The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs. —Charles de Gaulle
Audrey Jerry Mistretta
Bailey Cameron & Julie Ross
Bean Puggs Chuck Sansom
Belle Tristessa & James OzWirth (left to us by Paul)
Ben Chuck & Jan Irwin
Benjamin Laura & Allan Richards
Boo Boo Kate Trattner
Boo Sena Maddison
Cali Jane Chris & Lindsay Fowler
Casey Ellen & Steven Barry
Charles Deb & Tim Gooden
Chino Phillip & Julie Mayhair
Clouseau Charlotte Gordon
Delilah, Bella and Tank Jessica Patterson
Dexter Jarrod Mclendon, Courtney Rogers & Miller Selland
Doozer Jon & Whitney Pytynia
Farley Deb & Tim Gooden
Frankie Bethany & Carl Wilson
Holly Lillian, Kate & Harper Jane Wiggins
Jackson and Maggie Karen and Tod Sindel
Jaden Marie Adam & Robbie Schrock
Jake Chuck & Jan Irwin
Jarvis Mrs. John T. Chism
Josh Tristessa & James OzWirth (left to us by Paul)
Karis Phillip & Julie Mayhair
Katiana Daniel & Donna Pennington
Kitty Jennifer and Joe Passeretti
Kooper Rick & Suzi Gordon
Lily Collin & Brody Bissett
Loki Shelly Umaguing
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The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats... —Albert Schweitzer
For the third year in a row, we asked you guys to send us photos of your pets. And boy, did you deliver. Not only did we get an abundance of cats and dogs, we also got our first ever
ferret and a chicken with the coolest name ever. Of course, some of you sent us what we can only assume is every picture you’ve ever taken of your beloved pet. While we
can totally relate to that kind of enthusiasm, we had to edit them down. You understand, right? Also if you sent in a photo and don't see it, it's probably because something
was a little off with the image quality (too small, too dark, too much owner, not enough cat…). So if your pet didn't make the cut, please try again next year (with a better photo of course).
Lucy Mae—Ron & Heather Kilpatrick
Lucy May Adam & Robbie Schrock
Lucy Woody & Emily Speed
Maggie Karen & Tod Sindel
Maizey Riannon & Justin Boven
Mary-Oh Mike & Diane Norris
Max The Autrey Family
Maxine Edward Tisdale & Cory Wilkinson
Mimi Christina Leavenworth
Montana Shawndy Moulton
Morena Shelly Umaguing
Ms. Holly Marianne Sherman
Nola John & Marlene Whyte
Picklisha Ayson Jackson
Pistachio Shelly Umaguing
Professor Longhair Andy & Dahlonega Marlette
Rambo Jackson & Brooks Lurton
Roman Anna Hinesley
Rummy Tricia & Tom Coady
Samson Rich & Jamie Harris
Spiderman Chad Leidner
Sterling "The Dude” Jennifer McGaugh & Jim Vasser
Sunny & Stella Amanda Pope, Noel & Jessica McDowell
Sweet Pea Rick & Suzi Gordon
Theo Joe Russo
Tohru & Haku Phillip & Julie Mayhair
Tuck Woody & Emily Speed
Vegas Darrin Land
Willow Kate Trattner
Yochi Joy Kristin
August 7, 2014