Reader Pet Pics For the second year in a row, we asked you, our trusted and loyal readers, to send us photos of your pets. And you certainly didn't disappoint. We honestly were a little worried. I mean, what if we got the same photos and pets all over again? Boy, were we wrong. Not only did we receive almost triple the amount of photos as last year, but we had pretty much an entire new crop of photogenic pets to pick from. Proof yet again that we aren't the only obsessive pet owners in town. We even got some added variety this year—including a few chickens (thanks to that backyard chicken ordinance we assume) and reptiles. Of course, some of you went a little overboard, sending us dozens of photos of your pet in various outfits and locations. While we love and can totally relate to that level of enthusiasm, we had to edit them down and limit it to one photo per pet. You understand, right? If you sent in a photo and don't see it, it's probably because something was a little off with the photo quality (too small, too blurry, too dark, too much blanket, not enough puppy...). So if your pet didn't make the cut, just brush up on your photography skills, turn the light on, step out of the photo, and try again next year. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to email us. Believe us when we say, our second annual Pet Issue wouldn't have happened without you and your submissions. Check out this photo of our cover dog Max as a puppy. Cute, right? We know his owner Randy Maxwell agrees.
Amber Jim Summers
Amber Grace Maureen Mccartan
Angelina Dylan & Edward Pate
Annabell Shawndy Moulton
Atlas Geoff & Jennifer Peck
August Christina Cusack-Curbelo and Jon "Dixie" Clark
Baby Chicks Lindsay Myers & Sarah Humlie
Bambi Suzanne Sawyer & Luke
Behr Paula Finley
Bella James Dupre
Bunny Lebowski Fury Shauncey Fury
Catty Chip Chism
Chewbacca Lindsey & Matt Shook
Chloe The Burris Family
Bogart Jim Homyak & Pamela Woodiwiss
Coconut & Guinness April King & Lane Poole
Basco & Boudin Sarah Cook
Dixie & Munchkin Ileana Ortiz & Jennifer Rogerson
Unlike dogs, cats do not have a sweet tooth. August 29, 2013
Ellie & ZoĂŤ Emily Dobrenchuk
Ellie Chip Chism
Emo Alexa Reed
Fiona Beej Davis & Matthew Hoffman
Friend Sarah Humlie & Lindsay Myers
Gadsden Lindsey & Matt Shook
Gumbo Phil Woolley
Gus Laura & Eli Sullivan
Gypsy Rose Nikki & Chris Mayo
Henry Donna Alexander
Junior Misty Anguiano Spanberger
Kona Jeneane Skelton
Leo Shelby, Ed, & Kelly Carson
Lestat Jamille Ellingson
Liam Neeson Matt & Margaret Roberts
Lucy May Adam & Robbie Schrock
Lucy Jenny Diamond
Lulu Laura Buchinger
Maggie & Jackson Karen & Tod Sindel
Maggie Donna Kirby
Miles Giovanni Lugo
Ponyboy & Millie Loryn Bartnikowski
Momo & CoCo Julie Bonifay & Kobe Pascual; Lorie Roebuck
Mona & Molly Bonnie Edwards
Ms. Molly Lorie Roebuck & Julie Bonifay
Natsumi Terresa Jackson
Pickes T. Cat Asa J. Lyvers
Pinkerton Amy Gokey
Princess Aurora Ponder, RIP Nicole Ponder
Rummy Tricia & Tom Coady
414 1
RZA Lacey Berry & Jared Burris
Sam Mac Baird
Sasha Valerie Pennock
Smudge Quinton Williams
Sophie David, Sherry, & Jason Hartman
Sushie John & Mary Armentrout
Tempe Joey Amspacher & Lauren Smith
The Beast Dahlonega Calhoun
Tobias Showbizz Mixon Jennifer Knisbell & Emily Mixon
Toto Sam Nettles
Tubby John & Mary Armentrout
Wallace Roosevelt Reilly Summer Reilly
the most memorable
day of your life
an event space in historic downtown pensacola (850) 433-9450
August 29, 2013