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MAXIMA professional pastry ingredients


Scopri il nuovo prodotto della linea Maxima, ideale per ottenere diverse tipologie di torte al sapore di cacao come Plumcake, Cake, Muffin, Ciambelle e molto altro!





Have a good summer and...

best wishes in your work In this Italian summer that smells of Italian victory, there is a very good atmosphere also in the Pastry world. New trends, growing consumption and renewed enthusiasm are not lacking. One of the new trends is pastry cocktail paring, a magical and extraordinary combination of desserts and drinks. You will find a dedicated article in this issue of Pastry news. In summer, however, it is impossible not to talk about gelato, because summer is gelato, and gelato is recovery, as stated by the Sigep Observatory according to which national consumption is increasing, and this is the news that everyone was expecting after 15 months of pandemic-related difficulties. The operators are showing renewed enthusiasm, the ceremonies are up and running again, and the pleasure of seeing the premises frequented and the smiles and satisfaction of customers are back. The recovery has therefore begun, but it won’t be a smooth one: 15 months of pandemic crisis, lockdowns, restrictions and time limitations, lost revenues, and heavy losses recorded during this long period of crisis will leave deep marks on the sector. Forecasts now point to 2023 as the year to reach pre-covid turnover levels This estimate obviously does not apply to all operators, and as always, in a dynamic market such as the confectionery one, the ability to react and innovate will once again be decisive: those who are most

capable and reactive in understanding the ongoing changes will be able to win new customers and market shares in advance. The approach to the restart is therefore decisive. Even if the goal is not so close, it is essential to start off again with renewed enthusiasm and motivation. The summer we are experiencing is promising, apart from some variants we hope will not cause any damage. We wish our readers a good summer and, above all, good luck with your work. Giuseppe Rotolo



onsigli del nutrizionista




onsigli del nutrizionista

di Stefano Fuggetta Biologo Nutrizionista


a healthy food which is also ideal for use in confectionery An integral part of our breakfasts and more, yoghurt seems to be an excellent food to include in a balanced diet, and indeed it is. But beware of the various products on our shelves, which are often too rich in added sugar and thickeners. History of yoghurt Yoghurt is nothing more than milk fermented by two micro-organisms, which are able to transform the sugars in the milk into lactic acid, which is responsible for the sour taste of this food. It is never easy to establish the exact time when certain dishes were first eaten; what is sure is that yoghurt has very ancient origins: it is mentioned in some texts by Pliny the El-

der and even in the Bible, but it seems to have even more ancient origins, perhaps around 5000 BC. It was probably a chance discovery, a consequence of the Middle Eastern population’s habit of storing and transporting milk in bags made from animal stomachs; the proliferation of bacteria, the heat and the shaking of the bags were an ideal combination for the creation of the first yoghurt. This product then rapidly spread to the East, both for its preservation capabilities and its nutritional properties. It is said, for example, that Genghis Khan fed his army with yoghurt because he considered it a source of strength and courage. It was not until the 20th century that the microbiologists Grigorov and Metchinkoff, the first to isolate the two bacteria responsible for fermenting milk and transforming it into yoghurt, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus respectively, made large-scale



onsigli del nutrizionista

yoghurt production possible and made it available in the West, where until then it was considered an exotic oddity.


Yoghurt properties Despite some recent (not too much) research, milk and dairy products continue to be recommended foods that should be on our tables. The LARN (National Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake Levels) recommend 2-3 portions of milk and yoghurt per week, while the CREA guidelines recommend one cup of milk or yoghurt per day, preferably semi-skimmed. Natural whole white yoghurt is well known for its low calorie content, low amount of simple sugars and, although in relatively small quantities (3-4g per 100g of product), high biological value proteins. Fats amount to around 4g per 100g of product and consist mainly of palmitic, stearic, vaccenic and oleic acids, while cholesterol is low, at around 12mg. The vitamin intake comes mainly from vitamins b2 and b12, while in terms of minerals, calcium is obviously prominent (100g contains around 12% of the recommended daily intake), but phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are also present. However, the various fruit yoghurts and the so-called yoghurt creams that are commonly found on the market have very different nutritional values from those described. Due to the manufacturing process, which differs from product


onsigli del nutrizionista

to product, yoghurt loses many of its micronutrients (if not added later) and in some cases can contain as much as 13g of sugar per 100g of product, the equivalent of a heaped tablespoon of sugar. Greek yoghurt has recently become more popular. It has a thicker consistency than traditional yoghurt due to the long processing and removal of whey. This makes it higher in calories, but with a higher concentration of proteins and fats and a lower carbohydrate content ideal for a protein snack, especially for athletes! Yoghurt benefits The most beneficial effect of yoghurt is on the intestinal microbiota. The bacteria that make up the microbiota are not part of the human intestinal flora, but they do provide substrates that

are necessary for the balance of the microbiota. Some studies also correlate regular yoghurt consumption with lower cardiovascular risk, development of type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. To be fair, it is important to note that frequent white yoghurt eaters tend to be more careful about their food choices and lifestyle in general, so it is plausible that these studies contain several biases that may have influenced the results. However, there’ s no need to look for a single beneficial element in yoghurt, this is an activity we can leave to marketing and supplement companies. It is the product as a whole that is excellent. It is a low-calorie food that contains many micronutrients and high-quality proteins, is easy to store, is inexpensive and is versatile in cooking both sweet and savoury dishes.





When gelato is a first Summer is gelato time! Gelato is recovery time! This is a first estimate from the Sigep Observatory, according to which national consumption has increased by 14% since the beginning of the year, with weather-related peaks boosting Calabria and Rome, respectively +20% and +22%. Estimates that restore optimism in a sector that in 2019, counting gelato parlours also producing their produce and those that were only points of sale, in Italy had over 39,000 enterprises with an annual turnover of 4.2 billion euros and a direct workforce of 75,000, according to estimates by the Sigep Observatory based on association sources. And when it comes to gelato, innovations are never lacking. In fact, one of the most symbolic dishes of Milanese cuisine has been transformed into ice cream: Marco Iirillo, owner of the Gelateria del Sole in Varedo (in Brianza) has invented a saffron risotto flavour called ‘Il Milanese’. But in the Varedo gelateria you can also try other very original flavours: from misticanza ice cream to dandelion gelato, from mascarpone and zola cheese to Philadelphia cheese with honey and chocolate, right up to pistachio cheese, one of the gelateria’s flag-


ship products. So, if you’re fed up with the classic flavours and you’re thinking of bringing back the Smurf flavour for a thrilling experience, then don’t worry, because Manuel Da Silva Oliveira has opened the Coromoto Ice Cream Shop, which offers over 100 different flavours of ice cream. And don’t think of Violet. Or of chocomint flavour, because

in the Coromoto ice-cream parlour you will find absurd flavours that combine, for example, the more classic flavours of first and second courses of the local tradition with the flavour and texture of ice-cream. Are you ready to taste the rice flavour, the cheese flavour and the black bean flavour? Or meat? And why not a nice trout, mushroom and hot dog flavour? Finally, there is also a flavour called Viagra hope made with honey and pollen.







Crema Nocciola Cacao and... CREMA NOCCIOLA CACAO PIÙ DENSA (new receipt) The new thicker hazelnut and cocoa cream, suitably reformulated and updated by the Fugar Team, enters the market today. The production and commercial objectives have been fully met. The cream is still packaged in 12 kg (code 40304) and 6 kg (code 41429) buckets and has the following characteristics: • more compact texture, suitable for brioches and leavened fillings;


• soft to the palate, but more consistent in terms of density, to create a “melting” yet “firm” combination; • perfect for filling tarts; • suitable for cooking, without altering the purity of the ingredients, perfectly in line with the typical “Fugar” brand. A high oleic oil (from sunflower seeds) and a very high-quality fat (cocoa butter) are combined to form the product’s lipid component.



...Crunchytella Crunchytella In the food world, it is well known that peanuts go well with everything, a bit like the colour black in fashion. This legume, which in terms of its texture, flavour and aroma is often associated with the dried fruit family, has gained an interesting place in ice cream and confectionery thanks to its versatility and wide range of flavours. When roasted, for example, the peanut assumes a sweetish tone, with definite chocolate notes, but at the same time releases a slight savouriness, which ends in a pleasant bitter note. This is why we often see it paired with both savoury and sweet culinary dishes, such as cocoa and caramel. Fugar chooses an even bolder combination: salted caramel, to enhance the sweet and savoury tones naturally present in the peanut. The result is Crunchytella, an innovative product with a hybrid consistency: halfway between a creamy and crunchy ripple and a soft “stracciatella”.

The taste is typical of salted caramel, enriched by the addition of roasted peanuts in pieces, to recreate the “crunchy” effect. What makes Crunchytella special is its multiple use in both ice cream and pastry making; excellent as a crunchy variegato for ice cream, but also as a soft glaze or insert for semifreddo and ice cream on sticks.




The dessert that warms the heart of every Italian is now a liquor There’s a tasty new entry at Bonaventura Maschio. The historic Treviso distillery, backed by the experience of five generations in the world of distillation and liqueur-making, presents its personal tribute to tiramisu: a liqueur that, with its rich, creamy taste, will recall you the thrill of that first spoonful in your favourite dessert. No matter who invented it or what the original recipe is, Tiramisu now belongs to all Italians, and is a perfect synthesis of our cuisine: a simple, genuine and delicious dessert! The authentic version of tiramisu is jealously guarded in every mother’s recipe book, each family has its own personal version and each of us is convinced that there is no better tiramisu than the one entwined with our fondest memories of childhood, and after all, we are all right. From now on, that same delicious and reassuring flavour can be enclosed in a

glass. Every taste of Tiramisù Di Casa will bring back to mind the gestures we saw countless times when we were children, the soft cream mixed with the whisk or the wooden spoon, the sound of the mocha machine bubbling, the smell of coffee spreading all over the house and finally the emotion of the first spoonful stolen furtively when mum wasn’t looking. Tiramisù Di Casa is the perfect, mouth-watering conclusion to any meal. It can be enjoyed at room temperature or, on hot days, with an ice cube. Once poured into the glass, try adding a sprinkling of bitter cocoa on the surface so that it will be totally faithful to its original version. You can try Tiramisù Di Casa in your favourite bar or restaurant, buy it in the best wine shops, pastry shops or online, and enjoy it in the peace and quiet of your own living room or as a gift for friends to celebrate a special occasion. Wherever you are, every sip will take you home... Because home is where there is a tiramisu waiting for you.




Discover Crema Firenze and Pan di Spagna Maxima


PreGel’s Maxima is the line designed for bakery and artisan workshops that allows the creation of classic traditional desserts with a constant result,

but it is also perfect for more elaborate desserts such as soft filled cakes to be proposed in the shop window to diversify the offer.

a The first product we propose, perfect for this purpose, is Pan di Spagna Maxima, ideal for obtaining in a few simple steps a soft base with a regular structure and a reduced external thickness that minimises waste. The base made with this mix retains excellent moisture over time and is able to hold filling well.The base made with this mix retains excellent moisture over time and is able to hold filling well, guarantees a clean cut and stays soft and fluffy for a long time. When properly dosed, it can be used to make excellent savoiardi for a traditional tiramisu, or for a soft sponge to meet the needs of an international clientele looking for a fuller-bodied yet soft base. Pan di Spagna Cacao Maxima is the ideal product to propose an even tastier version intended for creating spongy rolls and cakes that satisfy the tastes of chocolate lovers, since it is already balanced with cocoa and, like the classic version, guarantees excellent softness and is suitable for making bases ready to be filled with a delicious cream obtained with Crema Firenze Maxima. This powder mix makes it possible to prepare a delicious cold crème patissière in just a few simple steps, which can be prepared using either water or milk. The recipe with water is suitable when an en-



veloping cream with a delicate and neutral flavour is needed, which can be flavoured with one of the many Pannacrema-Pastry Compounds that guarantee a perfect balance of flavours and are particularly suitable for baking, while it is recommended to use the milk version only after baking, both are stable to freezing. The resulting cream will have a smooth, creamy texture that can be modified as desired by reducing or increasing the dosage of the product. A clean cut and a well-defined slice are always guaranteed. In addition to preparing the classic crème patissière, Crema Firenze Maxima is perfect to obtain a Chantilly cream in a few simple steps. It is sufficient to prepare it with whipping cream to obtain a stable, fluffy cream with an excellent shelf life suitable for many applications, for example to fill an elegant cake or tasty single portions, but it is also ideal as a filling for tarts or cream puffs. In addition, thanks to its compact yet light and airy structure, it is the perfect substitute for buttercream for decorations and coatings, ensuring an excellent palatability. Pan di Spagna, Pan di Spagna Cacao and Crema Firenze are powdered products packed in 10 kg bags.




Memorandum of Understanding

between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and FIPGC

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate (FIPGC)


On 4 June, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding was held between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate (Federazione Internazionale Pasticceria Gelateria e Cioccolateria, FIPGC), represented respectively by Undersecretary Manlio Di Stefano and President Roberto Lestani. The Deputy Minister declared «The signing of this Protocol further enriches the tools supporting the promotion of our agricultural and culinary excellence, in a sector, namely desserts, which is an undisputed wealth of our territories and another great vehicle to tell their history and traditions, i.e. their identity. Many Italian products have made our confectionery famous worldwide, from panettone to pastiera, from baci di dama to Sicilian

cannoli, from tiramisu to cassata. With this Protocol, we are implementing the centuries-old experience of professional expertise and skills that are studied, learned, passed down and find their expression in the creation of a product that also contains an artistic component in terms of shape and image. A mastery of craftsmanship that has brought Italian confectionery art to levels of excellence. An art with worldwide recognition, that we intend to enhance by actively including it in the promotional “Vivere all’italiana” (Living Italian Style) strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs». «The signing of this Memorandum – said the Fipgc President – as well as giving the Federation greater institutional status, will create greater strengths to highlight Italian products and all the Italian excellence in which our country is rich. When we talk about confectionery, we are not just talking about a heritage of local products, but about an entire sector made up of people, raw materials, equipment and technologies that come together every day to raise the level of confectionery products offered to consumers». The International Pastry Referent Claudia Mosca was also present at the ceremony together with FIPGC President Roberto Lestani.





protagonist at Host Fiera Milano 2021 A long series of events at Host Fiera Milano from 22 to 26 October 2021. October 22 | 23 The Tiramisu World Championship with 24 competitors from the 5 continents who will compete in making a classic and an innovative tiramisu.


October 25|26 The International Pastry Award will see the professionals compete in four categories: Artistic Sugar, Chocolate, Pastillage and Wedding Cake. The aesthetic, artistic and tasting aspects will be evaluated. Depending on the categories in the competition, competitors will be

required to make various desserts such as an ice cream, a sculpture, a cake or a modern single portion and a travel dessert. October 22|26 The Contest School Fipgc, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Hotel Institutes. Student demonstrations will be held for five days. October 26 The Best Pastry Chefs in the World will be a parade of 300 pastry chefs belonging to the Fipgc teams of excellence, with the presence of 18 world champions who will share their experience. October 24|26 The traditional Art Gallery where members will exhibit their works related to the world of pastry, ice cream, chocolate and cake design

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