Cats have around 473 taste buds, while dogs have about 1,700.
Alabama “Bama” Tiffany Bates
Andre Hurst Butts
Anna Jamie Johnson
Aubrey Grace Donna Gail Spencer
Audrey Caroline & Marc Huff
Axle Kim Rainer
Barratt & Tucker Brittany Sherwood
Bella Bryan, Kyna & Kaelyn Nobles
Ben Chuck Irwin
Biko Michael & Jennifer Paquette
Blackbearry Cynthia Hall
Bruiser Becky Harger
Buddy Boy Mark Turner
Buddy Rumbley LB Zayszly
Butters Angela Nguyen
Caersares Bob & Gretta Wise)
Chloe Carolyn & Gideon Fussner
Clouseau Charlotte Gordon
Clover Ashley Holladay
Cookie Caroline Mugarian
Cookie Shay Rosecrans, Allee McDonald & Jerry Enad
Cooper Carolyn & Alton Roberts
Curtis Jon Marek & Erika Smith-Marek
Daisy Ashley Holladay
Doctor Sweets Cynthia Hall
Doozer Jon Pytynia
Edlebrock Sam & Dan Eckiss
Ellie Don & Wendy Manderson
Finny Bear Lezli Hammon
Fletcher Dawn Johnson
August 6, 2015
Dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years, cats only 7,000.
They say the third time is a charm. But in the case of our annual Pet Issue, it’s actually the fourth time around that’s taking that honor. You guys out did yourselves—in terms of quantity and cuteness—with pet photo submissions for this year’s issue. From dogs taking baths to cats with killer smiles, this year’s batch of photos
has it all. We try and not play favorites, but it’s hard when you see a puppy as perfectly photogenic as Woodford (a.k.a. this year’s cover dog—picked directly from an email submission). As a result of your submissions, we are publishing more photos this year than ever before. Of course, some didn’t make the cut. So if you sent a photo and don't see it, it's because something
was a little off with the quality (too small, too dark, too blurry). Please try again next year—with a better photo, of course. Thank you to everyone who cared enough to take time out of your day to email a photo (or photos in most cases) of your pet to us. Your enthusiasm is why we love making this issue every year.
Frida Kahlico Amanda Clonts & Sarah Everhart
Gary Aaron Orbik
Genevieve Alisha Wilson
Gizmo Jonathan Hoffmann
Gus & Daphne Amanda Davis
Huck (as in Huckleberry) Jason & Mikel Traffanstead
Hunter Summer & Andrew Rasnick
Izzie Jay Eberhardt
Jackson Dinah Wells
Jake Chuck Irwin
Kitty Jennifer & Joe Passeretti
Lacey Consumer Credit Counseling Service of West Florida, Inc.
Lady Luck Clay & April
Lola & Linus Jamie Bradley
Lola & Ursa Bridget, Dale, Allie & Seth Norse
Lucy Jenny Diamond
Luna Mollie Taylor & Alex Johnson
Maggie, Jackson & Tucker Karen & Tod Sindel
Maizey Riannon & Justin Boven
Marla Wes Hammons
Max Tammy Dover
Meatball Marjorie, Seth & Roman
Moose Chuck & Kathleen Brown
Mossi Amanda Nowlin & Desiree Bowker
Murphy Joshua Jones & Wes Shoemaker
Oliver Ricky Robbins
Oscar Kiley & Bill Manning
Parker Lois Johnson
Pickleilly Sue Asa Lyvers
Pluto Alex O'Neill & Ashley Fontannaz
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Those born under the sign of the dog in Chinese astrology are considered to be loyal and slightly temperamental.
Ranger April Cullen
Reef Chris, Trish, Saige & Piper Pharr
Ritzy Jim, Jeanne & Reilly Turner
Rocco Eliza Opena & Ryan White
RZA Lacey Berry & Jarrod Burris
Saban Boo Sena Maddison
Sammy Sanderson Family
Samson The Watt Family
Samson & Bones Michael Jones
Sasha Adam & Christy Franklin
Scout Vikki Garrett
Sebastian Chalupa Batman Genevieve Harper
Shabu Meg & Alex Lewis
Sophie Kim Rainer
Sophie Zachery & Pamela Michael
Stella Jamie Johnson
Tanya & Anouk Steve & Gina Pearce
Ted Joe & Allison Mercer
Teddy Debbie Hulbert
Teemu Lois Johnson
ThunderCat Kristin Ruleau
Tucker & Baker Casandra Waller
Vegas Darrin Land
Walter & LeacyAnn Missy &Charlie Hoffman
Winston Michael & Stacy Fenimore
Wizard aka "Wizzy" Laura & David Levitan
Woodford Justin Lusko & Shannon Reynolds
XiaoHei Gabby Song
Zen Michael & Jennifer Paquette
Zoe Lisette French & George Ramos
August 6, 2015