Pizza&core International n 121

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hich country in the world has the most pizzerias? Well, the one with the most voracious pizza eaters, the United States, with more than 90 thousand venues. While Italy is in second place with 42 thousand premises, as attested by a statistical study conducted by BoldData. California is the American state with most pizzerias, while New York is obviously the city with the greatest number of pizza restaurants. Its 7.190 pizzerias have fuelled the myth of Italian food in the Little Italy district, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Big Apple. The United States therefore is the El Dorado of pizza. The pizza makers of the calibre of Roberto Caporuscio are well aware of this. After becoming the ambassador of Neapolitan pizza in America, he is back with a new project. It is called Kestè Pizza Go, and is basically a very innovative delivery service available in all American states. How does it work? Very simple. The pizzas are prepared in the New York restaurant, baked in a woodfired oven and frozen using a special machine. Then they are shipped overnight (or delivered in 48 hours, depending on the address) in an insulated box with dry ice that guarantees perfect preservation. Once the pizza is received, the customer only has to take it out of the box, remove the transparent film from the pizza and put it in the oven. Good business. It is still in its beginning, but America is great and Americans are hungry for good pizza. The interview also states that the largest number of orders come from California, Texas and Florida. The most ordered pizzas are: Margherita, Pistachio and Sausage, Diavola and gluten free Margherita. 3

curated by Giovanni ROTOLO


style old but still new


o you want to open a new premises? Do you already own one but want to renew its style? If so, it is important for you to analyse the latest trends so as to give your restaurant a unique and recognisable style. When on the verge of a new opening, it is important to carry out a thorough market analysis, to understand which clientele will visit our restaurant, what will be on offer, the dishes, the drinks and above all what the prices will be. The interior design we will discuss in this issue is the Shabby Chic style, unique in its kind, very popular and widely used, but always able to confer elegance and above all to make the customer feel at home. Shabby Chic furniture is becoming one of the most popular styles due to its variety of pastel shaded colours and chromatic matches ranging from white to ivory and grey, evocative hues that bring us back to mixed environments reminiscent of England and Provence. The particular feature of Shabby Chic is


curated by Giovanni ROTOLO

the ‘antiqued’ treatment of the surfaces, apparently shabby but actually very elegant. The basics of the Shabby style are old furniture, antique lanterns, rustic furnishings and the presence of dried flowers and country decorations with coloured wheat spikes. Special touches are given by the presence of yuta, paintings ranging from turquoise to white, jars, glass containers and decorative candles. To complete the picture, the presence of skilfully handcrafted fireplaces. Shabby is also characterised by the shades of the paintwork and floral wallpapers, which add brightness. Among the ideas that can be used to furnish a premises in full Shabby style is, for example, the purchase of a spacious wooden cellar-cabinet for storing bottles. An outdoor space, when present, could be furnished with vintage sofas, wicker chairs and crumbling tables, trying to recreate a place where to sit and relax between courses, or simply a comfor-

table place to wait for your turn to come in, or to linger after dinner, possibly tasting a bitter and some homemade sweets. The Shabby style, besides being perfectly suited for pizzerias and restaurants, can also be suitable for a bar, providing a relaxing and romantic atmosphere for those who want to sip a good drink. For example, we could opt for a bar counter made from pallets, solid pine wood and an oak top, aged doors in soft colours, floral wallpaper, lace curtains and embroidery. As seats we could choose high, backless stools in pastel colours and untreated wood. If you want to make your Shabby romantic, choose white raw wood counters and shelves; if, on the other hand, you prefer to give an elegant touch to your bar, use the contrast between the white of the furnishings and the dark colour of the tableware and the details on the walls. The lighting is also crucial. It will be suffused if we want to achieve an intimate and romantic atmosphere, while it will be brighter if we want to recreate a fresh, lively and vibrant ambience. Then all you have to do is get down to work, with curiosity, creativity, enthusiasm and attention to detail. You will be able to create a unique and embracing venue, where the customer will have an all-round experience, immersed in a comfortable ambience, with good music and high-quality food and drink. 5

The Olympics of the Real Neapolitan Pizza 2022 closed: Italy dominates, followed by Turkey and Poland. excellent performance in Malaysia and Brazil The light blues win gold in the neapolitan calzone, fried pizza, Mastunicola and real neapolitan pizza categories. Turkey surprise that wins the category for gourmet. triumph for Poland among amateurs.


ot of Italy, but also Turkey and Poland on the final podium of the medal table of the Real Pizza Napoli Olympics, which closed yesterday in Naples, at the headquarters of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana. The Italian team therefore won the Surace Nations Trophy, Lello placing first in the Calzone Napoletano, Pizza Fritta, Mastunicola and Vera Pizza Napoletana categories. Surprise in the Per Gourmet category, where Turkey, by conquering gold, also secures second place in the general classification, leaving Poland in third place. The growth of companies


such as Malaysia and Brazil is interesting. The goodness of the Polish school is confirmed, which wins the Olympic bronze in the team classification. «Italy confirms its leadership - commented the president of AVPN, Antonio Pace - but it was nice in these days to deal with the rise in the level of the art of pizza in the various participating countries. There are many delegations that have proposed very high standard pizzas. We like to underline that in many cases it is a matter of reality, first of all Poland, where AVPN has been promoting and spreading the passion for True Neapolitan Pizza for years».

The list of special prizes is also interesting: the Alfredo Fico Jr. award, awarded to the youngest of the members, was won by Diego Santucci, seventeen years old from Naples. The trophy for the competitor with the highest mileage recorded the victory of Gonzalo Garay Varo, who with his journey from Rancagua, Chile, totaled the beauty of 12038 km to reach the AVPN headquarters in Capodimonte; while that for the first woman classified went to Federica Mignacca who, ex aequo with Salvatore Santucci, also won the coveted prize for best baker. The results were unveiled during the big party closing show of the Games, Pizza con le Stelle. Evening hosted by Veronica Maya, a well-known face of RAI, and which saw, among other things, a very tasty challenge between six teams representing the golden sponsors of the True Neapolitan Pizza Olympics: Denti team: Pizzaiolo Marco Leone (Papè Satan, Santa Teresa di Gallura - Brand Ambassador Sardinia), Chef Andrea Medici (Osteria in Scandiano, Reggio Emilia) Latteria Sorrentina team: Pizzaiolo Corrado Scaglione (Enosteria Lipen Triuggio MB), Chef Luigi Baiano (Celestina Pasticceria, Pollena Trocchia Naples)

Casillo team: Pizzaiolo Antonio Aniello (Tenuta Paino, Paino CE - AVPN Instructor) Chef Carlo Di Cristo (Specialist Molino Casillo) Caputo team: Pizzaiolo Gaetano Genovesi (Pizzeria Gaetano Genovesi, Naples - Founder Affiliate AVPN), Chef Ivan De Benedictis (Ciro Al Borgo Marinaro, Naples) Bongiovanni team: PizzaioliSalvatore and Cristiano De Rinaldi (Casa De Rinaldi - AVPN Instructors), Martino Beria (Vegan Chef, Padua) Ooni team: Cristina Bruno, Giuliano Bronzi and Vincenzo Viscusi (Influencer, Brand Ambassador Ooni) «A beautiful party - concludes President Pace - which culminates in an event that has the merit of placing pizza at the center of an international stage, all enriched by the unveiling of the Celebratory Work of Neapolitan Pizza and the Art of Pizzaiuolo Neapolitan, created by Maestro Lello Esposito, the first monument in the world dedicated to a typical dish, which will certainly become an attraction for tourists in transit in our city. AVPN’s activities continue in the wake of our mission which increasingly involves promotion and the dissemination of the True Neapolitan Pizza in all continents».


a taste journey through the Italian gastronomic tradition


he ‘’Le Preferite’’ format goes on with Scrocchiarella, the highest expression of the union between the most innovative part of the bakery sector and all the best that the territory has to offer in terms of PDO, PGI and typical and unique Italian productions. Created since the beginning to facilitate the work of the operator wishing to produce pizza in a shovel, the Scrocchiarella mixture with natural sourdough starter has brought about a change of pace in the preparation of doughs and the organisation of work, ensuring a continuous product in terms of quality, texture and taste. From the success of the homonymous mixture come the frozen Scrocchiarella bases, prepared with mother yeast and the same high quality ingredients used for the traditional dough. 100% Italian p.o.t. (product origin traceability) extra virgin olive oil by Coppini Arte Olearia of Parma and PreSal, Italian sea salt with protected iodine, which resists cooking, have been added to the mix. Easy to prepare and no waste With the Scrocchiarella bases always at hand, the operator can offer a unique product that is both Photo credits


always freshly baked and crispy. In fact, the Scrocchiarella bases are a valuable resource for organising work even at the last moment. They go from the freezer to the oven and are ready in just a few minutes. Small and large formats Scrocchiarella bases are available in around 30 formats that the operator can choose according to the type of proposal and typology of the premises. They range from the large sharing formats for pizza shovels, 55x25 cm, 40x30 cm, 55x30 cm, portionable in slices, to single portions of 12x28 cm, 18x28 cm up to the classic 25 cm or 31 cm rounds. All of them come with a Scrocchiarella branded box for delivery. 4 new favourites with Scrocchiarella and local products Scrocchiarella can universally blend with the flavours of each territory and the tastes of the Italian gastronomic tradition, for a perfect combination between the world of bakery and all the specialities that are part of a heritage handed down from generation to generation. There are 4 pizza chefs called to interpret the recipes of 4 different territories of Italy: Clara for Emilia Romagna, Sara for Lombardy, Marco for Apulia and Michele for Basilicata. Some in a more conservative way, some in a more innovative way, each of them has elaborated a recipe with Scrocchiarella in the format and flour of his/her preference and the typical products of his/her territory.

For any further product information, please contact

Classic base Tonda 31 for Clara Micheli, Technical Consultant and Trainer for the world of contemporary pizzerias, who interprets Oro Nero, favouring the simplicity and intensity of the flavours of IGP products from the TuscanEmilian Apennines such as lard from Colonnata and Acacia honey enhanced by Mazzetti L’Originale Etichetta Nera aged Balsamic Vinegar from Modena I.G.P.

Rustic base Tonda 31 for Marco Bovio, owner of the Ristorante Pizzeria ‘Giotto’ in Bari, who in his Sole di Puglia recipe reproduces to the nth degree a range of the most intense flavours of his land: from the Primitivo di Manduria used for the marinated pork neck, to the Caciocavallo Podolico, the spiked onions from whose tufts he obtains the final decorative part, and the dried cherry tomatoes that only the Puglia sun can make so tasty.

Base Riso Venere© 55 x 25 for Michele Leo, owner of the Pizzeria ‘Il Brigante di Venosa’ who, with the Annarella recipe, revives a typical dish of the Lucanian tradition, that of Baccalà (salt cod), combining the strong flavour of the sea with the slightly bitter taste of turnip tops and the savouriness of the pulp of red and yellow datterino tomatoes, which give off an all-Mediterranean energy.

Classic 30 x 40 base for Sara Guariglia, pizza chef at the Pizzeria ‘Amo la pizza di Andrea’ in San Paolo d’Argon (BG) who recreates Casonsei with a wow effect by breaking down the ingredients of the traditional recipe to recreate them on each portion in an extraordinarily harmonious and inviting taste combination.

Photo credits Phototecnica


a cura di edited by Stefano Stefano Baladda Baladda

n Germany, where cold winters freeze beer casks, the arrival of fine weather is awaited and celebrated with the most representative drink of the season: the Weissbier. It is said that with the first warm sunny days, wheat beers begin to sprout like mushrooms and trickle from the taps of the pubs. Characteristics Weizen is a top-fermented, generally lowalcohol beer brewed with malted wheat and barley malt, mostly unfiltered and therefore with a cloudy, opalescent appearance. Although Germany is the home of bottomfermenting beers, the Weiss holds its own along with Kölsch, Alt and Göse in the niche of Saccaromyces Cerevisia beers with a preference for spicy and fruity hints. Banana, green apple and cloves are scents often found in many of these beers, in which the hops are left aside in favour of a sweeter and more acidic taste, accentuated by the decisive fizz that explodes in a dense and abundant foam. The tumbler is the traditional glass used 10

Lo sapevi? Differentemente da tutte le altre birre, per le Weizen si brinda con il fondo del bicchiere


to serve it: tall and twisted, it allows the excess gas to be removed and the foam to compact so much that it towers over the glass, making it look like a trophy when holding it. Weizen or Weissbier? The more acute observers will have noticed how the author has deliberately used different terms in the text. Do not blame him, it was not to create confusion but to give a correct definition hereafter They are all correct terms and indicate specifically: “Weizen” refers to the wheat, the cereal that most characterises it, used in large quantities, generally between 50% and 70% Weissbier or more simply Weiss, refers to the white colour due to the cloudy, opalescent appearance created by the suspended yeasts. Cheating with lemon In the 15th century, modern refrigeration did not exist and methods of keeping beer cool, although well thought-out, had their shortcomings. When beer was tapped from barrels, in Gasthöf or Stübe, if not consumed quickly, it became warm and tended to sour. Throw it away? Absolutely not! Bavarian innkeepers would squeeze lemon into the glass, passing it off as a serving technique. The drinker found the sourness of the beer a normal thing, linked to that particular gesture he saw being made. Clever. The idea was so successful and rooted that even today some still ask for a slice of lemon in their beer as if it were a good thing... Wrong!

A beer to eat with If you’ve never tried a couple of Weisswürst served with sweet mustard while drinking a memorable Weissbier you’d better hurry, it is one of the most traditional pairings in beer culture. White meats and fresh cheeses are tops with this beer, which is queen in the Brotzeit, a snack with a charcuterie and cheese board enriched with a generous portion of obatzda that on warm sunny biergarten afternoons will make you feel like a king! Prost! (Cheers).

Different styles The most common and popular of the wheat beers is the Hefeweizen, which is pale tending towards orange, light and sweetish, and is flanked by a number of versions with different colour and grade characteristics. Let’s make a short list of them: Dunkelweizen: with a characteristic dark colour. Kristallklar: filtered with a clear appearance. Weizenbock: double-malt wheat beers, light or dark. Weizeneisbock: like the previous ones, but with a higher alcohol content due to cryo-concentration. Berliner Weisse: very different from all the previous ones, characteristic of Berlin, almost more like a drink, served in shallow glasses sweetened with strawberry syrup or woodruff.



Cauliflower, snow peas, carrots, fennel, broccoli and courgettes steamed and preserved in little oil. Vegetables to be used as a side dish or to fill pizzas.


- 80 g Demetra flavoured pizza sauce - 70 g fior di latte mozzarella - 90 g Demetra C’era una volta Giardinetto di Verdure - Wiberg basil oil dressing to taste - Wiberg chives to taste PREPARATION

Put on the pizza disc the pizza sauce, the mozzarella, the mixed vegetable and bake it. After baking, garnish with basil oil and chives.

DEMETRA SRL - Via Roma, 751 - 23018 TALAMONA (Sondrio) ITALY Ph. +39 0342 674011 - Fax +39 0342 674030





Egg cream gelato is a fascinating part of the Italian confectionery history. Its first known version dates back to the 16th century, during the golden age of Caterina de Medici. It is a sumptuous, opulent, genuine flavour. Fugar has created this project inspired by our peninsula’s pastry creams, harmonising the intense taste of the egg with the traditional aromas of home: a touch of vanilla, coffee beans, lemon rind, and to finish, a few grains of salt, an unbeatable addition for emphasising flavour and counteracting sweet notes. Fugar new egg cream paste has a simple label made of natural ingredients and an authentic, sincere taste that makes it ideal for ice creams and semifreddos.

Our Our Salty range of gourmet oil pastes is now extended. range of gourmet oil pastes is now extended. Salty Pistachio, Salty Almond and Salty Peanuts products’ appeal is based on a subtle contrast of sweet and savoury tones that are so up-to-date and trendy. Since its launch, the Salty line has been a continuous success. The most popular oilseed is now available: the hazelnut, enriched with the precious Cervia salt, a whole marine salt, dried in a natural way and acknowledged as a special, ‘sweet’ salt. The result is a hazelnut paste with a taste profile of rare pleasantness. 14


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