2022 Cooperative Scholarship Program Dixie Electric Cooperative will be awarding ten $2,500 scholarships in 2022. Our scholarship program is available to any graduating high school senior who is the dependent of a cooperative member. The scholarship funds can be used at a four-year or two-year college or university, as well as any technical or trade school. To apply, visit our website at: www.dixie.coop/scholarshipprogram and download our free application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our communications manager at 334-387-1534. The deadline for applications is Feb. 18, 2022.
Apple Crisp Smoothie Ingredients: 1 apple, diced 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 2 dates
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/3 cup rolled oats, uncooked 1 tbsp. almond butter
Directions: Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour smoothie into a freezersafe container or 16-oz. mason jar and seal tightly. Do not fill all the way to the top, as the contents will expand when they freeze. Place in the freezer and let freeze. When ready to drink, remove the smoothie from the freezer the night before and place it in the fridge to thaw overnight.
Co-opcurrents For Dixie Electric Cooperative Member-Owners January 2022
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MyUsage Powers Energy Awareness With the new year comes new resolutions. Resolve to use less energy with the MyUsage. com website and mobile app. MyUsage is a free service that allows Dixie Electric Cooperative’s member-owners to monitor and manage their energy use at any time. Here’s how it works: After registering online, you can start monitoring how much electricity you use each day, just like you monitor the gas gauge in your car. When you sign up, you can also choose to receive daily use alerts by e-mail or high use alerts when your daily use exceeds a certain threshold that you can customize for yourself. MyUsage graphically displays your electric use, while also displaying important weather data that could impact your energy use as well. You can also view your detailed history that displays the daily high and low temperature, your daily kWh use, and your estimated power cost for each day.
For more information or to register now, visit www.myusage.com or download the free app in your app store by searching “MyUsage.”
Source: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
Post Office Box 242189 | Montgomery, AL 36124 Customer Service 1.888.349.4332 Outage Reporting 1.800.239.1367 Automated Account Info 1.866.285.2359 www.dixie.coop | pr@dixie.coop