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Independent News | February 26, 2015 | Volume 16 | Number 9 | inweekly.net | Cover model: Aiden Hayward
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Pensac o PE N S AC O L
veryone who believed Pensacon year one would be a massive success was totally right. “That Saturday when the line reached all around the hotel, we were quite surprised,” said Ben Galecki, CEO of Pensacon and Kinematic Entertainment. “It was a pleasant surprise to be sure, but still surprised.” This year, Galecki said event staff will be expecting the crowd and will work to streamline the process of getting from venue to venue.
illustration by Samantha Crooke The magic of Pensacon is that everyone in attendance can find something to get excited about. “Both Mike Ensley [Pensacon chairman] and I believe that a convention should be a place where fans come together and enjoy each others company just as much as meeting celebrities and artists,” Galecki said. From the Pensacola Intergalactic Airport to the themed events downtown,it takes a village to pull off the event. “Having the local community on board gives us something that most conventions
don’t have—a full weekend experience that doesn't stop when the convention hall does.” Galecki recognizes that the event’s success comes from his team. Some of whom have been with Pensacon from its inception, like Manda Manning, director of marketing. “It’s really humbling, but really rewarding to see all of our hard work building this convention from the ground up pay off,” she said. “It’s been an unforgettable experience, to say the least.”
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 27-Sunday, March 1 WHERE: Pensacola Bay Center, Crowne Plaza Grand Hotel and Saenger Theatre COST: 3 Day and Single Day Passes will be available at the event (quantities may be limited); $35-$75 (additional fees may apply) DETAILS: pensacon.com
—All of us at Inweekly are super geeked out—pun intended—for Pensacon, round two. This guide features tons of guest interviews, after party info and staff panel picks.— February 26, 2015
Kraglin or Kirk? by T.S. Strickland
"Guardians of the Galaxy" still picturing Sean Gunn as Kraglin, left / Marvel.com
Sean Gunn / Photo by Steve Cranston
how business is family business for Sean Gunn. The veteran actor— who played Kraglin in last summer’s blockbuster hit “Guardians of the Galaxy”— followed his four older brothers to a career in Hollywood. Besides playing the role of Kraglin, the main henchman to the blue-skinned space-pirate Yondu, Gunn also helped create the character of Rocket the Raccoon. The crusty, gun-toting space-vermin-turnedhero was a favorite among movie-goers. Bradley Cooper, who voiced the role, received most of the credit for creating Rocket, but it was Gunn who played the character on set and did the motion reference work that helped bring him to life. Some credit is also owed to Oreo, the reallife raccoon who was used as a reference by the studio’s animators. 212 1
"Gilmore Girls" cast photo picturing Sean Gunn as Kirk, far right / Warner Bros Everett Collection
"I drew upon some of my studies in actMust Die” and “The Toxic Avenger.” It was ing school when we mimicked animal moveat Troma that the two worked together ments,” Gunn said of his part in the role. “But on the cult-classic “Tromeo and Juliet,” a mostly, it was about providing a voice and gratuitous punk-rock adaptation of Shakecharacter for the other actors to play off, and speare’s famous love story. facial expressions and some basic moveJames directed the film, in which ments for the [visual effects] team." Sean’s character, Sammy Capulet, meets a Gunn was in familiar company durpainful death after being flung headfirst ing filming. His brother James into a fire hydrant from a moving Gunn directed “Guardians” car. Sean still keeps a copy of and shared an apartment the film on his dresser. "I’M A BASEBALL with Sean while they After Troma, were making the movie Sean went on to a busy NERD, AN UNDERin London. and varied career in GROUND HIP-HOP NERD, "It was awefilm and television. A GAMBLING NERD, A CAT some,” Sean told Before “Guardians,” NERD. AREN’T WE ALL?" Inweekly. “My brother he was probably best and I worked great as known for playing Kirk in SEAN GUNN housemates, truthfully. the TV show “Gilmore Much better than either of Girls.” The character, us would have guessed. And I a mainstay of the show, is sort of fell in love with England." a good-natured oddball whose Though perhaps the most popular, frequent job changes became a running joke. “Guardians” was actually not the first film So, which character does Sean relate to Sean and James had worked on togethmore: Kraglin or Kirk? er. The two cut their film-making teeth “Oh, man, I hate that question,” he growing up in St. Louis, where James would said. "Because the answer, unfortunately, is shoot 8-mm zombie films using his brothers Kirk. But, please, don’t tell anyone." as actors. Sean has been spending a lot of time "I specifically recall blowing my brother on the convention circuit since the release Patrick away with a large gun when I was still of “Guardians,” and he’s looking forward to young enough to sit in a high chair,” Sean said. meeting with fans at Pensacon. The duo went on to work together at "I’ve never been to Pensacola, but sevnotorious schlock house Troma Studios, eral of the fans I met at the convention in which produced such classics as “Surf Nazis NOLA promised they’d see me there. I love
meeting fans, talking to people.” Sean was more ambivalent when asked whether he identified with nerd culture though. "If you’re using the stricter definition of ‘nerd’ as someone who loves comic books and immersing oneself in fictional worlds, then no, I’m not,” he said. "But if you mean someone with intense, even unreasonable passions, then yes. I’m a baseball nerd, an underground hip-hop nerd, a gambling nerd, a cat nerd. Aren’t we all?" When asked about his greatest fanboy moment, Sean could recall only one. "Without question, the only time I have been completely star-struck was meeting Elliott Gould at a charity event,” he said. "His performances in ‘The Long Goodbye’ and ‘California Split’ are touchstones for me, maybe my favorite performances ever put on film. I was shaking and could barely speak." Shaking? Sure. But his favorite performance ever? Maybe not. "My death scene (in ‘Tromeo and Juliet’) is the single greatest moment ever captured on celluloid,” Sean said. "I wish I could be humble about that, but it’s just a fact.” {in}
WHEN: 2 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Saenger Theater inweekly.net
Caught up in cosplay by Jennifer Leigh
Cami Roebuck as Hit-Girl with her dad at Pensacon 2014
Roebuck as Bilbo Baggins
ome little girls enjoy playing “But it wasn’t like, a thrown together, typidress up, clunking around in their cal Halloween costume,” Roebuck continued. mother’s high heels while piling “We used super spandex and really cool X-Men on strands of necklaces. patches and belt buckles—we weren’t playing.” Eighteen-year-old Cami Roebuck— You could say that cosplay runs in the known to her fans as MoodHairCofamily since Roebuck’s dad is a professplays—didn’t just dress up for sional clown for a living known fun photo ops. She became as Inky the Clown. her favorite characters. “I’ve always been Roebuck’s first inaround costumes, even “MAKING COSTUMES IS troduction to cosplay if they weren’t super A FAMILY AFFAIR. TYPIwas through her heroes,” she said. CALLY MY MOTHER WILL DO mother, who got her In the past deA LOT OF THE SEWING, MY into comic books. cade since she first FATHER WILL WORK ON PROPS “I grew rebegan cosplay, RoeAND I DABBLE IN BOTH." ally attached to the buck has channeled character Rogue dozens of characters Cami Roebuck [in X-Men] in part at cons around the because she was a cool Southeast. Bilbo Baggins character, but also befrom “Lord of the Rings,” cause she was from my home Effie Trinket from “The Hunger state of Mississippi,” Roebuck said. Games,” Poison Ivy and Batwoman “I liked her so much that I wanted to be from Batman are just a few of her alter egos. her, so when I was about 7, my mother let “I simply just dress as who I love,” me bleach the front of my hair and made Roebuck said. “When I dress as someone, I me a costume for Halloween. know just about every detail about them.” February 26, 2015
You might have recognized Roebuck at last year’s Pensacon since she won crowds over with her Effie Trinket cosplay at the costume contest. It was a last minute decision to sign up, yet she won second place. “I don’t normally do costume contests, but that was probably one the best, most fun experiences of my life,” she said. “It was so much Roebuck as Effie Trinket / photo by CONography fun being in line with all the Sometimes her dad even suits up to other costumers. And then going on stage cosplay with his daughter. The two were was such a rush. One of my all-time favorite a big hit at last year’s Pensacon dressed cosplayers, Riddle, who was judging handed as Big Daddy and Hit-Girl from the movie me the microphone and was like ‘Say the “Kick-Ass.” line, say the line.’ So I said, ‘Happy Conven“Making costumes is a family aff air,” tion Games and may the odds be ever in Roebuck said. “Typically my mother will do your favor.’ And everyone just blew up.” a lot of the sewing, my father will work on At this year’s Pensacon, Roebuck is a props and I dabble in both. I’m very fortunate guest signing, selling prints and meeting up to have parents that wholeheartedly support with what she calls her “geek family.” my costuming and want to be involved.” “I’m hardly ever at a con where I don’t At conventions, you’ll surely run into know anyone,” she said. scantily-clad women wearing skimpy Looking to the future, Roebuck said versions of comic book hero costumes. she’d love to cosplay full-time. Currently, Roebuck says she respects all cosplayers she’s able to make an income selling crafts. and their visions, but doesn’t feel the need Occasionally her and her mom will help to show skin gratuitously. local film crews and stage plays with cos“I put in as much accuracy and detail as I tumes and special effects makeup. can,” she said. “If I’m going to dress as a sexy, But for right now, she said, she’s right female character then I’m going to dress as where she wants to be. a sexy, female character accurately. If I’m “I couldn’t be happier.” {in} going to dress as a handsome, male character then I’m going to dress as a handsome, male character accurately. I feel no need to tweak facebook.com/MoodHairCosplays things to make them more appealing to the opposite gender.” 13
“The future belongs to the geeks” by Ben Sheffler
Dan Wells
ew York Times bestselling author Dan Wells will be making his first appearance at Pensacon later this month, his first of about 15 conventions this year. "My favorite thing about conventions is meeting new people," he said. "I cant wait to get to this brand new place I've never been and meet a whole bunch of brand new people." Wells has written about the apocalypse, cloning and digital implants, but his most popular work is the horror series "I Am Not a Serial Killer," a story about teenage sociopath John Cleaver. "That's the series that everyone talks about all the time," he said. After five years of anticipation, the series is being adapted into a movie this year. "That is incredibly exciting," Wells said.
Mayor Ashton Hayward with his son Aiden 414 1
"I'm just bouncing off the walls." While research sparked his initial interest, Three new books in the "I Am Not a Sethe issue became personal to Wells when his rial Killer" series will start being released this brother abruptly began suffering from depressummer. sion, panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive Wells' teenage post-apocalyptic series disorder. "Partials" is a New York Times best-seller. "It's been fascinating, heartbreaking, and He's also written about schizophrenia in "The in some ways uplifting to watch him struggle Hollow City." with all of these things and to see what actu"I get very excited about so many differally happens close up when someone you ent things. Particularly as a science-fiction love is no longer in full control of their own writer, the world that we live in is inventing mind," he said. and creating so many amazing new things Wells also co-hosts a Hugo Awardalmost everyday, so how can you not want winning podcast called "Writing Excuses" with to drop everything every morning and write three other writers, which covers basic diasomething completely new?" he said. logue, characterization, plotting and revising, Wells became interested in as well as the business side of writing. abnormal psychology while "It's designed for aspiring doing research for some writers, for people who are of his books, so last kind of in the position I was "HOW CAN YOU year he put together in college, who love this NOT WANT TO DROP an anthology called and want to do it but EVERYTHING EVERY "Altered Perceptions" don’t really know how," MORNING AND WRITE to raise awareness of he said. "We've had a SOMETHING mental illness. great response. It's a lot COMPLETELY NEW?" The anthology of fun and has helped consists of stories and several people actually DAN WELLS personal essays from get published themselves." several authors about Wells began writing in their own experience with second grade when he wrote a mental illness. story about an inescapable maze. "It's just wonderful to read through all of He went on to write poetry, short stories and those personal essays and see this incredcomic books until he got to college. It was ible process of humanization," Wells said. then he wrote his first novels. "We want to destigmatize mental illness and On the first day of a creative writing therapy." course, the professor told him that he could
This year's Pensacon cover was inspired by an Instagram photo of Aiden Hayward at the unveiling of the Pensacola Intergalactic Airport. We knew we wanted a true Pensacon fan on the cover and when we saw his enthusiasm, we knew he was the one. Luckily, modeling is something the Hayward family is good at. Mayor Hayward even joined in on the fun at the end of the shoot. We hope everyone is as excited about this year's convention as Aiden and team Inweekly.
make a living as a writer, something that he hadn't fully considered. "No one ever told me that before," Wells said. "So this hobby that I had been pursuing my whole life I saw in a new light as a career." It took about eight years and five novels for Wells to refine his writing until he was first published in 2009 with "I Am Not a Serial Killer." "I'm very grateful to that teacher and to all the other teachers I had that kept fostering this love of writing and creativity throughout my life," he said. Having lived the last two years in Germany, Wells is back home in Utah. He travels to a lot of conventions, a product of more and more conventions taking place. "What we're really seeing is this crowd of geeks—science-fiction fans, comic fans, fantasy fans and cosplayers—they’ve been here along and we're finally giving them what they need and we're making it accessible to them," he said. "The future belongs to the geeks. I love it." {in}
WHEN: 12:15 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Bay Center Room D
The StareMaster Rematch of the Decade Apparently a lot of people in a lot of places know about The StareMaster project (including Kevin freaking Smith) and it’s just one more thing Pensacola can list on our “claim to fame” roster. Sadly I didn’t know about it until recently, but am now totally on board and ready to see the “Rematch of the Decade” Saturday. Just in case you’re in the dark like I was, here’s what you need to know: StareMaster “exaggerates the playground pastime of staring contests to gloriously absurd proportions” and can be billed as “hardcore, multi-mediated, eye-to-eye combat.” 7 p.m. Saturday, Saenger Theatre
Did someone issue a Noise Complaint? by Jennifer Leigh
Con in Atlanta that she decided to mix the two interests. “We didn’t know what we were doing when we put the whole thing together,” she said. “It was a week before the con and we just put costumes on and did it. They were two things that didn’t quite go together, but it turned out great.” There were some people that didn’t know what to think, Vermes said, but ultimately the group got a lot of praise for their dance numbers in Harry Potter and Final Fantasy 7 costumes. “I think people saw us and thought, ‘this is kind of weird, but I think I like it,’” she said. For their first Pensacon appearance, Rehearsal photo by Francis Peejay Santos. Noise Complaint is comprised of: Jenne Vermes, Vermes said she has put together some speAlexis Najarro, Adrienne DeGuzman, D'Metrius Barry, Alex Rubio, Andrea Toledo, Chelsea cial choreography. She typically takes a look Hurlbut and Jordy Diaz. at convention schedules to get a feel for the characters and music to incorporate f you thought that tap dancing and Complaint is composed into the hour-long sets. The cosplay would never find common of a handful of memdancers typically have at least “I’M A HUGE ground, you were wrong. bers—most of them two costumes per set. TREKKIE, SO JUST New to Pensacon’s lineup this year is dance instructors “I’ve put together a BEING IN THE SAME the addition of the tap dance company, like Vermes and Star Trek and Star Wars BUILDING AS NICHELLE Noise Complaint. randomly, one dance number,” she said. NICHOLS IS GOING TO The Jacksonville-based group was chemist. “I’m a huge trekkie, so BE HUGE.” founded about a year-and-a-half ago by But what sets just being in the same Jenne Vermes, who has been tap dancing the group apart building as Nichelle NichJenne Vermes most of her life. from others is their ols is going to be huge.” “Growing up I always wanted to be in link to the cosplay What excites Vermes the international touring show, Tap Dogs, world. As a video game about each convention set is the but they don’t take girls,” Vermes said. and science fiction enthusichance to expose the audience to new Encouraged by her mentor, she decided ast, Vermes has always been interested in things. It’s not everyday you come across a to start her own dance company. Noise cosplay. But it was at last year’s Dragon tap dancing video gamer, after all.
“We want it to be something people will remember,” she said. “We’re taking tap and giving it a new home. There are even some fans that are taking tap dancing lessons, which is pretty exciting. “We just want the audience to have as much fun as we are,” Vermes added. “We’re having a blast.” {in}
WHEN: 9:30 p.m. Saturday and 2:15 p.m. Sunday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom DETAILS: facebook.com/noisecomplaintlive
Marital and Family Law New Location: 127 Palafox Place Suite 100 Pensacola, Florida | 466-3115 February 26, 2015
Pensacon’s Leading Ladies by Jennifer Leigh
Jody Lynn Nye
n the sometimes male-dominated world of science fiction and super heroes, these women—among many others—are making their mark, following the footsteps of those before and leaving a trail for future generations.
Jenn Broomall
your mind.” That small spark ignited Nye’s interest in a genre she pointed out was actually conceived by a female writer. “Some people forget that the first real sci-fi book was ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley, who is actually known to some as the grandmother of science fiction,” Nye said. Nye’s own books range from magic Jody Lynn Nye has written nearly 40 and mythology to military science ficnovels and more than 100 short stories tion—worlds she creates from the inspirasince she started writing fiction in the late tion all around her. Not once has she been 1980s. But it was by pure accident rejected for simply being a woman. that she even discovered the “It’s either a good story or genre as a young girl. not a good story,” she said. “I was that kid that Nye has even colhung out with teachlaborated with one of “I HAVE THIS ers in high school,” her mentors, Robert HORRIBLE HABIT OF she said with a Asprin, on his “Myth LOVING TO PROVE PEOPLE laugh. “One of Adventures” book WRONG. I WANTED TO PROVE them introduced series. When he died TO MY DAUGHTER THAT YOU me to stuff like in 2008, she was COULD DO ANYTHING.” Vonnegut and Ray entrusted with conBradbury’s ‘Fahrtinuing the legacy. Jenn Broomall enheit 451.’ It was Cover illustrator Jen all very negative and Broomall said in the world terrifying to a 14-year-old of book and comic illustragirl.” tors, there’s more women than Nye said she swore off science people think. fiction until one day she came across a book “Most don’t really stress over their while browsing the library. gender, so they kind of fly under the radar,” “‘The Crystal Gryphon’ by Andre she said. “It’s an artist community, and Norton, a female science fiction author,” regardless of gender, I think the work is Nye said. “I read it and loved it and realized what matters.” science fiction was more than just ArmaBroomall has never had any formal geddon stories. There is so much to stretch training. In fact, she didn’t start to draw
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Mira Furlan
Katrina Law / Photo by Brandin Photography
professionally until six years ago. It was the birth of her daughter that encouraged her. During a time when some women actually put their career on the shelf, Broomall decided to start hers. “After having my daughter, I felt like I could do anything and went for it,” she said. “I had been told I was not going to have any time, I was too old to start, and so on.” But it was the naysayers and her love of art that pushed Broomall to start getting serious. “I have this horrible habit of loving to prove people wrong,” she said. “I wanted to prove to my daughter that you could do anything.”
ure who opposed war, she and her husband basically had to leave—she came to New York and was somewhat shocked. “It’s hard for a woman because they want you to stay young in the youth-oriented culture,” she said. “It’s a little bit better in Europe. There’s more real people acting, not just plastic people. But all over the world, it’s a male-dominated business and they want to bury you while you’re still alive.” Even younger actors, like 30-year-old Katrina Law, aren’t just handed interesting characters. “I would love to be a female Jason Bourne,” she said. “I would love to see more female characters who don’t cry every five seconds, who have positive relationships with other female characters and who have something besides the male characters and their relationships with them to talk about.” It’s because of this that Law has a soft spot for her character, Mira, on the TV show “Spartacus: War of the Damned.” “Here is a girl who was born into slavery. She had no self-esteem or sense of self worth,” Law said. “By the end of the series, you watch this girl become a woman—a woman who was willing to fight for love and freedom and all of the things she finally realized she deserved.” After 25 years in show business and writing her own one-woman-show, Naomi Grossman came to become a household name for a role in which she’s hardly recognizable. The role of Pepper, a disfigured
Looking for interesting roles for women in Hollywood can be as hard as looking for a needle in a proverbial haystack. “I just sent an email to my manager about a part he wanted me to audition for saying, ‘Come on, we should wait for the old hag parts for a least a couple of years,’” said Mira Furlan, who is from TV shows such as “Babylon 5” and “Lost.” Furlan, who’s from what was originally Yugoslavia and is now Croatia, started acting in high school and went on to become a well-known actor in her homeland, earning the country’s equivalent to an Academy Award. When she left Yugoslavia in the middle of a separatist war—as a public fig-
Naomi Grossman / Photo by Vanie Poyey
Nichelle Nichols
woman living in an asylum in the TV show among my people—actors. And it intro“American Horror Story” was just another duced me to a world I didn’t know existed audition for Grossman, but one that would in the sci-fi culture.” change her career. Suddenly the fan mail starting piling up as the character became The main draw to conventions is for fans popular. to share moments with the artists they’ve “She’s taught me so much about looked up to for years. A scroll through Penhumanity,” Grossman said. “She loves, she sacon’s roster and you’ll find role models loses, she endures so much. And yet, she that have not only shaped the culture of still just wants to play. That naiveté is so science fiction, but pop culture in general. refreshing.” People like Nichelle Nichols, who played Lt. And it wasn’t long before critics and Uhura on “Star Trek” in the 1960s. fans made mention of how much the actor Nichols, who was one of the first didn’t look like Pepper in real life. female African-Americans to play a role on “I think this obsession with actors beTV that wasn’t a servant, was tempted to ing beautiful is absurd,” she said. “I want leave the show to pursue a Broadway cato watch people who move me, who can reer. However she was encouraged to stay transform themselves into new characters on TV when Martin Luther King, Jr., who and take me on a new journey.” was a fan of show, met with her to Grossman dove right into the tell her how important her role of Pepper, unconcerned role was not just onscreen, with the fact that she "IN HOLLYWOOD IF but in history. would have to shave “She was a true her head and sit YOU WANT TO CAST A trailblazer for through three hours BEAUTIFUL GIRL, YOU CAN women,” said Manda of makeup. Unlike a THROW A ROCK AND FIND Manning, director of lot of stereotypical ONE. SO I CHOOSE TO FOCUS marketing for Penfemale roles, you ON AND SELL WHAT’S UNIQUE sacon. “Not only is can’t place Pepper in ABOUT ME.” she an iconic female a box, which Grosscharacter in the sci-fi man appreciates. Naomi Grossman culture, but she is also “The roles I go out an icon in black history. I for are typically not based also grew up watching Marina on looks—or at least not on Sirtis on ‘Star Trek: Next Generabeing pretty anyway—not that I tion’ with my mom, which is where my love can’t clean up,” she said. “But in Hollywood if you want to cast a beautiful girl, you can throw for sci-fi originated. So I'm particularly excited to be able to meet her and share a rock and find one. So I choose to focus on that experience with my mom.” and sell what’s unique about me.” No matter how long the day may be, A common thread between the three these women (as well as the rest of the different actors is that they found a voice guests) enjoy sharing moments with fans. in TV shows that seemingly appeal to the “I love the energy you get from the male demographic—science fiction, action conventions,” Nye said. “These are my and horror. people.” “I was so relieved when I walked on Grossman said being on the receiving the set of ‘Babylon 5’,” Furlan said. “I had end of horror fandom is “really thrilling.” just come to New York and I was finally
“I spent a long time not being recognized for my work—losing hits on YouTube to a bunch of cat videos and traipsing up and down the street hustling up an audience,” she said. “Its fun being on this inside of something everyone seems to want to know about.” They understand how important it is to see women sitting behind those tables at conventions. “I’ve had people bring their daughters, nieces, granddaughters and so on to me to talk shop,” Broomall said. “I try to talk to those girls like I would be talking to high school me—the nerdy girl doodling on her notes and hiding comic books for fear of being ridiculed. “It’s totally OK to love comics, it’s absolutely fine to love drawing comics and it’s cool to be nerdy.” {in}
February 26, 2015
WHEN: 11:15 a.m. Sunday WHERE: Bay Center Room D
WHEN: 1 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom
WHEN: 10 a.m. Saturday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom
WHEN: 3 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom
WHEN: 3:30 p.m. Friday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom 17
The Art of the Fan Film by Shelby Smithey
ward-winning filmmaker, animator and fan film aficionado John Hudgens knows firsthand that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Known for his short Star Wars fan films and Babylon 5 promotional videos, he will be screening his latest film “Backyard Blockbusters“ at Pensacon. “Backyard Blockbusters” is a documentary that examines fans turned filmmakers who have created well-known adaptations of franchises including Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones and Batman. Inweekly caught up with Hudgens before Pensacon to talk about the making of “Backyard Blockbusters” and fan films in general.
INWEEKY: Was it more creator of “Men in Black”) "IT SHOWS satisfying creating with a ton of toys and IN THE FILM THAT your own fan films action figures and a WE WERE HAVING or getting to interplan to film an epic MORE FUN, AND THAT'S view other filmstop motion battle THE ONE THAT WENT ON TO makers for your sequence with all WIN AWARDS, NOT JUST IN documentary? the toys invading THE SWFFA, BUT HUDGENS: It’s Lowell's house. AT REAL FILM FESTIVALS hard to say which Later on, when the AS WELL." is more satisfying. Official Star Wars The fan films were Fanfilm Awards were John Hudgens more fun, as each of announced, we made them happened over a “Darth Vader's Psychic Hocompressed period of a few tline” with the express purpose days, with lots of people running of trying to rig the odds in our favor to around and coming together to pull these win, loading it with celebrity cameos. The things off. The documentary was a lot more film did OK and placed well in the contest, solitary, mainly myself and my camera, but it wasn't as good as our next film, “The traveling around the country. I like the Jedi Hunter,” which we made just for the finished film, but it was a long time coming fun of the idea, not knowing or caring if together. We shot the first interviews back there'd be another contest. And of course, in 2004, and then the rest were just picked it shows in the film that we were having up piecemeal over the next few years until more fun, and that's the one that went on 2008-2010, when the majority of the rest to win awards, not just in the SWFFA, but came together. at real film festivals as well. INWEEKY: How did you originally get into fan films? HUDGENS: Our own fan films were something of an accident. I'd done “The Empire Strikes Quack” in the mid-‘80s while in college, but it wasn't a traditional fan film. It was more a mash-up, using audio from the Daffy Duck cartoon Duck Dodgers and lip syncing it to Star Wars footage. “Crazy Watto” started as a way to goof off back in 2000. We had an afternoon free, and decided to go over to Lowell Cunningham's house (a long-time friend, and the
INWEEKLY: It’s ironic that some of the biggest supporters of these movie franchises are faced with negative repercussions in terms of copyright infringement issues. Do you touch on that in the documentary? HUDGENS: For the most part, the big studios have taken the route of non-interference in regard to fan films as long as the fans aren't trying to make money off the franchises they're playing with, or not showing them in a negative light, the studios have generally looked the other way. There have
Costuming a Galaxy: Wardrobe Fit for a Queen (and a Princess) Join LaVonne French and get the low down on royalty digs famous throughout the galaxy. From the iconic white dress in "Star Wars: A New Hope" to the ornate gowns featured in the prequel trilogy, this panel gives an overview of the costumes worn by Princess Leia and Padme Amidala, just to name a few. Bonus, if you've ever been curious about what it takes to become a member of the Rebel Legion, you'll get all the necessary info on the costuming standards. 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Bay Center Room C2/ C3
been a few that went to far, and the studios have stepped in and shut those down. INWEEKLY: What are some of your personal favorite fan films that are featured in your documentary? HUDGENS: My personal favorites would probably be films like Trey Stokes' “Pink Five” series, Kevin Rubio's “Troops,” and the legendary “Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation” made by kids in Mississippi back in the ‘80s over seven years. Before my fan films, I was already somewhat known in fandom circles due to the work I did for “Babylon 5” with J. Michael Straczynski, and the “Crimson Skies” properties from Microsoft and/or WizKids so I knew a lot of filmmakers already that way. INWEEKLY: How long have fan films been around? HUDGENS: Almost as long as people have been making movies, essentially. Some of the earliest go back to the 1920s and ‘30s, and I have footage from those in the documentary. The biggest boom in fan films came after the release of “Troops” in 1998, as people saw the potential the internet offered for distribution, along with advances in low-cost cameras and editing solutions for the consumer market. {in}
WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday WHERE: Crowne Plaza Grand Ballroom
BEN'S PICK: Go Go, Power Rangers!
"The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" cast will come together for their largest reunion ever during a panel event Saturday. Rangers Walter Jones, David Yost, Karan Ashley and Austin St. John join David Fielding (Zordon), Barbara Goodson (voiced Rita Repulsa), and Kerrigan Mahan (voiced Goldar). 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Saenger Theatre
LaVonne French as Mara Jade 818 1
From "Selma" To Pensacon by Ben Sheffler
Tara Ochs / Photo by Stacey Bode
ctress Tara Ochs, who graduated from Pensacola High School's International Baccalaureate program in 1994, is looking forward to her first appearance at Pensacon. "I'm really excited to be there and meet the fans and talk about 'Too Many Cooks,'" she said. Ochs played Mom Cook in "Too Many Cooks," an Adult Swim short film that aired last fall, which is a parody of 1970s, 1980s and 1990s sitcom opening credits sequences mixed with other thematic elements,
including a guy who goes on a murderous "I would probably say playing Viola Liuzzo rampage with a machete. Once it hit the in the film 'Selma' has just been an over the Internet, it went viral. top experience as far as opportunities," she "It has this kind of weird life of its own," said. "Being an actor, taking on a role like that Ochs said. "It's kind of wild to me how everywas enormous." one relates to it in someway or the other." Ochs also does a lot of improvisation and It was through connections with the voice-over work, "A little bit of everything," Dad's Garage theater company in she said. Atlanta, where Ochs lives, that Ochs typically plays roles she ended up on Adult Swim. that are a balance between "THIS YEAR I MAY She was on "Your Pretty drama and comedy. JUST SHOW UP WITH Face is Going to Hell" in "The type of charMY 'ATTACK ON TITAN' 2013, then was offered acters I usually book are a role in "Too Many a little bit tomboyish, JACKET AND LET IT BE Cooks" about a year later. have a kind of a comedy THAT." "When I came back edge to them or they (from L.A.) and started tend to be women who TARA OCHS performing with Dad's, I are a little bit more bold— guess the theater had built strong women," she said. up some connections with Adult Her dream roles, however, Swim," she said. "So we have a kind of are out of this world. a long tenure relationship of doing differ"I'm a nerd, so obviously sci-fi and fantasy ent work with Adult Swim." would be my dream world," she said. Ochs was also in the Academy AwardOchs was close to playing one of those nominated film "Selma,” which she said has roles on camera for the first time this winter, opened up some opportunities for her as but after earning her part, she was unavailable an actress. to play it.
It’s probably safe to assume just about every bar and restaurant will have a crowd and something going on, but just incase you’re looking for something specific, here’s a list of this year’s “official” Pensacon events:
Project Cosplay Whether you're in to dressing up or not, it's certainly a wonder how cosplayers put together their elaborate and creative costumes. The Project Cosplay workshop delves into the hobby by putting participants up against each other a la Project Runway. Each contestant is given a box of random items—from duct tape to pieces of fabric and bubble wrap—to create the costume of their choice. No word yet if Tim Gunn will be there. 3:45 p.m. Friday, Bay Center Room C1
EDWIN’S PICK: "Friday" at Play
Full disclosure: I’m an investor at Play, but I'm still picking their party. Here's why: It’s in honor Tiny Lister—aka Deebo from “Friday”—and it’s going to be West Coast style to the max complete with drink specials, a photobooth and a DJ playing classic hiphop. All I can say in anticipation of the fun is "That's my bike, punk!" Fingers crossed the man of the hour makes an appearance. 8 p.m. Friday, Play February 26, 2015
If we learned one thing during Pensacon’s inaugural year, it’s that the fun doesn’t stop when the Bay Center doors close. You know what they say about after parties and hotel lobbies (the Crowne Plaza lobby specifically in this case). So when making your to-do list for the weekend, make sure you plan on staying out and hitting up Palafox Street—which we be closed off Gallery Night style Saturday night.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—A Party Celebrating Harry Potter The Fish House, 8 p.m. The Holodeck—A Party Celebrating Star Trek The Deck Bar at Fish House, 8 p.m. King’s Landing—A Party Celebrating Game of Thrones Atlas, 8 p.m.
"Man, I was so close to getting to be a vampire," she said. "No such luck." Ochs has been a pretty regular attendee of Dragon Con in Atlanta when she's available, and she's making her first appearance at Pensacon this year. But she doesn't think she'll be cosplaying. "I don't think I'm going to cosplay this year just because I always have these ideas of what I want to dress up as and then it gets out of control," she said. "It goes from one costume to like three-and-a-half costumes. So this year I may just show up with my 'Attack on Titan' jacket and let it be that." {in}
WHEN: 10:15 a.m. Saturday WHERE: Saenger Meeting Room
Pensacon Official Freak Show Party Seville Quarter, 8:30 p.m. “Friday” Play, 9 p.m.
Heroes v. Villains Hopjacks, 7 p.m. Something Wicked This Way Comes Tin Cow, 7 p.m. Official Pensacon Costume Contest Saenger Theatre, 8 p.m. Costume Contest After Party McGuire’s Irish Pub, 10:30 p.m. Jedi vs. Sith O’Riley’s, 8 p.m.
Pensacon Short Film Festival Crowne Plaza Ballroom, 7 p.m. Gala-Fray Celebration Beef O' Brady’s, 7 p.m.
*Official events list is courtesy of Pensacon and can be found online at pensacon.com/official-pensaconevents 19