey’s Blend Lounge
BEST SELECTION OF BOTTLED BEER Winner: World of Beer Intermission The Wine Bar on Palafox Wisteria Tavern
BEST LADIES NIGHT Winner: The Fish House Hub Stacey’s McGuire’s Irish Pub Seville Quarter
BEST PLACE TO EAVESDROP Winner: Blend Lounge 5 1/2 Bar The Fish House The Wine Bar on Palafox BEST BAR TO PEOPLE WATCH Winner: Seville Quarter Emerald City The Fish House October 11, 2012
BEST SHOT Winner: Irish Car Bomb, Paddy O’Leary’s Irish Pub Sweet Jesus, Emerald City Dragon’s Breath, Play Dirty Girl Scout, Sandshaker Lounge
BEST SIGNATURE DRINK Winner: King Koopa, Play Bushwhacker, Sandshaker Lounge Diesel Fuel, Flounder’s Chowder House Irish Wake, McGuire’s Irish Pub
BEST HAPPY HOUR Winner: The Fish House The Otherside (at Emerald City) Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Play
BEST COVER CHARGE WORTH PAYING Winner: Emerald City Bedlam/Top of the Town Seville Quarter Vinyl Music Hall
BEST MARGARITA Winner: The Oar House Emerald City 5 1/2 Bar Margaritaville Beach Hotel
Seville Quarter BEST BAR WHERE IT PAYS TO BE A REGULAR Winner: Emerald City The Bridge Bar Intermission Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom
BEST BUSHWACKER Winner: Sandshaker Lounge Bamboo Willie’s Beach Side Bar Capt’n Fun Beach Club Flounder’s Chowder House
BEST DAY DRINKING Winner: Bamboo Willie’s Beach Side Bar The Dock Paradise Bar & Grill Sandshaker Lounge
BEST MARTINI Winner: 5 1/2 Bar Bonefish Grill The Global Grill Jackson’s Steakhouse
BEST BARTENDER Winner: Christopher Peterson, Emerald City Jon Muzzy, The Bridge Bar Michele Klemm, Seville Quarter Patrick Bolster, 5 1/2 Bar BEST BAR PERSONALITY Winner: Buck Thomas, Seville Quarter Lauren Mitchell, Emerald City Seamas Hunt, Paddy O’Leary’s Mike Ashby, Intermission
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Winners List BEST HEAVY POUR Winner: Emerald City Azalea Lounge Intermission The Roundup BEST BAR FOR GETTING FLAT-OUT DRUNK Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Emerald City LiVE Sir Richard’s BEST PLACE TO SHAKE YOUR STUFF Winner: Seville Quarter Bamboo Willie’s Beach Side Bar Emerald City Vinyl Music Hall
BEST BAR TO HOOK UP Winner: Seville Quarter Capt’n Fun Beach Club Emerald City Intermission
on Palafox The Global Grill Jackson’s Steakhouse McGuire’s Irish Pub BEST SPORTS BAR Winner: New York Nick’s Miller’s Ale House Sidelines Sports Bar and Restaurant The Ticket Sports Bar
BEST DARK CORNER FOR PDA Winner: The Elbow Room 5 1/2 Bar Azalea Lounge Emerald City BEST PLACE YOU CAN’T TAKE YOUR PARENTS Winner: Emerald City The Roundup Sammy’s Gentlemen’s Club The Handlebar
New York Nick's BEST SELECTION OF WINE BY THE GLASS Winner: The Wine Bar
on Palafox 5 1/2 Bar Jackson’s Steakhouse The Magnolia
BEST SPORTS TEAM CLUB HEADQUARTERS Winner: Seville Quarter Beef ‘O’Brady’s Kooter Brown’s New York Nick’s
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Winners List BEST NEIGHBORHOOD BAR Winner: The Magnolia Azalea Lounge Spanish Trail Pub & Eatery Wisteria Tavern
BEST BAR WITH A VIEW Winner: The Bridge Bar Jaco’s Bayfront Bar and Grille The Fish House The Grand Marlin
BEST JAZZ BAR Winner: Five Sisters Blues Café RagTyme Grille Seville Quarter
BEST BAR AMBIANCE Winner: 5 1/2 Bar The Grand Marlin The Otherside (at Emerald City) The Wine Bar on Palafox
BEST HOTEL BAR Winner: Crowne Plaza Hilton Gulf Front Pensacola Beach Margaritaville Beach Hotel Paradise Bar & Grill
BEST COLLEGE HANGOUT Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom The Fish House/The Deck Bar
O’Riley’s Irish Pub Seville Quarter BEST PLACE FOR BAR GAMES Winner: Play The Elbow Room Intermission Seville Quarter BEST BAR FOR POKER Winner: Paddy O’ Leary’s Seville Quarter Sandshaker Lounge The Ticket Sports Bar BEST BAR FOR BINGO Winner: Seville Quarter The Otherside (at Emerald City)
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Coyotes Sports Bar BEST BAR FOR TRIVIA Winner: Mellow Mushroom The Bridge Bar Play Sandshaker Lounge BEST PET-FRIENDLY BAR Winner: Hub Stacey’s The Cabaret Play The Oar House BEST KARAOKE NIGHT Winner: Play The Cabaret The Roundup Seville Quarter
BEST KARAOKE DJ Winner: Krazy George Jeremy Ward, The Cabaret Shawn Rowe, A DJ Connection KJ Wildo, Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom BEST CLUB DJ Winner: Albert Lao Dewight Barkley Ramsey Coates Bunnie Hopson BEST BAR FOR LIVE MUSIC Winner: Vinyl Music Hall Paradise Bar & Grill Seville Quarter The Fish House/The
Deck Bar BEST JUKEBOX Winner: The Elbow Room Azalea Lounge Play Wisteria Tavern BEST BAR MENU Winner: Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom The Elbow Room The Magnolia Seville Quarter BEST ORIGINAL DRINK MENU Winner: 5 1/2 Bar Emerald City The Grand Marlin Jackson’s Steakhouse
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Winners List BEST TV PERSONALITY Winner: Sue Straughn Mollye Barrows Vigodsky Lena DeFlores Allen Strum BEST TV ANCHOR Winner: Molly Barrows Vigodsky Bob Solarski Sue Straughn Jared Willets
Vinyl / photo by Al Graham
BEST RADIO STATION Winner: Cat Country 98.7 TK 101 WUWF 93 BLX
BEST TALK/NEWS HOST Winner: Don Parker Jim Sanborn Wendi Summers Branden Rathert BEST RADIO DJ Winner: Brent Lane Q-Tip (Glenn Johnson) Mark “The Shark” Scott Adams BEST MORNING SHOW Winner: Q-Tip and Blondie (WABB) Cat Pak Morning Show (Cat Country) Lex & Terry (TK101) Marty White & Lindsey Marie ( WXBM)
BEST REASON TO PICK UP AN IN Winner: Winners & Losers Local Music Coverage News Reporting News of the Weird BEST NEWS STORY OF 2012 Winner: Blue Wahoos’ Success A. A. Dixon Charter School Success IN Coverage of Racial Issues Maritime Park Completion BEST LOCAL YOUTUBE STAR Winner: Pixies Production Inc.
Blake Campbell Nathan Monk “Pensacola” by Manchester Orchestra BEST LOCAL PERSON/BUSINESS TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER Winner: Whitney Fike Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Pensaloca Mayor Ashton (parody account) BEST LOCAL WEBSITE Winner: Pensacolawithkids.com Gopensacola.com NorthEscambia.com Visitpensacola.com
Call about details to our new discounted membership program
Thank you! 242 4
Winners List BEST PERSON TO FRIEND ON FACEBOOK Winner: Bradley B.J. “Beej” Davis Brent Lane Ashton Howard Shelley Yates BEST MUSIC VENUE Winner: Vinyl Music Hall The Handlebar Sandshaker Lounge Seville Quarter BEST LOCAL BAND Winner: Timberhawk Paloma Lektric Mullet Pioneers! O Pioneers BEST VOCALIST Winner: Lucas Crutchfield
Giovanni Lugo Kent Stanton Jordan Richards BEST CONCERT OR LIVE SHOW IN 2011-12 Winner: DeLuna Fest Hangout Music Fest Blake Shelton at Pensacola Civic Center Sleigh Bells and Diplo at Vinyl Music Hall BEST REGULAR GIG Winner: Timberhawk, The Islander rooftop Lucas Crutchfield, The Fish House Deck Duelling Pianos, Seville Quarter Mr. Lao (Albert Lao), Seville Quarter
BEST AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY Winner: Pensacola Children’s Chorus Ballet Pensacola The Funplex of Gulf Breeze Downtown YMCA BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY Winner: Confetti Couture Events The Funplex of Gulf Breeze Jump-N-Party Sam’s Fun City BEST DAYCARE Winner: Episcopal Day School Blue Angel Early Learn-
ing Center Cokesbury Children’s Center St. Ann Discovery School BEST KID-FRIENDLY RESTAURANT Winner: Peg Leg Pete’s Chick-fil-a Flounder’s Chowder House Red Robin BEST KIDS’ NIGHT Winner: The Oar House Chick-fil-a Moe’s Southwest Grill Sonny’s BBQ BEST ACTIVITY THAT DOESN’T BORE MOM AND DAD
Winner: Pensacola MESS Hall Catching a Blue Wahoos game Naval Aviation Museum Pensacola Museum of Art Free Tuesdays BEST PLACE TO BUY CHILDREN’S GIFTS/ TOYS Winner: Pizzaz Let’s Play Fefe & Frogs Target BEST PLAYGROUND Winner: Bayview Park Perdido Kids Park Benny Russell Park (Pace) Shoreline Park (Gulf Breeze)
BEST SPORTS/REC PROGRAM Winner: Southern Youth Sports Association First Tee, Osceola Municipal Golf Course SEASTARS Aquatics, Inc. YMCA
BEST ANNUAL EVENT Winner: DeLuna Fest Pensacola Seafood Fest Great Gulfcoast Arts Festival Mardi Gras BEST BEHIND THE SCENES VOLUNTEER Winner: Belle Bear Bradley B.J. “Beej” Davis Kristin Fairchild Rishy Studer
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Winners List BEST CHARITY EVENT Winner: Le Petits Enfants, Cordova Mall Ball Culinary Productions, Gourmet Dinner Night Panhandle Charitable Open Pensacola Little Theatre, Cabaret BEST CITY PROGRAMS Winner: Family Movie Nights Curbside Recycling Gallery Nights Recreation Centers BEST COMMUNITY LEADER Winner: Collier Merrill Buzz Ritchie
444 4
The Magnolia
Lewis Bear, Jr. Quint Studer
BEST LOCAL ARTIST Winner: Ashton Howard Margaret Biggs Nina Fritz Evan Levin
BEST DAY TRIP Winner: Destin, Fla. Mobile, Ala. New Orleans Seaside, Fla.
BEST LOCAL BOSS Winner: Quint Studer Debbie Calder Denis McKinnon, Jr. Bill Wein
BEST FOOD EVENT Winner: Pensacola Seafood Festival Pensacola Greek Festival Pensacola Crawfish Festival Taste of the Beach BEST LETDOWN Winner: New City Logo Escambia County School District Loss of Evenings in
Pensacola Seafood Festival Olde Seville No Maritime Museum
Tavern The Elbow Room Fort Barrancas
BEST LOCAL POLITICIAN Winner: Ashton Hayward Jeff Miller David Morgan David Stafford
BP Oil Spill
Settlement Announced BEST LOCAL SCANDAL Winner: Team Santa Rosa Demise Equestrian Center/Forest Gibbs Sam Hall v. Nathan Monk Public Defender’s Office BEST LOCAL SPORTS TEAM Winner: Blue Wahoos Ice Flyers UWF Baseball UWF Soccer BEST LOCAL TOURIST ATTRACTION Winner: Pensacola Beach Fort Pickens Joe Patti’s Seafood Naval Aviation Museum BEST NEIGHBORHOOD Winner: East Hill Cordova Park East Pensacola Heights Scenic Heights BEST NEIGHBORHOOD FOR YARD SALES Winner: East Hill Bayou Hills Cordova Park Stonebrook Village (Pace) BEST NONPROFIT Winner: ARC Gateway Gulf Coast Kids’ House Impact 100 Ronald McDonald House BEST OUTDOOR MARKET Winner: Palafox Market Bailey’s Farmers Market Port City Farmers Market T&W Flea Market October 11, 2012
BEST PARADE Winner: Pensacola Grand Mardi Gras Parade Downtown Christmas Parade The Krewe Of Lafitte Illuminated Parade Pensacola Beach Krewe of Wrecks Mardi Gras Parade BEST PERSON TO HAVE ON YOUR SIDE Winner: Mike Papantonio Fred Levin Collier Merrill David Morgan BEST PET-FRIENDLY PARK Winner: Bayview Dog Park and Beach Shoreline Bark Park (Gulf Breeze) Scott Complex Dog Park Navarre Central Bark Dog Park BEST PLACE TO GET STUCK IN TRAFFIC Winner: Pensacola Bay Bridge Bob Sikes Bridge Davis Highway Scenic Highway BEST PLACE TO MOOCH FREE WI-FI Winner: Panera Bread Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom Starbucks Whataburger BEST PLACE TO TAKE OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS Winner: McGuire’s Irish Pub Maritime Park Naval Aviation Museum Pensacola Beach BEST PLACE TO WORK
Winner: Pen Air Federal Credit Union Coldwell Banker United Navy Federal Credit Union Sacred Heart Hospital BEST PUBLIC PARK Winner: Bayview Park Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park Seville Square Blue Angel Recreation Park BEST REASONS TO WATCH WAHOOS Winner: View Billy Hamilton Fireworks Thirsty Thursdays BEST REASONS TO WATCH ICE FLYERS Winner: Fights Cold Beer “Chuck The Puck” Maverick
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BEST RISING LEADER Winner: Brian Hooper Autumn Beck Victor Cross Andy Terhaar BEST THING TO LOOK FORWARD TO Winner: DeLuna Fest Blue Angels Airshow Main Street Plant Redevelopment Downtown Revitalization BEST UP-AND-COMING NEIGHBORHOOD Winner: Downtown Pensacola Belmont-DeVilliers Nature Trail subdivision North Hill BEST VOLUNTEER Winner: John Peacock Angela Baroco Eddy Marianne Estess Teri Levin
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646 4
October 11, 2012
by Jennie McKeon
The Ballad of Sweeney Todd
“He’s an over-the-top character, a swindler, liar—he deserves to die I think.”
The Pensacola Opera is changing up the current season in many ways. Not only is the opera beginning its current season months earlier in October, but the opening performance, “Sweeney Todd,” is beyond the expectations of opera lovers. “It all sort of fit,” said Artistic Director, Kyle Marrero of the timing. The tale of the revenge-seeking barber, who sends his victims down a chute to be cooked into meat pies, falls perfectly in line with Halloween, but have no fear, no fake blood is shed. The gore is instead conceptually staged through lighting. “So there’s no blood packs messing up the stage,” Marrero said. The original 1979 Broadway production is a musical thriller, not an opera. Telling— or rather singing—the story of the “demon barber” with operatic voices will be a refreshing take on the story. “I think that’s why it’s exciting, showing the audience something else out of the usual scope of traditional opera,” said Co-
Leo Day
rey McKern, who plays the young, naïve Anthony. McKern moved to Pensacola about three years ago, although he doesn’t get to see much of it due to performing in other operas. For “Sweeney Todd,” he looks forward to singing in his “home company,” and getting to see more of his newborn baby. “I grew up in Birmingham. I enjoy living in a smaller town,” he said. “And it’s a super rare luxury to sleep in my own bed.” Not only does McKern consider Pensacola Opera is home company, but his wife Chandra is the director of education and community outreach for the opera. Making his Pensacola Opera debut, Leo Day will be offering his vocals to the evil Pirelli. “He’s an over-the-top character, a swindler, liar—he deserves to die I think,” he said with a laugh. Day moved from New Orleans to Pensacola seven years ago. “I was one of those under water during Hurricane Katrina,” he explained.
Now, he is the minister of music at Olive Baptist Church as well as an adjunct professor at University of West Florida. After seeing Pensacola Opera productions, he wanted to join in on the fun. “I saw ‘Little Women’ last year and it was superbly sung,” Day said. “The staging was first class.” Getting to perform quality work in the comfort of your city must also be a luxury for Day. He talked about his love for singing and Pensacola Opera while he was waiting to board his flight to a performance. “It’s grand opera in a small setting, a feat unto itself,” he said. Day points out that the toneddown bloodshed makes the play open to all ages. “I’m bringing my 11-year-old and 13-year-old, I love to expose them to the arts,” he said. “You can tell a horrible story in a friendly way. Why not tell a crazy story for all ages?” The semi-stage execution also allows for the music by Stephen Sondheim and the opera perform-
ers to shine. “Sondheim for us is like Puccini of musical theatre,” Marrero said. “It’s a great story with a great American composer,” McKern said. The opera is usually a fast paced production, with the professional singers flying in a week before opening night. “It’s a whirlwind,” Marrero said. “We basically put the show together in nine days.” Different aspects of the local arts community work together for the opera performances. UWF designs and makes the sets and costumes and the Pensacola Symphony Orchestra provides the music. “Our motto is ‘Big city opera with small town charm,’” Marrero said. With that kind of pressure, you have to wonder what kind of drama happens backstage. “No one is poisoning my water,” Day joked. Instead the local and professional singers work very well together, without any rivalry. “The professional singers are so wrapped up in the competition of singing, we have a healthy respect for the out of town singers,” Day said. “We’re all strange creatures who love celebrating the human voice.” Opera performances sell out quickly, so don’t wait to get your “Sweeney Todd” tickets. “It’s the perfect date night,” Marrero said. And whether you’ve seen the musical on Broadway or rented the Tim Burton adaptation, leave your expectations at the door. “The singing will be really great,” McKern said. “I loved the movie, but this a different experience. The movie is great for its reasons and so is this.” {in}
“We’re all strange creatures who love celebrating the human voice.” Day
WHEN: 7:30 p.m. October 19, 2 p.m. October 21 WHERE: Saenger Theatre, 118 S. Palafox COST: $30-$110 DETAILS: pensacolaopera.com
848 4
by Brett Hutchins
To The Beat of the World’s Drum HART: All cultures are connected to one another because they all vibrate. We have an impact on each other, no matter how distant or different we may seem. IN: After so many years and different projects with different aims, what’s your goal in making music today? HART: It really hasn’t changed after all these years. I make music for people who like music, including myself. As the years have gone by, I’ve gotten a lot better at my instrument, but it’s still fun finding different rhythms and ways to communicate sonically. The advancement of technology has kept me on my toes, too.
“The rhythm is right and the music is flowing.” That’s how you know it’s a good day in Mickey Hart’s world. He and the Grateful Dead’s music helped turn the world on its head in the ‘60s and ‘70s. He played stadiums in the ‘90s, and crossed the world studying the music of humanity. Now he’s going the only place left for him to go—space. Hart sat down with the IN to talk about what the universe sounds like and how a seven-piece band could possibly recreate that on a nightly basis. IN: You’ve traveled the globe studying the music of other cultures. What’s the importance of doing that? HART: I like to think of it like I’m sitting down at the dinner table. Sure, I can eat steak and potatoes every day, but there’s so much more out there. I want to be nourished in every way that’s humanly possible. Every culture has something to bring to the table, and if you ignore that, you’re missing out on some incredible ingredients. IN: Is there anything that all those cultures have in common?
IN: At what point did science become so fascinating to you? HART: About five years ago, I began to wonder what the universe sounds like. We have all these visuals of space, but there’s never an accurate depiction of what all that action sounds like. There’s got to be some kind of noise going on, right? I decided to seek out some of the greatest minds in the field like Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. George Smoot to help me explore if it’s even possible for us to hear these light waves. The finished product is this record, “Mysterium Tremendum.” IN: What’s the most difficult part of transforming those light waves to sound waves? HART: It was initially done with all sorts of computers and engineering, but the hardest part of the whole thing is recreating it live in a way that doesn’t sound like a science experiment. There are very powerful memory bands at work trying to recreate part of the universe at each show we play, but in the end, people are there to groove to the music. It’s music of the whole earth. It’s rock and roll, but there’s a universal side. A lot of the sounds are not of this world.
IN: With an uncommon project like this, was it more difficult to convey to your bandmates what exactly you were trying to accomplish? HART: Not at all. The reason I choose these mates is because they were really interested in the project and were able to wrap their heads and instruments around the thought of dancing with infinite space. All while still playing rock and roll. It’s definitely a matter of trial and error when working with these complex, sophisticated systems and making them fun, but we’ve done it. This band is fierce. IN: Will you be pulling from the Grateful Dead catalog at all at the show here in Pensacola? HART: We’ll play Dead stuff, too. It’s woven into the fabric of what we’re doing, but it’s definitely retooled for the strength of this band. It’ll be familiar enough without it feeling stale. IN: What does Dave Schools [Widespread Panic bassist] bring to the table that you might not otherwise have? HART: Oh boy. He’s one of the best bass players on the entire planet. He brings a great sensibility to the low end of this band. He’s not only a great bass player, but he puts the note in the right place. It’s not just about technique with him. He’s got the feel that only the greats have. And he’s such a likable guy, so he’s a lot of fun to play with.
IN: Can you talk a little bit about what it’s like playing with another drummer on stage? It seems like it would have to be an intimate relationship to be able to do that well. HART: First of all, you have to get the right drummer to play with. People I choose to play with like to have a conversation up there. A lot of times, the more people you have up there playing rhythm, the more confusion there is. With this band, there is none. Everybody is one complex grooving organism. You can’t see music. You can’t touch it. You’re trying to create magic up there. It’s there, then it’s gone, and you have to play with people who know and appreciate how precious that is. Our music is very improvisational, but it has strong structure, too. It’s much like the Grateful Dead in that way. IN: When we had originally scheduled our interview, you had to jump into the studio unexpectedly. What typically sparks an impromptu studio session like that? HART: The muse. My guiding light. When it hits, everything else disappears. Two songs were written in that outpouring of inspiration last week. You have to get it whenever you can. These are the artist’s priorities. IN: As someone who’s been a force in the activist community for years, what role do you feel music plays in progress? HART: I hope with this particular project, people begin to appreciate the power of science in everyday life, and understand the idea of a vibratory universe. There is music everywhere. You just have to seek it out. Each star sings its own song. {in}
IN: You’ve talked about how music can be used as therapy in many different ways. How has it been therapeutic for you personally? HART: Music is life-giving. Making rhythm is life. Good rhythm is good life. When I get off the stage, I feel 20 years younger and it’s great exercise. WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Sunday, October 14 It’s also a spiritual encounter for me. WHERE: Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox When I play, I talk to the gods. It’s a COST: $25 very emotional and deep bond for me. DETAILS: mickeyhart.net; vinylmusichall.com
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October 11, 2012
‘RITUALS’ 7 a.m. Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, Bldg. 15, Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd., Bldg. 15. 484-2550 or pensacolastate.edu. ‘ADULT CAT ADOPTION WEEK’ 9 a.m. Pensacola Humane Society, 5 N. Q St. 432-4250 or humanesocietyofpensacola.org. ‘RECORD KEEPING IN SMALL BUSINESS’ 9 a.m. Bring Calculator. Free, but registration recommended. The Florida Small Business Development Center (PTAC) 401 E. Chase St. St. 100. 5950062 or fptac.org. ‘A ROADTRIP THROUGH FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGY’ 10 a.m. DARC, 207 E. Main St. 595-0050, ext. 107 or flpublicarchaeology.org/darc.php. ‘INTEGRATE. REPLICATE. GENERATE’ 10 a.m. through Dec 22. Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson St. 432-6247 or pensacolamuseumofart.org. ‘YONDERLY: AN EXHIBITION OF THE WORK OF JULIE HUGHES’ 10 a.m. through Nov 1.University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 11000 University Blvd, Bldg. 82. 474-3247 or uwf.edu. ‘COLLABORATING WITH NATURE’ 10 a.m. through Nov 10. Blue Morning Gallery, 21 S. Palafox. 429-9100 or bluemorninggallery.com. DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS SOCIETY MEETING 11:30 a.m. Franco’s Italian Restaurant, 523 E. Gregory St. 453-9291 or dfcsociety.org. PLAY HAPPY HOUR 4 p.m. Play, 16 S. Palafox, Suite 100. 466-3080 or iplaypensacola.com. PENSACOLA MARDI GRAS INC, KICK OFF MEETING 5 p.m. Apple Annie’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. JOE OCCHIPINTI JAZZ WINE TASTING 5 p.m. Aragon Wine Market, 27 S. Ninth Ave. 433-9463 or aragonwinemarket.com. ‘AUTISM SUPPORT GROUP’ 5 p.m. Ever’man Natural Foods, 315 W. Garden St. 438-0402 or everman.org. WINE TASTING AT AWM 5 p.m. Aragon Wine Market, 27 S. Ninth Ave. 433-9463 or aragonwinemarket.com. VEGAN DINNER AT EOTL 6 p.m. End of the Line Café, 610 E. Wright St. 429-0336 or eotlcafe.com. HERB STUDY CLASS 6 p.m. Ever’man Natural Foods, 315 W. Garden St. 438-0402 or everman.org. AFRICAN DRUMMING CLASSES 6:30 p.m. $2$5. Gull Point Community Center, 7000 Spanish Trail. For more information contact, 291-2718, 324-4928 or hurreyupstageandfilmworks.com BRAD BARNES OPEN COLLEGE JAM 7:30 p.m. Goat Lips Beer Garden, 2811 Copter Rd. 474-1919. PSC WIND AND JAZZ ENSEMBLES CONCERT 7:30 p.m. Ashmore Fine Arts Auditorium, 1000 College Blvd. 484-1847 or lyceum.pensacolastate.edu. ‘BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL’ 8 p.m. free-$16. Center for Fine and Performing Arts, Bldg. 82, 11000 University Parkway. 857-6285 or uwf.edu. ‘MICHAEL JACKSON’S THRILLER: LIVE DANCE SHOW’ 9 p.m. Phineas Phogg’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com.
live music
TROY BRANNON 1 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com BO ROBERTS, RHONDA HART & MARK SHERRILL, ELAINE PETTY & CATHY PACE 5 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. THE DAVENPORTS 6 p.m. The Leisure Club, 126 S. Palafox. 912-4229 or tlcdowntown.com. LUCAS CRUTCHFIELD 6 p.m. The Deck at The Fish House, 600 S. Barracks St. 470-0003 or fishhouse.goodgrits.com.
JAMES AND FRIENDS 7 p.m. Hub Stacey’s Downtown, 312 E. Government St. 469-1001 or hubstaceys.com. ALL STAR JAM HOSTED BY THE NOUVEAUX HONKIES 7 p.m. Paradise Bar & Grill, 21 Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach. 916-5087 or paradisebar-grill.com. JJ GREY & MOFRO, NIC COWAN 7:30 p.m. $20. Vinyl Music Hall, 5 E. Garden St. 607-6758 or vinylmusichall.com. KARAOKE WITH BECKY 7:30 p.m. Sabine Sandbar, 715 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 934-3141 or dalesbigdeck.com. DUELING PIANOS 8 p.m. Rosie O’Grady’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. DJ MR LAO 8 p.m. Phineas Phogg’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. FISH SANDWICH 8:30 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 932-2211 or sandshaker.com.
HERITAGE 9 p.m. World of Beer, 200 S. Palafox. 332-7952 or wobusa.com/palafox. LESS THAN ZERO 9 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 932-2211 or Sandshaker.com. COLLEGE DANCE NIGHT 9 p.m. Phineas Phogg’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. LYON’S LIMO, RED LETTER 9 p.m. The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. 434-9060 or pensacolahandlebar.com. EXTREME KARAOKE WITH G.C.P.C 10 p.m. Play, 16 S. Palafox, Suite 100. 466-3080 or gulfcoastpartycrew.com. CORNBRED, NEWBURY SYNDICATE TRIO 9:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 4920611 or florabama.com. LUCKY DOGGS 10 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com
FRIDAY 10.12
‘RITUALS’ 8 a.m. Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, Bldg. 15, Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd., Bldg. 15. 484-2550 or pensacolastate.edu. ‘ADULT CAT ADOPTION WEEK’ 9 a.m. Pensacola Humane Society, 5 N. Q St. 432-4250 or humanesocietyofpensacola.org. ‘A ROADTRIP THROUGH FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGY’ 10 a.m. DARC, 207 E. Main St. 595-0050, ext. 107 or flpublicarchaeology.org/darc.php. ‘INTEGRATE. REPLICATE. GENERATE’ 10 a.m. through Dec 22. Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson St. 432-6247 or pensacolamuseumofart.org. ‘YONDERLY: AN EXHIBITION OF THE WORK OF JULIE HUGHES’ 10 a.m. through Nov 1.University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 11000 University Blvd, Bldg. 82. 474-3247 or uwf.edu. ‘COLLABORATING WITH NATURE’ 10 a.m. through Nov 10. Blue Morning Gallery, 21 S. Palafox. 429-9100 or bluemorninggallery.com. GREEK FESTIVAL 11 a.m. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1720 W. Garden St. 433-2662. HOT TOPIC LUNCHEON ABOUT AMENDMENT 3 11:30 a.m. $15, reservations recommended. Portobello Market, 400 S. Jefferson St. 453-9198. PLAY HAPPY HOUR 4 p.m. Play, 16 S. Palafox, Suite 100. 4663080 or iplaypensacola.com. WINE TASTING AT DK 4:30 p.m. Distinctive Kitchens, 29 S. Palafox. 438-4688 or dk4u.com. WINE TASTING AT SEVILLE QUARTER 5 p.m. Palace Café at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. ‘WOBTOBERFEST DAY 1’ 5 p.m. $5. World of Beer, 200 S. Palafox. 332-7952 or wobusa. com/palafox. WINE TASTING AT CITY GROCERY 5:15 p.m. City Grocery, 2050 N. 12th Ave. 469-8100. WINE AND GLIDE SEGWAY TOUR 5:30 p.m. $45. Emerald Coast Tours, 701 S. Palafox. 4179292 or emeraldcoasttours.net. WINE TASTING AT EAST HILL MARKET 5:30 p.m. 1216 N. Ninth Ave. ‘COLLABORATING WITH NATURE’ EXHIBITION RECEPTION 5:30 p.m. Blue Morning Gallery, 21 S. Palafox. 429-9100 or bluemorninggallery.com. 6TH ANNUAL GLASS PUMPKIN PATCH PREVIEW PARTY 6 p.m. Free, but donations requested. First City Art Center, 401 N. Reus St. 429-1222 or firstcityart.org. HAUNTED HOUSE WALKING TOURS 6, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8 & 8:30 p.m. $5-$10. Ghost Meter Rentals $5. T.T. Wentworth Museum, 330 S. Jefferson. 595-5985 ext. 111. HAUNTED TROLLEY TOURS 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. $8-$16. Ghost Meter Rentals $5. T.T. Wentworth Museum, 330 S. Jefferson. 595-5985 ext. 111. SUNSET TOAST AT THE TOP OF THE LIGHTHOUSE 7:30 p.m. Reservations requested. Pensacola Lighthouse, 2081 Radford Blvd. 393-1561 or pensacolalighthouse.org.
‘THE PILLOWMAN’ 7:30 p.m. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. 434-0257 or pensacolalittletheatre.com. STARGAZING 7:30 p.m. Battery Worth Picnic Area at Fort Pickens, 1400 Fort Pickens Rd., Pensacola Beach. 934-2600 or nps.goc/guis. ‘BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL’ 8 p.m. free-$16. Center for Fine and Performing Arts, Bldg. 82, 11000 University Parkway. 857-6285 or uwf.edu. LIGHT OF THE MOON LIGHTHOUSE TOURS 8 p.m. $7-$15, reservations requested. Pensacola Lighthouse, 2081 Radford Blvd. 393-1561 or pensacolalighthouse.org. SWING DANCING 8:30 p.m. American Legion, 1401 Intendencia St. $5. 437-5465 or pensacolaswing.com ‘MICHAEL JACKSON’S THRILLER: LIVE DANCE SHOW’ 9 p.m. Phineas Phogg’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com.
live music
J. HAWKINS & JAMES DANIEL, LEA ANNE CRESWELL & RICK WHALEY 1 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com JACK ROBERTSON SHOW 5 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. FOXY IGUANAS 5:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. BIG MUDDY 6 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com JAM ROCK 6 p.m. The Oar House, 1000 S. Pace Blvd. 549-4444 or the-oar-house.com. JOE OCCHIPINTI BIG BAND 6:30 p.m. Gregory Street Assembly Hall, 501 E. Gregory St. 307-8633. CORNBREAD 7 p.m. Hub Stacey’s at the Point, 5851 Galvez Rd. 497-0071 or hubstaceys.com. THE NOUVEAUX HONKIES 7 p.m. Paradise Bar & Grill, 21 Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach. 9165087 or paradisebar-grill.com. KARAOKE WITH BECKY 7:30 p.m. Sabine Sandbar, 715 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 934-3141 or dalesbigdeck.com. MIKE BOCCIA 7:45 p.m. Goat Lips Beer Garden, 2811 Copter Rd. 474-1919. JB LAWSON 8 p.m. Five Sisters Blues Café, 421 W. Belmont St. 912-4856 or fivesistersbluescafe.com. HOLLY SHELTON AND DAVID SHELANDER 8 p.m. Ragtyme Grille, 201 S. Jefferson St. 4299655 or ragtyme.net. DENTON HATCHER ‘THE SOAP BOX BLUES’ 8 p.m. The Grand Marlin, 400 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 677-9153 or thegrandmarlin.com. THE BLENDERS 8:30 p.m. Hub Stacey’s Downtown, 312 E. Government St. 469-1001 or hubstaceys.com. MO JILES 9 p.m. Bamboo Willie’s, 400 Quietwater Beach Rd., Pensacola Beach. 916-9888 or bamboowillies.com. BUZZ CUTT 9 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 9322211 or sandshaker.com. THE REZ 9 p.m. Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. PERFECT DARK, DEFUSING FATE AND MORE 9 p.m. The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. 4349060 or pensacolahandlebar.com. PETTY CASH 9:30 p.m. Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom, 10 S. Palafox. 497-6073 or hopjacks.com. NEWBURY SYNDICATE TRIO 9:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. SHANE OWENS BAND 10 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. RYAN BALTHROP TRIO 10:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com.
14TH ANNUAL GREEN THUMB FESTIVAL 8 a.m. Escambia County Extension Services, 3740 Stefani Rd. 968-6424.
050 5
PALAFOX MARKET 8 a.m. Martin Luther King Plaza on North Palafox Street between Chase and Garden streets. palafoxmarket.com. 2012 FIRETRUCK PULL 9 a.m. Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. ‘ADULT CAT ADOPTION WEEK’ 9 a.m. Pensacola Humane Society, 5 N. Q St. 432-4250 or humanesocietyofpensacola.org. ‘A ROADTRIP THROUGH FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGY’ 10 a.m. DARC, 207 E. Main St. 595-0050, ext. 107 or flpublicarchaeology.org/darc.php. ‘COLLABORATING WITH NATURE’ 10 a.m. through Nov 10. Blue Morning Gallery, 21 S. Palafox. 429-9100 or bluemorninggallery.com. ‘VERMI-COMPOSTING CLASS’ 10 a.m. Free$2. Ever’man Natural Foods, 315 W. Garden St. 438-0402 or everman.org. HISTORIC PENSACOLA VILLAGE FALL FESTIVAL 10 a.m. Historic Pensacola Village, 205 E. Zaragosa St. 595-5985 ext. 105 or historicpensacola.org. ‘THINKIN’ PINK’ 10 a.m. Benefit for the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Research and local patient services. The white house at the corner of Berryhill and Stewart Streets in Milton. 850-623-1930. 6TH ANNUAL GLASS PUMPKIN PATCH 10 a.m. First City Art Center, 401 N. Reus St. 4291222 or firstcityart.org. DOWNTOWN WALKING TOUR LEAD BY CHRISTIAN WAGLEY 10 a.m. Old Christ Church, 120 E. Church St. 687-9968. HUMANE SOCIETY ADOPTION EVENT 10:30 a.m. PetSmart 6251 N. Davis Highway. 432-4250 or humanesocietyofpensacola.org. ‘WOBTOBERFEST DAY 2’ 11 a.m. World of Beer, 200 S. Palafox. 332-7952 or wobusa.com/palafox. GREEK FESTIVAL 11 a.m. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1720 W. Garden St. 433-2662. ‘SECRETS OF SANTA ROSA: ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORY IN YOUR BACK YARD’ 11 a.m. Arcadia Mill Archaeological Site, 5709 Mill Pond Lane. 626-3084.
‘INTEGRATE. REPLICATE. GENERATE’ 12 p.m. through Dec 22. Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson St. 432-6247 or pensacolamuseumofart.org. ‘YONDERLY: AN EXHIBITION OF THE WORK OF JULIE HUGHES’ 12 p.m. through Nov 1.University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 11000 University Blvd, Bldg. 82. 474-3247 or uwf.edu. 7TH ANNUAL LATINO FESTIVAL 12 p.m. Maritime Park, 449 W. Main St. 494-7899. ‘BRUNCH IN BED’ 1 p.m. Free-$2, reservations requested. Ever’man Natural Foods, 315 W. Garden St. 438-0402 or everman.org. SOUNDSIDE SERENADE FEATURING THE SANTA ROSA STRINGS STUDENT ORCHESTRA AND WFHEMA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 1 p.m. Naval Live Oaks Picnic Area. 934-2600 or nps.gov/guis. PLAY HAPPY HOUR 4 p.m. Play, 16 S. Palafox, Suite 100. 466-3080 or iplaypensacola.com. HAUNTED HOUSE WALKING TOURS 6, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8 & 8:30 p.m. $5-$10. Ghost Meter Rentals $5. T.T. Wentworth Museum, 330 S. Jefferson. 595-5985 ext. 111. HAUNTED TROLLEY TOURS 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. $8-$16. Ghost Meter Rentals $5. T.T. Wentworth Museum, 330 S. Jefferson. 595-5985 ext. 111. ‘THE PILLOWMAN’ 7:30 p.m. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. 434-0257 or pensacolalittletheatre.com. ‘CLASSIC GUITARIST BENJAMIN VERDERY’ 7:30 p.m. Ashmore Fine Arts Auditorium, 1000 College Blvd. 484-1847 or lyceum.pensacolastate.edu. ‘BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL’ 8 p.m. free-$16. Center for Fine and Performing Arts, Bldg. 82, 11000 University Parkway. 857-6285 or uwf.edu. LIGHTHOUSE GHOST HUNT 8 p.m. Pensacola Lighthouse, 2081 Radford Blvd. 393-1561 or pensacolalighthouse.org. ‘MICHAEL JACKSON’S THRILLER: LIVE DANCE SHOW’ 9 p.m. Phineas Phogg’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com.
live music
Benjamin Verdery
JOE OCCHIPINTI SMALL GROUP JAZZ 10 a.m. The Drowsy Poet Coffee Company, 86 Brent Lane. 434-7638. TROY BRANNON 11 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. AL & CATHY, DAVE JOHNSON, NEIL DROVER TRIO 1 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. CURT & BOBBY 3 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 932-2211 or sandshaker.com. THE REUNION BAND 4 p.m. Hub Stacey’s Downtown, 312 E. Government St. 469-1001 or hubstaceys.com. JACK ROBERTSON, ANDY SMITH BAND 5:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. MOST WANTED 6 p.m. The Oar House, 1000 S. Pace Blvd. 549-4444 or the-oarhouse.com. PAUL KILLOUGH 6 p.m. Crabs We Got ‘Em, 6 Casino Beach. 932-0700 or crabswegotem.com. KRAZY GEORGE KARAOKE 7 p.m. Hub Stacey’s Down-
town, 312 E. Government St. 469-1001 or hubstaceys.com. THE NOUVEAUX HONKIES 7 p.m. Paradise Bar & Grill, 21 Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach. 916-5087 or paradisebargrill.com. DUELING PIANOS 8 p.m. Rosie O’Grady’s at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. POSI-TONES 8 p.m. The Grand Marlin, 400 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 677-9153 or thegrandmarlin.com. LISA ZANGHI & JIM ANDREWS 8 p.m. Five Sisters Blues Café, 421 W. Belmont St. 9124856 or fivesistersbluescafe.com. JACOMO KARAOKE 9 p.m. Hub Stacey’s Downtown, 312 E. Government St. 469-1001 or hubstaceys.com. NICK WING KARAOKE 9 p.m. Hub Stacey’s at the Point, 5851 Galvez Rd. 4970071 or hubstaceys.com. MO JILES 9 p.m. Bamboo Willie’s, 400 Quietwater Beach Rd., Pensacola Beach. 916-9888 or bamboowillies.com. THE REZ 9 p.m. Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com. BUZZCUTT 9 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 932-2211 or sandshaker.com. REDDOG AND FRIENDS 9:30 p.m. Hopjacks Pizza Kitchen & Taproom, 10 S. Palafox. 4976073 or hopjacks.com. SHANE OWENS BAND 10 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. TRUNK MONKEY 10:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com.
SUNDAY 10.14
WORSHIP ON THE WATER 11 a.m. Tent Stage, Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. 7TH ANNUAL LATINO FESTIVAL 12 p.m. Maritime Park, 449 W. Main St. 494-7899. GREEK FESTIVAL 12 p.m. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1720 W. Garden St. 433-2662. ‘COLLABORATING WITH NATURE’ 12:30 p.m. through Nov 10. Blue Morning Gallery, 21 S. Palafox. 429-9100 or bluemorninggallery.com. ‘THE PILLOWMAN’ 2:30 p.m. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. 434-0257 or pensacolalittletheatre.com. ‘BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL’ 2:30 p.m. free-$16. Center for Fine and Performing Arts, Bldg. 82, 11000 University Parkway. 857-6285 or uwf.edu. PLAY HAPPY HOUR 4 p.m. Play, 16 S. Palafox, Suite 100. 466-3080 or iplaypensacola.com. PLUG UGLIES MEETING 6 p.m. The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. 434-9060 or pensacolahandlebar.com.
live music
CLARENCE BELL 11 a.m. Five Sisters Blues Café, 421 W. Belmont St. 912-4856 or fivesistersbluescafe.com. JOHNNY BARBATO & DWIGHT EVERETTE 12 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com.
COWBOY JOHNSON 1 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. ROOTS OF A REBELLION 3 p.m. Bamboo Willie’s, 400 Quietwater Beach Rd., Pensacola Beach. 916-9888 or bamboowillies.com. J. HAWKINS TRIO 3 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. THE DREAM VIPERS 3 p.m. Paradise Bar & Grill, 21 Via de Luna, Pensacola Beach. 916-5087 or paradisebar-grill.com. JOHN JOYNER 4 p.m. Hub Stacey’s at the Point, 5851 Galvez Rd. 497-0071 or hubstaceys.com. FISH SANDWICH 4 p.m. Sandshaker Lounge, 731 Pensacola Beach Blvd., Pensacola Beach. 932-2211 or sandshaker.com. TOMATO 4 p.m. The Oar House, 1000 S. Pace Blvd. 549-4444 or the-oar-house.com. ALBERT SIMPSON, JEZEVEL’S CHILL’N 4:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. RON WILLIAMSON OPEN MIC JAM 6 p.m. Goat Lips Beer Garden, 2811 Copter Rd. 474-1919. WES LOPER DUO 7:30 p.m. Florabama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. 492-0611 or florabama.com. MICKEY HART BAND 7:30 p.m. $25. Vinyl Music Hall, 5 E. Garden St. 607-6758 or vinylmusichall.com. MAGGIE KOERNER 8 p.m. End O’ the Alley at Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. 434-6211 or sevillequarter.com.
MONDAY 10.15
‘RITUALS’ 7 a.m. Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts, Bldg. 15, Pensacola State College, 1000 College Blvd., Bldg. 15. 484-2550 or pensacolastate.edu. ‘A ROADTRIP THROUGH FLORIDA ARCHAEOLOGY’ 10 a.m. DARC, 207 E. Main St. 595-0050, ext. 107 or flpublicarchaeology.org/darc.php.
for more listings visit inweekly.net
October 11, 2012
by Kate Peterson
Freak Puke we haven’t killed each other yet.” Throughout our conversation the band Tweak Bird, Melvins Lite’s favorite band in L.A., was sound checking. “We really wanted them to tour with us,” Osborne said. The Melvins formed in 1983. In the beginning, they were a trio, but today they are a four-piece band sporting two drummers. Original members are Buzz Osborne, lead vocals and guitar and Dale Crover, drums (who also played drums with Nirvana). They added Jarred Warren, bass and Coady Willis, drums. “We started playing music because our families were not into music, and we were rebellious teenagers, railing against our parents,” Osborne said. “We thought it would be cool.” Despite having never studied music formally—“We make it up as we go along”— boy, have they made up a lot of music. To date they have recorded 19 albums. Their most recent is “Freak Puke,” on Ipecac Records.
“I cannot venture to guess what genre we are, heavy art metal?”
No, we are not calling you a name, that is the title of the Melvins Lite album released this year. It says it all about the punk metal band. They have been ripping up the music scene for a long time. Currently, they are on state 27 of a 51 state tour—a different state each night. The tour started in Anchorage, Alaska. IN was able to catch up with founding member, Buzz Osborne, during a brief moment of down time in Dover, N.H. According to Osborne, “Everyone is doing good on the tour, nobody’s dead and
Buzz Osborne
It is hard to categorize their music, heavily influenced by bands such as Black Flag, Alice Cooper and Black Sabbath. In turn, they have gone on to influence many others like Tool and Mastodon. “I cannot venture to guess what genre we are, heavy art metal?” Osborne said. The Melvins were signed by Atlantic Records, and in 1993 they released “Houdini,” wanted to play a show somewhere, which entered the Billboard now all our dreams have come true, Heatseekers Chart at 29. This was all it’s all cake.” because Nirvana was a major supporter Then Osborne asked us a question, “You of the band. are from Pensacola, right?” Yes, we said. Gene Simmons of Kiss was also a big “Oh, we buy all of our guitars from a supporter. Simmons played bass with The dude in Pensacola, he builds them, Kevin Melvins at Lollapalooza in 1993 and 1994. Burkett. He builds them for Pearl Jam and He also played bass with the band in 1993 Cheap Trick, too. Great guitars,” he said. at a concert with Primus, on the song Sure enough, Burkett owns a company “Goin’ Blind,” a Kiss song that was covered called Electrical Guitar Company, builder of on the album “Houdini.” all aluminum guitars, right here in Pensacola. Osborne never thought he would be Osborne considers the ability to make making music this long. money a highlight of his career. “I did not think we would be alive this “Being able to make music work. It has long,” he said. “We didn’t care. We lost been a long slow road,” he said. faith in humanity a long time ago. I didn’t Next for Melvins Lite: finish this tour, think anyone would take care of me under get some saran wrap and end it all. Not reany circumstances. We put it in forward, and drove until we broke the mirrors off. All ally the case, this was the statement from a musician on a 51 states in 51-day tour. {in} we do now is worry.” That statement comes from a place of sink or swim. He and the band have been swimming along just fine. The Melvins have become Melvins Lite, because while on tour they are: Osborne, Crover and Dunn. WHAT: Melvins Lite with Tweak Bird Osborne could have just WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Monday, October 15 played music, but he decided to WHERE: Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox perform publicly. COST: $14-$18 “No one makes a conscience DETAILS: vinylmusichall.com; themelvins.net decision to jump on to the stage,” he said. “We thought it would be cool, be strange. Initially, we
“We put it in forward, and drove until we broke the mirrors off. All we do now is worry.” Osborne
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by Jennie McKeon
Go Greek
photo courtesy of Pensacola Greek Festival The Greek culture has much to celebrate: the philosophy, the dancing and more importantly, the food. In its 53rd year, the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church has been inviting the community to share in the celebration of Greek history and heritage. On average about 10,000 people gather at the festival over the course of the weekend. “Why do Greek Orthodox churches have Greek Festivals?” asked Maria Weisnicht. “Family, village life, the celebration of holy holidays is the center of the Greek culture. When the Greeks came to the United States, they brought that with them.” “We’re really proud of the Greek language and traditions,” Weisnicht said. “Greeks really enjoy life.” Weisnicht travels to Greece frequently to immerse herself in the culture and visit relatives. “I have an uncle who lives in a little village in the mountains in Crete,” she said. These trips often inspire new concepts for the festival. “I think of all kinds of ideas and I do my best to make them happen,” Weisnicht said. “We are constrained by the size of the facility,
but in all that we do, we pay attention to quality.” Don’t worry, you don’t have to have Greek ancestors to get in on the festival fun. “Lots of people participate in our church who have no Greek heritage,” Weisnicht. “My husband is German and Norwegian and is very much a part of the church.” Weisnicht is very much a part of the church as well, as a long standing member for the past 30 years. She also volunteers as the communications coordinator for the church, but expresses that being a member of the church is a non-requisite. “We’re not trying to convert anybody,” she said. What may be required is a love of food. Months of preparation goes into the festival’s biggest draw. Most of the dishes, such as dolmathes, grape leaves stuffed with ground beef, rice and herbs, desserts and calamari, sell out before the end of the weekend. “A lot of the dishes are from family recipes,” Weisnicht said. “Some we’ve been using for 30 years.” “This is a food fest,” said Sissy Watson, who helps handle the food preparation. Watson, who is Greek, has been a part of the church her whole life. “I was born, raised and baptized in the church,” she said. Working the festival since she was 20, she and approximately 18 volunteers prepare the weekend’s festive dishes months before the festival date.
Once you’ve had your fill of food, head “At a Greek festival, there has to be lamb, to the dance floor and watch traditional dolmathes, moussakea, Greek beans, bakGreek dances and enjoy live music from lava,” she said. “We’re kicking fanny with the Kostas Kastanis Band. And be prepared to dolmathes, we’ve already prepared 10,000.” be asked to dance. Athena Staviski, another life-long Children of all ages lead the dances. member and obviously Greek, loves the Staviski danced as a youth. bond that the volunteers share. “It’s a tight-knit family,” she said. “They’re easy enough to follow so that “Whether they can roll a grape leaf or not, people will feel comfortable enough to atthey’re welcome.” tempt dancing,” she said. “The dancers try The ya-yas—Greek for grandmother, to ask everyone to get up and dance, I think prep the pastries. everybody enjoys that.” “They’re the heart and soul,” Staviski Now, she gets to watch her three said. “That’s their turf.” daughters dance while she tends the venEven with over a dozen volunteers, dor booth selling various traditional Greek there is still a lot of work to be done. items and an official Greek Festival t-shirt, Watson and one other volunteer prepared which Staviski helped design. almost 100 pounds of noodles—for just one “I’m really excited about it,” she said. dish. To avoid selling out of the calamari, “It’s has the graffiti bridge on it, but we which Watson’s husband prepares, they changed the graffiti to Greek words.” have 1300 pounds to sell, but all of the work No matter what you’re heading to the is worth it to church volunteers. festival for—food, dancing, t-shirts—you’ll “We enjoy bringing the Greek culture to leave feeling like a part of a big, Greek family. the greater Pensacola area, the lines may be a “What makes our Greek festival differlittle bit long, but it’s worth it,” Watson said. ent is the energy,” Staviski said. “It’s one While you’re waiting in the long lines, of the most bonding experiences, a lot of you can purchase an iced coffee or slushie the Greek people in Pensacola come from baring festive names such as Grecian the same island, Skopelos, and all have Green Apple. great stories.” One of the new additions to the festival Watson stresses for people to come to is the chance to purchase Greek food the festival with outstretched arms. goods, which can be hard to find. Greek “When you sit at our table, you’re autocompanies are small and items such as olive matically our friends,” she said. {in} oil—Greece is third largest producer of the product—are grown on family farms. “We’ll have things like spices, pastas, olives and olive oil,” Weisnicht said. “It used to be when I was WHEN: 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, a kid I would have to search far and Oct. 13; 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 14 wide for feta cheese.” WHERE: Annunciation Greek Orthodox You can also take in a tour of Church, 1720 W. Garden St. the beautiful Annunciation Greek COST: Admission is free Orthodox Church, which is 103 DETAILS: pensacolagreekfestival.com years old. The Greek Festival began at the celebration of the church’s 50th anniversary.
October 11, 2012
PYP IS ON A MISSION It is time for Pensacola Young Professionals to rediscover itself.
As an organization, we need to return to our roots. To go back to our beginning. To ask ourselves once again that basic, yet profound, question: WHY? In the seven years since its founding, PYP has grown enormously both in members and in influence. We have achieved extraordinary things through the work of our teams and programs. PYP constantly engages in charitable work, educates young people on political and economic issues, and encourages professional development throughout the community. But in all the talk about what PYP does, we had lost sight of the true foundation of our organization. It is time for PYP to remember its why, and to start talking about that once more. To that end, PYP’s board of directors and its leadership team recently engaged in a series of exercises that encouraged us to think long and hard about why it is we do the things we do. Why are PYP members so willing to give up their time and effort to assist our community and each other? What makes us care so much? In the end, the answers were startlingly clear. First and foremost, PYP members love Pensacola. We have a genuine passion for this area. We believe in the Pensacola Bay Area—and not just in its future, but in its present. Pensacola doesn’t have the “potential” to be a great city one day; it already is a great city! PYP members all possess the ability to see the wonderful things our city offers, and we want to share Pensacola’s excellence with the rest of our community and with the entire world.
Meanwhile, the second major motivator for PYP members is a desire to keep pushing our city forward in a positive direction. Particularly for those of us who grew up here, the last decade has been one of excitement: Downtown Pensacola is bustling, our city achieved a major project with the completion of the Maritime Park, and our new form of city government is truly getting things done. But PYP members are not complacent, and we want this city to continue to grow and flourish. PYP wants Pensacola to become nothing less than one of the nation’s premier places for young professionals to live, work, and play! These two beliefs are the common denominator for PYP and all of its members. These beliefs constitute our why. And so, in order to permanently enshrine these crucial beliefs, PYP has chosen to revise its mission and vision statements to better reflect our organization’s purpose.
Melanie and her teams are celebrating two accomplishments: The launch of the PYP Member Benefits Card and a successful golf tournament. Thank you for your leadership Melanie!
MEMBER OF THE MONTH: EVENT CALENDAR TOM COADY, CHAIR OF PYP CHARITY GOLF OCTOBER 11 PYP Quarterly Meeting TOURNAMENT Artel Gallery Networking 5:30 p.m. Meeting Begins 6:00 p.m.
PYP volunteers at United Way Day of Caring
The mission of the Pensacola Young Professionals is to share our passion for and belief in the Pensacola Bay Area, and to act as a catalyst for positive change in our community.
Our vision is to make the Pensacola Bay Area one of the nation’s premier places to live, work, and play, and to serve as a model for all young professional organizations. For more information on Pensacola Young Professionals or to join please see our website Pensacolayp.com or contact Director Rachael Gillette Pensacola Young Professionals 41 N. Jefferson St. Ste 108 Pensacola FL 32502 (850) 332-7820
Beginning October 30, PPDI is again hosting its Emerging Professionals workshops for area students. If you are a student at UWF, PSC, or any other local educational institution, and you are looking for the skills and knowledge to succeed in the job market, the EP workshops are just right for you! Topics covered will include resume design, interviewing techniques, negotiating, public speaking, ethics, and basic professionalism. To register, please visit www.pensacolayp.com. Or call (850) 332-7820 for more information.
This was Tom’s first year as chair of our 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Under Tom’s direction, PYP raised money for our mission as well as Gulf Coast Kids House. Congratulations Tom!
PPDI Meeting Apple Annie’s @Seville 12:00 p.m.
Govt Affairs Meeting World of Beer 5:30 p.m.
Econ Development Meeting Warren Averett, 2nd Floor 5:45 p.m.
PYP Pub Club Fish House 5:30 p.m.
PYP walks at ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
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news of the weird MEN WANT TO BE PRETTY, TOO For some reason, South Korea (with about one-sixth the men that America has) is the world’s largest consumer of male cosmetics, with its leading company approaching $1 billion a year in sales. According to a September Bloomberg Business Week dispatch, South Korean males became fascinated with the country’s 2002 World Cup soccer team’s “flower men,” who had smooth, flawless skin, and the craze took off from there. Said a male college student, “Having a clean, neat face makes you look sophisticated and creates an image that you can handle yourself well.” Makeup routines include drawing “thicker, bolder” eyebrows and, of course, expert application of lipstick. Said one admiring woman, “I feel like I have more to talk about with guys who use makeup.” OVERACHIEVERS (1) KETV (Omaha, Neb.) reported in September that local mother Andrea Kirby had decided to give away her stored-up breast milk to a family in greater need. She had amassed a freezer-full of 44 gallons for her now-8-month-old child. (2) How Hard Could Medical School Be? Tokyo police arrested Miyabi Kuroki, 43, in September, and charged him with forging a medical license in 2009 and subsequently treating patients at a Tokyo hospital, providing, among other things, examinations and electrocardiogram counseling. Hospital officials estimate he “treated” 2,300 patients before being caught. GREAT ART! Photographer Clayton Cubitt’s video-art exhibit “Hysterical Literature” (the first installment of which was reviewed in August) features an attractive woman sitting at a table reading mainstream literature aloud (“everything from Walt Whitman to a science book on fungus”), but in a sexy voice and accompanied by squirming in the chair prompted by unspecified activities of a “distractor” agent supplied by Cubitt. After a few minutes, it is clear that the woman is experiencing an orgasm. Cubitt told Salon.com that he was mocking the “quack Victorian medical theory of ‘hysteria’ in women.” • Without the work of scientists Gregory Gage and Tim Marzullo, we might never know the effect of playing a loud hip-hop song to create vibrations that make squids’ pigmented cells change colors. The men’s Backyard Brains setup involved a 1993 Cypress Hill hit (“Insane in the Brain”), an iPod nano, and a “suction electrode” to jar a Longfin Inshore’s muscles to reveal the squid’s “chromatophores” that are either red, brown or yellow. A Time magazine writer gave her take on the work’s reason for being: “Because really, you know, why not?” • Canadian artist Taras Polataiko’s two-week-long live re-creation of “Sleeping Beauty” was featured through early September at Ukraine’s National Art Museum in Kiev, with an unexpected outcome. Five women had been chosen to fall asleep daily and, by signed contract, to agree to marry the first
by Chuck Shepherd
man who awakened them with a single kiss (thus to witness “the birth of love,” according to Polataiko). Only one awoke during the exhibit, but since that payoff kiss was applied by a female gallery-goer, the contract could not be fulfilled in that Ukraine forbids samesex marriage. THE LITIGIOUS SOCIETY Francesco Piserchia, 36, filed a $17 million lawsuit in August against Bergen County, N.J., police, and individual officers, for being shot following a wild, high-speed car chase through residential neighborhoods in 2010. Although Piserchia and an associate had nearly hit a squad car and were fleeing on foot after their car crashed, they claim the police had no reason to shoot at them because, just moments before the shots, the men had decided to surrender. (In a separate matter, two officers involved were indicted by a grand jury in August for tampering with evidence in the case.) • An unnamed passenger on the Russian rail company Krasprigorod won a lawsuit in September for his 2010 experience of being stuck in a crowded train station for two hours and having to endure “moral suffering” from exposure to other passengers cussing. The Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported that the lawsuit (which also noted physical injuries including having his feet stepped on) originally asked the equivalent of $1,550 but that the court in Krasnoyarsk awarded much less. PEOPLE WHO ARE A MESS Ihor Stetkewycz appeared in court in Warren, Mich., in June to answer for an indecent exposure incident, brought on, he told the judge, because his pants, purchased by his mother, were “10 sizes” too large. According to police sources, Stetkewycz had also recently dumped large sections of a tree in the middle of a Detroit street; had protection orders against him from two Warren neighbors; was late to the hearing in June because he raced down Interstate 94 chasing his allegedly stolen car that he had spotted on the way to court; and told a female TV reporter inquiring about the tree stumps, “I don’t take no orders from no woman, by the way.” He did promise to go clean up the tree parts: “I’m Mr. Clean Up.” LEAST COMPETENT CRIMINALS Dakoda Garren, 19, was arrested in Vancouver, Wash., in September on suspicion of stealing an antique coin collection in May that was estimated to be worth $100,000. Garren and his girlfriend were identified after spending some of the coins at a movie theater and a pizza restaurant, using rare Liberty Head quarters (worth from $5 to $18,500) at their face value. {in} From Universal Press Syndicate Chuck Shepherd’s News Of The Weird © 2012 Chuck Shepherd
Send your weird news to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, Fla., 33679 or weirdnews@earthlink.net, or go to newsoftheweird.com.
October 11, 2012
my pensacola Andrea Walker
Day Job: Adjunct Instructor of Develop-
mental Writing and Reading, Pensacola State College Pensacola Resident Since: 1956 (except for a 15-year interlude in Atlanta from 1989 to 2004)
Good Eats:
The intimate atmosphere at The Leisure Club is great for meeting friends and conducive to literary conversation over a bowl of tomato basil soup. The grouper supreme sandwich at Peg Leg Pete’s can’t be beat. Bob and I like dinner at The Grand Marlin for special occasions; I love the mahi mahi, the moon over the sound and the music of Beach Mice. The Southwestern salad at The Happy Pig is awesome.
Saenger for first run movies. Now we go to the classic movie series for good nostalgic fun—no need to dress up unless you want to. The Gulf Breeze Cinema 4 shows the most thought-provoking movies in town, and Bands on the Beach combines the best of both worlds. Jazz at Five Sisters Blues Cafe is a blast. I recently discovered The Showcase—corner of Palafox and Jordan— and look forward to more events there.
I’m drawn like a magnet to sale racks at Dillard’s, Belk and J.C. Penney’s for clothes. For items for home I rummage through the clearance shelves at T.J. Maxx, Target and Wal-Mart. Big Lots and Tuesday Morning are also good places to plunder. The thrift stores are fun too. My favorites are St. Vincent de Paul at Ninth and Fairfield and the Super Thrift on North Ninth.
Next to swimming, a long walk is my activity of choice. In cool weather the boardwalks at Bluffs Park on Scenic Highway lead down to the quiet shoreline of Escambia Bay. Ft. Pickens is awesome as well along the shore or scrambling up and down the walkways and walls. Plaza de Luna can’t be beat for a leisurely sunset stroll. Commune with nature on the walking trails at UWF.
Watering Holes:
Arts and Culture:
Retail Therapy:
Kooter Brown’s has the best wings in town and we wash it down with an ice cold pitcher of brew. They offer plenty of labels to choose from. We enjoy the wide selection of beer , the great menu and the airy open atmosphere at Miller’s Ale House. Otherwise, give me a glass of cabernet, merlot or chilled white with dinner anywhere.
Night Life:
We used to dress up and head to the
The Pensacola State College Lyceum series offers top-notch performances all year long. The musical and theatre productions are always well-done. I love to run into my students there as well as at the Anna Lamar Switzer Gallery which showcases a variety of excellent art. Artel is fun and full of aesthetically pleasing surprises. Last year I participated in their Imaginations Squared project created by locals and look forward to this year’s exhibit.
Never Miss Events/ Festivals:
I have a standing date for the Third Tuesday Open Mic sponsored by the West Florida Literary Federation every month. Wine, cheese and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m. followed by readings of poetry and prose by local writers create an enjoyable evening. This event is held in the Pensacola Cultural Center room 201. I’m a regular at Gallery Night also, preferring the early hours so I can get a good parking spot and wander around in the daylight. New Year’s Eve I enjoy the family night downtown with my grandson. {in}
Do you want to tell us how you see our city? Email Joani at joani@inweekly.net for all of the details.
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Join us on the Deck from 5–7 p.m. for Saltimbanco ticket giveaways during the month of October! 2 tickets each Wed. except Halloween. Show runs Nov. 7–8 at the Pensacola Civic Center (pensacolaciviccenter.com). Independent News | October 11, 2012 | inweekly.net